Department of Business and Administration Course Outline BUS 3103-001 Intermediate Accounting - Equities (Winter 2024) Instructor: Office: Phone: Email: Office Hours: Lori Novak, MBA, CPA,CGA 3BC23 204-789-4280 by appointment Contents LECTURE TIMES AND LOCATION..................................................................................................... 2 COURSE DELIVERY .............................................................................................................................. 2 COURSE DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................ 2 PREREQUISITE COURSES .................................................................................................................... 2 IMPORTANT DATES – COURSE SPECIFIC ....................................................................................... 2 REQUIRED MATERIALS....................................................................................................................... 3 LEARNING OUTCOMES MAPPED ...................................................................................................... 3 CLASS PREPARATION, AND CLASSROOM CONDUCT AND PROTOCOL ................................. 4 How to proceed ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Classroom Conduct and Protocol .......................................................................................................... 5 COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................................ 5 EVALUATION CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................... 5 WileyPLUS Assignments ...................................................................................................................... 5 Midterm ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Data Analytics Assignment – Financial Statement Analysis ................................................................ 7 Final Exam ............................................................................................................................................ 8 GRADING PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................................... 8 FEEDBACK ON ASSESSMENTS (EXCLUDING THE FINAL EXAM) ............................................. 8 PLAGIARISM AND ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT ............................................................................... 9 COURSE SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................................. 9 IMPORTANT DATES COMMON TO ALL COURSES ...................................................................... 11 COURSE POLICIES AND GUIDELINES ............................................................................................ 11 1 LECTURE TIMES AND LOCATION Weekly Contact Hours: Location: Mon/Wed/Fri 11:30am-12:20pm, 2.5 hours per week 3BC57 COURSE DELIVERY Classes will be in-person, in the classroom, on campus every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:30am – 12:20pm from January 8 – April 5. If you are attending classes, please respect the health guidelines provided by the University of Winnipeg. Additionally, there are videos explaining various course concepts and topics located on the WileyPlus System under “resources”. Tests and Exams will be held IN PERSON at the University of Winnipeg. COURSE DESCRIPTION This is the second of a two-part series in Intermediate Financial Accounting. The course continues from where Intermediate Accounting: Assets left off but focusing on the Liabilities and the Equities sections of the balance sheet, while continuing to reinforce the conceptual framework of accounting. The course also reviews items such as Income taxes from an accounting perspective, off balance sheet financing such as leases, and Pensions. The final components deal with accounting changes and error analysis, Statement of Cash Flows and finally other Measurement and Disclosure Issues. This is a demanding course. Students should expect to spend 8-10 hours per week outside class in order to gain an adequate understanding of the course materials. A thorough understanding of the framework, concepts, and techniques of accounting as developed in this course is necessary to enable you to proceed with upper level courses in financial accounting. You need to plan for a greater than average amount of time necessary to complete the course materials. PREREQUISITE COURSES BUS-2002(3) with a minimum grade of C+ [prerequisite(s)]; AND students must have met their university writing requirement with a minimum grade of C+ (or exemption) [prerequisite(s)]; AND take BUS-2820(3) or ECON-2820(3) (must be taken previously or at the same time as this course). IMPORTANT DATES – COURSE SPECIFIC Monday, January 8 First Class Friday, February 16 Midterm 11:30-1:30; 3BC57 Saturday, March 30 Data Analytics Assignment Due Friday, April 5 Last class For important University wide dates click here. 2 REQUIRED MATERIALS Textbook: Intermediate Accounting with WileyPLUS access, 13th Canadian Edition, Volume 2, by Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, & Wiecek. John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd. With WileyPLUS access. Kieso 13ce Vol 2 loose-leaf + WileyPLUS