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Pre-Debate Argument Paper Instructions

Pre-debate Argument Paper
In this paper each student will make an argument concerning one of three moral issues: 1) Just
War; 2) Euthanasia; 3) Non-marital Sexual Relations.
The paper will examine one facet on the debate topic chosen by the student. You do not have
to argue the on the same side of the argument in the paper as you are taking in the debate. No
outside research is necessary for the paper (nor for the debate), but you can bring in outside
resources if you wish. If you choose to do so please use reputable sources (Wikipedia is not yet
considered a reputable source for research) and document you source in your paper so I can
look at it (I don’t care how you document it, i.e., in the body of the paper itself or in a footnote).
A number of pdfs have been placed on BB for your particular debate topic. Read all of this
material before attempting to formulate a thesis for your paper. The thesis for the paper itself
should be short and to the point, able to be formulated in a declarative sentence, not obvious,
and able to be argued for. For example, you should not argue that non-consensual sex is bad.
Everyone agrees on that. That’s why we have rape laws. Rather, you argue something like, sex
does/does not have a meaning, whether one intends that meaning or not. You then back up
your thesis with the readings you have done. In writing the paper you must address arguments
against your position. In fact, your paper should be written in response to someone who
disagrees with you on your particular facet. If you cannot state a good argument against your
position, you do not have a good topic. You are not graded on the position you take, but how
well you argue it. Each paper must include at least two footnotes (citations) to class readings
that are relevant to your argument.
You must clear your thesis for this paper with me by email before you write it. It must be
approved the week before the day the issue is debated in class. Do not send a thesis without
having read all of the material for your debate topic. The whole email need only be 2-3
sentences. You must state the specific claim you are making, what exactly those say who
disagree with you, and why they are wrong.
The paper itself should be around 4 pages long.