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Aanya June extended response part2

Assignment: Aanya June extended response part 2
Figure 1
Base your answer to this question on the passage and diagram below.
Siccar Point
The diagram shows a unique rock formation exposed at Siccar Point, on the east coast of Scotland. The bedrock at
Siccar Point shows an unconformity, which is a surface where two separate sets of rock layers that formed at different
times come into contact.
The bottom rock layers are graywacke, which is a form of sandstone, formed approximately 425 million years ago when
tectonic plates collided. This plate movement caused the layers of graywacke to tilt into their present vertical orientation
and eventually uplifted them above sea level to form mountains.
By about 345 million years ago, these mountains had been eroded to form a plain that submerged beneath the sea. More
sediment was deposited on top of the vertical graywacke layers, eventually forming the nearly horizontal layers called the
Old Red Sandstone.
Refer to Figure 1 and answer the following Question:
Describe the structural evidence shown by the bedrock at Siccar Point that led geologists to conclude that the graywacke was
moved by converging tectonic plates.
Figure 2
Base your answer to this question on the diagram below, which shows a seismograph that recorded seismic waves from an
earthquake located 4000 kilometers from this seismic station.
Refer to Figure 2 and answer the following Question:
Which type of seismic wave was recorded first on the rotating drum?
3 Refer to Figure 2 and answer the following Question:
State one possible cause of the earthquake that resulted in the movement of the bedrock detected by this seismograph.
Figure 3
Base your answer to this question on the passage below.
Asbestos is a general name given to the fibrous varieties of six naturally occurring minerals used in commercial products.
Most asbestos minerals are no longer mined due to the discovery during the 1970s that long-term exposure to high
concentrations of their long, stiff fibers leads to health problems. Workers who produce or handle asbestos products are
most at risk, since inhaling high concentrations of airborne fibers allows the asbestos particles to become trapped in the
workers’ lungs. Chrysotile is a variety of asbestos that is still mined because it has short, soft, flexible fibers that do not
pose the same health threat.
Refer to Figure 3 and answer the following Question:
What determines the physical properties of minerals, such as the long, stiff fibers of some varieties of asbestos?
Figure 4
Base your answer to the question on the diagram below, which shows air masses, clouds, and rain associated with two fronts
that are influencing weather conditions in New York State. Letters A, B, and C represent three air masses. The arrows show the
direction of air and front movements.
Refer to Figure 4 and answer the following Question:
Identify the type of front shown between air mass B and air mass C.
6 Refer to Figure 4 and answer the following Question:
Identify the most likely geographic source region for air mass B.
Figure 5
Base your answer to this question on the passage and map below. Point F on the map shows the location where an unusual
mammal fossil was found.
Fossil Jaw of Mammal Found in South America
Paleontologists working in Patagonia have found the tiny fossil jaw that may be the first evidence of early mammals in
South America.
The fossil, which measures less than a quarter-inch long, is believed to be from the middle or late Jurassic Period.
Researchers said it suggests that mammals developed independently in the Southern Hemisphere.
The fossil, named Asfaltomylos patagonicus, was discovered in a shale formation in Patagonia. Dinosaurs were the
dominant land animal at that time. Mammals were tiny and hunted insects in the dense tropical vegetation. The now-arid
region also has yielded some remarkable dinosaur fossils from the same period in a vast ancient bone yard covering
hundreds of square miles.
Refer to Figure 5 and answer the following Question:
Explain how the uplift of the Andes Mountains changed eastern Patagonia’s climate from a wet tropical forest at the time
Asfaltomylos patagonicus lived to the arid conditions of today.
8 Refer to Figure 5 and answer the following Question:
State one method used by geologists to determine the age of the bedrock in which this ancient mammal fossil was found.
9 Refer to Figure 5 and answer the following Question:
State the name of the dominant sediment particle that was compacted to form the shale in which this fossil was found.
10 Refer to Figure 5 and answer the following Question:
State the latitude and longitude of point F, to the nearest degree, where the fossil Asfaltomylos patagonicus was discovered.
Include the correct units and compass directions in your answer.
Figure 6
Base your answer to this question on the topographic map below, which shows three glaciers found in Alaska. Dashed lines
show the inferred location of the front edge of each glacier in 1948, 1964, and 1980. Solid lines show the location of the front
edge of each glacier in 1998. Points A and B show the location of the front edge of the Taku Glacier in 1948 and 1998.
Elevations are in feet.
Refer to Figure 6 and answer the following Question:
If these glaciers completely melted, what two pieces of evidence would a scientist most likely find to indicate that glaciers had
existed in this area?
Figure 7
Base your answer to this question on the map below. The map shows the approximate area in a portion of North America
where some sedimentary rock layers composed of gypsum, halite, and potassium salt minerals are found in Earth’s crust.
