THE PHYSIOLOGICAL IN RELATION SIGNIFICANCE TO GLUCOSE BY HORACE (From the Department of Zymology, (Received for OF DEAMINATION OXIDATION. B. SPEAKMAN. University publication, of Toronto, June Toronto, Canada ) 18, 1926.) In both plant and animal tissuesthe deamination of amino acids is of wide spread occurrence and a variety of products are formed. The exact distribution of the process and its chemical mechanism in the animal body are still subjects of importance from the physiological standpoint, but perhaps of greater importance is the question of the influence of amino acid decomposition on the total metabolism of the cell. The phenomenon of the “specific dynamic action” of protein and amino acids has been established by several workers, and the literature has been fully reviewed by Lusk (1). Although the facts have been established experimentally the mechanism by which total metabolism is stimulated by deamination still remains a matter for hypothesis. In connection with our work on the metabolism of bacteria experimental results have been obtained which support the view that this stimulation is primarily due to the NH, liberated by deamination. Later in this report we shall consider more fully the possible bearing of our work on the problem of carbohydrate oxidation in the animal body. The organism used in this investigation was the typical form, Bacillus granulobacter pectinovorum, which produces acetone and butyl alcohol in media containing utilizable carbohydrates. It is a bacillus which hydrolyses starch to glucose, which is in turn oxidised anaerobically. In previous reports we have shown that butyric acid a,nd acetic acid are intermediates in this process of oxidation (2). Peterson, Fred, and Domogalla have demonstrated experimentally that during the fermentation the protein present in the medium is hydrolysed as far as the amino acid stage (3), and by the isolation of Lleucic acid have indicated the pos135 This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license. 136 Deamination and Glucose Oxidation sibility of a general deamination of the liberated amino acids (4). Our experiments were performed with the primary object of correlating more closely (a) vegetative growth of the cells, (b) oxidation of glucose and intermediate fatty acids, and (c) deamination of amino acids and the accumulation or utilization of the products. Relationship between Growth and Oxidation. Experiment I.-A flask containing 1000 cc. of 5 per cent maize mash was sterilized for 2 hours at 15 pounds steam pressure. The medium was cooled and inoculated with 20 cc. of an active culture of the bacillus in the same type of medium. The flask was incubated at 37”C., and at regular intervals samples of the rABLE Time after inoculation. 0.1 N acid in 10 cc. of mash. hrs. cc. 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 10.5 14.5 24.5 29.5 48.0 0.45 0.60 0.80 1.30 3.20 4.35 1.70 1.80 2.30 I. Morphological observations. per cent 3.5 6.0 11.0 60.0 100.0 Scattered rods. Long filaments. Chains, rods evenly Rods, a few clostridia. Clostridia, granular stained. rods. fermenting mash were taken under aseptic conditions. Portions of each sample were titrated with 0.1 N NaOH to obtain the acidity curve of the fermentation. A standard loopful of culture was spread evenly over 2 sq. cm. on a slide, carefully fixed by heat, and stained with methylene blue. Five fields in each preparation were counted, and at the same time observations were made regarding the general morphological condition of the culture. By combining the direct counts and these observations we consider it possible to determine accurately the limits of the period of vegetative growth. The results from this experiment are summarized in Table I. The counts are expressed as percentages of the highest figure. H. B. Speakman 137 138 Dea.mination and Glucose Oxidation After about the 12th hour of the fermentation period the starch had become sufficiently hydrolysed to pass into solution, and the medium was slimy. The organisms began to lose their motility and congregated in dense groups, a condition which made bacterial counts by any method difficult and inaccurate. That vegetative growth had ceased was made quite clear, however, by comparing slides made at this stage with earlier ones showing the culture in a condition of vigorous cell division. Furthermore, the appearance of the characteristic spindle-shaped cells or clostridia containing miniature endospores is an indication