Suitability of wetland macrophyte in green cooling tower performance The objective of the research paper is to estimate the thermal tolerance of macrophytes that are used in heat rejection systems-“thermoGreenWalls” (tGW) designed to reject thermal energy from the surface of an integrated plant-porous material, leading to a residual cooling effect. tGW combine the functionality of cooling towers with green walls technology. Wetland plants, or macrophytes, form the vegetation component of tGW. They perform the climate moderating function of wetland vegetation by regulating the air temperature through evapotranspiration (ET). The main objective of this research is to determine the physiological response of I. versicolor, S. cyperinus and C. lurida to elevated temperatures, with the goal to find an optimal temperature for operating the tGW at high HR capacity. Thermal performance is determined by heat rejection as a function of heat loss to the surrounding ambient environment and by the flow rate of recirculating water. Heat rejection (HR) = f (Twin-Tout, flow rate) Here, an operating input water temperature, Twin and output water temperature, Twout define both the thermal boundaries of the biological component and the HR capacity of the system. Plant sample: – Iris versicolor (L.), Scirpus cyperinus (L.) and Carex lurida. Hydrophonics Design: Three thermally insulated cylindrical PVC tubes each having 12 plant insertion openings that contained four replicates of I. versicolor, S. cyperinus, and C. lurida each. Two of the 3 pipes were maintained at 35oC and 40oC respectively using a water heater. The third pipe was maintained at ambient temperature (25oC). Fresh biomass Biomass Response Plant Response Measurement Oven dry biomass (dried at 68oC) Stomatal Conductance GS Physiological Response Leaf Temperature Tl Photochemical Efficiency FvFm-1 (Measured in terms of Cholophyll Fluorescense) PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE OBSERVATIONS: S.No Physiological Response 1 Leaf Temperature Tl 2 Photochemical Efficiency FvFm-1 3 Stomatal Conductance Gs (mmol m−2 s −1) Response Expected Response under Stress Observed Decreasing Tl No significant change in Tl. Plants exhibited homeothermic behaviour. Sustained decrease Our results show a in dark‐ relatively steady adapted Fv/Fm and FvFm-1 (regardless increase in Fo to of temperature indicate the treatment), an occurrence of effect also photo inhibitory indicative of plant damage in tolerance or low response to high sensitivity to water temperature temperatures at 35 °C and 40 °C. Increasing transpiration rates, resulting in increased stomatal conductance The maximum stomatal conductance, Gs, was attained at week 5, with a value Gmax that depended on the water temperature and plant species. The values of Gs for a particular species, in all the other weeks were almost same regardless of the water temperature. After week 5, the peak stomatal conductance declined to its initial value for all temperature treatments and species. This suggests a possible acclimation period of 5 weeks for all the macrophyte species. CONCLUSIONS: Variation of physiological indicators like: Gs , Tl and Fv Fm −1 of macrophytes exposed to continuous recirculating water at different temperature levels is insignificant which demonstrates that the three wetland species can tolerate temperatures 10 °C above ambient temperature. Since the total HR depends on heat and mass transfer from porous media and evapotranspiration from leaves, species that maximize heat and mass loss at higher recirculating temperatures are ideal for tGW. Among the species studied, C lurida met these criteria, attaining a maximum Gs at Twin = 40°C. BIOMASS RESPONSE OBSERVATION: The mean fresh total biomass was highest at 35 °C and consistent across all the species under observation. The effect of elevated water temperatures on the shoot part of the plant was more pronounced in I. versicolor at 35 °C, which constitutes ∼65% of the plant mass. Under tGW conditions, allocation that favours evapotranspiration such as high shoot biomass is desirable. CONCLUSION We found that the plant biomass increased in all cases above ambient water temperature. Higher fresh biomass at 35 °C observed across species might indicate a better resource partitioning strategy enhanced by increased water temperature at 35 °C within the rhizosphere. SUMMARY: We find no significant statistical difference between the control response (25oC) and the responses at 35 °C and the 40 °C-pulse treatment for several indicators. Further, we find no statistical difference among the responses across different species, which indicates that all these species are suitable for HR in tGW.