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Sicko Rhetorical Analysis: Ethos & Logos

Sicko Rhetorical Analysis
In Michael Moore’s documentary Sicko, he demonstrates ethos is in several ways.
Firstly, Moore interviews both insured and uninsured people. By doing that, Moore demonstrates
that he has given the insurance companies a fair chance. Moore also demonstrates, that he has
looked at the issue from different perspectives of many different people in variety of situations.
Secondly, Moore demonstrates his creditability on this topic firstly by the fact that he is an
American citizen who grown up and is still a part of the health insurance system. Moore also
uses many creditable sources such as people who previously worked at/for insurance companies,
people from the political system as well as experts from different medical communities to prove
it. Lastly, Moore narrates the film and appears in the film multiple times thus, proving he is a
trustworthy person. Clearly Moore has a deep understanding and comprehension of the subject
and is creditable to speak about it. (155 words)
Moore uses logical appeal in several ways. Firstly, Moore shows that U.S.’s health care
system is nowhere near the best in the world, in fact it ranks as number 37 out of 191 with
countries with less economic wealth than the U.S. ahead of it. This proves that it is not an issue
of whether or not the U.S. can implement a system, it is that they won’t. Secondly, Moore also
uses logos to demonstrate that if other places such as the U.K., France and Canada can have a
successful health care system, why not the U.S. as well. This also demonstrates that the U.S. has
a long way to go to improve their health care system. Thirdly, Moore demonstrates that nothing
is scarified by having a healthcare system, he demonstrates this when he interviews the doctor in
the U.K. who is just as privileged as doctors in the U.S. Clearly, there are many logical reasons
to support Moore’s case. (160 words)