of a cessation of cell division in a normal fermentation. This point was reached about 4 hours previous to the peak of the acidity curve. In Chart 1 the results obtained in this experiment have been correlated with previously established facts regarding glucose oxidation (2). The curves in Chart 1 demonstrate very clearly the existence of two distinct phases of the fermentation period. During the first 10 to 12 hours the cells added to the medium divide rapidly and the acidity rises. At the same time roughly 30 per cent of the carbohydrate is utilized. During the remainder of the fermentation the cells no longer multiply but follow one of two paths, changes leading to spore formation or slow autolysis and disintegration. These morphological changes are accompanied by (a) a rapid primary oxidation of glucose, (b) a marked increase in the rate of oxidation of intermediate fatty acids leading to a fall in the free acidity of the medium, and (c) the formation of characteristic neutral end-products, butyl alcohol and acetone. The true fermentation period is that during which the cells are passing into the resting state or breaking up. Crey has shown that during a period of cell disintegration Bacillus coli communis oxidises glucose with great rapidity (5). Process of Deamination. In addition to the volatile acids which are formed an acid fraction accumulates, particularly during phase of the fermentation, which is non-volatile. fraction Schmidt, Peterson, and Fred (4) isolated and prepared its zinc salt which they submitted to analysis. They concluded that it was derived from from glucose the second From this I-leucic acid a combustion I-leucine and 139 H. B. Speakman suggested that a more general deamination occurs during the fermentation. I propose to confirm very briefly these observations and to support their suggestion. Esperiment 11.-100 liters of maize mash were sterilized and fermented through to completion. The material was filtered through muslin and evaporated down to a thick syrup under reduced pressure at a temperature of 50°C. This treatment removed volatile acids and neutral products. The syrup was divided into 250 cc. portions, which were acidified with H&304, Distilled Hz0 and extracted continuously for 4 days with ether. was added to the ether in the receiver, and the ether was removed. The residue was an amber-coloured liquid containing acid products. This solution was made slightly alkaline with Ba(OH)2, and extracted again with ether to remove colouring matter. The mixture of barium salts in aqueous solution was boiled for TABLE II. Material. Experimental (a) ........................ “ (b) ........................ Schmidt, Peterson, and Fred ............. Zn hydroxyisocaproate ................... gm. 0.2045 0.2689 Zn -per cent C per cent per 20.25 20.43 19.93 19.96 42.81 42.70 44.15 43.97 6.412 6.493 6.66 6.60 HZ cent 2 hours with ZnCOa under a reflux condenser. The solution of zinc salts was reduced in volume and allowed to crystallize. The largest portion obtained in a pure form by recrystallization from Hz0 was composed of long rhombic crystals. Two portions of this material were submitted to ultimate analysis by my colleague Professor L. Rogers. His results are given in Table II. It was not considered necessary to repeat further the methods adopted by Schmidt, Peterson, and Fred in their identification of I-leucic acid. In addition to I-leucic acid we obtained a small amount of an acid product which had the following chemical properties. Its barium salt was decomposed in aqueous solution by COz. With Millon’s reagent a dilute solution formed a deep red colouration when the two were shaken together in the cold, indicating the presence of a phenolic ring. Koessler and Hanke (6) diazo rea- 140 Deamination and Glucose Oxidation gents plus a trace of a solution containing the acid gave a reddish brown colour, which developed to its maximum intensity in 10 minutes and remained constant for several days. This colour was not changed by the addition of hydroxylamine hydrochloride and NaOH, showing that the side chain of the benzene ring, if any, does not contain an amino group. Solutions of the acid decolourized bromine water and alkaline potassium permanganate solution. The free acid crystallized from water in radially arranged groups of needles. In view of the above chemical data and the isolation of Fleucic acid by independent observers we conclude that tyrosine is also deaminated during the fermentation, and