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Management Accounting Basics: Concepts & Objectives

Management Accounting
Dr. Kudshiya Raza
• Meaning of Management Accounting
• Definition
• Characteristics of Management
• Objectives of Management Accounting
Problem of Terminology
Though the term ‘Management Accounting’ is in wide use, some other terms like
‘Management-oriented Accounting’, ‘ Management Accountancy’ and ‘ Accounting for
Management’, etc. Are also used for this subject. As this subject edits, analysis and
presents accounting information for the understanding of management and
decisions to be taken by them its is called ‘Management-oriented Accounting’ or
‘Accounting for Management’. J. Batty has preferred the term ‘Management
Accountancy’. According to him Management Accounting is usually used to indicate a
limited use of some recognised principles while the scope of Management
Accountancy is much wider.
Management Accounting :
concept and definitions
The term ‘Management Accounting’ represents a merger of two words ‘Management’
and ‘Accounting’. ‘Management’ refers to the functions of planning, direction and
control, etc. while ‘Accounting’ refers to record, compilation, analysis and
presentation of various financial transactions. In this context that form or system
of accounting may be called management accounting which provides all such
information's as are required by management for planning, direction and control of
business activities. Some important definitions of management accounting are as
follows :
“Management Accounting is the adaptation and analysis of accounting
information and its diagnosis and explanation in such a way as to assits
management.” – T. G. Rose
1)“Management Accounting is concerned with the accounting
information that is useful to management.” – Robert N. Anthony
“Management Accounting is the term used to describe the accounting
methods, systems and techniques which, coupled with special knowledge and
ability, assists management in its tat of maximizing profits or minimizing
losses.” – J. Batty
“Management Accounting may be defined as the application of accounting
techniques to the provisions of information designed to assist all levels of
management in planning and controlling the activities of the firm.” –
John Sizer
“Management Accounting is the process of
identification, measurement, presentation,
analysis, interpretation and communication of
accounting information that assists the
management in planning, decision-making,
direction and control within the framework of
fulfilling the organizational objectives.”
Nature or Characteristics of
management accounting
1. Science & Arts
2. Accounting Service
3. Integrated system
4. More Concern with future
5. Selective Nature
6. Achieving of Objective
Nature or Characteristics of
management accounting
1. Both as a Science and an Art : In management accounting data are collected
systematically and they are analysed with the help of various formulae and
techniques and on this basis it is a science. On the other hand, subjective
judgment of management and various needs of the organisation are also taken
into account while taking decisions and on this basis it is an art.
2. Accounting Service : Management accounting is a function of accounting
service towards management. Under this service necessary information's are
provided to various levels of management. These information's may be
financial as well as non-financial.
3. Integrated System : Management accounting is an integrated system in which
techniques related to various subjects are used in the process of data collection,
analysis and decision-making. These subjects include cost accounting, financial
accounting, statistics, economics, business laws, industrial psychology, quantitative
techniques, etc
4. More concerned with Future : Management accounting is more concerned with
‘future’. No doubt, analysis and interpretation are made on the basis of historical
data, but the important objective of management accounting is to determine
policies for future to make forecasting and help to management in its task of
planning and budgeting
5. Selective Nature : Management accounting is selective in nature. It selects only
those plans or alternatives which seems to be more attractive and profitable. Similarly,
only those facts and figures are presented before the management which are useful for
managerial understanding and decisions.
6. Achieving of Objectives : In management accounting, the accounting information is
used in such a way so that organisational objectives and targets may be achieved and
efficiency of business may be improved.
On then whole, management accounting is very important and sensitive
system from the view of managerial needs which helps the management in the form
of science as well as an art.
Scope of management
Scope of management
1) Financial Accounting : Financial accounting means general accounting which
pertains to recording of all business transactions in the book of prime entry,
posting them into ledger accounts, balancing them and preparing a trial balance,
from and out of which a Profit & Loss Account showing financial results of the
business and a balance sheet showing assets and liabilities of the business
concern are prepared.
