Chapter I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the Background of the Study, Objectives, Hypothesis, Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework, Definition of Terms, Significance of the Study, and Scope and Limitation of the Study. Background of the Study Cell phone signal is what connects one user to another across networks. Signal reaches a cell phone to facilitate communication in essentially the same manner that twoway radios communicate via a signal transmitter and a signal receiver (WilsonRo, 2018). Hence, a mobile phone is a communication tool that is used to communicate with one another and serves as a tool for information acceptance and submission. To function and be used for important tasks such as communication, mobile phones require a signal and a power supply. Mobile phones are efficient communication devices that allow one to communicate with people all over the world while also making lives easier. The fact that the vast majority of people own a cellphone highlights the significance of each individual user. Especially Students, workers, and even the unemployed use cellphones for convenience. Despite the rapid expansion of mobile phone coverage throughout the world, roughly 10 percent of the world’s population lives beyond the reach of a cell tower. Since commercial operators do not see isolated and relatively poor communities as commercially viable, providing them with mobile phone connectivity and associated phone-based digital financial and information services requires innovative technological solutions. Without mobile phone connectivity, people in these communities have harder time learning about employment opportunities, including working for wages and where to sell agricultural products. They also have difficulty receiving remittances from their outside family and friends, whom they are unable to contact in case of financial emergency. While previous research suggests that access to mobile phone technology strengthens social ties, increases access to information, and improves economic outcomes, rigorous evidence is still somewhat limited (GSMA Intelligence, 2015). Poor signals, on the other hand, are frequently a problem in remote areas, forcing people to purchase and use signal boosters or repeaters in order to maintain a stable 2 signal. In areas where cell phone reception is poor, a cell phone signal booster and repeaters for other carriers are used. The strength of a cell phone signal is typically driven by a range of obstructions. This includes natural obstacles such as trees, building materials, and hills, as well as distance. This is where a reception booster system can help. Furthermore, communication is not always possible, even with a cellphone, especially in rural and remote areas where the signal is weak and unstable. Power interruptions are also common in the country as a result of frequent typhoons, which cause long-term blackouts that may prevent phones from being used for an extended period of time due to a lack of power supply or damage to electrical power facilities. During these times, the most efficient way to charge a cellphone is to use a solar-powered power bank, which requires no electricity, but only heat from the sun. An additional signal booster may also come in useful to increase connectivity. An improvised portable signal booster includes an integrated solar panel that converts solar energy to electrical energy. The charge is then transferred to a battery for storage of charge for future emergency use, with the battery outfitted with a microcontroller that displays the percentage of charge present in the battery. Instead of using electricity, a solar power bank charges itself with the sun. The accumulated power is then fed into rechargeable batteries, which store it until needed. Furthermore, using a solar-powered power bank can be advantageous not only for humans but also for the environment. It can be recharged without plugging it into an electrical power source, which saves a significant amount of energy. On the other hand, cell phone signal booster (also known as an amplifier or repeater) is composed of three major components: an exterior antenna, an amplifier, and an interior antenna. They work together to create a wireless system that improves cellular reception. Following amplification, the signal is rebroadcast to areas with poor reception or a weak signal. (, 2021). These problems occur frequently; therefore, the researchers came up with the idea to create a device that would help provide solutions to the problem that can also highly benefit the community. 3 Accordingly, the researchers decided to conduct this study primarily to establish the level of acceptability of the improvised portable signal booster. The researchers also would like to find out if the device is feasible and efficient. On top of all these, the main goal of the researchers was to create an improvised portable signal booster device that could help cell phone users in remote communities engage in mobile communication activities, thus, making life a little easier. Statement of the Problem This research aimed to determine the level of acceptability of the Improvised Portable Signal Booster in terms of its design, construction, and performance. This research sought to find answers to each of the following questions: 1. What is the level of acceptability of the Improvised Portable Signal Booster in terms of its design as evaluated by the residents of Brgy. San Roque Tapaz, Capiz, teachers and students of Iloilo Science and Technology University? 2. What is the level of acceptability of the Improvised Portable Signal Booster in terms of performance as evaluated by the residents of Brgy. San Roque Tapaz, Capiz, teachers and students of Iloilo Science and Technology University? 3. What is the level of acceptability of the Improvised Portable Signal Booster in terms of construction as evaluated by the residents of Brgy. San Roque Tapaz, Capiz, teachers and students of Iloilo Science and Technology University? 