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High School Literature Assessment: Movie Adaptations & Analysis

Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Pangasinan Division II
Pozorrubio, Pangasinan
Name: ______________________________________Grade and Section: ___________________
Activity 1:
Directions: Do you love watching movies or television series? Look for a movie that is an adaptation
from a novel, comics, animated series, online story, etc. (e.g. “Harry Potter (2001-2011)”, “The Da
Vinci Code (2008)”, “The Lord of Ring and “The Hobbit (2001-2014)”
Then, compare and contrast the movie and the novel, comics, etc. (the literary text where the movie
is based on) using a Venn Diagram.
Title of the movie/series:
Title of the Novel, comics, animated series, online
story, etc.:
Is there a major difference or similarity between the movie and the novel? Explain your answer.
Activity 2: Directions: Answer the following questions briefly and meaningfully:
1. What do you think is the importance of peer and self-assessment to improve one’s
understanding of the lesson?
2. Do you think setting criteria is important in the assessment? Why? Why not?
3. Do you agree that making an adaptation of a literary text deepens your understanding
of the literary work? Why? Explain your answer.
Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Pangasinan Division II
Pozorrubio, Pangasinan
Name: ______________________________________Grade and Section: ___________________
Activity 1: READ ME!
Direction: Read the selection Chechnya by Anthony Marra and answer the questions that
follow. Fill out the table with setting and character. Use skimming as a reading technique.
1. Where and when did the story
2. Who are the characters in the
Comprehension Check:
Direction: Now, answer the following questions below to test your understanding on the
given story.
1. What descriptions were given about the setting of the story?
2. What seems to be the conflict surrounding the story?
3. What was the deal made by Sonja and Akhmed?
4. What change in attitude was evident in the main character of the story at the beginning and
at the end?
5. Why was it important for the writer to narrate the events that happened during the wars to
reveal traditions in Chechnya?
Activity 2. Scan Me!
Direction: Read and understand the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Adaptation from The Journey to the River Sea
By Eva Ibbotson
Maia is an orphan. Her only guardian is a lawyer, named Mr. Murray, whose only
responsibility is to help her with the small amount of money her parents have left her when they
died. Then, Maia learned that her relatives, the Carters would be willing to take care of her. When
a note written by the Carter twins, Gwendolyn and Beatrice, arrives, Maia makes up her mind to
go live with the Carters in their house on the Amazon. She travels there with Miss Minton, her
new tutor. On the boat from England, she meets Clovis King, a struggling child actor. The two
quickly became friends. Maia is very excited to live with the Carters. She imagines that she and
the twins will become the best of friends and they will have a wonderful time together.
However, the only reason the Carters took Maia in was her money. In reality, Gwendolyn
and Beatrice are selfish. They hate Maia before they even know her. Maia feels like being with
the Carters is like a being in prison. Soon, however, she meets Finn, who is running away from
private detectives known as “the crows.” They are trying to force Finn to return to England and
claim his inheritance.
When Clovis committed a mistake in a play where he belongs, he goes to Maia for help
because his acting company fires him. She and Finn hide him in the hidden lagoon where Finn
lives and devise a plan to get Clovis back to England. Finn, Maia, and Clovis plan to make the
crows believe that Clovis is Finn so Clovis pretended to be Finn.
Meanwhile, in England, Clovis confesses that he is not the real Finn and wishes to go home,
Point of View
1. Who is narrating the story?
2. What struggle is the main character
facing in this story?
3. What is the main idea expressed in the
which causes Sir Aubrey, Finn’s father to have a heart attack. The real Finn goes to his father's
home, to help Clovis reveal the truth.
In the end, Mrs. Carter, Beatrice, and Gwendolyn return to England to become servants of
their wealthy relative. However, Maia, Miss Minton and Clovis all return to Brazil. Finn inherits all
his family’s money and possessions.
Direction: Fill out the table with point of view, conflict and theme. Use Scanning as a reading
Comprehension Check
Direction: The story was quite interesting. Now, answer the questions that follow to test
your understanding.
1. What problems did Maia experience during her travel to Brazil?
2. What are the characteristics of Gwendolyn and Beatrice?
3. What life lessons did she learn from her friends Finn and Clovis?
Activity 3: Critical Analysis of the Poem
Direction: Read the poem with understanding. Write a critical essay about the poem by
completing the guide in the grid below.
