Uploaded by Chen Arbiv

OnlyFans Chatting Course: Building Rapport & Sales

Okay, so I've decided that I want to do a chatting course. It's going to be all about chatting.
It's going to have multiple modules. The modules in front of that are Introduction number
one: Belgian report with a new building trust, having an affinity with the fan, making you
unique Tyrone. Number two is understanding the chat and what your goals are. Obviously,
chat with the person as much as you possibly can, but don't get used to your time. Avoid
wasting your time on the types of people who use the service. So, understanding the different
types of customers is crucial because you need to approach certain people in different ways.
If you have any experience with WebCam, you're going to understand this attempt for sale
and outcome. Ways that you need to attempt for a sale, if they reject your for sale, what are
you gonna do? How do you want to approach things? You're gonna change scripts to work
through. So, what scripts are you gonna need to use and how to make the script match and
copyright with mass messages. There are lots of people who discuss this topic—some focus
on topic messages and copyright decorating. Step-by-step representing the client and public
image, separate yourself from the rest, pricing, when is enough enough, dealing with time
wasters. So, this is going to be an OnlyFans course. I don't know how long it's going to be
like the previous course. I'm gonna do individual modules, and then I'm gonna put one full
module at the end.
Yeah, so cheers. This section is going to be a report with the new sub. Now, there are two
things I want us to use in this part of the video, and number one is going to be the welcome
message. The welcome message is essentially the first contact after they've gone through the
main feed and had a look about. Had a look at who you were. So, with the welcome message,
you are going to do a video. You're going to do a short message in any way you want. I'm not
gonna give you any advice on that. That's up to you. With the video, you are going to do a
simple video. Have the creator introduce yourself, say thank you for subscribing. I'd love to
hear what your favorite things are about me, get them talking about you so that you reinforce
the reason why they subscribed in the first place. You are making them subconsciously think
about all the things they like about you by answering your question. Now, when they go to
your chat, you might be just in every way. She might have average boobs, average ass,
average face. You get information, you extract information from the fan on what he actually
likes from you, and that's gonna dictate where you take the conversation. So, if you've been
an average girl, just for example, if he describes, and he comes to you and says you have the
most amazing eyes, you need to tell a script or have whatever script that shows off your eyes
the most, and you need to push that building report.
The definition of a report is building an affinity with someone, building mutual trust, and
having that stable connection where the two of you are. It's just a friendship, and you trust
each other. That report you have in business relationships, you have in friendships, you have
it in your life. A building report is very important. The best way to build a report is by giving
things away for free and having a natural conversation. So, the worst way you can ruin it is
by trying content right away. He comes to your account, and you just shove the PPV down
the stroll or shove the skirt down the stroll, but bye-bye, blah blah. Without trust, there's no
relationship. You have no idea what he wants or likes. You need to build a report, and you
need to extract some information from him. So, you just need to have a conversation with
God; you need to ask him what he's up to, what he does for his career, is he married, is he
single, last time? What about you? What's his favorite thing to do in bed? What's the job of a
dog? How old are things that you can extract, and you need to use the push technique? So,
you need to compliment him, and you need to sign off. You need to get emotion and spite,
and then you need to get his emotions. You need to constantly go along a wave motion of the
ocean, constantly moving push-pull technique, motions peaked, spite, and back down. The
best way to do this is to have a conversation with him. Naturally, let him lead the
conversation. So, you ask questions, but he's giving you answers. Dang, all of a sudden,
you're going to do some sexual response, and then you're going to go back. An example is
that you could be talking about his job, and he might drive a lot. He might have to travel a lot
for his job, and you could be talking and having the conversation. Through that conversation,
you just insert a sentence, or, if I were in your truck, I could be a truck driver. If I were in
your truck, we could have a quickie in the back, and you would just make a quick mention.
So, how long have you been a truck driver? That's just going to get my fucking right. Does
she want to have sex? Does she want to talk to me? I'm actually enjoying having this
conversation. He's thinking about this girl, who actually has decent conversation. So it's
going to be push, pull, push, pull, and fucking pull the rug over fucking ice. No, with that,
you have power. So when you're asking questions and your emotions are stable, he could be
fucking horny as a fucking rock when your emotional chat is stable. You have the power to
guide the conversation any way you want. You have to give hints when you talk, and now
you're ready to sell. Now, you know exactly what he wants, and now you know how to
approach him. Whatever script you're going to do, you need to guide the conversation where
he is the one that makes it sexual. So let's say you're talking about the road trip he's traveling
in the truck, and you give him a few sexual innuendos, and then you go back to normal
conversation. Then he starts asking about sex, so, baby, what would we do if you were in the
back truck? If I put you in the fucking truck, what would we get up to? Then you start
naturally with the conversation about sex, but he has to be the one that initiates the actual
sexual interaction, so it has to be a natural conversation. You don't go to a fucking girl on the
street or a guy; make a guy, so if you don't say, "Here, I want to fuck your brains out," you
don't fucking say that. It doesn't make sense. You're not going to do it online. Just because
you need to make it naturally more authentic and more real, you're going to get more money,
and you're going to make them last longer as subscriber values. So you need to naturally let
them guide you through. Supposedly, let them guide us naturally towards sex. That's the best
result you're going to get to make money.