that p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid is produced. Our residue of salts contained traces of at least two other acids which is further evidence of a general deamination of amino acids. Correlation of Deamination, Ammonia Production, and Oxidation. The non-volatile acids are formed almost entirely when vegetative growth has ceased; i.e., during the period of most vigorous oxidation. If we could assume that the whole of this acid material is derived from protein it would be possible to conclude without further experimentation that deamination is associated in time with vigorous intracellular oxidation and not with vegetative growth. A part of the non-volatile acid material may, however. be derived from carbohydrate, but there is no possibility that p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid has this origin. We therefore followed the course of deamination by measuring the rate of production of this acid in the fermentating mash, and, at the same time we observed the rate and extent of ammonia formation. Experiment III.-A flask containing 1500 cc. of 5 per cent maize mash was sterilized and inoculated with 20 cc. of an active culture. The titratable acidity curve of the fermentation was obtained in the usual way. At intervals ammonia determinations were made by the aeration method, using 50 cc. samples. The estimations of p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid were made in the following manner. To 10 cc. of mash add 25 cc. of ether in a separating funnel and shake mechanically for 10 minutes. Remove the aqueous layer and add 5 cc. of 1.1 per cent Na2C03 to the ether. Shake for 10 minutes. Run the carbonate solution into a cup of the H. B. Speakman 141 calorimeter and add 2 cc. of the Koessler and Hanke diazo reagent with 1 cc. of distilled HzO. Shake and allow to stand for 10 minutes. Compare with a standard of Congo red and methyl orange. When the acidity of the fermenting mash was at its maximum a large sample was withdrawn and incubated with an excess of toluene in order to arrest any endoenzyme activity. From this point onwards readings were made on the fermenting and nonfermenting mash. The results from the experiment are given in Table III. TABLE Deamination Time after inoculation. hrs. 13 16 20 25 37 43 68 92 Normal 0.1 Nacid 10 cc. cc. 4.0 4.4 4.0 3.5 2.1 2.3 2.8 in _- III. and NH3 Production. T fermentation. - p-hydroxyE~henyllactic acid. (1.1 N NHa 50 cc. _- nzm. in Mash f - ID.l~acidin 10 cc. .- - cc. cc. toluene. p-hydroxyI ,henyllactic acid. mm. 0 2.0 3.0 23.0 74.0 75.0 0 0 0.1 0.2 - 4.0 0 3.9 3.9 0 0 - The experimental results lead to the following conclusions: Deamination is an endocellular process and it occurs mainly during the second phase of the fermentation period; i.e., when the cells are passing into the spore form or disintegrating and the oxidation of glucose and intermediate fatty acids is most vigorous. During this period the hydroxy acids formed from the amino acids accumulate in the medium, but none of the liberated NH3 diffuses out from the cells. When the fermentation has practically ceased a trace of NH3 can be detected. At the end of a normal fermentation similar to that in Experiment III 50 cc. of mash contain about 5 cc. of 0.1 N acid which is non-volatile and only 0.2 of 0.1 N NH,. The question then arose as to whether the deamination process and carbohydrate oxidation are connected physiologically 142 Deamination in addition to tion to exist, effect of NH, when the cells and Glucose Oxidation running parallel in time. Assuming some connecit seemed logical to enquire more fully into the utilization during the period of the fermentation are in the resting state. Ammonium Phosphate as a Catalyst of Oxidation. Before attempting to investigate the influence of NH3 on the oxidation of glucose it was necessary to determine whether NH3 was a suitable source of N for the organism during t.he period of protoplasmic synthesis and vegetative growth. We inoculated a large number of different media containing glucose, mineral salts, and different ammonium salts in sufficient concentration to equal the N present in maize mash. To each flask containing 200 cc. of medium we added 2 cc. of an active culture of the bacillus. We observed no signs of vegetative growth, and the media were not fermented. A similar amount of inoculum in media containing protein, peptone, or a mixture of amino acids gives rise to a vigorous and complete fermentation. We concluded from these experiments that NHs in the form of salts will not support vegetative growth. Experiment IV.