Niche Selection Guide: Premium Pricing Strategies

This is one of the most important exercises you will ever do. Take your time and think about your
choices carefully. As a reminder, here’s why:
Dan Kennedy:
Time Management - $17
Time Management For Sales Professionals - $99
Time Management For Outbound B2B Sales Professionals - $499
Time Management For Outbound B2B Power Tools Sales Reps - $1997
We obviously want to be the ones charging $1997 for virtually the same thing that people are
charging $17 for. This exercise will help you charge premium prices, separate yourself from your
competition, and make it so you’re never competing on “price” again.
Side note: If you “feel bad” for charging premium prices, think about almost any major shoe or
clothing company. It cost them pennies and they sell it for a massive markup. Ditto for
pharmaceutical companies, as well as many other companies, but I think you get the picture.
Who are you going to help?
1. Can they afford your services?
2. Do they have an enormous amount of pain?
3. Are they part of a growing industry or marketplace?
4. Are they easily accessible?
5. (Optional) The most common (and profitable) niches are related to health, wealth, or
relationships. So if you’re struggling, what are you good at (or can become good at
relatively quickly) in relation to those 3 areas?
ChatGPT Prompt:
“From now on you’re an information product expert who is interested in {interest},
{interest}, {interest}, {interest}, {interest} trying to choose a profitable niche with demand
and sales. Suggest 20 potential niches for me based on the interests you were given.
Do not be general. Be specific. For example, do not say “weight loss”. Say “Weight loss
for women over 30 who just had a baby”.”
Understanding your niche:
1. What is their BIGGEST problem?
2. What is the biggest mistake they’re making right now that is causing this problem?
3. What are the steps they need to take to fix this problem right now?
4. What will life be like AFTER this problem is solved?
5. What is life like right now, before the problem is solved?
6. What is the transformation you’re promising?
7. What are their top 3 daily frustrations?
8. What do they secretly desire the MOST?
9. What gives them bone-chilling, cold sweats, that keep them from sleeping at night?
10. What are the current industry trends?
11. Do they have a “tribal” language? How do they talk to other people in the industry?
12. Do they have built-in biases due to their industry? (Engineers = More analytical, artists =
more “emotion” driven)
13. What are they afraid of? Trying to avoid? (Hurt ego, failure, embarrassment, etc.)
14. Who is currently selling something to them and how are they selling it?
15. List 3-5 competitors.