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5 Steps to Total Valve Integrity in Pipelines

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A Great Southern Press Site
5 simple steps to total valve
Pipelines International — December 2009
Careful handling and storage of valves
prior to installation, as well as following
correct procedures during construction
and commissioning, ensures a more
efficient and safe pipeline, with less
chance of lost production and failed
isolations. This article outlines five steps
to follow for a healthy valve.
1. Selecting the right valves
There are many valve manufacturers and
valves for any type of production,
temperature, pressure and service condition
can be found. Of these makes and styles
there is a wide range of feature options to
choose from, such as full or reduced port,
floating or trunion-mounted ball, rising or non-rising stem gate.
When selecting a crucial component like a mainline block valve, it is best to
consider the service conditions. What is the likelihood of the valve seat seals being
worn enough to cause significant leakage due to continued dry cycling or the
presence of an abrasive like construction debris, black powder or sand? For
instance, a metal-seated plug valve would suit a mainline block cross-over
assembly application better than a soft-seal ball valve. Due to line purging and
throttling, damage can easily occur on the soft-seat seals of a ball valve, whereas
metal-seated plug valves are designed to resist seat wear in these conditions.
Many manufacturers claim to produce valves that do not require lubrication and,
hence, do not include a seat sealant system to inject lubricant or emergency
sealant. Every valve will eventually leak if not properly maintained and the
operator’s ability to maintain production or to isolate a pipe section could depend
greatly on sealing one leaking valve.
2. Storage and handling
Valve care is often neglected before initial installation. Often large diameter block
valves are stored on a dusty construction site with no end covers or alternative
protection from airborne contaminants. Rarely is the internal sealing integrity of
the valve taken into consideration by construction crews whose number one
concern is its timely installation.
Likewise, the improper transportation of the valve itself should be of paramount
concern to project managers. Any rough handling of the valve could cause the
ball or gate to ‘creep’ out of its seat, exposing the seat ring and body cavity to
debris contamination. Any opportunity to prevent contamination of the valve
assembly will increase the likelihood of achieving a positive seat seal test once
3. Upgrading
Once the valve design that best suits the operating conditions of the pipeline has
been chosen, one of the most important steps is to outfit the valve with the
proper internal check valves, sealant injection fittings, body vent/drain fittings,
packing injectors, and riser lines (if required). The only chance at maintaining the
sealing integrity of the valve depends on the ability to inject synthetic lubricants
and sealants into the seat and stem areas of the valve. It only takes one cycle of a
contaminated valve to completely destroy the highly sensitive soft seals inside the
seating area.
Typically, these upgrades are overlooked during the design phase as future wear
and tear is rarely taken into account. Specifying 3/8 inch riser lines, opposed to
the more popular and slightly cheaper ¼ inch riser lines, enables service
technicians a much greater chance of injecting a heavy sealant faster if leakage is
occurring in the seat area and a seal must be achieved. Likewise for injection
fittings, a threaded cage design is more likely to withstand the injection pressures
of heavy emergency sealants than a crimped cage design, which can fail under as
little as 3,000 psi (20,700 kPa). Studies have shown that threaded cage style
fittings can withstand injection pressures of well over 50,000 psi (344,700 kPa).
Valve maintenance technicians rely on the ability to blow-down the valve body
cavity to create pressure differentials across leak paths in order to ‘draw’ sealants
into the required areas. Technicians are often faced with servicing valves of up to
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5 simple steps to total valve integrity — Pipelines International — The international pipel... Page 2 of 3
60 inch inner diameter that are outfitted with ¼inch body vent ports. This is
hardly an ideal situation as the drain port will not be able to vent enough pressure
to create the kind of differential that is required to deliver the sealant to the areas
that need it the most. Many pipeline operators are beginning to specify full-port
ball valves in place of body vent fittings on large diameter valves for this reason.
4. Inspecting and commissioning
Of any step taken toward ensuring that a pipeline runs efficiently and safely, valve
commissioning is the most crucial. A case in point involves the resurrection of
three brand new 36 inch buried mainline block valves due to the complete
washout of seat seals during nitrogen purging. The cause: no lubricant in the seat
sealant system or seat ring groove.
As a result of valve installation, construction debris becomes trapped inside the
pipe where the butt ends are welded. Once installed, the purging process pushes
the construction debris against the ball and into the gap between the seat ring
and the sealing face. At this point during the aforementioned construction
project, had any lubricant been injected into the valve, it would have pushed
enough of the debris out and away from the sealing area and minimal damage
would have occurred. Instead, the valve was dry cycled and so severely damaged
to the point that it required replacement before the pipeline section could be
brought online.
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The engineers and managers of this pipeline project would go on to implement a
strict valve commissioning and pipe inspection procedure. As a result; welding
slag, dirt, rocks, and any other kind of debris was meticulously removed from
pipe sections before valve installation. Every valve was purged of factory grease
and replaced with a high quality synthetic lubricant and air tested to ensure that
the seat seals maintained their integrity. Eight years later, every commissioned
valve on this project retains perfect sealing integrity.
5. Routine maintenance
If the preceding four steps have been followed, the valve should be online with no
problems concerning sealing capability. In order to maintain the valve properly,
the operator will need to implement a scheduled routine of sealant system topups with synthetic lubricant. Typically, a new valve will require top-up more often
than a valve that has been in operation for one year or more. It is this first critical
year of operation that the valve seals sit tightest against the ball plug or gate slab
and lubricant is required to reduce the breakout torque during operation.
It is advised to top up the lubricant every time a valve is operated for the first year
in addition to a semi-annual full service schedule. It may seem excessive, but a
small investment in time and preventative maintenance on the front end could
potentially save hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars on the back end
taking into account pipe section isolation during emergency shutdowns.
Compared to the cost of an emergency valve body sealing job, a preventative
maintenance routine will quickly pay for itself.
Much of this information is not new to pipeline operators, yet thousands of valves
in every sector of the petroleum industry are scheduled for replacement every
year causing lost production. By taking a few simple steps like these ones above,
one could almost completely eliminate having to replace valves before their
service life expectancy. In combination with specialised sealants and pumping
equipment, it is conceivable that any given valve could stay in service indefinitely
and retain sealing integrity.
Appeared in issue: Pipelines International — December 2009
Categories: Integrity and Maintenance, Machinery & Equipment
Article permalink: http://pipelinesinternational.com/news/
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