Police Fitness Program By: Jacob Jackson TSAC-F, CrossFit Level 2 Trainer 1 Legal Advisement © 2022 Jacob Jackson jjackson@tierthreetactical.com www.tierthreetactical.com All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This publication is not affiliated or endorsed by CrossFit Inc. or any of it’s subsidiaries. Legal Advisement This publication is intended for educational purposes only. Nothing herein is intended as medical advice. By engaging in the training methods described within this publication, you and anyone you train, do so at your own risk, and you assume the risk of any and all injuries and/or damages you may suffer, whether while engaging in physical exercise or not. Furthermore, by following training methods and techniques, described in this publication, you are agreeing to hold the author harmless for any and all damages arising from said training methods. The author recommends that you exercise under the supervision of a qualified professional. It is further recommended that you consult with your medical doctor, prior to undertaking any training program described in this publication. 2 Tier Three Tactical Table of Contents Contents Cover Page 2: Legal Advisement Page 3: Table of Contents Page 4: Program Overview Page 5: Nutritional Recommendations Page 6: Recovery Page 7: The Daily Warm Up Page 8: Specific Warm Ups Page 9:Exercise Library Page 10: Scaling and Modification Guidance Page 11: Acronyms and Abbreviations Page 12 - 38: Programming 3 Tier Three Tactical Program Overview This program is designed to increase your strength and conditioning, ultimately making you a better police officers. It will encompass a wide variety of exercises, lifts, and activities to allow you to perform at your highest level. Because every athlete is different, we expect you to use common sense and scale or modify the workouts as needed. Do not push through a workout if you suspect you are injured. If you become injured, you should seek appropriate medical attention, and utilize resources you have. Do not train through serious issues. It’s important to understand that true fitness is built around consistent habits, both within the gym, and outside of the gym. We will provide you with a variety of resources to help you perform well during the process. Each workout is meant to be read in a vertical column. As you will see, each day has a specific focus, and specific warm up. You should be able to do these workout in almost any station or commercial gym. No specialized equipment needed. 4 Tier Three Tactical Nutritional Recommendations Your nutrition will be key to maximizing your improvement in this program. You will need to make sure you are eating enough, as well as eating enough protein, carbs, and fats to sustain your physical output. Nutrition does not have to be complicated. Below is a list of foods that are good choices. By no means is this list exhaustive, nor are you ruining your progress if you eat junk food from time to time. Try to bias your eating choices towards the foods on these list, and make sure you’re drinking enough fluids, and electrolytes, which are critical when working out in hot environments. 5 Tier Three Tactical Recovery Recovery Practices Recovery is needlessly complicated by many coaches, and athletes. There has been a lot of research on various recovery practices, but much of it is inconclusive or contradictory. One of the best recovery methods is light cardio after each session. It’s very simple. You can bike, walk, or row at a very easy pace for 10 minutes, to cool down. I recommend doing it immediately post workout; however, you can also do it later in the day. Most researchers believe this increases circulation and promotes clearance of metabolic waste products. You will also find you are generally less sore, and ready to train more quickly. Moreover, you can also engage in light stretching or yoga if you aren’t a very flexible person. Light stretching after your warm up, prior to the workout can be beneficial. I do not recommend heavy stretching prior to your workout, as it can increase risk of injury, and lower your power output for the session. 