A. Let us discover a lighthearted tale presented below and answer the following questions in your big
Literary structure: Graphic fiction is a creative piece written in comic form.
Processing Questions:
1. How does the speaker feel whenever it rings?
2. How did she react when she realized she was already late?
3. Would you react the same way if this happens to you?
B. Now explore a flash fiction that is more serious than the first one.
Literary structure: Flash fiction is a short written creative piece usually consisting of a few
hundred words.
Processing Questions:
1. What is Pete always wearing whenever Jim sees him?
2. After Jim won, Pete went missing. Who convinced Jim to spend Pete-s half of the money
for house renovations?
3. What is the “familiar red” Jim unearthed in the garden one spring that made him horrified?
4. What happened to Jim in the end?
(Written Task)
Activity 1. Finding Similarities:
Directions: The previous activities discussed graphic fiction and flash fiction. Write down the
characteristics of 21st Century Literature present in both genres.
Activity 2. Finding Differences:
Directions: Complete the graphic organizers by writing down elements unique to each genre.
These two 21st literary genres become very popular especially among learners like you. Modern literary
genres gain popularity due to the advent of technologies such as internet and other virtual media which become
the major platforms of most of modern literary texts like graphic and flash fictions. Graphic fiction and flash
fiction are two different genres of modern literature.
Graphic fiction or a graphic novel is a comic book narrative that is equivalent in form and dimension to the
prose novel (Campbell 200, 81). The pictures are arranged in sequenced in image panels and dialogues are
written in speech bubbles. The illustrations allow the readers to imagine and experience the characters and
events in the story.
Here are some of the features of graphic fiction or graphic novel according to Singh (2012).
1. Autographic forms are the marks of author’s handwriting which creates an impact that the whole novel is a
manuscript and thus provides a sense of intimacy.
2. Graphic novels encourage interactivity in the minds of the reader as he fills in the blanks image panels
3. Filling in the blanks between image panels makes the reader imagine the actions portrayed in the story.
4. The language, syntax, and meaning of a graphic novel spring primarily through the relationship between
images than words.
5. Graphic fiction combines book and screen
Some of the examples of graphic novels are the following:
1. “In the Shadow of No Towers: 9/11” by Art Spielgelman in 2004 which tells the story about the terrorist
attack on September 11, in America. This also depicts the traumatic and tragic experience of American people
during the 9/11 terrorist attack.
2. “The Barn Owl’s Wondrous Capers” by Sarnath Banerjee in 2009 portrays 18th Century Calcutta
exploiting the myth of the “Wandering Jew.”
3. “Louis Riel” by Chester Brown in 2003 is a fictionalized violent rebellion in the 19th Century on the
Canadian prairie who led by Riel.
Flash fiction is imaginative literature of extreme brevity. It could range from a word to a thousand (Gacusan
2018). It is known as micro stories, postcard fiction, nanotales and short shorts.
According to Sustana (2020), most of the flash fictions have these common characteristics.
1. Brevity. Flash fiction presents the story with fewest words as possible.
2. Complete plot. Flash fiction emphasizes the development of plot. Itt has a beginning, middle, and ending
of the story.
3. Surprising ending. The successful hallmark of a flash fiction is its twist at the end of the story.
Here are some of the flash fictions:
1. “Angels and Blueberries” by Tara Campbell is a story of various explanations for the color of the sky that
involves angels and blueberries.
First line: “Why is the sky blue?” you ask. Well, it is all depends on who’s answering.
2. “Taylor Swift” by Hugh Behm-Steinberg tells a weird story of how anyone can order a perfectly clone of
Taylor Swift at his doorsteps.
First line: “You’re in love; it’s great, you swipe on your phone and order: the next day a Taylor Swift clone
shows up at your house.”
3. “Unnecessary Things” by Tatyana Tolstaya is a story of finding an old and torn teddy bear, “unnecessary
things” (items that do not serve any useful purpose), that she adored as a child.
First line: This Teddy bear once had amber eyes made from special glass- each one had a pupil and an iris.
The bear itself was gray and stiff, with wiry fur. I adored him.