The way you do that is just to give off sexual things and continue a long conversation. Then,
when you know exactly what he wants and you know he's in the mood and he starts asking
questions sexually, you know what fuck about the technique of always playing with emotions
when he starts talking about sexual things. A really good thing to talk about in previous
videos is reciprocity. The value of rest starts with giving them freebies. Now, this doesn't
have to be your fucking pussy spread wide open. It just needs to be a video—a quick video of
you doing a selfie in the clothes of the script. The script you're about to run or you want to
run needs to be the same, so you need to make the script, and when you're making the
scripture, it needs to be a little video of you just doing a little blow fucking kiss to the
camera, wink, say hi, or just do fucking lick your lips, something like that, sexual, nothing
that you can get off to, nothing too long where he can actually enjoy it because if he really
likes it, he's going to enjoy any part of your body. So the clip is ready to go, and then you
begin the script. Let him guide the conversation to sexual things, sexually innuendos, push
technique goals, and make the customer trust you. This is very simple. You just need to ask
yourself a few questions, so this module is going to be about understanding what your goal as
a chatter is, or if you're a creator and you are fucking going to send messages, your goal is to
maximize the amount of revenue that you can get from each. You need to do this by being
polite, following a strategy, and understanding the patterns that repeat themselves. When you
see something happen time and time again, you need to nip it in the bud and have an overall
positive experience. So you don't want to get frustrated. You don't want to take anything
personal ever, especially if you're representing a client, and that is the simple goal of
relationships with people: as much money as they can understand what the customer wants
and fulfill duties. So to understand chatting with regards to identifying patterns and time
wasters, you need to develop a system. With my system that I've discussed in another module
with the time waster, selling a script, Script one; if he doesn't buy script one, that's fine.
Okay, let's pass. Send him PPV. If he doesn't buy any PPVs, it's not looking good. Then, the
next time he's online or if he replies to a message, attempt to read the script. And if he does
not buy that script, he's officially a time-waster. Don't invest any more time. Don't get
emotionally invested. Don't get fucking pissed off, like I'm going to fucking get this fucker.
I've been there. I've wasted fucking days talking to people, and then I realized he is getting
exactly what he wants. He's getting attention from the girl. He thinks he's speaking to. He's
getting attention, whether it's fucking positive or angry arguments; whatever it is, he's still
getting attention. These people usually tend to be on the feminine side. So him having an
argument with the girl is actually driving great satisfaction for him. So when you identify
time, you need to nip it in the bud. That is your goal as a chatter. That is a juicy overall
chatter to identify time and just stick it there. Leave it there. Another thing is to always be
polite. Never be rude to a customer. Never take anything personally. Always represent your
clients to the best of your ability, and do so by being as polite as possible. When it comes to
making money, don't attach your personal beliefs. This is something that happened to me
when I first started. Don't attach your core beliefs to what is possible when you're on this
platform. If you were selling a video for $100 and you personally think, "That's shit,"
especially when you don't buy this stock content because obviously there are two types of
people and then people in the middle who don't care,.
With regards to people that sell the content, they might think, "How the fuck are people
buying this shit? It doesn't make sense, and how are they buying it for such a high price?"
You have to detach yourself from your beliefs. So, when you're a chatter and you're trying to
sell content, there are people out there willing to pay $500 or $600 for a 10-minute
conversation on the phone. There are people willing to pay, so you need to get rid of your
beliefs where you think $100 is shit and push yourself. You need to constantly raise prices.
You need to be constantly pushing yourself with regards to how much you're charging for
scripts. And never be surprised. If you get comfortable selling scripts for $300 or $400, that's
the most amount of money you've ever tapped from a script, but there are people out there
who will pay upwards of $600, $700, or $800 for a script. The same script that someone else
might have bought for $60, you might only generate $60 from another guy, but one guy may
pay $800 for it. Your job as a chatter is to understand and identify that. Detach yourself from
what you think is possible and from what you think is normal. There are people out there who
spend a sh*t ton of money and don't give a fuck about it. So, detach yourself from your core
beliefs; detach yourself from the belief that you can't get over people buying this content. In
the first place, that's fucking rule number one. There are people who fucking buy, and you
need to understand that.
Yeah, just understand what your job as a chatter is: be a nice person, develop a connection,
and treat them as human beings, because that's what they are. Understand that they are
craving something, and always represent your client to the best of your ability. So that is
understanding chatting and what your goal is: make the most amount of money, detach
yourself from your beliefs, and always be pushing yourself. Always be trying new things, and
always, always be trying to maximize your revenue. Never settle. Okay, so this module is
going to focus on the types of people who use the service. So, the most recent video I did on
how to sell is going to be an elaboration of this module.
The type of people who use this content are lacking something in their lives, and it is your job
to identify what that is. Usually, it is people who are sexually subscribed, but they're not
getting it in real life and resort to purchasing content online, which is totally fine. Another
type of person is someone who might have had their wife pass away. Something tragic might
have happened. They might be an amputee; they might just not be able to date; they might
just not be able to have a connection with a real person. They might be a super busy single
dad. They might have three daughters, and they simply don't have time to go on dates, and
that's why they resort to this type. They just want company. There are people who like
variety, so they like a certain thing. They might be in a happy relationship with their wife or
their girlfriend, and they just want simple variety. They want a girl who is going to stick to
those in a vagina, an asshole, and her mouth at the same time, or over a dildo. Whatever it is,
they just want something different.
