REPORT 434-06 RISK ASSESSMENT DATA DIRECTORY Ignition Probabilities responsible activity SEPTEMBER 2019 Acknowledgements Safety Committee Photography used with permission courtesy of ©Opla/iStockphoto and ©Zsolt Biczó/iStockphoto (Front cover) ©Photo_Concepts/iStockphoto (Back cover) Feedback IOGP welcomes feedback on our reports: Disclaimer Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, neither IOGP nor any of its Members past present or future warrants its accuracy or will, regardless of its or their negligence, assume liability for any foreseeable or unforeseeable use made thereof, which liability is hereby excluded. Consequently, such use is at the recipient’s own risk on the basis that any use by the recipient constitutes agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. The recipient is obliged to inform any subsequent recipient of such terms. 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REPORT 434-06 RISK ASSESSMENT DATA DIRECTORY Ignition Probabilities Revision history VERSION DATE AMENDMENTS 1.1 May 2021 Corrected scenario titles in data tables on pages 12-20 1.0 September 2019 First release SEPTEMBER 2019 Ignition Probabilities Contents Abbreviations 5 1. Introduction 6 2. Summary of recommended data 7 2.1 Ignition Probability Curves 7 2.2 Ignition timing 22 2.3 LNG Releases 24 2.4 Blowout Ignition Probabilities 24 2.5 Onshore Gas Pipeline Ignition Probabilities 25 3. Guidance on use of the UKOOA model 27 3.1 General Validity 27 3.2 Alternative Approaches 27 3.3 Uncertainties 32 4. Review of primary data source 33 5. Alternative ignition models 35 5.1 Ignition modelling of process leaks in Norwegian offshore O&G industry – MISOF, OLF & TDIIM 35 5.2 BEVI Model 41 5.3 The CCPS Model 44 6. Recommended data sources for further information 45 7. References 46 4 Ignition Probabilities Abbreviations FPSO Floating Production Storage and Offloading (Installation) LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas NAP Normal Atmospheric Pressure NUI Normally Unmanned Installation OLF Oljeindustriens landsforening QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment SIMOPS Simultaneous Operations TDIIM Time Dependant Internal Ignition Model UKOOA United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association 5 Ignition Probabilities 1. Introduction The data presented in section 2 provide estimates of the probabilities of hydrocarbon releases igniting to result in an explosion and/or a sustained fire. This data may be applied to any of the leak types described in the Process Release Frequencies datasheet1. The values presented relate to “total” ignition probability, which can be considered as the sum of the probabilities of immediate ignition and delayed ignition. Immediate ignition can be considered as the situation where the fluid ignites immediately on release through auto-ignition or because the accident which causes the release also provided an ignition source. Delayed ignition is the result of the build-up of a flammable vapour cloud which is ignited by a source remote from the release point. It is assumed to result in flash fires or explosions and also to burn back to the source of the leak resulting in a jet fire and/or a pool fire. The datasheets presented in section 2.1 provide probabilities which are considered appropriate for use in QRA studies where a relatively coarse assessment is acceptable. Later sections refer to a more detailed approach for QRAs using the “full” UKOOA model where this is considered to be required. Some details are also provided of other ignition models in use for specific situations or preferred by national regulators. Specific information on the ignition probabilities of blowouts and onshore pipelines are given in section 2.4 and section 2.5 respectively. 1 With the exception of “zero pressure” releases, where the limited inventory and hence cloud size would result in a lower ignition probability than would be predicted using this approach. 6 Ignition Probabilities 2. Summary of recommended data 2.1 Ignition Probability Curves Data presented in this section come in the form of 28 mathematical functions drawn from the UKOOA look-up correlations (see section 4.0) which relate ignition probabilities in air2 to release rates for typical scenarios both onshore and offshore and published in a report by the Energy Institute [1]. The various scenarios are summarised in Table 2-1, Table 2-2 and Table 2-3. The functions themselves are given in both tabular and graphical form in the data sheets which follow. The curves of ignition probability vs. release rate comprise a number of sections, each of which is a straight line when plotted on log-log axes. These curves represent “total” ignition probability. The method assumes that the immediate ignition probability is 0.001 and is independent of the release rate. As a result, all the curves start at a value of 0.001 relating to a release rate of 0.1 kg/s. Users of the data may wish to adopt this value and obtain delayed ignition probabilities by subtracting 0.001 from the total ignition probability, e.g., an ignition probability value of 0.004 obtained from the look-up correlations can be considered as an immediate ignition probability of 0.001 and a delayed ignition probability of 0.003. The definition of “immediate” in this context has tended to be interpreted in different ways and is often confused with “early” ignition which may be defined, for example, as an ignition occurring within 30 seconds or 60 seconds of the start of the release. This confusion may lead to incorrect interpretation of the curves. Further discussion is provided in Section 2.2. The overpressure resulting from a delayed ignition will depend on the size of the cloud when it is ignited together with other factors such as degree of confinement, degree of congestion and ignition location. The time of ignition is related to the rate at which the flammable cloud grows and this is dependent on the release rate, ventilation conditions and the distribution of ignition sources. Delayed ignitions which occur while the cloud is still relatively small will have low overpressures which will not be sufficient to cause damage to structures or equipment. Likewise, the low overpressure will not result in harm to persons although the effects of radiation and changes in the composition of gasses which the worker breaths may do. The later the ignition, the greater the probability workers will have moved away from the vicinity of the explosion. For more detailed risk assessments, users may wish to sub-divide the consequences of delayed ignitions to account for the variation in cloud size at time of ignition. This may include associating a proportion of delayed ignitions with overpressures great enough to cause certain levels of harm or damage. The recommended approach is to carry out a probabilistic explosion analysis which calculates overpressure exceedance curves and use these within the risk assessment. 2 Ignition probabilities in other atmospheres, e.g. oxygen enriched or chlorine, are outside the scope of this datasheet. 7 Ignition Probabilities Although a distinction is made between “immediate” and “delayed” ignitions in this model, it may be more convenient to consider only the total ignition probability and then to calculate the conditional probability of the resulting overpressure exceeding a particular magnitude and the conditional probability of escape prior to ignition as part of a separate piece of analysis. Apart from situations such as a release with a high water cut or a short duration release which stops before ignition occurs, it should be assumed that a sustained jet fire or spray fire will result irrespective of the time of ignition. The consequence assessment should not double count fatalities due to the initial flash fire which burns back to the fire. Guidance on the timing of ignitions is given section 2.2. but users should not consider ignitions occurring before a certain time to be equivalent to an immediate ignition and then to apply a probability other than the 0.001 inherent in this model. However, historically, to increase the efficiency of QRA studies it is often assumed that ignitions that occur immediately and during the early stages of the dispersion will result in fire scenarios which dominate the consequence. For delayed ignitions, it is assumed that either flash fire or explosion overpressure is the dominating consequence based on steady state modelling. This is an acceptable practice because it leads to an overall conservative assessment compared with historical incident data. For more detailed studies, a time dependent approach to the consequence modelling may be more appropriate. The dispersion modelling underpinning the ignition model, and hence the look-up correlations, is not valid for LNG releases. An approach for dealing with such releases is given in Section 2.3. Similarly, the approach is not appropriate for high pressure natural gas releases where reference should be made to Section 2.5. Table 2-1: Onshore Ignition Scenarios Scenario No. Look-up Release Type Application 1 Pipe Liquid Industrial (Liquid Releases from onshore pipeline in industrial area) Releases of flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from onshore cross-country pipelines running through industrial or urban areas. 2 Pipe Liquid Rural (Liquid Releases from onshore pipeline in industrial area) Releases of flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from onshore cross-country pipelines running through rural areas. 3 Pipe Gas LPG Industrial (Gas or LPG release from onshore pipeline in an industrial area) Releases of flammable gases other than buried natural gas pipelines, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (Normal Atmospheric Pressure (NAP)) boiling point from onshore cross-country pipelines running through industrial or urban areas. For buried natural gas pipelines the method given in section 2.5 is recommended. 4 Pipe Gas LPG Rural (Gas or LPG release from onshore pipeline in a rural area) Releases of flammable gases other than buried natural gas pipelines, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from onshore cross-country pipelines running through rural areas. For buried natural gas pipelines the method given in section 2.5 is recommended. 