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Christian Theology Study: New Creation, Spirit, Prayer

ABA preparations.
Week 1: New Creation
Anchor text: 2 cor 5 17 -21
It is seen that when we are born again, we are new creatures and all things have passed away and
everything has become new. Our Salvation is also part of God’s plan to get others saved, with us as
willing conduits to this great plan
our salvation has been made possible via Jesus Christ who was not sin being made sin so we can appear
as righteousness on to God.
As a result of being born again,God is aware of our being born again and hence we must seek to do
things in the new dictates of God as a new baby does whilst growing up.
Reasons for the new birth
God made man in our image(i.e in the manner or likeness of God the father,God the son (Jesus Christ)
and God the spirit (Paraclete,the holyspirit) who were the three entities in the creation story…..hence the
aim of this new creation was for us to become the likeness of God as this three entities ( Genesis 26 v 27
Side text: God’s initial plan for creating a woman was not as support in mind alone but mainly for balance
and only when that balance exists, blessings may occur as even there was creation of female animals.
(Genesis 26 v 27-28).
We lost our inheritance when Adam and Eve gave into the Devil’s temptation and where there was a
disconnect, there has been years of disconnect and hence a need for genuine repentance and
we need to reconcile with God through the Gift of Jesus’s christ death and resurrection, without this no
man can make heaven
John 3 v 3-6 (Jesus to Nicodemus)
Steps into the new birth
1) Acknowledgement of sinful nature - we should firstly acknowledge that we have all sinned and have
fallen short of God’s glory ( Romans 3 v 23) and we have been sinners since when we were conceived
(Psalm 51 v 5)
2) Consciousness that we cannot be righteous by virtue of the law but it makes us aware of our sinful
nature - we can’t be saved by our so called righteous acts alone but by the righteousness of God made
available in christ Jesus by virtue of our salvation (Romans 3 v 20-22)
3) Confessing Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour - accepting that it is only when you confess Jesus
died for your sins and having faith that God raised him from the dead for your sake is then the final key to
the new birth ( Romans 10 v 9 )
Jesus took my place
When he died, my old sinful nature died (Romans 6 v 8 )
When he was buried, i also was buried
When he was raised, I was likewise raised.
His Vindication is our vindication
We are seated with him as a result in heavenly places Eph 2 v 6
I am redeemed 1 Cor 6 v 20
I am free from Bondage and the wills of Satan
I have been transferred and translated into God’s kingdom ( Colossians 1 v 13-14)
You have equal access to God’s throne ( Ephesians 2 v 18 )
You are now righteous via the new birth through Christ Jesus(2 Corinthians 5 v 21)
You are now God’s ambassador on earth ( 2 cor 5 v 20)
You have dominion over sin and Satan (Luke 10 v 19)
You are ultimately a new Creation ( 2 cor 5 v 16-17)
Mtc 102: Spirit,Soul and Body
Anchor text- 1 Thessalonians 5 v 23
Man is essentially a spirit, having a soul and lives in a body.
The spirit is essentially made in God’s likeness, and hence can relate personally to God.
The Soul of man is what gives him a unique personality.
With his body he can essentially relate with the physical world.
1) The Human Spirit
Man is essentially a spirit.
He is created in the same class as God (Gen 1 v 26).
it is your spirit that gets transformed at salvation, not your soul or your body 2 Corinthians 5 v 17
it is only by your spirit you can relate with the supernatural realm John 4 v 24,Job 32 v 8
When in a state of being sinful, the spirit of man is considered dead. Ephesians 2 v 1-2
At Death, your spirit goes back to God Ecclesiastes 12 v 7
…..Developing the human spirit
Praying (especially in tongues to the Holy Spirit) Jude 1 v 20, 1 cor 14 v 4
Studying the bible 1 Peter 2 v 2 Matthew 4 v 4
Fasting Acts 13 v 1-2
2.The Human soul
The soul contains three parts: The will, the intellect and the emotions
The soul is the link to the spirit and the body
The soul is what keeps the body in subjection to the spirit
it is essential to the general well being of man 3 John 2.