It is your job to identify what they are lacking, and you need to fulfill that. That is the way
that you're going to maximize the money that you're going to make from that person. If the
person is a single dad and he has two daughters and he just has no time to go on dates, you
need to be a shoulder that he can cry on, talk about his problems, or make you feel special
and have a genuine conversation. And he's one of the special ones that doesn't objectify you
or sexualize you, even though you're on OnlyFans. It doesn't make sense, but he can be that
knight, and that makes you feel good, and you're going to make him feel that way. So you
need to understand why the customer is on the platform, and when you understand why, like
his reason why he's purchasing this content, that is when you can home in on your specific
targeting of what you're trying to sell. So he might like a girlfriend experience more. He
might just need your attention and your time. Don't get abused. Don't get fucking used. If he
is a time waster, identify that and nip that in the bud. But if he's tipping, if he's tipping $50 for
just a regular conversation, have a chat. If he tips $200 to $300 a week, just have the chat and
invest your time because the lifetime value of that customer is going to be extremely valuable
to you. It's almost like recurring revenue. You can almost rely on that revenue because you're
building a relationship, and you're building trust between you and him. You're fulfilling his
needs, and you're obviously getting money for that. You need to, so with that, always try to
understand the customer. What is he lacking in his life, and you need to replace that? Most
girls, most creators, and most agencies don't give a fuck about that. They're just trying to
fucking contact, but the people that fucking spend big money are the people that are lacking
something, and they fall in love with the girl, and everything that they desire, they're getting
from that one girl. Otherwise, they're fucking other girls, and they're spreading the resources.
You want them to fucking give you everything they have.
This is an attempt at the sale and outcomes. So there are three scenarios. Number one is the
perfect customer. He buys everything right away. Number two, he buys the first piece of
PPV, and he vanishes. Now, there are two scenarios here. Number one is that you've sent him
something for $10 or $15 as the first piece of the script, and this is the first time he's ever
signed someone, so the prices are lower, and he believes that he has been ripped off, that the
value for money or what he's got for what he spent is not up to par. So this is situation
number one. He realizes he's been ripped off, and now he's just lost all trust. The solution to
this is the benefit of breast. So you need to send something for free, and you need to build up
again. The thing you sent for free needs to be something very safe for work. It can't be too
explicit, and when you're working along the script, it can't be the orgasm or anywhere near
the end of the script. It needs to be something that you've created at the beginning of the
script to get his trust, get his interest back, and make him feel like he's getting his money's
worth. So that is scenario number one. You need to build back his trust, then attempt to sell it
again and continue along the script.
Scenario number two of two is that he's basically got enough content to get off; he's got what
he wanted. And there's really nothing you can do in this situation. The only thing you could
do is wait 15 minutes, maybe, and see if he comes back online. He could go to the toilet,
work, whatever. You should know this before you start the script, and an emergency might
happen. Wait about 15 to 20 minutes. If he doesn't reply, if you get no response, then send the
rest of the script and create a scenario where, "Baby, I got so carried away. I don't want you
to miss this. I recorded all this content for you," and then put all the remaining script into a
PPV. And you don't charge that much because he's already got what he wanted, and there's a
very low chance he'll buy. So that is a solution for part two.
Number three is identifying a time waster right off the gate. No matter what you do or say,
some people just aren't going to spend money on the content. They just want a free ride. This
usually happens more on free pages, but sometimes it can happen on the pages where they
pay the subscription. They just want to see what's on the main wall, and no matter what you
say in the chat, they will waste your time, and they never had any fucking intention of buying
content. So you're going to attempt for sale; it's not going to work. Then you're going to give
them something for free. So let's say, working along the script, that the first sale is going to
be something that is explicit and something that you can actually get money for. Then, if he's
not fine, you can go back to the drawing board, go back to the conversation, and build up
rapport again. Send something for free, but it's not going to be expensive. It's going to be
something that's part of the script that allows you to come up with a situation like this that
you need to use for a situation like this where he's not convinced first thing or like situation
two where he feels like he's lost value. You need something like that, ready to go. You're
going to send that. You're going to see how he reacts. You're going to continue the script, and
then you're going to try the next piece of PPV. So you're going to move along with the script.
Obviously, if it's happening there, then you need to make it make sense. So it's obviously
going to be the next part of the video for the script. And if he doesn't buy that, you're going to
categorize him as a fucking time waster. Maximize the time waster. You can put them on the
time-waster list right there and then, or you can leave them for about a week and put them on
that list, and you can try to sell some PPV. Whatever PPV you send during the week, send it,
then see if he buys it, and then return on the script. But it's pretty safe to say right there and
then that he's not ready, especially if he's a subscriber, and he's not ready to buy. So that is
This module is based on scripts. If done correctly, this is where you make the most money
from your subscribers, as a script is essentially a story. You create a storyline around a certain
piece of content. This content is going to be done in advance. Obviously, if you're a manager,
you need the content in advance, and you need to make the customer feel like it is happening
there and then for them. Now, with scripts, you need to build rapport first. So when you're
attempting the first sale, you can either do a step-by-step process where you follow a script,
so let's say when a subscriber comes to the account, you do script one and then scripture,
scripture, and you work along the scripts. Or when you build rapport with a specific
customer, you can target a specific script that is going to match up with him—a particular
content that he likes that is in a certain script. You're just going to jump straight to that script,
pair it up, and try to do it there.
