Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 332–340 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Thin-Walled Structures journal homepage: Stress analysis in contact zone between the segments of telescopic booms of hydraulic truck cranes Mile Savković a,n, Milomir Gašić a, Goran Pavlović b, Radovan Bulatović a, Nebojša Zdravković a a b University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering Kraljevo, Dositejeva 19, 36000 Kraljevo, Serbia Colpart d.o.o-Beograd, Ćirovljeva 5, 11030 Beograd, Serbia art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 16 April 2014 Received in revised form 11 September 2014 Accepted 13 September 2014 This paper presents the analysis of local stress increases at the contact zone between the inner and outer segments of telescopic booms of truck cranes. A portion with a relevant length was singled out of the outer segment and a mathematical model was created describing its stress–strain state as a function of geometrical parameters. The obtained results were verified by the finite element method as well as by experimental testing of the truck crane TD-6/8. Comparison of results revealed high compliance between the analytical model and the results obtained by the finite element method and experimental testing, which confirmed all the hypotheses. The presented methodology as well as the verified analytical expressions give guidelines for optimum design of box-like telescopic segments and other structures with local stress increase in contact zone. & 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Hydraulic truck crane Telescopic boom Local stress Experimental testing Finite element analysis 1. Introduction The most important element for payload lifting and transport by telescopic hydraulic truck cranes is the boom. The telescopic boom consists of segments that retract or extend during operation. By changing its position in space, the boom of the truck crane transfers load onto the substructure of the crane and the vehicle and represents its most responsible part. Reduction of dead weight of the boom opens the possibility for increasing the payload, the lifting speed as well as the speed of retraction and extension of the segments. In recent years, world manufacturers of truck cranes have been assigning great importance to the determination of an optimum form of the boom cross section, which would provide an increase in bending and torsional stiffness along with the reduction of mass. However, during overhaul and regular checks of telescopic booms of truck cranes, certain deformations and damages in the characteristic zone of boom segments have been noticed. That characteristic zone is located at the contact zone between the inner and outer segments when the inner segment is extended to the maximum position. This fact indicates that stresses at those zones are considerably higher than the stresses along the boom n Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 381 36 383392; fax: þ 381 36 383380. E-mail address: (M. Savković). 0263-8231/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. segment. Determination of values of those stresses is the subject of this paper. Two model types of telescopic booms of the truck crane can be found in literature: mathematical models of the entire boom and mathematical models of interaction in contact zones between segments, which is the subject of this research, too. Papers [1,2] pay special attention to the contact zones between the segments as well as the connection between the first (outer) telescope segment and the hydrocylinder. These models consist of the corresponding equivalent masses and springs, where [1] considers the boom with two telescopic segments, while [2] has three telescopic segments and a modal analysis done. Paper [3] points out the importance of contact zones between the segments as well as the change of stresses at those points for various boom crane designs. The model which covers the influence of sliding and the inner telescope extended length at different elevation angles of the boom is presented in paper [4]. The location of sliding contacts in relation to the outer and inner telescope segment is particularly emphasized. The paper [5] analyzed the influence of the extension length on loads distribution through sliding contacts along the boom. Paper [6] analyzes the problem of contacts between box-like segments of the telescopic truck crane by using the software package ANSYS, with the presentation of the load transfer problem and buckling shapes. The mentioned papers examine interaction between the segments and load transfer from the inner telescope segment to the outer M. Savković et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 332–340 333 Fig. 1. Model of truck crane telescopic boom: (a) generalized, (b) simplified. one. The generalized