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Administrative Strategy Course Syllabus (BUSI 5190)

Administrative Strategy (BUSI 5190)
Spring 2024 (8W1): January 16 – March 9
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instructor Contact
Dr. Derrick D’Souza
Office Location: Room 365C, Business Administration Building
Phone Number: (940) 565-3168
Office Hours:
Mondays and Thursdays, by appointment, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon.
(Meetings conducted via Zoom).
Course Description
BUSI 5190 (Administrative Strategy) is a capstone course that integrates functional areas of business
administration. It requires students to determine policy at the general- or top-management level.
Students address strategic organizational problems and the optimization of the total enterprise. The
course is restricted to College of Business majors. Students must take this course in the last semester of
The course is designed to help you understand the numerous but strategically integrated decisions of
managers. That is, you will have the opportunity to explore those decisions, understand why they made
them, and recognize the strategic consequences of different choices of managerial action. This course is
unique in that we investigate and analyze the firm as a whole (at the business and corporate level)
rather than a particular functional area (e.g., accounting, marketing, finance, operations, IT, HR, etc.), or
at the individual level. Maintaining a high-level organizational perspective is helpful when you address
topics related to this course.
Course Materials
Strategic Management, 5th edition (2021), by Frank Rothaermel. Publisher: McGraw Hill.
ISBN: 9781260261288 (Available at the UNT Bookstore).
Other Instructional Materials
PowerPoint slide decks are available for the textbook chapters covered in this course. Access the
PowerPoint slide decks in the Modules folder in Canvas.
Recordings of the instructor’s lectures for the chapters covered in the course are also available
in the Modules folder in Canvas.
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Course Prerequisites and Course Objectives
Course Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites for this course other than that you must be registered in a business master’s
program and be in your graduating semester.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Explain the role of strategy in a firm’s quest for competitive advantage (Chapter 1)
2. Learn how to employ the Analysis, Formulation, and Implementation (AFI) Strategy Framework.
(Chapters 1 & 2)
3. Conduct an internal analysis and an external analysis for a firm (Chapters 3 & 4)
4. Describe the relationship between competitive advantage and firm performance (Chapter 5)
5. Formulate business-level strategy (Chapter 6)
6. Formulate corporate-level strategy (Chapters 8 & 9)
7. Evaluate organizational factors that determine or influence the implementation of a firm’s
strategy (Chapters 11 & 12)
Chapter-Specific Learning Objectives
Please note that the objectives listed above represent course objectives. You can find chapter-specific
learning objectives (CLOs) in the PowerPoint slide deck for each chapter.
Course Structure
Online assignments and a team project anchor the course structure. They elaborate on and extend the
content of the textbook readings, help students learn new theoretical concepts and mental frameworks,
and provide opportunities to apply the new knowledge to strategically manage an organization. For this
method of instruction to work effectively, you must read and analyze all assigned materials. A good rule
of thumb is to spend as much time exploring the posted materials for the week as you do reading them.
Always read and explore the posted material for the week before addressing weekly assignments.
Recognize that a week in an 8-week semester is equivalent to two weeks in a regular 16-week semester.
This course’s knowledge acquisition and skills-building workloads reflect its compressed timeline.
Students in prior semesters report spending an average of 8-12 hours per week on course-related
activities during the 8-week semester. Please make the commitment and plan your weekly schedule to
address this workload adequately.
Team Formation
The instructor will form teams in the latter half of the first week of classes. Team members will work
cooperatively online to complete a team project. BUSI 5190 is a graduate course, and your instructor
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expects every participant to act in good faith, be a good team player, and contribute adequately to the
team project.
Your instructor reserves the right to remove a student from a team for misconduct (e.g.,
disrespectfulness, inadequate participation in team activities, plagiarism, etc.) or nonconformance of
deliverables to team expectations. In such instances, the student removed from the team will
independently complete what is left of the four team-project submissions. A bi-weekly peer evaluation
will be held to confirm adequate participation in the team project. A copy of the peer evaluation form is
provided in Appendix 2.
Each team will create and submit a Team Charter in Week 2 of the semester. A template for creating a
Team Charter and instructions for the approval process and submission to the instructor are provided in
the Modules section of the course website in Canvas.
Event Timing
All times stated in this course syllabus conform to US Central Standard Time (CST) and Texas daylight
savings time adjustments.
Communication Expectations
I will share news, course updates, and debriefings with the class using the Announcements folder in
Canvas. I will use Canvas’ inbox tool to correspond with students individually. Please check in with
Canvas regularly for Announcements and Inbox communications.
If you have a private question, contact me via email, and I will respond within 24 hours on weekdays
(usually sooner). Please do not expect a response over the weekend.
Grade Points Distribution in the Course
Assignment and Exams
Team Project
- Four sections @ 80 points
Applying Theory to Practice Exercises (ATPEs)
- Eight @ 45 points
Percentage of Final
320 points
360 points
- Two @ 60 points
- Six @ 30 points
300 points
Syllabus Quiz
- One @ 20 points
20 points
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Course Grading Scheme
The alphabetical course grade is computed out of a maximum of 1000 points as follows,
Cumulative Points Range
Percentage Range
Alphabetical Course Grade
900 - 1000 points
90.00% - 100.00%
800 - 899.9 points
80.00% - 89.99%
700 - 799.9 points
70.00% - 79.99%
600 - 699.9 points
60.00% - 69,99%
599.9 points or below
59.99% and lower
Note: Grades will not be curved.
Teaching Philosophy and Prepping for the Course
Teaching Philosophy
Two distinct learning channels are nurtured during the course – (1) knowledge acquisition and (2) skillsbuilding.
Knowledge Acquisition: You begin the knowledge acquisition process each week by reading the assigned
chapters, the associated PowerPoint slide decks, and video lectures created by the instructor. Give
yourself adequate time early in the week to absorb the content of the assigned chapters, and then
review the associated PowerPoint slide deck(s) and video lecture(s) available in Canvas. The slide deck(s)
and video(s) will help you ratify the knowledge acquired from the textbook and prepare you for the
team project, the weekly ATPE assignments, and the quizzes.