"That way, you can do it—either follow a step-by-step process, or you can just jump to
certain content that you like after rapport. In both cases, you report. So, with the script, you
are telling a story. It is so important to make it feel like it's being done there, because they
don't pay much. More PPV content is charged at a much lower price because it's content
that's already made and does not have personality. There is no relationship being created
when you send out a paper message. Maybe you might talk or converse back-and-forth for a
little after PPV, but there's no connection developed. So, with a script, you have the ability to
tailor it around what that specific customer likes. For example, I believe I've talked about this
in previous videos—Netflix and Chill. It's a very simple script. You can do scripts in the car,
so you can do a drive, pick up your kids from school, or drive home from McDonald's car
park. You can do a bedroom script, one in the bathroom, one on Netflix and chill, one at the
gym—there's loads of things. You pick a location, and you build a script. Now, all the scripts
have the same template. You are going to create the script based on certain templates, but the
background and theme—the script is what's going to change, but the template stays the exact
same. The template is just one of my heads. There's going to be a video at the start. The video
is going to be a short video basically introducing the customer to the team. So, create the
story, whatever is going on. And this is after you've been reported, so you know the customer
is ready to fucking jack off, and you were just creating a story. You sent something with the
benefit of reciprocity. You're giving him something for free. It's getting him more and more
connected with you. He feels like he can trust you a lot more. Business X, send the video, and
work along with the script. He's going to naturally comment on certain things, and you were
just going to go along with the conversation. Having a script is something you don't usually
need. What I find is that just writing it yourself there and then is much more effective. You
can't have a predetermined script, but you always have to tailor it in a certain way. So, you
always have to just send a message and then write another bit replying to him, or you can just
send the content as it is and then reply to his specific message. So, I would say just go to
freehand. You're not going to be able to sell as much in a quick enough timeframe, but you
still make the money. So always relate the content to what he's seen in the conversation and
work through the script. The first video is going to be free, then you might sell it. Send a
picture to those that are going to be free, and you send a picture that might be fully nude or
you're stripping out, so you're going to charge for that. You might attach that to the video,
and the video is going to be the full strip. You might be partially doing a strip, so you might
take off your top and your bra. Then the next video might be your bottoms, your shoes or
socks, and your knickers. Then you might start playing with yourself, and as you see, if you
write down a piece of paper, you are naturally progressing to an orgasm or to climax, and as
you're progressing through the videos, they are paying more and more. So as the content gets
more explicit, you start off with pictures and just general conversation. Then you start selling
the pictures and videos on your strip tease, and you might be teasing, just fucking licking or
being, but you're not actually doing it seriously. You're not actually trying to have an orgasm;
you're charging a bit for that. Then, as you move along the script, you're fucking a dildo up
your asshole, whatever. You get closer and closer to an orgasm. As you get closer to the
orgasm, as I said in my other videos, you are charging more and more. The more clips you
have and the more videos you have, the more you can usually get from that one script. If you
have three videos and a few pictures, and the pictures are all safe for work, you can only
make money on three videos, and there's only so much people are willing to pay for in
particular. Here's the revised text with corrected punctuation and grammar:
"But if you have six videos and they're all steadily progressing, and there's something unique
about them, and it's not just three videos of you playing with yourself, there's something
being changed. There's something new happening in each video. You have the ability to sell
them for less, but the average is going to be much higher. So, the first example of the three
videos might be 30, 50, or 70. That is 156. A video example might be 30, 45, 60, 75, 80, or
90. So, it's going up gradually, and you're going to make much more money. Or you can
totally lower the amount and still make 150, but they feel like they're getting more value for
money, and that is good. That means they're going to come back for more, and then you can
slowly increase prices for the next script.
Bullshit, the more you have and more content you have to sell, the more it allows you to
create a story much more easily. And usually, they're going to have specific questions. You're
going to be able to answer them with specific videos. I was talking about the messages that
you sent with the scripts, so I like to always end with a question. So, do you think this is the
prettiest pussycat you have ever seen? Do you like me in this position? And I can't believe
I'm doing this. Do you think it looks right? Always add a bit of curiosity to the message. This
allows them to answer it, but they have to watch it to be able to answer. So, don't tell them,
especially what you're doing. Don't say, 'Oh, I'm playing with my pussycat.' Don't say that.
Say, 'Do you think you could rub my pussycat like that? Do you think I'm rubbing it too
hard?' Ask a question that is very important, and that's making them feel like they're fucking
getting more out of it. Actually, I have to say what's happening. Remember, this is a real-life
situation. So, this is happening there and then. Further, and sometimes you will get people
asking, 'Is this a pre-recorded script?' It is your job to make them believe that it isn't. And
that's when you can charge more because, usually, they don't have a problem charging more
once it's actually happening. And when they believe it, they've no problem paying because
they're getting in on the whole fucking experience of it being unique for them. And for the
first person to see that, that's a big deal.
So, yeah, with the messages, make sure you're always asking questions and allowing them to
answer. Let them follow, or let them lead the conversation. And when you're selling the
script, you just ask questions and react to what they're saying. Always try to get a script for
more than $5200, and that is where the majority of the money is going to come from when
you chat. It's so very important to practice some study and make sure your copyright comes
up with good questions. I gave you are very basic. Yeah, yeah, that's it. This module is going
to be mass and copyrighted. This is a very important module, and it's not going to be
overlooked. So, with mass messages, there are a few things you can control, and you need to
control them the best you can. So, what I would suggest is that you subscribe. You go to
OnlyFans, and you subscribe to a few of the top OnlyFans creators. You will notice that their
messages are much different from the average. One thing that stands out is that all the top
creators have gifts. They have a gift where they have a short promo clip attached to the PPV.