4. Is there a significant difference in the level of acceptability of the Improvised Portable Signal Booster in terms of its design, construction, and performance as evaluated by each group of respondents? Hypothesis There is no significant difference in the level of feasibility and acceptability of the Improvised Portable Signal Booster in terms of design, construction, and performance as evaluated by the teachers, students, and the resident of Brgy. San Roque Tapaz, Capiz 4 Theoretical Framework This study was anchored on the Solar Cells Theory and the Antenna Theory. The theory of solar cells explains the process by which light energy in photons is converted into electric current when the photons strike a suitable semiconductor device. Solar cells, which are also known as photovoltaic (PV) cells, are devices that transform light energy directly into electrical energy. Research teams across the world are doing some very exciting work using different designs and different technologies, including nanotechnology, in the hope of developing solar cells that are more efficient (convert a greater proportion of the energy from the sun into electrical energy), can be used in a wider variety of applications, are more environmentally friendly (made from less harmful substances, consume less of the earth’s resources, produce less wastes when manufactured), and cost less. Due to the increased demand for more renewable sources of energy in recent years, solar power has seen increasing popularity. In 2012, the total global energy usage was approximately 559 EJ (exajoules, x1018). Meanwhile, the total annual solar energy that falls upon the Earth’s landmasses is estimated to be 1,575 – 49,837 EJ. Clearly, the sun provides more than enough energy to satisfy global energy needs. Therefore, there is arguably a much greater potential for solar power to fulfil the world’s energy requirements than other renewable sources (World Nuclear Association, 2021). According to the Antenna Theory, communication takes place through sound waves. However, if two people want to communicate who are at longer distances, then these sound waves have to be converted into electromagnetic waves. The device which converts the required information signal into electromagnetic waves is known as the Antenna. In the field of communication systems, whenever the need for wireless communication arises, there occurs the necessity of an antenna. Antenna has the capability of sending or receiving the electromagnetic waves for the sake of communication, where laying down a wiring system is impossible. In order to contact a remote area, the wiring has to be laid down throughout the whole route along the valleys, the mountains, the tedious paths, the tunnels etc., to reach the remote location. 5 The evolution of wireless technology, however, has made this whole process very simple. Antenna is the key element of this wireless technology. Subsequently, the researchers used the given information to inform the present study by applying the two theories in the creation of a device. The researchers combined the concepts to create a device that uses solar power instead of electricity to power the Improvised Portable Signal Booster. In this manner, it becomes more convenient and useful for users. Because it is portable, users can take and use the device anywhere. Conceptual Framework The conceptual model of the study is shown in the paradigm below. Figure 1. The conceptual model of the study. The input, throughput, and output conceptual models were used in the study, as shown in Figure 1. The design and concept of the study are shown in the input which guides the researchers in designing the Improvised Portable Signal Booster. The throughput, which is the process, includes measurement and evaluation of respondents. The output is the outcome of the study, which is the solar powered signal booster. Evaluator feedback aids in the improvement of the design, construction, performance, and method of evaluating the portable signal booster. 6 Significance of the Study Students. The success of this device is beneficial to students' learning, especially in the pandemic. When it comes to getting the most out of their online classes, a good stable signal is very important. Parents. The success of the device can benefit parents, particularly those who live in areas with weak signals, because it is not expensive and they can purchase for their children's educational and communicational needs. Teachers. Teachers will benefit from the success of the device because they can use it even during power outages and when they travel or are assigned to remote areas with weak signals. Future researchers. They can benefit from this study because it can be used as baseline data and reference for further investigation. Definition of Terms To provide clarity about the proposed device, the following terms are defined conceptually (according to technical definition) and operationally (how it is used in the study). Acceptability. According to Cambridge Dictionary, acceptability is the quality of being satisfactory and able to be agreed to or approved of (https://dictionary.cambridge .org/us/dictionaryenglish/acceptability) In this study, the term acceptability refers to the level of acceptability of the solar powered Improvised Portable Signal Booster. Booster. As defined by Collins Dictionary, booster is something that increases a positive or desirable quality. ( In this study, booster refers to boosting the signal using the device. Controller. As defined by Collins Dictionary, solar charge controller or charge regulator is basically a voltage and/or current regulator to keep batteries from overcharging. It regulates the voltage and current coming from the solar panels going to the battery. ( In this study, the controller regulates the supply from the solar panel to the battery, so it prevents the battery from overcharging. 7 Regulator. According to Collins English Dictionary, a regulator is a device or mechanism that automatically controls something, such as the temperature in a room or the growth of a person's body. In this study, the regulator is used to convert the 12volts into 5volts to supply the booster with the right amount of voltage. Solar panel. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is a device that converts solar energy into electricity. ( In this study solar panels were used to charge power banks. In this study Scope and Limitation of the Study This study aimed to develop the Improvised Portable Signal Booster. Specifically, it sought to determine the level of acceptability of the Improvised Portable Signal Booster in terms of its design or construction, performance, and usability. To determine the level of acceptability of the device, the researchers used a survey method as well as limited sampling in this study. The total number of respondents for this study was thirty (30), with ten (10) students and five (5) experts from Iloilo Science and Technology University and fifteen (15) residents from Brgy San Roque Tapaz, Capiz. Because of their availability and expertise, they were chosen at random to serve as device evaluators. During the course of the study, the researchers used a survey method with Google Forms as a data collection tool. The device was the focus of the questions in the questionnaires. Following that, statistical methods were used to tabulate, analyze, and interpret the data gathered during the evaluation. This study was conducted at Iloilo Science and Technology University from November 2021 to July 2022.