Skills Building: You will be involved in the skills-building component of the course every week. We will
conduct two weekly skill-building activities– the ATPE assignment and the team project. Each ATPE
assignment is week-specific and chapter-specific. The team project is an ongoing development that
tracks the chapter sequence in the textbook and involves four submissions over the semester. It is
important that your team continuously works on developing relevant sections of its Team project during
the week we cover the associated chapter in the course. Commit to working with your team every week
on the Team project with a high level of engagement. The team and the course instructor will review the
team's progress (among other things) during the bi-weekly Zoom meetings.
See the section titled ‘Course Work’ below for more details on the content and process associated with
the ATPE assignments and the Team project.
Preparing For the Course
Because BUSI 5190 is the capstone course in the MBA program, students take it during their graduating
semester. Therefore, most, if not all, students enrolled in this course will have completed courses that
make up the MBA core. The MBA core covers critical areas in business knowledge, including economics,
accounting, finance, organizational behavior, marketing, etc. BUSI 5190 builds on issues inherent in
these key streams of knowledge. Therefore, I urge everyone to review relevant theory and practice in
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these areas in preparation for this course. Below is a resource toolbox that includes links to online
primers that you might find helpful.
Pre-Course Competency Development Toolbox (click on the links to review related materials)
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Introduction to Microeconomics (https://www.investopedia.com/microeconomics-4689797)
What is an Industrial Organization? (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/industrialorganization.asp#:~:text=Industrial%20organization%20is%20a%20field%20of%20economics%2
Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Principles of Marketing (https://www.investopedia.com/marketing-essentials-4689814)
Financial Management (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/strategic-financialmanagement.asp)
Financial Analysis of the Firm (https://www.investopedia.com/financial-analysis-4427788)
Course Work
Kick-off Zoom Session & Syllabus Quiz
Kick-off Zoom Session
We will kick off the semester with a ‘Getting to Know Your Course’ Zoom meeting at 6:00 pm (CST) on
Tuesday, January 16. A link to this Zoom meeting is available in the Zoom folder in Canvas. You will meet
with your instructor and can seek clarification on issues relating to the course. I hope that you will make
every effort to participate in the ‘Getting to Know Your Course’ Zoom meeting and get your questions
addressed. Attendance at this Zoom meeting is optional.
Syllabus Quiz
The Syllabus Quiz will open on the first day of class. Please complete the quiz by 11:59 pm on Sunday,
January 21. You can access the Syllabus Quiz through the Assignments folder in Canvas. The Syllabus
Quiz has 10 MC/TF-type questions worth 20 points. You have 30 minutes to complete the Syllabus Quiz.
Quizzes (310 points)
Eight (8) weekly quizzes will be conducted during the semester. Quizzes in week 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, & 8 cover
single chapters and are worth 30 points each. Quizzes in weeks 2, & 6 cover two chapters and are worth
60 points each. The quizzes test your understanding of the material covered in the textbook. Each quiz
will open at 1:00 am on Monday of the week. You must complete each quiz by 11:59 pm on the
following Sunday (Please note that in week 8, the quiz-taking window will close on Thursday).
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Team Project (360 points)
Team project logistics
Your team will conduct a strategic analysis on ONE of the firms identified below. Register your team’s
selection with the instructor.
Atmos Energy Corporation
AutoZone, Inc.
Bath & Body Works, Inc.
CarMax Inc.
Clorox Company (The)
Coca-Cola Company (The)
ConAgra Brands, Inc.
Constellation Brands, Inc.
Crown Castle Inc.
Darden Restaurants, Inc.
Dollar General Corporation
Generac Holdlings Inc.
Intel Corporation
IBM Corp.
J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.
Juniper Networks Inc.
Keurig Dr. Pepper Inc.
Kinder Morgan, Inc.
Kroger Company (The)
Micron Technologies Inc.
Norfolk Southern Corp.
PepsiCo Inc.
PulteGroup, Inc.
Ross Stores, Inc.
Ulta Beauty, Inc.
(Ticker: ATO)
(Ticker: AZO)
(Ticker: BBWI)
(Ticker: KMX)
(Ticker: CLX)
(Ticker: KO)
(Ticker: CAG)
(Ticker: STZ)
(Ticker: CCI)
(Ticker: DRI)
(Ticker: DG)
(Ticker: GNRC)
(Ticker: INTC)
(Ticker: IBM)
(Ticker: JBHT)
(Ticker: JNPR)
(Ticker: KDP)
(Ticker: KMI)
(Ticker: KR)
(Ticker: MU)
(Ticker: NSC)
(Ticker: PEP)
(Ticker: PHM)
(Ticker: ROST)
(Ticker: ULTA)
The team project report comprises four sections with specific submission dates.
Section 1 (80 points): Assess the firm’s external environment. Use the material in Chapter 3 to
help you structure and conduct this analysis.
Section 2 (80 points): Assess the firm's internal environment. Use the material in Chapters 4, & 5
to help you structure and conduct this analysis.
Section 3 (80 points): Propose a feasible strategic solution. Use the material in Chapters 6, 8, & 9
to help you structure and conduct this analysis.
Section 4 (80 points): Implement proposed strategic changes. Use the material in Chapters 11, &
12 to help you structure and conduct this analysis.
See the Schedule of Events section of this document for submission details.
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Meetings with the Instructor
The instructor will set aside time to meet with your team and discuss the team project. These meetings
will be held via Zoom in weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8 of the semester. Team leaders should contact the instructor
via email to reserve a mutually acceptable time for the meetings. Schedule appointments at least two
days in advance. One-hour time slots are planned, but the time can be extended if the schedule permits.
Project Report - Scope and Expectations
Please review Appendix 1 at the end of this document for details on the team project report. The
appendix provides a partial list of suggested topics the team must address in each of the four sections of
the report. However, do not feel obligated to limit your coverage to these topics. I encourage you to
hunt for, discover, assess, expand, and add issues related to the AFI process that are unique to the firm
and its environments.
I expect each part of your team’s submission to be a professionally produced document of a quality you
would be comfortable submitting to the firm’s CEO. Implement rules relating to professional report
preparation when compiling your submission. Be sure to provide a Transmittal Letter and a Table of
Contents. Below each table, graph, or figure, clearly identify the source(s) from which they were drawn
Number all pages and use a consistent and standardized layout (APA style recommended) for all
references. Further, cite every article in the list of references at least once in the text of the report.