6 Tier Three Tactical The Daily Warm Up Each day you will have a general warm up that will consist of a monostructural movement of your choice. You can walk, jog, assault bike, row, or pick any other full body movement that will raise your heart rate. This will be done for 3-5 minutes, at a easy to moderate pace. After this, we will move onto the specific warm up which will get us ready for the daily session. The specific warm up is one of several that I’ve found work well for the type of session/movement you will be performing. Warm up G, is a general full body warm up that is used prior to weight lifting sessions, in the gym. It will warm up the specific muscle groups used during the workout. Warm up R, is a specific running based warm up that will prepare your joints, ligaments, and tissues for a running based workout. Warm Up B, is a bodyweight style warm up that will prepare your body for high intensity calisthenics. You’ll notice that I don’t specify reps or duration for these warm ups. You need to pay attention to your body and determine how much of these warm ups you need. If you feel good after spending a little time with each portion of the warm up, move on to the workout. If you aren’t feeling a particular movement pattern, or are a little sore, then spend more time warming up that specific area. Don’t over complicate this. Remember, you’ll never have a bad training day because you warmed up too thoroughly! 7 Tier Three Tactical Specific Warm Ups Each of these warm ups list various movement you can do to warm up for the workout. Notice I do not specify how many reps to do or a pace. It’s up to you to decide how much warm up you need. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you’re sweating lightly prior to starting your workout. Warm Up G 1. Hanging from a bar 20 seconds 2. Push Ups 3. KB Swings 35/25lbs 4. Walking Lunge with Torso Rotation at full lunge 5. Air Squats Warm Up R 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Skipping 10m Quad Stretch High Knees 10m Hamstring Stretch Acceleration runs working to 70,80,90% speed for 30m Warm Up B 1. Air Squats with a pause at the bottom 2. Burpees 3. Inverted barbell row 4. Push Ups 8 Tier Three Tactical Exercise Library This is a list of all the movements we will use in this program. You can follow the links on each movement for more information on safe technique and points of performance. • Standing Barbell Strict Press • Bench Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row • Bench Press • Pull Up • Deadlift • Box Squat • Air Squat • Dumbbell Bench Press • T-Bar Row • Goblet Squat • Bar Dips • Flutter Kicks • Walking Lunge • Stiff Leg Dumbbell Deadlift • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kettlebell Swing Dumbbell Farmers Carry Deficit Push Ups V-Ups Single Arm Dumbbell Deadlift Barbell Back Squat Dumbbell Push Press Push Up Sit Up Burpee Inverted Barbell Row Dumbbell Deadlift Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press If you’re having trouble with these exercises or want someone to assist you in person, then feel free reach out to a local strength and conditioning coach, or CrossFit gym. They should be able to help you with these movements for a reasonable fee. 9 Tier Three Tactical Scaling and Modification Guidance Every athlete will start this program with a different fitness level, and ability with these movements. The goal for this program is to improve your overall strength, and conditioning, to make you a better officer. To do this you need to make sure that you are performing each movement with as close to perfect form as possible. If you are uncertain, then check the movement library videos for a review of proper form. Some workouts will need to be modified in various ways. For some, the weight will be too heavy and will need to be lowered. For others, perhaps the the running distances need to be shortened for a few weeks. If you need to modify these workouts keep these tips in mind. First, try to keep the workout as similar to how it was originally written. If you can do the movement, but not the weight, then lower it as needed. Secondly, if you can’t do the movement substitute it with a similar movement pattern. For example, if you can’t do strict pull ups, try to do a lat pull down instead. Both movements use the same muscle groups, and will keep the intent of the workout. If you have a minor strain or are still very sore in the same muscle group that you’re using, I highly encourage you to modify the workout. For example, if you rolled your ankle, and running aggravates it, you would be better off swapping the run for something like assault bike, or rower. Do your best to keep the time duration the same from the run interval to the modified equipment intervals. If a 400m run would take you 2min, then your interval on the rower should take you 2min as well. Lastly, don’t be afraid to add in an extra rest day as needed. Consistent work over months matters more than day to day fluctuations. 