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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Explained

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming-NLP?
NLP is a developed model and methodology related to the functioning of the mind as a result of the
researches made in our lives on making conscious and developing the processes of perception,
thinking, and behavior that we have realized automatically without thinking about it. Wouldn’t you
want to make your thoughts conscious and live a better quality, more original, happier, and free life
with different methods and techniques?
What would have been possible if your thoughts were consciously in your hands?
Every person’s map of the world is as unique as their thumbprint.There are no two people alike. No
two people who understand the same sentence the same way… So in dealing with people, you try
not to fit them to your concept of what they should be.
Milton H. Erickson
Is a method of influencing brain behaviour (the “neuro” part of the phrase) through the use of
language (the“linguistic” part) and other types of communication to enable a person to “recode” the
way the brain responds to stimuli (that’s the “programming”) and manifest new and better
behaviours. Neuro-Linguistic Programming often incorporates hypnosis and self-hypnosis to help
achieve the change (or “programming”) that is wanted.
Neuro; we perceive and filter the information coming from our five senses. Our behavior is
controlled through our nervous system.
Linguistics; we encode our experiences through language. We reflect on our experience using verbal
or non-verbal communication.
Programming; we can rearrange our thought and behavior patterns in a way that will support us in
the direction of our desired goals.
How Do Neuro-linguistic Programming Techniques Work?
NLP can help you overcome many of the challenges and dangers you are experiencing, learn, and
change behavior in a much more accessible, more productive, and more exciting way. We are on the
verge of a quantum leap in the use of human experience and capacity. If we can use it in a beautiful,
proper, and conscious way, we can change many things in our lives and direct them the way we
An old story is told about again that is called to run a giant steam boiler system that does not work
well. After listening to the problems the engineer has described and asking a few questions, the gain
goes to the room where the boiler is located.
It checks the connections of the pipes, listens to the noise of the boiler and the sound of the leaked
steam for a few minutes, and then checks some lines with its hands. Then he makes a slight murmur,
reaches for the tool shelf, grabs a small hammer, and hits the bright red cap once. As soon as he
makes this move, the whole system tickles, and his earnings then go home.
When the owner encounters a bill of $ 1,000 the next day, he complains that his earnings remain in
the boiler room for only 15 minutes, whereas he sends an outrageous bill. The invoice sent to him by
his earnings is:
• Hitting with hammer = 50
• Knowing where to hit = 999.50
• Total = 1,000.00
Mastering language:
· Improve the quality of information exchange,
· Get along better in your communications,
· Affect the consequences of events,
· It can be strengthened by masterfully overcoming the obstacles reflected in the language,
· It can destroy conscious resistance by awakening subconscious processes,
· can almost captivate the other person with communications,
· You can enrich your language and so your life.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How Do We Use Meta-Models In NLP?
We create our world model, which is transmitted from our experiences, from our mental filters –
how it works, what motivates behaviors, what is really important, and so on.
When it comes to perception, there are three main filters:
The deletion occurs when we ignore, listen, or omit. Simple deletions are where parts of the meaning
are left out or lost. You automatically use the process of deletion to provide selective attention. You
may delete something consciously or unconsciously.
Distortion is a personal prejudice that distorts our perceptions. NLP Distortion occurs when
something is wrongly included in our internal representations and mixed with something that is not.
On the other hand, distortion helps us in the process of motivating ourselves.
Generalization occurs when we reach a general conclusion based on one or two experiences when
we treat them as representative of a whole situation, and when we don’t pay attention to
When we walk down the street, we get thousands of data from the outside world. But we only see
the ones who attract us, and we erase the others. So the brain doesn’t have to deal with every data.
He only concentrates on those who are interested. I mean, he’s going to do some elimination. Those
who pass through this qualifier are larger than usual, different from color or sound, or things we are
interested in.
Likewise, when I tell you that you’re starting to feel your left ear right now, you can feel it. But you
were deleting the data from him until I told him. When the body wants to get your attention, i.e., it
creates pain when there’s a problem. So you know things aren’t working out there.
The subconscious also does this deletion for our memory. But here, it is also selective. It doesn’t
erase bad memories, but it erases good memories—only some of the very good remain. The first task
of the subconscious is to protect us.
Two things drive the subconscious: Pain and Pleasure. Pain is more dominant. Therefore, the
subconscious does not erase the pain in order not to relive the pain. The pleasures are secondary.
They subconsciously have lower levels of meaning for your biological continuity.
