Course Code: ENG-02321201 Credit Value: 3.0 Year/Semester: 1st / 1st Prerequisites: None Course Title: Advanced Functional English Credit Hours: 3 hours/week Course Type: General Education Course Rationale of the Course: This course provides the students with a fundamental idea about academic learning of the four skills of English language by engaging them in listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. This also includes grammar learning to use them in the four skills. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): On successful completion of this course students will be able to: CLO1 Achieve the accuracy of grammar to use in the four skills. CLO2 Apply the listening skill to relate and analyse different ideas effectively. Distinguish between different sound systems and tones of English language worldCLO3 wide. Apply fruitful presentation skills and operate with communicative competence for CLO4 professional purposes. CLO5 Design formal and academic writings, documentation, and reports, etc. Demonstrate the ability to acquire knowledge and interrelate with different CLO6 compositions in research areas. Course Content: Main verbs / auxiliary verbs Tense and its structure Modals and modal related patterns Causatives / Conditionals Parts of speech Degrees of Adjectives Prepositions and Prepositional Idioms Agreement of Verbs Sentences and Clauses Word Choice / Vocabulary, Antonym, Synonym, Homonym, Homophone, Homograph Wh-words / Punctuation Reading Comprehensions Paragraphs and Compositions Mapping of CLOs with Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs): Course Learning Outcomes PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (CLO) CLO1 CLO2 1 PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO 8 9 10 11 12 2 2 3 3 CLO3 CLO4 CLO5 CLO6 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (3 = High, 2 = Medium, 1 = Low) Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) with the Teaching-Learning and Assessment Strategy: CLOs Teaching-Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy CLO1 CL, T, OR CT, Q, MS, SF CLO2 CL, OR, GD CT, A, V CLO3 CLO4 CLO5 CL, OR, GD A, RW, P, V CLO6 (CL = Class Lectures, T = Textbook, OR = Online Resources, GD = Group Discussion) (CT = Class Test, Q = Quiz, A = Assignment, V = Viva-voce, P = Presentation, RW = Report Writing, MS = Mid Semester, SF = Semester Final) Recommended Readings: 1. Barron’s TOEFL 2. Cliff’s TOEFL 3. Murphy, Raymond. Intermediate English Grammar 4. Thomson & Martinet. A Practical English Grammar 2