Your report should read like an engaging story that captivates the reader (the CEO of the firm) because
of the depth and breadth of your team’s insights. For this to happen, the report must be scripted in
advance to ensure that each section serves a specific purpose and that the sections of the report are
appropriately interwoven as recommended by the AFI analytic process. It helps to configure each
section/paragraph of the report to logically follow or serve as a natural extension of the prior
section/paragraph. Such integration provides a logical stream of developments as you tell your story!
Team members constantly need to communicate with each other and work collaboratively to build
relevant sections of the report simultaneously. Assigning sections of the report to be independently
completed by team individual members and hoping that these sections will serendipitously flow
together when the report is submitted is a recipe for disaster. Meet with your instructor to learn how
team members could/should communicate and collaborate to deliver an integrated, high-quality output.
Applying Theory to Practice Exercises (ATPEs) (360 points)
You will participate in eight (8) “Applying Theory to Practice Exercises” (ATPEs) in this course. Each ATPE
is worth 45 points. You will respond to two questions in each ATPE assignment.
1. The first question asks you to apply the chapter’s knowledge and theoretical frameworks to
address practical, real-world business issues. It allows you to apply the textbook's theory to realworld situations gainfully. The questions typically address complex real-world problems and
would require you to review outside sources and cull information that supports your arguments.
Often, but not always, you could be called on to analyze publically held firms for which
information is readily available. An excellent place to begin your analysis of a publically held firm
is to pour over its 10K filings since they tend to focus on strategic issues (mission, vision, core
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competencies, strategy, capabilities, resources, structure, culture, control systems, etc.) that are
central to the kinds of analyses undertaken by students in this course.
2. The second question allows you to confirm and cement what you have learned that week
through retrospective thinking. This exercise is critical to effective learning. The question offers
you the opportunity to revisit and rethink the material covered that week, thereby,
Providing you an opportunity to conduct circumspect introspection
Helping to confirm your understanding of what you assimilated from the chapter(s)
Embedding the information in your mind in ways that make it easier to retrieve later.
The ATPEs also allow you to seek answers to specific queries that you may have related to the material
covered during that week.
ATPE Posting Logistics
You can access ATPE assignments through the Assignments folder in Canvas. Here are the posting
schedules for the eight ATPEs,
1. The ATPE assignments for Week 1 will open at 1:00 am on Tuesday and close at 11:59 pm the
following Sunday.
2. The ATPE assignments for Weeks 2 - 7 will open at 1:00 am on Monday and close at 11:59 pm
the following Sunday.
3. The ATPR assignment for Week 8 (ATPE 12) will open at 1:00 am on Saturday, October 7, and
close at 11:59 pm on Friday, October 13.
Note: Canvas will treat the ATPE assignment like a quiz. The assignment begins when you click the start
button and will stay open till you hit the submit button or till 11:59 pm on Friday, whichever
comes first. Hence, only hit the submit button when you are sure that you have completed the
The grade for each ATPE assignment (45 points):
1. Your response to Question 1 (40 points) will be graded based on its quality and
comprehensiveness in using the knowledge acquired from the chapter to address the question
relating to a real-world situation. Therefore, use the information and the associated analytical
frameworks provided in the chapter to frame a comprehensive response. Further, it would help
to support what you said with appropriate references to data sources and other factual
information relevant to the question, analysis of the facts, new perspectives, etc. Not supporting
your arguments/claims with appropriate and adequate research (beyond the textbook) could
result in a failing grade.
2. When addressing Question 2 (5 points), review the Chapter Learning Objectives (CLOs)
addressed during the week, and provide detailed responses to the following questions:
a. Identify two CLO categories from the chapter that offered the most significant learning
opportunity during the week, and then provide details on the new knowledge you
acquired in these two CLO categories.
b. Overall, what were the two most valuable takeaways from all the materials covered
during the week, i.e., takeaways from the chapter, the ATPE, and the team project?
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Course Technology & Skills
Minimum Technology Requirements
Minimum technology requirements for students:
Reliable internet access
Microsoft Office Suite
Canvas Technical Requirements (https://clear.unt.edu/supportedtechnologies/canvas/requirements)
Computer Skills & Digital Literacy
Please build proficiency in the following technical skills needed to succeed in the course:
Using Canvas
Using email with attachments
Downloading and installing software
Using spreadsheet programs
Using presentation and graphics programs
Technical Assistance
Part of working in the online environment involves dealing with the inconveniences and frustration
that can arise when technology breaks down or does not perform as expected. At UNT, we have a
Student Help Desk that you can contact for help with technical issues.
UIT Help Desk: UIT Student Help Desk site (http://www.unt.edu/helpdesk/index.htm)
Email: helpdesk@unt.edu
Phone: 940-565-2324
In-Person: Sage Hall, Room 130
Walk-In Availability: 8 am – 9 pm
Telephone Availability:
• Sunday: noon-midnight
• Monday-Thursday: 8 am - midnight
• Friday: 8 am - 8 pm
• Saturday: 9 am - 5 pm
Laptop Checkout: 8 am - 7 pm
For additional support specific to Canvas, visit Canvas Technical Help
BUSI 5190 Spring 2024 | 9
Rules of Engagement
Rules of engagement refer to how students are expected to interact with each other and their
instructors. Here are some general guidelines:
While the freedom to express yourself is a fundamental human right, any communication that
utilizes cruel and derogatory language based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, genetic information, veteran
status, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law will not be
Treat your instructor and classmates respectfully in any communication online or face-to-face,
even when their opinion differs from yours.
Ask for and use the correct name and pronouns for your instructor and classmates.
Speak from personal experiences. Use “I” statements to share thoughts and feelings. Try not to
speak on behalf of groups or other individuals’ experiences.
Use your critical thinking skills to challenge other people’s ideas instead of attacking individuals.
Avoid using all caps while communicating digitally. This may be interpreted as “YELLING!”
Be cautious when using humor or sarcasm in emails or discussion posts, as tone can be
challenging to interpret digitally.
Avoid using “text-talk” unless explicitly permitted by your instructor.
Proofread and fact-check your sources.
Keep in mind that online posts can be permanent, so think before you type.
See these Engagement Guidelines (https://clear.unt.edu/online-communication-tips) for more
Method of Instruction and Related Course Policies
Assignment and Quiz Policy
You may refer to the assigned chapters’ materials while completing all assignments and quizzes.
However, talking to other students, soliciting, or giving help is NOT allowed. Copying, photographing, or
disseminating the questions in any form is prohibited. Quiz questions are randomized. You will see a
different set of questions than your classmates.