So when a person faces up a problem, they turn inside themselves and look at their past references.
People look at what they’re done in the past to solve the problem. Looking back, they don’t have
much success because of the deletions. But all the failures stand there. This reduces self-esteem and
the belief in solving the problem.
The deletion is understandable from the language we speak. To do this, you first need to find verbs in
a sentence.
For example, when you say ‘I’m bored,’ it’s unclear what bothers you. So how can that be a problem?
Think of a husband and wife. Let’s just say the guy’s just saying, “I’m bored.” Her wife’s brain tries to
fill that void. Because the brain doesn’t accept any emptiness. If he doesn’t ask his wife, she’ll reason,
and her mind will fill that void. For example, it can be taken by the thought that her behavior annoys
her husband.
There are three examples of deletion, except verbs:
a) The first is comparisons.
– ‘Mercedes is the best.’ According to whom is Mercedes best, by what criteria?
b) The second special example of deletion is some adjectives.’ Of course, surely… these are
– ‘People can’t be trusted.’
– ‘Of course, your mother-in-law doesn’t like the bride.’
– ‘Of course, you have to come home on time.’
– ‘It’s obvious you’re not going to make it.’
In all these statements, it is unclear what is clear to whom? Are these judgments that specific?
c) The third is the requirement modes. They include rules and generalizations. “It’s necessary, and it
has to do it, it has to be done.”
-“The woman has to keep the house in order.” (Is the woman the only one responsible for the layout
of the house? How much of the order does it have to maintain? What happens if it doesn’t?)
– “We all have to know our responsibility.” (Under what circumstances do we all have to know our
responsibility? What happens if we don’t know under certain circumstances? )
With such questions, it is possible to reach a deeper structure from the origin of these deletions. So
begins the change. Deep structure is the closest to the experience. Once there is, there will be no
deletion. Thus, one can reach successful and happy moments again, and change begins.
Let’s think someone says, “I’m scared.” When you open this surface structure, you find out what he’s
afraid of. Let’s say it’s most profound, and the person emerged as a child. The experience beneath
this will probably turn into ‘I’m afraid of being alone’ as the child’s deep structure enters during the
parents’ quarrels.
When you ask why he’s afraid of being alone, he’s the fear he feels, ‘I’m afraid my parents will leave.‘
Scenarios written with child mind, yelling, etc. However, as one achieves that experience, one has
grown up and begins to understand that separating one’s parents is not something to fear for an
adult. So he realizes that being alone is nothing to be afraid of. And then change begins.
We learn by generalizing. That’s why generalizations are so important. For example, once you know
how to ride a bike, you don’t learn to ride every bike individually. Or when a kid learns to open the
door, he doesn’t learn to open them all separately. The way he opens one, he opens them all.
Generalization is therefore helpful because it makes it easier for us to learn.
The detriment of generalization is when generalizations are made from concrete to abstract.
6. So people don’t like me.
5. So women don’t like me.
4. So Aisha doesn’t love me.
3. So Ayse doesn’t find me attractive.
2. So Aisha isn’t interested in me.
1. Aisha didn’t listen to me. (Experience)
The subconscious doesn’t go high in typical situations. It stays on one or two upper digits. But if this
is repeated several times, these negative references are not deleted; they may eventually go higher.
And once women come to the stage where they don’t love me or people don’t love me, it will make
them limit their options very seriously because that belief becomes the truth of that person and
becomes part of the map of the world in his mind. Now he starts to stay away from women or
Generalization is intertwined with deletion and distortion. If there are any cause-and-effect
relationships, it is a generalization. There are several subformats:
a) Similarly, in generalization, the frames of reference are often deleted.
– ‘People are tiring me.’ (who?)
– ‘Life is cruel.’ (when?)
People who make such generalizations are usually passive, non-responsible. Generalizations are very
common, especially in auditors.
b) Complex Generalization:
– ‘My mother doesn’t love me… When I was a kid, he never held me.
– ‘My boss doesn’t like me… He doesn’t say good morning in the morning.’
Usually, there is also mind reading (distortion) here. There may be other messages besides the boss
not saying good morning instead of not liking me.
c) It is the loss that makes the action:
The person can unwittingly generalize according to their model. It is more commonly included in the
phrases ‘good, bad, wrong, right, wise, stupid, honest, etc.’. There’s a disruption here, too…
-‘ Behaving in this way is wrong.’ (I don’t behave like this.)
d) Ambiguous Verb: The verb does not understand what happened.
