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Book of Mormon Chronology Chart

Book of Mormon Chronology Chart
Department of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion
�e Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Copyright 1974 ©
1. Tower of Babel—Jaredites language not confounded. (Ether 1:33–37)
2. Jaredites traveled to great sea, and barges were built. (Ether 2:1–18)
3. Brother of Jared saw the premortal Christ. (Ether 3:6–16)
4. Jaredites journeyed to the promised land. (Ether 6:1–12)
5. Secret combination between Jared and Akish. (Ether 8:7–19)
6. �e prophet Ether warned King Coriantumr and the Jaredites. (Ether 12:1–5; Ether 13:1–22)
7. Destruction of the Jaredites. (Ether 15:13–32)
8. Coriantumr—last Jaredite survivor discovered by Mulekites. (Ether 15:32. See also Omni 1:20–22.)
9. Lehi’s vision of the destruction of Jerusalem. (1 Ne. 1:6–15)
10. Lehi commanded to leave Jerusalem. (1 Ne. 2:1–4)
11. Lehi’s family departed from Jerusalem. (1 Ne. 2:1–4)
12. Nephi and his brothers obtained the brass plates of Laban. (1 Ne. 3; 1 Ne. 4)
13. Zoram, Laban’s servant, joined Lehi’s family. (1 Ne. 4:35, 38)
14. Ishmael’s family joined Lehi. (1 Ne. 7)
15. Lehi’s dream of the tree of Life. (1 Ne. 8)
16. Nephi’s visions and prophecies. (1 Ne. 11–15)
17. Liahona discovered. (1 Ne. 16:9–16)
18. Nephi’s bow broken. (1 Ne. 16:18–32)
19. Death of Ishmael. (1 Ne. 16:34–39)
20. �e building of a ship at Bountiful. (1 Ne. 17:8–17; 1 Ne. 18:1–5)
21. Voyage to the promised land. (1 Ne. 18:5–23)
22. Nephi made two sets of plates. (1 Ne. 19)
23. Mulekites left Jerusalem. (Omni 1:15–16)
24. Nephite–Lamanite split. (2 Ne. 5)
25. Jacob succeed Nephi as prophet. Death of Nephi. ( Jacob 1)
26. Jacob’s discourse. ( Jacob 2–6)
27. Sherem confronted Jacob. ( Jacob 7)
28. Enos forgiven of his sins. (Enos 1)
29. E�orts to teach Lamanites the gospel were unsuccessful. (Enos 1:14)
30. Mosiah I led the righteous Nephites from Nephi to Zarahemla. (Omni 1:12–19)
31. King Benjamin reigned in Zarahemla. (Omni 1:23–25; W of M 1:12–18)
32. Zeni� left Zarahemla and established a Nephite colony in the land of Nephi. (Omni 1:27–30; Mosiah 9:1–9)
33. King Benjamin’s address. (Mosiah 2–5)
34. Mosiah II became king of Zarahemla. (Mosiah 6)
35. With the Lord’s help, Zeni�’s people prevailed against the Lamanites. (Mosiah 9:14–19; Mosiah 10)
36. Noah succeed Zeni� as king of the Nephite colony. (Mosiah 11:1–15)
37. Abinadi’s ministry and death. (Mosiah 12–17)
38. Alma the Elder was converted—baptized at the Waters of Mormon. (Mosiah 17; Mosiah 18)
39. Gideon’s insurrection against Noah. (Mosiah 19)
40. Death of King Noah by �re. (Mosiah 19:19, 20)
41. Noah’s son Limhi became king over the Nephites in bondage. (Mosiah 19)
42. �e twenty-four gold plates were discovered. (Mosiah 21:25–27)
43. Ammon led Limhi’s people to Zarahemla. (Mosiah 7; Mosiah 22)
44. Alma the Elder and his followers were put in bondage at Helam. (Mosiah 23; Mosiah 24)
45. Alma’s people were delivered and arrived in Zarahemla. (Mosiah 24:13–25)
46. Alma the Elder was made high priest over the Nephites in Zarahemla. (Mosiah 25:15–21; Alma 4:18)
47. Conversion of Alma the Younger and the four sons of Mosiah. (Mosiah 27)
48. �e four sons of Mosiah left on a mission to the Lamanites. (Mosiah 28:1–9)
49. Alma the Younger became record keeper, �rst chief judge, and high priest over the Nephites. (Mosiah 28:20;
Mosiah 29:42–44)
50. Beginning of the reign of the judges. (Mosiah 29:44)
51. Death of Mosiah II and Alma the Elder. (Mosiah 29:45, 46)
52. Nehor introduced priestcraft among the Nephites. (Alma 1:1–15)