Refer to Figure 7 and answer the following Question:
Identify the sedimentary rock composed of halite and explain how this rock is usually formed.
Figure 8
Base your answer to this question on the map and passage below. The map shows the outlines and ages of several calderas
created as a result of volcanic activity over the last 16 million years as the North American Plate moved over the Yellowstone
Hot Spot. A and B represent locations within the calderas.
The Yellowstone Hot Spot
The Yellowstone Hot Spot has interacted with the North American Plate, causing widespread outpourings of basalt that
buried about 200,000 square miles under layers of lava flows that are a half mile or more thick. Some of the basaltic
magma produced by the hot spot accumulates near the base of the plate, where it melts the crust above. The melted
crust, in turn, rises closer to the surface to form large reservoirs of potentially explosive rhyolite magma. Catastrophic
eruptions have partly emptied some of these reservoirs, causing their roofs to collapse. The resulting craters, some of
which are more than 30 miles across, are known as volcanic calderas.
Refer to Figure 8 and answer the following Question:
Based on the age pattern of the calderas shown on the map, in which compass direction has the North American Plate moved
during the last 16 million years?
14 Refer to Figure 8 and answer the following Question:
Identify two minerals found in the igneous rock that is produced from the explosive rhyolite magma.
15 Refer to Figure 8 and answer the following Question:
Describe the texture and color of the basalt produced by the Yellowstone Hot Spot.
Figure 9
Base your answer to the question on the map below, which shows a portion of southwestern United States. On January 17,
1994, an earthquake occurred with an epicenter at Northridge, California.
Refer to Figure 9 and answer the following Question:
Of the cities shown on the map, explain why Oakland was the last city to receive P-waves from this earthquake.
17 Refer to Figure 9 and answer the following Question:
Explain why earthquakes are common in this region of California.
Figure 10
Base your answer to the question on the passage and cross section below, which explain how some precious gemstones form.
The cross section shows a portion of the ancient Tethys Sea, once located between the Indian-Australian Plate and the
Eurasian Plate.
Precious Gemstones
Some precious gemstones are a form of the mineral corundum, which has a hardness of 9. Corundum is a rare
mineral made up of closely packed aluminum and oxygen atoms, and its formula is Al2O3. If small amounts of chromium
replace some of the aluminum atoms in corundum, a bright-red gemstone called a ruby is produced. If traces of titanium
and iron replace some aluminum atoms, deep-blue sapphires can be produced.
Most of the world’s ruby deposits are found in metamorphic rock that is located along the southern slope of the
Himalayas, where plate tectonics played a part in ruby formation. Around 50 million years ago, the Tethys Sea was
located between what is now India and Eurasia. Much of the Tethys Sea bottom was composed of limestone that
contained the elements needed to make these precious gemstones. The Tethys Sea closed up as the Indian-Australian
Plate pushed under the Eurasian Plate, creating the Himalayan Mountains. The limestone rock lining the seafloor
underwent metamorphism as it was pushed deep into Earth by the Indian-Australian Plate. For the next 40 to 45 million
years, as the Himalayas rose, rubies, sapphires, and other gemstones continued to form.
Refer to Figure 10 and answer the following Question:
What type of tectonic plate boundary is shown in the cross section?
19 Refer to Figure 10 and answer the following Question:
Identify the metamorphic rock in which the rubies and sapphires that formed along the Himalayas are usually found.
20 Refer to Figure 10 and answer the following Question:
State one physical property of rubies, other than a bright-red color, that makes them useful as gemstones in jewelry.
21 Refer to Figure 10 and answer the following Question:
Which element replaces some of the aluminum atoms, causing the bright-red color of a ruby?
Figure 11
Base your answer to the question on the data table below, which shows the radioactive decay of carbon-14. The number of
years required to complete four half-lives has been left blank
Refer to Figure 11 and answer the following Question:
The cross section below shows part of Earth’s crust. The objects in parentheses indicate materials found within each rock unit
or deposit.
Which object in parentheses could be accurately dated using carbon-14? Explain your answer.
Figure 12
Base your answer to the question on the cross section below, which shows a portion of Earth’s interior layers and the location
of an earthquake epicenter. Letter A represents a seismic station on Earth’s surface. Letter B represents a location in Earth’s
Refer to Figure 12 and answer the following Question:
What is the approximate depth at location B?
24 Refer to Figure 12 and answer the following Question:
Explain why seismic station A receives P-waves but not S-waves from this earthquake.
Figure 13
Base your answer to the question on the cross section which shows limestone bedrock with caves. The horizontal line on the
left indicates the level of the water table.
Refer to Figure 13 and answer the following Question:
The precipitation in this area is becoming more acidic. Explain why acid rain weathers limestone bedrock.
