Understanding Complex Systems Michael Wibral Raul Vicente Joseph T. Lizier Editors Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience Understanding Complex Systems Founding Editor Prof. Dr. J.A. Scott Kelso Center for Complex Systems & Brain Sciences Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton FL, USA E-mail: kelso@walt.ccs.fau.edu Editorial and Programme Advisory Board Dan Braha New England Complex Systems, Institute and University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth Péter Érdi Center for Complex Systems Studies, Kalamazoo College, USA and Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Karl Friston Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, London, UK Hermann Haken Center of Synergetics, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany Viktor Jirsa Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France Janusz Kacprzyk System Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland Kunihiko Kaneko Research Center for Complex Systems Biology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Scott Kelso Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA Markus Kirkilionis Mathematics Institute and Centre for Complex Systems, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK Jürgen Kurths Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, Germany Andrzej Nowak Department of Psychology, Warsaw University, Poland Linda Reichl Center for Complex Quantum Systems, University of Texas, Austin, USA Peter Schuster Theoretical Chemistry and Structural Biology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Frank Schweitzer System Design, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland Didier Sornette Entrepreneurial Risk, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland For further volumes: http://www.springer.com/series/5394 Understanding Complex Systems Future scientific and technological developments in many fields will necessarily depend upon coming to grips with complex systems. Such systems are complex in both their composition - typically many different kinds of components interacting simultaneously and nonlinearly with each other and their environments on multiple levels - and in the rich diversity of behavior of which they are capable. The Springer Series in Understanding Complex Systems series (UCS) promotes new strategies and paradigms for understanding and realizing applications of complex systems research in a wide variety of fields and endeavors. UCS is explicitly transdisciplinary. It has three main goals: First, to elaborate the concepts, methods and tools of complex systems at all levels of description and in all scientific fields, especially newly emerging areas within the life, social, behavioral, economic, neuro and cognitive sciences (and derivatives thereof); second, to encourage novel applications of these ideas in various fields of engineering and computation such as robotics, nano-technology and informatics; third, to provide a single forum within which commonalities and differences in the workings of complex systems may be discerned, hence leading to deeper insight and understanding. UCS will publish monographs, lecture notes and selected edited contributions aimed at communicating new findings to a large multidisciplinary audience. Springer Complexity Springer Complexity is an interdisciplinary program publishing the best research and academic-level teaching on both fundamental and applied aspects of complex systems - cutting across all traditional disciplines of the natural and life sciences, engineering, economics, medicine, neuroscience, social and computer science. Complex Systems are systems that comprise many interacting parts with the ability to generate a new quality of macroscopic collective behavior the manifestations of which are the spontaneous formation of distinctive temporal, spatial or functional structures. Models of such systems can be successfully mapped onto quite diverse “real-life” situations like the climate, the coherent emission of light from lasers, chemical reaction-diffusion systems, biological cellular networks, the dynamics of stock markets and of the internet, earthquake statistics and prediction, freeway traffic, the human brain, or the formation of opinions in social systems, to name just some of the popular applications. Although their scope and methodologies overlap somewhat, one can distinguish the following main concepts and tools: self-organization, nonlinear dynamics, synergetics, turbulence, dynamical systems, catastrophes, instabilities, stochastic processes, chaos, graphs and networks, cellular automata, adaptive systems, genetic algorithms and computational intelligence. The two major book publication platforms of the Springer Complexity program are the monograph series “Understanding Complex Systems” focusing on the various applications of complexity, and the “Springer Series in Synergetics”, which is devoted to the quantitative theoretical and methodological foundations. In addition to the books in these two core series, the program also incorporates individual titles ranging from textbooks to major reference works. Michael Wibral · Raul Vicente Joseph T. Lizier Editors Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience ABC Editors Michael Wibral Brain Imaging Center Frankfurt am Main Germany Joseph T. Lizier CSIRO Computational Informatics Marsfield Sydney Australia Raul Vicente Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research Frankfurt am Main Germany ISSN 1860-0832 ISBN 978-3-642-54473-6 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-54474-3 ISSN 1860-0840 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-642-54474-3 (eBook) Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London Library of Congress Control Number: 2014932427 c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Permissions for use may be obtained through RightsLink at the Copyright Clearance Center. Violations are liable to prosecution under the respective Copyright Law. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com) Preface In scientific discourse and the media it is commonplace to state that brains exist to ‘process information’. Curiously enough, however, we only have a certain understanding of what is meant by this when we refer to some specific tasks solved by information processing like perceiving or remembering objects, or making decisions – just to name a few. Information processing itself is rather general however, and it seems much more difficult to exactly quantify it without recurring to specific tasks. These difficulties arise mostly because, only with specific tasks it is easy to restrict the parts of the neural system to include in the analysis and to define the roles they assume, e.g. as inputs or outputs (for the task under consideration). In contrast to these difficulties that arise when trying to treat information processing in brains, we have no difficulties to quantify information processing in a digital computer, e.g. in terms of the information stored on its hard disk, or the amount of information transfered per second from its hard disk to its random access memory, and then on to the CPU. In the case of the digital computer it seems completely unnecessary to recur to specific tasks to understand the general principles of information processing implemented in this multi-purpose machine, and components of its information processing are easily quantified and are also understood to some degree by almost every one. Why then is it so difficult to perform a similar quantification for biological, and especially neural information processing? One answer to this question is the conceptual difference between a digital computer and a neural system: In a digital computer all components are laid out such that they only perform specific operations on information: a hard disk should store information, the CPU should quickly modify it, and system buses exist only to transfer information. In contrast, in neural systems it is safe to assume that each agent of the system (each neuron) simultaneously stores, transfers and modifies information in variable amounts, and that these component processes are hard to separate and quantify. This is because of the recurrent nature of neural circuits that defy the traditional separation of inputs and outputs, and because the general ’computations’ that are performed may be of a nature that renders the explicit definition or analysis of a ’code’ exceedingly difficult. Thus, while in digital computers the distinction between information storage, transfer and modification comes practically for free, VI Preface in neural systems separating the components of distributed information processing requires explicit mathematical definitions of information storage, transfer and modification. These necessary mathematical definitions were recently derived building on Alan Turing’s old idea that every act of information processing can be decomposed into the component processes of information storage, transfer and modification – in line with our everyday view of the subject. A key concept here is that the total information found in the state of an agent, or part of, a computational system should be decomposable into the contributions from Turing’s three component processes – see the chapter by Lizier in this book for details. This decomposition of the total (Shannon) information then provides a link to information theory as originally introduced by Claude Shannon for communication processes only. In recent years, Langton and others have expanded Turing’s concepts to describe the emergence of the capacity to perform arbitrary information processing algorithms, or universal computation, in complex systems, such as cellular automata, swarms, or neural systems. In all of these systems there now is considerable agreement on how to properly measure information transfer and storage, and important progress has been made towards a proper mathematical definition of information modification, as well. There is also agreement that it is useful to decompose information processing in this way to guess the algorithms that are implemented in complex systems. In particular, the quantification of information transfer via directed information measures has met rapidly increasing interest both in complex systems theory and in neuroscience, and is the scope of this book. The book itself is based on the discussions on information transfer that took place at the LOEWE-NeFF symposium on “Nonlinear and Model-free Interdependence Measures in Neuroscience” at the Ernst-Strüngmann Institute (ESI) and the Goethe University in Frankfurt in April 2012. While the interest of the neuroscience community in analysing neural data by information based methods has been initially ignited by the relationship between directed interactions and interdependencies and information transfer, as still evidenced in the title of the symposium, recent work by the editors and authors of this book (most notably Lizier and Chicharro) and other groups in the field has made clear that directed information measures reach beyond serving as a modelfree proxy of causal interactions. In fact, directed information measures introduce a critical differentiation of causal interactions with respect to their use in computation and provide valuable constraints on algorithms carried out in neural systems. These recent developments are reflected in the book. This book is divided into three parts. In the introductory part, the two opening chapters by Lindner, Vicente and Wibral lay the foundations for a proper understanding of transfer entropy – the most popular measure of information transfer. These chapters deal with the concept of information transfer, the interpretation of the transfer entropy measure, as well as its estimation from real world data. In the second part, the chapters by Faes and Porta, Marinazzo, and Battaglia, and Vakorin present a more in-depth treatment of recent advances that are necessary to understand information transfer in networks with many agents, such as we encounter them Preface VII in neuroscience. In the last part, the chapters by Lizier and Chicharro suggest two new interesting contexts for the study of information transfer in neuroscience. The chapter by Lizier shows how to quantify the dynamics of information transfer on a local scale in space and time, thereby opening the possibility to follow information processing step by step in time and node by node in space. Chicharro then points out the relation between different measures of information transfer and criteria to infer causal interactions in complex systems. The editors and authors gratefully acknowledge the generous funding of the Land Hessen via the LOEWE grant “Neuronale Koordination Forschungsschwerpunkt Frankfurt (NeFF)” that sponsored a workshop that gave rise to this book. The editors also acknowledge the help of Daniel Chicharro in reviewing. Frankfurt, Tartu, Sydney January 2014 Michael Wibral Raul Vicente Joseph T. Lizier Contents Part I: Introduction to Directed Information Measures Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Wibral, Raul Vicente, Michael Lindner 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Physical Systems, Time Series, Random Processes and Random Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Basic Information Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 The Transfer Entropy Functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Interpretation of TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Practical Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Signal Representation and State Space Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Transfer Entropy Estimators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 A Graphical Summary of the TE Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Information Transfer Delay Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Practical TE Estimation and Open Source Tools . . . . . . . 4 Common Problems and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Statistical Testing to Overcome Bias and Variance Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Multivariate TE and Approximation Techniques . . . . . . . 