8 WAYS GLOBAL WARMING IS ALREADY CHANGING THE WORD.. O ver the last 100 years, global temperatures have warmed by about 1.33 degrees fahrenheli (0.74 degrees Celsius) on average.the change may seem minor but .but is happening very quickly more than half of it since 1979,according to intergoverment panel on climate change. Thogh it can still be defficult to tease out how much elimate change plays in any given weather event ,changes are occurring. In the sprit of earth day,heares a lokk at our marvelous blue marble and the ways people and other living things are responding to global warning. Moving the military Northword Altering Breeding Seosons High country changes Altered thoreau’s stomping ground Changed “High seosons” at national parks Genetic changes Hurtin polar bears More mobile animals To Send this document to yor friend fill the following form: Name : Address Marks Std.No Title 001 002 Name:anush@yahoo.com Column Table Email: anusha Perera 8 WAYS GLOBAL WARMING IS ALREADY CHANGING THE WORD.. O ver the last 100 years, global temperatures have warmed by about 1.33 degrees fahrenheli (0.74 degrees Celsius) on average.the change may seem minor but .but is happening very quickly more than half of it since 1979,according to intergoverment panel on climate change. Thogh it can still be defficult to tease out how much elimate change plays in any given weather event ,changes are occurring. In the sprit of earth day,heares a lokk at our marvelous blue marble and the ways people and other living things are responding to global warning. Moving the military Northword Altering Breeding Seosons High country changes Altered thoreau’s stomping ground Changed “High seosons” at national parks Genetic changes Hurtin polar bears More mobile animals To Send this document to yor friend fill the following form: Name : Addres Marks Std.No Title 001 002 Name:thari_fre@yahoo.com Column Table Email: Tharindu 8 WAYS GLOBAL WARMING IS ALREADY CHANGING THE WORD.. O ver the last 100 years, global temperatures have warmed by about 1.33 degrees fahrenheli (0.74 degrees Celsius) on average.the change may seem minor but .but is happening very quickly more than half of it since 1979,according to intergoverment panel on climate change. Thogh it can still be defficult to tease out how much elimate change plays in any given weather event ,changes are occurring. In the sprit of earth day,heares a lokk at our marvelous blue marble and the ways people and other living things are responding to global warning. Moving the military Northword Altering Breeding Seosons High country changes Altered thoreau’s stomping ground Changed “High seosons” at national parks Genetic changes Hurtin polar bears More mobile animals To Send this document to yor friend fill the following form: Name : Address Marks Std.No Title 001 002 Name:nayana@gmail.com Column Table Email: nayana 8 WAYS GLOBAL WARMING IS ALREADY CHANGING THE WORD.. O ver the last 100 years, global temperatures have warmed by about 1.33 degrees fahrenheli (0.74 degrees Celsius) on average.the change may seem minor but .but is happening very quickly more than half of it since 1979,according to intergoverment panel on climate change. Thogh it can still be defficult to tease out how much elimate change plays in any given weather event ,changes are occurring. In the sprit of earth day,heares a lokk at our marvelous blue marble and the ways people and other living things are responding to global warning. Moving the military Northword Altering Breeding Seosons High country changes Altered thoreau’s stomping ground Changed “High seosons” at national parks Genetic changes Hurtin polar bears More mobile animals To Send this document to yor friend fill the following form: Name : Address Marks Std.No Title 001 002 Name:wajitha2005@yahoo.com Column Table Email: wajitha weerasinghe