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ACL Injury Recovery: Counseling Impact

Identifying Variables
The independent variable in my study would be whether the injured athletes receive
counseling or not. And this is what I’m expecting the outcome to be. It will be an
outcome of people receiving mental help during the rehabilitation process from injuries
in this study ACL injury.
The dependent variable is the athletes' psychological well-being, the time it takes for
them to recover from turning ACL, their ability to return to their sport, or their overall
physical and mental health. Receiving medical and physical help (Condition 1). Receiving
mental help such as counseling and receiving medical and physical help. So, in this study
dependent variable is how was and how healthy the athletes will come back to sport.
The severity of the Injury: If one group of athletes has more severe injuries than the
other, it could affect the recovery process and psychological well-being independently of
counseling. Athletes' Previous Experience: Athletes with different levels of experience or
prior injuries might respond differently to counseling or have different expectations
about recovery. Social Support: The level of social support athletes receive from friends
and family could influence their recovery and well-being, potentially confounding the
effects of counseling. Individual Differences: Personal factors such as age, gender,
personality traits, and coping mechanisms may influence how athletes respond to
counseling and their overall recovery. Access to Healthcare: Disparities in access to
healthcare or medical treatment could impact the recovery process, particularly if some
athletes have better access to medical care. Motivation: Athletes' motivation and
commitment to their recovery and rehabilitation may vary, affecting their response to
I hypothesize that athletes who receive mental health help (counseling) will recover
from ACL faster and better than people who will be receiving only medical and physical
rehabilitation. The quality of the process of coming back to the spot will be better in
groups that get counseling than in groups that get none.