10 Tier Three Tactical Acronyms and Abbreviations You will see several abbreviations and acronyms in this program. This list should clarify their meaning. • Rep: one repetition of an exercise • Set: the amount of reps to be done before resting • 3x5: The first number is sets, the second is reps in each set • 95/65lbs : 95 pound weight for men, 65 pound weight for women • RIR: reps in reserve, specifies how man reps you should be able to complete after the last rep of the set. 1x8 at 2 RIR means you will do one set of 8 total reps with a weight that would allow for a set of 10 if you really pushed it • DB: Dumbbell • KB: Kettlebell • ME: muscular endurance • 70% of heaviest set: means .7 multiplied by the heaviest weight you did. If you did 100 pounds then 70% of that would be 70 pounds • % effort for a run: subjective rating of your running speed for a workout 11 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 1-3 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up B Standing Barbell Strict Press 1x8 at 2RIR Then 2 max rep sets at 90% of 1x8 weight Run 800m at 80% effort then rest 10min before starting the next intervals Deadlift 5x5 at 2RIR Bench Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row 3x12 at 2RIR *12 each arm 3 x 2min on 1min off 15 sec at jogging pace, 10 sec at moderately face pace, 5 sec at max speed *each two minute block will have 4 (15-10-5) intervals Box Squat 5x5 at 2 RIR Cool Down Walk and Stretch Muscular Endurance 3 Rounds 25 Air Squats 15 Kettlebell Swing 53/35lbs Notes: the 800m run is designed to get you ready for the interval work. For the intervals, make sure that you maintain a running clock. Each 2 min interval will have you cycle through slow, med, fast a total of 4 times. You will then rest 1 minutes before starting another 2 minute interval. Notes: for the deadlift, make sure you maintain a flat back. It’s a good idea to wear a lifting belt for this movement. For the box squat you should use a box that allows you to squat to parallel. You will pause briefly on the box and the accelerate the weight up quickly. For the ME work you should keep breaks short, and squat as low as you can with good form. Muscular Endurance 3 Rounds 7 Bench Press 135/95lbs 7 Strict Pull Up 12 Sit Ups Notes: For the barbell press work to 2 RIR with good form. Then drop your weight and finish your final two sets. Take 23 minutes rest between sets. For the DB row, make sure you focus on using your back more than your arm. For the ME work, make sure you keep a constant pace between movements. Feel free to modify weights, or reps as needed. Keep breaks short. 12 Tier Three Tactical Rest Day 13 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 4-6 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up R Dumbbell Bench Press 1x14 at 2RIR 1x12 at 2RIR 1x10 at 1 RIR 2x400m at 70, 80% Optional Day T-Bar Row 1x14 at 2RIR 1x12 at 2RIR 1x10 at 1 RIR 2 Rounds (200m + 400m + 600m) Run at 90% effort, rest the same as the run time. Take a 5min break between rounds 4 Rounds for Time 400m Run 30 Air Squats Muscular Endurance 3 Rounds Max rep push up 20 Dumbbell Goblet Squat 50/30lbs Rest 2min Cool Down Walk and Stretch Notes: Take 2-3 minutes rest between DB Bench sets. Same advice for T-Bar Row. For the ME work you need to focus on doing full range of motion push ups, elbows locked to chest on the ground. You will then immediately transition to the goblet squat. After that you will rest for 2min, and then begin the next round. Notes: The 400m runs are not max effort. You should be running at a pace where you can talk if needed. For the intervals one round is 200,400,600m. If it takes you 50 sec to run 200m you rest 50 sec, and then begin the 400m. If that takes you 1:45 then you will rest that time, etc. After your 600m you can rest 5 minutes before starting the next round. Notes: If you feel good and are ready to train you can do this workout. Otherwise this is a rest day for you. If you can do this workout on a track or non paved surface then do so. Start your first round slower than you think you should go. Try to speed up as you push towards the end of the workout. 