The University is committed to providing all users with a reliable online course system. However, in the
event of an unexpected server outage or any unusual technical difficulty which prevents students from
completing a time-sensitive assessment activity, the instructor will extend the time windows and
provide an appropriate accommodation based on the situation. Students should immediately report any
problems to the instructor and concurrently contact the UNT Student Help Desk: helpdesk@unt.edu or
940.565.2324 and obtain a ticket number. The instructor and the UNT Student Help Desk will work with
the student to resolve any issues at the earliest possible time.
The Canvas LMS platform is very stable. In the unlikely event that you lose connectivity during the exam,
you should reconnect immediately. If you do, you should experience minimal data loss (the system saves
your input periodically). If reconnection is impossible, you must contact the CLEAR student help desk
BUSI 5190 Spring 2024 | 10
(940)-565-2324; helpdesk@unt.edu) to resolve the issue and re-enter the exam testing environment in
Canvas. Get a ticket from them to document the actions that you have taken, then contact me
(dsouza@unt.edu), and we will look into whether a time extension is appropriate and necessary.
If you have questions for your instructor during a quiz, reach out to him at dsouze@unt.edu. He will get
back to you as soon as possible. However, please recognize that the exam-taking window extends over
multiple days/nights, and he may not be immediately available when you contact me.
Instructor Grading Responsibilities and Sundown Policy
Instructor Grading Responsibilities
Quizzes: Feedback on each quiz will be available to you once immediately after you submit the quiz.
Take the opportunity to review your quiz performance at that time.
ATPEs: Barring unforeseen circumstances, you should expect an ATPE assignment to be graded within
three-five (3-5) days of submission. Please consider my feedback open-mindedly. My goal is to help you
better understand concepts and clarify any misunderstandings. Suppose I have deducted a few points; I
request that you see the reasoning instead of becoming upset about not receiving the maximum points
for the assignment. I may be unable to address or comment on every possible error, so I expect you to
review your submissions to pinpoint deficiencies and improve future submissions. Ask me if you need
clarification. Review and reflection contribute to an effective learning process.
Sundown Policy
You have three calendar days from the grade-posting date to appeal your grade on a quiz, ATPE
assignment, or team project submission, after which no appeals will be entertained. This policy aims to
resolve any issue during the term and not wait till the last days of the semester to sort things out.
Attendance and Make-up Policies
The instructor will not register attendance daily or weekly. Attendance is reflected in the weekly
submission of assignments and completion of quizzes.
Policy for Make-Ups
Make-up Policy for Quizzes
You have a 7-day window to take each quiz. Let us suppose you miss a quiz for justifiable reasons (e.g.,
hospitalization, contagious disease, religious holiday, death in the family) that effectively made it
impossible to take the quiz at any time during the 7-day window. In that case, you can contact the
instructor to make up the missed quiz. You must provide the instructor with evidence of the unforeseen
circumstance and its duration. All quiz make-ups will be held in Week 8 of the semester.
Please note that business activity, personal travel, location-based connectivity, personal-related or
family-related events/activities like weddings, vacations, etc., are NOT deemed acceptable contingencies
for granting a make-up quiz.
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Make-up Policy for ATPE Assignments (The ‘late Pass’ option)
You have multiple days to complete each ATPE assignment. Hence, submissions made after the Sunday
deadline will not be accepted. However, I will allow you to use one “late pass” during the semester. If
you miss the deadline for an ATPE assignment, you will be allowed to complete it within 48 hours of its
due date. You need to email me as soon as possible so I can open the assignment for you. The late pass
cannot be used for quizzes.
Syllabus Change Policy
The syllabus and course deadlines are subject to revision throughout the semester. The instructor will
use the Announcements folder in Canvas to notify students of any changes.
UNT Policies
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Integrity Standards and Consequences. According to UNT Policy 06.003, Student Academic
Integrity, academic dishonesty occurs when students engage in behaviors including, but not limited to,
cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, forgery, plagiarism, and sabotage. A finding of
academic dishonesty may result in various academic penalties or sanctions ranging from admonition to
expulsion from the University.
ADA Policy
UNT makes reasonable academic accommodations for students with disabilities. Students seeking
accommodation must register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to verify their
eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide a student with an accommodation letter to be
delivered to the faculty to begin a private discussion regarding one’s specific course needs. Students
may request accommodations at any time; however, ODA notices of accommodation should be
provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Students must
obtain a new letter of accommodation for every semester and meet with each faculty member before
implementation in each class. For additional information, see the ODA website
Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (Policy 16.004)
The University of North Texas (UNT) prohibits discrimination and harassment because of race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability,
genetic information, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or
state law in its application and admission processes; educational programs and activities; employment
policies, procedures, and processes; and university facilities. The University takes active measures to
prevent such conduct and investigates and takes remedial action when appropriate.
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Emergency Notification & Procedures
UNT uses a system called Eagle Alert to quickly notify students with critical information in the event of
an emergency (i.e., severe weather, campus closing, and health and public safety emergencies like
chemical spills, fires, or violence). In the event of a university closure, please refer to Canvas for
contingency plans for covering course materials.
Retention of Student Records
Student records pertaining to this course are maintained in a secure location by the instructor of record.
All records, such as exams, answer sheets (with keys), and written papers submitted during the duration
of the course, are kept for at least one calendar year after course completion. Coursework completed
via the Canvas online system, including grading information and comments, is also stored in a safe
electronic environment for one year. Students have the right to view their individual records; however,
information about students’ records will not be divulged to other individuals without proper written
consent. Students are encouraged to review the Public Information Policy and the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) laws, and the University’s policy. See UNT Policy 10.10, Records
Management and Retention, for additional information.
Acceptable Student Behavior
Student behavior that interferes with an instructor’s ability to conduct a class or other students’
opportunity to learn is unacceptable and disruptive and will not be tolerated in any instructional forum
at UNT. Students engaging in unacceptable behavior will be directed to leave the classroom. The
instructor may refer the student to the Dean of Students to consider whether the student’s conduct
violated the Code of Student Conduct. The University’s expectations for student conduct apply to all
instructional forums, including University and electronic classrooms, labs, discussion groups, field trips,
etc. Visit UNT’s Code of Student Conduct (https://deanofstudents.unt.edu/conduct) to learn more.