-We next attempted by the use of larger volumes of inoculum, and therefore a larger number of active cells, to study the effects of ammonium phosphate on the oxidative processes of the cells. Six 300 cc. flasks containing 200 cc. of medium were sterilized in the usual manner. The basis of the medium was a mineral salt solution of the following composition. KzHPOd.. . . KH2P04.. . . . MgS04 . . . . . . . . . . MnS04. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. . .O. 5 gm. . .O. 5 “ . . 0.2 “ .O. 01 “ FeSOa.. . . . . . . . . .O. 01 gm. NaCl................. 0.01 “ C~H1206.. . . . .30.00 “ HzO.. . . . . .lOOO.OO cc. Two flasks, A and B, contained the above medium, Flasks C and D the same with the phosphates doubled in amount, and Flasks E and F the same plus 0.5 gm. of NHJ.H,POh and 0.5 gm. of (NH&HP04 per liter. Each flask was inoculated with 10 cc. of an active culture of the bacillus in maize mash, and an Atwood valve containing H&S04 was inserted in in place of the cotton plug. The flasks were weighed before and during the period of incuba- H. B. Speakman 143 tion. The losses in weight due to gas production are indications of the rate and extent of glucose utilization. The results from the experiment are given in Table IV and in Chart 2. Experiment Y.-Four Erlenmeyer flasks each containing 500 cc. of medium were prepared and sterilized. Two contained TABLE Ammonium Flask. 22 hrs. A.. ......... B.. ......... c.. ......... Il........... E.. ......... F.. ......... gm. 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.17 -- Loss 44 hrs. 68 hrs. 0.43 0.36 0.41 0.39 0.32 0.31 gm. - 0.67 0.56 0.63 0.61 0.52 0.48 TABLE Time after inoculation. hrs. 0 24 48 76 100 120 144 168 192 220 240 Flask A. Flask B. and Oxidation. in weight after: 9G hrs. -- gm. - IV. Phosphate I 115 hrs. -- 140 hrs. 164 hrs. gm. c7m. gm. gm. 0.86 0.68 0.80 0.77 0.89 0.77 96 0.72 0.88 0.86 1.19 1.09 1.02 0.78 0.98 0.94 1.52 1.41 1.09 0.82 1.08 1.02 1.80 1.65 0 V. Waak T C. 188 hrs. gm. 1.16 0.84 1.15 1.10 2.08 1.80 Flask D. Acid. Acid. Acid. NHs Acid. cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. cc. 0.8 2.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 0.8 2.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.4 1.2 2.4 3.4 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.7 4.2 3.7 3.2 1.1 2.4 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 4.2 3.7 3.0 2.8 3.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.75 - NH3 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 - 0.5 mineral salts and glucose but no source of nitrogen, and the other pair contained a similar medium with the addition of ammonium phosphate equal to the concentration used in Experiment IV. The flasks were inoculated with 20 cc. of an active culture and incubated at 37°C. At regular intervals determinations of the total free acidity and ammonia were made. The residual sugar 144 Deamination and Glucose Oxidation 8 N H. B. Speakman 146 Deamination and Glucose Oxidation in each flask was also determined. The results from this experiment are given in Table V and Chart 3. During the first 3 days of the incubation period the fermentations were almost’ identical. The accumulation of free acid, i.e., primary oxidation products, proceeded at the same rate in all cases, and at the end of this period the acidity curves were running horizontally. It is during this earlier part of the total fermentation period that we should expect vegetative reproduction to take place, and the results show that if cell division and synthesis took place at all they did not involve the utilization of measurable amounts of NH3 in Flasks C and D. On the 10th day the concentration of NHs in Flask D began to fall, and this continued until the close of the experiment. Its effect on the general character of the fermentation was very striking. The medium until this point had remained transparent, and only occasional bubbles of gas could be seen rising from the strips of filter paper at the bottom of the flask, but in a short time the supernatant liquid became slimy and charged with gas, capped by a deep layer of foam. The acidity rose slightly and then fell to a level below that of the controls, an indication of increased primary and secondary oxidation, In Flask C the utilization of NH3 commenced 3 days later than in Flask D, and the period of vigorous