14 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 7-9 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up B Standing Barbell Strict Press 1x8 at 2RIR Then 2 max rep sets at 95% of 1x8 weight 3x100m strides where you gradually work up to 90% speed by the end Deadlift 4x5 at 2RIR then, 1 max rep set at 70% of heaviest set Bench Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row 4x10 at 2RIR *10 each arm 8 Rounds Every 2min on the min run 100m at 90% effort Box Squat 4x5 at 2RIR then, 1 max rep set at 70% of heaviest set Muscular Endurance 3 Rounds 12 Bar Dips 8 Strict Pull Ups 30 Flutter Kicks* *each rep is one leg going up Cool Down Walk and Stretch Muscular Endurance 3 Rounds 16 Dumbbell Walking Lunge 60/40* 16 Stiff Leg Dumbbell Deadlift 60/40lbs* *total load between 2 DB Notes: We are increasing load this week. For the strict press try to beat last weeks set of 8 by 5-10 pounds. Try to maintain the same reps at heavier load for the final 2 sets. Rest 2-3 minutes between. For the DB row, the load will be 5-10 pounds heavier since these are sets of 10 not 12. Make sure you rest as little as possible on the ME work. Ideally you will move through 3 rounds unbroken. Notes: These strides are designed to work up to your 90% sprint speed. Do not sprint as fast as you can, otherwise you’re likely to injure a hamstring. For the workout, make sure you try and maintain the same pace throughout all 8 rounds. Don’t start with max effort and then slow way down by round 8. Notes: For the deadlift try to beat last weeks weight by 515lbs. Same advice on the box squat. You should wear a belt for both movements. On the ME work you will use two DB at the specified load. Try to keep breaks short and move continuously between the two movements. Each step is one walking lunge for a total of 8L, 8R 15 Tier Three Tactical Rest Day 16 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 10-12 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up R Dumbbell Bench Press 1x12 at 2RIR 1x10 at 2RIR 1x9 at 1 RIR 2x400m at 70, 80% Optional Day T-Bar Row 1x12 at 2RIR 1x10 at 2RIR 1x9 at 1 RIR Every 3min on the min for 21min Run 200m at 90% effort As many rounds as possible in 12 min Run 200m 20m Dumbbell Farmers Carry 100/60lbs * *total load between two DB Muscular Endurance 3 Rounds 25 Kettlebell Swing 53/35lbs 25 Sit Ups 25 Air Squats Cool Down Walk and Stretch Notes: This session is heavier than the previous as the reps are lower for both DB bench, and T Bar row. Continue to rest 2-3 minutes between sets. On the muscular endurance work you will move continuously between all three movements. Keep any breaks as short as possible. Notes: Use the 400m intervals as warm ups for the main running workout. For this workout you will run 200m every 3 minutes on a continuously running clock. Try to maintain a constant 90% effort across all sets. Ideally they should be very close to the same time. Notes: This is a planned rest day. If you feel good, and want to do a quick workout this is your optional workout. Maintain a steady pace throughout, as you’ll quickly slow down if you start too fast. The farmers carry is listed as total load between two DB for males/females. 17 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 13-15 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up B Standing Barbell Strict Press 1x8 at 2RIR Then 3 max rep sets at 95% of 1x8 weight Run 800m at 80% effort then rest 5min Deadlift 4x5 at 1RIR then, 1 max rep set at 70% of heaviest set Bench Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row 2x10 at 2RIR 2x8 at 1RIR * 10 or 8 reps per arm 3 Rounds Each Round is (100m + 200m +400m) Rest is equal to run time Rest 5 minutes between rounds Box Squat 4x5 at 1RIR then, 1 max rep set at 70% of heaviest set Cool Down Walk and Stretch Muscular Endurance Increase reps each round for 10min (1,1. 2,2. 3,3 etc) Dumbbell Goblet Squat 60/30lbs Single Arm Dumbbell Deadlift 60/30lbs Notes: The 800m is a final warm up run prior to the workout. Each round is 100,200,400m. Within each round you will rest the same as your run time. After each 400m run, you will rest 5min before starting your next round. Each interval should be close to max effort. Notes: This week we are increasing load slightly for the box squat and deadlift. Make sure to leave 1 rep left in the tank for each set. For the muscular endurance work you will use one dumbbell, and perform one goblet squat, and one single arm deadlift. You’ll then immediately perform 2 of each, and then 3. You will increase reps until the 10min time cap. 18 Muscular Endurance 4 Rounds 12 Inverted