Figure 14
Base your answer to the question on the cross section below which shows a portion of Earth’s crust. Letters A through J
represent rock units or geologic structures. The rock units have not been overturned.
Refer to Figure 14 and answer the following Question:
Explain why rock unit H is not one continuous layer.
27 Refer to Figure 14 and answer the following Question:
Describe one piece of evidence shown in the cross section that suggests rock unit D is younger than rock unit F.
Figure 15
Base your answer to the question on the table below, which lists the location of some earthquakes, their Richter magnitude, and
their year of occurrence.
Refer to Figure 15 and answer the following Question:
Identify the process in Earth’s asthenosphere that is inferred to be the cause of tectonic plate motion.
Figure 16
Base your answer to the question on the block diagram below, which shows the landscape features of an area of Earth’s crust.
Two sedimentary rock layers, A and B, are labeled in the diagram. The rock symbol for layer B has been omitted.
Refer to Figure 16 and answer the following Question:
Describe how the caverns formed in rock layer A.
30 Refer to Figure 16 and answer the following Question:
Identify the most abundant mineral in rock layer A.
31 Base your answer to the question on the hardness of minerals talc, quartz, halite, sulfur, and fluorite.
Which mineral would be the best abrasive? State one reason for your choice.
Figure 17
Base your answer to the question on the passage and the cross section below. The passage describes the geologic history of
the Pine Bush region near Albany, New York. The cross section shows the bedrock and overlying sediment along a southwest
to northeast diagonal line through a portion of this area. Location A shows an ancient buried stream channel and location B
shows a large sand dune.
The Pine Bush Region
The Pine Bush region, just northwest of Albany, New York, is a 40-square mile area of sand dunes and wetlands
covered by pitch pine trees and scrub oak bushes. During the Ordovician Period, this area was covered by a large sea.
Layers of mud and sand deposited in this sea were compressed into shale and sandstone bedrock.
During most of the Cenozoic Era, running water eroded stream channels into the bedrock. One of these buried channels
is shown at location A in the cross section. Over the last one million years of the Cenozoic Era, this area was affected by
glaciation. During the last major advance of glacial ice, soil and bedrock were eroded and later deposited as till (a
mixture of boulders, pebbles, sand, and clay).
About 20,000 years ago, the last glacier in New York State began to melt. The meltwater deposited pebbles and sand,
forming the stratified drift. During the 5000 years it took to melt this glacier, the entire Pine Bush area became submerged
under a large 350-foot-deep glacial lake called Lake Albany. Delta deposits of cobbles, pebbles, and sand formed along
the lake shorelines, and beds of silt and clay were deposited farther into the lake.
Lake Albany drained about 12,000 years ago, exposing the lake bottom. Wind erosion created the sand dunes that
cover much of the Pine Bush area today.
Refer to Figure 17 and answer the following Question:
How does the shape of the sand dune at location B provide evidence that the prevailing winds that formed this dune were
blowing from the southwest?
33 Refer to Figure 17 and answer the following Question:
What evidence shown at location A suggests that the channel in the bedrock was eroded by running water?
Figure 18
Base your answer to the question on the block diagram below. The diagram shows the tectonic plate boundary between Africa
and North America 300 million years ago, as these two continents united into a single landmass. The arrows at letters A, B, C,
and D represent relative crustal movements. Letter X shows the eruption of a volcano at that time.
Refer to Figure 18 and answer the following Question:
Identify the type of tectonic motion represented by the arrows shown at A, B, and C.
35 Refer to Figure 18 and answer the following Question:
Identify the type of tectonic plate motion represented by the arrow shown at D.
Figure 19
Base your answer to the question on the diagram below, which shows the inferred internal structure of the four terrestrial
planets, drawn to scale.
Refer to Figure 19 and answer the following Question:
Identify the two planets that would allow an S-wave from a crustal quake to be transmitted through the core to the opposite
side of the planet.
37 Refer to Figure 19 and answer the following Question:
How are the crusts of Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Earth similar in composition?
Figure 20
Base your answer to this question on the passage below and on the map. The passage describes the Gakkel Ridge found at the
bottom of the Arctic Ocean. The map shows the location of the Gakkel Ridge. Locations A, B, C, and D are labeled.
The Gakkel Ridge
In the summer of 2001, scientists aboard the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy visited one of the least explored
places on Earth. The scientists studied the 1800-kilometer-long Gakkel Ridge at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean near
the North Pole. The Gakkel Ridge is a section of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge and extends from the northern end of
Greenland across the Arctic Ocean floor toward Russia. At a depth of about 5 kilometers below the ocean surface, the
Gakkel Ridge is one of the deepest mid-ocean ridges in the world. The ridge is believed to extend down to Earth’s
mantle, and the new seafloor being formed at the ridge is most likely composed of huge slabs of mantle rock. Bedrock
samples taken from the seafloor at the ridge were determined to be the igneous rock peridotite.
