Clinical Make-Up Protocol: Prenatal/Childbirth Course



Since you have missed your scheduled clinical time you will be required to complete the clinical makeup. The updated clinical make-up protocol will involve you completing a minimum 2 hour

Prenatal/Childbirth course, a two-page reflection paper on your experience observing the childbirth

class, and four hours of open lab. If you have any questions in regard to whether or not a childbirth class will be accepted, please ask your course Professor prior to scheduling. You will be required to turn in the appropriate documentation (see attached) by the end of week 7. In addition, a two-page reflection paper on what you learned from the childbirth course, you attended, must be turned in with this makeup form to your instructor. Failure to complete the required hours will result in you earning an incomplete for the class until the hours are documented.

Thank you,

Clarinda Luat & Michelle Sadko

Clinical Make-Up

Name: ________________________________________________________________

Course: _____________________________ Date of Missed Clinical: _____________

Hours of Clinical Time Missed: ____________________________________________

Site Utilized Date/Hours


Contact Phone


Name of


Person (Please



Lab practice Hours completed Day/Time Signature from Lab Specialist

By signing this form I attest that I have completed the clinical hours documented above.

Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________