Barbell Row 12 Deficit Push Ups* 12 V-Ups *use 45lb plates to allow you to go lower on push up Notes: This week we’re adding more sets to the weight lifting. The weights will be higher on the sets of 8. Maintain strict form. For the muscular endurance work you’ll move through all three movements with as little break as possible. The deficit push ups should be done using your 45 pound plates to place your hands on. This allows you to go lower on the push up. Tier Three Tactical Rest Day 19 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 16-18 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up R Dumbbell Bench Press 1x14 2RIR 1x12 at 2RIR 1x10 at 1RIR 1x9 at 1 RIR 1x200m at 80% 1x400m at 80% Optional Day T-Bar Row 1x14 2RIR 1x12 at 2RIR 1x10 at 1RIR 1x9 at 1 RIR Run 1600m at 90% effort Rest 4min Run 1200m at 90% effort Rest 3min Run 800m at 90% effort 4 Rounds 30 Push Ups Run 100m at 90% effort Rest 2min Muscular Endurance As many rounds as possible in 10min 8 Bar Dips 6 Pull Ups 18 Air Squats Cool Down Walk and Stretch Notes: This week we are increasing weight, and adding in additional sets. Take as much rest between sets as needed. For the muscular endurance work you will move between each movement with little or short rest. If you need to break up the movements take only as much rest as you need to keep going. Make sure you are hitting full depth on the air squats. Notes: This is a longer interval workout. Don’t run at max speed, but each round should be hard. Notes: As always this is an optional day. If you are feeling sore, and have low energy, then take this as a rest day. Otherwise you can complete this workout. You will perform your push ups, and then immediately transition into the 100m sprint. Rest 2min after each run 20 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 19-21 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up B Standing Barbell Strict Press 1x8, 1x6 at 1RIR Then 3 max rep sets at 95% of 1x8 weight Run 100m at 80% effort Rest 1min Run 200m at 80% effort Deadlift 4x4 at 1RIR then, 1 max rep set at 70% of heaviest set Bench Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row 2x10 at 1RIR 2x8 at 1RIR 1x6 at 1RIR * 10/8/6 reps per arm 2 x 200m at max effort Rest 2min between 2 x 400m at max effort Rest 3min between 2 x 600m at max effort Rest 4min between Box Squat 4x4 at 1RIR then, 1 max rep set at 70% of heaviest set Cool Down Walk and Stretch Muscular Endurance Increasing reps each minute 1,1. 2,2. 3,3. etc until failure Pull Up Dumbbell Push Press 50/25lbs each DB Notes: After the warm up start the 100m and 200m at 80% effort. This is to prepare you for the rest of the running workout which is very challenging. I recommend running at near max effort for the first interval or so, as you need to keep something in the tank for the longer intervals later on. Notes: The overall volume is going down this week as we are doing sets of 4 instead of 5. This means the weight should be 10 or so pounds heavier than last week on both the box squat and deadlift. Rest as needed between weight lifting sets. The muscular endurance work will increase each minute by one rep each until you fail to finish the required reps in the min. The weight for the dumbbell is 2x 21 50s or 2x25s for women Muscular Endurance 100 Push Ups for Time *every break = 25 Goblet squats 30/20lbs Dumbbell Notes: Volume continues to increase as does weight in the dumbbell row, and strict press. Rest as needed for these weight lifting sets. For the muscular endurance piece try to complete even sized sets, and only break when needed. Tier Three Tactical Rest Day 22 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 22-24 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up R Dumbbell Bench Press 1x14 1RIR 1x12 at 1RIR 1x10 at 1RIR 1x9 at 1 RIR 1x8 at 1 RIR 1x200m at 80% 1x400m at 80% Optional Day T-Bar Row 1x14 1RIR 1x12 at 1RIR 1x10 at 1RIR 1x9 at 1 RIR 1x8 at 1 RIR 2 Mile Time Trial For Time 50 Pull Ups for time *every break run 200m Muscular Endurance As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats Cool Down Walk and Stretch Notes: For the DB bench press and T bar row, we are increasing all sets to 1RIR, and adding a final set of 8. Make sure you’re resting 2-3 minutes between sets. For the muscular endurance work you will move between each movement continuously, resting as little as possible. Each round is finished after the set of 15 air squats. Notes: This is a time trial to be