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SAP RRB Configuration Guide

This can be done using Resource Related BIlling.
RRB Configuration..
Steps to be followed:
1) Configure DIP Profile (T.code ODP1)
2) Specify the usage - ℹ️ Billing & Result Analysis (RRB)
(ii) Request Quotation (Sales Pricing)
3) Specify - ℹ️ Sales Document Type (PS2)
(ii) SD Doc Type CMR
4) In Sales Order Type --> Sales Order Category - "L" (Debit Memo Request)
5) Document Pricing Procedure --> PS (Customer Project)
6) Select the billing usage and click on characterstics. eg--> Activity Type
7) Then define sources. Select "Actual Cost" as we use actual cost for RRB. Define%
8) Sources --> Selection Criteria: This would display all characterstics. Now in Activity Type -->
Mention the activity type
9) If more activity type are being used then create set of activity type using T.code GS01
10) Material Determination --> Initially create material with "Material Type = Service"
11) The service material should be mentioned in the material determination
12) Criteria -- In criteria allocate the activity type for the specific material. (We can also use cost
element, cost center, which we have defined in characterstics)
13) Create Project (T.code CJ20N)
14) Create Sales Order (T.code VA01)
15) Book CATS
16) Execute DP91 to view Sales Pricing