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contract supply-export Template eng

model Formula a contract Supply
[ Contract Supply]
that it In On.................. corresponding to: ……/......../2016 AD
freedom this Contract between all from:
First: Gentlemen/ .............................................. ....... , register commercial number:
(..............) , And represents it In this Contract .Mr………………………………..
Nationality- and holds Card Civilian number: ..................) , And headquarters
Company in: .............................
And it is noted to her In this Contract By: ............... ( Buyer- Party the first)
Second: Gentlemen/ Company
……………………………………………………………… register.. commercial number
: ............ , And represents it In this Contract .Mr................................ ,.........
Nationality- and holds Card Civilian number: (................... ) , And headquarters
Company in: .........................
And it is noted to her In this Contract By: .................. ( Supplier- Party the second).
And it must Notification Party the first With all changing It is happening in Data Party
,the second no protests He Kiss Bye changing In which no Complete Inform him with
[ Introduction] _
where that Party The first( buyer) desires in Purchase................... brand..........
model.......... in numbers And specifications Explained in Reveal Attached by this
Contract under It's called" ". attachment .No1". And its supply to Location...............
in City........... ( which Referred mechanism While after On site) . with Services
Installation And operation And maintenance.
And where everlasting Party The second( the supplier) is his readiness to do by this
the job And complete it According For conditions And specifications And prices
Incoming By width Presenter From it, and the attachment by this Contract under
Title: “ Appendix Number2".
And where He agreed Party the first on an offer the prices Presenter from Party the
,second as I agree Party the second With his ability on Supply complete Preparation
Devices required And with its specifications Explained in Supplement .No(1) to the
,Therefore Lost It converged will Both parties- after that Read With their eligibility
Complete To contract- and they agreed on what The following:
[ clause the first]
It is considered Boot ,the previous And my attaché Contract numbers1 and2 , Part
no Indivisible from this ,Contract And complementary And complete for him.
[ clause the second]
Committed Party the second With supply And installation And run And maintenance
.......................... according better Roads And just conditions the And specifications
And he commits Party the second With supply Items Contractor on her in
Appointments And places specified By contract and that Be Matching For
as Committed Party the second That get up With training Cadres Artistic that
Defines it Party the first on employment And management And maintenance Device/
devices stipulated on her in this Contract And his attachés.
[ clause the third]
Duration this The contract............. begins From......./......./2016 ,AD And he commits
Party the second By implementing this Contract during This is amazing Duration.
will Complete Supply Devices required on Numberof payments. to receive Batch
The first During.................. of date signature this Contract. blush And Batch the
second After........... from date delivery Batch The first. And the batch Third And the
last in or before Date......./....../ ... 201 AD.
on that Sends Party the second For the party the first before eight Forty hour from
Transfer any from Payments Notification In writing Indicating in it amount Batch And
its specifications.
And it is Transport And unloading in the site from responsible Party the second.
And he commits Party the first By signature By receipt from Party the second on
Copy from Notification Referred mechanism in this ,clause And with a signature Party
the first on Copy Notification give up responsible Party the second from His
obligations towards Batch The Muslim woman.
[ clause the fourth]
value this The contract......... D. K( only.................. dinars Kuwaiti).
Which Inclusive And covered For costs And expenses that He bears it Party the
second in way to implement Tasks this Contract With what In which Taxes And fees
Customs duties.
And it is done it off Pay on Grammar the next:
1- 00% at.................
2- 00% at..................
And he acknowledges Both parties that all the prices Explained in this Contract And
its appendix .No2 is In dinar ,Kuwaiti And it is Prices final Agreed on her And other
met him to edit.
[ clause Fifth]
Committed Party the second That He presents For the party the first letter a
guarantee In language Arabic Outgoing from Bank A certified in nation Kuwait In
currency Kuwaiti In the amount of Equivalent ten percent10% of Total value this
,Contract on that He is I will see Effect until........ .
And he keeps Party the first by this ,Security It is permissible for him when
Requirement to request extension Its validity Without opposition from Party the
,second no Respond Security unless after OK loyalty Party the second In full His
obligations According to For the contract.
And it will be done reduction value Security The mentioned to rate five in One
hundred(5%) of Total value this Contract after completion Installationwill be done
retention with it from side Party the first with Consideration conditions And texts this
Contract As a guarantee Financial To implement And performance In a way correct
And sound For this Contract And refund Payments Excess or any Fines or
compensation may be Become Supplier( party Second) responsible about her Until
expiration Praise Ten(12) months It counts from date admissions Final after
installation And run Devices Contractor On it, and repeats Party the first in end This
is amazing Period letter Security to the bank the meaning To cancel it.