done as fast as possible. Make sure you take several minutes of rest after your final 400m at 80% before you start the TT. For the TT start at around 90% effort for the first mile, and then drop the hammer for the final mile. Notes: As always this is an optional day. If you are feeling sore, and have low energy, then take this as a rest day. Otherwise you can complete this workout. For this workout try to do even sized sets throughout. You can push within 1 rep of failure as you’re arms and back will recover on the 200m run. 23 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 25-27 Warm Up G Standing Barbell Strict Press 3x6 at 2RIR Bench Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row 3x6 at 2RIR 6 each arm Muscular Endurance 3 Rounds 10 Bench Press 135/95lbs 30 Sit Ups 20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35lbs Notes: This is our deload week, which means you’ll still be lifting heavy, but you won’t have as may reps and sets. The goal is to allow your body to recover this week so you can push harder in the coming weeks. Rest as needed between presses and rows. For the ME work try to complete each movement without a break. You can catch your breath quickly moving to the next movement. Warm Up R Run 3x50m at 70,80,90% effort Warm Up B Deadlift 3x3 at 2RIR Run 100m Every min on the min until failure * Run at 200m pace Box Squat 3x3 at 2 RIR Cool Down Walk and Stretch Muscular Endurance 3 Rounds 16 Walking Lunge with 2x Dumbbells 50/30 lbs 16 Dumbbell deadlift same weight Notes: This workout is very tough. With a running clock you’ll start a 100m run on the start of each new minute. Maintain a hard pace equivalent to your 200m sprint pace. Aim to get 6-8 rounds done as a minimum. Notes: These squats and barbell deadlifts should be moderately heavy. Take as much rest between as you like. For the muscular endurance work you will use the same set of dumbbells for both moves. Try to rest as little as possible and move continuously for all three rounds. 24 Tier Three Tactical Rest Day 25 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 28-30 Warm Up G Warm Up R Dumbbell Bench Press 1x14 1RIR 1x12 at 1RIR 1x10 at 1RIR Warm Up Rest T-Bar Row 1x14 1RIR 1x12 at 1RIR 1x10 at 1RIR 20min run at 80% effort Muscular Endurance 3 Rounds 10 Deadlifts at 185/125lbs 20 Push ups 30 Sit Ups Rest 1min Cool Down Walk and Stretch Notes: Volume continues to remain lower so you can recover this week. Take as much rest as needed for the T bar row and DB bench press. For the muscular endurance work you will move through each movement without pause as you have a built in 1 min rest before starting the next round. Notes: This is a very simple workout. After your warm up complete 20 min at a moderately hard pace. Optional Walk 30min 26 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 31-33 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up B Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 1x16 at 2RIR 1x14 at 2RIR 1x12 at 2RIR 2 x 200m at 80% Deadlift 1x8 at 2 RIR 1x6 at 2 RIR 1x5 at 1 RIR Bench Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row 1x16 at 2RIR 1x14 at 2RIR 1x12 at 2RIR *reps per arm Run 400m Every 3min on the min for 21 min *hard running pace Back Squat 1x8 at 2 RIR 1x6 at 2 RIR 1x5 at 1 RIR Cool Down Walk and Stretch Muscular Endurance 3 Rounds 15 Kettlebell Goblet Squat 53/35lbs 15 KB Swing 53/35lbs Run 200m Notes: This running workout is hard. Make sure you pace yourself a little slower on the first couple of 400m intervals. After that you can start to increase the pace as you are able. Notes: Deadlift reps have changed, and we’ve switched from box squat to barbell back squat. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets for these lifts. For the muscular endurance work you can do this outside or use a treadmill. Try not to break any of the sets up, and move continuously through each movement. Muscular Endurance 40-30-20 Push Up Sit Up Air Squat Notes: This is the beginning of the last cycle for the program. Expect to see movement changes as well as differences in sets and reps. Continue to rest 2-3 minutes between the shoulder press sets as well as the DB row. For the muscular endurance work you will do 40 of each move, then 30, then 20 as fast as possible with good form 27 Tier Three Tactical Rest Day 28 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 34-36 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up R Bench Press 1x12 at 2 RIR 1x10 at 