The Gakkel Ridge is also the slowest moving mid-ocean ridge. Some ridge systems, like the East Pacific Ridge, are
rifting at a rate of about 20 centimeters per year. The Gakkel Ridge is rifting at an average rate of less than 1 centimeter
per year. This slow rate of movement means that there is less volcanic activity along the Gakkel Ridge than along other
ridge systems. However, heat from the underground magma slowly seeps up through cracks in the rocks of the ridge at
structures scientists call hydrothermal (hot water) vents. During the 2001 cruise, a major hydrothermal vent was
discovered at 87° N latitude 45° E longitude.
Refer to Figure 20 and answer the following Question:
State the two minerals that were most likely found in the igneous bedrock samples collected at the Gakkel Ridge.
39 Refer to Figure 20 and answer the following Question:
Identify one feature, other than hydrothermal vents, often found at mid-ocean ridges like the Gakkel Ridge that indicates heat
from Earth’s interior is escaping.
40 Refer to Figure 20 and answer the following Question:
Describe the relative motion of the two tectonic plates on either side of the Gakkel Ridge.
Figure 21
Base your answer to this question on the example of a seismogram and set of instructions for determining the Richter magnitude
of an earthquake below. The example shows the Richter magnitude of an earthquake 210 kilometers from a seismic station.
Instructions for determining Richter magnitude:
Determine the distance to the epicenter of the earthquake. (The distance in the example is 210 kilometers.)
Measure the maximum wave height of the S-wave recorded on the seismogram. (The height in the example is 23
Place a straightedge between the distance to the epicenter (210 kilometers) and the height of the largest S-wave (23
millimeters) on the appropriate scales. Draw a line connecting these two points. The magnitude of the earthquake is
determined by where the line intersects the Richter magnitude scale. (The magnitude of this example is 5.0.)
Refer to Figure 21 and answer the following Question:
Identify the information shown on the seismogram below that was used to determine that the distance to the epicenter was 500
Figure 22
Base your answer to this question on the photograph of a sample of gneiss below.
Refer to Figure 22 and answer the following Question:
A dark-red mineral with a glassy luster was also observed in this gneiss sample. Identify the mineral and state one possible use
for this mineral.
43 Refer to Figure 22 and answer the following Question:
Identify two minerals found in gneiss that contain iron and magnesium.
44 Refer to Figure 22 and answer the following Question:
What observable characteristic could be used to identify this rock sample as gneiss?
Figure 23
Base your answer to the question on the data table below, which shows some characteristics of four rock samples, numbered 1
through 4. Some information has been left blank.
Refer to Figure 23 and answer the following Question:
Write a term or phrase that correctly describes the texture of sample 4.
46 Refer to Figure 23 and answer the following Question:
What is the rock name of sample 2?
Figure 24
Base your answer to the question on the cross section below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The cross section
shows a portion of Earth’s interior. Layer X is part of Earth’s interior.
Refer to Figure 24 and answer the following Question:
Identify the part of Earth’s lithosphere represented by layer X.
48 Refer to Figure 24 and answer the following Question:
The minerals biotite and amphibole may be found in igneous bedrock of both the oceanic crust and the continental crust.
Identify two other minerals commonly found in the basaltic oceanic crust.
49 Refer to Figure 24 and answer the following Question:
Identify the texture and relative density of the basaltic bedrock of the oceanic crust.
50 Refer to Figure 24 and answer the following Question:
Identify the texture and relative density of the granitic bedrock of the continental crust.
Figure 25
Base your answer to the question on the geologic cross section below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The cross
section shows New York State index fossils in rock layers that have not been overturned. Rock unit A is an igneous intrusion
and line XY represents an unconformity.
Refer to Figure 25 and answer the following Question:
Describe the type of depositional environment in which the fossilized organisms lived.
52 Refer to Figure 25 and answer the following Question:
Each index fossil existed for a relatively short geologic time interval. State one other characteristic that each fossil must have to
be considered an index fossil.
Figure 26
Base your answer to the question on the flowchart below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The flowchart shows the
formation of some igneous rocks. The circled letters A, B, C, and D indicate parts of the flowchart that have not been labeled.
Refer to Figure 26 and answer the following Question:
State one igneous rock that could be placed in the flowchart at D.
54 Refer to Figure 26 and answer the following Question:
Contrast the rate of cooling at A that forms intrusive igneous rock with the rate of cooling at B that forms extrusive igneous
Figure 27
Base your answer to the question on the flowchart below, which shows a sequence of geologic processes at or near Earth’s
surface. Box A has been deliberately left blank. The diagrams are not drawn to scale.
