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HRM In-Class Exercise: Work Experience Analysis

WEEK 1: In Class Exercise for What is HRM
NAME: __Adham Khan__
From your past / current work experience, to which aspects of HRM have you been exposed?
Planning: Was your job description clear and you know what your responsibilities and takes
were? Y/N- No.
Selection & Staffing:
 Did you respond to a job ad? No.
 Did you have an interview? Y/N If yes, how many people interviewed you? Yes, I was
interviewed by 2 people. The supervisor and manager.
 Did you have any additional testing? No.
Training & Development:
 Did you get any formal orientation to the company, or were you simply shown where
you would work? Yes, I was given an orientation about the company and the job.
 How many days of training did you receive when you first started your job? About a
week (4 days).
 If you received training, what was the topic? It was mostly about health and safety with
some form of demonstration of the job.
Performance Appraisal:
 Did your supervisor ever meet with you to formally review your job performance? No
 Did you ever receive on the job feedback on how you were doing at your job? Yes, but
only when I made a mistake or did something wrong.
Compensation & Benefits:
 Did you get paid? Yes
 Did you understand all the deductions on your paystub? Not when I first started but I
eventually understood over time.
 What types of benefits did your employer provide you? Pay bonuses, boat trips, holidays
 Do you have any retirement savings from your employer? No, it’s a part-time job.
 Do/Did you have any medical insurance coverage? Yes, I am insured for workplace
Safety & Health:
 Did you receive any safety training? Yes, everyone was required to do a safety course.
 Did you see any reports on safety assessments? Yes
 Were you provided with safety gear? No
 Were there any special gym memberships or workshops for health (mental and physical
health)? No
 Did you know who was trained for emergency first aid or mental first aid in your
company? Yes, I was informed who to talk to in case of a health incident.
Labour Relations
 Were you in a union? No, there never a need for it.