2 RIR 1x9 at 2 RIR 1x200m at 80% 1x400m at 80% Optional Day Pull Up 3 Max Rep Sets 4x800m at 70,80,90,90% effort *rest 2minutes between intervals For Time 50 Air Squats Run 1 mile 50 Air Squat Muscular Endurance 100 Sit Ups for Time *every 20 reps perform 12 Bar Dips Cool Down Walk and Stretch Notes: For the bench press and pull ups you should rest 2-3 minutes between sets. For the muscular endurance work you should try to finish the 100 reps as fast as possible. Every 20 reps you will do 12 dips and then return back to the sit ups until you finish all 100 reps Notes: For this cycle we will be working on longer intervals. None of the 800m should be max effort. Pace according to the percentage effort. Notes: As always this is an optional day. If you are feeling sore, and have low energy, then take this as a rest day. Otherwise you can complete this workout. For the workout, try to do the air squats with a steady rhythm. Make sure you are going all the way down and all the way up. Push hard on the run, and finish strong on the final set of air squats. 29 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 37-39 Warm Up G Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 1x16 at 2RIR 1x14 at 2RIR 1x12 at 1RIR 1x10 at 1RIR Bench Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row 1x16 at 2RIR 1x14 at 2RIR 1x12 at 1RIR 1x10 at 1RIR *reps per arm Muscular Endurance 10min 30 Sec 2in Deficit Push Ups 30 Sec Kettlebell Swings 53/35lbs Notes: We’ve added an extra set and increased the weight on the last two sets as well on both the shoulder press, and row. Continue to rest 2-3 minutes between sets. For the muscular endurance work you will alternated every 30 seconds between movements for a total of 10min Warm Up R Warm Up B 1 x 100m at 80% 1x 200m at 80% Deadlift 1x8 at 2 RIR 1x6 at 1 RIR 1x5 at 1 RIR 1 Max Rep Set at 50% of 1x5 weight Every 2 min on the min for 20min Run 200m at a hard pace Back Squat 1x8 at 2 RIR 1x6 at 1 RIR 1x5 at 1 RIR Max Rep Set at 50% of 1x5 weight Cool Down Walk and Stretch Muscular Endurance 4 Rounds 14 Walking Lunge with 45/25lbs plate (7L, 7R) 10 Pull Ups Notes: This running workout is hard. Make sure you pace yourself a little slower on the first couple of 200m intervals. After that you can start to increase the pace as you are able. Notes: We’ve moved the weight higher on the deadlift and squat. We’ve also added a max rep set at the end of each. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets for both exercises. For the muscular endurance work you will bear hug a plate for the walking lunge, performing 7 lunges per leg for a total of 14. You will then move to pull ups. Keep rest as short as possible, aiming to move continuously. 30 Tier Three Tactical Rest Day 31 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 40-42 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up G Bench Press 1x12 at 2 RIR 1x10 at 2 RIR 1x9 at 1 RIR 1x8 at 1 RIR 1x200m at 80% 1x400m at 80% Optional Day Pull Up 4 Max Rep Sets 3x1000m at 80,90,95% effort *rest 2minutes between intervals For Time 10 Minutes for Max Reps Bodyweight bench press *every time you rack the bar run 400m Muscular Endurance 4 Rounds Run 200m 15 Dumbbell Push Press 40/20lbs each DB Rest 2min Cool Down Walk and Stretch Notes: We are increasing load for the bench press, and adding a set. We’ve also added an extra set of pull ups. Rest 2-3 minutes between these sets. For the muscular endurance work I want you to run a hard 200m and then go straight to the DB push press. You’ll then rest 2 min after the push press before the next round. You can do this outside or on a treadmill. Notes: The interval length has increased this week. Do you best to follow the pacing effort guidelines. The last 1000m should be near max effort Tier Three Tactical Notes: As always this is an optional day. If you are feeling sore, and have low energy, then take this as a rest day. Otherwise you can complete this workout. For the workout, you will set the bar up with your bodyweight, and do as many reps as you can until you have to rack the bar. You’ll then run 400m. I highly recommend using a spotter, or spotter arms/pins. 32 Workouts 43-45 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up B Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 1x16 at 2RIR 1x14 at 2RIR 1x12 at 1RIR 1x10 at 1RIR 1x8 at 1RIR 1 x 100m at 80% 1x 200m at 80% Deadlift 1x8 at 1 RIR 1x6 at 1 RIR 1x5 at 1 RIR 1 Max Rep Set at 60% of 1x5 weight