Refer to Figure 27 and answer the following Question:
Identify by name one type of rock layer, other than sandstone, shown in the outcrop.
56 Refer to Figure 27 and answer the following Question:
State one geologic process represented by box A.
57 Refer to Figure 27 and answer the following Question:
Identify the three minerals that are normally found with quartz in samples of andesite rock.
Figure 28
Base your answer to the question on the information below, which describes the past and present climate of Antarctica, and on
your knowledge of Earth science.
Antarctica’s ice sheet has an average thickness of 6600 feet and holds approximately 70% of Earth’s freshwater. Ice
layers in Antarctica preserve information about Earth’s history. Fossil evidence found in the bedrock of this continent
shows that Antarctica was once tropical and is a potential source of untapped natural resources. Antarctica is now a
frozen desert with very little snowfall.
Refer to Figure 28 and answer the following Question:
What evidence is preserved in Antarctica that provides information about Earth’s past climates?
Figure 29
Base your answer to the question on the cross section below, which shows an area near Watertown, New York. The top layer
of soil contains broken rock fragments. A representative sample of this layer has been magnified.
Refer to Figure 29 and answer the following Question:
State one observable characteristic, other than mineral composition, that could help identify the gneiss fragment.
60 Refer to Figure 29 and answer the following Question:
Identify one mineral that could be found in all three rock fragments shown in the magnified view.
Figure 30
Base your answer to the question on the diagram and table. The diagram represents a felsic igneous rock. Letters A, B, and C
represent three different minerals in the rock sample. The table describes the physical properties of minerals A, B, and C found
in the igneous rock sample.
Refer to Figure 30 and answer the following Question:
State two processes responsible for the formation of an igneous rock.
62 Refer to Figure 30 and answer the following Question:
State the name of mineral C.
63 Refer to Figure 30 and answer the following Question:
State the name of mineral B.
64 Refer to Figure 30 and answer the following Question:
State the name of mineral A.
65 Refer to Figure 30 and answer the following Question:
State the texture of this igneous rock.
66 Which layer of Earth is composed of both the crust and the rigid mantle?
Figure 31
Base your answer to the question on the map, which shows one method of classifying Earth’s surface into latitudinal climate
belts. In the tropical climate belt, the average monthly temperatures never drop below 18°C. In the polar climate belts, the
average monthly temperatures never rise above 10°C. The isotherms show the average monthly temperature of the coolest and
warmest months. Effects of elevation have been omitted.
Refer to Figure 31 and answer the following Question:
Describe a specific characteristic of insolation received in the tropical climate belt region that causes the average monthly
temperature to remain warm all year.
Figure 32
Base your answer to the question on the geologic cross section. Radioactive dating indicates that the granite intrusion is 279
million years old and the vesicular basalt is 260 million years old. The rock layers have not been overturned.
Refer to Figure 32 and answer the following Question:
Describe the rate of cooling that must occur for magma to form vesicular basalt.
Figure 33
Base your answer to the question on the reading passage and maps below and on your knowledge of Earth Science. The
enlarged map shows the location of volcanoes in Colombia, South America.
Fire and Ice — and Sluggish Magma
On the night of November 13, 1985, Nevado del Ruiz, a 16,200-foot (4,938 meter) snowcapped volcano in
northwestern Colombia, erupted. Snow melted, sending a wall of mud and water raging through towns as far as 50
kilometers away, and killing 25,000 people. Long before disaster struck, Nevado del Ruiz was marked as a trouble
spot. Like Mexico City, where an earthquake killed at least 7,000 people in October 1985, Nevado del Ruiz is located
along the Ring of Fire. This ring of islands and the coastal lands along the edge of the Pacific Ocean are prone to
volcanic eruptions and crustal movements.
The ring gets its turbulent characteristics from the motion of the tectonic plates under it. The perimeter of the Pacific,
unlike that of the Atlantic, is located above active tectonic plates. Nevado del Ruiz happens to be located near the
junction of four plate boundaries. In this area an enormous amount of heat is created, which melts the rock 100 to 200
kilometers below Earth’s surface and creates magma.
Nevado del Ruiz hadn’t had a major eruption for 400 years before this tragedy. The reason: sluggish magma. Unlike the
runny, mafic magma that makes up the lava flows of oceanic volcanoes such as those in Hawaii, the magma at this type
of subduction plate boundary tends to be sticky and slow moving, forming the rock andesite when it cools. This andesitic
magma tends to plug up the opening of the volcano. It sits in a magma chamber underground with pressure continually
building up. Suddenly, tiny cracks develop in Earth’s crust, causing the pressure to drop. This causes the steam and other
gases dissolved in the magma to violently expand, blowing the magma plug free. Huge amounts of ash and debris are
sent flying, creating what is called an explosive eruption.