model of the telescopic truck crane (Fig. 1) is frequently considered by a large number of authors. Paper [7] presents the mathematical model of the truck crane that defines the control mode for reducing the oscillations of the system. It shows the global model of the boom and does not take into account the influence of load transfer between the segments. Paper [8] also presents a mathematical model of the truck crane, which defines the way for reducing the oscillations and precise positioning of payload. Paper [9] gives another mathematical model of the truck crane and defines the influence of lifting the boom by a hydro cylinder on dynamic reactions. Minimization of forces values in the hydro cylinders as well as their control while lifting and transporting the payload in the working position are presented in paper [10]. Similar problems are discussed in paper [11], where the accent is put on restricting the lifting load for the purpose of safe crane operation. Paper [12]considers the influence of different parameters on motion of the payload and structure load. The influence of hydraulic drive system as well as the manner of its control on dynamic behavior of truck cranes is the subject of paper [13]. Paper [14] presents a dynamic model of truck crane emphasizing the control of change of the telescope length, change of the angle of inclination and rotation of the boom. The influence of flexibility of soil on dynamic stability of the truck crane as well as on positioning of payload during rotation is presented in paper [15]. Dynamic stability of a laboratory model of a truck crane was examined in paper [16]. The model presented in this paper enables determination of load conditions and geometrical characteristics at which there may occur a loss of stability. The paper [17] analysed dynamic stability of truck crane depending on the angular ball bearing deformation at connection between the substructure and superstructure through dynamic model with five degrees of freedom. A discrete model of truck crane and examination of oscillations while lifting the payload, depending on the length and the angle of inclination of the boom, are presented in paper [18]. Minimisation of load in relation to oscillation while lifting the payload and rotation of the boom was presented in paper [19]. Papers [20,21] also present modelling and simulation of a truck crane as a complex model which takes into account all motions (load lifting, extension of the telescope, rotation of the boom without damping) using the Bond Graph method. Experimental testing and simulations were performed for the actual model and the correctness of the created model was confirmed. Paper [22] puts a special accent, in operation of cranes with the boom, on the influence of wind, which is often neglected although it is very important for the global stability of the crane in operation. Paper [23] presents the manner of decreasing the load at the tip of the boom by reducing payload pendulations, i.e. excitation at the tip of the boom, by using two-dimensional and threedimensional models. It is shown that significant reduction can be accomplished by appropriate selection of cable speeds and length. Analysis of load transfer from the inner telescope segment to the outer one is very important because it is the zone with the highest stress values. This is also a conclusion of many investigations conducted not only on cranes but on other structures as well. The conclusions obtained in those investigations are important for the hypotheses and creation of the model presented in this paper. The results in [24–33] show the approaches in modelling and influence of local stresses at the contact zones of various types of beams. Also, they underline the importance of defining maximum loads that will not cause any plastic deformations of the beams and, hence, will not endanger the functionality of the object. The generalized and simplified models of truck crane telescopic boom are presented in Fig. 1, with marked contact zones between the inner and outer segments of the telescope (lines a–a and b–b). 2. Definition of analytical model During payload lifting, load is transferred from the inner movable segment to the outer segment through the corresponding sliding pads, Fig. 2. The sliding pads are placed at the front end of the outer segment and at the rear end of the inner segment. Therefore, the sliding pads placed at the outer segment are treated as stationary, while the sliding pads placed at the inner segment are treated as movable. Taking into account that the segment is considerably longer than the sliding pad, this paper starts with the assumption that the load from the inner segment sliding pad is transferred to the outer segment as continuously distributed load of a constant value (Fig. 3). As the inner segment moves, position of the