Access to Information - Eagle Connect
The student's access point for business and academic services at UNT is my.unt.edu. All official
communication from the University will be delivered to a student’s Eagle Connect account. For more
information, please visit the website that explains Eagle Connect and how to forward an email - Eagle
Connect (https://it.unt.edu/eagleconnect).
Student Evaluation Administration Dates
Student feedback is an essential part of participation in this course. The student evaluation of
instruction is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT. The survey will be made available during
the final weeks of the semester. Students will receive an email from “UNT SPOT Course Evaluations via
IASystem Notification” (no-reply@iasystem.org) with the survey link. Students should look for the email
in their UNT email inbox. Simply click on the link and complete the survey. Once students complete the
survey, they will receive a confirmation email that the survey has been submitted. For additional
information, please visit the SPOT website (http://spot.unt.edu/) or email spot@unt.edu.
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Sexual Assault Prevention
UNT is committed to providing a safe learning environment free of all forms of sexual misconduct,
including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Federal
laws (Title IX and the Violence Against Women Act) and UNT policies prohibit discrimination based on
sex and therefore prohibit sexual misconduct. If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual
harassment, relationship violence, stalking, and/or sexual assault, there are campus resources available
to provide support and assistance. UNT’s Survivor Advocates can assist a student who has been
impacted by violence by filing protective orders, completing crime victim’s compensation applications,
contacting professors for absences related to an assault, working with housing to facilitate a room
change where appropriate, and connecting students to other resources available both on and off
campus. The Survivor Advocates can be reached at SurvivorAdvocate@unt.edu or by calling the Dean of
Students Office at 940-565- 2648. Additionally, alleged sexual misconduct can be non-confidentially
reported to the Title IX Coordinator at oeo@unt.edu or at (940) 565 2759.
Important Notice for F-1 Students Taking Distance Education Courses
Federal Regulation
To read detailed Immigration and Customs Enforcement regulations for F-1 students taking online
courses, please visit the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations website (http://www.ecfr.gov/). The
specific portion concerning distance education courses is located in Title 8 CFR 214.2 Paragraph
The paragraph reads:
(G) For F-1 students enrolled in classes for credit or classroom hours, no more than the equivalent of
one class or three credits per session, term, semester, trimester, or quarter may be counted toward the
full course of study requirement if the class is taken online or through distance education and does not
require the student’s physical attendance for classes, examinations, or other purposes integral to the
completion of the class. An online or distance education course is a course that is offered principally
through the use of television, audio, or computer transmission, including open broadcast, closed circuit,
cable, microwave, satellite, audio conferencing, or computer conferencing. If the F-1 student’s course of
study is in a language study program, no online or distance education classes may be considered to
count toward a student’s entire course of study requirement.
University of North Texas Compliance
To comply with immigration regulations, an F-1 visa holder within the United States may need to engage
in an on-campus experiential component for this course. This component (which must be approved in
advance by the instructor) can include activities such as taking an on-campus exam, participating in an
on-campus lecture or lab activity, or other on-campus experiences integral to completing this course.
If such an on-campus activity is required, it is the student’s responsibility to do the following:
(1) Submit a written request to the instructor for an on-campus experiential component within one
week of the start of the course.
BUSI 5190 Spring 2024 | 14
(2) Ensure that the activity on campus takes place and the instructor documents it in writing with a
notice sent to the International Student and Scholar Services Office. ISSS has a form available that you
may use for this purpose.
Because the decision may have serious immigration consequences, if an F-1 student is unsure about
their need to participate in an on-campus experiential component for this course, s/he should contact
the UNT International Student and Scholar Services Office (telephone 940-565-2195 or email
internationaladvising@unt.edu) to get clarification before the one-week deadline.
Student Verification
UNT takes measures to protect the integrity of educational credentials awarded to students enrolled in
distance education courses by verifying student identity, protecting student privacy, and notifying
students of any special meeting times/locations or additional charges associated with student identity
verification in distance education courses.
See UNT Policy 07-002 Student Identity Verification, Privacy, and Notification and Distance Education
Courses (https://policy.unt.edu/policy/07-002).
Use of Student Work
A student owns the copyright for all work (e.g., software, photographs, reports, presentations, and
email postings) they create within a class, and the University is not entitled to use any student work
without the student’s permission unless all the following criteria are met:
The work is used only once.
The work is not used in its entirety.
Use of the work does not affect any potential profits from the work.
The student is not identified.
The work is identified as student work.
If the use of the work does not meet all the above criteria, then the University office or department
using the work must obtain the student’s written permission.
Download the UNT System Permission, Waiver, and Release Form
Transmission and Recording of Student Images in Electronically Delivered Courses
1. No permission is needed from a student for his or her image or voice to be transmitted live via
videoconference or streaming media, but all students should be informed when courses are to
be conducted using either method of delivery.
2. In the event an instructor records student presentations, he or she must obtain permission from
the student using a signed release to use the recording for future classes by the Use of StudentCreated Work guidelines above.
3. Instructors who video-record their class lectures to re-use some or all of the recordings for
future class offerings must notify students on the course syllabus if students’ images may
BUSI 5190 Spring 2024 | 15
appear on the video. Instructors are also advised to provide accommodation for students who
do not wish to appear in class recordings.
No notification is needed if only audio and slide capture are used or if the video only records the
instructor’s image. However, the instructor is encouraged to let students know the recordings will be
available to them for study purposes.
Academic Support & Student Services
Student Support Services
Mental Health
UNT provides mental health resources to students to help ensure there are numerous outlets to turn to
that wholeheartedly care for and are there for students in need, regardless of the nature of an issue or
its severity. Listed below are several resources on campus that can support your academic success and
mental well-being:
Student Health and Wellness Center (https://studentaffairs.unt.edu/student-health-andwellness-center)
Counseling and Testing Services (https://studentaffairs.unt.edu/counseling-and-testing-services)
UNT Care Team (https://studentaffairs.unt.edu/care)
UNT Psychiatric Services (https://studentaffairs.unt.edu/student-health-and-wellnesscenter/services/psychiatry)
Individual Counseling (https://studentaffairs.unt.edu/counseling-and-testingservices/services/individual-counseling)
Chosen Names
A chosen name is a name that a person goes by that may or may not match their legal name. Please let
the instructor know if you have a chosen name that is different from your legal name and would like
that to be used in class. Below is a list of resources for updating your chosen name at UNT.