access: ISBN 9781119740636 Kieso 13ce Vol 2 WileyPLUS access only (includes etext): ISBN 9781119844129 If you purchase the print version of the textbook do not throw away the WileyPLUS access code card included with your new textbook. You need it to access the WileyPLUS site for assignments, e-book videos, and other resources. Textbook purchases may be made through the University of Winnipeg Bookstore. Nexus Resources: Various materials will be posted on Nexus as the course progresses. Technology: Software: Access to Excel 2016 or higher installed will be required for tests, exams and the data analytics assignment. See Course Schedule in this document for specific topic coverage. LEARNING OUTCOMES MAPPED Learning Outcome Assessment Ethical Professional Judgement WileyPLUS Assignments Tests Communicating relevant financial and nonfinancial information using the most appropriate media and presentation Develop analytical and integrative thought processes to solve problems and make decisions. Data Analytics Assignment Explain implications of current trends, emerging issues and technologies in financial reporting Analyze the economic substance of a transaction or event and apply correct accounting treatment for routine and nonroutine transactions for liabilities and shareholders’ equity. Prepare financial statements in accordance with applicable standard including routine financial statement disclosure. WileyPLUS Assignments Tests Data Analytics Assignment WileyPLUS Assignments WileyPLUS Assignments Tests Data Analytics Assignment Tests Data Analytics Assignment 3 2022 CPA Competency Map CPA Enabling Competency 1 Proficiency 2 CPA Enabling Competency 7 Proficiency 2 CPA Enabling Competency 6 Proficiency 3 CPA Technical Competency 1 Proficiency 2 CPA Technical Competency 1 Proficiency 4 CPA Technical Competency 1 Evaluate and interpret financial statements including note disclosures Design appropriate analysis WileyPLUS Assignments Critically evaluate performance Term Test – Part B Data Analytics Assignment Data Analytics Assignment Collaborate with others to apply, assess and/or evaluate financial accounting standards Data Analytics Assignment CPA Technical Competency 1 CPA Enabling Competency 6 CPA Enabling Competency 3 CPA Enabling Competencies 3 to 6 1 CLASS PREPARATION, AND CLASSROOM CONDUCT AND PROTOCOL How to proceed Below is the suggested approach to each week of content for this course: Step Description/Action 1. Read required materials before class topic will be covered. See course schedule. 2. Attend Class 3. Complete End of Chapter assigned questions. Attempt each assigned question without looking at the suggested solution. Then check your solution to the suggested solution. Note any areas of difficulty and take notes. 1 Suggested Time 1-2 hours 2.5 hours 4-5 hours The Chartered Professional Accountant Competency Map Part 1 & Part 2. January, 2023. Retrieved June 6, 2023, from 4 4. 5. Ask instructor or fellow classmates for help, if needed. Complete WileyPLUS Post-Class Quiz Variable 1 hour Classroom Conduct and Protocol The purpose of the classroom sessions is to demonstrate and clarify concepts critical to the course material. Participation in class discussion is necessary and welcomed, but please offer your comments or questions with respect. You are responsible for all course–related announcements made in class. Further, it is your responsibility to be familiar with the most current University Course Calendar dealing with Academic Regulations and Policies. Students will find a list of suggested problems for each chapter on Nexus. It is recommended that the problems assigned be completed just after the related chapter material is covered in class in order to receive the maximum benefit. The assigned problems will not be marked but solutions to the problems will be available on Nexus. The problems assigned are designed to assist the student in understanding the course material. COMMUNICATION The primary mode of communication will be in class, office appointments, and uwinnipeg email. Please allow 2 business days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays) for a response. Emails via Nexus are not monitored so please do not use. EVALUATION CRITERIA Evaluation of your performance in this course shall be based on grades earned in these assessments: VALUE ITEM OF WORK 10% WileyPLUS Assignments 30% Midterm – Part A (Chapters 13-17) Midterm – Part B 10% 50% Data Analytics Assignment – Financial Statement Analysis Final Exam (comprehensive) DUE DATE Various Friday, Feb 16, 11:30am-1:30pm, 3BC57 Friday, Mar. 1 via Nexus by 11:59pm Mar 30 by 11:59pm TBD WileyPLUS Assignments You are required to complete post-class “Adaptive” assignments in the “WileyPLUS” system for each chapter. The best 7 post-class assignments will be used in determining your final grade. Post-class assignments are graded as follows: Progress 95% 80% 60% <60% Points Awarded 10 8 6 0 5 All WileyPLUS assignments are due at 11:59pm on the date specified below: Chapter 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Post-Class Assignment Due Date (Adaptive) Sunday, Jan 14 Sunday, Jan 21 Sunday, Jan 28 Sunday, Feb 4 Sunday, Feb. 11 Saturday, Feb. 17 Sunday, Mar 3 Sunday, Mar 17 Sunday, Mar 24 