Renewing your mind.
this is essential to be able to live an effective christian life (Romans 12 v 2)
How to renew your mind
a) Exercise the right to control your mind… 2 corinthians 10 v 3-5
b) Study and confess the word of God continually Joshua 1 v 8
Line up your thought-life with the word of God Phil 4 v 8
c) Be Persistent 1 Timothy 6 v 12
1. The Human Body (Physical man)
The body of a man was formed from dust(Genesis 2 v 7)
2. It contains all the elements of the soil
This is the temporary home for the real man- the spirit 2 Corinthians 6 v 19.
five senses
He has
We must through the Holy Spirit put the body under control. 1 cor 9 v 26-27
Since the fall of man the body of man is destined for death.
Mtc 103: The Holyspirit
God is a spirit and he is a tripartite being, manifesting himself as
the father, the son and the holyspirit.
Who is the Holy Spirit
He is the third personality of the Godhead,distinct from the father and the son, but despite this they all
work together. 1 John 5 v 7; Luke 3 v 21-22
He possesses all the attributes of God,he is omniscient (John 14 v 26) ,Omniprsent (Psalms 139 v 7-10)
and eternal (Her 9 v14)
Therefore he is God(Acts 5 v 3 -4) Peter reminding Ananias that the Holy Spirit is God.
He is Personality proof
he is not an influence or a power but can influence and is powerful. Acts: 1 v 8 Acts 10: 38
He is not water, fire or a dove although they express different aspects of his personality.
he has intellect, will and emotion ( 1 cor 12 v 11, Eph 4 v 30 Romans 8 v 27)
He is a divine personality. John 12 v 16
The works of the holyspirit in our daily life
Representation of all Jesus is to us John 14 v 16
Convicts of sin John 16 v 8
Reveals Jesus to us John 15 v 6
He teaches us all things John 14 v 26
He helps us to pray. Romans 8 v 26-27
Fortifies us for service Acts 1 v 8
The human spirit depends on the holyspirit to function properly Job 32 v 8
Holy Spirit baptism (Why?)
It is mean for all christians Acts 19 v 1-6
It is receiving the Holy Spirit Acts 19 v 2
It gives us boldness and power to witness Acts 2 v 8
It makes prayer effective Romans 8 v 26 -27
It makes the study of God’s word easier and more effective. John 16 v 13
It makes the release of spiritual gifts possible. 1 cor 12 v 7 -11
How to receive the Holyspirit baptism
You must be born again to qualify for it. (Acts 19 v 1)
You must hunger and thirst for it John 7 v 37-39
Ask the father to give you the holyspirit. Luke 11 v 13
Get someone who is already filled to lay hands on you.
Open your mouth and begin to speak in tougues,he gives the clarity and appropriation when you speak.
Acts 2 v 4
Mtc 104. The Word of God
Joshua 1 v 8
The word of God is essentially the foundation of successful christian living
We are commanded to meditate on it day and night and desire it so we grow more into God and into
systematic study of the scriptures and its understanding will only advance us into proper understanding of
ancient wisdom.
The Bible
it is a book containing 66 smaller books which are divided into 2
the Old Testament (929 chapters,39 books)
The New Testament (260 chapters,27 books)
it was written in 2 languages,The Old Testament in HEBREW and the new one in GREEK
Four books were written in Aramaic…they are Ezra, Daniel ,Jeremiah,Genesis
Comparison between both the old and New Testament
The Old Testament is about God’s convenient with Israel,their shortcoming and their subsequent
restoration e.t.c
the New Testament however is about the blood of Jesus Christ, the son of God and God’s redemption
plans for mankind.
The Old Testament takes forgiveness as shedding of blood of animals yearly but in the New Testament it
is shed by the blood of Jesus Christ,once and for all…Her 9. V 7-12.