UNT Records
UNT Email Address
Legal Name
*UNT EUIDs cannot be changed at this time. The collaborating offices are working on a process to make
this option accessible to UNT community members.
Pronouns (she/her, they/them, he/him, etc.) are a public way for people to address you, much like your
name, and can be shared with a name when making an introduction, both virtually and in person. Just as
we ask and don’t assume someone’s name, we should also ask and not assume someone’s pronouns.
BUSI 5190 Spring 2024 | 16
You can add your pronouns to your Canvas account so that they follow your name when posting to
discussion boards, submitting assignments, etc.
Below is a list of additional resources regarding pronouns and their usage:
What are pronouns, and why are they important?
How do I use pronouns?
How do I share my pronouns?
How do I ask for another person’s pronouns?
How do I correct myself or others when the wrong pronoun is used?
Additional Student Support Services
Registrar (https://registrar.unt.edu/registration)
Financial Aid (https://financialaid.unt.edu/)
Student Legal Services (https://studentaffairs.unt.edu/student-legal-services)
Career Center (https://studentaffairs.unt.edu/career-center)
Multicultural Center (https://edo.unt.edu/multicultural-center)
Counseling and Testing Services (https://studentaffairs.unt.edu/counseling-and-testing-services)
Pride Alliance (https://edo.unt.edu/pridealliance)
UNT Food Pantry (https://deanofstudents.unt.edu/resources/food-pantry)
Academic Support Services
Academic Resource Center (https://clear.unt.edu/canvas/student-resources)
Academic Success Center (https://success.unt.edu/asc)
UNT Libraries (https://library.unt.edu/)
Writing Lab (http://writingcenter.unt.edu/)
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WEEK-1 (Beginning January 16)
Reading Assignment for the week: Syllabus, Chapters 1 (textbook, recorded lecture, and PowerPoint
slide deck)
“Getting to Know Your Course” kick-off Zoom meeting (optional) – Tuesday, January 16, 6:00 pm to 8:00
pm (CST)
Each team selects its Team Leader. The Team Leader informs the instructor about the firm selected
for the team project by Sunday, August 27.
Applying Theory to Practice Exercise-1 (ATPE-1) – Tuesday, January 16 – Sunday, January 21
Quiz-1 (Chapter 1) – – Tuesday, January 16 – Sunday, January 21
Syllabus Quiz – – Tuesday, January 16 – Sunday, January 21
WEEK-2 (Beginning January 22)
Reading Assignment for the week: Chapters 2 & 3 (textbook, recorded lectures, and PowerPoint
slide decks)
Team Leader emails the Team Charter to the instructor by Sunday, January 28.
ATPE-2/3 – Monday, January 22 – Sunday, January 28
Quiz-2/3 (Chapters 2 & 3) – Monday, January 22 – Sunday, January 28
First team meeting with the instructor. Each team leader should reserve a mutually acceptable
meeting time with the instructor during the week.
WEEK-3 (Beginning January 29)
Reading Assignment for the week: Chapter 4 (textbook, recorded lecture, and PowerPoint slide
ATPE-4 – Monday, January 29 – Sunday, February 4
Quiz-4 (Chapter 4) – Monday, January 29 – Sunday, February 4
Team project report (Section 1) submission - due Sunday, February 4, at 11:59 pm.
WEEK-4 (Beginning February 5)
Reading Assignment for the week: Chapter 5 (textbook, recorded lecture, and PowerPoint slide
ATPE-5 – Monday, February 5 – Sunday, February 11
Quiz-5 (Chapter 5) – Monday, February 5 – Sunday, February 11
Second team meeting with the instructor. Each team leader should reserve a mutually acceptable
meeting time with the instructor during the week.
WEEK-5 (Beginning February 12)
Reading Assignment for the week: Chapter 6 (textbook, recorded lecture, and PowerPoint slide
ATPE-6 – Monday, February 12 – Sunday, February 18
Quiz-6 (Chapter 6) – Monday, February 12 – Sunday, February 18
Team project report (Section 2) submission - due Sunday, February 18, at 11:59 pm.
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WEEK-6 (Beginning February 19)
Reading Assignment for the week: Chapters 8 & 9 (textbook, recorded lectures, and PowerPoint
slide decks)
ATPE-8/9 – Monday, February 19 – Sunday, February 25
Quiz-8/9 (Chapters 8 & 9) – Monday, February 19 – Sunday, February 25
Third team meeting with the instructor. Each team leader should reserve a mutually acceptable
meeting time with the instructor during the week.
WEEK-7 (Beginning February 26)
Reading Assignment for the week: Chapter 11 (textbook, recorded lecture, and PowerPoint slide
ATPE-11 – Monday, February 26 – Sunday, March 3
Quiz-11 (Chapter 11) – Monday, February 26 – Sunday, March 3
Team project report (Section 3) submission - due Wednesday, February 28, at 11:59 pm.
WEEK-8 (Beginning March 4)
Reading Assignment for the week: Chapter 12 (textbook, recorded lecture, and PowerPoint slide
ATPE-12 – Saturday,March 2 – Friday, March 8
Quiz-12 (Chapter 12) – Saturday, March 2 – Friday, March 8
Fourth team meeting with the instructor. Each team leader should reserve a mutually acceptable
meeting time with the instructor during the week.
Team project report (Section 4) submission - due Friday, March 8, at 11:59 pm.
Make-up Quizzes (when approved by the instructor)
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General Guidelines
Before you begin work on the team project, Ensure that every team member has read the section titled
“HOW TO CONDUCT A CASE ANALYSIS” on pages 460-465 of the textbook.
Scope of Coverage
View your team as a consulting organization. The CEO of the firm you selected to work on (hereafter
referred to as the ‘firm’) has asked your team to evaluate its current competitive position and develop
its strategic plan for the next five years. Assume that the current 5-year goal of the firm is to significantly
improve its competitive position in the marketplace (as reflected in adequate increases in the firm’s
market share and profitability by year-5). It would be best if you recommended specific, realistic, and
actionable changes to the firm’s goals, strategy, resources, capabilities, core competencies,
organizational design, and corporate governance over the next five years to enable the firm to achieve
its new goal. You must follow the strategic management process outlined in the textbook to derive your
recommendations and support them with strong, logical, and data-driven evidence extracted through
research conducted on the firm and its environments.