Monday, April 1 Sunday, Apr. 7 Midterm The midterm will contain various types of questions, including multiple choice, short and long problems. You will need to demonstrate your understanding of the course material by clearly explaining and supporting your answer. Note that the test questions may require numerical analysis, and qualitative analysis as well as procedural application. Term Test Procedure Part A: Test Individually each student will complete an in-person term test covering topics as indicated in the course schedule using Nexus and Excel. Part B: The Midterm Reflection Report A solution and marking key to the midterm test will be made available to students to grade their own responses after completion of Part A above. Each student must provide a Word or PDF format typed, maximum one page (8.5x11), single spaced, assessment of their individual answers compared to the solution to determine what they learned, using the following as a guide: 1. Evaluate your performance. a. What went well and what contributed to this success? b. What could have gone better and why? 2. What needs to be done to improve performance for the next assessments? Be specific with timelines for implementation. Students will be required to submit their graded Excel term test and reflection report to the assignment folder in Nexus by end of day March 1. I will review the graded test and adjust grades where necessary. Your overall final midterm test grade will be based on: Individual score (Part A) Individual reflection (Part B) No late reflection reports will be accepted. 6 90% 10% 100% Missed midterm If you miss midterm test without an approved reason or explanation, you will automatically be awarded a grade of zero (“0”) for that Test. Absence from the term test due to illness is of course permissible. In those instances, and with an appropriate medical certificate, the value of the term test will be applied to your Final Examination (i.e., you will be writing a Final Test worth 80% of your final grade). Students must notify me (via email please) of any absence on or before the day of the term test. Students may, from time to time, miss the term test for other reasons, and you are encouraged to discuss these with me as soon as possible. Students who miss a term test with an approved reason will have the value of the term test applied to the Final Test (i.e., you will be writing a Final Test worth 80% of your final grade). In all instances, please note that there will be NO make-up term tests. Data Analytics Assignment – Financial Statement Analysis In assigned teams of 2-3 people, choose one of the following Canadian publicly listed companies: Delta 9 Cannabis Inc. Aurora Cannabis Inc. Using your chosen company, you will prepare an in-depth analysis of: its capital structure, and how its capital structure impacts both basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS), focusing on why basic and diluted EPS are different. Report Requirements: Obtain 3 past years (reported on or before December 31, 2022) of financial statements of the chosen company. Go to to retrieve financial statements. Review the company’s debt and equity. In your written report: Prepare a ratio trend analysis, complete with visualizations, for each of the 3 years. Detail your calculations. Ratios to be included are: o Year over year percentage change (horizontal analysis) for each line item of liabilities and equity (for 2 most recent years) o Debt to equity ratio (for 3 years) Prepare a report explaining how specific liabilities and equity items impact the earnings per share basic and dilutive calculation. Maximum 3 pages typed and double spaced, minimum 11 point font, normal margins. Page count excludes exhibits. You are required to use Excel for ratio calculations and visualizations. You will submit your report via Nexus in either Word, or PDF format along with an Excel file detailing your ratio analysis. Please use APA or MLA format with in-text citations for referencing any external sources used, including ChatGTP, and other Generative AI tools for all assessments, excluding tests. Remember, that information provided in a Generative AI tool is compiled from other external sources, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure all external sources used are identified and cited correctly. No late assignments will be accepted. 7 Final Exam The Final Exam will contain various types of questions, including multiple choice, short and long problems. You will need to demonstrate your understanding of the course material by clearly explaining and supporting your answer. Note that the Final Exam questions may require numerical analysis, and qualitative analysis as well as procedural application. Final Exam Procedure Individually each student will complete a test covering topics as indicated in the course schedule using Excel and Nexus. Missed Final Exam Students unable to write final exams on the assigned exam date in the Winter 2023 final exam period MUST apply for a deferred exam through Academic Advising ( IF the request for the deferred exam is approved, an alternative exam will be scheduled during the following Spring 2023 term. GRADING PROCEDURES Letter grades are not assigned to individual pieces of