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Consumer Awareness & Purchasing Behaviors Research

- Companies have the duty to take initiative to protect the
welfare of society despite its main goal to earn (Holme & Watts,
1999); failure to do these obligations causes them to face issues.
- As consumers we try to take part in alleviating these issues
even if it does not directly affect us by simply avoiding unethical
- Identify link between a consumers awareness of issues being
faced by companies and how they try to alleviate these by
modifying their purchasing behaviors.
Encourage consumers to
encouraging compa nies
to implement practices
that are sustainable and
avoid those that may
impose a negative effect
on society.
Many companies
are currently
facing contemporary issues
that we
must edu
cate our selves on.
50 Filipino consumers ranging
from 16-35 years old.
- Aimed to identify whether consciousness a nd efforts
Consumers awareness and
towa rds preserving the ea rth ha d a n impa ct on
Ma la ysia n consumers’ behaviors.
consumption intention
towards green foods by
- researchers concluded that although green movements
Rezai, Teng, Mohamed,
and Shamsudin (2013)
have been prevalent in our world, many are still unaware
and do not engage and live the green concept of living.
Role of educational
institutions in promoting
social awareness by
Shrivastava, S. K. (2016)
Social Awareness:
‐ influences social movement by tackling social
problems including
racism, domestic violence,
corruption, etc
- Helps us ta ke initiative
- Comprehend politics within a business & how these
affect employees
Factors affecting
consumer buying
behavior by Ramya, N.,
& Ali, S. M. Ph.D. (2016)
- State that consumer purcha sing beha vior refers
to the “selection, purcha se a nd consumption of
goods a nd services for the sa tisfa ction of their
wa nts.”
- Psychologica l, socia l, cultura l, economic, a nd
persona l fa ctors influence the consumer in
choosing to make a purchase
- aimed to inquire whether there is a correla tion between
Brand image as a function
the bra nd a ttitudes a nd beliefs a nd the purcha sing
of self-image and selfbeha vior of consumers
brand connection by
Mocanu, R. (2013)
- the researcher was able to conclude tha t consumers use
products to enha nce self-ima ge
- discovered that consumers ca n develop nega tive
a ttitudes towa rds compa nies given tha t their
respective bra nds a re subject to controversy even when
these companies have established reputations
Impact of food brand
controversy on consumers’
attitude toward brand and
company by Banerjee, S.
- a significa nt nega tive rela tionship was discovered
between attitude towards brand controversy and brand