So, when you send out PPV, if you're not aware, the client sees just a gray lock. It just looks
so dumb, and the only thing that they can see that describes that message, that piece of
content, is the message that is attached to it. The message is the written text that is attached to
the message. So, to increase conversions, what you want to do is add gifts or ask for a little
promo. This is going to increase your conversions, probably twice. If you're getting a one
percent buyback rate, you're probably going to get two. It makes a massive difference. And
when you combine that with your copyright skills that you're going to put into the written text
attached to that message, it's going to just increase your results a lot more. Now, what you
can do, and what you should do, is create as much curiosity as you possibly can with the text.
It shouldn't be long. It shouldn't be full of emojis, and it most certainly shouldn't be full of
emojis in the written text. So, like, fucking, for example, like pussy, and it's like the little
square boxes with the pee with the letters. It looks atrocious. Don't do it. Three lines max, 12
sentences. Define or describe what you're trying to sell, but do it in a way that builds
curiosity. You've got no idea what's about to happen. There's a cliffhanger. So, as the
sentence goes along, there's just a massive cliff, and the customer is left, and what the fuck,
Shabba? So, a quick example could be that if you have an 18-year-old girl, you could create a
story behind her entire account, but the story might not be. She is jacking off, and she lives
with her dad, and her dad is totally against her OnlyFans, and this is a whole story behind it.
She's against her dad being on OnlyFans, and she's only allowed to custom content when the
dad has gone, but the dad comes home magically, and she's doing a video. So, all you're
going to do is get the fuck housemate or a fucking guy to give us a friend. Whatever it is,
you're going to get him to knock on the door as she's playing with herself and, in a deep, deep
voice, say, 'Get out here, or I know what you did,' blah, blah, blah. And you're going to get
the girl to act shocked. What you're going to do is cut that tiny bit, and you're going to put it
in the promo clip. And then, when you're writing the text, you're going to do something that
adds to the whole mystery of it. Did she get caught? Is she in trouble? Like, are the OnlyFans
going to disappear? And you're just going to basically combine all these things that you have
to make a really desirable product. That has to be a story behind the product because, at the
end of the day, fucking every girl, nice tits, nice ass, fucking 10 inches, whatever it is, It's all
the same sh*t. So, the people who differentiate themselves from the others are the ones who
create a story behind what they're trying to sell. Here's the revised text with corrected
punctuation and grammar:
An example, a perfect example of this, just thought of me, Kila Khalifa, never. Anyway, she
went mainstream because of the turban. She wore a turban in one of the videos, and that
fucking sent her violet because Muslims are very devout to the religion. They take the
religion very seriously; anyone who insults the religion insults them personally, and that was
a no-go. That was a very low blow. So, her wearing a turban got shit on the public, got people
writing about her, got people talking about her on Twitter, and all that did was make her more
money. You have to remember that the people who are going to buy this type of content are
always going to buy it. It doesn't matter how bad the client looks; it doesn't matter. If it is
actually fucking skank, she's super nasty, and she's fucking shot people, it doesn't matter.
People are still going to buy the content because they're talking to her, and they're in that
position where they can't get it, so they have to resort to being fucking consumers, and that is
all about the reason why she got so famous: because there was a story behind it, and that's it.
So that's how you need to post the situation for your content. You need a unique selling point
that makes you different from every other single girl. Every girl has a nice bum; that's why
you need to assume every girl has a nice bum. Every girl has a fucking nice face, nice eyes, a
sexy voice, and a perfect look at the vagina. It's fucking no fun either. Every girl is perfect;
that's why you need to assume. So when you're standing next to another creator, what makes
you different? What is the unique selling point? Ask yourself, What makes me better than
that fucking bitch? So that is mass messaging and copywriting. Make sure you are
maximizing the amount of things you can do to convert a sale on your messages when it
comes to messages. I just want to add it one more time. It is something that you should sell,
and you shouldn't be trying to upset it; it's just one piece of content. For example, like a
blowjob or sex tape or a solo orgasm, something like that is sold, and that's it. There's no
story behind it, but you need to create a story for that specific message. Yeah, that's all.