4.3 Observation Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Stationarity and Ensemble Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Relation to Other Directed Information Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Time-Lagged Mutual Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Transfer Entropy and Massey’s Directed Information . . . 5.3 Momentary Information Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Summary and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 4 4 5 7 8 12 12 13 16 18 20 23 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 30 31 32 X Contents Efficient Estimation of Information Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raul Vicente, Michael Wibral 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Why Information Theory? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Transfer Entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A Zoo of Estimators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Parametric Estimators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Non-parametric Estimators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Estimating Transfer Entropy from Time Series via Nearest Neighbor Statistics: Step by Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Step 1: Reconstructing the State Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Step 2: Computing the Transfer Entropy Numerical Estimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Step 3: Using Transfer Entropy as a Statistic . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Toolboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Coping with Non-stationarity: An Ensemble Estimator . . . . . . . . . 6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 37 38 40 41 42 43 49 49 50 51 51 52 54 55 Part II: Information Transfer in Neural and Other Physiological Systems Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics in Physiological Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luca Faes, Alberto Porta 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Information Dynamics in Coupled Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Self Entropy, Cross Entropy and Transfer Entropy in Bivariate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Self Entropy, Cross Entropy and Transfer Entropy in Multivariate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Self Entropy, Cross Entropy and Transfer Entropy as Components of System Predictive Information . . . . . . . . 3 Strategies for the Estimation of Information Dynamics Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Corrected Conditional Entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Corrected Conditional Entropy from Non-uniform Embedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Parameter Setting and Open Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Applications to Physiological Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Applications of Self Entropy Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Applications of Cross Entropy Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Applications of Transfer Entropy Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Conclusions and Future Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 62 63 63 65 66 68 69 73 75 78 78 80 81 83 84 Contents XI Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach . . . Daniele Marinazzo, Guorong Wu, Mario Pellicoro, Sebastiano Stramaglia 1 Economics of Information Transfer in Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Electroencephalographic Recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Partial Conditioning of Granger Causality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Finding the Most Informative Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Partial Conditioning in a Dynamical Model . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Partial Conditioning in Resting State fMRI . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Informative Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Identification of Irreducible Subgraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Expansion of the Transfer Entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Applications: Magnetic Resonance and EEG Data . . . . . 4.2 Relationship with Information Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Demian Battaglia 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 State-Conditioned Transfer Entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Directed Functional Interactions in Bursting Cultures . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Neuronal Cultures “in silico” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Extraction of Directed Functional Networks . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Zero-Lag Causal Interactions for Slow-Rate Calcium Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 State-Selection Constraints for Neuronal Cultures . . . . . 3.5 Functional Multiplicity in Simulated Cultures . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Structural Connectivity from Directed Functional Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Structural Degeneracy in Simulated Cultures . . . . . . . . . . 4 Directed Functional Interactions in Motifs of Oscillating Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Oscillating Local Areas “in silico” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 State-Selection Constraints for Motifs of Oscillating Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Functional Multiplicity in Motifs of Oscillating Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Control of Information Flow Directionality . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Function from Structure, via Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 88 93 95 96 98 100 100 101 102 105 107 108 108 111 111 113 115 115 118 118 119 120 121 123 124 125 126 127 129 131 132 XII Contents On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling in Non-linear Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vasily A. Vakorin, Olga Krakovska, Anthony R. McIntosh 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Coupled Non-linear Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Granger Causality: Standard, Spectral and Non-linear . . . . . . . . . . 4 Phase Synchronization and Phase Delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Causality and Phase Differences: Three Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Influence of the Parameters of Coupling on Causality and Phase Delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Information Content of the Observed Time Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Directionality of Coupling and Differences in Complexity . . . . . . 9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 137 139 139 142 142 148 151 152 155 157 Part III: Recent Advances in the Analysis of Information Processing Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale in Time and Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph T. Lizier 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Information-Theoretic Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Local Information Theoretic Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Shannon Information Content and Its Meaning . . . . . . . . 3.2 Local Mutual Information and Conditional Mutual Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Local Information Measures for Time Series . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Estimating the Local Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Local Measures of Information Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Local Information Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Local Information Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Local Information Processing in Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Blinkers and Background Domains as Information Storage Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Particles, Gliders and Domain Walls as Dominant Information Transfer Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Sources Can Be Locally Misinformative . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Conditional Transfer Entropy Is Complementary . . . . . . 5.5 Contrasting Information Transfer and Causal Effect . . . . 6 Discussion: Relevance of Local Measures to Computational Neuroscience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 161 164 167 168 170 172 173 175 175 176 180 182 183 185 185 186 187 188 Contents Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daniel Chicharro 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Non-parametric Approach to Causal Inference from Time-Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Measures to Test for Causality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Parametric Approach to Causal Inference from Time-Series . . . . . 3.1 The Autoregressive Process Representation . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Parametric Measures of Causality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Parametric Criteria for Causal Inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Alternative Geweke Spectral Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Alternative Parametric Criteria Based on Innovations Partial Dependence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Comparison of Non-parametric and Parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Appendix: Fisher Information Measure of Granger Causality for Linear Autoregressive Gaussian Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIII 195 195 197 197 198 200 201 202 208 210 211 213 215 215 216 Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Part I Introduction to Directed Information Measures 2 Part I: Introduction to Directed Information Measures This part of the book provides an introduction to the concepts of directed information measures, especially transfer entropy, to the relation of causal interactions and information transfer, and to practical aspects of estimating information theoretic quantities from real-world data. Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience Michael Wibral, Raul Vicente, and Michael Lindner Abstract. Information transfer is a key component of information processing, next to information storage and modification. Information transfer can be measured by a variety of directed information measures of which transfer entropy is the most popular, and most principled one. This chapter presents the basic concepts behind transfer entropy in an intuitive fashion, including graphical depictions of the key concepts. It also includes a special section devoted to the correct interpretation of the measure, especially with respect to concepts of causality. The chapter also provides an overview of estimation techniques for transfer entropy and pointers to popular open source toolboxes. It also introduces recent extensions of transfer entropy that serve to estimate delays involved in information transfer in a network. By touching upon alternative measures of information transfer, such as Massey’s directed information transfer and Runge’s momentary information transfer, it may serve as a frame of reference for more specialised treatments and as an overview over the field of studies in information transfer in general. 1 Introduction This chapter introduces transfer entropy, which to date is arguably the most widely used directed information measure, especially in neuroscience. The presentation of Michael Wibral MEG Unit, Brain Imaging Center, Goethe University, Heinrich-Hoffmann Strasse 10, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany e-mail: wibral@em.uni-frankfurt.de Raul Vicente Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research, 60385 Frankfurt am Main, Germany e-mail: raulvicente@gmail.com Michael Lindner School of Psychology and Clinical Language Science, University of Reading e-mail: m.lindner@reading.ac.uk M. Wibral et al. (eds.), Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience, Understanding Complex Systems, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54474-3_1, 3 4 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner the basic concepts behind transfer entropy and a special section devoted to the correct interpretation of the measure are meant to prepare the reader for more in depth treatments in chapters that follow. The chapter should also serve as a frame of reference for these more specialised treatments and present an overview over the field of studies in information transfer. In this sense, it may be treated as both and opening and a closing chapter to this volume. Since its introduction by Paluš [55] and Schreiber [60] transfer entropy has proven extremely useful in a wide variety of application scenarios ranging from neuroscience [69, 73, 55, 66, 67, 68, 8, 1, 4, 6, 7, 17, 19, 40, 47, 52, 59, 62, 34, 22, 52, 36, 5, 63, 27, 6, 35, 6, 7], physiology [11, 13, 12], climatology [57], complex systems theory [44, 45, 40] and other fields, such as economics [32, 29]. This wide variety of application fields suggests that transfer entropy measures a useful and fundamental quantity to understand complex systems, especially those that can be conceptualized as some kind of network of interacting agents or processes. It is the purpose of this chapter to organise the available material so as to help the reader in understanding why transfer entropy is an indispensable tool in understanding complex systems. In the first section of this chapter we will introduce the fundamental concepts behind transfer entropy, give a guide to its interpretation and will help to distinguish it from measures of causal influences based on interventions. In the second section we will then proceed to show how the concepts of transfer entropy can be cast into an efficient estimator to obtain reliable transfer entropy values from empirical data, and also consider aspects of computationally efficient implementations. The third section deals with common problems and pitfalls encountered in transfer entropy estimation. We will also briefly discuss two other directed information measures that have been proposed for the analysis of information transfer – Marko’s directed information and Pompe’s momentary information transfer. We will show in what aspects they differ from transfer entropy, and what these differences mean for their application in neuroscience. In the concluding remarks we will explain how transfer entropy is much more than just the tool for model-free investigations of directed interactions that it is often portrayed to be, and point out the important role it may play even in the analysis of detailed neural models. 