sliding pads changes in relation to the front end of the outer segment (coordinate x-Fig. 3). Therefore, the absolute value of continuous load changes with the change of the coordinate x. Still, remains constant on the sliding pads surface. This paper considers the influence of local bending of the outer segment during load transfer. To make a successful research of the local stress increase due to contact load, the paper introduces the following assumptions: 334 M. Savković et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 332–340 Fig. 2. Sliding pads locations on the outer and inner segment. Fig. 5. Model for analysis: (a) before disassembling the plates (b) after disassembling the plates. Fig. 3. Load transfer on the outer segment via sliding pads. mutual influence is taken into account by using the corresponding bending moments. The physical model, which includes the mentioned assumptions, is presented in Figs. 4 and 5. Within the stress–strain analysis of flange plates, it is assumed that the vertical web plates have sufficient stiffness and do not considerably influence the local values of stress and deformations. Also, in the stress–strain analysis of vertical web plates, the flange plates represent the elastic support. External load input is presented in Fig. 5. 2.1. Bending equation for the top flange plate According to real-life solutions, it is assumed that the flange plates and the web plates have the same thickness (δ1 and δ2), which does not affect the generality of consideration. After disassembling the segment portion, the stress–strain analysis starts from the top flange plate, upon which the external load acts. The differential equation for the transversely loaded plate has the form [34,35]: ∂4 wu ∂4 wu ∂4 wu qðx; yÞ þ2 2 2 þ ¼ 4 D ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y4 ð1Þ where: 3 D ¼ Eδ1 =12 1 ν2 —the bending stiffness of the plate. The displacement function is assumed in the form: mπ x 1 wu ðx; yÞ ¼ ∑ f u ðyÞ sin a m¼1 Fig. 4. The portion of box-like segment loaded via two sliding pads. the zone of stress local increase does not extends beyond a length equal to height of the segment cross-section per side of the sliding pads (amax r2 h), Fig. 4; the influence of transverse forces on stresses and deformations of the plate is neglectable in comparison to external load and reactive moments; the influence of forces acting in the plate plane on normal stresses is neglectable in comparison to other loads; elastic deformations of the supports (x ¼0 and x¼ a) are neglectable in comparison to the deformations that occur due to the action of external load (Fig. 4). The singled out portion of length a is disassembled to its constituent flange and web plates. The disassembled flange and web plates are considered as freely supported, whereby their ð2Þ and it satisfies the boundary conditions by which the values of displacement and the bending moments at the beginning (x ¼0) and end of the segment (x¼ a) are zero, i.e.: wu jx ¼ 0 ¼ 0; ∂2 wu j ¼ 0; ∂x2 x ¼ 0 wu jx ¼ a ¼ 0; ∂2 wu j ¼ 0; ∂x2 x ¼ a ð3Þ If the following designations are introduced: Δa ¼ a2 a1 ; β¼ mπ ; b α¼ nπ ; a c ¼ coshðα bÞ; P ¼ 2 ðα b c sÞ; s ¼ sinhðα bÞ; R1 ¼ α b ðc 2Þ þ s ð2 c 1Þ; R2 ¼ 2 ðα b þ sÞ ð1 cÞ; h M ¼ ða1 a2 Þ cos ðα a2 Þ þ i a ð sin ðα a2 Þ sin ðα a1 ÞÞ ; mπ N ¼ cos β b1 cos β b2 þ cos β b3 cos β b4 ; and if it is assumed that the particular solution of Eq. (2) has the M. Savković et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 332–340 the values of constants for the left web plate are obtained: form: mπ y f p ðyÞ ¼ K p sin b ð4Þ qco D ðα 2 þ β Þ2 2 ; Bl ¼ Em c Emb ; 2αDs Cl ¼ Emb c Em b; 2 α D s2 Dl ¼ Em ; 2αD 2.3. Bending equation for the bottom flange plate where: qco ¼ Al ¼ 0; Differential calculus for the right web plate is identical, only with index “r” instead of “l”. the value of the constant K p is obtained: Kp ¼ 335 4 q0 MN n m π 2 a2 a1 The function of deflection of the top flange plate can now be written in the form: 1 1 wu ðx; yÞ ¼ ∑ ∑ f u ðyÞ sin ðα xÞ ð5Þ n m The nature of supports and load transfer for the bottom flange plate is the same as for the web plates. So, the bending equation for the bottom flange plate has the same form (8). The displacement functions correspond to Eqs. (9) and (10), so that the solution of the differential equation of displacement of the bottom flange plate is obtained in the form: 1 wb ðx; yÞ ¼ ∑ m¼1 ðAb þ Bb yÞ chðαyÞ þ ðC b þDb yÞ shðαyÞ sin ðαxÞ where: ð12Þ f u ðyÞ ¼ Bu y chðα yÞ þ ðC u þ Du yÞ shðα yÞ þ K p sin β y : By using the boundary conditions: ð6Þ As this is the case with a symmetric plate which is symmetrically loaded, the change of bending moments at the ends of the plate (for y¼0 and y¼b) can be written in the form: 1 M l;u ¼ M r;u ¼ ∑ Em ðyÞsinðαxÞ ð7Þ m¼1 wu jy ¼ 0 ¼ 0; wu jy ¼ b ¼ 0; m¼1 1 ∂ wu D 2 jy ¼ b ¼ ∑ Em ðyÞ sin ðαxÞ; ∂y m¼1 Em c1 Bu ¼ ; 2αD s Em b c1 Cu ¼ ; 2αD s m¼1 the values of constants are obtained: 2 Em ¼ the values of constants in Eq. (6) are obtained in the following form: Au ¼ 0; wb jy ¼ b ¼ 0; 1 ∂2 w D 2b jy ¼ b ¼ ∑ Emb ðyÞ sin ðαxÞ; ∂y m¼1 2 Bb ¼ Emb ðc 1Þ ; 2αDs Cb ¼ Emb ðc 1Þ b; 2 α D s2 Db ¼ Emb ; 2αD Using the condition of equality of slope and deflection of the flange and web plates at the joints, the following values are obtained: 1 D∂∂yw2u jy ¼ 0 ¼ ∑ Em ðyÞ sin ðαxÞ; 2 D∂∂yw2b jy ¼ 0 ¼ ∑ Emb ðyÞ sin ðαxÞ; Ab ¼ 0; If the following boundary conditions are used: 1 wb jy ¼ 0 ¼ 0; Em ; Du ¼ 2αD Q R1 cos ðβ bÞ ; P R2 Emb ¼ Em P þ Q cosðβ bÞ ; P where: Q ¼ 2 α D s2 K p β: 3. Presentation and verification of results 2.2. Bending equation for the web plates 3.1. Stress–strain analysis by using the analytical model Box-like beam portion has two identically supported and loaded web plates (Fig. 5). The differential equation of the left web plate has the form: ∂4 wl ∂4 w ∂4 w þ2 2 l 2 þ 4 l ¼ 0 ∂x4 ∂x ∂y ∂y The displacement function is assumed in the form: mπ x 1 wl ðx; yÞ ¼ ∑ f l ðyÞ sin a m¼1 ð8Þ ð9Þ where function f l ðyÞ is adopted in the form f l ðyÞ ¼ ðAl þBl yÞ chðαyÞ þ ðC l þ Dl yÞ shðαyÞ Based on the obtained expressions, the values of stresses and deformations can be calculated for any point in any cross section of the considered box-like portion with length a (Fig. 4). In order to check the correctness of the calculation of stresses and deformations, the values of geometrical parameters that correspond to the object subjected to experimental testing are adopted. Tested object is the hydraulic truck crane TD-6/8 from the production programme [36], in Fig. 6. The relevant cross section where stresses and deformations are checked is above the moving sliding pad at the maximum ð10Þ The solution of the differential Eq. (8) reads: 1 wl ðx; yÞ ¼ ∑ m¼1 ðAl þ Bl yÞ chðαyÞ þ ðC l þ Dl yÞ shðαyÞ sin ðαxÞ ð11Þ If the boundary conditions are used (Fig. 5): wl jy ¼ 0 ¼ 0; 1 ∂2 w D 2 l jy ¼ 0 ¼ ∑ Em ðyÞ sin ðαxÞ; ∂y m¼1 wl jy ¼ h ¼ 0; 1 ∂2 w D 2 l jy ¼ h ¼ ∑ Emb ðyÞ sin ðαxÞ; ∂y m¼1 Fig. 6. Hydraulic truck crane TD-6/8. 336 M. Savković et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 332–340 Fig. 7. Calculation model of the truck crane TD-6/8. Fig. 8. Measuring points for testing the hydraulic truck crane TD-6/8. extension of the inner segment—section a–a (Fig. 1). The dimensions of the cross section of the box-like boom segment of the crane (Fig. 5) are: b¼ 350 mm, h¼350 mm, δ1 ¼10 mm, δ2 ¼10 mm. In order to perform the analytical calculation, it is necessary to define the value of force between sliding pad and the outer segment of the boom. The value of this force directly depends on the length of extension of the inner segment, i.e. the coordinate x (Fig. 3). Using Fig. 7, the force Pls can be determined in relation to extension length of the moving inner segment of the boom, i.e. coordinate x: P ls ¼ Q ð2 Lts x 2 eμα hs Þ þGts ðLts xÞ þ Gko ð2 Lts xÞ 4x ð13Þ where: α—the wrap angle of the rope over the upper pulley at the top of the boom (α ffi 901), μ-the coefficient of friction between the rope and the pulley (μ ffi 0.15), Gko ¼0.4 kN-the weight of the pulley blocks, Gts ¼4 kN-the weight of the inner boom segment [36]. While testing the truck crane TD-6/8, the following values were established: Q¼8.5 kN, Lts ¼ 3750 mm, xmin ¼885 mm, hs ¼350 mm, a2–a1 ¼250 mm, b2–b1 ¼80 mm. Based on these values and Eq. (13), the value of the force per sliding pad is obtained: Pls ¼ 20 kN. The value of continuous load (Figs. 4 and 5) is: qo ¼ P ls ða2 a1 Þ ðb2 b1 Þ ð14Þ Obtained results of stresses and deformations are presented later on in comparative diagrams with experimental results and results obtained by FEM. The measuring point 1 (Fig. 8) is above the centerpoint of the sliding pad surface and the positions of the other six measuring points are determined in relation to this measuring point (Fig. 9). The measuring point 1 corresponds to the position when the inner segment is extended to the maximum, i.e. when the pressure force of the sliding pad acting on the outer segment has the maximum value: Pls ¼ 20 kN. While measuring the strains, the inner segment is extended to the maximum (x ¼xmin ¼885 mm)—the boom of the truck crane is in the horizontal position, so the pressure force at the sliding pad is maximum. The payload weighing Q¼8.5 kN is lifted from the ground and is held in that position for about 5 s. After that period of time, the inner segment of the boom starts retracting thus increasing the distance between the sliding pads. It decreases the pressure force at the sliding pad of the inner segment. At a moment, the sliding pad passes below the measuring point 6, and then also below 7, so that the gauges installed in them record the stress increase. This