5 Small Plant Gas LPG (Gas or LPG release from small onshore plant) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from small onshore plants (plant area up to 1200 m2, site area up to 35,000 m2). 8 Ignition Probabilities Scenario No. Look-up Release Type Application 6 Small Plant Liquid (Liquid release from small onshore plant) Releases of flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from small onshore plants (plant area up to 1200 m2, site area up to 35,000 m2) and which are not bunded or otherwise contained. 7 Small Plant Liquid Bund Rural (Liquid release from small onshore plant where the spill is bunded) Releases of flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from small onshore plants (plant area up to 1200 m2, site area up to 35,000 m2) and where the liquid releases from the plant area are suitably bunded or otherwise contained. 8 Large Plant Gas LPG (Gas or LPG release from large onshore plant) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from large onshore outdoor plants (plant area above 1200 m2, site area above 35,000 m2). 9 Large Plant Liquid (Liquid release from large onshore plant) Releases of flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from large onshore outdoor plants (plant area above 1200 m2, site area above 35,000 m2) and which are not bunded or otherwise contained. 10 Large Plant Liquid Bund Rural (Liquid Released from large onshore plant where spill is bunded) Releases of flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from large onshore outdoor plants (plant area above 1200 m2, site area above 35,000 m2) and where the liquid releases from the plant area are suitably bunded or otherwise contained. 11 Large Plant Congested Gas LPG (Gas or LPG released from a large confined or congested onshore plant) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from large onshore plants (plant area above 1200 m2, site area above 35,000 m2), where the plant is partially walled/roofed or within a shelter or very congested. 12 Tank Liquid 300m x 300m Bund (Liquid release from a large confined or congested onshore plant) Releases flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from very large onshore outdoor storage area ‘tank farm’ (e.g., spill in a large multi-tank bund over 25,000 m2 area). See curve No. 30 “Tank Liquid – diesel, fuel oil’ if liquids are stored at ambient conditions below their flash point. 13 Tank Liquid 100m x 100m Bund (Liquid release from onshore tank farm where spill is limited by small or medium sized bund) Releases of flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from onshore outdoor storage area ‘tank farm’ (e.g., spill in a large tank bund containing four or fewer tanks, or any other bund less than 25,000 m2 area). See curve No. 30 “Tank Liquid – diesel, fuel oil’ if liquids are stored at ambient conditions below their flash point. 14 Tank Gas LPG Plant (gas or LPG release from onshore tank farm within the plant) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from onshore outdoor storage tanks located in a ‘tank farm’ entirely surrounded by plants. For tank farms adjacent to plants use curve No. 15 “Tank Gas LPG Storage Industrial” or Curve No. 16 “Tank Gas LPG Storage Only Rural” look-up correlations. Releases from process vessels or tanks inside plant areas should be treated as plant releases. 15 Tank Gas LPG Storage Industrial (Gas or LPG released from onshore tank farm sited adjacent to a plant or away from the plant in an industrial area) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from onshore outdoor storage tanks located in a ‘tank farm’ adjacent to plants or situated away from plants in an industrial or urban area. 16 Tank Gas LPG Storage Only Rural (Gas or LPG released from onshore tank farm sited adjacent to a plant or away from the plant in an industrial area) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from onshore outdoor storage tanks located in a ‘tank farm’ adjacent to plants or situated away from plants in a rural area. Source: Energy Institute [1] 9 Ignition Probabilities Table 2-2: Offshore Ignition Scenarios Scenario No. Look-up Release Type Application 17 Offshore Process Liquid (Liquid release from offshore process module) Releases of flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from within offshore process modules. 18 Offshore Process Liquid NUI (Liquid release from offshore process area on NUI) Releases of flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from within offshore process modules or decks on NUIs. 19 Offshore Process Gas Open Deck NUI (Gas release from offshore process open deck area on NUI) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from an offshore process weather deck/ open deck on NUIs. Can also be used for open/uncongested weather decks with limited process equipment on larger attended integrated platforms. 20 Offshore Process Gas Typical (Gas release from typical offshore process module) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from within offshore process modules or decks on integrated deck/conventional installations). Process modules include separation, compression, pumps, condensate handling, power generation, etc. If the module is mechanically ventilated or very congested – see curve No. 22 “Offshore Process Gas Congested or Mechanical Vented Module”. 21 Offshore Process Gas Large Module (gas release from typical offshore process module) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from within large offshore process modules or decks on integrated deck/conventional installations (module greater than 1000 m2 floor area). Process modules include separation, compression, pumps, condensate handling, power generation, etc. If the module is mechanically ventilated or very congested – see curve No. 22 ‘Offshore Process Gas Congested or Mechanical Vented Module’. 22 Offshore Process Gas Congested or Mechanical Vented Module (Gas released from a mechanically ventilated or very congested offshore process module) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from within offshore process modules or decks on integrated deck/conventional installations: applies where the module is enclosed and has a mechanical ventilation system or is very congested (volume blockage ratio => 0.14 and less than 25% of area of the end walls open for natural ventilation) 23 Offshore Riser (Gas release from typical offshore riser in air gap) Releases from offshore installation risers in the air gap area where there is little chance of the release entering process areas on the installation (e.g., solid decks, wind walls). Applies to partial flashing oil or gas releases. May also be used for blowouts with well positioned diverters directing any release away from the installation (see also curve No. 27 “Offshore Engulf – blowout riser”). Note that this correlation relates to situations where the distribution and intensity of ignition sources are typical for offshore installations. It should not be applied to incidents of ships colliding with risers since the collision itself will provide an intense ignition source which will have a high probability of ignition. In this case, a conservative value in the range of 0.9 to 1 is recommended. 24 Offshore FPSO Gas (Gas release from offshore FPSO process module) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from within offshore process modules or decks on FPSOs. This correlation was specifically developed for weathervaning FPSOs where any release would be directed along the deck of the FPSO. See curve No. 25 “Offshore FPSO Gas Wall” if the release is from an area downwind of a transverse wall across the FPSO deck. 25 Offshore FPSO Gas Wall (Gas release from offshore FPSO process module behind a transverse solid wall) Releases of flammable gases, vapour or liquids significantly above their normal (NAP) boiling point from within offshore process modules or decks on FPSOs. This correlation applies if the release is from an area downwind of a transverse wall across the FPSO deck. This correlation applies to weathervaning FPSOs only. 26 Offshore FPSO Liquid (Liquid release from typical offshore FPSO process module) Releases of flammable liquids that do not have any significant flash fraction (10% or less) if released from within offshore process modules or decks on FPSOs. This correlation applies to weathervaning FPSOs only. 10 Ignition Probabilities Scenario No. 27 Look-up Release Type Application Offshore Engulf – blowout – riser (Major release which can engulf an entire offshore installation) Releases from drilling or well working blowouts or riser failures under open grated deck areas where the release could engulf the entire installation and reach into platform areas: applies to partial flashing oil or gas releases. (see also curve No. 23 “Offshore Riser” for riser releases and blowouts with diverters). Note that this correlation relates to situations where the distribution and intensity of ignition sources are typical for offshore installations. It should not be applied to incidents of ships colliding with risers since the collision itself will provide an intense ignition source which will have a high probability of ignition. In this case, a conservative value in the range of 0.9 to 1 is recommended. Source: Energy Institute [1] Note: Curve Nos. 28 and 29 related to Cox, Lees and Ang formulation which were included in the Energy Institute report for comparison and are not reproduced in this report. Table 2-3: Special (Derived) Ignition Scenarios Scenario No. 30 Look-up Release Type Application Tank Liquid – diesel fuel oil (Liquid Release from onshore tank farm of liquids below their flash point, e.g., diesel or fuel oil) Releases of combustible liquids stored at ambient pressure and at temperatures below their flash point (e.g., most gas, oil, diesel and fuel oil storage tanks) from onshore outdoor storage area “tank farm”. This look-up correlation can be applied to releases from tanks and low pressure transfer lines or pumps in the tank farm/ storage area. However, it should not be used for high-pressure systems (over a few barg): in these situations, use curve No. 12 “Tank Liquid 300 m x 300 m Bund” or curve No. 13 “Tank Liquid 100 x 100 m Bund” Source: Energy Institute [1] 11 Ignition Probabilities Data Sheet 1: Scenarios 1 – 4 12 Ignition Probabilities Data Sheet 2: Scenarios 5 – 7 13 Ignition Probabilities Data Sheet 3: Scenarios 8 – 11 14 Ignition Probabilities Data Sheet 4: Scenarios 12, 13 & 30 15 Ignition Probabilities Data Sheet 5: Scenarios 14 – 16 16 Ignition Probabilities Data Sheet 6: Scenarios 17 & 18 17 Ignition Probabilities Data Sheet 7: Scenarios 19 – 22 18 Ignition Probabilities Data Sheet 8: Scenarios 24 – 26 19 Ignition Probabilities Data Sheet 9: Scenarios 23 & 27 20 Ignition Probabilities Notes: 1) A flammable substance stored above its auto-ignition temperature is likely to ignite on release and should be modelled as having an overall (total) ignition probability of one. A suitable split between immediate and delayed ignition should be considered based on the nature of the fluid and its release characteristics. 2) Very reactive substances are unlikely to be found in oil and gas processing operations but if present it is suggested that the values given in the look-up correlations are doubled, subject to a maximum of 1. Such substances include hydrogen, acetylene, ethylene oxide and carbon disulphide. 3) High flash point (>55°C) liquids stored at or near atmospheric pressure and significantly below 55°C are significantly less likely to ignite than suggested in the look-up correlations. It is suggested that the ignition probability from the look-up correlations is multiplied by a factor of 0.1, subject to a minimum of 0.001 and taking account of the 0.001 immediate ignition probability. Using the correlation for scenario 1, “Pipe Liquid Industrial” as an example, the lower curve in Figure 2-1 would be appropriate for high flashpoint liquids. Figure 2-1: Revised Ignition Probability Curve for High Flash Point Liquids 4) For liquids with flash fractions above 10% it is suggested that the ignition probability is estimated by combining the relevant liquid ignition probability with a suitable gas/ LPG ignition probability. The appropriate release rates should be obtained from the flash fraction, e.g., a 10 kg/s release with a 20% flash fraction should give rise to an equivalent 2 kg/s gas release and 8 kg/s liquid release. The two probabilities can be combined using the following equation: Pign = 1 - [(1 - Pigngas/LPG )(1 - Pignliquid )] Alternatively, the higher of the two ignition probabilities can be used on the basis that the areas covered by the liquid and gas are likely to have considerable overlap. Further options for determining intermediate correlations are given in [2] 21 Ignition Probabilities 5) 2.2 Since the correlations are based on typical combinations of ignition sources, it follows that they should not be used in situations where particularly strong sources such as fired heaters are present or where there are a larger than normal number of sources. In this case the full UKOOA ignition model [1] is more appropriate. Ignition timing The time between the start of a hydrocarbon release and the time it ignites may be important for two reasons: • Providing the release has been detected, the time until ignition influences the probability that workers can relocate to a safer area prior to ignition. • The time has an influence on the size of a gas cloud or liquid pool when it ignites and therefore the resulting consequences, particularly the explosion overpressure. The nature of many accidents makes it difficult to obtain reliable information on the time of ignition, particularly because it may not be known how long a leak has existed prior to detection. The UKOOA ignition model [1] draws a distinction between “immediate” and “delayed” ignitions. These two terms are often confused with “early” and “late” ignitions. Within the UKOOA model an immediate ignition allows for the situation where the cause of the leak could also cause the leak to ignite. In this situation, it is reasonable to assume that the consequence will be a jet fire or liquid spray fire. This is not the same as an “early” ignition which occurs within a short period, e.g., 30 seconds, after the release. “Early” ignitions are an arbitrary sub-set of delayed ignitions that may not allow time for workers to leave the area but may still include situations where the gas cloud has developed to a size capable of generating high overpressures and a subsequent jet fire. The guidance in the model [1] refers to distributions of 30:70 (early:late) or 50:50 (early:late) as being reasonable. It is important that this is not interpreted as the ratio of “immediate” to “delayed”. The model assumes an immediate ignition probability of 0.001 irrespective of the release size. The guidance [1] suggests that if a time dependent distribution is required then the distribution given in for plant and transport scenarios and presented graphically in Figure 2-2 is used. These are based on historical data for large releases. Table 2-4: Suggested Ignition Timing Distribution Given Ignition Occurs Relative Cumulative Probability Time (secs) Plant Transport 1 0.22 0.53 10 0.29 0.53 30 0.36 0.53 100 0.63 0.6 1000 0.94 0.86 >1000 1.00 1 22 Ignition Probabilities Figure 2-2: Ignition Timing Distribution Given Ignition For small release rates, the immediate ignition probability of 0.001 may equate to more than 22% of the total ignition probability. Where the cumulative probability of ignition derived from the timing distribution is lower than the probability of immediate ignition (0.001), then it is suggested that this is treated as immediate ignition. The historical timing distribution table and curve can be used if a time-dependant distribution is required and for leaks of significant size. However, this approach does have the disadvantage that all ignitions in the early part of the cumulative timing distribution will be treated as ‘immediate’ ignition, especially where the total ignition probability is only slightly higher than the probability of immediate ignition. Figure 2-2 An alternative approach, which provides a smoother timing distribution, is to use the probability of immediate ignition (0.001) directly and then apply the cumulative timing distribution to that part of the total ignition probability greater than the immediate ignition probability, i.e., the cumulative timing distribution is applied to the delayed ignition probability contribution. Either of these approaches are valid and have their pros and cons. The differences between these methods are small, and are only likely to be noticeable at low release rates/ low ignition probabilities and so should not have a significant impact on the overall QRA results. Alternatively, the full UKOOA Ignition Probability Model may be used or, if a more accurate assessment is required, recourse made to models involving the calculation of cloud build and ignition source location. The sparsity of data and the quality with which it is practical to report ignition cases results in large uncertainties in the probabilistic distribution of the ignition times. In many risk analysis scenarios it may be appropriate to assume that the time of ignition is sufficiently small such that it can effectively be assumed to occur at time t=0 provided a suitable proportion of the modelled consequences are compatible with delayed ignitions. 23 Ignition Probabilities 2.3 LNG Releases The dispersion modelling underpinning the ignition modelling and therefore the look-up correlations is not valid for LNG releases because it does not take account of the heat transfer and evaporation effects which can affect both the quantity of gas generated and the way it disperses. Although the UKOOA model does not represent flashing cryogenic liquid releases, there are some options in establishing an estimate of ignition probability: 1) Separate calculations could be undertaken to estimate an equivalent gas release and use this with the look-up correlations. 2) The full model uses a relatively simple dispersion model but this can be bypassed by inserting the areas covered by the flammable cloud directly into the model where it combines with the data on ignition source strength relevant to those areas. 3) The UKOOA model could be dispensed with altogether and alternative models used to calculate the rate of gas evolution, the dispersion of the cloud based on weather conditions and the land use of the areas covered by the flammable cloud. Ignition source densities for the land use types are available in [1]. The degree of conservatism in each of these approaches is dependent on the models used for estimating gas evolution and dispersion. 2.4 Blowout Ignition Probabilities An alternative to the blowout ignition probabilities given by the UKOOA look-up correlations can be obtained from Lloyd’s Register’s interpretation of the blowout data provided by SINTEF [3]. This is given in Table 2-5. These are mostly based on historic incidents. This table is based on operations of North Sea standard. For the ignition probabilities relevant to operations not of North Sea standard refer to the current SINTEF report [4] for guidance. The most significant category is that for drilling and heavy interventions which has an overall probability of ignition is 30%. In cases where there are no historic ignitions, alternative values are given based on the MISOF model. More information is available in [3]. Table 2-5: Ignition probabilities for Blowouts and Well Releases on Offshore Installations from [3] Release Type Early ignition (< 5 min) Basis Delayed ignition (5 – 60 min) Very Delayed ignition (> 60 min) Historic 0 0 0 MISOF 0.02 0.03 - Shallow Gas Blowout Historic 0.07 0.11 0.07 Drilling and Heavy Interventions1 Historic 0.12 0.01 0.19 Historic 0 0 0.17 MISOF 0.05 0.05/0.0053 - Historic 0.04 0 0 Producing Well Blowouts Light Interventions2 Well Releases (all operations) 1. Including all operations that will be performed from drill floor: drilling, completion, heavy workover including snubbing. 2. Including interventions that are likely performed from an intervention deck, i.e., wireline and coiled tubing 3. The ignition probability for a delayed ignition is reduced from 5% to 0.5% if a flame arrestor system on diesel engine air intakes are used. 24 Ignition Probabilities Sufficient data are not available to determine the influence of drilling or well intervention activities combined with ongoing production SIMOPS on the ignition probabilities. . Should this be required, a detailed analysis of the gas cloud dispersion and the presence of potential ignition sources is recommended since this is a situation where the ignition probability may be higher. 2.5 Onshore Gas Pipeline Ignition Probabilities A trend has been observed from analysis of historical data for onshore gas transmission pipeline rupture incidents where the ignition probability (Pign) increases linearly with pd2, where p = pipeline operating pressure (bar gauge) and d = pipeline diameter (m) [5,6]. The correlation derived for rupture releases takes the form: Pign = 0.0555 + 0.0137 pd2; 0 ≤ pd2 ≤ 55 and Pign = 0.81; pd2 > 55 The various ignition possibilities, together with the release types, should be drawn out logically on an event tree to obtain overall probabilities. Appropriate values for the probability of immediate or delayed ignition (and, if delayed, the assumed time(s) of ignition) should be applied. For rupture releases, the total probability of ignition (Pign calculated as detailed above) is generally apportioned as 0.5 for immediate ignition and 0.5 for delayed ignition, where delayed ignition occurs after 30 seconds (see Section 2.5.1). Puncture releases use the same form of the ignition probability relationship as for rupture releases; however, in this instance d = release hole diameter (m) and the coefficient of the pd2 value is halved, with an upper bound on ignition probability of 0.43. This is based on a rupture being a double-ended release and therefore with two sources whereas a puncture has a single release source through the hole in the pipeline. Pign = 0.0555 + 0.00685 pd2; 0 ≤ pd2 ≤ 55 and Pign = 0.43; pd2 > 55 It has been observed for punctures that the consequences of immediate and delayed ignition are essentially the same and, therefore, no distinction is made between immediate and delayed ignition for puncture releases [6]. 2.5.1 Ignition timing for onshore gas transmission pipelines The time of ignition is particularly important for risk analysis of high pressure gas pipelines, because of the rapid depressurisation that follows a pipeline rupture and the highly transient nature of the initial gas release rate. As a result, the corresponding fire following pipeline rupture is much larger at earlier times and, hence, the consequences are more severe for people and property in the vicinity of the incident if immediate ignition occurs. 25 Ignition Probabilities To provide information on the time of ignition observed in actual incidents involving onshore gas transmission pipelines, a simple analysis was performed of the time to ignition for the limited number of cases where information on the ignition time was recorded [6]. Inevitably, because of the variable nature of the information recorded on incidents, the time of ignition is subject to a significant degree of uncertainty. Nevertheless, by analysing the detailed descriptions of incidents where information was available, it was possible to assign an estimated time of ignition within certain time bands and the results are presented in Table 2-6 together with the probability of ignition occurring with each band. Table 2-6: Time to Ignition Analysis for Ignited Rupture Incidents from [5] Time from failure to ignition, t (s) Number of rupture incidents Probability of ignition within timeframe Cumulative probability of ignition 0 ≤ t ≤ 30 27 0.64 0.64 30 < t ≤ 60 2 0.05 0.69 60 < t ≤ 120 2 0.05 0.74 t > 120 11 0.26 1.00 Total 42 1.00 - As shown in Table 2-6, 64% of the incidents were estimated to have ignited within the first 30 seconds. Uncertainty in the time of ignition has generally been addressed by simplifying the information in Table 2-6 to represented it as two possible ignition times for the risk calculations: either immediate ignition or ignition after a delay of 30 seconds, each with an equal likelihood. This appears to be an appropriate representation in the light of the above data and suitably cautious, bearing in mind that ignition at later times results in lower consequences according to the risk calculations, due to the rapid reduction in the gas flow rate. 26 Ignition Probabilities 3. Guidance on use of the UKOOA model 3.1 General Validity The correlations presented for the UKOOA model in Section 2.1 are considered to provide an acceptable approach for use in typical QRA studies. For more detailed analysis it is recommended that the full spreadsheet UKOOA ignition model is used so that the specific circumstances with regard to layout and ignition sources can be more accurately represented. The correlations were developed for UKOOA (now Oil & Gas UK) member companies with the intention of providing representative probabilities for installations operating in UK waters. They may be applied to the analysis of hydrocarbon releases in other regions which comply with recognised industry good practice, as it is applied in the UKCS. The foreword to the Energy Institute report [1] states that the model and look-up correlations “are not suited to the ignition probability assessment of refrigerated liquefied gases, vapourising liquid pools, sub-sonic gas releases, or non-momentum driven releases, such as those following catastrophic storage vessel failure.” This is because the dispersion models built into the overall method do not take account of the thermal effects which can dominate the source term. Despite this note, flashing liquid releases are covered by a number of the correlations and analysts may further modify them by combining them with a gas or LPG ignition probability in suitable proportions as suggested in note 4 of section 2.1. Atmospheric storage tanks are dealt with in the Storage Incident Frequencies data sheet. Low momentum and sub-sonic gas releases are uncommon in process systems. 3.2 Alternative Approaches The initial task for the analyst is to determine which of the scenarios given in Table 2-1 to Table 2-2 and Table 2-3 best matches the scenario under consideration. There may be situations where the scenario under consideration lies between two of the described scenarios, in which case the analysts may attempt to interpolate between two curves. The data presented in the tables in Section 2.1 can be used in three ways: 1) Estimate from the graphs 2) Obtain probability based on the tabulated values 3) Use values in Table 3-1 to calculate the probability. Note that, in interpolating between the data points, it is necessary to take logarithms of the release rate and probabilities, interpolate between these to find the logarithm of the required probability and then obtain the value itself, i.e.,: log Pign = logPignlower + (logQ – logQlower) (logPignupper – logPignlower ) (logQupper – logQlower) 27 Ignition Probabilities where Pign is the required ignition probability corresponding to release rate Q Pignloweris the ignition probability at a release rate of Qlower (the lower bound of the relevant curve section), and Pignupperis the ignition probability at a release rate of Qupper (the upper bound of the relevant curve section) The third of these options is the recommended approach and the analyst may find it convenient to construct a spreadsheet or some other computer programme to carry this out. Ignition Probability The data used to generate the lines on the graphs in the datasheets (Section 2.1) are shown in Table 3-1. This is as reported in [2] and has been derived from Table 2.9 in the Institute of Energy report [1] which provides further explanation on the derivation of the correlations. This specifies the release rates and ignition probabilities relating to each of the points bounding the segments as indicated in Figure 3-1. This includes some detail of the curves below 0.1 kg/s which is the lower bound of the release rate axis in the graphs presented above. Release Rate Figure 3-1 Typical Ignition Probability Curve A further approach is to use the equation of the form Pign = aQb which applies to the release range. These are presented in Table 3-2. A more accurate assessment may be obtained using the full UKOOA ignition model which is described in [1]. This has been implemented in a spreadsheet tool which is made available on a CD which Figure 3-1 accompanies the report. This allows the user to input specific data relating to release conditions, platform layout and ignition sources. However, this requires more effort on the part of the analyst and the availability of more installation specific data compared with the relative ease with which the look-up functions can be used. 28 Ignition Probabilities Table 3-1: Data for Look-up Correlations Case No. Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Case Description Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign 70.000 0.00700 100000 0.00700 1 Pipe Liquid Industrial 0.01 0.00100 0.03493 0.00100 0.100 0.00180 70.000 0.07000 100000 0.07000 2 Pipe Liquid Rural 0.01 0.00100 0.03787 0.00100 0.100 0.00180 0.300 0.00350 70.000 0.00700 3 Pipe Gas LPG Industrial 0.01 0.00100 0.08791 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1000 1.00000 100000 1.00000 4 Pipe Gas LPG Rural 0.01 0.00100 0.04799 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 10.000 0.00200 1000.000 0.08000 23408.5 1.00000 100000 1.00000 5 Small Plant Gas LPG 0.01 0.00100 0.07654 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00250 3.000 0.01400 498.991 0.60000 100000 0.60000 6 Small Plant Liquid 0.01 0.00100 0.07548 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00240 100.000 0.10000 100000 0.10000 7 Small Plant Liquid Bund 0.01 0.00100 0.07548 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00240 8.053 0.01300 100.000 0.01300 100000 0.01300 8 Large Plant Gas LPG 0.01 0.00100 0.07654 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00250 100.000 0.25000 260.000 0.65000 100000 0.65000 9 Large Plant Liquid 0.01 0.00100 0.07654 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00250 100.000 0.12000 109.990 0.13000 100000 0.13000 10 Large Plant Liquid Bund 0.01 0.00100 0.07548 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00240 42.492 0.05000 100.000 0.05000 100000 0.05000 11 Large Plant Confined Gas LPG 0.01 0.00100 0.07654 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00250 70.000 0.43000 325.028 0.70000 100000 0.70000 12 Tank Liquid 300x300m Bund 0.01 0.00100 0.05250 0.00100 0.100 0.00105 1.000 0.00125 7.000 0.00270 519.617 0.12000 100000 0.12000 13 Tank Liquid 100x100m Bund 0.01 0.00100 0.05250 0.00100 0.100 0.00105 1.000 0.00125 7.000 0.00270 49.035 0.01500 100000 0.01500 14 Tank Gas LPG Storage Plant 0.01 0.00104 0.00160 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00116 100.000 0.96000 102.838 1.00000 100000 1.00000 15 Tank Gas LPG Storage Industrial 0.01 0.00104 0.00160 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00116 100.000 0.22700 988.106 1.00000 100000 1.00000 16 Tank Gas LPG Storage Rural 0.01 0.00104 0.00160 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00116 10.000 0.01540 52551.5 0.50000 100000 0.50000 17 Offshore Process Liquid 0.01 0.00100 0.07882 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 100.000 0.01750 100000 0.01750 Ignition Probabilities Case No. Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Case Description Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign Q (kg/s) Pign 18 Offshore Process Liquid NUI 0.01 0.00100 0.07882 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 24.731 0.01000 100.000 0.01000 100000 0.01000 19 Offshore Process Gas Opendeck NUI 0.01 0.00101 0.00803 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00120 30.000 0.02400 31.423 0.02500 100000 0.02500 20 Offshore Process Gas Typical 0.01 0.00100 0.08833 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 3.000 0.01500 10.000 0.02400 37.008 0.04000 100000 0.04000 21 Offshore Process Gas Large Module 0.01 0.00100 0.08933 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 5.000 0.03000 30.000 0.05000 100000 0.05000 22 Offshore Process Gas Congested Mech Vented Module 0.01 0.00100 0.09194 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.01500 50.000 0.03500 92.624 0.04000 100000 0.04000 23 Offshore Riser 0.01 0.00100 0.08340 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 30.000 0.02200 38.267 0.02500 100000 0.02500 24 Offshore FPSO Gas 0.01 0.00100 0.02688 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 1.000 0.00130 50.000 0.15000 100000 0.15000 25 Offshore FPSO Gas Wall 0.01 0.00100 0.08393 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 0.300 0.00200 10.000 0.15000 100000 0.15000 26 Offshore FPSO Liquid 0.01 0.00100 0.08160 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 100.000 0.02800 100000 0.02800 27 Offshore Engulf_blowout_ riser 0.01 0.00100 0.08642 0.00100 0.100 0.00110 100.000 0.10000 100000 0.10000 28 Cox, Lees, Ang - Gas 0.01 0.00081 0.50000 0.01000 100.000 0.30000 100000 0.30000 29 Cox, Lees, Ang - Liquid 0.01 0.00215 0.50000 0.01000 100.000 0.08000 100000 0.08000 30 Tank Liquid - diesel, fuel oil 0.01 0.00100 0.10000 0.00100 1.000 0.00103 7.000 0.00117 25.551 0.00240 100000 0.00240 Ignition Probabilities Table 3-2: Explicit Formulae for Release Rate Ranges Release Rate Range (kg/s) Case No. Case Description 1 Pipe Liquid Industrial 0.1 - 69.9 Pipe Liquid Rural 0.1 - 0.3 0.3 - 70.3 2 > 70 > 70.3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Equation Pign = 0.00125 Q0.396 Pign = 0.00725 Q0.605 7 - 519 Pign = 0.00049 Q0.881 Pign = 0.00408 Q0.127 > 519 Pign = 0.120 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00125 Q0.076 1-7 Pign = 0.00125 Q0.396 7 - 49 Pign = 0.00049 Q0.881 13 Pign = 0.007 Pipe Gas LPG Rural 0.1 - 10 Pign = 0.00148 Q0.130 10 - 23417 Pign = 0.00032 Q0.801 Large Plant Liquid Large Plant Liquid Bund Large Plant Confined Gas LPG Pign = 0.00604 Q0.740 > 23417 Pign = 1.000 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00250 Q0.357 1-3 Pign = 0.00250 Q1.568 3 - 498 Pign = 0.00624 Q0.735 > 498 Pign = 0.600 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00240 Q0.339 1 - 99.9 Pign = 0.00240 Q0.810 Tank Liquid 100x100m Bund > 49 14 15 16 Tank Gas LPG Storage Plant Tank Gas LPG Storage Industrial Tank Gas LPG Storage Rural Pign = 0.00116 Q0.023 1 - 103 Pign = 0.00116 Q1.459 > 103 Pign = 1.000 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00116 Q0.023 1 - 100 Pign = 0.00116 Q1.146 100 - 992 Pign = 0.01152 Q0.647 > 992 Pign = 1.000 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00116 Q0.023 1 - 10 Pign = 0.00116 Q1.123 Pign = 0.00604 Q0.406 Pign = 0.100 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00240 Q0.339 10 - 52890 1 - 8.05 Pign = 0.00240 Q0.810 > 52890 17 > 8.05 Pign = 0.013 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00250 Q0.357 1 - 260 Pign = 0.00250 Q > 260 Pign = 0.650 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00250 Q0.357 1 - 110 Pign = 0.00250 Q 19 0.841 > 110 Pign = 0.130 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00240 Q 1 - 42.5 Pign = 0.00240 Q 0.339 20 0.810 > 42.5 Pign = 0.050 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00250 Q 1 - 70 Pign = 0.00250 Q > 327 18 1.000 0.357 21 1.212 Pign = 0.11166 Q0.317 31 Pign = 0.500 Offshore Process Liquid 0.1 - 99.5 Offshore Process Liquid NUI 0.1 - 24.6 > 100 Pign = 0.010 Offshore Process Gas Opendeck NUI 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00120 Q0.038 1 - 31.4 Pign = 0.00120 Q0.881 Offshore Process Gas Typical Offshore Process Gas Large Module > 100 Pign = 0.00277 Q0.401 Pign = 0.018 Pign = 0.00277 Q0.401 > 31.4 Pign = 0.025 0.1 - 3 Pign = 0.00645 Q0.768 3 - 37.1 Pign = 0.00977 Q0.390 > 37.1 Pign = 0.040 0.1 - 5 Pign = 0.00770 Q0.845 5 - 30 Pign = 0.01896 Q0.285 > 30 Pign = 0.700 Pign = 0.015 0.1 - 1 > 99.9 70 - 327 Equation 1-7 Pign = 1.000 Large Plant Gas LPG Tank Liquid 300x300m Bund Pign = 0.070 > 1000 Small Plant Liquid Bund 12 Release Rate Range (kg/s) Pign = 0.00125 Q0.076 0.1 - 997 Small Plant Liquid Case Description 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00652 Q0.559 Pipe Gas LPG Industrial Small Plant Gas LPG Case No. Pign = 0.050 Ignition Probabilities Case No. Case Description 22 Offshore Process Gas Congested_ Mech Vented Module 23 Offshore Riser Release Rate Range (kg/s) 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.01500 Q1.135 1 - 91.8 Pign = 0.01500 Q0.217 > 91.8 0.1 - 38.3 > 30 24 25 27 Pign = 0.00369 Q0.525 28 Pign = 0.025 Pign = 0.00130 Q0.073 Offshore FPSO Gas 1 - 50 Pign = 0.00130 Q1.214 Offshore FPSO Gas Wall 0.1 - 0.3 Pign = 0.00385 Q0.544 0.3 - 10 Pign = 0.00881 Q1.231 > 10 26 Pign = 0.040 0.1 - 1 > 50 Case No. Equation 29 Pign = 0.150 30 Pign = 0.150 Case Description Release Rate Range (kg/s) Pign = 0.00324 Q0.469 Offshore FPSO Liquid 0.1 - 99.6 Offshore Engulf_ blowout_riser 0.1 - 99.9 Cox, Lees, Ang - Gas 0.5 - 100 Cox, Lees, Ang - Liquid 0.5 - 101 > 100 Pign = 0.080 Tank Liquid diesel, fuel oil 0.1 - 1 Pign = 0.00103 Q0.011 1-7 Pign = 0.00103 Q0.068 7 - 25.5 Pign = 0.00040 Q0.555 > 100 > 100 > 100 > 25.5 3.3 Equation Pign = 0.028 Pign = 0.00495 Q0.653 Pign = 0.100 Pign = 0.01560 Q0.642 Pign = 0.300 Pign = 0.01313 Q0.392 Pign = 0.002 Uncertainties The assessment of ignition probability is subject to a large degree of uncertainty. The spreadsheet model produced under phase I of the joint industry project for the full UKOOA model is itself subject to uncertainties in the analytical approach taken and in the data used. The adoption of the lookup correlations based on the UKOOA model [1] introduces more uncertainties because a compromise has to be made in selecting the most appropriate curve and these curves themselves are approximations to the curves produced by the “full” UKOOA model. Ignition probabilities are influenced by design layout, the number and separation of ignition sources, the quality of maintenance of equipment, and thereby the control of ignition sources. Despite these uncertainties, the approach is considered to be an advance on previous formulations which relate ignition probability to release rate only, and with no regard for the location and strength of ignition sources, the nature of the fluids or the layout of the plant. 32 Ignition Probabilities 4. Review of primary data source The data presented in Section 2 is largely a reproduction of data from the Energy Institute report [1], published on behalf of the joint industry project sponsors UKOOA (Now Oil and Gas UK), the HSE and the Energy Institute. The report reviews existing models and develops a new model which could be applied to both onshore and offshore scenarios. The work was undertaken in two phases. The first phase saw the development of a model for assigning ignition probabilities in QRA studies to further the understanding of scenario specific ignition probabilities. The work was undertaken by AEA Technology (now ESR) and co-ordinated by a joint industry steering group drawn from UKOOA member representatives, the HSE and consultants working in the field of onshore and offshore QRA. The report [1] summarised the current status of knowledge and research in the field of ignition probability estimation in support of QRA. It evaluated this, together with the usefulness of the UK HSE’s hydrocarbon release database as a basis to develop an improved ignition model for use in QRA. The end result was a spreadsheet model for estimating the ignition probability of process leaks offshore and most typical onshore hydrocarbon leak scenarios. The spreadsheet models the ignition probability by considering the size of the gas cloud which would be formed by the release and taking into account the number and type of ignition sources reached by the cloud, at flammable concentration. The complexity of the model is such that users are required to obtain and enter a significant amount of data relating to the platform configuration and the distribution of ignition sources. The second phase saw the development of look-up correlations for representative scenarios which could be used in QRA studies without the need for the user to gather the data required for the full model. The release types considered included: • Gas releases • LPG (flashing liquefied gas) releases • Pressurised liquid oil releases – leading to a spray release with flashing/ evaporation/ aerosol formation • Low pressure liquid oil releases – leading to a spreading pool only (no aerosol formation or flashing) • Release rates from 0.1 to 1000 kg/s – (graphs shown in the data sheets are extended to 10000 kg/s where the probability function does not reach a maximum below 1000 kg/s) A large number of analyses were carried out to produce graphs of ignition probability against release rate. Figure 4-1 shows a typical set of curves. Similar curves were grouped into the scenarios listed in Table 2-1 to Table 2-3 and a representative curve assigned to them. These curves consist of a number of segments each of which appears as a straight line when plotted on logarithmic axes. It is these curves which are depicted in the data sheets. 33 Ignition Probabilities Source: Energy Institute [1] Figure 4-1: Example of Ignition Probability Curve Calculated by UKOOA ignition model Prior to the introduction of the UKOOA ignition model approach outlined above, the formulation attributed to Cox, Lees and Ang [7] was widely used. This gained acceptance largely because of the proportion of analysts using it rather than because of the rigour of the theory underlying it. Ignition probabilities predicted by this method were in excess of what was found to occur in practice and this was partly responsible for instigating the work which resulted in the UKOOA ignition model. References in this report to “UKOOA (spreadsheet) model” and “UKOOA look-up correlations” relate respectively to the output from the two phases of the project [1]. 34 Ignition Probabilities 5. Alternative ignition models 5.1 Ignition modelling of process leaks in Norwegian offshore O&G industry – MISOF, OLF & TDIIM Three models have generally been used within the Norwegian offshore oil and gas industry for estimation of ignition probability upon hydrocarbon process leaks. They can be summarised as: • MISOF ignition model [8] • OLF ignition model [9] • TDIIM/JIP ignition model [11]3 The mathematical and physical framework of the models is quite similar for these three models and they can be regarded as steps in an evolution process where the TDIIM/JIP ignition model established the initial basis and the MISOF model represents the most updated version which is likely to become the most widely used for studies in in Norway. While these are part of the same evolution, the MISOF model uses updated statistical material giving it a fundamentally different basis for the MISOF model opposed to the previous models. Furthermore, the MISOF model is intended to reflect new knowledge on the properties of the potential ignition sources as well as the behaviour of the ignition control barrier at offshore installations. For instance, it deals with the isolation of equipment upon detection in a more appropriate way. The MISOF model is aligned with the PLOFAM leak frequency model [11], together providing the best estimate of the fire and explosion frequency for an offshore installation at the Norwegian Continental Shelf. However, MISOF can also be used in conjunction with alternative leak frequency models. The TDIIM/JIP model has been used since the late 1990s. The OLF model was proposed in 2007 and has been used regularly by most stakeholders. MISOF was proposed in 2016 [8] with its ignition intensity values being updated in 2018. This section will refer to all three models but provide more information on the TDIIM/JIP and MISOF models. The main principles and key parameters of the models can be summarised as follows: • The three models are intended to predict the ignition probability following a hydrocarbon leak from the process system in an offshore oil and gas production and/ or processing facility. They calculate the ignition probability of a flammable cloud of a given size or area to which various ignition sources are exposed for a given period. The size and duration of the flammable gas cloud needs to be modelled separately as input to the models. 3 Only ignition in the source module is described here. The JIP report on ignition modelling also contain a framework for dispersion modelling in order to predict probability of gas exposure to ignition sources, as well as model for predicting ignition probability due to external ignition. sources. However, in the presentation of ignition modelling included here, it is focused on updated description of internal ignition modelling as described in ref(DNV report no 99-3193 / Scandpower report no 27.29.03) rather than the full JIP scope described in ref(DNV report no. 96-3629) 35 Ignition Probabilities • The three models support transient (time dependent) modelling of ignition probability. The ignition probability contribution upon a leak is calculated in time steps in order to predict the accumulated ignition probability at any given time following release of a hazardous substance. • Immediate ignition: This is an ignition that occurs simultaneously with the initial release and is caused by mechanisms that are typically related to the cause of the leak. The mechanism may be sparks generated from a rupture, flow generated electric sparks or other causes such as external impact causing simultaneous leak and ignition. This is consistent with the UKOOA model. The consequence upon immediate ignition is commonly modelled as fire without resulting in significant explosion overpressure. The three models propose ignition probabilities upon initiation of the leak as follows: – In the MISOF model the immediate ignition probability is independent of leak size and the phase of the HC fluid. A higher probability of immediate ignition is assigned for leaks from pumps than for other equipment types. – In the OLF and TDIIM model the immediate ignition probability is assumed to be dependent on release rate but is independent of the equipment on which the leak occurs as well as the phase of the HC fluid that is released. • Delayed ignition: All ignited leaks that are not ignited immediately are defined as delayed ignitions. During the formation of the flammable gas cloud within a process module (given that the leak has not ignited immediately) the ignition intensity is (with some exceptions) assumed to be uniformly distributed throughout the module rather than assigning ignition probability to point sources that may cause ignition upon exposure to flammable fluid. Two types of ignition source mechanisms are contributing to the delayed ignition within the module: continuous and discrete sources. • Continuous ignition: When a continuous ignition source is first exposed to a mixture above LFL there is an assigned probability that exposure to the ignition source causes ignition, but prolonged ignition of the specific source does not increase this probability. A simplified way of visualising a continuous ignition source is, for example, the probability of faulty isolation of an object that will cause ignition if exposed. Ignition intensity will then be similar to the probability of faulty isolation. Since the ignition intensity is assumed uniform in the module, the ignition contribution is proportional to flammable cloud size (as long as ignition source isolation is not accounted for as discussed below). – In the MISOF model the ignition intensity from continuous sources in a classified area such as a process or wellhead area is 6.3 x 10-6 per m3 exposed to flammable fluid. This is made up of contributions from sources of different types. If the number of rotating machinery items such as pumps and compressors are known, the generic contribution per m3 of flammable gas cloud from rotating machinery (3.7 x 10-6) may be replaced by a conditional ignition probability of 3.7 x 10-3 per rotating item exposed to flammable fluid. Furthermore, specific failure rates (per hr) are provided for the various types of electrical equipment in terms of EX protection. – In the TDIIM model the continuous ignition probability per item of equipment exposed to flammable fluid for pumps and compressors. The continuous ignition intensity for other sources are expressed per m2 exposed to the flammable fluid. 36 Ignition Probabilities • Discrete ignition: When a discrete ignition source is exposed to a mixture above LFL the ignition probability per unit time is constant for as long as the ignition source is exposed (when ignition source control is not accounted for). A discrete ignition source is effective at distinct points in time, and can be visualised as an object generating sparks at random intervals (or a source of ignition being introduced at the scene of the leak after start of the leak). Ignition intensity will then be proportional to frequency of sparks: – In the MISOF model the ignition intensity from discrete sources is 1.5 x 10-8 per m3 per second exposed to flammable fluid. Again, this is made up of contributions from sources of different types. The generic contribution per m3 per second from rotating machinery (1.5 x 10-9 /m3/sec) may be replaced by a conditional ignition probability of 1.6 x 10-6 per unit rotating machinery per second exposure of flammable fluid. For electrical equipment, failure rates (per hr) dependent on EX protection is given. – In the TDIIM model a conditional discrete ignition probability per item per second exposed to flammable fluid is given for pumps for compressors. The discrete ignition intensity for other sources are expressed per m2 per second exposed to the flammable fluid. The probabilities assigned to the ignition sources for the MISOF and TDIIM models are given in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. Table 5-1: Ignition Intensity Values Used in the MISOF Model Immediate Ignition Pumps - All Release Rates 0.072 All Other leaks – All release rates 0.0007 Generic - All releases if pumps not modelled explicitly 0.0023 Delayed Ignition Item/Area Continuous Discrete Rotating Machinery (general)* 3.7 x 10-6 /m3 1.5 x 10-9 /m3/sec 3.7 x 10-3 1.6 x 10-6 /sec Electrical Components (general)** 1.8 x 10-6 /m3 1.5 x 10-9 /m3/sec Other Sources (general) 6.0 x 10-7 /m3 1.2 x 10-8 /m3/sec Total for Classified Areas 6.1 x 10-6 /m3 1.5 x 10-8 /m3/sec Rotating Machinery (per item exposed)* * These values are alternatives and should not be used in combination. ** Specific failures are given for electrical types according to EX protection, but not be used in combination with general value for electrical components. 37 Ignition Probabilities Table 5-2: Ignition Intensity Values Used in the TDIIM Model Immediate Ignition Release rates of 0.1 kg/s – 1 kg/s 0.0001 Release rates of 1 kg/s – 10 kg/s 0.001 Release rates greater than 10 kg/s 0.01 Delayed Ignition Item/Area Continuous Discrete Pumps (per item exposed)* -5 9.6 x 10 2.1 x 10-7 /sec Compressors (per item exposed) 2.3 x 10-3 5.1 x 10-6 /sec Other equipment 2.6 x 10-6/m2 2.1 x 10-9/m2/sec Electrical Equipment 2.6 x 10-6/m2 2.7 x 10-8/m2/sec Personnel 3.0 x 10-6/m2 4.0 x 10-8/m2/sec Other sources 1.3 x 10-6/m2 1.7 x 10-8/m2/sec *For oil leaks from pumps a value of 1.5 x 10-2 per item is used for continuous sources and 8.9 x 10-6 per item per second for discrete sources. Coarse Example A 5 kg/s release in a classified area of an offshore installation creates a flammable gas cloud of 400 m2 and a volume of 1500 m3 which remains for 300 seconds before the concentration falls below the lower flammable limit. The area has 2 compressors both of which are exposed to the cloud prior to isolation and shut down. There are no hot work hours or external sources, and ignition source control is not accounted for.4 MISOF Model Immediate Ignition 7.0 x 10-4 Delayed (continuous sources) • Compressors: 2 x 3.7 x 10-3 = 7.4 x 10-3 • Electrical Components: 1500 m3 x 1.8 x 10-6 /m3 = 2.7 x 10-3 • Other Sources: 1500 m3 x 6.0 x 10-7 /m3 = 9.0 x 10-4 Delayed (discrete sources) • Compressors: 2 x 300 secs x 1.6 x 10-6 /sec = 9.60 x 10-4 • Electrical Components: 1500 m3 x 300 secs x 1.5 x 10-9 /m3/sec = 6.75 x 10-4 • Other Sources: 1500 m3 x 300 secs x 1.2 x 10-8 /m3/sec = 5.40 x 10-3 Total 1.87 x 10-2 4 The approach illustrated here uses a mathematical simplification which makes only a small difference to the results where the number of ignition sources and the ignition strengths are both small. 38 Ignition Probabilities TDIIM Model Immediate Ignition 1 x 10-3 Delayed (continuous sources) • Compressors: 2 x 2.3 x 10-3 = 4.60 x 10-3 • Other Equipment: 400 m2 x 2.6 x 10-6/m2 = 4.60 x 10-3 • Electrical Equipment: 400 m2 x 2.6 x 10-6/m2 = 1.04 x 10-3 • Personnel: 400 m2 x 3.0 x 10-6/m2 = 1.20 x 10-3 • Other Sources: 400 m2 x 1.3 x 10-6/m2 = 5.20 x 10-3 Delayed (discrete sources) • Compressors: 2 x 300 secs x 5.1 x 10-6 = 3.06 x 10-3 • Other Equipment: 400 m2 x 300 secs x 2.1 x 10-9/m2 = 2.52 x 10-4 • Electrical Equipment: 400 m2 x 300 secs x 2.7 x 10-8/m2 = 3.24 x 10-4 • Personnel: 400 m2 x 300 secs x 4.0 x 10-8/m2 = 4.80 x 10-4 • Other Sources: 400 m2 x 300 secs x 1.7 x 10-8/m2 = 2.04 x 10-4 Total 1.37 x 10-2 It can be seen from the above example that although the models are similar in formulation the values calculated for individual pieces of equipment may vary significantly. The main reason for the difference is related to the statistical basis for the MISOF model relative to the TDIIM model. The latter model covered incident data prior to 1998. Also, the quality of the data base forming the basis for MISOF are higher than the data used to set the parameters in TDIIM. • Ignition due to hot work or exposure of external ignition sources: In addition to the ignition probability associated with ignition mechanisms described above, contributions to the delayed ignition probability may occur as a result of hot work activity as well as ignition sources outside the module: – It is recommended that ignition probability due to hot work is equated to the number of class A5 hot work hours per year divided by the total number of hours per year. For example, the additional ignition probability for a module with 40 hours of hot work per year is 40/8760 = 0.0046. However, the use of a habitat should be accounted for. This is dealt with in the MISOF model by assuming the probability of human failure of closing habitat door (30%) and multiplying by the probability of gas ingress upon exposure of habitat with open door (ranging from 17% in case of small leak to 100% in case of leak size exceeding 30 kg/s). – If the number of hot work hours assumed in deriving the correlations are considered unrepresentative, a more appropriate assessment can be made using the full UKOOA model. 5 Class A hot work includes welding, burning and grinding. Class B hot work includes activities such as sandblasting, use of non Exelectrical equipment and photographing. 39 Ignition Probabilities – Conditional ignition probabilities upon exposure of flammable fluid to strong ignition sources should be accounted for, and assigned ignition probabilities based upon the exposure of flammable fluid. Such ignition sources include gas turbine air intakes, combustion engine air intakes, gas ingress to enclosures protected by ventilation systems, non-EX equipment in unclassified areas, supply vessels and flares. – The MISOF model suggests an ignition probability of 50% for exposure of flammable fluid to a gas turbine air intake at any point within 5 minutes of shut down of the turbine. – For combustion engine air intakes exposed to stoichiometric gas the MISOF model suggests an ignition probability of 90% if no flame arrestor is installed and 1% if flame arrestor is installed. An adjustment factor for non-stoichiometric gas exposure is also presented. – For ignition probabilities for the other sources listed, such as supply vessels see [8]. • Ignition control: The ignition models include specific guidelines to account for reduction of delayed ignition probability upon flammable gas exposure due to isolation and shut down of ignition sources upon confirmed gas detection. – For discrete sources, each of the three models propose reduction factors of the discrete ignition intensities upon confirmed gas detection. The reduction factor per ignition mechanism category reflect the fraction of ignition sources within each category that are successfully shut down or isolated upon gas detection. – Likewise, a fraction of continuous ignition sources that are isolated or shut down per ignition mechanism category are suggested for each of the three ignition models. However, ignition probability due to continuous ignition sources is not necessarily eliminated upon isolation. Continuous ignition sources that are shut down will gradually cool down until their temperature is too low to ignite the flammable fluid. Hence, upon shutdown of a continuous ignition source the models suggest a “half time” indicating the interval for the ignition intensity of sources that are shut down to be reduced by 50% due to cooling. • The TDIIM and OLF models suggested correction factors for general platform specific properties such as age of the installation, technology (such as progress in safety system and barrier design), maintenance level and manning level. These types of suggested correction factors are not included in the MISOF model as they cannot conclusively be extracted from the statistical basis. There are significant uncertainties associated with estimating ignition probabilities since ignition mechanisms are not fully understood and the nature of ignition probability is too complex to capture in a mathematical model. This is noted in the MISOF report which points out that the ignition model is based on a statistical framework which, in turn, is based on observed historical incidents reported in the UK offshore oil and gas industry between 19922016 and Norwegian offshore industry between 1992-2016. In fact, the base line probability of ignition within the process module and the main contribution distribution between immediate, delayed and external ignition sources are based on only three ignited leaks; this represents a challenge with regards to distribution of the conditional ignition probability from the various types of potential sources of ignition. These three registered events were the only ones found representative for a typical major accident hazard release scenario addressed 40 Ignition Probabilities in quantitative risk analysis of fires and explosions, when scrutinising the registered leak events in the UK sector between 1992 and 2016 and Norwegian sector between 1992 and 2016. A few observed ignited events such as ignition due to exposure of combustion air intake and ignition due to hot work activity are observed in addition to these three, but not counted in this context since they are covered by other parts of the ignition model rather than in the calculation of ignition probability within the hazardous area within the process module. The ignition model parameters are coupled to 1,0936 observed leaks meeting relevant criteria, which is the decisive number in terms of statistical variability. The high number of leaks per ignited leak implies that the overall ignition probability can be set with reasonable confidence. In the MISOF model, it is shown that the uncertainty with regards to the overall ignition probability is within a factor of two if the guidelines are adhered to. Since the delayed ignition probability is estimated per exposed m3 there are additional uncertainties relating to predicting the total number (and duration) of cubic meters exposed to flammable fluid from the 1,093 leaks (ignited and unignited). In addition, there is uncertainty relating to the validity of the basic assumption of the model; that the ignition probability observed for the average installation in the Norwegian and British offshore sector for the previous 20-25 years is representative of the future ignition probability for a specific offshore installation in the similar geographical region. 5.2 BEVI Model The Reference Manual “Bevi Risk Assessments” (BEVI manual) [12], describes the regulatory requirements for performing Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for onshore facilities handling hazardous substances. The model is used mainly in the Netherland but could be applied elsewhere. The manual describes assumptions, models and basic information intended for use in QRAs. The current version is version 3-3 and is available in Dutch. Version 3-2 is available in English [13]. The methodology is the same in both versions. When estimating ignition probability in line with the BEVI manual the ignition sources are identified and ignition probability calculated based on contribution from • Direct (immediate)7 ignition • Delayed ignition 5.2.1 Immediate Ignition Specific probabilities for immediate ignition are tabulated in the BEVI manual. The probabilities for immediate ignition are dependent on type of installation, substance category (reactivity of flammable fluid) and release quantity or rate. For example, for a substance classed as “Category 0”8, the probability of immediate ignition varies with the release rate (continuous releases) or quantity released (instantaneous releases). These probabilities are given in Table 5-3. The manual [12,13] provides a fuller listing. 6 653 leaks fulfilling certain criteria in the HSE HCRD between October 1992 and March2015 and 200 leaks in RNNP (Norwegian sector) between 2001-2015. 7 The term “direct ignition” is used in the manual but has the same meaning as “immediate ignition”. The term “immediate” is used in this section for consistency. 8 See [11, 13] for definition. 41 Ignition Probabilities Table 5-3: Immediate Ignition Probabilities for Flammable Gases Continuous Releases Instantaneous Releases < 10 kg/s Probability of Immediate Ignition Average /High Reactivity9 Low Reactivity < 1,000 kg 0.2 0.02 10 – 100 kg/s 1000 – 10,000 kg 0.5 0.04 > 100 kg/s > 10,000 kg 0.7 0.09 5.2.2 Delayed Ignition The delayed ignition mechanism is similar to the description of continuous and discrete ignition sources given in section 5.1: i.e., ignition probability increases upon prolonged exposure of an ignition source to flammable fluid. Ignition sources are represented either as point sources or line sources or area sources (for populations only). In general, the probability of delayed ignition during the time window 0 to t, denoted P(t), from a given ignition source is expressed as Where P(t) = Ppresent (1 – e-ωt) Ppresent is the probability that the ignition source is present in the flammable cloud ω (s-1) is the effectiveness of the ignition source and t (s) is duration of exposure. The probability of ignition of a flammable cloud during a time window of one minute for a number of sources listed in the BEVI manual is tabulated in Table 5-4 for comparison. Table 5-4: Examples of ignition probabilities in 1 minute given in the BEVI manual Effectiveness of ignition source, ω (s-1) Probability of ignition in one minute Adjacent process installation 0.01155 0.5 Flare 1.00000 1.0 Oven (outside) 0.03838 0.9 Oven (inside) 0.00996 0.45 Boiler (outside) 0.00996 0.45 Boiler (inside) 0.00436 0.23 High-voltage cable (per 100m) 0.00372 0.2 Motor vehicles (See Section 5.2.3) 0.00851 0.4 Trains (See Section 5.2.3) 0.02682 0.8 Ships 0.01155 0.5 Households (per person) 0.00017 0.01 Offices (per person) 0.00017 0.01 Source type Ignition source Point Line Population 9 Highly reactive substances include hydrogen, acetylene, ethylene oxide and carbon disulphide 42 Ignition Probabilities 5.2.3 Motor Vehicle and Train Ignition Sources The probability of an ignition due to a motorway in the vicinity of an installation is determined by the average traffic density and the probability of ignition per vehicle. The default value assumes an average speed of 80 km/h and 1500 motor vehicles per hour. Similarly, the probability of an ignition due to a railway line in the vicinity of an installation is determined by the average number of trains. The default is an average speed of 80 km/h and 8 trains per hour. The number of ignition sources in the cloud is given by: d=NE/v Where N the number of passing vehicles/trains per hour E length of road or railway in the flammable cloud (km) and v average vehicle/train speed (km/hour) If d <= 1, then d is equal to the probability that the source is present when the flammable cloud passes by, i.e., Ppresent, the probability of an ignition is then; P(t) = d (1 - e-ωt) If d > 1, then d represents the average number of sources that is present when the flammable cloud passes by; the probability of an ignition is then: P(t) = (1 - e-dωt) Example If the traffic density is 1500 vehicles per hour and vehicles are travelling at 80 km/hour through a flammable cloud for 200 metres the average number of sources present is: d = 1500 x 0.2 /80 = 3.75 The effectiveness of the ignition for one vehicle, ω, is equal to 8.51 × 10-3 s-1 giving the probability of 0.4 in 60 seconds. If the cloud is present for 30 seconds, the probability of ignition is: P(30) = (1 – e-3.75 x 0.00851 x 30) = 0.616 5.2.4 Combined Probability The total ignition probability, when applied to the calculation of societal risk, can be calculated by combining the probabilities from the immediate ignition probability, Pimm, and individual remote ignition sources using the equation: [ P(t)total = Pimm + (1 - Pimm ) 1- 43 n ∏ (1 - P present i=1 ] (1 - e-ωt))i Ignition Probabilities Subject to a maximum value of 1. A different formulation is used for the calculation of individual risk (referred to as the “free field method”). Details are provided in [11 and 13]. 5.3 The CCPS Model A model aimed primarily at evaluating the probability of ignitions in onshore installation is described in a publication by the CCPS [14]. The guidelines define 3 levels of estimation: • Level 1 (Basic) Analysis – suitable for Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) risk matrix applications and some Layers of Protection Analyses (LOPAs) and Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analyses (FMECAs). • Level 2 (Intermediate) Analysis – suitable for LOPAs, FMECAs and screening level QRAs. • Level 3 (Advanced) Analysis – suitable for QRAs, cost-benefit analysis and consequence modelling when frequency is also estimated. The level 3 analysis evaluates the probability of immediate ignition as a combination of contributions from auto-ignition (based on the ratio of the discharge temperature to the material’s auto ignition temperature) and static discharges, which are a function of the discharge pressure and the minimum ignition energy of the released material. For delayed ignitions, the level 3 analysis estimates the probability based on the following: • Ignition source strength • Duration of exposure • Modification factors to account for – The magnitude of the release – The minimum ignition energy for the material – The temperature of the release – Whether the release is indoors or outdoors – The effectiveness of ignition control – The influence of ventilation. Equations, suggested data values and guidance is available in [14]. 44 Ignition Probabilities 6. Recommended data sources for further information This document gives sufficient detail of the use of the UKOOA ignition probability correlations for it to be used for standard scenarios. The model guidance [1] should be consulted if use of the full model is required. Details of all other ignition models referred to in this datasheet are given in summary form to provide an overview of the main features. The source documents referenced in each case should be consulted prior to use of these models to gain a full understanding of the methodology and the full list of data values. 45 Ignition Probabilities 7. References [1] Guidance on assigning ignition probabilities in onshore and offshore quantitative risk assessments, 2nd Edition Energy Institute, May 2019 [2] B. Bain, M. Celnik & G. Korneliussen, Practical Implementation of the UKOOA Ignition Model, Hazards XXIII Symposium, Southport, Nov 2012. [3] Lloyd’s Register Consulting, Blowout and Well Release Frequencies – Based on SINTEF Offshore Blowout Database, 2016, Report No. 19101001-8/2017/R3, April 2017. [4] SINTEF, Annual reports entitled “Blowout and Well Release Characteristics and Frequencies”. [5] Acton, M.R., Acton, O.J. and Robinson. C., A Review of Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Incidents to Derive Ignition Probabilities for Risk Assessment, Hazards 26 (Edinburgh), Symposium Series No. 161, IChemE, May 2016. [6] IGEM/TD/2 Edition 2, Assessing the Risks from High Pressure Natural Gas Pipelines, Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers, Communication 1764, 2013. [7] Cox, Lees and Ang, 1991. Classification of Hazardous Locations, Rugby: Institution of Chemical Engineers, ISBN 0 85295 258 9. [8] Modelling of ignition sources on offshore oil and gas facilities – MISOF(2), Report for Norwegian Oil and Gas Association, Report no: 107566/R2, 2018-11-15. [9] Ignition modelling in Risk Analysis, report for OLF, Scandpower report no. 89.390.008/R1, Revision 01, 19 March 2007. [10] JIP Ignition modelling - Time Dependent Ignition Probability Model, DNV report no. 96-3629, revision 4, 18.02.1998, ref Guidelines for use of JIP ignition model, DNV report no 99-3193 / Scandpower report no 27.29.03, revision 01, 23.04.99. [11] Lloyds Register. Process leak for offshore installations frequency assessment model – PLOFAM, Report no: 105586/R1. 2016 [12] Reference Manual Bevi Risk Assessment, Version 3.3, 01.07.15, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) (In Dutch). [13] Reference Manual Bevi Risk Assessments, Version 3.2, 01-07-2009, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) (in English). [14] CCPS, Determining the Probability of Ignition of a Released Flammable Mass, Wiley, July 2014. 46 Ignition Probabilities 47 Registered Office Brussels Office Houston Office City Tower Level 14 40 Basinghall Street London EC2V 5DE United Kingdom Avenue de Tervuren 188A B-1150 Brussels Belgium 15377 Memorial Drive Suite 250 Houston, TX 77079 USA T +44 (0)20 3763 9700 T +32 (0)2 790 7762 T +1 (713) 261 0411 The data presented in section 2 provide estimates of the probabilities of hydrocarbon releases igniting to result in an explosion and/or a sustained fire. This data may be applied to any of the leak types described in the Process Release Frequencies datasheet.