2 Concepts 2.1 Physical Systems, Time Series, Random Processes and Random Variables In this section we introduce the necessary notation and basic information theoretic concepts that are indispensable to understand transfer entropy. This is done to obtain a self-contained presentation of the material for readers without a background in information theory. Readers familiar with elementary information theory may safely skip ahead to the next section. Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 5 To avoid confusion when introducing the concept of transfer entropy, we first have to state what systems we wish to apply the measure to, and how we formalize observations from these systems mathematically. For the remainder of this text we therefore assume that the coupled physical systems (e.g. neurons, brain areas) X , Y , Z , . . . , produce the observed time series {x1 , . . . , xT }, {y1 , . . . , yT }, {z1 , . . . , zT }, . . . ,via measurements at discrete times t ∈ 1...T . These time series are understood as realizations xt , yt , zt , . . . of random variables Xt ,Yt , Zt , . . . that form random processes X, Y, Z, . . . (indicated by typewriter font), unless stated otherwise. Random processes are nothing but collections of random variables, sorted by an index (t in our case). Hence, our notation should be understood as all of the {X1 , . . . , XT }, {Y1 , . . . ,Y yT }, {Z1 , . . . , ZT }, . . . being individual random variables that produce their own (potentially multiple) realizations at the indexed time point t. As pointed out below, in section 4.4, these multiple realizations of each random variable can for example be obtained from multiple copies of the physical systems. If, however, such copies are unavailable, we will obtain only a single realization from each random variable in a process, which is not enough to evaluate probabilities or information theoretic quantities. Hence, we have to assume that all random variables of a process are essentially the same in terms of their underlying probability distributions, i.e. that the random process is stationary. Under this stationarity assumption we can treat all values of an observed time series as realizations from a single underlying probability distribution (the one common to all our random variables), and estimate this distribution from multiple time samples. The stationarity assumption for the random processes is convenient here as it allows to replace expectations taken over an ensemble of copies of the random process by simple time averages over observations from a single process, and we will assume stationarity from here on, unless stated otherwise. Nevertheless, the reader should keep in mind that all of the methods presented here will also work for ensemble averaging, and thus for non-stationary time-series [18]. In the remainder of the text, upper case letters X, Y, Z refer to these (stationary) random processes, Xt ,Yt , Zt to the random variables the processes are composed of, while lower case letters with subscript indices xt , yt , zt refer to scalar realizations of these random variables. Bold case letters Xt , Yt , Zt , xt , yt , zt refer to the corresponding random variables, and their realizations in a state space representation (see section 3.1 for the meaning and construction of these state spaces). 2.2 Basic Information Theory Based on the above definitions we now define the necessary basic information theoretic quantities. Assume a random variable X with possible outcomes X ∈ AX and a probability distribution pX (X = x) over these outcomes, for which we use the shorthand notation p(x). Then the Shannon information is the reduction in uncertainty that we obtain when that specific outcome x (with probability p(x)) is observed. To understand this quantity we have to consider what fraction of all possible chains of events – that together have a total probability of 1 – remains possible after the 6 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner observation of x. It is clear that after observation of x only chains of events that start with x are still possible. All of these together initially had a probability of p(x) . Hence, before observing x, events with a total probability of 1 were possible, whereas afterwards only events with a total probability of p(x) remain possible. For reasons given below it makes sense to quantify uncertainty not directly as the total remaining probability but as a monotonic function, the logarithm, thereof. The reduction of uncertainty in our example thus is: log(1) − log(p(x)). Shannon therefore defined the information content gained by the observation of an event x with probability p(x) as: h(x) = log 1 p(x) (1) We easily see that less probable outcomes yield more information in case they are actually observed, and that for to two outcomes x, y of two independent random variables X,Y the Shannon information is additive, as suggested by our intuition about an information measure for this case: h(x, y) = log 1 1 1 = log + log p(x, y) p(x) p(y) iff p(x, y) = p(x)p(y) (2) The average Shannon information that we obtain by repeatedly observing outcomes from a random variable X is is called the (Shannon) entropy H of the random variable: H(X) = ∑ p(x) (3) x∈Ax The Shannon information of an outcome x of X, given we have already observed the outcome y of another variable Y , that is not necessarily independent of X, is: h(x|y) = log 1 p(x|y) (4) Averaging this for all possible outcomes of X, weighted by their probabilities p(x|y) after the outcome y was observed, and then over all possible outcomes y, that occur with p(y), yields a definition for the conditional entropy: H(X|Y ) = ∑ y∈AY p(y) ∑ x∈AX p(x|y) log 1 1 = p(x, y) log p(x|y) x∈AX∑ p(x|y) ,y∈AY (5) The conditional entropy H(X|Y ) is the average amount of information that we get from making an observation of X after having already made an observation of Y . In terms of uncertainties H(X|Y ) is the average remaining uncertainty in X once Y was observed. We can also say H(X|Y ) is the information that is unique to X. Conditional entropy is useful if we want to express the amount of information shared between the two variables X,Y . This is because the shared information is the the total average Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 7 information in the one variable H(X) minus the average information that is unique to this variable, H(X|Y ). Hence, we define mutual information as: I(X;Y ) = H(X) − H(X|Y) = H(Y ) − H(Y |X) (6) Similarly to conditional entropy we can also define a conditional mutual information between two variables X,Y , given the value of a third variable Z is known, as: I(X;Y |Z) = H(X|Z) − H(X|Y, Z) (7) This conditional mutual information is the basic information theoretic functional used for defining transfer entropy as we will explain in the next section. 2.3 The Transfer Entropy Functional At a conceptual level, TE is a model free implementation of Wiener’s principle of observational causality1 [76]. Wiener’s principle states: • For two simultaneously observed processes X, Y, we call X “causal” to Y if knowledge about the past of X improves our prediction of Y over and above what is predictable from the past of Y alone. We obtain an information theoretic implementation of this principle by recasting it in information theoretic terms as: • How much additional information does the past state of process X contain about the future observation of a value of Y given that we already know the past state of Y? Writing down the second statement as a formula directly yields the transfer entropy functional: (8) T E(X → Y) = I(X− ,Y + |Y− ) , where I(·, ·|·) is the conditional mutual information, Y + is the future random variable of process Y, and X− , Y− are the past state variables of processes X, Y, respectively. The state variables introduced here a collections of past random variables that contain all the “relevant” past information on the time evolution of the random processes – see section 3.1 for more information on state variables. Figure 2 illustrates the relationship between Wiener’s principle and TE. TE has been independently formulated as a conditional mutual information by Schreiber [60] and Paluš [55]. The quantity measured by the TE functional has been termed predictive information transfer to emphasize the predictive, rather than the causal, interpretation of the measure [44]. It is useful to remember that a perfect selfprediction of the target variable (Y + ) automatically results in the transfer entropy 1 Today, there is general agreement that statements about causality require interventions in the system in question [56, 3]. Also see section 2.4. 8 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner being zero. It is also important to note that Wiener’s principle requires the best selfprediction possible, as sub-optimal self prediction will lead to erroneously inflated transfer entropy values [72, 69]. 2.4 Interpretation of TE After introducing the concept of transfer entropy and its relation to other information-theoretic measures, it is important to now take a broader perspective and describe the interpretation and the use of TE in the field of complex systems analysis, including neuroscience, before turning to actual estimation techniques in section 3, below. 2.4.1 Transfer Entropy and Causality Historically, TE was introduced with interactions in physical systems in mind by Schreiber, and has been widely adopted as a model-free measure of directed interactions in neuroscience [69, 73, 55, 66, 67, 8, 16, 1, 4, 6, 7, 17, 19, 40, 47, 52, 59, 62, 68, 34, 22], physiology [11, 13, 12], and other fields [32, 29, 44, 45, 40]. Often, TE is even given a causal interpretation. Before we go into more detail on the distinction between information transfer and causal interactions, a simple thought experiment may serve to illustrate our case: Imagine you have bought a new record, say with music so far unknown to you. As you come home and play the record the elements of a long chain of causal interactions all conspire to transfer information about the music on the record to your brain. These causal, physical interactions happen between the walls of the record’s grooves and the needle, the magnetic transducer system behind the needle, and so on, up to the conversion of pressure modulations to neural signals in the cochlea that finally drive activity in your cortex. In this situation, there undeniably is information transfer, as the information read out from the source, the record, at any given moment is not yet known in the target process, i.e. the neural activity in your brain. However, this information transfer rapidly ceases if your new record has a crack, making the needle skip and repeat a certain part of the music. Obviously, no new information is transferred which is under certain mild conditions is equivalent to no information transfer at all. Interestingly, an analysis of TE between sound and neural activity will yield the same result: The repetitive sound leads to repetitive neural activity (at least after a while). This neural activity is thus predictable by it’s own past – at least under the condition of vanishing neural ’noise’ – leaving no room for a prediction improvement by the sound source signal. Hence, we obtain a TE of zero, which is the correct result from a conceptual point of view. Remarkably, at the same time the chain of causal interactions remains practically unchanged. Therefore, a causal model able to fit the data from the original situation will have no problem to fit the data of the situation with the cracked record, as well. Again, this is conceptually the correct result, but this time from a causal point of view. Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 9 In line with this simple example, several recent studies demonstrate clearly that this measure should be strictly interpreted as predictive information transfer [45] for at least four reasons: 1. An investigation of the presence of causal interactions will ultimately require interventions to come to definite conclusions, as can be seen by a well-known toy example (see figure 1). In fact, a causal measure that is intimately related to TE, but employs Pearl’s ’do-formalism’ [56] for interventions, has been proposed by Ay and Polani [3]. 2. TE values are not a measure of ’causal effect size’, as noted by Chicharro and colleagues [9]. Chicharro and colleagues found that the concept of a causal effect size even lacked proper definition, and when defined properly did not align with the quantities determined by measures of predictive information transfer such as TE or other Wiener-type measures. 3. TE is not a measure of coupling strength and cannot be used to recover an estimate of a coupling parameter. This is illustrated by the fact that TE often depends in a non-monotonic way on the coupling strengths between two systems. For example, increasing the interaction strength between two systems may lead to their complete synchronization. In this case, the systems’ dynamics are identical copies of each other, and information can not be transferred. Hence, TE is zero by definition in this case and thus smaller than in cases with smaller coupling strength and incomplete synchronization (see figure 1 in [28], and figure 1 in [24]). 