Decorations are an excellent way to make money. There are going to be offers for
decorations. Offer number one is just going to be a simple text. In this video, I'm going to
give you some bullet points I want you to cover for decorating, and then offer number two is
going to be the price range for both. I won't be a picture for a text. Sorry, it's going to be $30–
$60, maybe $100, depending on the propensity of the customer to spend more. If he's already
bent on you and he's spending $5000 for each PPV, you can charge more. If he's a newer
customer, I would charge lower, so maybe charge 50, depending on how adamant he is about
getting dick, especially if he's only he might just pay straight away. So with the text offer, it's
going to be $30,000 with the offer. It's going to be anywhere between 100 and 300 on the
upper end. It's going to be for names, so if he wants his name mentioned, that's going to be a
one-piece. It's going to be a very rare occasion that you're going to get two people with the
same-looking dick and the same name, so he needs to charge a premium for that. Then, with
the generals, no name 102 50, depending on the bill of the customer, you're going to be able
to gauge yourself, and yeah, that's the offer. Video or text now with the things you need to
talk about is very simple. There's just a specific point, and you need to relate to his dick. You
need to describe his dick relation to the point, and there's a few points that I have written
down here that I'm going to discuss with every rating. You need to include these points. I'm
going to give you some guidelines for each point, and then at the end, I'm going to give you a
super secret sauce that's going to help you make yourself look more unique to the customer
and give him a nice surprise, so number one in particular order I just haven't written down his
shape, so is he a lefty or is he right? Is he an upper? Is your ear fucking down or whatever it
is? If he's up, you need to say something like, Oh, that's a perfect position for Cowboy. He's
going to hit the fucking G spot. If it's a fucking downer pointing down the fucking floor, you
can be like, Doggy style feels best. I know a position I'm going to write you in fucking
whatever be kinky to the left to the right fucking Beyoncé you could do like all on your belly
so easy to give you lazy blowjobs cause I could just lie on your leg and give you a fucking
cock whatever so whatever shape he is Willy is you need to relay it back to something
positive he cannot shape or he cannot change the shape of his dick, so you need to make that
a positive point because no matter what he does it's going to be like fucking bad for the rest
of his life so with things he cannot change You need to be positive, and you need to be
reaffirmed to him because he can't change things he can't change. You need to give
constructive feedback because a lot of these guys are paying for decorations. Obviously, if
they're into it, they're going to be paying for a lot of them. Given that they're so cheap from a
lot of girls, he's going to be looking for honesty, and when he hears your dick is perfect when
it's fucking 2 inches and it's covered in fucking dickies and he hears his fucking perfect 10
out of 10, it makes no sense. There is no point in giving him some constructive feedback;
only be constructive. He can actually change, so if he needs to shave it, if he needs to give it a
fucking Willy Wonka wash, don't be afraid to fucking say negative with her things can
change, so number one shape relates something positive to the shape of his dick, and that's a
good starting point. Here's the revised text with corrected punctuation and grammar:
Next is veiny. So, if it's veiny or it isn't, make it positive because, again, he can't change that.
If it's veiny, if it's like the veins are super protruding, you might say, "Oh, I could, like, those
veins are so that I could feel like going into my pussy." Like, obviously, you can get texture
dildos and texture for a reason. They feel better. I wouldn't know, but they obviously feel
better, and you can relate that back to veiny dicks. With a non-veiny dick, you might say it's
more aesthetically pleasing. I think veins are extreme for me, and a non-veiny just looks more
pretty. You need to make it positive because, again, he can't change that.
Length is an easy one again, so the usual driver's wish with charters is that if it's too long, I
would say pussy's nogo, like, fucking what size of vagina is 6 inches. So if the dickey goes in
a 12-inch, it's obviously not going to go in the hallway. So, make a positive about anal. It'll be
the perfect size because your anal cavity is fucking yummy. Then thickness reverses it, so if
his dick was too long for the pussy, that means a thick one is going to be good for the pussy
because of its construction; it's going to feel better with anal. It might be anal. Usually, taking
this versus length is going to be the upset. So, if it's good for pussycats, it's going to be bad,
and vice versa. So, length always talks about if it's skinny, it'll be good for anal, if it's good
for vagina, if for length, if it's too long, it's good for anal, and if it's too long, it's bad for
Hardness, obviously, is going to come down to the position, and it might feel better in certain
positions and just the overall experience much better, or if it's softer, it's kind of hanging
whatever it is; you might say suck dick much better because it's more flexible. So, whatever it
is, make it positive. If you cannot change it, make it positive.
Skintone: obviously, whatever skin tone is, that's your preferred color, and you love the
complexion of it. It looks so pretty; be honest with that. If he's a black eye and you're a white
girl, just say, "Oh, I've got massive racing, and that really turns me on, like I don't fucking
BBC. If you're a white girl and you're talking to a white dude, just say, "I've always liked
white guys, just like make a positive. He can't change his skin color, so make it positive.
Hygiene, This is something he can't change, so usually he is circumcised. Cocks are usually
fine once you hop in the shower; they're going to be naturally washed. If it's not circumcised
dick cheese, so if there's like a little bit of gunk around it, maybe your hygiene will be better,
but obviously you need to be very gentle with the way you say this. If you say this fucking
dick she's all over, it's going to be bad news for you. He's going to be pissed. You lost a
fucking valuable, especially a fucking premium, so you need to make positive talk about
succession in the fucking shower. Maybe you could wash it. Maybe you could wash your
mouth, obviously discussing, but make it positive and make sure he knows about it for the
future. Give him some constructive feedback because if he can change it, he's going to feel
good. Guys like to solve problems. Girls like to talk about their problems and like to solve
them, so if you come to him with a problem that's going to make him look better if he fixes it,
it's going to be a good thing even though it's bad at the time, so if he is dick cheese or if he's a
superhero and if it's super hairy, say if you shave it OK, I gave you a 7 out of 10, but if you
shave it, I'm going to give you an 8.5. 10 things he can change. I said it like 6,000 times, but
it's so important that things can change that you need to talk about and be critical about
because when he changes it and comes back to you for validation, he can give it up, and then
he's even more shaved. Talk about hygiene and being shaved or not when it comes to cause
them to separate it when it comes to changing things, and being critical and giving them
constructive feedback with those two things can be constructive because he can change it.
That's basically decoration. Oh yeah, and the secret sauce at the end is that if you're doing
video decorating, get the fan to send you a few pieces, but get the first picture to be a blank
image so it can be black or white or whatever. It's just a blank picture, and then the next few
photos or videos are going to be over. What you're going to do is, if it's a video, pretend to be
looking at that blank image, and then you're going to click through the videos. This is
something to make you look for something unique; it's It's very good. It works very well.