– ‘My husband doesn’t love me.’ (What is he doing?)
– ‘My girlfriend scared me.’ (What did she do?)
e) Continuity And Inclusive Words: ‘All, none, always, never’ are words such as.
– ‘You’re not doing anything right.’ (Aren’t there anything I do well?)
– ‘You are shouting to me every time?’ (All the time?)
f) Impossibility Indicating words: ‘Can’t be, it’s not possible, it’s not alive..’
– ‘That’s not how you do it.’
– ‘He can’t possibly think so.’
When you understand generalizations in this way, you begin to understand the model of one’s world.
You can oppose him if you like, or you can communicate with him in his model. But it’s hard to
communicate with that person without understanding their generalizations. It’s hard to increase your
options without understanding the limiting generalizations of yourself.
The most commonly used in NLPis the proposition ‘There is no failure, only a result (feedback).’
According to this proposition, every time we act, we get feedback from our environment. If we can’t
get the feedback we want, we need to change our behavior until we get it.
Distortion means distortion of perceptions. Did you notice a girl playing house? There’s a mother, a
baby, a neighbor. These are rehearsals for future marriage and adulthood. But in fact, there are no
mothers or babies. Yet, in his mind, that dream world is real. The boy is a cowboy, an astronaut,
Superman… We learn to distort the truth in this fantasy world.
Distortions can also be understood from the language:
a) The first example is nominalization. The event or action in the deep structure becomes a name
when the surface is released. For example, divorce, fear, recognition, decision, anger, laughter,
rejection, separation, perception, foresight, confusion, tendency, intuition, etc.
– ‘I have informed you of my decision to leave.’ Both ‘separation‘ and ‘decision‘ are nominalization.
The separation here is a process. To leave, one has to go through some unpleasant things, question
them, weigh them. When this process is over, the ‘decision’ phase is reached.
The goal here is to create new options by linking ongoing experience to an event that has been stuck
in the past.
-‘Isn’t there a new way to change your mind?’
-‘What’s keeping you from changing your mind?’
-‘What if you rethink this?’
Thus, it is aimed to return to the process in mind and create new options. If the process is over, so is
the opportunity.
b) Another form of distortion is assumptions. A person can make assumptions that weaken their
resources. It is used with verbs such as ‘Presume, ignore, understand.’
– ‘You’ll know what I’m saying years from now.’ (I don’t think I’ve been able to explain it or that
you’ve understood.)
c) Another deletion is semantically mis-established sentences. It is divided into three parts:
I- Cause and effect: One thinks that one’s action creates a feeling in another.
– ‘My husband tires me out.’
– ‘My daughter’s behavior is killing me.’ (Being ‘damned’ is something I do here. The way I perceive
what my daughter is doing kills me. The person has lost alternative behaviors other than being
damned here.)
II- But,
– ‘I don’t want any trouble, but the two brothers aren’t in the same place.’
III- Mind Reading
Claiming to know the intentions, feelings, meanings, thoughts, motivations, or other internal
processes of another person – Without reasonable, logical justifications for interpretation or direct,
sensory observation.
– ‘If he really loved me, he wouldn’t have done this…’
– ‘He doesn’t understand me at all. He wouldn’t ask that question if he did.’
Here, the person acts reasoning with feed-forward loops. However, the reason for mind-reading is
often wrong.
Change the way you see things, and the things you see will change. –Wayne Dyer
He looked to the right up before answering. And the woman added. -When accessing memory,
people look to the left. Memory is in the left hemisphere. The right side is imagination and lies.
Can your eye movements find out whether you are telling the truth or not? It is generally accepted
that the left side of our brain is associated with logic and our right side with creativity.
Therefore anyone who looks left is using their logical side, and those who look right are accessing a
creative side. This premise has translated into logic = truth, whereas creativity = lying. This
association between eye movements when lying first came about with the emergence of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) in 1972. These eye movements work with an average right-handed
person. When you try to read one person’s mind, you just need to control their non-verbal eyeaction responses.
For example, you asked your partner if he was alone at the office the previous night. If he answered
“Yes, sure, I was” and looked up, and to the left, you would know he was telling the truth.
Furthermore, there’s a difference between illusion, imagination, and lies. The memory may
remember and perceive reality differently in some cases. This is called illusion. So when you ask a
question to someone, if he’s looking to the left and the top, he’s checking his memory, and if they
don’t have illusions.