4. Not all causal interactions in a system serve the purpose of information transfer from the perspective of distributed computation, because some interactions serve active information storage, rather than transfer, depending on network topology [38], and dynamic regime [42]. The last item on this list deserves special attention as it points out a particular strength of TE: It can differentiate between interactions in service of information storage and those in service of information transfer. This differentiation is absolutely crucial to understanding distributed computation in systems composed of many interacting, similar agents that dynamically change their roles in a computation. Importantly, this differentiation is not possible using measures of causal interactions based on interventions [43], as these ultimately reveal physical interaction structure rather than computational structure. In neuroscience, this physical interaction structure can be equated to anatomical connectivity at all spatial scales. Another advantage of an information theoretic approach as compared to a causal one arises when we want to understand a specific computation in a neural system that specifically relies on the absence of interventions (e.g. spontaneous perceptual switches). In this case the investigation of causal interactions could only be carried out under certain fortunate circumstances that may be rarely met in neural system [9]. In contrast, an analysis of the information transfer underlying the computation is still well defined in information theoretic terms [10] and fruitful as long as one is aware of the conceptual difference between information transfer and causal interactions. 10 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner Fig. 1 Causality without information transfer. Two example systems that demonstrate the difference between causal interactions and information transfer. (A) A system of to nodes where each node has only internal dynamics that make each nodes’ state flip alternatingly between the two states of a bit, 1 (black), and 0 (white). There is no causal interactions between the nodes, and no information transfer (TE=0). (B) Another system with no internal dynamics in the two nodes, but with mutual causal interactions that always impose the bit state of the source node onto the target node at each update. In this example there is a causal interaction, but again no information transfer (TE=0). Note that the states of the full system of two nodes are identical to the ones in (A). (C) The same systems as in (B), but this time ’programmed’ with a different initial state (0,0). Example simplified from the one given in [3]. To sum up, the quantity measured by TE is the amount of predictive information actually transferred between two processes and, in neuroscience, may best be interpreted as information transferred in service of a distributed computation. As such, TE (together with local active information storage – presented in the chapter of Lizier in this book, and local information modification [37]) gives us certain constraints on computational algorithms carried out by the system under specific experimental conditions, while measures of causal interactions, such as causal information flow [3], reveal the set of all possible interactions, i.e. information on the anatomy and biophysics of a neural system. Nevertheless, measures of information transfer may sometimes serve as proxies for causal interactions, if other (interventional) methods are not available or practical. In these cases however, causal interpretation should proceed carefully, as, to put it simply, there is indeed no information transfer without a causal interaction, but the reverse does not hold. Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 2.4.2 11 State Dependent and State-Independent Transfer Entropy In equation 12 we introduced TE as the mutual information between the past state variable (X− ) of the source process X and the future variable (Y + ) of the target process Y, conditional on the past state variable (Y− ) of the destination process Y: I(Y + ; X− |Y− ). At that point one may have been tempted to read this as the conditioning effectively removing what we already knew from the past of the target about its future. This removal of redundant information between the past of the source, X− , and the past of the target, Y− , about the future of the target, Y + , would after all be true to the spirit of Wiener’s principle. However, conditioning on the past of the target in equation 12 also introduces synergies between the past of the source and the past of the target [78], i.e. information in one of the variables is only ’visible’ when the value of the other is known, e.g. by conditioning on it. This synergistic contribution is not stated explicitly in Wiener’s principle (but it is also not explicitly excluded), and has therefore often been overlooked when interpreting the results of measures derived from the Wiener principle, e.g. in linear Granger causality implementations. As a toy example take two binary processes where the source process is random and stationary, and the future of the target process is formed in an XOR-operation on the past of the source and the past of the target. In this case, the information that the past of the source conveys about the future of the target can only be seen when conditioning on the past of the target. Not conditioning in this case would actually underestimate the transfer entropy instead of overestimating it. In sum, the information in the past of both source and target processes about the future of the target process can be decomposed into information that is (1) unique to the past of the target, or (2) redundantly shared between source and target - this information is ’conditioned away’, (3) information that is unique to the past of the source, this information has been called ’state-independent transfer entropy’, and (4) information that arises synergistically from the past of the source and the target together – this information is called ’state-dependent transfer entropy’. State-dependent transfer entropy is effectively ’conditioned in’ by conditioning on the past of the source. Two recent studies by Paul Williams and Randall Beer provide more details on the decomposition of mutual information in general, and of transfer entropy in particular [77, 78]. As a consequence of the potential presence of synergies between the past of source and target, the criterion of optimal self-prediction of the target [72], that is incorporated in Ragwitz’ criterion for example [58], should in the future be extended to incorporate also these joint influences. 2.4.3 Multivariate TE So far we have mostly considered the information transfer from one source process X to another target process Y. In neuroscience, however, we deal with networks composed of many nodes, and therefore have to consider information transfer between multiple processes. If we look at a target process Y and a set of source processes X(i) , 12 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner we immediately see the possibility of redundant or synergistic information transfer from this set of sources to the target. Redundancy and synergy were described for the past of one source and the past of the target in the preceding section (2.4.2), but the same principle naturally applies to the case of multiple source processes. It is clear that a simple pairwise analysis of transfer entropies between one source at a time and the target will not reveal redundant or synergistic information transfers, and that to this end a multivariate transfer entropy analysis is necessary. An analysis that specifically considers the information transfer from sets of multiple sources into a target. A quick analysis of this problem reveals that uncovering the full structure of the information transfers in a multi-process network is an NP-hard problem [46], hence, approximative solutions have to be used. We will therefore present several such approximative algorithms in section 4.2 below. 3 Practical Application In this section we now turn to the problem of obtaining transfer entropy values from experimental data, and to judge the significance of these estimates. 3.1 Signal Representation and State Space Reconstruction One of the essential requirements of Wiener’s principle is that the self-prediction of the future realizations y+ of the target process Y has to be done optimally. If this is not done, an improvement of this prediction by including information from the past of process X might be only due to the suboptimal self prediction. An optimal prediction of a future realization of the target process typically requires looking at more than realizations of just one past random variable of this process. The simple example of a pendulum may illustrate this: If only one position value yt of the pendulum at time t is observed, we do not know whether the pendulum is going left or right at that moment and the future position yt+1 is difficult to predict. Observation of a second past position value yt−1 , however, allows us to distinguish left-going and right-going motion and therefore a much better prediction. In this case, knowledge of two past position values is in principle enough for prediction, given the general properties of a pendulum are known. In contrast, more complicated systems (processes) may require knowledge about realizations of additional past random variables for optimal prediction. A vector collecting past realizations, such that they are sufficient for prediction is called a state of the system. More formally, if there is any dependence between the Yt that form a random process Y, we have to form the smallest collection of variables into a state variable, Yt = (Yt ,Yt1 ,Yt2 , . . . ,Yti , . . .) with ti < t, that jointly make Yt+1 conditionally independent of all Ytk with tk < min(ti ), i.e.: p(yt+1 , ytk |yt ) = p(yt |yt )p(ytk |yt ) ∀tk < min(ti ) ∧ ∀yt+1 ∈ AYt+1 , ytk ∈ AYtk , yt ∈ Ayt (9) Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 13 A realization yt of Yt is called a state of the random process Y at time t. The procedure of obtaining this state yt from the observations yt , yt1 , . . . is called state space reconstruction. The procedure most often used in this context is Taken’s delay embedding [65]. Taken’s delay embedding contains two parameters (d and τ , see below) which are often optimized2 via Ragwitz’ criterion [58]. The use of Ragwitz’ criterion yields delay embedding states that provide optimal self prediction for a large class of systems, either deterministic or stochastic in nature, but alternatives exist [13, 61], and may be more data efficient in some cases. Delay embedding states of the systems under investigation can be written as delay vectors of the form: xtd = (xt , xt−τ , xt−2τ , ... , xt−(d−1)τ ) , (10) where d denotes the embedding dimension, describing how many past time samples are used, and τ denotes Taken’s embedding delay, describing how far apart these samples are in time (compare figure 2, A, where the relevant samples are spaced τ time steps apart). The space containing all delay embedding vectors is the delayembedding space (compare figure 2, B). This delay-embedding space is the state space of the process, if embedding successfully captured all past information in the process that is relevant to its future. The importance of a proper state-space reconstruction cannot be overstated as insufficient state-space reconstruction may lead to false positive results and reversed directions of information transfer (see [69] for toy examples). 3.2 Transfer Entropy Estimators Transfer entropy estimation (as opposed to its analytic computation based on known probability distributions, see for example [28]) revolves around reconstructing probability distributions, or functions of these distributions, for the processes of interest from finite data samples. Using the states obtained by delay embedding we can rewrite transfer entropy as: dy dx T ESPO (X → Y, u) = , xt−u ∑ p yt , yt−1 dy dx yt ,yt−1 ,xt−u dy dx p yt |yt−1 , xt−u , log dy p yt |yt−1 2 (11) Hence, these parameters do not feature explicitly in the TE estimation, but can be considered part of the algorithm itself. 14 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner where the parameter u is the assumed time that the information transfer needs to get from X to Y , and the subscript SPO (for self prediction optimal) is a reminder that d y the past state of Y , yt−1 , has to be constructed such that self prediction is optimal. We can rewrite equation 11 using a representation in the form of four Shannon (differential) entropies H(·), as: dy dy dx dx − H yt , yt−1 , xt−u , xt−u T ESPO (X → Y, u) = H yt−1 (12) dy dy − H yt−1 . +H yt , yt−1 Thus, T ESPO estimation amounts to computing a combination of different joint and marginal differential entropies. In the estimation process, several partially conflicting goals have to be balanced. First we expect a small finite sample bias of the estimate, and fast convergence to the expected value with increasing sample size. At the same time we expect computational cost low enough to compute not only TE estimates from the empirical data at hand, but also for several surrogate data sets, that are needed to compensate for residual bias of the estimate. The number of surrogate data sets that is required may be large, ranging from hundreds to hundreds of thousands, depending on the required statistical threshold. This threshold can be excessively small, and the required number of surrogates high, if for example a correction for multiple comparisons is necessary in an application. While TE estimators are presented in a separate chapter by Raul Vicente and Michael Wibral in this book, we give some rough guidelines here about what to expect in terms of the three requirements above. Shannon (differential) entropies can be estimated by • Binning, or coarse graining approaches. In these approaches the joint space of all relevant variables in the TE formula, equation 12 is partitioned into a grid of bins, or boxes and the data points in each box are counted and divided by the box volume to estimate the probability densities. Algorithmically this cannot be implemented in a naive way as some of the boxes may be empty. One would therefore check first which of the boxes in the joint space is non-empty and run all necessary evaluations in the joint and the marginal spaces only over nonempty boxes, relying for the empty boxes on the convention that 0 log(0) = 0, which makes empty boxes disappear from the summations. Note that a binning approach for continuous variables (instead of naturally discrete variables) is not recommended as it can produce spurious reversals of information transfers [23]. • Kernel estimators are similar to coarse graining approaches but replace the count of points in a bin by a weighted sum over points, where the weighting function is some kernel. As the kernels are only placed around the observed points in the joint embedding space, it is guaranteed that no empty bins exist. Typically box kernels are used for simplicity but any mono-modal kernel could be used in principle. Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 15 • Nearest-neighbour techniques. These techniques exploit the statistics of distances between neighbouring data points in a given embedding space in a data efficient way. This efficiency is necessary to estimate entropies in high-dimensional spaces from limited real data [30, 70]. Nearest-neighbour estimators are as local as possible given the available data, and can be thought of as ’variable-width’ kernel-estimators. The assumption behind nearest-neighbour estimators is only a certain smoothness of the underlying probability distribution. Nearest-neighbour estimators can therefore be considered as essentially non-parametric techniques, as desired for a model-free approach to transfer entropy estimation. While the number of neighbours to consider in the estimation process is indeed a remaining parameter, results are typically relatively robust with respect to reasonable variations in this parameter. Of these possibilities, the first two are fast to compute but have unfavourable bias properties [31], and may even reverse the estimated direction of information flows [23]. Hence, in the remainder of the text we will present only estimators based on nearest neighbour techniques. Unfortunately, it is problematic to estimate TE by simply applying a naive nearest-neighbour estimator, such as the Kozachenko-Leonenko estimator [30], separately to each of the terms appearing in equation 12. The reason is that the dimensionality of the spaces involved in equation 12 can differ largely across terms. Thus, fixing a given number of neighbours for the search will set very different spatial scales (range of distances) for each term [31]. Since the error bias of each term is dependent on these scales, the errors would not cancel each other but accumulate. The Kraskov-Grassberger-Stögbauer estimator handles this problem by only fixing the number of neighbours k in the highest dimensional space and by projecting the resulting distances to the lower dimensional spaces as the range to look for neighbours there [31]. After adapting this technique to the TE formula [18], the suggested estimator can be written as T E (X → Y, u) = ψ (k) + ψ n dy + 1 yt−1 − ψ n dy + 1 yt yt−1 , − ψ n dy dx + 1 yt−1 xt−u or, following the second suggestion by Kraskov [31] as: t (13) 16 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner 2 T E (X → Y, u) = ψ (k) − k + ψ n dy yt−1 1 − ψ n dy + yt yt−1 n dy yt yt−1 1 − ψ n dy dx + , yt−1 xt−u n dy dx t (14) yt−1 xt−u where ψ denotes the Digamma function, while the angle brackets (·t ) indicate an averaging over different time points. The distances to the k-th nearest neighbour dy dx , xt−u ) define the diameter of in the highest dimensional space (spanned by yt , yt−1 the hypercubes (or rectangles, for eq. 14) for the counting of the number of points n(·) that are (1) strictly in these hypercubes (equation 13), or (2) inside or on the borders of the hyper-rectangles (equation 14) around each state vector in all the marginal spaces (·) involved. Equation 14 yields an estimator that is thought to be more precise when very large sample sizes are available, whereas equation 13 yields an estimator that is more robust when only small sample sizes are available, but has more bias. Since bias problems can be handled based on surrogate data techniques (see section 4.1), in neuroscience equation 13 seems to be the generally preferred option. 3.3 A Graphical Summary of the TE Principle After having introduced states, and state space reconstruction, and TE estimation techniques, we are now in a position to give a brief graphical summary of TE estimation. Figure 2 illustrates the main ideas introduced so far. Two time series are obtained experimentally, and are interpreted as realizations of two random processes X,Y (Figure 2,A). These processes are assumed to be stationary for the purpose of illustration. For each time point we now obtain a data point in the full embedding space by embedding and reconstructing the states of each time series: xt−u (samples at the black circles in the grey box on time series X in Figure 2,A), yt−1 (samples at the black circles in the grey box on time series Y ), and the current sample yt (star symbol on time series Y , labelled ’prediction point’). All the amplitude values in the state-vectors are now combined into a vector that indicates a point in the full embedding space (Figure 2,B; the dashed lines show how the amplitude values at xt−u ,yt−1 ,yt end up as coordinates in a 3 dimensional rendering of the full embedding space). From this joint embedding space now the conditional probability dy dx distributions p yt |yt−1 , xt−u in the numerator of equation 11, that are necessary for TE estimation, can be obtained (Figure 2,C; the black columns indicate approximate bins used to estimate the conditional probabilities shown in the left part of this subfigure). As the TE functional also involves conditional probability distributions that are independent of the source process X, all the full embedding space is Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience A 17 1 state X(t-u) B X (source) 0 delay δ Yt prediction point state Y(t-1) Y (target) t-1-2τ τ t-u-2τ co nd n itio d al ist rib uti on s t-1-τ τ Xt-u 0 Yt-1 t-1 u C t t-u t-u-τ 1 Yt p(Yt , Xt-u =0.45±Δ ,Yt-1=0.15±Δ) p(Yt,Yt-1,Xt-u) 1 1 Yt 1 p(Yt | Xt-u =0.45 ,Yt-1=0.15) 0 Δ→0, normalization p(Yt| Xt-u =0.15 ,Yt-1=0.15) E 1 0 p(Yt , Xt -u=0.15±Δ ,Yt-1=0.15±Δ) D Yt ? = conditional distributions ignore Xt-u p(Yt , Yt-1=0.15±Δ) 1 p(Yt,Yt-1) Δ→0, normalization p(Yt | Yt-1=0.15) marginal distribution 0 1 Fig. 2 Central TE concepts. (A) Coupled systems X → Y . To quantify T E(X → Y ) we predict a future y (star) once from past values (circles) of Y , once from past values of X and Y . d is the number of past time steps used for prediction (embedding dimension, see section 3.1), τ is the time span between two past time points used for prediction (embedding lag). (B) Embedding. yt , yt−1 , xt−u - coordinates in the embedding space, repetition of embedding for all t gives an estimate of the probability p(yt , yt−1 , xt−u ) (part C, d limited to 1).(C) p(yt |yt−1 , xt−u ) - probability to observe yt after yt−1 and xt−u were observed. This probability enables prediction of yt from yt−1 and xt−u . Here, p(yt |yt−1 , xt−u ) is obtained by a binning approach for illustration: We compute p(yt ± Δ , yt−1 ± Δ , xt−u ± Δ ), let Δ → 0 and normalize by p(yt−1 , xt−u )). (D) p(yt |yt−1 ) predicts yt from yt−1 , without xt−u . (E) If xt−u is irrelevant, the conditional distributions p(yt |yt−1 , xt−u ) should be all equal to p(yt |yt−1 ). log-differences indicate information transfer. Their weighted sum is TE. Modified from [36], creative commons (CC BY) attribution license. Modified figure courtesy of C. Stawowsky. “flattened” by simply ignoringthe x-related coordinates of all points (Figure 2,D), dy and the distribution p yt |yt−1 is obtained (again shown for a binning approach). Last, the obtained x-dependent conditional distributions (Figure 2,E) are compared 18 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner to the x-independent distribution (Figure 2,D; distribution on the left of subfigure). This process is repeated for all values of yt , and all the log-differences are summed to obtain TE as per equation 11. 3.4 Information Transfer Delay Estimation The function of complex systems in the world around us, such as traffic systems, gene regulatory networks, or neural circuits can often be only understood if we identify the pattern of information transfers in the network. As information transfer is necessarily coupled to a physical interaction (the reverse does not always hold see section 2.4.1), there will always be a certain finite time delay δ involved in the information transfer. These delays influence network function, because the correct function of the network depends on the information being received at the right point in time, as much as on information being transferred at all. Hence, the delays of information transfers are critical for network function. In neuroscience, information transfer delays arise mainly due to propagation of action potentials (‘spikes’) along axonal processes and can amount to several tens of milliseconds. The presence of axonal delays is of particular importance for the coordination of neural activity because they add an intrinsic component to the relative timing between spikes. For example, two neurons projecting to a downstream neuron will be observed to spike simultaneously by this downstream neuron only when their relative timing of spikes compensates the difference in their axonal delays and in the dendritic delays to the soma of the target neuron. Temporally coordinated input to neurons, in turn, is thought to be critical for a variety of neural phenomena, e.g. synchronization [20], Hebbian learning[26], or spike time dependent plasticity. Indeed, disruption of coordinated activity by the pathological modification of axonal delays is thought to account for some deficits in diseases such as multiple sclerosis [15], schizophrenia [71], and autism [64]. Thus, the estimation of information transfer delays from multichannel brain recordings seems to be necessary to understand the distributed computation that neural networks perform. The estimation of an information transfer delay δ between two processes X and Y is possible using the TE estimator from equation 13, by scanning the delay parameter u in the estimator. A mathematical proof in [72] shows that the delay parameter u that results in the maximal TE value in equation 13 is identical to the true information transfer delay δ between the two processes X and Y (see figure 3 for an intuitive representation of the main idea): δ = arg max(T ESPO (X → Y, u)) . u (15) Given enough data, this estimation of the information transfer delay δ works robustly, and can even separate out differential delays for the two directions of transfer between two bidirectionally coupled systems (figure 4) – as long as the Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 19 Fig. 3 Illustration of the idea behind interaction delay reconstruction using the TESPO estimator. (A) Scalar time courses of processes X,Y coupled X → Y with delay δ , as indicated by the solid arrow. Light grey boxes with circles indicate data belonging to a certain state of the respective process. The star on the Y time series indicates the scalar observation y(t) to be predicted in Wiener’s sense. Three settings for the delay parameter u are depicted: (1) u < δ – u is chosen such that influences of the state X(t − u1 ) on Y arrive in the future of the prediction point. Hence, the information in this state is useless and yields no transfer entropy. (2) u = δ – u is chosen such that influences of the state X(t − u2 ) arrive exactly at the prediction point, and influence it. Information about this state is useful, and we obtain non-zero transfer entropy. (3) u > δ – u is chosen such that influences of the state X(t − u3 ) arrive in the far past of prediction point. This information is already available in the past of the states of Y that we condition upon in T ESPO Information about this state is useless again, and we obtain zero transfer entropy. (B) Depiction of the same idea in a more detailed view, depicting states (grey boxes) of X and the samples of the most informative state (black circles) and non-informative states (white circles). The the curve in the left column indicates the approximate dependency of T ESPO versus u. The solid black circles on the curves on the left indicate the TE value obtained with the respective states on the right. Modified from [72]. Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. 20 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner Fig. 4 Interaction delay reconstruction between a pair of bidirectionally coupled Lorenz systems. Transfer entropy (T ESPO ) values and significance as a function of the assumed delay u for two bidirectionally coupled, chaotic Lorenz systems with non-identical parameters. The simulated delays were δXY = 45 and δY X = 75, and the coupling constants were γXY = γY X = 0.1. The delays were recovered as δ̂XY = 46 and δ̂Y X = 76. Modified from [72]. Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. bidirectional coupling does not lead to full synchronization. The reconstruction of information transfer delays in LFP data has been demonstrated with a precision of approximately 4% [72]. If all information transfer delays are known, the graph of all transfers, weighted by the respective delays can be used as the basis for a graphtheoretical removal of cascade and common driver effects [74] (see below). 