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Childbearing: Historical Perspectives & Current Trends

Historical Perspectives
on Childbearing
“Granny” midwives
Emergence of medical management
Significant discoveries
Role for woman in childbirth
Hospital births
Technologic advances
Consumer demands
Government involvement
Federal funding
Inequitable distribution of health care
Historical Perspectives
on Childbearing (Cont.)
Effects of consumer demands
Consumers involvement
New childbirth methods
Benefits of extended parent–newborn contact
Historical Perspectives
on Childbearing (Cont.)
Family-centered maternity care
Physical and psychosocial needs of the family
Fosters the family unit
Principles of family-centered care
Childbirth is usually a normal, healthy event
Childbirth affects the entire family
Families making decisions about care
Family and other support
Current Settings for Childbirth
Traditional hospital setting
Labor, delivery, recovery rooms (LDRs)
Labor, delivery, recovery, postpartum rooms
Birth centers
Home births
Current Trends in Perinatal and
Women’s Health Care
Cost containment
Diagnosis-related groups (DRGs)
Capitated care
Effects of cost containment
Length of stay
Maternal and infant problems after discharge
Legislative mandates
Reduced teaching time