Oddly enough, the actual eruption of Nevado del Ruiz didn’t cause most of the destruction. It was caused not by lava
but by the towering walls of sliding mud created when large chunks of hot ash and pumice mixed with melted snow.
Refer to Figure 33 and answer the following Question:
Why are eruptions of Nevado del Ruiz generally more explosive than most Hawaiian volcanic eruptions?
70 Refer to Figure 33 and answer the following Question:
Vesicular texture is very common in igneous rocks formed during andesitic eruptions. Explain how this texture is formed.
71 Refer to Figure 33 and answer the following Question:
What caused the magma to expand, blowing the magma plug free?
72 Refer to Figure 33 and answer the following Question:
What caused most of the destruction associated with the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz?
73 Base your answer on the Rock Classification Flowchart shown below. Letters A, B, and C represent specific rocks in this
classification scheme.
Granite could be placed in the same position in the flowchart above as gabbro.
Describe two differences between granite and gabbro.
Figure 34
Base your answer on the passage and map below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The passage provides some
information about the sediments under Portland, Oregon, and the map shows where Portland is located.
Bad seismic combination under Portland:
Earthquake faults and jiggly sediment
Using a technique called seismic profiling, researchers have found evidence of ancient earthquake faults under Portland,
Oregon. The faults may still be active, a USGS [United States Geological Survey] seismologist will announce tomorrow.
The research also turned up a 250-foot deep layer of silt and mud, deep under the city, which may have been caused by
a catastrophic ice dam break some 15,000 years ago.
The two findings could together mean bad news, as soft sediment is known to amplify ground shaking during strong
earthquakes. In the 1989 San Francisco earthquake, much of the damage to buildings was caused by liquefaction, a
shaking and sinking of sandy, water saturated soil along waterways….
– Robert Roy Britt, excerpted from "Bad sesimic combination under Portland: Earthquake faults and jiggly sediment,"
explorezone.com 05/03/99
Refer to Figure 34 and answer the following Question:
What type of tectonic plate boundary is shown at the San Andreas Fault?
75 Refer to Figure 34 and answer the following Question:
Why is the presence of a layer of silt and mud deep under the city a danger to Portland?
76 Refer to Figure 34 and answer the following Question:
Explain why Portland is likely to experience a major earthquake.
Figure 35
Base your answer on the information below and on your knowledge of Earth science.
Howe Caverns
Many scientists believe that the formation of the rocks in which Howe Caverns is now found began millions of years ago.
At that time, an ocean covered the eastern region of New York State. Hundreds of feet of calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
sediments were deposited in layers along the edge of this ocean. These layers eventually formed the sedimentary rock
limestone, which makes up the walls of today’s Howe Caverns.
Much later, tectonic forces raised this region of New York State above sea level exposing the rock to weathering and
erosion. These tectonic forces cracked the thick limestone, creating pathways for groundwater to infiltrate and gradually
increase the size of the cracks. Eventually some of the larger cracks provided pathways for the underground stream,
which carved the winding passages of Howe Caverns seen today.
Refer to Figure 35 and answer the following Question:
Identify one method that could be used to determine that the walls of Howe Caverns are made of limestone.
78 Refer to Figure 35 and answer the following Question:
State two processes that caused these sediments to become limestone.
Figure 36
Base your answer on the graph, which shows a generalized sequence of rock types that form from original clay deposits at
certain depths and temperature conditions within Earth’s interior.
Refer to Figure 36 and answer the following Question:
Explain why gneiss would not form at a depth of 27 kilometers and at a temperature of 800°C.
80 Refer to Figure 36 and answer the following Question:
When clay materials are buried to a depth of 14 kilometers, which type of metamorphic rock is normally formed?
Figure 37
Base your answer to the question on the maps below, which show the spread of a volcanic ash cloud from the 1982 eruption of
El Chichón in Mexico, as seen from weather satellites.
Refer to Figure 37 and answer the following Question:
As the ash cloud moved away from El Chichón, some ash particles fell back to Earth. Describe how the density of the particles
affected the pattern of deposition.
82 Refer to Figure 37 and answer the following Question:
As the ash cloud moved away from El Chichón, some ash particles fell back to Earth. Describe how the size of the particles
affected the pattern of deposition.
83 Refer to Figure 37 and answer the following Question:
State the most likely effect of the ash cloud on the temperature of areas under the cloud on April 25, 1982.
84 Refer to Figure 37 and answer the following Question:
State what caused the main ash cloud to spread in the pattern shown on the map of April 25, 1982.
85 Refer to Figure 37 and answer the following Question:
Identify the direction toward which the ash cloud spread from April 5 to April 25.