53. Amlici sought to become king over the Nephites. (Alma 2:1–31)
54. Alma the Younger gave up the judgement seat to Nephihah. (Alma 4:11–20)
55. Alma the Younger and Amulek preached to Ammonihahites. (Alma 8–10; Alma 12; Alma 13)
56. Zeezrom was converted. (Alma 11; Alma 14; Alma 15)
57. City of Ammonihah was destroyed by a Lamanite army. (Alma 16:1–12)
58. Reunion of Alma the Younger and the four sons of Mosiah. (Alma 17:1–4)
59. King Lamoni and his household were converted. (Alma 17; Alma 18; Alma 19)
60. Ammon and Lamoni encountered Lamoni’s father. (Alma 20)
61. Aaron preached the gospel to Lamoni’s father and his household. (Alma 22)
62. �e Anti-Nephi-Lehies were converted. (Alma 23–25; Alma 27)
63. Anti-Nephi-Lehies were given the land of Jershon. (Alma 27)
64. Korihor the Anti-Christ was struck dumb. (Alma 30)
65. Alma the Younger led a mission among the Zoramites. (Alma 31–35)
66. Captain Moroni defeated Zerahemnah. (Alma 43; Alma 44)
67. Disappearance of Alma the Younger. (Alma 45:15–19)
68. Amalickiah tried to become king over the Nephites. (Alma 46:1–10)
69. �e title of liberty rallied freedom-loving Nephites. (Alma 46:11–37)
70. Captain Moroni prepared the Nephites to defend their freedom (Alma 48–50)
71. Captain Moroni defeated the rebellious king-men. (Alma 51)
72. Teancum killed Amalickiah, who was succeeded by Ammoron. (Alma 51:33, 34; Alma 52:3)
73. Captain Moroni, Lehi, and Teancum regained several captured cities. (Alma 52–55)
74. Helaman I and the stripling warriors helped the Nephites. (Alma 53; Alma 56–58)
75. Captain Moroni and Pahoran corresponded. (Alma 59–61)
76. Lamanites were driven from Nephite lands; peace was established. (Alma 62:12–52)
77. Death of Captain Moroni and Pahoran. (Alma 63:3; Hel. 1:2)
78. Hagoth built ships and sailed forth. (Alma 63:5–8)
79. Kishkumen formed a secret combination and murdered Pahoran’s son. (Hel. 1:1–12)
80. Gadianton became the leader of Kishkumen’s band. (Hel. 2)
81. �ousands of Lamanites were converted through the e�orts of Nephi and Lehi. (Hel. 5)
82. Lamanites were more righteous than Nephites and sent missionaries among Nephites. (Hel. 6:1–6)
83. Free interchange of commerce between the Nephites and Lamanites. (Hel. 6:7–9)
84. Gadianton robbers seized control of the Nephite government. (Hel. 6:15–41)
85. Nephi, son of Helaman II, prophesied the murder of the chief judge. (Hel. 7–9)
86. Nephi, son of Helaman II, was given great power. (Hel. 10; Hel. 11)
87. Samuel the Lamanite warned the Nephites. (Hel. 13–15)
88. Signs given of the Savior’s birth. (3 Ne. 1)
89. Lachoneus and Gidgiddoni defeated the Gadianton robbers. (3 Ne. 3; 3 Ne. 4)
90. Nephites divided into tribes. (3 Ne. 7)
91. Signs given of Christ’s death. (3 Ne. 8)
92. Jesus Christ appeared to the Nephite. (3 Ne. 11:1–17)
93. Jesus chose twelve disciples among the Nephites. (3 Ne. 12:1)
94. Jesus taught his gospel and organized his church. (3 Ne. 12–27)
95. Era of peace following Christ’s ministry. (4 Ne. 1)
96. �e �ree Nephites were changed. (3 Ne. 28)
97. A few people revolted and became Lamanites. (4 Ne. 1:20)
98. �e people were divided into Nephites and Lamanites. (4 Ne. 1:35–42)
99. Ammaron gave Mormon charge of the plates. (Morm. 1:1–4)
100. Mormon deposited all the plates except the plates of Mormon, which he gave to his son Moroni. (Morm. 6:6)
101. Final battle between the Nephites and Lamanites at Cumorah. (Morm. 6:7–15)
102. Moroni wandered alone and abridged the Jaredite history.(Morm. 8; Ether 1:1, 2; Moro. 1:1)
103. Moroni recorded his farewell and deposited the plates of Mormon in the Hill Cumorah. (Moro. 10)