They're going to remember, and they're going to fucking come back for more. Trust me,
you're going to kick on the go. Wow, oh my God, this is my favorite. The fuck his dick looks
like you're going to make it a surprise, you're going to make it a whole big fiasco, and it's
going to be all special, and he's going to fuck all over himself. That's a trick that exceptional,
so do that. That is one, oh, that's all I've written down, and that's all I want to talk about.
Hopefully you enjoy the video. Go some cock, and yeah, okay, this is going to be a quick
one. This is going to represent the client and public image. If you do not have a YouTube
channel, if you're not a public figure, or if you do not put your face on the Internet, You have
no idea what it's like to trust someone else with your public image, and that's exactly what all
these girls do. They are trusting a guy to go onto their account and talk for them and represent
them as the person that they are. That is a big responsibility, and you never want to show
your client negatively. You never want to damage their reputation, and you never want to talk
on their behalf in a bad way. You never want to be rude, and you never want to be me or
nasty because it will ruin our reputation. An example of this that I found lately is that I
actually know the guy who manages this girl, and I said it, so there's a website called Hot
Stuff. IP Hotstar and I were on this website looking for contact, and it's basically all the
content of the top creators, so you can go on; it's great for research; you can go on; you can
copy up others' content; and you can get rehiring content and send it to your girl's clients and
say, Do this and copy; just send the link to the account. While I was doing that, I came across
the girl. I knew the guy who was managing that girl; I knew she was being wronged by the
agency, and it was late messages. It was a voice recording, and the voice recording was like
he was giving off about the girl, and he was doing voice recording, so he was saying, Blah.
Here's the revised text with corrected punctuation and grammar:
You're really nasty, and you're reaching out with blah blah and chat messages. So, he was
saying you're like fat and nasty and just knocked, and I don't know if it was him or a chatter
that was doing that, but imagine that cop seen by millions of people. She's a big creator, and
I've seen my sh*t on people. That's her reputation, and that's not a good thing to have. Now,
whether the fucking world is going to see or not, it doesn't matter. You should never put your
client in a position where you're talking about her image. It's her fucking reputation that
you're driving along with, not yours. No one knows; he doesn't. So, I think that was very
important and had a fucking profound impact on me, to be honest, to see how unprofessional
people can be. So that is something you need to consider every time you write a message.
You are representing nobody; nobody knows who you are. Nobody knows there's a dude
behind the keyboard. You are representing the client, and it is your job to be as polite and
considerate as possible. Never insult a customer; never talk bad about them. Never bitch
about another customer to another customer, because if you're a bitch about someone to that
guy, you're going to bitch about that guy to someone else, so it doesn't make sense. Always
be polite if the customer is being rude to you; never escalate the situation; always be polite;
kill them with kindness; it's the number one rule when it comes to this. I've said before
fucking happy girl makes money always killed by kindness always be polite, always be
respectful, never ever retaliate if a guy is saying like last day and he was like I never pay for
that you're not worth it and all this like you could easily turn around and just fucking talk shit
about the guy like he's only fans talking like fucking, who does he think he is saying oh I
never contact you you fucking waste shut the fuck up you can't say you have to and you have
to kill them very important thing that I never see anyone talking about, and I think it's
common sense, but I still see people talking about it and just being shitty customers. It makes
no fucking sense. This is the same as ever polite module is going to be suffering from the
rest, so what you can do to make yourself stand out every single fan girl has a crack and takes
very nice ass very nice face or they can stick a fucking 15-inch law. There is something that
all of these girls usually have, but what a lot of them don't focus on is actually building
relationships with their fans. Now, you only build deep, genuine connections with people
who spend the most money. Obviously, you need to invest most of your time because those
people are giving you the most time. When you invest your time with these people, they
remember and they get that some pharmacy 210, even when you start remembering when you
treat them like a person, a human being, when you give them nicknames, when you
remember what their name is if they're married, and when you remember that their wife has
yoga on Wednesdays, and they have a quick whack when you remember these details, and
you can use them to your advantage. You are going to build a much deeper relationship with
these people because you can start to start conversations around their lifestyle when they
finish work, or on a Sunday night, they might like to especially fucking dish out three 400 on
script. You need to remember these details because they'll benefit you in the long run. It's
going to allow them to fall over with you, and it's going to allow you to make a shit ton of
money, so building rapport with these people is very important. Get to know every single
detail about them and just put it in the title if you can use emojis to define specific things. A
dog emoji might be a dog or a dog person. If they have two dog emojis, whatever you can do
to remind yourself of certain details of the specific nicknames Nicknames are very important.
Obviously, extract as much information as you can and come up with them that way. They
might be beginning to get tattoos; they might be into a specific fetish. You need to remember
all these details and you need to use them to your advantage so with that you are going to
separate yourself from the rest when you start asking them about how their day is or when
does the promotion come up and work and you had a conversation of month ago and now it's
around that time and you start asking questions about that or if they've been having a
particular hard time with the wife, and you talk through them with it, all these things, it leaves
the last impression and allows them to just like you much more easily and when they like you
easily, there is no pressure when you have a conversation to bye-bye bye-bye, it is naturally
happens and they naturally buy content or recurring customer. That is when you make the
most money from these people because, naturally, it feels like a girlfriend experience.
