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Anatomy Exam Questions: Nerves, Muscles, Bones

1. Pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel may cause a functional deficit in
A. Palmar interossei
B. Dorsal interossei
C. Palmaris brevis
d. Lumbricals 3 &4
e. flexor pollicis brevis
2. loss of sensation to the palmar skin of thumb and index finger suggests damage to the fibers of the
a. digital branch on the median nerve
b. digital branch of the ulna nerve
c. deep branch of ulna nerve
d. superficial branch of radial nerve
e. recurrent branch of the median nerve
on the following questions,check all that apply( they may be one or more)
3. this produces ulna deviation at the wrist
a. extensor digitorum
b. flexor carpi ulnaris
c. flexor digitorum superficialis
d. extensor carpi ulnaris
4. carpals bearing articular surfaces to the wrist are
a. lunate
b. trapezium
c. scaphoid
d. hamate
5. the following muscles are in the thenar outcrop
a. FPL
C. Abductor pollicis longus
d. abductor pollicis brevis
6. branches of which artery supply the elbow joint
a. ulna
b. radial
c. deep brachial
d. brachial
7. the ulna nerve supplies
a. dorsal interossei
b. palmar interossei
c. opponens digiti minimi
d. adductor pollicis
8. which of the followind muscles cause extension at the inter phalangeal joint
a. dorsal interossei
b. palmar interossei
c. opponens digiti minimi
d. adductor pollicis
9. ulna tunnel syndrome is compression of the median nerve in the guyons canal. Symptoms may be
a. pain in the forth and fifth digits
b. parasthesia in fourth and fifth digits
c. intrinsic hand incordination and weakness
d. positive tinel’s sign at the wrist
Use true or false
7. Regarding the clavipectoral fascia
A. The lateral pectoral nerve pierces it
B. it is covered completely by pectoralis minor
c. it splits to enclose subclavius
d. no lymph vessel passes through it
e.suspensory ligament of axilla is part of it
8. the following occurs at the level of insertion of coracobrachialis
a. median nerve crosses brachial artery from medial to lateral
b. radial nerve runs in the spiral groove with profunda brachii artery
c. nutrient artery of humerus enters bone
d. origin of inferior ulna collateral
e. insertion of deltoid
9. regarding the axillary artery
a. it is a continuation of the subclavian artery
b. it begins at bthe medial border of the first rib
c. it ends at the lower border of teres minor
d. it continues as brachial artery
e. it is enclosed in a sheath with the cords of the brachial plexus
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