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Anatomy Mnemonics: LMU-DCOM Study Guide

LMU-DCOM Anatomy Scholars 2020
Disclaimer: This is nowhere near all-inclusive and you are responsible for all information
available to you via lecturers and lab lists. These are some helpful mnemonics and tricks to be
used as memory tools for the immediate future and beyond! (Boards and careers!)
Median Nerve Innervation
● ½ MedLOAF
○ 1st and 2nd lumbricals
○ Median nerve
○ Lumbricals
○ Opponens pollicis
○ Abductor pollicis brevis
○ Flexor pollicis brevis
(See Dr. Preddy video on youtube for more explanation on forearm innervation mnemonic)
Thenar and Hypothenar eminence muscles
● All For One And One For All
○ Lateral to medial
○ Thenar eminence muscles (All For One)
■ Abductor pollicis brevis
■ Flexor pollicis brevis
■ Opponens pollicis
○ Adductor Pollicis
○ Hypothenar eminence muscles (One For All)
■ Opponens digiti minimi
■ Flexor digiti minimi
■ Abductor digiti minimi
Dorsal Interossei
● DaB
○ Dorsal interossei abduct the digits
Palmar Interossei
● PaD
○ Palmar interossei adducts the digits
Muscle attachments in the humerus
● Flex and LEX
○ Flexors attached to the medial epicondyle
○ Lateral epicondyle has extensor muscles attachments
Winged Scapula
● C5, C6, C7, wings to heaven
LMU-DCOM Anatomy Scholars 2020
C5, 6, and 7 are the spinal roots for the long thoracic nerve which innervates
the serratus anterior muscle (boxer’s muscle). An injury to this nerve would
cause a winged scapula
○ Serratus Anterior muscle
○ Long Thoracic nerve
Carpal bones
● So Long To Pinky, Here Comes The Thumb
● “Start Left Towards Pink Here Comes The Thumb” – Dr. Coleman!
○ Scaphoid
○ Lunate
○ Triquetrum
○ Pisiform
○ Hamate
○ Capitate
○ Trapezoid
○ Trapezium
Rotator Cuffs
● SItS
Teres minor (little “t” because it is teres MINOR)
LMU-DCOM Anatomy Scholars 2020
Shoulder ligament
● “Army over Navy”
○ Artery over Nerve
■ Suprascapular artery travel over the superior transverse scapular
■ Suprascapular nerve passes under the superior transverse scapular
Cubital fossa
○ Lateral to medial contents within the cubital fossa
■ [radial nerve (deep to brachioradialis)]
■ Tendon (biceps)
■ Artery (brachial; deep) and median cubital vein (superficial)
■ Nerve (median)
Intertubercular groove attachments
● 2 Majors and a Miss
○ Attachments for Pectoralis Major, Teres Major, and Latissimus Dorsi
Anterior forearm muscles
● Pass, Fail, Pass, Fail
○ Pronator teres
○ Flexor carpi radialis
○ Palmaris longus
○ Flexor carpi ulnaris
Posterior forearm muscles
● Rules of 3s
○ 3 wrist extensors
■ Extensor carpi radialis longus
■ Extensor carpi radialis brevis
■ Extensor carpi ulnaris
○ 3 finger extensors
■ Extensor digitorum
■ Extensor digiti minimi
■ Extensor indicis
○ 3 thumb muscles
■ Extensor pollicis longus
■ Extensor pollicis brevis
■ Abductor pollicis
○ 3 special exceptions
■ Supinator
■ Brachioradialis
■ Anconeus
LMU-DCOM Anatomy Scholars 2020
Brachial plexus
● Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beer
● Rihanna Took Down Chris Brown
○ Roots
○ Trunks
○ Divisions
○ Cords
○ Terminal Branches
Terminal branches of the brachial plexus
○ Musculocutaneous
○ Axillary
○ Radial
○ Median
○ Ulnar
Spinal nerves
● “3 Musketeers Assassinated 5 Rats 5 Mice 2 Unicorns”
○ Image to the right for reference
LMU-DCOM Anatomy Scholars 2020
Order of the cords in the brachial plexus
● Liters per minute
○ Lateral
○ Posterior
○ Medial
Blood vessels before clavicle – SUBclavian Artery
● Your health is SUBstandard without VITamins C and D.
○ Vertebral
○ Internal thoracic
○ Thyrocervical trunk -> suprascapular
○ Costocervical trunk
○ Dorsal scapular
Blood vessels after clavicle – Axillary Artery
● “Sixties Teens Love Sex And Pot”
○ Superior thoracic
○ Thoracoacromial
○ Lateral thoracic
○ Subscapular
○ Anterior humeral circumflex
○ Posterior humeral circumflex
Blood vessel branching of the Thoracoacromial trunk
“Cadavers Are Dead People”
LMU-DCOM Anatomy Scholars 2020
Blood vessel branching of the Subscapular trunk
● Sex gives you STDs
○ Scapular circumflex (going into the triangular space!)
○ Thoracodorsal (going into Latissimus Dorsi!)
Blood vessels branching off of aortic arch
● “Boston College Sucks” – Courtesy of Dr. Hermey!
○ Brachiocephalic
○ Left Common Carotid
○ Left Subclavian
Gateways in Posterior Scapular region – Dr. Coleman’s “Anatomy Gang Signs!”
(Right shoulder – Posterior to Anterior View)
Spaces are Superior
Intervals are Inferior
Teres Minor
o Travels posterior of the humerus (look at left index finger on “gang sign”) to insert
on the greater tubercle of the humerus. Shortening the muscle results in external
(lateral) rotation of the humerus.
LMU-DCOM Anatomy Scholars 2020
Teres Major
o Travels anterior of the humerus (look at left middle finger on “gang sign”) to insert
on medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus. Shortening the muscle
results in adduction and some internal (medial) rotation of the humerus.
Clinical correlates
o Quadrangular Space
▪ Surgical neck fracture of the humerus
▪ Damage to the Axillary Nerve/Posterior Circumflex Humeral A.
o Triangular Interval
▪ Midshaft fracture of the humerus
▪ Damage to the Radial Nerve/Profunda Brachii A.