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ЯвКурсі ПробнеНМТ 2023 Англійська мова Зошит 1 1

Час виконання – 60 хвилин
Робота складається з 30 завдань різних форм.
Інструкція щодо виконання завдань
1. Правила виконання завдань зазначені перед кожною новою формою завдань.
2. Відповідайте лише після того, як Ви уважно прочитали та зрозуміли завдання.
3. За необхідності використовуйте як чернетку вільні від тексту місця в зошиті.
4. Намагайтеся виконати всі завдання.
Інструкція щодо розрахунку тестового балу з англійської мови
1. Завдання з вибором однієї правильної відповіді (№6–10).
Завдання складається з основи та чотирьох варіантів відповіді, з яких лише один
правильний. Завдання оцінюються в 0 або 1 бал: 1 бал, якщо вказано правильну
відповідь; 0 балів, якщо вказано неправильну відповідь, або вказано більше
однієї відповіді, або відповіді на завдання не надано.
2. Завдання на встановлення відповідності (№1–5, 11-16).
У завданнях пропонується підібрати заголовки до текстів / частин текстів з
наведених варіантів; твердження / ситуації до оголошень / текстів; запитання до
відповідей або відповіді до запитань. Завдання будуть оцінені в 0 або 1 бал: 1 бал
– за правильно встановлену відповідність; 0 балів, якщо правильної відповідності
не встановлено, або вказано більше однієї відповіді, або відповіді на завдання не
3. Завдання на заповнення пропусків у тексті (№ 17–32).
У завданнях пропонується доповнити абзаци / речення в тексті реченнями /
частинами речень, словосполученнями / словами з наведених варіантів.
Завдання будуть оцінені в 0 або 1 бал: 1 бал, якщо вказано правильну відповідь;
0 балів, якщо вказано неправильну відповідь, або вказано більше однієї відповіді,
або відповіді на завдання не надано.
Максимальна кількість балів, що зможе набрати учасник тестування, правильно
виконавши всі завдання блоку з англійської мови, – 32.
Зичимо Вам успіху!
© Навчальний центр "ЯвКурсі", 2023
Частина «ЧИТАННЯ»
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A–H) to (1–5). There are three choices you do not need to use.
4. ____
2. ____
5. ____
3. _____
Which of the notices contains
advice for _____?
A electricians
В remote workers
C chemists
D machine operators
E construction workers
F restaurant customers
G boot makers
H medical patients
Task 2
Read the text below. For questions (6–10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
One afternoon, Benjamin Mee was sitting in the kitchen of his new
family home after a tiring day, when his brother ran in shouting, 'A
big cat has escaped The home, which Mee had moved into four days
earlier, was a zoo, and a 150 lb jaguar was on the loose.
Mee has had a lifelong fascination with animals, but it was his sister who spotted that Dartmoor
Wildlife Park was up for sale and posted him the brochure. But things didn't go smoothly.
First, Mee had to convince his mother that it was a good idea to sell her house and buy a zoo. He
then had to persuade his wife Katherine, who was recovering from a brain tumour, that they should
leave their home in France and move back to England to run the zoo. Even buying the zoo wasn't
simple; his first offer was rejected in favour of a higher bid. However, that sale fell through and a
year later, Mee saw a news story announcing there were eleven days to find a new buyer.
He knew he had to try again and this time he managed to buy it, but by then the council had taken
away the zoo's licence. Rotten fence posts and faulty electric fences meant the zoo wasn't safe;
then the jaguar escaped because an inexperienced keeper hadn't locked the enclosure correctly.
'There were lots of times when I thought, "What have I done?" ' Mee said. 'But when the jaguar
escaped it was the first time, I realized there were lives at stake.'
In addition, the zoo was very expensive to run. Utility bills, animal feed and staff wages cost
£3,000 per week and £500,000 was needed to make the repairs required to reopen the zoo to the
While Mee was struggling to find the money for the renovation, his wife's brain tumour returned.
The next few months were very tough; Katherine started chemotherapy and Mee continued his
attempts to secure the bank loan they needed. He finally achieved this in February 2007. Katherine
died the following month. But Mee could not give in to his own grief - he had only two months
until the zoo inspection.
Mee's extraordinary determination to succeed meant that the zoo passed its inspection, and on July
7 they opened to the public as the rebranded Dartmoor Zoological Park. 'Opening day was such a
relief,' Mee says. 'But all day, strangers - who knew our story from the local paper - kept coming
up to me saying, "Katherine would have been so proud of you. " I wasn't expecting it. I had to go
to the office to take a breath, but someone had put my favourite picture of her on the wall. When
I saw her there looking at me, I cried for two hours.'
Mee's story was made into a Hollywood film starring Matt Damon. The idea at the heart of the
film is that rebuilding the zoo helps the family get over the loss of a loved one. For Mee this was
certainly true: 'The zoo itself is also a tremendous place for healing. It connects you to the circle
of life. We have births, we have deaths and they remind you that we are just another family unit
that has suffered a loss - like the tigers who lost their grandfather.'
Mee is now a single parent who has to deal with the usual difficulties of getting his children to
school as well as the day-to-day running of the zoo. However, not many children can say that their
after-school chores include helping the keepers feed the animals.
6. Why did Benjamin want to buy the zoo in the first place?
A He had always loved animals.
B He was tired of his current job.
C He liked big cats.
D He wanted to move house.
7. Why did Benjamin try to buy the zoo a second time?
A His family persuaded him.
B He was able to find more money.
C He wanted to save the animals
D The owners lowered the price.
8. When the jaguar escaped, what did Benjamin think?
A He realized he needed new employees.
B He regretted spending all his money.
C He understood that the zoo was a big responsibility.