However, If he’s looking up to the top right and answering, he’s probably drawing a picture in his
mind and either picking out a statement from the fantasy world and answering it. In general, there’s
no truth to that.
Memory is often an illusion if it remembers and perceives the truth differently, as it reflects reality.
NLP Representational Systems are divided into five large parts:
Visual – Seeing, creating pictures, remembering shapes
Auditory – hearing, sound creation, remembering a song
Kinesthetics – Touching, Feeling
Fragrance – Smelling
Gustatory – Tasting
Most people look up and left for images they remember visually, and they look to their right for the
visual images they create. This is the case for right-handed users in the regular order. However, in
some exceptional cases, right-handed users can be seen looking to the right instead of looking up and
left while answering questions about their visual memory. There can be two reasons for these
exceptions. The first is that the person’s brain regulation is reversed, and the second is that the
person can make images of the person’s past. These situations can be analyzed well, and a
conclusion can be reached.
Visual access tips for a person who uses the right hand in a standard layout are as follows:
Visually established images look at the upper right side; to the upper left for images remembered by
visual means.
The right middle part for sounds or words established by auditory means; for sounds or words
remembered by auditory means, the middle left.
Right down for images established by tactile, emotional means; for images remembered in tactile,
emotional ways, one looks down to the left.
How do we ask questions to access these representational systems?
We can ask visual recall questions. For example: -What color are your mother’s eyes? -Were you
wearing a coat yesterday? Can we ask questions with the auditory axis? -What’s your favorite kind of
music? -Can you listen to yourself sing? In this way, you find a way to achieve your auditory
experience. The latest tactile-axis questions can be asked. -How do you feel when you wake up in
the morning? What emotions does touching someone’s hair give you?
However, I would like to point out that you might think that the word “thinking” is a representation
system. But it’s not like that. Thinking, understanding, being aware, uploading meaning, knowing,
believing are words without symptoms. Because they have abstract meaning, your reactions will
reflect unanticipated situations. For example, -Do you remember your last vacation when you felt
the feeling of your first breakup with your relationship? You’ve asked people here for two different
things: to remember and feel.
Identify the relationship between the type of information you want to know and the non-verbal eyeaction responses you receive from your partner. Visual access tips, eye scan models will show you
the exact order of this access, and this process is called STRATEGY. ACCESS SYSTEM is the name of
the system you are applying for when pursuing information. THE SYSTEM OF REPRESENTATION is
what the expressions show, what has achieved an awareness. On the other hand, the REFERENCE
SYSTEM indicates how you will decide whether what you have just learned is true or not.
For example, when I called one of my clients Leo, I asked him in what ways did he bring to
consciousness that it was his name? –Leo, when I called your name how do you give a reaction, how
do you know what to say to me? He turned his eyes down and went to his left, and then he came
back. He heard his name. Leo knows his name is true because he feels that way. In this case, Leo’s
access system is auditory: That’s how he’s looking for information, even if he doesn’t know it. He
brings his name to his consciousness in an auditory way; In this case, his representation system is the
same as the access system. The reference system is tactile: Leo feels it when he hears his name. So
1. Access system: auditory –looking up to the top left when searching for information in this way.
2. Representation system: auditory –looking at the left-center while bringing its name to
consciousness in an auditory way.
3. Reference system: Tactile –he looks down left because he feels it when his name is said.
This sampling varies with each person’s perception of different visual access tips.
The problems experienced usually have nothing to do with the content; People’s issues are more
about organizing their experiences. So as long as the content stays the same, their solutions are
reasonable, but when the content changes, you get a lot of problems again. There is no error in
communication, only the consequences. If you’re looking for an answer to a question, you’ll need to
determine which results you want to reach. It is a more beneficial and effective way to act with a
proper representation system to achieve harmony.
You are trying to keep up with your work appointment in heavy traffic. On the one hand, you are
stressed about how this meeting will go because you’re unprepared. On the other hand, you’re
worried you’re going to be late. That’s when it starts playing a song on the radio called “Our Song.”
You suddenly feel like you are relaxing. The person you love comes alive right in front of you. A smile
covers your face. Here, the song is an anchor that you evoke with pleasant emotions. This anchoring
can be adjusted by you as well as spontaneously.
Anchoring is an NLP technique that allows you to change your mental states just when you want
them. As you wish, you switch your momentary conditions.
