George is a Cree from Moosonee. He is 42 years old. He identifies as an Anglican, although he has not been recently practicing his faith. He has expressed that he is not interested in traditional Cree spirituality and stated that he learned in residential school that the "old traditional spiritual ways" are "of the devil." George is estranged from his wife and four children, who no longer live with him. His wife and children are not interested in having contact with him due to his excessive drinking behavior. George has a very close family bond with his brother Frank, who is sober, and is a positive role model in the Moosonee community. George is a chronic alcoholic and is in poor physical health. He has been drinking since he was 12 years old, since he left residential school. He is diabetic and has cirrhosis of the liver. He recently was "medivaced" to Timmons due, to his poor health. The physician who attended to him told him that if he continues to drink, he will be dead in four weeks. An IWAP student on placement at the Porcupine Health Unit in Moosonee recently met with George to see if he is interested in seeking recovery. This interview was very positive from an addictions recovery perspective. George stated in this interview that he doesn't want to die, and also stated that he wants to get sober. Following this meeting with George an inter-professional case planning meeting, (at the Porcupine Health Unit) has been set up with the following professionals: a Case Manager who Chairs the Meeting, an IWAP Student on Placement, an Addictions Worker, a Mental Health Worker, two Student Practical Nurses, an Anglican Minister, George's brother Frank, and a Community Member of the Residential School Survivors Circle. Aprox. 10:30 a.m. - Debriefing Circle with All Participants and Class "What did we learn from this Role Play of an Inter-Professional Process?" 11: 15 - Closing Prayer