assessment. Only the total for the course will be converted to a letter grade, and this is only done after the grades are reviewed internally within the Department of Business and Administration. Note until approved by the Department grades are subject to change. The letter grade you earn for the course can range from an F (failure) to an A+ (highest possible grade). A standard grading scale is utilized in all courses within the Department of Business and Administration. Note that this may differ from other Departments or courses at the University of Winnipeg. The scale itself is below with my own interpretation of the levels. Grade A+ A AB+ B C+ C D F Value (%) >90 85–89 80–84 75–79 70–74 65–69 60–64 50–59 <50 GPA Interpretation 4.5 4.25 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 0 Exceptional Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Average Adequate Marginal Unsatisfactory FEEDBACK ON ASSESSMENTS (EXCLUDING THE FINAL EXAM) Assessments will be returned to the student. Unclaimed assessments are discarded after 12 months. 8 PLAGIARISM AND ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT You will need to complete an Academic Honesty Quiz, with a score of 100% (unlimited attempts allowed), in Nexus to gain access to course materials beyond Chapter 13. Plagiarism is submitting work in a course that is not one’s own. This includes, but is not limited to, not using quotation marks, citation and footnotes when quoting directly, or not using footnotes or citations when quoting indirectly or paraphrasing to indicate the source of the ideas or work of another author. Plagiarism can also refer to submitting original work for credit in two or more different courses without the knowledge or prior agreement of the respective Professors. Dishonest or attempted dishonest practice during tests or exams or in the preparation of other course work is considered cheating and will be brought to the Senate Academic Misconduct Committee. Students should note that software designed to assist in detecting potential instances of plagiarism may be used in this course. Please use APA or MLA format with in-text citations for referencing any external sources used for all assessments, excluding tests. See Course Policies and Guidelines. COURSE SCHEDULE2 Date Jan 8 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan 15 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 22 Jan. 24 Jan.26 Jan. 29 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 14 Feb 16 Feb. 1824 Feb. 26 Feb. 28 Mar. 1 2 Chapter/Materials Course Outline, requirements Chapter 23, LO 23.9, pages 23-31 to 2338 Chapter 13 Topic(s) Chapter 14 Long-Term Liabilities Chapter 15 Appendix 15A and 15B Group Sign Up Chapter 16 Appendix 16A, 16B and 16 C (Options Pricing Modules) Shareholders’ Equity Chapter 17 Earnings per share Chapter 18 Income Taxes Midterm – Part A In person 11:30-1:30 Reading Week Chapters 13-17 Chapter 19 Pensions and Other Post-Employment Benefits Financial Statement Analysis (Self Study) Non-Financial and Current Liabilities Complex Financial Instruments No Classes Please note: It’s possible all topics listed may not be covered. 9 Mar. 1 Mar. 4 Mar. 6 Mar. 8 Mar. 11 Mar. 13 Mar. 15 Mar. 18 Mar. 20 Mar. 25 Mar. 27 April 1 Mar. 30 Apr. 3 Apr. 5 TBD 1 Midterm – Part B Due Chapter 20 Submit via Nexus by 11:59pm Leases Chapter 21 Accounting Changes and Error Analysis Chapter 22 Statement of Cash Flows Data Analytics Assignment Due Chapter 23 Submit via Nexus by 11:59pm Other Measurement and Disclosure Final Exam Comprehensive In Person Please note: It’s possible all topics listed may not be covered 10 IMPORTANT DATES COMMON TO ALL COURSES February 18-24 February 19 March 15 March 29 April 8 April 11-24 Reading week: No classes University is closed (Louis Riel Day) Voluntary Withdrawal Date* University is closed (Good Friday) Make up class (if necessary) Winter Exam period COURSE POLICIES AND GUIDELINES 1. Students can find answers to frequently asked questions related to remote learning here: 2. Retain this course outline for any future transfer credit assessment. 3. Note that withdrawing before the VW date does not necessarily result in a fee refund. A minimum of 20% of the work on which the final grade is based must be evaluated and available to the student before the voluntary withdrawal date. Exceptions may be made with the prior approval of the DRC in courses such as Directed Readings, Projects, and Thesis courses, but this will be noted in the course information. Students are encouraged to see the instructor for advice before withdrawing. 4. When it is necessary to cancel a class due to exceptional circumstances, instructors will make every effort to inform students via UWinnipeg email (and/or using the preferred form of communication, as designated in the course information), as well as the Department Assistant and Chair/Dean so that class cancellation forms can be posted outside classrooms. 5. Students may choose not to attend classes or write examinations on holy days of their religion, but they must notify their instructors at least two weeks in advance. Instructors will then provide opportunity for students to make up work or examinations without penalty. A list of religious holidays can be found in the 2023-24 Undergraduate Academic Calendar. 