Since you are analyzing a publically-held firm, an excellent place to start your investigation of the firm is
its SEC filings for the past 5-10 years. In particular, the 10-K filings provide a dependable starting point
for information on strategic issues (mission, vision, core competencies, strategy, capabilities, resources,
structure, culture, control systems, etc.) central to the analyses you will undertake in this course.
Content Integration
Cross-referencing material and leveraging findings from earlier sections of your report is strongly
encouraged as you proceed through the analysis. Such cross-referencing demonstrates your
understanding of the theory offered in the textbook and its application to practice. It also helps
integrate the report.
You are encouraged to use tables, graphs, pie charts, diagrams, etc., to support and enhance the quality
and delivery of material addressed in the report. Place all references at the end of the report under the
title “List of References.’ Use APA guidelines to format references and citations.
Professional Delivery
Each of the four components of the team project report must reflect all the trappings (structure,
readability, format, layout, titling, etc.) of a professional consulting report worthy of submission to the
firm's CEO. Each scheduled report submission must contain the current and all prior submissions.
Each section of the report is expected to be 20-30 pages long (if it needs to be slightly longer, that is
okay) with appropriate headings and sub-headings in each section of the report to ensure a logical flow
and development of the content and enables you to ‘tell a good story.’ Use 1-inch with 1.5 line spacing
and a 12-point font for the text in the report.
The following pages provided recommendations on the expected content of each section of the report.
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TEAM SUBMISSION SECTION 1: Assess the External Environment of the Firm
Perform an external environmental analysis (Be sure to focus on the firm's external environment). This part of the
analysis focuses on implementing a part of the ‘A’ component of the ‘A-F-I' analytic process taught in the course.
Use the theory in the textbook and the evidence generated through your research to guide your selection process.
The Macro Environment
a. Conduct a PESTEL analysis of forces in the macro environment that influence the firm's actions,
behavior, or performance.
b. Identify the most significant forces in the macro environment that the firm needs to pay attention to.
These could be opportunities or threats that the macro environment presents.
The Industry Environment
a. Conduct a 'Five Forces' analysis to evaluate forces in the industry environment. While some empirical
data is available, your analysis must also draw on nonempirical (subjective) data collected through
your research. Please do the following:
State its NAICS or SIC code, and define the industry in which the firm operates.
Assess the forces that act on firms within this industry.
a) Assess the strength of each of these five categories of forces. Use this assessment
to rank each of the five forces as very weak, weak, neither weak nor strong, strong,
or very strong.
b) Assess the strength of the combined force in this industry sector (derived from ‘a’
above) relative to that found in all other sectors of the US economy (You may use
the group of S&P 500 firms as a proxy for the US economy. You may use the
industry's performance as a proxy for the combined forces exerted by the industry).
c) Use adequate research to drill down and list the various forces acting within each of
the five force categories within the industry.
d) Based on your findings in 'c)' above, shortlist the five strongest forces that drive
competition in this industry. Provide details on the process used by your team to
select these forces.
b. Based on information developed in '2.a' above, draw conclusions about specific opportunities and
threats the industry environment poses.
Industry dynamics
a. How stable is the industry structure?
How stable (over time) are the five categories of forces in the industry environment?
How stable (over time) are the five strongest forces that drive industry competition?
What is the level of consolidation/fragmentation in this industry sector relative to other
Are there any signs of convergence in this industry sector? What, if any, is causing the
convergence, and how strong is it relative to convergence experienced in other sectors?
b. Discuss mobility barriers within the industry and how they may impact competition in the industry.
c. Do strategic groups exist within this industry? If so, what impact do these strategic groups have on
industry competition?
d. Based on information gleaned from '3.a,' '3.b,' and '3.c' above, draw your conclusions about specific
opportunities and threats posed by the dynamic nature of this industry.
Combine information on the firm's external environment generated in items 1, 2, & 3 above to extract/distill
the most prominent opportunities and threats the external environment poses to firms in this industry.
BUSI 5190 Spring 2024 | 21
TEAM SUBMISSION SECTION 2: Assess the Internal Environment of the Firm
The focus of this part of the analysis is on implementing the second part of the 'A' component of the 'A-F-I' analysis
process taught in the course.
Use the Resource-Based View to perform an internal analysis of the firm.
a. Does the firm possess valuable, rare, costly to imitate resources and is organized to capture value
from those resources (i.e., perform a VRIO analysis)? Provide details on the most significant VRIO
resources/capabilities of the firm.
b. Build on the information from '1.a' above to identify the firm's key resources, capabilities, and core
competencies. Be sure to conduct the following exercises,
i. Shortlist the firm's top-5 resources and compare them to the resources of its strongest
competitors. Provide details of the process used by the team to shortlist and compare resources.
ii. Shortlist the firm's top-5 capabilities and compare them to those of its strongest competitors.
Provide details on the process used by the team to shortlist and compare capabilities.
iii. What are the firm's core competencies? How do they relate to the firm's top-5 resources and
capabilities? How do they compare to those of its strongest competitors?
Analyze firm performance. Keep the following in mind as you conduct this analysis,
- You may need to use financial and non-financial metrics to measure firm performance.
- Measure a firm's performance relative to that of its top-1-2 competitors.
- Choose relevant metrics to measure the firm's strategic (long-term) performance.
Here is what you need to do:
Assess the firm's performance using one of the following approaches,
I. The 'Accounting' approach,
II. The 'Shareholder Value' approach.
III. The 'Economic Value' approach.
b. What does your performance analysis say about the firm's competitive advantage in the
From capabilities and core competencies to competitive advantage and firm performance
a. Use information from '2.a' above to identify at least two areas of competitive advantage that deliver
the firm’s performance identified in '2a' above. Can the firm sustain these competitive advantages
over the next five years? Why? Why not?
b. Identify the specific capabilities and core competencies of the firm (and associated underlying
resources) that enable the firm to deliver the competitive advantages identified by you in item '3.a'
c. Identify the firm's business model and describe its value chain.
d. Where and how are the firm's capabilities and core competencies (identified in '3.b' above)
embedded in its value chain to deliver the competitive advantages identified in '3.a' above?
e. Explain why the firm's competitive advantage (derived from its capabilities and core competencies)
delivers the firm performance evidenced in section '2.a' above.
Based on the internal analysis, the performance analysis, and your assessment of the firm's competitive
advantage in the context of its competitors, what are the most prominent strengths it can potentially
capitalize on and the most prominent weaknesses it needs to mitigate?