3.5 Practical TE Estimation and Open Source Tools Practical TE estimation is a demanding task, but established toolbox, as introduced below, can simplify it a lot. TE analysis is demanding because several relatively complex analysis steps, such as state space reconstruction, TE estimation, surrogate data creation, and statistical testing have to be carried out in sequence. Failure to correctly perform any one of these steps typically yields meaningless results. Practical transfer entropy estimation is also demanding because of high computational cost, especially when using data-efficient kernel or next-neighbour based estimators – as recommended for continuous processes. The main computational cost comes from the underlying search for next neighbours in the reconstructed phase space. For next neighbour estimators and typical multichannel neuroscience data, estimation is virtually impossible using naive approaches to finding next neighbours. Several fast neighbour search algorithms exist: For single-threaded CPU applications the algorithm implemented in TSTOOL [51] seems to be the fastest algorithm for the neighbourhood structure found in neural data. In addition, the computational problem of transfer entropy estimation is trivially parallel in terms of the pairs of source and target nodes for bivariate TE analysis of multi-node networks and parallel in the number of nodes for a greedy multivariate approach. This parallelism can be easily exploited on a cluster. Moreover, efficient GPU-based algorithms for neighbour Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 21 Fig. 5 Interaction delay reconstruction in the turtle brain. (A) Electroretinogram (green), and LFP recordings (blue), light pulses are marked by yellow boxes. (B) Schematic depiction of stimulation and recording, including the investigated interactions and the identified delays. Modified from [72], Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. search have been developed recently (see [75], and http://www.trentool.de). Open source toolboxes that already include these algorithms offer an elegant way to save on coding work here, and typically provide code that is tested thoroughly. Toolboxes differ in what type of data they are handle (discrete or continuous valued), how they deal with multivariate time series in the input to avoid the detection of spurious information transfer (approx. algorithms to multivariate treatment), which estimators are implemented (binned, kernel, Kraskov), how efficient their implementation is (algorithms for next neighbour search, parallel computing on GPU or CPU), what preprocessing tools they offer for state space reconstruction, and how flexible the creation of surrogate data and statistical tests is handled. At the time of writing the most established toolboxes for TE analysis of R toolneural data seem to be TRENTOOL (www.trentool.de) [36], a MATLAB box, the transfer-entropy-toolbox (TET) (http://code.google.com/p/transfer-entropyR (mex-files) and toolbox/) [27], which provides C-code callable from MATLAB 22 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner the Java Information Dynamics Toolkit (JIDT, http://code.google.com/p/ information-dynamics-toolkit/) [41]. • TRENTOOL is aimed at the analysis of analogue neural data3 , and offers automatic state space reconstruction [69], estimation of information transfer delays [72], non-parametric significance testing [36], and a variety of surrogate data creation algorithms. Estimation is done based on the KraskovStoegbauer-Grassberger estimator and efficient next neighbour search is implemented via TSTOOL (http://www.physik3.gwdg.de/tstool/), or fast GPU based algorithms [75]. Furthermore, parallel computation is possible via Mathworks parallel computing toolbox. TRENTOOL’s input data format is compatible with the format used by the open source analysis toolbox FieldTrip [54] for electrophysiological data, e.g from EEG, MEG and local field potential (LFP) recordings. As in these data volume conduction (in EEG, LFP) and fieldspread (in MEG) is a serious problem for an analysis of information transfer [53], TRENTOOL offers algorithms for both, the detection of volume conduction [36] and for the removal of its influence [14]. A fully multivariate analysis is not possible, but a graph-based algorithm to remove or label cascade and simple common driver effects that can lead to the detection of spurious links is present in the toolbox. TRENTOOL is available in version 3.0 at the time of writing and is a relatively mature toolbox tested on hundreds of data sets. • TET is aimed at the analysis of binary spiking data, offers transfer entropy estimation and delay reconstruction and can operate on embedding states (i.e. past firing pattern of a certain length), but embedding parameters have to be supplied by the user, and the embedding delay τ seems to be fixed at one sample at the time of writing. As the toolbox is intended for binary data only, binned estimation strategies can be used, and the computation is in general very fast because of this. No statistical routines for surrogate data creation and significance testing are provided at the moment. • JIDT can handle discrete as well as continuous process data, and for certain types of computations even joint variables of mixed type are allowed. JIDT offers a wide range of estimators for information theoretic analysis, such as mutual information, conditional mutual information, transfer entropy, and active information storage. Since the conditional mutual information can be calculated on multivariate data, approximate multivariate transfer entropy calculation following the algorithm described in [46] is possible. As a unique outstanding feature, JIDT offers the computation of local measures instead of average ones. These local measures compare to average ones the way Shannon Information compares to Shannon Entropy. The analysis of local measures makes it possible to follow the dynamics of information processing in a system [37] – for more details see the chapter of Lizier in this book. JIDT provides basic routines for embedding and and statistical testing are provided. While the toolkit is written in Java, the rouR from the open source tines can be conveniently called from within MATLAB, 3 Spiking data can be analysed after convolution with a kernel modelling post-synaptic potentials. Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 23 software GNU Octave http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/, or from Python, and examples for these uses are provided on the toolkit’s website. Both, TRENTOOL and JIDT are licensed under GPL v3; TET is licensed under the new BSD license. This makes code reuse in other open-source projects possible. 4 Common Problems and Solutions 4.1 Statistical Testing to Overcome Bias and Variance Problems Finite data from two time series are almost never entirely uncorrelated, simply because they are finite. Accordingly, TE estimators often evaluate to non-zero TE values for finite data even in the absence of information transfer. This phenomenon is called the bias of the estimator. Depending on the type of estimator (see section 3.2) this bias may be small or large, and typically there is a trade off between systematic errors (bias) of an estimator and variance of its random fluctuations observed over different realizations of those time series. To see if a specific estimated TE value is non-zero because of correlations due to finite data and bias in the estimator or because of ’real’ information transfer, we have to estimate the expected values of TE for finite data that are as close as possible to the original data but have no information transfer. These data are called ’surrogate data’ or ’surrogates’. Creating surrogate data for TE bias correction requires them to have the same finite length and (at least) the same autocorrelation properties, while at the same time the surrogates should be guaranteed to have no predictive information transfer. This can be achieved by destroying the temporal precedence structure between the source and the target processes, that would be underlying a potential predictive information transfer in the original data. For two processes X and Y, and a transfer entropy estimator T E(X → Y) this can be achieved by resampling of the source time series xt [8]. For continuous time series, e.g. from a recording of resting state neural activity, this can be done by randomly sampling blocks of data from the original source time series and composing a surrogate source time series from them. However, a better approach may be to randomly assign a cut point in the source time series xt and to exchange the resulting two data pieces. This approach is preferable because using more than one cut point will potentially make the surrogate data more stationary than the original data, adding another source of bias. In a TE analysis based on epochs, surrogate data can be created by exchanging whole epochs of the source time series [36]. A good strategy for the latter approach is to swap neighboring odd and even epochs to preserve drifts in the data that may be present at longer time scales. For a statistical verification that non-zero TE values are not due to bias we have to compare the original (distribution of) TE value(s) to a distribution of TE values from surrogate data. For epoched data, this is typically done by computing TE values for the set of epochs of the original data and for the set of epochs of one surrogate data set, yielding two sets of TE values. As we can not assume normality of the distribution of 24 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner the TE values in either dataset the statistical comparison has to be non-parametric, i.e. via permutation testing. This approach is computationally efficient as TE values have to be computed only twice for the the amount of data at hand – once for the original epochs, once for the surrogate epochs. For more details see for example [36]. The computation of multiple original TE values for epochs of the original data as described above may not always be possible, e.g. because there were no epochs in the data or because data from all epochs were put into a joint phase space to use ensemble-average methods [18]. In this case, we can create multiple surrogate data sets to obtain a reference distribution of TE values from the surrogates and test at what percentile the TE value from the original data is found. This approach is well suited to the analysis of cyclostationary data – a common type of nonstationary data from neuroscience experiments that are based on stereotypically repeated stimuli. However, this approach is computationally heavier than the epoch based approach, because the TE values for the surrogate data have to be computed for many sets of surrogates – typically several thousand– instead of just one set as above. Statistical testing is also necessary as the outcome of TE estimation from a finite sample of data can be considered a random variable in itself, having a certain data-size dependent variance. This variance increases with diminishing length of the available data, rendering transfer entropy values unreliable. Again, this necessitates statistical testing to allow a sound interpretation of the TE values obtained. 4.2 Multivariate TE and Approximation Techniques It is well known that a pairwise analysis of information transfers in a system with multiple interacting processes leads to several problems: 1. Spurious information flows are picked up due to cascade effects, where an information transfer from a source A to an intermediate target B and further on to a final target C will also be seen as information transfer from A to C, directly. This problem is particularly severe, when the intermediate process B neither computes new information to send on, nor adds much information on its own. In networks composed of nodes with dynamics that have a high information rate, this problem is reduced (see the three Lorenz systems coupled into a ring in [72]) but may still be present. 2. Spurious information flows are picked up due to common driver effects, where a single source process A transfers information to two target processes B and C, albeit with a different delay of the information transfer, e.g. such that the information from A arrives first at C and then at B. In this case, information from C is predictive for information arriving at B, and non-zero bivariate transfer entropy is observed from C to B. 3. Pairwise analysis must miss out on synergistic information transfer, where information from two sources A, B is combined in a nontrivial way, e.g. an XOR function for binary data, before being transferred into the target C. For the XOR example above and for memoryless random processes A,B, each pairwise Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 25 transfer entropy T E(A → C) and T E(B → C) is zero, while the transfer entropy T E(A, B → C) from the joint process A, B to the target C is non-zero. While the first two problems are widely recognized, the last problem seems to be less well known, potentially because synergies and redundancies were defined in various ways in the past and a satisfactory axiomatic definition of synergies and redundancies has only emerged recently [77, 39, 21, 25]. To address the first and second problem, it was proposed to reconstruct the timing of information transfers in a bivariate analysis [72] and to then identify cascade and common driver effects based on their signature in the graph of delays - for cascade effects the spurious link has a delay that is equal to the sums of delays on the true path, for common driver effects, the difference of the summed delays on the driving paths is equal to the delay of the spurious links [74]. If a link meets neither of these two conditions it cannot be due to cascade or common driver effects. To address problem the third problem, Lizier and colleagues proposed an approximate greedy approach to a fully multivariate analysis [46]. This approach tries recursively to find for each target node all source nodes, or combinations thereof, that have significant information transfer into that target node – conditional on the information provided by other nodes with significant information transfer that have already been included. The approach also solves the first and second problem. It is an approximation to a fully multivariate approach. In a fully multivariate approach, TE would be evaluated for each pair of source and target, conditioned on the past of all other processes in the network. In practice, however, this ’approximation’ even yields more accurate results than the fully multivariate approach, because it is more data efficient and therefore more robust on small samples sizes. More in-depth treatments of multivariate transfer entropy can be found in the chapters by Lizier and Faes in this book. 4.3 Observation Noise Real world data are typically not free of observation noise, and it is fair to ask to what extent we should expect transfer entropy estimation to suffer from observation noise. To answer this question we start by noting that the random variables of the source process X and the target process Y are observed under added noise from processes N(X) and N(Y ) as X̃t and Ỹt : (X) X̃t = Xt + Nt (Y ) Ỹt = Yt + Nt (16) (17) where we assume that N (X) and N (Y ) are statistically independent noise processes. The most important practical problem arising from observation noise is that Markov processes X and Y are transformed into hidden Markov processes X̃ and Ỹ of which the states are not easily reconstructed. Without properly reconstructed states, however, transfer entropy estimation may fail or produce spurious results (e.g. [69]). A proper analytical treatment of transfer entropy on noisy variables is hampered by the 26 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner (X) fact that the Shannon entropy of the sum of two variables H(X + Nt ) cannot be decomposed into terms containing just one or the other variable. In fact, the entropy H(X + Y ) for two random variables can be infinite or zero, even if both entropies H(X) and H(Y ) exist and are finite [33]. In the face of lacking analytical approaches to the problem, simulation studies must demonstrate the applicability of TE estimation. Indeed, it was shown that both, transfer entropy estimation and the reconstruction of information transfer delays are quite robust under Gaussian, white noise [72, 69, 36]. Nevertheless, simulations for other typical (neuro-)physiological noise profiles seem warranted. 