Obviously, you can go back to being a transaction experience with the girlfriend for people,
you don't know, but I think you should just let it happen and get them to tip you for coffees,
new outfits shit like that but just take the tips and don't spend the money or just show them
shit like that you can extract much more money when you build a genuine connection from
these people because they feel like it's a lot easier for them to spend money on something like
so that is something to consider treat these people like human beings at the end of the day,
they are there slightly fucking on the lower side of the spectrum when it comes to society, but
they are human beings and they crave everything that we that we crave as human beings and
touch it so build relationship with these people when you do that, you will have much better
experience with my this module is going to be on pricing list with pricing with every
business. You need to raise them over time. Here's the revised text with corrected punctuation
and grammar:
If your business is stagnant, it is dying; unless it's growing, it is dying. If you're on a treadmill
and you're saying you're going, you always have to be moved, and you always have to
increase your prices over time. Now, being more specific, when it comes to content, it needs
to be over $300, especially if there's a name. Now, sometimes, you might get lucky, and the
guy's name might be John, Paul, or Travis, like a common American name. You might get
lucky, and you might have to sell that to multiple people, but if there's an involved name, you
need to charge. When there's no name and it's a custom, you can charge a tiny bit less
depending on the customer's desire for the custom. If he really wants it and there's a specific
theme around it, but if it's just a kind of generic custom that he knows you're going to be able
to sell to people, you might not get away with selling it for as much.
An example of this might be a squirting video. He might have a big description, and he might
ask you to squirt a certain way. You can charge a lot of money for this, but it's not something
so specific that you can't send it to everyone, like most people. So, with prices for custom
content, I would start at $300. Over time, if you get a customer buying custom content, you
need to raise the price, whether it's $10 or $20. You need to be increasing every single time,
if not every time, every, every, every time. So, start at $300, the next is only $325, and so on.
Always increase the prices.
Now, with prices, it follows that there are going to be people on the left who are time-wasters
and who have a very low propensity for spending money. So, the ranges will be $10 in the
middle with most things in life; he doesn't want to be. That's going to be anywhere in the
$30–$60 range. Then you have the ticket spenders. A good way to differentiate these people
is when they start spending money. You need to categorize them into a list. If you don't know
about the list feature on fans, it's just a great feature for sending messages. Most of the chat
software is free, so you can set a boundary. If the person breaks the $100 lifetime value, over
the course of the subscription, you can prize them into a medium-spender list or a list, or you
can just decide to do this yourself if you don't have the list feature. With this, if a person has
spent, if he's bought every single PPV and he's buying every script, you need to put him in
the category of high spender. So the next time you send out a mass message, you need to put
them on the high-spender list and charge more. So, when you send out messages to the
regular people, the peons, and the Rockies, you're going to send out the average price. You
might even separate the time-wasters into like $10, then the average people are going to be
$60, then the high spenders, the people that you know that are super fans, the people that
have bought literally everything, you've put them in. Even if they don't have a foot fetish,
they bought it. You need to charge $100 to $150 to $200 for the PPV because you know
they're going to buy, and you get a certain level of investment and emotional attachment
when you start charging more money because you get the fallacy. You know they're going to
buy, and you get a certain level of investment and emotional attachment when you start
charging more money because you get the fallacy. They feel like they've put so much time,
money, and resources into it that they're just going to stick around, and they're just going to
buy. So, keep that in mind when you were crate to send out categories of people into lists. So,
for people who are lower, medium, or average spenders, I would add less than 100. You
should be starting at 100 and slowly raising over time. Then there's going to be certain people
who like a certain fetish. So, it could be a fetish; it could be like a fucking sister fetish, like a
squirting fetish, a blowjob fetish, a fucking extreme spit fetish, or a foot fetish. When you
send out mass messages, you need to categorize these people. So, obviously, it's going to be a
very specific niche, and there's only going to be a few people, but you need to exclude those
people and send out mass messages at a higher price. Lists and charging premiums are very
important. Yeah, this is going to be about enough and dealing with time. So, this is going to
be the last module of the course. If you're still watching it, thanks very much. This is very
simple. So, you are going to try two scripts. If he does not purchase any content with two
scripts, he is officially a time-waster.
The first script is going to be carried out in the first conversation you have with him. So, if
you subscribed and got them there, then, or the next time he's online, you try to run out of
script. You build rapport, you follow the procedure, and then you start collecting information
about him. And once you know he likes you, start attacking him with scripts. You can do
scripts two ways. You can do it uniquely, so you can tailor it to what the customer wants, or
you can just run through scripts one by one and have it the same for every customer. It's up to
you. You can try different ways, but you've tried the first script. He hasn't bought. A week
later, all the PPVs you sent out last week, he hasn't bought. You can try another script when
he is online. He might message you. He might respond to a message, like a last message, to
create a conversation. Once he doesn't buy any content on the second script, I'm sorry to say,
but he's a time-waster, and he's just wasting your time. So right there and then, big fat TW,
don't talk to him; just ignore him and send out mass messages. Put them on the time-waster
list and lower prices for him. That's the only thing you can do, apart from block him. Does
not have time. So, that is how you deal with time with regards to people. Never be rude.
Never take things personally. Always be polite, and maybe just maybe you might win them
over. You never know, but don't invest any more time than him. Then two scripts and all the
PPV that you sent. That would be a mass message anyway, but never more than two scripts.