Figure 38
Base your answer to question on the rock cycle diagram below.
Refer to Figure 38 and answer the following Question:
State the specific names of rocks C in the diagram. Do not use the terms "sedimentary," "igneous," and "metamorphic."
87 Refer to Figure 38 and answer the following Question:
State the specific names of rocks B in the diagram. Do not use the terms "sedimentary," "igneous," and "metamorphic."
88 Refer to Figure 38 and answer the following Question:
State the specific name of rock A in the diagram. Do not write the terms "sedimentary," "igneous," and "metamorphic."
Answer Key for : Aanya June extended response part 2
1 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
The graywacke layers are tilted.
The layers are now vertical.
The unconformity indicates that the graywacke layers were uplifted and eroded.
2 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
primary wave
compressional wave
push-pull wave
4 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
3 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
tectonic plate movement
movement along a fault
volcanic eruption
crustal movement
5 Constructed Response:
warm front
the internal arrangement of atoms
chemical composition
the environment in which they form
chains of silicate tetrahedra
crystalline structure
6 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
Gulf of Mexico
a warm ocean surface
7 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
Mountain barriers changed the flow of winds.
The air sinks on the Patagonia side of the Andes.
Patagonia is located on the leeward side of the mountains.
Patagonia is located in the rain shadow.
Adiabatic changes
8 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
9 Constructed Response:
radioactive dating
identifying an index fossil in the layer containing this fossil
correlating rock layers or fossils
Principle of superposition
10 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include any latitude from 40° S to 44° S and any longitude from 65° W to 69° W.
11 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
U-shaped valleys in the area
parallel scratches in the bedrock
unsorted sediment deposits
12 Constructed Response:
Acceptable explanations include, but are not limited to:
crystals of halite settling in an evaporating sea
precipitation from seawater
chemical deposition
13 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
plagioclase feldspar
potassium feldspar (orthoclase)
amphibole (hornblende)
biotite (mica)
15 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
fine grained
nonvesicular or vesicular
grain size less than 1 mm
dark colored
16 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
Oakland is farthest from the epicenter.
The distance between the epicenter and Oakland is the greatest.
17 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
It is near a plate boundary.
The San Andreas Fault is nearby.
The bedrock contains many faults.
A fault extends under Northridge, California.
19 Constructed Response:
14 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
18 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
convergent plate boundary
subduction zone
collision boundary
20 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
crystal shape
21 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include chromium or Cr.
22 Constructed Response:
Acceptable explanations include, but are not limited to:
The tree trunk is a recent organic remain.
Carbon-14 is used to date recent remains.
Carbon-14 cannot be used for events before the Cenozoic Era.
23 Constructed Response:
Any value from 2800 to 3000 km is acceptable.
24 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
P-waves can travel through the liquid outer core, but S-waves cannot.
P-waves travel through all parts of Earth’s interior.
S-waves do not pass through the outer core.
S-waves are absorbed by the fluid outer core.
25 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
26 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
The acid rain dissolves the limestone.
The calcite in limestone chemically reacts with the acid.
27 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
28 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
There is no contact metamorphism shown in rock unit D.
Rock unit F was eroded before rock unit D was formed.
There is a buried erosional surface between F and D.
29 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
Rock unit H was displaced by movement along a fault.
Rock unit H was broken when an earthquake occurred.
convection currents
density currents
30 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
Limestone reacts with acids in groundwater.
Acids in water cause limestone to dissolve.
chemical weathering of limestone
water flowing through cracks removes limestone.
31 Constructed Response:
The “Properties of Common Minerals” chart in the Earth Science Reference Tables indicates the hardness of each of the
five minerals listed:
talc = 1
quartz = 7
halite = 2.5
sulfur = 2
fluorite = 4
Best abrasive: Quartz
hardest mineral shown
hardness of 7
Quartz has the same hardness as garnet, which is used as an abrasive.
32 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
33 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
The gentle slope of the dune is on the southwest side.
The windward side has a less steep slope.
The steeper side is leeward.
34 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
transform movement
The plates slide past each other.
Horizontal faulting
Strike slip faulting
The channel at A has a V-shape.
Running water produces V-shaped channels.
35 Constructed Response:
Subduction or convergence
36 Constructed Response:
Mercury and Mars
37 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
38 Constructed Response:
pyroxene (augite) and olivine
The crusts have a silicate composition.
The crusts contain the elements oxygen and silicon.
39 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
smoker vents
pillow basalts
pillow lavas
40 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
The plates are moving apart or spreading.
The tectonic plates are moving away from each other.
The ridge is a diverging plate boundary.