4.4 Stationarity and Ensemble Methods The basic definition of transfer entropy in equation 12 does not require the processes X,Y – that yield the random variables X− , Y− , Y + – to be stationary, as long as we can obtain the probability distributions of these variables to compute their conditional mutual information. Samples from the random variables could for example come from running multiple identical copies of the processes involved, that are all observed at time t so that we get multiple realizations of X− , Y− , Y + at a single time point t. Indeed, this is the most fundamental way of evaluating equation 12. It is only when multiple realizations of a random variable are not obtainable that we have to resort to other methods of evaluation. The closest alternative to multiple copies of the processes in question are identical repeats of a processes over time – in neuroscience this would typically take the form of experimental trials and require the assumption that a process is repeatable experimentally. Still only this repeatability is required, but not stationarity of the process itself, as again multiple realizations of the variables in the processes, e.g. Xt , can be obtained: xt (n1 ), xt (n2 ), . . . , where ni is the trial number, and we assume that the random variables Xt (n1 ), Xt (n2 ), . . . , which are evaluated the same time in the trial (“t”), but different absolute physical times t(ni ), all have the same probability distribution. If this is the case, the process X is called cyclostationary. Efficient methods for the computation of TE from cyclostationary processes exist [18, 75]. Given the trial structure often found neuroscience experiments these methods are ideal to handle the nonstationarities in neural dynamics as long as these nonstationarities are repeatable. Only when there is no trial structure in the data, or not enough trials are available for a proper estimation of probabilities, we have to resort to the assumption that all random variables X1 , X2 , . . . ;Y1 ,Y2 , . . . that form the random processes X,Y have essentially identical probability distributions, i.e. that the processes are stationary. In this case the sum in our estimators runs over all points in time (equation 13). In practice, ensemble methods can be mixed with temporal averaging, if the cyclostationary process is approximately stationary over short time intervals within the trial [18]. Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 27 5 Relation to Other Directed Information Measures TE is not the only measure that was proposed for measuring directed information relations between random processes. However, TE seems to emerge as the measure most suitable for the analysis of distributed computation and hence for the analysis of neural information processing. In the next sections we will review several alternative measures and describe their similarities with and their differences to TE. 5.1 Time-Lagged Mutual Information One fundamental principle behind transfer entropy is the sequential observation of information first in a source process, followed by its observation in a target process. For this information, Wiener’s principle mandates that the information in the past of the source should not be present in the past of the target as well – otherwise there will be no information transfer. Nevertheless, we may ask what is lost if we drop this second condition of the Wiener principle – and simply ask for the information shared between the past of a source process and the future of a target process, i.e. in the form of a time-lagged mutual information: I(Xt−u ,Yt ) = ∑ xt−u ,yt p(xt−u , yt ) log p(xt−u , yt ) p(xt−u ), p(yt ) (18) What exactly is lost if we simply consider this measure of shared information, where the mutual information is not conditional on the past of the target process as in TE (equation 8)? One answer to this question was already given by Schreiber in the initial paper that introduced TE [60]. Schreiber pointed out that the additional conditioning on the past of the target that is included in TE, but not in the time-lagged mutual information, creates a measure of the influence of the past of the source process on the state-transitions occurring in the target process. This adds a dynamical systems aspect to the measure [60]. This dynamical systems aspect is also closely related to the notion of state-dependent influences from control theory as pointed out by Williams and Beer [78]. In more detail, only conditioning on the past of the target reveals synergistic information transfer from the past of the target and the source jointly to the future of the the target (state dependent transfer entropy, [78]) and also removes redundant information between the past of source and target (see section for 2.4.2 for more details). As a consequence, it is easily possible to construct two processes X, Y , such that the time-lagged mutual information between them is always zero whereas there is non-zero TE. For example, we may choose the source process X as being composed of random variables Xt that are independent identically distributed random bits, and to construct Y such that Y0 is also a random bit, whereas all other Yt are constructed such that an their outcomes are determined by an exclusive OR-operation: yt = XOR(xt−1 , yt−1 ). In this example it can be easily verified that I(Xt−u ,Yt ) = 0 for all time-lags u, whereas T ESPO (X → Y, 1) = 1 bit. 28 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner Last, conditioning on the past of the target process is necessary to separate information transfer and information storage in the sense of component processes of distributed computation (see section 2.4.1, and the chapter by Lizier in this book for more details). 5.2 Transfer Entropy and Massey’s Directed Information A measure closely related to transfer entropy is Massey’s directed information (DI). DI is often unnecessarily confused with, or seen as an improvement on TE. Therefore, we quickly describe their relation here, and also hint at the differences between information theoretical and physical indexing that is at the source of much of this confusion. A reader not interested in DI may safely skip ahead to the next section. DI was originally defined by Massey [50] (based on earlier work by Marko [48]) as: DI(X N → Y N ) = N ∑ I(X n ;Yn |Y n−1 ) (19) n=1 where X N and Y N are joint ensembles (N-tuples) of N random variables, i.e. Xi , i = 1 . . . N, X N = [X1 , . . . , XN ] where Xk is the k-th variable of sequence X N . Note that this definition, in particular the mutual information inside the sum, require that that we can obtain multiple realizations of from these joint ensembles, i.e. xN (r) = [x1 (r), . . . , xN (r)] with r = 1 . . . M for empirical estimation from M realizations. Only for random variables that form part of a stationary random process with finite memory (finite Markov processes), these realizations may be replaced by averaging over realizations at subsequent indices to obtain the mutual information estimate. In practice, therefore stationarity is required for DI analyses. To understand DI correctly, it is important to know why Massey introduced it. Massey had in mind a system composed of a signal source that would produce messages (symbol sequences) uK of the joint random variable U K , independent of any transmission process. These uK would then be encoded to yield encoded messages xN that were sent over the channel to a receiver and yield received messages yN , to be decoded into V K . The system X → Y is called a channel with input X N and output Y N in information theory. Massey was considering the particular case where the encoded messages were fed into the channel symbol by symbol, i.e.. x1 , x2 , . . . and where the corresponding received message symbols y1 , y2 , . . . would be able to change the en-coding process for the next respective next symbol xn+1 of the encoder (’feedback’). In this system the following dependencies hold a priori: • U K is not influenced by any other source of influence. • U K as a whole has influence on the encoded message X N . • An encoded symbol xn at index n is sent and influences the decoded symbol yn with the same index. This is called transmission through the channel. • The received symbol yn may influence the encoding for the next source symbol xn+1 . If this is the case, we say the channel has feedback. Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 29 For this system with a known and highly specific causal structure, Massey wanted to find a more precise bound for the information that could be transmitted through this channel when feedback was present, because information theory had not considered feedback as part of a communication channel correctly before [50]. While for the channel without feedback the mutual information between input and output I(X N ;Y N ) is an upper bound for the information that can be transmitted, I(U K ;V K ), Massey could show that in the presence of feedback a tighter limit on the transmittable information holds [50]: DI(X N → Y N ) − I(U K ;V K ) ≤ I(X N ;Y N ) − I(U K ;V K ) (20) The interpretation of this is straightforward: Not all of the dependencies between X N and Y N arise because of information transmission from X to Y , a part of them arises because yn influences the encoding process of the original message at xn+1 , thereby creating correlations that show in I(X N ;Y N ), but do not support information transfer. When considering to apply Massey’s DI in practice is very important to note that it relies on a known (!) dependency structure and is inherently asymmetric as it clearly distinguishes the known roles of the original source (U K ) that cannot be influenced, the encoder/sender (xn ) and the receiver/decoder (yn ). To sum up, DI was initially not intended to be used for inference on a dependency structure, in particular not a causal one (this task should be left to Ay and Polani’s causal information flow measure based on interventions [3]), but to infer achievable information rates on a known communication channel with feedback. As a consequence of the above definitions, the forward influence from X → Y is of a fundamentally different type than the feedback Y X. This is also visible in the fact that the action of xn affects yn at the same n and that Massey clearly attributes a directedness to this interaction [50]. While this is sometimes confused with ’instantaneous causality’, the correct interpretation is as follows: In direction of the channel Massey does not care about transmission time, and treats yn as the output caused by xn (we can think of the message as carrying a label ’n’), whereas in the reverse direction he makes sure that yn can only influence xn+1 via feedback. Because of the differences between forward and feedback influences, we cannot use DI analysis without modifications to Massey’s original definition if we don’t know a priori which of X and Y to consider as sender and receiver. Unfortunately, this situation is the norm rather than an exception in neuroscience. In the case of such an unknown sender-receiver relationship, the asymmetry in indexing (the influence from xn → yn is causal, whereas the influence from yn → xn is not) gets highly problematic. This is because the prescribed causal structure implied in the information theoretic channel with feedback cannot be mapped easily to a bidirectionally coupled dynamical system. For such a system at least two ad-hoc decompositions of the dependency structure are possible, (1) into directed information from X → Y and the feedback Y X, and (2) into directed information from Y → X and the feedback X Y . Due to the inherent asymmetries in DI, the two decompositions are not equivalent, but represent different a priori assumptions on the system. Considering 30 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner all four contributions on the other hand is also not an option, because information is accounted for multiple times this way. Therefore, authors applying DI to systems with unknown dependency structure, such as neural systems, often modify DI, or rather the interpretation thereof by interpreting the index n as physical time (’t’) rather than a channel-use index, and by subsequently stripping the ’instantaneous’ information transfer from Xn to Yn of its directedness, based on the argument that Xn and Yn ’happen simultaneously’ [1, 2]. While this indeed yields a useful measure for neuroscience, it is a clear violation of the original ideas by Massey. Therefore, the reinterpreted measure should perhaps be given another name to highlight the fact that instantaneous causality is seen as uninterpretable in terms of a direction in the new measure, a problem that Massey did not face because of indexing by channel-use, and the prespecified causal structure in his use case. We leave the renaming of Massey’s directed information to the community and simply refer to this new interpretation by DI’. Using this new interpretation of directed information one can show that [2]: I(X N ;Y N ) = DI (X N−1 → Y N−1 ) + DI (Y N−1 → X N ) + DI (X N ↔ Y N−1 ) (21) N DI (X N ↔ Y N ) := ∑ I(xn ; yi |yi−1 , xn−1 ) (22) i=1 which is a useful decomposition of the mutual information into two directed information transfers and a contribution of the undirected, instantaneously shared information, called instantaneous information exchange, DI (X N−1 ↔ Y N−1 ). Furthermore it can be shown that in the limit of t → ∞, the rates of the directed parts in equation 21 are nothing but the transfer entropy rates for X → Y and Y → X [1, 2]. In sum, most of the confusion about the use of transfer entropy and directed information arises because the use case for directed information is no longer the one intended by Massey, and indeed the measure has been changed via reinterpretation, while references are still made to the original use case and claims by Massey. 