And in condition rival any sums in any time during a period this Contract According to
For conditions ,Contract get up Party the second in adverb Immediately Receive
Claim In writing from Party the first Completely Security to Its value ,mentioned And
he keeps with it always With the same Its value mentioned until Its finished As per he
Mentioned Above.
[ clause VI]
He is entitled For the party the first to reject to receive any Classify or more from
Items Supplied To violate it For specifications Incoming in Supplement .No1 of this
And in This is amazing the condition Notify Party the first Party the second With a
book Recommended on him With reasons ,rejection necessarily And to withdraw
Items ,rejected with Bear it In all Expenses ,return And supply instead of Of which
Varieties Other Matching For specifications And quantities during Duration Defines it
,By notification with signature Fines Delay.
[ clause Seventh]
Guaranteed Supplier( party Second) devices Contractor on her For a while Praise
Ten(12) months It counts from date admissions Final for every device from Devices
Contractor on her after Installation And operation from any flaw in Production or
Manufacturing or Materials Raw or non Matching For levels Maamoul With it or any
flaws or Damages Other except Ill Handling or Ill Storage I have Party the first.
And he pledges Supplier( party Second) that Remove on His account private during
Period mentioned any flaw He appears in Materials or non Implementation
,convincing And that replace Extremely Speed Possible all Materials that become
For reasons mentioned above Defective or no Feasibility Of which.
And for To cut Spare parts Defective presents He Supplier( party Second) a report
It is clear Period Reasonable required To repair ,Defects And loyal condition
happening any delay after Period specified anticipation a fine on Supplier( party
Second) at the rate of........ dinars Kuwaiti on all day delay. And in condition
happening shortening from Party Second, it is permissible For the party the first that
Implement Change Necessary On behalf of on the supplier and on His account And
without any opposition from him.
And it is for every Materials that It turns out that it Defective And it is done Replace it
by the supplier And on behalf of about him same a period Security Which Praise Ten
(12) months Considering from date substitution And he endures the supplier
Expenses that Complete incurred To redo Materials Defective to the supplier And
transfer it And shipped building on to request Party The first( including in that the
cost And insurance And expenses Shipping).
[ clause VIII]
if Lateness Party the second in Supply all amounts required or part Of which in The
appointment stipulated on him in ,Contract With what in that replacing Items ,rejected
He was For the party the first Right in that sign on him a fine delay It is0.5% of the
value the college For contract on all day delay Someone Maximum10% of the value
the college.
And you deserve it This is amazing the fine Once It happens Delay And without the
need to Warning or alert or take any Procedure ,judicial And also Without the need to
Proof Harm that It is considered in all Conditions Verified.
And discount This is amazing Fines immediately from value Batch when paying off.
as Committed Party the second With compensation Party the first on any Damages
Resulting on this Delay And it causes delay For the party the first in Fulfillment With
his obligations towards Others.
[ clause ninth]
Bonus on any right last Reserved with it in Contract or in the law For the party the
,first He is For the party the first Right in Annulment this Contract Under book
Recommended ,on him Without need to take any procedures ,judicial And that in
Cases next:
A - If castle Party the second or Accept Bye condition from conditions Contract.
B - If He went bankrupt Party ,the second or Chest to rule Against him By
appointment a guard ,judicial or foot to request ,bankruptcy or if Chest Command
With reservation the goods Shop Contract.
C - If show up Party the second Slowly in to implement Contract With a picture
prediction That he is won't Can completion Contract in Duration specified for him.
If_ _ Commit Party the second or from Deputize about him Something from Before
And it follows on cancellation Contract: that become Bail truly Sincerely For the party
,the first Without the need to Warning or alert or take any procedures Judicial.
[ clause The tenth]
in Status to retreat Party the second on completion to implement this Contract after
,His signature It is Committed That Pay For the party the first An amount Its value is
......... dinar ,Kuwaiti As a condition penal ultimate not Met To veto or Reduction And
other subject To censor ,judiciary As well as on His commitment With compensation
Party the first on any expenses He is Party the first may be He incurred it in way to
implement this ,Contract And also commitment His Cold any sums Hand it over from
Party the first in way to implement this Contract.
[ clause atheistic ten]
submit this Contract- in His interpretation And its implementation or Explanation or
to implement any item from Its clauses- provisions Laws Maamoul With it And the
mast in nation Kuwait.
And in Status Existence any Dispute- No Saucepan God- about Explanation or to
implement this Contract
or any item from Its terms So it specializes With his look And the chapter in it Courts
Kuwait on Different Her grades And its types.
[ clause the second ten]
freedom this Contract from ,two copies from Eight ,papers Included Praise ten ,item
And he fell on him from ,Terminal And with a hand all party Copy from him for work
Accordingly when Necessity.
Party the first
Party the second
Name/ Name/
signature/ signature/
B. M/ B. M/
I swear goodness ,,,The two witnesses