stress increase is smaller in comparison to the stress increase above the measuring point 1 because the pressure force at the sliding pad is also smaller. Stresses in the x and y directions were measured separately. During tests, the load had a dynamic character. However, the analytical model did not include dynamics. So, in order to make the comparison possible, payload had been left to become motionless (0–8 s, Fig. 10b), after it was lifted. Thus, it can be said that the load had a static character at first test stage. In next test stage – retracting the telescope, the load had dynamic character. Obtained results of stresses are presented later on in comparative diagrams with the results obtained by the analytical method and by FEM. 3.3. Stress–strain analysis by FEM The FEM model of the boom outer segment consists of 10,175 four-node shell elements and 10,242 nodes with mesh refinement in contact zones with sliding pads (Fig. 11a). The loads that are transferred from the inner segment via the sliding pads are presented in Fig. 11b. Stress analysis of the boom segment is done with real crane load in order to make a comparative analysis of results obtained from experiment, FEM model and analytical model. Equivalent stress is calculated by Huber–Hencky–von Mises hypothesis and its maximum value is obtained at the zone of load action, i.e. above the sliding pads (Fig. 12). Fig. 13 presents the values of normal stress components in the x and y directions in the contact zone. 3.2. Experimental determination of stress values in the physical model 4. Comparative presentation of the stress–strain analysis The object of testing, hydraulic truck crane TD-6/8, is shown in Fig. 5, the measuring points in Fig. 8 and the layout of measuring points and the connection scheme of measuring devices in Fig. 9. The analytical expressions for calculation of stresses and deformations (Section 3.1) take into account only the local influence of pressure of the sliding pad on the outer segment of the truck crane M. Savković et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 332–340 337 Fig. 9. Testing the hydraulic truck crane TD-6/8 (a) layout of measuring points (b) connection scheme of measuring devices. Fig. 10. Measured stresses on the outer telescopic segment of the hydraulic truck crane TD-6/8 (a) stresses in the x direction (b) stresses in the y direction. boom, whereas the experimental results and the results obtained by FEM encompass also the influence of global bending of the box-like segment of the boom. In order to eliminate this deficiency, the expression for the force Pls takes into account the influence of the boom segment weight as well as the weight of the pulley blocks, so that the calculation model could completely correspond to the conditions of the experiment and FEM. During experimental test, the influences of boom self-weight and global bending were taken into account in the following manner: before measuring, the boom tip with pulley blocks on it was temporarily rested on a vertical support and the measuring system was set to zero. After that, vertical support was removed and the system recorded the influence of boom self-weight and the testing proceeded further. The maximum equivalent stress in the case of global and local stress, by using analytical expressions, reads: qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi σ e ¼ σ 2x;l þ σ 2y;l σ x;l σ y;l þ 3τ2xy;l ¼ 88 ðMPaÞ The corresponding stress components are: σ x;l ¼ 6 Mx δ21 ¼ 67 ðMPaÞσ y;l ¼ 6 My δ21 ¼ 100 ðMPaÞτxy;l ¼ 6 M xy δ21 ¼ 1:5 ðMPaÞ The comparative presentation of stresses in the top flange plate for all three methods is presented in Fig. 14. The highest values of equivalent stresses obtained by FEM (σe, E) and experimental testing (σe,T), are: σ e;E ¼ 92:6 ðMPaÞ; σ e;T ¼ 90 ðMPaÞ The values of equivalent stress obtained by given analytical model show high compliance with the values obtained experimentally and by FEM. This deviation at the point with the maximum value of equivalent stress is: Δ¼ σ e σ e;T 100 ¼ 2:2 ð%Þ: σe It is also necessary to verify the assumption that the zone of stress local increase does not extends beyond a length equal to the cross-section height per side of the sliding pads (Fig. 4). Fig. 15 presents normal stresses distribution in section of vertical plane for y¼29 cm (direction through measuring points 5-1-6-7, Fig. 9). 