A= L + SE Assests = Liabilities + Shareholder Equitys (Revenues[gains], Expenses[losses, Dividends, Retained Earnings, Share Capital [common shares preferred shares] if using IFRS A[other compensating income], contributed surplus All are in financial statements Conceptual framework, Gap, ASPI – learn it They do not contain debits and credits Increasing Decreasing Increasing Decreasing Assets DR CR SE CR DR Dividends DR CR Liability CR DR Expenses DR CR Revenue CR DR ASPI - Income state or statement of income Statement of changes in equity (Retained earnings) Balance sheet Statement of cashflows IFRS – Income statement or Statement of comprehensive income Statement of financial position Statement of cashflows Account cycle: Transactional journal in general journal post to general ledger, this will be creating a rolling total for the account the journal is for. unadjusted trial balance most liquid down to expense debit = credit adjust entries (accrual accounting) adjusted trial balance is used to create the financial statements, Books prepared for next year, closing entries