Justification is by the works of righteousness in the Old Testament but by faith in the new one
Why study the bible
it is the only source of the complete revelation of God and his plan for man John 5 v 39
The word of God has the power to discipline us and grow us up in the faith 2 Timothy 3 v 16-17
the word of God is our weapon in spiritual warfare Eph 6 v 17
it gives us encouragement and hope….Romans 15 v 4
It gives us confidence to share the gospel 1 Peter 3 v 15
Ways to Knowing Word
Hearing Romans 10 v 17
Applying Heb 5 v 14
Reading 1 Tim 4 v 13
Meditating Josh 1 v 8
Memorizing Psalms 119 v 11
Studying. Acts 17 v 11
Studying to get Result
Approaching the bible with reverence provided 13 v 13
Have a strong desire for the wisdom it provides Prov 4 v 7
Obey and practice and word James 1 v
Mtc 105 Effective prayer
Prayer is not a basic religious rite but the hand that moves God kingdom and the path way to
communicating to God
It is way of bringing God’s infinite wisdom and power to change our circumstance
It is a two way communication and hence without a response or feedback from God it is not complete.
Effective prayers are result oriented and must be done according to God’s will
you must be righteous James 5 v 17
It must be made in line with God’s will 1 John 5 v 14-15
it must be made to the father through the name of Jesus Christ John 14 v 13-14
It must be made in faith. Mark 11 v 24
It must be made in persistence Luke 18 v 1
Model of prayer
Establish a relationship with God the father.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and praise
Ask for God’s will to be established in and through your life.
Ask for supplication for your needs to be met
Ask for forgiveness of sin
Ask for victory over your temptations.
When should we pray??
At all times…1 Thes 5 v 17.
Hindrances to effective prayer
Sin Psalms 66 v 18
Disobedience Prov 28 v 9
Unbelief Heb 11 v 6
selfishness James 4 v 7
Pride Luke 18 v 11-14
Dishonouring your spouse 1 Peter 3 v 7
Basic Doctrines of Christianity
A foundation is the basic part of a structure that provides strength and stability
There are six foundational teachings of christianity
1 Repentance from dead works
It is a change of mind and attitude leading to a change of action from a dead work which is anything we
do devoid of the life of God 2 chronicles 7 v 14,Hebrew 9 v 14
The marks of true repentance are
Godly sorrow
Forsaking sin
Confession of sin
Hatred of sin
Repentance is an attitude of the heart essential to our ongoing relationship with God.
Faith - this is our absolute trust in God (Hebrews 11 v 1…substance of things hoped for and evidence of
things not seen)
Without faith, it is impossible to please God ( Hebrews 11 v 6)
Faith is a gift from God Ephesians 2 v 8
Faith comes by hearing Romans 10 v 17
Our faith should grow just as any typical seed should grow
By faith all things are possible Matt 17 v 20
There ate three major baptisms
Baptism into the body of christ I.e the Holy Ghost baptism at salvation 1 cor 12 v 13
Baptism by water which is sign of identifying with the death, burial,resurrection and identifying with him
Baptism of the holyspirit by laying of hands Acts 19 v 1-6.
Laying of hands
It had significance in the Old Testament
Reasons to lay hands
To impart healing
To impart the baptism of the holyspirit
To impart spiritual gifts and blessings
To set people apart for specific assignments
Care should be taken in laying of hands
5 Resurrection
It means raising up from the dead
Some people were raised from the dead
Jesus was raised from the dead.
There is a future resurrection coming
Believers will also be raised
Resurrection day is reward day
6 Eternal judgement
There is eternal blessing in heaven as well as eternal judgement in hell
Some teachings on eternal judgement are non scriptural; annihilation,purgatory and universal
Saints and sinners will be judged.
Eternal judgement means eternal separation from God
hence we should take salvation of souls as our utmost priority.
Final aba notes
Mtc 107. Effective soul winning
The most valuable possession Hod has on earth is the human soul.
This explains why God seeks to influence the soul and the devil seeks to gain control over it
Thankfully the salvation is the solution to the mechanism the devil seeks to gain control over our life,
which is sin.
Hence as saved believers it is our collective responsibility to spread the good news to save them from
eternal damnation in hell.
Benefits of soul winning
It provokes favour proverbs 14 v 35,prov 11 v 39
It provokes blessings for now and for eternity. John 4 v 36, Daniel 12 v 3
It guarantees a sense of fulfilment 2 Timothy 4 v 5
It guarantees greatness in life
The soul winner must be compassionate
He must realise that the sinner is spiritually lost.
He must be concerned about the eternal destiny of unbelievers
He must be sensitive about the ravages caused by sin
The soul winner must be prepared
To properly win souls the soul winner must exhibit the following traits
Tenacity of purpose.