Bench Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row 1x16 at 2RIR 1x14 at 2RIR 1x12 at 1RIR 1x10 at 1RIR 1x8 at 1RIR 1000m at max effort Rest 4min 800m at max effort Rest 3min 600m at max effort Back Squat 1x8 at 2 RIR 1x6 at 1 RIR 1x5 at 1 RIR Max Rep Set at 60% of 1x5 weight Cool Down Walk and Stretch Muscular Endurance 60 Kettlebell Goblet Squats for Time 53/35lbs *every time you break perform 10 KB swings with the same weight Notes: After you finish the 100m, and 200m at 80% take several minutes before starting the main portion of the workout. Each interval is at max speed. Rest as specified. Notes: The weights have increased slightly, and the max rep set has increased as well. Rest 2-3 minutes between back squat and deadlift sets. For the muscular endurance work you will try to do 60 goblet squats as fast as good technique allows. When you break you have to do 10 KB swings before you can rest. Aim for large even sized sets. Muscular Endurance 5 Rounds 5 Bench Press 155/105lbs 10 Pull Ups 20 Air Squats Notes: This is the hardest week of the program. There are more and heavier sets for the row, and shoulder press. Rest 2-3 minutes between. For the muscular endurance work you should move between the bench press, and pull ups quickly. Do the air squats at a steady pace. Try move continuously through all 5 rounds. 33 Tier Three Tactical Rest Day 34 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 46-48 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up R Bench Press 1x12 at 2 RIR 1x10 at 2 RIR 1x9 at 1 RIR 1x8 at 1 RIR 1x6 at 1RIR 1x200m at 80% 1x400m at 80% Rest Pull Up 5 Max Rep Sets 3mile Time Trial Optional Jog 20 min easy pace Muscular Endurance For Time 50 Push Ups 50 Sit Ups 50 Air Squats 50 Sit Ups 50 Push Ups Cool Down Walk and Stretch Notes: The bench press builds to a heavy set of 6 and you will be doing 5 max rep pull up sets. Rest 2-3 minutes between each. For the muscular endurance work you should go with smaller sets of push ups and sit ups and take quick breaks. The goal is to keep a steady pace throughout. Notes: After your final warm up intervals of 200m and 400m take 5-7 minutes of rest. You’ll then start your 3 mile time trial at max effort. Start conservatively and gradually increase your effort as you pass the half way point. 35 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 49-51 Warm Up G Warm Up R Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3x8 at 2RIR Bench Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row 3x8 at 2RIR 8 each arm Muscular Endurance 30-20-10 Push Ups Sit Ups Walking Lunge (each step is one rep) Notes: This is your recovery week prior to starting your next program. The goal is to fully recover so you go into the school feeling fresh. The weights for the shoulder press, and row are still fairly heavy but there are fewer reps. Rest 2-3 minutes between these sets. For the muscular endurance work maintain a steady continuous pace throughout Warm Up B Deadlift 3x5 at 2RIR 20min Jog at Easy Pace Back Squat 3x5 at 2RIR Cool Down Walk and Stretch Muscular Endurance 15-12-9 Deadlift Bodyweight Sit Ups Notes: This is an easy jog pace. You should be able to maintain a conversation at this pace. Notes: These weights are still moderately heavy. Rest 2-3 minutes between each set. For the muscular endurance work you should aim to do the deadlifts without breaking and treat the sit ups as a rest period. Move continuously between movements. You will do 15 of both, 12 of both and then 9 of both. 36 Tier Three Tactical Rest Day 37 Tier Three Tactical Workouts 52-54 Warm Up G Warm Up R Warm Up R Bench Press 3x5 at 2RIR 1x200m at 80% 1x400m at 80% Rest Pull Up 2 Max Rep Sets 2mile Run 80% effort Optional Walk 30min Easy Muscular Endurance 21-15-9 Dumbbell Push Press 40/20lbs each DB Goblet Squat 40/20lbs single DB Cool Down Walk and Stretch Notes: These bench sets are fairly heavy, but they aren’t max effort. Similarly you don’t have to go to absolute failure on the pull ups. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. For the muscular endurance work you will do 21 push press, 21 goblet squats with a 2x DB, then 15, 15 and 9, 9. You will use a single DB on the goblet squat. Move continuously between movements, taking as little rest as possible. Notes: After your final warm up intervals of 200m and 400m take 5-7 minutes of rest. You’ll then start your 2 mile run at 80% effort. Don’t push it hard here. We are still focusing on recovery. 38 Tier Three Tactical