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Texas Tech Excel Course Syllabus - BA 2140

Texas Tech University
BA 2140
Spring 2024
Dr. Jacob Haislip
Office – E363
Office Hours – By appointment, but Mondays and Wednesdays are generally
Office hours may be held in person or through Microsoft Teams
Class time / Location
This course is fully online, January 10, 2024 – May 2, 2024
Required Materials and Fees
1. Access to Pearson’s MyLab IT. Please access this through Blackboard. MyLab IT access will
contain a copy of the textbook as well as all of the coursework. The majority of course grades will
come from MyLab IT and it is impossible to earn a passing grade in this course without completing
the lab assignments.
2. Microsoft Excel installed on the computer you will use to access the course. The training exercises
and practice exams are done through a web-based simulation program in Pearson, but the capstone
projects are done using downloaded Excel files. Please note, the online-only version of Microsoft
Office 365 will not work for these assignments, you must have the downloaded version of Excel.
If you do not currently have Microsoft Excel, you may obtain a free copy through your
eRaider account.
Recommended Materials
Please check the Rawls College of Business Laptop Requirements by visiting the link provided below.
Most of the work assigned in the class is available through a web browser and is accessible using the latest
version of Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. Since this class is entirely online, desktop computers are also
acceptable if you have one available at home. A stable internet connection is needed to get through the
simulation assignments.
Rawls College of Business Laptop Requirements
Technical Troubleshooting
This is a technology-based class and will require some minimal technical troubleshooting from you
throughout the course. Please send me an email if you are experiencing technical issues and I will do
what I can to assist you. Emails sent at the last minute prior to deadlines may not be answered in time.
Course Objectives
In this course, you should:
 Gain proficiency in Microsoft Office Excel.
Course Format
This course is fully (100%) online and is presented in an asynchronous format, meaning we will not have
scheduled class times and you will not be required to attend online class sessions. All assignments are
available and accessible in MyLab IT from the first day of class, so you are free to work through the course
content as quickly as you would like. Many students have more free time available at the beginning of the
semester, so using this time wisely is in your best interest.
Grades will not be affected for “late” work. However, everything must be submitted by May 2nd. Grades
will be determined by completion of the Training Simulations, Quizzes, and Projects through MyLab IT.
Additional details are available below under “Grading Specifics.”
If you have a question related to the structure of the course or grading, the best way to contact me is by
email (Jacob.haislip@ttu.edu) or by scheduling an appointment. If you have a question related to Excel or
how to complete steps on the Pearson assignments, the first place to pose the question should be within the
Microsoft Teams chat, where your question can be addressed by me or a fellow student. I usually respond
within an hour during business hours, but I will definitely take no longer than 24 hours.
The textbook for this course is available digitally through MyLab IT and does not cost anything above and
beyond the lab access fee. You are not required to access this textbook as part of the course, it is simply
there for you as an additional resource as you work through the training.
Assignments and Projects
All assigned training modules and projects are required as part of your grade for this course. The goal of
these assignments is to familiarize you with the content of the certification exam at the end of the semester.
There are videos available through MyLab IT.
Available Point Distribution
Capstone Projects
Pearson Assignments
Training Modules
Class Participation
Letter grades will be assigned as follows:
Greater than or equal to 90%
Greater than or equal to 80%
Greater than or equal to 70%
Greater than or equal to 60%
Less than 60%
Grading Specifics
Training Activities (Modules) – You will start each section of the class by working through the
designated training modules. There are seven training modules total. You will have five (5) attempts per
question (there are generally around 30 questions in each module) and an unlimited number of attempts to
complete the training module.
Participation – The participation grade will be based on completing all the assignments and participation
within the Microsoft Teams chat. 3% will be granted for total completion of all assignments. The
remaining 2% can be earned by interacting (posting, answering questions, or otherwise indicating that you
are joining a conversation) at least 5 times within the Microsoft Teams platform.
Quizzes (Modules) – The quizzes associated with each of the seven modules are worth a total of 45%.