fermentation was correspondingly delayed. This fermentation was still in progress when our last observations were made. The results regarding glucose utilization confirm our results in Experiment IV in which the extent of oxidation was measured by gas production. Both experiments have been repeated several times, and we consider that they supply convincing evidence of a stimulation of intracellular oxidation by a simultaneous utilization of free NHS. E$ect of Tyrosine on Oxidation. We have observed that the bacillus used in our experiments is unable to grow and multiply from a few cells in a medium containing a single amino acid as the sole source of N. We repeated Experiment V but substituted for the ammonium phosphate various amounts of pure tyrosine. Experiment VI.-Four 300 cc. Erlenmeyer flasks each containing 200 cc. of medium were prepared and sterilized. Each H. B. Speakman 147 flask contained the usual salts, 6 gm. of glucose, and strips of filter paper. Two flasks contained no source of N, and two contained 0.2 gm. and 0.1 gm. respectively of tyrosine. After inoculation with 10 cc. of an active culture the flasks were equipped with Atwood traps containing concentrated HzS04, and they were then incubated. During the fermentation period the losses in weight due to gas production were determined. When gas production had ceased in all the flasks a 10 cc. sample from each was used to determine the concentration of p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid. The colour value of the controls was 7.8 and 7.4 mm., and of the flasks containing tyrosine 30.6 and 40.8 mm. respectively. The losses in weight due to gas production are given in Table VI. TABLE Zn,$uence of Twosine VI. on Rate Loss Flask. 22 hrs. ---gm. Control.. 0.1 pm. 0.2 “ . . . . . . . . . . . 0.27 tyrosine.. 0.35 “ . . 0.31 of Oxtdation. in weight 114 hrs. after: gm. gnz. gm. 140 hrs. ~--Bnz. 0.35 0.68 0.62 0.52 1.01 0.92 0.70 1.22 1.11 0.74 1.42 1.32 46 hrs. 70 hrs. 168 hrs. 216 hrs. 288 hrs. gn. *Tn. gm. 0.78 1.64 1.53 0.95 2.00 1.83 1.16 2.20 2.01 The results from this experiment confirm our previous observation that the bacillus is able to deaminate tyrosine, and also that as a result the oxidation of glucose by the cells is catalyzed. DISCUSSION. It is unnecessary to discuss further the evidence for the existence in these anaerobic bacilli of a biochemical mechanism for the deamination of amino acids and the production of NH, and hydroxy acids. The question which merits more detailed consideration is the physiological function of this process in the general metabolism of the cells. Koessler and Hanke (7) in their study of the decomposition of histidine by bacteria suggest three possible functions for deamination, and these we shall consider in the light of our own experimental findings. 1. Nitrogen is removed from an amino acid owing to its absence from the medium in more easily utilizable forms, e.g. am- 148 Deamination and Glucose Oxidation monium salts or nitrates, in order to support the vegetative growth of the organism. Such is the case when Bacillus coli communis grows in a medium containing carbohydrate and a a single amino acid (8). The decomposition of the amino acid ceases when the NH8 has been liberated. This explanation is rendered untenable in connection with our results by the following facts. The organism does not grow and multiply when the N supply consists of ammonium salts or a single amino acid. In maize mash the organism grows rapidly, but deamination is chiefly, if not entirely, active when growth has ceased. 2. The acid produced by deamination is utilized as a source of C during synthesis or in respiration owing to the absence of carbon compounds such as glucose or glycerol. An example of this type of deamination is to be found in Raistrick’s work on the utilization of histidine by various bacterial species in solutions containing only minera. salts and the amino acid (9). In our experiments there was in the medium an abundance of readily utilizable carbohydrate, and there is no evidence that the bacteria utilize the hydroxy acids formed by deamination. 