2) Cost Accounting : Cost accounting is an important part of management
accounting. Various aspects of cost accounting, such as standard costing,
marginal costing, budgetary control, differential costing, etc. are very helpful
to the management for planning various business activities.
3) Financial Management : It is concerned with the planning and controlling of
financial resources of the firm so that the funds at disposal may be utilised
effectively. Though, financial management has developed as a separate subjects,
management accounting includes and extends to the functioning of financial
management also.
4) Budgeting and Forecasting : Budget means expressing the plans, policies and
goals of an enterprise in quantitative terms for a definite period in future.
After the completion of period actual performance is compared with budgeted
figures and the efficiency is measured. Forecasting, on the other hand, is a
prediction o the basis of past trends, current information's and future
possibilities. Forecasting is a judgment whereas budgeting is an organisational
objects and both are useful in management accounting.
• Inventory Control : Inventory control is an
important technique for cost control and
efficiency of the enterprise. It involves
determination of different levels of stock such as
economic order quantity (E.O.Q), re-order point,
minimum level, maximum level, etc. and for all
these levels management accountant provides
useful guidelines to the management
Functions or objectives of
management accounting
1. Operating
I. Operating functions
Management accounting means use of financial and accounting
data for managerial functions. It requires systematic collection
and processing of data. Such processing is termed as operating
functions. The main operating functions of management
accounting are as follows :
1) Recording of Data : Recording of business transactions is a
basic function of any accounting system. Initially these
transactions are recorded in their original form so as to maintain
their basic entity and quality. Later on, these original recorded
facts and data are classified into distinct groups and subrecorded and finally analytical reports are drafted on the basis
of these sub-records. These reports provide information base
for managerial actions.
2) VALIDATING THE DA: The effectiveness of managerial functions depends upon
the accuracy TA and adequacy of financial data. Hence, through proper
communication and experience it should be ensured by the management
accountant that the data available are complete and accurate at certain
predetermined level of significance.
3) Interpretation of data : Interpretation of data is an important function of
management accounting. It involves impartial, objective and concise
explanation of data and its analysis. In other words, financial data is generally
collected and presented in a technical way. Management accountant analyses
and interprets financial data in a simple way and presents it in a non-technical
4) Communication the data : The collected and interpreted information in the
form of quantitative expression can give fruitful results only when it is
communicated to proper person and at proper time. To accomplish this
function of management accounting several reports and statements are used
by the management accountant.
II. Theoretical functions
The theoretical function of management accounting is to help in effective and
successful performance of managerial functions. Incidentally this becomes the
objective of management accounting also. The main theoretical functions
(objectives) of management accounting are as follows :
1) Help in forecasting and planning : One of the important functions of the
management accounting is to help management in the process of forecasting
and planning so as to achieve the objectives of the business concern. It is
worthwhile to note that formulation of policies and plans needs various
forecasts and management accounting adequately provides various tools with
the help of which various forecasts can be made in respect of production cost,
sales, cash receipt, cash payments and profit, etc.
2) Help in organising : Organising establishes structural relationship among
various individuals and segments in an enterprises, which is achieved through
the process of delegation of authority and fixing of responsibility. Management
accounting can help greatly in this process. Management accounting also
develops the system of internal audit in order to maintain sound organisation
3) help in controlling : Control means to ensure the work performance
as per plan and pre-determined standards. It is possible through
standard costing and budgetary control which are integral parts of
management accounting.
4) Help in communication : Management accounting plays an important
role in the process of communication. All operating results ad financial
data are presented in the form of various reports and statements.
These reports and statements communicate useful information to
internal management as well as to outside parties, such as
shareholders, debentures holders and other institutions. Sometimes
some special reports or statements dealing with specific problems are
also prepared for the purpose of conveying it to different levels.
3) Help in co-ordination : Management accounting helps in
the over-all coordination of various operational activities
and this purpose is achieved with the help of various
functional budgets.
4) Help in decision- making : Management accounting
provides necessary analytical information to management
which help in the process of rational decision-making.