First, move to a quiet place. You can even light candles, incense, etc… If you like, turn on a piece of
soothing music. Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep, deep breaths through your nose.
Try to clear your mind and relax your body.
When you catch a certain calm, try to remember a moment that makes you very happy and boosts
your energy. This can be a success, a birthday or a moment of love, and it could be a cheerful dinner
with friends. Take a good look at this moment you’ve imagined in your deep mind. What do you see?
Remember all the sounds. Were you able to detect a smell?
When you begin to experience this moment in your mind that gives you joy and happiness, for
example, you can squeeze the little finger of your left hand with your right hand as long as this action
is unique. Now try to spoil this moment by thinking of something else. Take care of your phone,
change the music, and go on, squeeze the little finger of your left hand with your right hand again.
You’ll feel that mood that you’re happy with, what mood you’re excited about. If it didn’t happen, try
it again.
Now your medicine is ready. When you feel very bad, squeezing the little finger, etc., will bring you
back into a mood where you feel excellent.
When you do this often (every time you are depressed), your subconscious will accept this anchoring.
And now, just follow the anchors that make you happy and unhappy during the day. Does the phone
ringing in the middle of the night disturb your peace? Do you feel lousy eating chocolate? Could it be
something you have linked to the chocolate before? Why don’t you like the sound of a barking dog?
Did you fight with your husband years ago when your dog was barking? It is possible to change these
and similar situations with the anchoring method.
Here, I put a video by John Grinder which explains how is anchoring technique is.
John Grinder Anchoring Demonstration –VİDEO KOY
What does the map is not the territory mean in NLP?
People can only perceive a fraction of the reality of the world they live in.
“The map is not the territory” is the idea that at no time can we fully detect the data outside. The
map and territory are a metaphor used to illustrate the difference between the actual world and our
understanding of the world as we perceive it to be. We perceive it differently. The man knows that
electromagnetic waves exist, but he can not detect them. For example, people can perceive the
outside world through their senses, i.e., seeing, hearing, feeling/touching, taste, and smell. Some of
the data from outside come to the brain, isolate from real-world data in electrical parts or waves. A
person sees different processes until he reaches consciousness, through filters such as people’s
metastases, values, beliefs, and vocabulary. Thus, he creates a unique design of the outside world in
his brain.
Thanks to our perceptions, we create our REALITY by adding new data to data coming from outside
and passing through our filter.
So in the hypothesis that “THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY,” the interface is the real outside world
with all the data; The map is our newly created PERSONAL REALITY from the data our brain scans
from the outside world.
NLP’s approach is to study subjective maps of people or models of the world. NLP doesn’t approach
the models of the world that people create in their brains with judgment.
According to him, no world model is better or worse than the other in value judgments. There are
just… That’s the end of it! Everyone is different and unique, a unique and unique design. It doesn’t
judge different values or beliefs.
But in this context, NLP looks at how much a person’s world model benefits him and what
opportunities he offers! NLP examines the models of the world that people create.
Someone interested in Nlp looks at their brain-like thinking systems like a model and looks at the
systems of the people around them the same way. When someone clings tightly to the model of the
world they perceive and bets on the very ambitious “truths” or “objective,” “the only right him,” we
look at him with a bit of doubt.
To whom, by what is the truth? Everything depends on context… And nothing is what it seems.
What would it take to change your subconscious thoughts without any negative anchors in your
mind? What does this create?
Anchoring is an internal state triggered by an external stimulus. Whenever a person is in a related,
intense state, the two will be neurologically linked if a particular stimulus is applied at the peak of
that experience.
Anchoring can help you access past situations and connect the past situation to the present and
future. It is used to change some unwanted behavior or emotion that repeatedly occurs (not very
Identify the negative situation and relive it by entering. Then pay attention to physiology. Relax and
get back to normal.
Start experiencing the negative situation again, stay there a few times, and choose an anchor device
that involves touch, such as putting your thumb and forefinger together, making a fist, or creating
something yourself. Test the anchor (When you relax and just hold the anchor, do the negative
emotions come back?)
Use the anchor as a guide to identifying some of the experiences where you have experienced the
same negative emotions as you return to the past by constantly anchoring and holding on.
Continue until you transfer these negative emotions into your earliest experience. Relax and get
back to normal.
Define the favorable situation you want—confidence, love, comfort, comfort, joy, splendor ..etc. Go
back and relive any moment you have experienced this emotion before. Pay attention to changes in
physiology when experiencing a positive state. Relax and get back to normal.