338 M. Savković et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 332–340 Fig. 11. Fem model (a) density of the finite element mesh (b) load acting on the outer segment. Fig. 12. Stress state of the outer boom segment. Fig. 13. Stress component values in the contact zone (a) normal stress in x direction (b) normal stress in y direction. M. Savković et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 332–340 339 Fig. 14. Comparative presentation of values of the corresponding component stresses of the outer segment in the cross section (x ¼88.5 cm) (a) stresses in x direction (b) stresses in y direction. Fig. 16. Comparative presentation of the obtained values of deformations for each plate in the cross section (x ¼88.5 cm) (a) top flange plate (b) web plates (c) bottom flange plate. Fig. 15. Comparative presentation of normal stresses distribution in section of vertical plane for y¼ 29 cm (a) stresses in x direction (b) stresses in y direction. Fig. 15 reveals that the assumption about the length of the singled out segment was correct. The distribution of local stress σ x from analytical model has some deviation but it occurs in zone where this influence fades. This deviation can be eliminated if functions (2) and (5) are replaced with ones of higher order. However, this involves more complex expressions which are less convenient for further analysis. Thus, this action would be not justified. The obtained deformations of each plate in the cross section are presented in Fig. 16. Considering the obtained results, it can be seen clearly that the fading of the local stress increase occurs approximately at the length of 35 cm, which corresponds to the height of the cross section. Therefore, it was correct to single out a portion with the length a (Fig. 4). Namely, outside this zone there is no influence of the local stress increase, but only the influence of global bending. This statement was verified by the results obtained experimentally and by FEM. The results show that there are no significant deviations between the results obtained by analytical model, experimental testing and FEM analysis in the zone of highest stresses values, which was the goal of defining the analytical model. There are some deviations at the end of the influence zone of local stress increase, but the values of stresses are small and have no importance for the design. The cross section of the segment is calculated on the basis of maximum stress values (line 4-1-2-3, Fig. 9), which occur in the zone with highest compliance of results obtained by the analytical model and results obtained by experimental testing and FEM. 340 M. Savković et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 332–340 The proposed analytical model explicitly defines strain and stress increase in contact zone of telescopic boom segments. In addition, the model shows that the highest stress values are in the contact zone, which gives them a key relevance in boom design process. Finite element model and the tests confirm correctness of model results. Analyzing the measured results of stresses in point 6, it can be seen that the stress value before and after the moment of sliding pad passing was σ y ffi 4:7 ðMPaÞ(points A and B in Fig. 8b), while its value at the moment of sliding pad passing was σ y ffi 7 ðMPaÞ. Such increase can be noticed for other measuring points, too. This fact indicates that the design of crane telescopic boom must include the local stress increase. 5. Conclusions The research conducted in this paper showed the methodology for determination of stress and deformation local increase in the segments contact zone. In adition, the size of zone of local increase was defined. Based on the presented physical model, a portion of segment relevant for carrying out analytical calculation was separated. The analytical expressions for stress and deformation distributions in contact zone were obtained in explicit form by using the corresponding boundary conditions and the hypotheses. Verification of the obtained analytical results was performed by FEM—using the software package ansys and experimental testing carried out on the truck crane TD-6/8. The values of equivalent stress obtained from analytical model show high compliance with the values obtained by experimental testing and FEM. The deviation at the point with the maximum values of equivalent stress is 2.2% in relation to the results obtained experimentally and 4.9% in relation to the results obtained by FEM, which confirms the hypotheses. High accuracy of results of the analytical model in explicit form can be of great importance for further research in the optimisation of box-like cross sections of telescopic segments and other general structures with pressure load in local contact. Acknowledgment A part of this work is a contribution to the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia funded Project TR35038. References [1] Posiadala B, Cekus D. Discrete model of vibration of truck crane telescopic boom with consideration of the hydraulic cylinder of crane radius change in the rotary plane. Autom Constr 2008;17:245–50. [2] Posiadala B, Cekus D. Vibration model and analysis of three-member telescopic boom with hydraulic cylinder for its radius change. 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