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Tanzania SMEs Policy Analysis Assignment

REG.NO: 23030613029
Read intensively and extensively the Tanzania SMEs policy (2003) and do the following
1. Write a belief but straight forward summary of key issues in the given policy (Use only
one page with only seven paragraph)
2. Explain how the given policy is related to:
A.Conceptualization of entrepreneurship (use one paragraph with only six sentence)
B. Types of entrepreneurship /Entrepreneurs (use one paragraph with only six
C. Business opportunity in Tanzania (use one paragraph with only six sentences)
D. Business Development in Tanzania (use one paragraph with only six sentences)
Access to Finance: the policy aimed to enhance access to financial service by establishing
specialized financial institution, providing credit guarantee schemes, and promoting
microfinance institutions.
Business Development service: The policy aimed to improve the availability and quality of
these services to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs.
Infrastructure Development: The policy emphasized the need to improve infrastructure to
support SME development and reduce operational costs.
Market Access and Linkages: The policy aimed to promote market access for SMEs
through various measures, such as facilitating participation in trade fairs, promoting business
linkages, and supporting export – oriented SMEs.
Regulatory Environment: The policy aimed to simplify and streamline regulations, reduce
bureaucratic procedures, and promote a conductive business environment for SMEs.
Technology and innovation: The policy aimed to promote technology diffusion,
encourage innovation, and facilitate access to information and communication technology
(ICT) for SMEs.
Capacity Building and Skills Development: The policy emphasized the need for capacity
building programs, vocational training, and entrepreneurship education to enhance the skills
of SME owners and employees.
This policy recognized their significant contribution to job creation. Poverty reduction
and overall economic development. The policy acknowledges that entrepreneurship is the
driving force behind the establishment and growth of SMEs.it recognizes that entrepreneurs
play a vital role in identifying business opportunities. Mobilizing resources, taking risks.
Therefore, the policy aims to create an enabling environment for entrepreneurship to thrive.
The SMEs policy may provide support and resources for various types of
entrepreneurship. Such as social, technology and traditional by offering assistance. Also may
create opportunities for different types of entrepreneurs. Including women, youth and
entrepreneurs from marginalized communities.by providing access to funding, training, and
market opportunities. And also the SMEs policy may also address the regulatory environment
for entrepreneurs, making it easier for individuals to start and operate business.
The SMEs policy aims to promote providing support inform of funding training and
technical assistance. Also may include initiatives to help small and medium sized enterprises
access local and international market. This can create business opportunities for SMEs to
expand their customer base and increase their revenue. The policy may emphasize innovation
and entrepreneurship. Creating opportunities for business to develop new product, service
and business models. And also can lead to job creation and economic growth.
The SMEs policy aims to support by offering funding, training, and technical assistance.
This support can help SMEs to grow, expand and contribute the overall economic development
of the country. The SMEs policy may emphasize the importance of entrepreneurship and
innovation. By promoting an entrepreneurial culture and providing incentives for business
start-up. Also the policy may include initiatives to improve access to finance for SMEs, such as
through loan programs or financial incentives. This can enable SMEs to invest in their business,
expand their operations and contribute to the development of various sectors of the economy.
United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Trade (2003) : Small and Medium Enterprise
Development Policy.