A confident assurance of your personal salvation
A working knowledge of the work of God
A tactful approach
Prayer for yourself and souls you seek to win
See every unsaved individual as a potential saint and approach him with the needed wisdom
The approach to winning souls
Show the prospect that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory Romans 3 v 23
Show the prospect that christ has died for their sins Romans 5 v 8
Show the prospect how to accept christ as their saviour Romans 10 v 8-10
Resolve any challenges or hinderances from them taking the step.
What are the next steps
Encourage the believer to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
Encourage the person to confess christ to others as soon as the can
Encourage them to read the bible daily
Encourage them to pray daily
Encourage them to become a loyal member of a spirit filled church (Hebrew 10 v 25)
Mtc 108 Stewardship
A steward is basically a person entrusted with another’s property
As christians we should be aware that God gave us all we have and hence we are his stewards and
should be faithful in this stewardship.
Principles of Biblical stewardship
Whatever we have still belongs to God Matt 25 v 14
God will not give us more than we can handle Matt 25 v 15
We will give account of our stewardship. Matt 25 v 19
Faithfulness in little things results in promotion
A subsequent lack of faithfulness results in us making excuses instead
An unfaithful servant is seen as wicked and lazy
God will take responsiblities and opportunities from the ungrateful and give them to the faithful
The unfaithful steward will always end up in regret
God wants us to be productive and profit oriented.
Areas of Biblical stewardship
Tithes and offerings Malachi 3 v 8-10
Sustain and support our families 1 Timothy 5 v 8
Support special projects in church
Give to men of God = prophetic offering Galatians 6 v 6
Giving to the poor Prov 28 v 27 Ephesians 4 v 28
Invest your money wisely(Stocks, shares etc)
We should serve God with our natural gifts Exodus 31 v 2-5
We should serve God as well with our spiritual gifts Romans 12 v 6-7
Our time
Our time is our life, the asset God provides us in equal measure
It is measure for us to fulfil God’s purpose. Ecclesiastes 3 v 1
We should not spend our time but seek to invest it wisely.
Our Bodies
We must use our bodies to pursue God Romans 12 v 1
We must keep our bodies healthy.
Mtc 109
A church comes from the Greek word Ecclesia,which means to call out from.
The church is a body of people called out from the world to be in christ 1 corinthians 1 v 2
The church can refer to the universal church….the body of christ or even a local group of believers.
A brief history of the conquerors assembly
The vision of the Conqueror’s assembly was given to God’s servant Rev Hezekiah Duro Aina on the 26th
of May 1999 while praying in preparation for a crusade in his room in Ikire .
The Lord said to him “Raise with me a people of substance, integrity, People with a compassion for lost
souls and a strong drive for God’s kingdom. It shall be a missionary church”
The church was inaugurated on the 2nd of October 1999 at number 63 olufemi ojo street shasha with 40
people in attendance.
The Purpose of the Conqueror’s assembly
The Five main purposes of the universal church are as follows
Worship. Matt 22 v 37-40
The main purpose of the conquerors assembly is to RAISE A PEOPLE OF DESTINY
Our statements
Our vision statements ( What we intend to do)
Raising a people of substance and integrity, men with compassion for lost souls and a strong drive for
God’s kingdom.
Our Mission Statement (How we intend to do it)
Turning sinners into saints and then empowering saints for destiny.
Our Faith Statement.
There is one God (Debt 6 v 4,Matt 16 v 17)
Jesus Christ is the son of God (Matt 1 v 18-25)
Jesus is the way
The bible is God’s word 2 Timothy 3 v 16
All need to be saved Romans 3 v 23.
Jesus Christ rose from the dead to save us all 1 Corinthians 15 v 4
The dead shall rise again ( 1 Thessalonians 4 v 16 -17
Jesus Christ is coming again (Acts 1 v 11)
Water Baptism and the Lord’s supper (Matt 28 v 19,Matt 26 v 26-29)
Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Mark 16 v 17-18)
Our Core values
G-odliness ( 1 Timothy 6 v 6)
E-xcellence (Psalms 8 v 1)
A-ccountability (Romans 14 v 12)
Re-spect (Romans 12 v 10)
D-iligence (Proverbs 22 v 29)