CS140 Current Technology Article Review Unit ___2___ 1. Locate a current article (published within the last 6 months). A list of suggested sources is posted in Textbooks and Material link in the Information Module. 2. Complete the Summary information below on the form below. 3. Submit your form for grading. Title of the Article Topic Author Publisher Date of Publication Link to Article Quantum Repeaters for a Global Quantum Internet Linking quantum computers across great distances Charles Q. Choi IEEE Spectrum June 13th, 2023 https://spectrum.ieee.org/quantum-computing2661185476#toggle-gdpr Main idea of the article: The main idea of the article is to elaborate on why linking quantum computers across great distances is a huge deal. The article then goes on to explain the breakthroughs that the quantum repeaters have had so far. Information presented: List at least five points made by the author 1. Previously people used optical fiber to keep ions entangled for a distance of 230 meters. 2. A quantum repeater can keep ions entangled for over 50km. 3.The repeater can transmit entangled photons at the rate of 9.2 per second. 4. Without a repeater transmissions rates drop significantly at distances more than 100 km. 5. A new repeater possess a pair of calcium ions captured in an ion trap used as two quantum memories. Response to the article: This article had a lot of information to unload. In turn it appears that with the use of this technology researchers will be able to link quantum computers farther and with better results. Although these researchers have created the repeater they are still looking for more ways to improve on its functionality to connect super computers to different countries!