D He worried about the safety of the other animals.
9. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE about the opening day?
A Benjamin wouldn't leave his office.
B The press covered the story.
C The zoo's name was changed.
D Benjamin felt sad his wife wasn't there.
10. How did the zoo help Benjamin?
A It made being a single parent less difficult than it was before.
B His job was so busy that he stopped missing his wife.
C His children became easier to manage.
D It showed him how similar all animals are.
Task 3
Read the texts below. Match choices (A–H) to (11–16).
There are two choices you do not need to use.
Suffering from stress? Is having too many things on your mind affecting
your concentration? Come to one of our meditation classes and we will help
you have a richer and deeper experience of life. You will develop calmness
and peace of mind, and reduce any feelings of stress.
Also known as ‘spinning’, this is a great workout done on stationary bikes
that increases endurance and works the lower body. So if you don’t want to
bother with the weather, want to avoid physical risk, or need a little extra
motivation from an instructor, come to one of our classes.
Have you been under a lot of pressure lately? Well, there is nothing like
working up a little sweat to make you forget all about your problems. We
offer a range of aerobics classes to suit everyone’s needs and abilities.
Whether you are setting foot on a boat for the first time or planning a trip
along the coast, we will help you achieve your goals. We offer the best
sailing lessons in the country both for beginners and more advanced levels.
Because we realise that most people nowadays are very busy, we have also
designed a number of weekend sailing lessons.
Our scuba diving classes not only teach you how to be a diver, they also
allow you to fully enjoy your underwater adventures in a safe and
comfortable way. You do not have to buy any study materials or equipment,
there is only a fixed entry fee.
At our riding academy we teach children and adults how to ride. What better
way to enjoy the great outdoors at the weekend than on a horse! Set off on
one of the many trails on your own or accompanied by one of our guides.
We provide all the equipment you need.
Which activity would be suitable for someone who wants to ____?
take up a high-energy activity to beat stress
explore the ocean depths
exercise but is worried about getting injured
improve their skills and become professional
relax and find some inner peace
take up an activity which is offered for free
G take up an activity that combines their love for animals and the nature
H take up an outdoor activity on weekdays
Task 4
Read the text below. Choose from (A–H) the one which best fits each space (17–22).
There are two choices you do not need to use.
Watch Out for Tree-Climbing Crocs
Crocodiles are usually considered ground-dwellers, but a few anecdotes suggest they climb at least
occasionally. Local reports from places such as Mexico, Colombia, Indonesia and Botswana
described crocs lying in trees.
University of Tennessee zoologist Vladimir Dinets and his colleagues decided (17) _____. While
they were conducting their crocodile research, the scientists recorded their observations of
climbing crocs.
In Australia, they observed freshwater crocodiles (18) ____. When approached by boats, the crocs
splashed into the water below to escape. Climbing Aussie crocodiles were more likely to be small
or juvenile; such crocs are sometimes able (19) ____.
The champion climbers of the crocodilians seem to be Central Africa's slender-snouted species,
which regularly lie up high, the researchers found.
There is no evidence (20) _____, but they are still capable of climbing high, Dinets and his
colleagues concluded. The most common spots for climbing (21) _____, suggesting that
crocodilians use trees to get up out of the shade and into the sun. However, the existence of nightclimbing suggests the behaviour has another function - perhaps the ability to see danger coming.
Trees, the researchers wrote, (22) _____.
are places that lack rocks or other warm places to lie
that crocodiles have evolved to climb trees
to climb along brickwork and escape from crocodile farms
found no crocs in the process of climbing
provide a safe hiding place
lying on low-hanging branches day and night
G to find out the reason for these strange events
H snapping shots of crocs jumping into the water
Use of English
Task 5
Read the text below. For questions (23–27) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Juvenile Delinquency
Who is to blame for the fact that teenagers (23) _____ crimes? Parents, school, state or society?
Juvenile delinquency is a mirror of society and its immediate future. The term juvenile delinquents
refers to adolescents if they have been (24) _____ of breaking the law.
Why do young people turn to delinquency? A variety of factors should be taken into (25) _____.
Let's just compare general and music schools. In music schools, children do not fight, because
their leisure is planned and their worldview and the circle of interests are constantly expanding.
Another contributing factor is the school system that still judges children with marks and doesn't
allow young people to respect themselves and earn respect in the team because of their bad marks.
And this encourages children to find other ways of attracting attention.
Finally, a lack of parental care frequently causes the situations when children find themselves in
the wrong environment and "(26) _____ astray". And it often requires tremendous efforts to get
back on the (27) _____ and narrow.
A cause
B prevent
C commit
D investigate
A accused
B arrested
C punished
D sentenced
A justification
A walk
B consideration
B wander
C conservation
C lead
D qualification
D go
A right
B strong
C straight
D fair
Task 6
Read the texts below. For questions (28–32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
A recent study may have an answer to one of (28) ____ mysteries in science – what is the purpose
of sleep? The work (29) ____ it’s actually about making animals function more efficiently in their
Pythons and bats are among the longest sleepers at over 18 hours a day. Human babies need 16
hours, and most of us probably feel we need around eight hours of sleep (30) ____ well.
Professor Jerry Seigel from the University of California, Los Angeles, conducted a study of the
sleep times of animals and found that they vary widely. Some, like migrating birds, can survive
long periods without sleeping at all. He believes that sleep helps to conserve (31) ____ and to
make best use of limited resources. Sleeping also makes us less likely to (32) _____.
A much greater
A suggests
B greater
B suggest
the greatest
is suggested
B to function
B energetic
to have functioned
A functions
A energizer
D is functioning
D energise
A got injured
B injured
have injured
D get injured
D greatest
D have suggested