Re-experience the favorable situation and anchor it. Return to normal and then test the anchor.
Now, keep the positive anchor and go to your earliest experience in a negative situation. Keep
holding the positive anchor and also operate the negative anchor for a short time. Make sure to be in
a positive position during all this.
Anchoring technic is used to change unwanted behavior or emotion that repeatedly occurs (not very
traumatic). If more positive resources are needed, you can repeat steps 5 and 6. Try it. If you
encounter negative physiology since testing, go back to step 5 and add extra resources to the
positive anchor to strengthen the positive situation. Then repeat steps 5 and 7. Recall the original
experience that was meant to be changed, this time without using the anchor. (You can use the
negative anchor for a short time.) Pay attention to physiology. Take the situation into the future.
How does it get any better than this?
NLP Çapa nasıl kullanılır? VİDEO KOY
How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind?
Parents, friends, and other influences have shaped our lives, habits, and mindset. In the first 10-12
years of life, we learned about 80% of our current behavior patterns. But, there are ways to interfere
with the subconscious mind. It is possible to reprogram negative behaviors and eliminate negative
patterns. If change can occur and you adhere to the cycle, changing a negative belief or habit is not
Seven steps you can take according to your problem and five questions you can ask yourself to
manage the change in your life effectively:
1. What is your problem?
Take the time to identify the problem you’re experiencing. You don’t have to dwell on it for more
than 2 or 3 minutes. Change happens spontaneously when you begin to transform your thoughts.
2. What do you want?
Most people know exactly what they don’t want and have difficulty focusing on what they want.
They don’t want to smoke, feel pain in their backs, or be poor. But all these expressions focus on the
words “smoking,” “pain,” and “poor.” Get rid of these promises and take the time to define what
you want. But that’s a question that most people can barely answer. Start answering by saying, “I will
do it.” Define what you want, define your approvals.
3. What does this mean for you?
Bring to mind what it means to you to get what you want. Feel it in your heart and soul. Create a
meaning that will make your life stronger.
4. What is the purpose of achieving this goal?
Who’s important to you? Why do you want this target? Is he using something?
5. How does it feel to achieve this goal?
Think about how you feel when you get what you want: freedom, peace, satisfaction, or gratitude.
6. When you answer these questions and feel your answer in your heart and soul, you are ready for
7. Visualize what you see, hear and feel. Visualize your vision of your goal. Feel what you want to feel
when you get there.
The NLP assumptions are not indisputable universal realities. The aim is to ensure the development
of our perception, interpretation, and behavioral choices in the world, based on the correctness of
this presupposition that provides a suitable ground for effective communication, development, and
change processes.
1. “The map is not the territory.”
In every human mind, there is a representation of what the world is like. None of these
representations in our minds reflect the world as it really is or as complete. People react to this map
in their minds, the representation, not the reality itself.
2. “The meaning of communication is the result of the responses you get.”
We are not getting the response we expect from the other shows that the information we have
transmitted does not reach the other person in the desired manner. In this case, instead of showing
adverse reactions or insisting, changing our behavior will lead us to the desired result more quickly.
3. “People have all the resources in their side which they need.”
Everyone is equipped with resources that can change and develop in line with their goals. NLP aims
to reach the required resources at the desired place at the expected time and make the best use of
4. “The person or element who has the most flexibility in a system will have the most influence.”
Any response (including unwanted results) we receive as a result of our impacts is feedback, which is
helpful information. In this assumption, we need to be flexible in our behavior until we get the result
we want and propose to try new things.
5. “The person chooses the most suitable one for himself from the available options.”
The choices we have made are among the best available, in our opinion. This does not mean that
there are no better options.
6. “There is no such thing as failure in communications, only feedback.”
The feedback informs us whether the method we have applied to interact brings us closer to our
target and invites us to implement new strategies if necessary.
7. “As possible, as more choices we have, it is the better.”
People choose the most appropriate of their behavioral choices for that moment. The most
comprehensive behavior selection, the preference repertoire, can better control the situation thanks
to its flexibility within complex system dynamics.
8. “The resistance of the client is a sign of the non-flexibility of the consultant.”
For successful communicators, any behavior offered to them from the opposite side is a valuable
resource that can be used to reinforce the communication process.
9. “Every behavior has a positive intent in some context.”
Even if, at first glance, the possible negative effects are visible, each behavior has a positive function
for the person who applies it and should be understood in this context.