3. Deamination may be resorted to by the cells as a method whereby the hydrogen ion concentration of the medium can be controlled. The acid products of glucose oxidation are neutralized by the liberated NH,. This involves the decomposition of the acid products of deamination, otherwise the NH3 would have little effect. This cannot be the physiological explanation of our results. The product of deamination which is utilized by the cells is the NH, and not the acid. I propose, therefore, to ascribe to bacterial deamination an During the anaerobic additional possible physiological function. respiration of carbohydrates and fatty acids the rate of oxidation is stimulated, directly or indirectly, by a simultaneous deamination of amino acids within the cell. This effect is directly associated with the utilization of the liberated NH,, and the hydroxy acids are secreted into the surrounding medium. The cycle through which the NH3 passes, and the precise mechanism by which its effect on oxidation is brought about are unknown. At the present time I know of no direct evidence from biological experiments which supports my conclusion, but some support is afforded by the in vitro experiments of Dakin (10) and Witzemann H. B. Speakman 149 (11) on the oxidation of butyric acid by means of HZOz. They found that the process of oxidation is catalyzed by the hydroxides of Na, K, and NHs. Witzemann (12) in a later paper pointed out that the most marked effect is obtained by NHhOH, and that it is not directly attributable to changes in the reaction of the substrate. He suggested that NHIOH functions as a catalyst by giving rise to some unstable peroxide, but he also states that this peroxide is not formed from ammonium phosphates. On the basis of these experiments he advanced the hypothesis that NH3 acts as a catalyst of oxidation in the animal body, and called attention to the association in the liver of constant supplies of NH3 and a peculiar facility for the oxidation of such compounds as acetoacetic acid. Ray (13) has recently shown that the oxidation of lactic acid by HZOn is catalyzed by the presence of glycine, and he attributes this effect to the amino group. Allowing for numerous differences there still remain many points of resemblance between the bacterial cells used in our experiments and the tissue cells of the animal body, and the question arises as to whether our results throw any new light on the mechanism of carbohydrate utilization in such cells. The phenomena relating to the “specific dynamic action” of protein and of single amino acids are sufficiently established, but the mechanism by which the total metabolism of the cells is stimulated remains a matter for hypothesis. Lusk (14) has suggested that the stimulus is due primarily to the hydroxy acids formed during deamination. Glycollic acid or lactic acid have not, however, the same quantitative influence as glycine or alanine in equivalent concentrations, and Lusk is led to postulate that “it may be that if deamination takes place within them with the production of glycollic acid, this substance may then play quite a different role from that which it plays when brought to the cell from without.” If our results have any bearing on this aspect of the problem they provide a more definite answer to such questions. According to our view deamination takes place in the tissue cells, and hydroxy acids and NH3 are formed. The acids may or may not be further oxidised; if so, then they have a definite glucose value, but exert no specific dynamic effect. The NH3 in our experiments passed through some unknown cycle, but in the animal body the end of 150 Deamination and Glucose Oxidation the corresponding cycle is known, namely urea. According this view we should expect to find the cause of the action amino acids on total metabolism in the ammonia-urea cycle. to of BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Lusk, G., The elements of the science of nutrition, Philadelphia and London, 3rd edition, 1917. 2. Speakman, H. B., J. Biol. Chem., 1920, xii, 319; xliii, 401; 1923-24, Iviii, 395. 3. Peterson, W. H., Fred, E. B., and Domogalla, B. P., J. Am. Chem. Sot. 1924, xlvi, 2086. 4. Schmidt, E. G., Peterson, W. H., and Fred, E. B., J. Biol. Chem., 1924, Ixi, 163. 5. Grey, E. G., Proc. Roy. Sot. London, Series B, 1917-19, xc, 92. 6. Koessler, K. K., and Hanke, M. T., J. Biol. Chem., 1919, xxxix, 497. 7. Koessler, K. K., and Hanke, M. T., J. Biol. Chem., 1919, xxxix, 539. 8. Koser S. A., andRettger, L. F., J. Infect. Dis., 1919, xxiv, 301. 9. Raistrick, H., Biochem. J., 1917, xi, 71. 10. Dakin, H. D., J. BioZ. Chem., 1908, iv, 77,91,227. 11. Witzemann, E. J., J. BioZ. Chem., 1918, xxxv, 83. 12. Witzemann, E. J., J. Biol. Chem., 1921, xlix, 123. 13. Ray, G. B., J. Gen. Physiol., 1924, vi, 525. 14. Lusk, G., J. BioZ. Chem., 1921, xlix, 453.