6. Students with documented disabilities, temporary or chronic medical conditions, requiring academic accommodations for tests/exams (e.g., private space) or during lectures/laboratories (e.g., note-takers) are encouraged to contact Accessibility Services (AS) at 204-786-9771 or to discuss appropriate options. All information about a student’s disability or medical condition remains confidential. 7. Students are reminded that they have a responsibility to regularly check their UWinnipeg e-mail addresses to ensure timely receipt of correspondence from the university and/or their course instructors. 8. Sometimes it is necessary to update the course and its materials. The Course Instructor reserves the right to make changes to the course (mode of delivery, content, schedule, assessments, evaluation, 11 assignments, and so on) at any time. A permitted or necessary change in mode of delivery my require adjustments to important aspects of course outlines, like class schedule and the number, nature, and weighting of assignments and/or exams. These changes will be communicated to you should they arise. 9. Academic Integrity. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the “Regulations and Policies” found in the University Academic Calendar at: Particular attention should be given to subsections 8 (“Student Discipline”), 9 (“Senate Appeals”), and 10 (“Grade Appeals”). Even unintentional plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct. An updated and expanded University of Winnipeg library site outlining principles of Academic Integrity can be found at 10. Misuse of Filesharing Sites Uploading essays and other assignments to essay vendor or trader sites (filesharing sites that are known providers of essays for use by others who submit them to instructors as their own work) is a form of misconduct, as it involves “aiding and abetting” plagiarism. More detailed information can be found here: Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedures: and 0Procedures.pdf 11. Respectful Learning Environment. All students, faculty and staff have the right to participate, learn, and work in an environment that is free of harassment and discrimination. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner on campus and in the learning environment irrespective of platform being used. Behaviour, communication, or acts that are inconsistent with a number of UW policies could be considered non-academic misconduct. See the Respectful Working and Learning Environment Policy ( and Acceptable Use of Information Technology Policy ( More detailed information is outlined in the Non-Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedures ( and 12. Copyright and Intellectual Property. Course materials are the property of the instructor who developed them. Examples of such materials are course outlines, assignment descriptions, lecture notes, test questions, and presentation slides—irrespective of format. Students who upload these materials to filesharing sites, or in any other way share these materials with others outside the class without prior permission of the instructor/presenter, are in violation of copyright law and University policy. Students must also seek prior permission of the instructor/presenter before, for example, photographing, recording, or taking screenshots of slides, presentations, lectures, and notes on the board. Students found to be in violation of an instructor’s intellectual property rights could face serious consequences pursuant to the Academic Misconduct or Non-Academic Misconduct Policy; such consequences could possibly involve legal sanction under the Copyright Policy ( 13. Research Ethics. Students conducting research interviews, focus groups, surveys, or any other method of collecting data from any person, including a family member, must obtain research ethics 12 approval before commencing data collection. Exceptions are research activities done in class as a learning exercise. For submission requirements and deadlines, see 14. Privacy. Students are reminded of their rights in relation to the collecting of personal data by the University (, especially if Zoom is being used for remote teaching ( and testing/proctoring ( 15. Academic Integrity and AI Text-Generating Tools. Students must follow principles of academic integrity (e.g., honesty, respect, fairness, and responsibility) in their use of material obtained through AI text-generating tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Bing, Notion AI). If an instructor prohibits the use of AI tools in a course, students may face an allegation of academic misconduct if using them to do assignments. If AI tools are permitted, students must cite them. According to the MLA (, “you should 1. cite a generative AI tool whenever you paraphrase, quote, or incorporate into your own work any content (whether text, image, data, or other) that was created by it 2. acknowledge all functional uses of the tool (like editing your prose or translating words) in a note, your text, or another suitable location 3. take care to vet the secondary sources it cites” If students aren’t sure whether or not they can use AI tools, they should ask their professors. 13