For the quizzes, each question will give you 5 attempts and you will have 3 attempts to complete each
Capstone Projects – You will be required to complete two Capstone Projects. Each project will be worth
12.5%. You will have 2 attempts for each project.
Announcements about news items, assignments, notes, etc. will be posted on the TTU Blackboard.
Additionally, grades will be updated approximately every 48-72 hours so you can track where you stand in
the class. You are expected to check Blackboard on a regular basis for additional postings.
You will receive frequent emails from me throughout the fall semester. These emails will contain important
information about deadlines or assignments and should not be ignored. The email will come directly from
the Blackboard announcements system (from do-not-reply@blackboard.com or Jacob.haislip@ttu.edu).
Please review these emails as soon as possible and reply if requested.
Class Schedule
An updated class schedule will be available on Blackboard and will only change if deemed necessary.
Such changes will always be to the students’ benefit and the schedule will help you keep an eye out for
big deadlines.
Recommendations for Student Success
You will be expected to log into the Blackboard course at least weekly to be aware of possible
announcements/reminders and to pace your progress in the course. I will do my best to send out
reminders of impending assignment deadlines, but you are ultimately responsible to complete all
coursework in a timely manner.
TTU recommends students plan to spend two hours of outside study for every one hour of inclass time. This guideline is illustrated for a full-time TTU student at College is your full time
job!. For a one-credit-hour course, that means a total time investment of three hours per week.
Expectations for time investment are no less rigorous for online courses at TTU.
Online course activities promote learning and the creation of a learning community, so they are
encouraged and expected.
Student Support Services
Blackboard: Blackboard 24-hour Student Technical Support is available to assist with any
Blackboard questions, via phone at (844) 897-0537. For self-help with Blackboard, visit
Blackboard Help for Students. When the Blackboard server needs downtime for maintenance, the
Blackboard administrator will post an announcement on TTU’s Blackboard site, informing the
time and date. If the server experiences unforeseen problems I will send an update to provide
further instructions.
eRaider and General Technical Problems: TTU IT Help Central is available to assist with
eRaider sign-in problems, browser errors, and other technical difficulties you may encounter. For
technical assistance, please contact IT Help Central at (806) 742-HELP, email them at
ithelpcentral@ttu.edu, or visit the IT Help Central website.
Pearson MyLab IT Technical Support: Pearson assistance is available through the Pearson
Support page and through the Contact Pearson page.
Computer Crash: Not having a working computer or a crashed computer during the semester
will not be considered an acceptable reason for not completing course activities at a scheduled
time. Therefore, you should identify a second computer before the semester begins that you can
use if your personal computer crashes.
Lost/Corrupt/Disappeared Files: You must save a copy of every downloadable project
(Capstones) on an external disk or personal computer. In the event of any kind of failure (e.g.,
Pearson server crash or virus infection, student’s own computer crashes, loss of files in
cyberspace, WIFI random disconnection, etc.) or any other problems, I will request you resubmit
the files. In other words, if you submit a document, and I either do not receive it (gets lost in
cyberspace) or it is corrupted when I open it, it is incumbent upon you to resubmit it, corrected,
with little or no “downtime” in regard to the timeline for submission.
Academic Support
This class is intended to train you for the certification exam and may, at times, be challenging. If you are
struggling or need help, please reach out to me. I try to keep a flexible schedule outside of my classroom
time so I am able to meet with students one-on-one through Microsoft Teams. Please do not wait until
late in the semester to ask for help. I hope you’ll find a quick chat with me can reduce the stress you’re
facing in the class.
Other resources you may find helpful include:
 TTU SOAR provides services for academic success, including tutoring, study tips and academic
planning. To inquire about their services, call them at 806-742-3664, email them at soar@ttu.edu
or visit the TTU SOAR website.
 The Rawls College of Business also provides multiple support services to help Rawls students
succeed, including the Georgie G. Snyder Center for Business Communication. Visit the Current
Students Support webpage to explore the services available to you.
Other Information
Texas Tech Policies Concerning Academic Honesty, Special Accommodations for Students with
Disabilities, and Student Absences for Observance of Religious Holy Days may be found here: