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GEOG 204 Tutorial Assignment #2

GEOG 204 Global Environmental Change
Tutorial Assignment #2: Soil Erosion
Instructions for completing and handing in Tutorial Assignment #2
• Questions must be answered in the Word document provided: Tutorial2_Answers.doc
• You must use Times New Roman 12-point font, single spacing
• Save the document as a PDF file. Please save this PDF file with the name:
Tutorial2_xxxxxx.pdf. Note: Replace the xxxxxx with your student ID
• To upload your PDF file in D2L, you should go to “Assessments” and then proceed to
Important notes:
• Unexcused late tutorial assignments will be penalized at 20% per day, or portion thereof
(including weekends)
Activity #1. Download the article below from the University of Calgary Library web page. You
must read the entire journal article as part of this tutorial assignment (just a reminder that tutorial
assignment activities are testable on Lecture Tests). The question for this article will focus on
interpretation of one figure in particular. Once you locate the article using the UofC Library
search engine, you should click on the “Download PDF” button. Please contact the UofC Library
Help feature for any issues finding or downloading the article.
Borrelli, P., Robinson, D. A., Fleischer, L. R., Lugato, E., Ballabio, C., Alewell, C., ... &
Panagos, P. (2017). An assessment of the global impact of 21st century land use change on soil
erosion. Nature communications, 8(1), 1-13.
Activity #2. Watch the following video on types of soil erosion. Title: Oh Gully, Where is the
Soil Part 01 https://youtu.be/h29CZGVslj8
Activity #3. You have already completed this activity as part of lecture material (watching and
taking notes on the video “Dirt: The Erosion of Civilization” by Dr. David Montgomery).
Question 1. (4 marks) Please answer all questions in Table 1 on the answer document provided
for Tutorial Assignment #2. Your answers in this table must be based on Figure 1a from the
reading in Activity #1. You must ensure that all answers are in your own words.
Question 2. (1 mark) Please answer all questions in Table 2 on the answer document provided
for Tutorial Assignment #2. Your answers in this table must be based on the video watched in
Activity #2.
Question 3. (5 marks) (350 word maximum) Examine the graph that Montgomery begins to
introduce at ~ 29:50 in the required video for Activity #3. Discuss this graph in your own words
to demonstrate your own understanding. The context as to why this graph is important as well as
a discussion about the graph itself should be covered in your answer.
Reminder: You must not use the direct wording of Montgomery or you will receive a grade of 0.
Important information for written responses to Question 1 and Question 3
• Under no circumstances is direct copying (word-for-word copying) of material
from any source (e.g, textbook, lecture presentation, required video watching)
allowed when answering tutorial questions, even if it is referenced. You must
rephrase concepts and ideas into your own wording so that your own understanding of
concepts is demonstrated clearly; your ability to put ideas into your own wording is a
requirement of tutorial answers. Note that simply changing a few words and/or the
order of phrases from a source is not allowed even if a source is provided. Copying
wording directly or too closely from another source (whether or not it is referenced) does
not demonstrate your own understanding of material. Questions which do not follow the
above instructions will receive a grade of 0 in addition to other possible penalties
• If you need help learning about what constitutes plagiarism or how to paraphrase and
develop your own wording, students should examine the web site below for students
about academic integrity. Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional, but in either case
it is still plagiarism. Web site: https://www.ucalgary.ca/student-services/studentsuccess/learning/academic-integrity