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TEAM SUBMISSION SECTION 3: Propose a Feasible Strategic Solution
As you work on this section, be sure to draw on materials from Section 1 and Section 2. This part of the analysis
focuses on implementing the 'F' component of the 'A-F-I' analysis process taught in the course.
Making the diagnosis
a. Diagnosing current internal consistency
i. Are the firm's value chain activities (primary and support) mutually reinforcing? Identify
potential gaps in internal consistency across components of the value chain that need to be
addressed in the future.
ii. Does the firm have adequate resources and capabilities embedded in its value chain
activities to deliver the desired competitive advantage? Identify potential gaps in
resources/capabilities embedded in each component of the firm's current value chain that
need to be addressed.
b. Diagnosing future external fit
i. Does the firm have an adequate strategy to sustain its competitive advantage?
ii. Is the firm making good use of its strengths to take full advantage of opportunities offered
by its environment?
iii. What is the firm doing to mitigate its weaknesses and combat potential threats in its
Proposing a feasible strategic solution (5-year scenario)
a. Evaluating the firm's mission & vision
i. Does the current mission and vision of the firm need to be altered? Why?
ii. If yes, what changes would you suggest to the firm's mission and vision?
b. Evaluating the firm's goals
i. What are the firm's current goals? Ensure that each goal is stated in terms of its magnitude
and its time frame.
ii. Based on what you learned from the firm's 10Ks, published statements by the firm's top
executives, and the external and internal analysis that you conducted on the firm, should
the firm goals for the next five years be altered? If yes, clearly state the proposed revisions
to the current goals of the firm.
c. Analyze the firm's current strategies
i. Identify the firm's current corporate-level strategy (diversification)
ii. Identify the firm's current business-level strategy (product/market positioning)
iii. Evidence of how these strategies were implemented.
d. Propose new/altered strategies that (1) close internal consistency gaps, (2) maximize external fit,
and (3) can achieve the new goals of the firm.
i. What changes to the firm's strategies do you propose at the corporate and business levels?
ii. Provide adequate support to convince the reader that the revised strategies will address
the abovementioned issues.
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TEAM SUBMISSION SECTION 4: Implement Proposed Strategic Changes
As you work on this section, be sure to draw on materials from Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3. This section of
the analysis focuses on implementing the 'I' component of the 'A-F-I’ analysis process taught in the course.
What activities must be performed, altered, or reformed to successfully implement the new/altered strategy
proposed in Section 3 of your report?
Review the firm’s current value chain to identify groups of value-generating activities (primary and
secondary) that need to be altered to support the changes to the corporate and business strategies you
proposed in Section 3 of the report. Be sure to identify specific change issues in the following categories
for each of the identified groups of value-generating activities.
a. Organizational design
b. Organizational structure
c. Organizational culture
d. Organizational control systems (within and across value-generating activities)
Identify the activities that must be successfully implemented for the proposed plan to succeed based on
item ‘1’ above.
Identify the timeline for implementing each change noted in item ‘2’ above. That is,
a. Which activities can be processed simultaneously, and which activities are sequential?
b. What changes must be implemented in year-1, year-2, . . . year-5?
c. Estimate task times for each change activity
d. Based on the above, what are the start and stop times for each value-generating activity change
you proposed?
e. Prepare an activity chart (bar chart) that depicts all the proposed change activities during the 5year plan period.
Cost of implementing the change
a. Estimate costs of implementing the proposed changes to the value-generating activities of the
Do this independently for each value-generating activity, and then aggregate the costs by
year for the five years.
Use actual cost when available. Use estimates when actuals are not available.
How should the firm finance the proposed changes?
a. Prepare 5-year proforma income statements and balance sheets that adequately depict the gains
from implementing the strategic changes and the costs needed to implement the strategic
changes. Be as realistic as possible in your projections by ensuring that the top-line and bottomline of the annual income statements reflect the enhanced competitive advantage delivered by
the strategic changes you have proposed.
b. Based on your analysis in ‘5.a’ above, does the firm have adequate cash on hand? For example,
are there adequate funds in its short-term (revolving) line of credit and adequate untapped longterm funding options?
c. Does the firm need to consider additional debt or equity financing to address the need for
additional short-term and long-term financial burdens that your proposed plan imposes on the
BUSI 5190 Spring 2024 | 24
Peer Evaluation Form1
Semester: 8W1 Spring 2024
Course #:
_BUSI 5190_
Team #: ____________________
Your name: _________________________________
With the Team Charter as your frame of reference, evaluate the overall performance of each team member using
the following criteria.
1. Did the individual foster team spirit and display initiative while working on the project?
2. Did the individual attend and actively participate in scheduled meetings (face-to-face or virtual)?
3. Did the individual adequately contribute to the development of the team report?
4. Did the individual participate in group discussions, complete assigned work, and contribute to timely
project completion?
Specific comments MUST be included on the next page indicating why each team member received their
score. The absence of detailed justification may result in your evaluations being adjusted at the discretion
of the instructor.
Return the completed form to the instructor at the appointed time.
Involvement and Interaction in Team Activity
A(good), B(adequate), C(needs improvement),
D(inadequate), F(candidate for removal)
Fosters team
spirit and
participated in
to the
of the report
Value added
through group
assigned work,
and timely
During every scheduled team Zoom meeting, the information collected on this sheet will be shared with the team
(in aggregate form only, to maintain individual confidentiality) to decide on each student’s tenure and good standing
in the team. All team members are subject to decisions taken at the Zoom meeting.
BUSI 5190 Spring 2024 | 25
Peer Evaluation Form (Continued)
You MUST provide comments on ALL other team members. These include comments in two areas: a) instances of good
contributions by the team member (e.g., identifying specific work contributed by the member, examples of good team behavior,
etc.), and b) instances of sub-par, poor, or disruptive contributions by the team member (e.g., unacceptable behaviors, not
meeting deadlines, poor communication, etc.). Please be as detailed as possible to justify the assigned alphabetic grades.
Absence of detailed justification may result in your evaluations being adjusted at the discretion of the instructor.
Name of
Team Member
Identify Instances of Good Contributions
by the Team Member
Identify Instances of Negligible, Sub-Par, Poor, or
Disruptive Contributions by the Team Member
BUSI 5190 Spring 2024 | 26