41 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
42 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
the lag time between the P-wave arrival and the S-wave arrival
the difference in arrival time for the P-wave and S-wave
the P-wave and S-wave arrival times
61 seconds
Mineral identification: garnet
43 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are limited to any two of the three responses below:
pyroxene (augite)
mica (biotite)
amphibole (hornblende)
44 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are limited to:
It shows banding.
The rock is foliated.
The minerals are segregated into bands.
46 Constructed Response:
Sample 2 is slate.
45 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
large crystal
47 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
rigid mantle
uppermost part of the mantle
solid upper mantle
48 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
plagioclase feldspar
49 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
vesicular or nonvesicular
Density :
high density
3.0 g/cm3
50 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
low density
2.7 g/cm3
52 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
widespread geographic distribution
widespread horizontal range
51 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
The organisms lived in a shallow sea.
They lived in a marine environment.
53 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
basaltic glass
vesicular basalt glass
54 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
A is slower cooling than B.
B is faster cooling than A.
Intrusive rock forms from molten rock that cools slowly.
Extrusive rock forms from molten rock that cools rapidly.
55 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
56 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
chemical weathering
physical weathering
58 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
volcanic dust
trapped gases
thickness of ice layers found in core samples
60 Constructed Response:
57 Constructed Response:
Acceptable answers include the following:
plagioclase feldspar
59 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
The fragment shows light and dark banding.
banded foliation
layering of minerals
61 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
melting and solidification
melting and crystallization
cooling and crystallization
volcanic activity and intrusions
62 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, this example:
63 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
plagioclase feldspar
Na-Ca feldspar
64 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
potassium feldspar
65 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
large grains
big crystals
66 Constructed Response:
The lithosphere is composed of both the crust and the rigid mantle.
67 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
This region receives a high angle of insolation each day.
High-intensity insolation is received all year.
The Sun is higher in the sky all year.
The tropical region receives more intense sunlight.
68 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
fast rate
rapid cooling
69 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
Hawaiian magma is mafic and the magma of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano is andesitic.
Hawaiian magma is runny and the magma of Nevado del Ruiz is thick and slow moving.
Hawaii is located at a hot spot in the center of the Pacific Plate. Nevado del Ruiz is near a subduction plate boundary.
The magma associated with subduction zone volcanoes contains more silica, water vapor and other gases.
Hawaiian magma has a basaltic composition and the magma of Nevado del Ruiz is andesitic.
70 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
Escaping gas bubbles are trapped in the rapidly cooling magma.
Gas/air pockets form in the rock as it cools.
71 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
a drop in pressure on the magma
Steam and gases that were dissolved in the magma violently expanded.
Cracks in Earth’s crust lowered pressure on the magma.
Magma pressure cracked the overlying rocks, releasing the gases.
Andesitic magma contains dissolved gasses.
72 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
mass movement of mud down the mountain
a mud avalanche
It melted snow, causing mudslides.
Hot ash and pumice melted snow, creating landslides.
73 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
Granite is lighter in color than gabbro.
Granite is less dense than gabbro.
Granite’s composition is more felsic, while gabbro’s composition is more mafic.
Granite contains the minerals potassium, feldspar, and quartz; gabbro does not.
Granite does not contain the same minerals as gabbro.
74 Constructed Response:
Acceptable answers are:
transform plate boundary
transform fault
The following are not acceptable answers: faulting, fault, or hot spot.
75 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
Soft sediment can amplify earthquake ground movement.
Buildings can be damaged by liquefaction within those sediments during the earthquakes.
Structures can collapse, tilt, or sink during an earthquake.
76 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
Tectonic plates are shifting in this region.
The ancient faults detected under Portland may still be active.
Soft sediment causes minor earthquakes to become major earthquakes.
Portland is located near a plate boundary.
Portland is located over a subduction zone.
The Juan de Fuca Plate is moving (subducting) under Portland.
Note: "Hot spot" is not a correct response.
77 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
acid test
Limestone bubbles when acid is placed on it.
78 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
pressure caused by overlying sediments
79 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to, these examples:
80 Constructed Response:
Rocks at a depth of 27 km and at a temperature of 800°C will be melted.
The temperature should be approximately 600°C in order for gneiss to form.
Melted rocks will form igneous rocks.
81 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
82 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
More dense particles fell closer to the volcano.
83 Constructed Response:
Most likely, the temperatures decreased.
Larger particles fell closer to the volcano.
84 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to:
prevailing or planetary winds
the spin of Earth and the Coriolis effect on wind direction
85 Constructed Response:
Acceptable responses that describe a westward movement include:
toward Asia (Africa)
westward across the Pacific Ocean
87 Constructed Response:
Rock B is gneiss.
88 Constructed Response:
Rock A is shale.
86 Constructed Response:
Rock C is granite or pegmatite.