5.3 Momentary Information Transfer Pompe and Runge [57] recently proposed to reconstruct interaction delays using an information-theoretic functional, called momentary information transfer (MIT). In their functional the information transfer delay between two systems is introduced in the form of a parameter of a conditional mutual information term – just as it was done for transfer entropy in equation 12 for T ESPO . As for T ESPO , this parameter is scanned in order to maximize the value of MIT . In contrast to the transfer entropy approach, however, conditioning of the mutual information in MIT is done with respect to the joint history of the two variables in question: MIT (X → Y, u) = I(Yt ; Xt−u |Yt−1 , Xt−u−1 ) , (23) That is, while MIT retains the conditioning on the immediately previous state of the target Yt−1 that is used in T ESPO , MIT additionally conditions on the state Transfer Entropy in Neuroscience 31 variable of the source, Xt−u−1 , immediately preceding the scalar source observation under consideration, Yt . The essence of Pompe and Runge’s argument is that their conditioning on Xt−u−1 seeks to find the delay over which the transferred information is first available in the source. While the measure does indeed have this property, we note that for a measure of information transfer delays it is important to identify the point in time when the information in the source is most relevant to predict the future of the target, as was shown by mathematical proof in [72]. As shown by example in the same study, MIT may therefore slightly misidentify information transfer delays, yielding inflated delay values. The mathematical reason for this is the removal of memory in the source via the additional conditioning before determining the information transfer. 6 Summary and Outlook Given that one of the major advantages of transfer entropy is its model-freeness, we may ask what the use of transfer entropy and related information theoretic approaches will be once highly detailed, and provably correct, simulations of large neural systems become available.While this may not happen in the near future, it seems only a matter of time. The answer to this question will also again help us to see the specific meaning of the quantity ’predictive information transfer’ that is measured by transfer entropy. To see the meaning of transfer entropy and other methods from the field of information dynamics we may turn to recent developments in the field of cellular automata. Elementary cellular automata (ECAs) are composed of simple agents that can only take binary values and are connected to their next neighbours [79]. These agents update their own state in discrete time steps based on a simple rule applied to the states of their neighbours at the past time steps. ECA are simple to simulate, and we might think that we fully understand how they work, since the rules for their behaviour are all available to us (we created them and therefore know all about their causal structure). Despite their deceptive simplicity, ECA show complex unpredicted emergent behaviour and have been shown to be able to do universal computation, i.e. solve any mathematical task, given a solution exists. This means that we understand how to simulate a cellular automaton, but not how it functions or computes. The same maybe said for realistic large scale neural simulations – just reproducing the dynamics of a system does not entail an understanding of the algorithms it runs to solve a task. For the case of ECA this problem can be elegantly solved by evaluating local transfer entropy in space and time, and related measures from information dynamics (see the chapter by Lizier in this book, and [37]). Looking at the structures revealed by this analysis it is then easy to see, that the ECA performs computations based on coherent activity structures called particles. The example just given demonstrates that in a complex system there are typically several levels of understanding. These levels of understanding have been laid out for 32 M. Wibral, R. Vicente, and M. Lindner the case of neuroscience in an elegant treatment by David Marr in his book Vision [49]: • The computational level: What is computed by the neural system, and why is this computation ecologically relevant to the organism? • The algorithmic level: What representations of quantities of the outside world exist (in the neural system) and in what algorithms are they used? • The implementation level: How are these algorithms implemented in the biophysics of the neural system? As noted already by Marr and later emphasized by Poggio (in the afterword added to [49]), these level of understanding only loosely constrain each other as any realization at one level may map to multiple possibilities at the other levels. Poggio also emphasized the need for analysis approaches that bring the levels closer together again, after their initial separation brought clarity to neuroscientific study. If we take into account that transfer entropy quantifies the amount of information transferred in service of a computation, we see that the analysis of transfer entropy in a neural system uses data from the implementational level but gives constraints on the algorithms the systems runs. This way, transfer entropy effectively links the implementation level to the algorithmic level – and does so both for empirical data and models. As models offer the possibility of virtually unlimited access to data, and as this is highly beneficial for reliable analyses of information theoretic methods, we think that the understanding of neural systems will strongly profit from the application of transfer entropy analysis specifically to data from detailed, large scale neural simulations that will become available in the near future. References 1. Amblard, P.O., Michel, O.J.J.: On directed information theory and Granger causality graphs. J. Comput. Neurosci. 30(1), 7–16 (2011) 2. 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Unfortunately, this is a common scenario in applications to electrophysiology data sets. In this chapter, we will review the stateof-the-art estimators based on nearest-neighbor statistics for information transfer measures. Nearest neighbors techniques are more data-efficient than naive partition or histogram estimators and rely on milder assumptions than parametric approaches. However, they also come with limitations and several parameter choices that influence the numerical estimation of information theoretic functionals. We will describe step by step the efficient estimation of transfer entropy for a typical electrophysiology data set, and how the multi-trial structure of such data sets can be used to partially alleviate the problem of non-stationarity. 1 Introduction Inferring interdependencies between subsystems from empirical data is a common task across different fields of science. In neuroscience the subsystems from which we would like to infer an interdependency can consist of a set of stimulus and a region of the brain [1], two regions of the brain [2], or even two frequency bands registered at the same brain region [3]. An important characterization of directed dependency is the information transfer between subsystems, especially when Raul Vicente Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research, 60385 Frankfurt am Main, Germany e-mail: raulvicente@gmail.com Michael Wibral MEG Unit, Brain Imaging Center, Goethe University, Heinrich-Hoffmann Strasse 10, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany e-mail: wibral@em.uni-frankfurt.de M. Wibral et al. (eds.), Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience, Understanding Complex Systems, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54474-3_2, 37 38 R. Vicente and M. Wibral describing the information processing capabilities of a system [4, 5]. The success of this task crucially depends not only on the quality of the data but on the numerical estimator of the interdependency measure [6]. In this chapter we will review the different stages in obtaining a numerical estimate of information transfer, as measured by transfer entropy, from a typical electrophysiology data set. Specifically, in Section 2 we answer why transfer entropy is used as a quantifier of information transfer. Next, we describe different strategies to estimate transfer entropy along with their advantages and drawbacks. Section 4 explains step by step the procedure to numerically estimate transfer entropy from nearest neighbor statistics. The section covers from the choice of parameters for the embedding of raw time series to the testing of statistical significance. In Section 5, we illustrate how to integrate multi-trial information to improve the temporal resolution of transfer entropy. Finally, in Section 6 we briefly discuss the current status of the field and some future developments that will be needed for moving forward the application of information transfer measures in neuroscience. 2 Why Information Theory? Any top ranking of popular measures of interdependence will certainly include cross-correlation, coherence, and Granger causality. These measures quantify the strength of different linear relations and thus, belong to the class of parametric measures which assume a specific form for the interdependence between two or more processes. By highly constraining the type of interdependence evaluated, the numerical evaluation of parametric measures typically amounts to estimating a few coefficients, which in the case of linear measures can be usually obtained by matrix manipulations. Thus, parametric measures are often data-efficient, generalizable to multivariate settings, and easy to interpret. It is probably no exaggeration to say that one should always start the inspection of a new data set with linear techniques [7]. However, statistical relationships between processes are more naturally and generally formulated within the probabilistic framework, which relaxes the need to assume explicit models on how variables relate to each other [8]. Thus, exploratory rather than confirmatory analysis of a particular model should ideally be carried out by techniques formulated in probabilistic terms. After all, if two random variables X and Y are independent P(X,Y ) = P(X)P(Y ) , (1) E[XY ] = E[X]E[Y ] , (2) they must be uncorrelated but the reverse is not true. Information theory is precisely formulated in probabilistic terms and quantifies properties such as the information shared by two random variables X and Y by simply measuring how much the probabilities at the two sides of Eq. 1 differ. The Efficient Estimation of Information Transfer 39 information content of a random variable (Shannon entropy), or the information shared by two random variables (mutual information) does not appeal to any explicit model for the random variables or their interrelations [9]. Instead these information theoretic measures are simply scalars obtained directly from the probability distribution of a single random variable (Shannon entropy) or the joint probability of a pair of random variables (mutual information). Implicit assumptions include that probability mass or density functions can describe our knowledge about the random variables or the existence of a given communication channel. The generality of the information theory approach endows it with the ability to deal with a diversity of systems and still employ a common currency, the bit. Conceptually, information theoretic measures are very appealing because they stem from a simple and elegant set of axioms that include intuitive properties such as that the information gathered from independent sources should be additive. Also concepts like synergy and redundancy can be naturally formulated in information theoretic terms [10, 11]. Recent developments have also given rise to new branches such information dynamics which aims to describe the local dynamics in space and time of the transfer, storage, and transformation of information [5]. See Chapter 7 by Lizier in this volume for a short introduction to local information dynamics. In neurobiology mutual information has been widely used to assess how neurons represent information, i.e., to investigate the neural code [12]. Indeed, just over a decade after Shannon’s seminal article [13] and book [14], Horace Barlow proposed in 1961 the efficient coding hypothesis by which sensory systems use neural codes that optimize the number of spikes needed to transmit a given signal [15]. Measures of mutual information between stimuli from the outside world and neuronal response in early sensory areas have provided lower bounds for the channel capacity of sensory systems [9, 12, 16]. In fact, only when tested with natural stimuli different sensory modalities have been found to transmit stimulus information at rates close to their theoretical optimal capacities, as predicted by the efficient coding hypothesis [17, 18]. However, the simplest model of communication in information theory (a single unidirectional chain composed by source, transmitter, channel, receiver, and destination) might not be the most appropriate to study the information processing in complex networks of neurons [9]. Feedback, delays, and plasticity are defining features of neuronal circuitry that can alter the original interpretation of information theoretical functionals. Another basic difficulty in applying information theory to natural systems such cell networks is that, unlike in human designed engineering systems, the encoding and decoding processes as well as the channels used for transmission need to be discovered and characterized in first place [19]. Finally, one must also keep in mind that the main function of the nervous system is the processing of information to attain fast and specific responses to environmental and internal demands. Processing as opposed to a mere transmission of information involves in many occasions a loss of information (e.g., generating some type of invariance) and mutual information alone cannot decide how much information was lost due to deterministic processing and how much simply due to a noisy transmission. 40 R. Vicente and M. Wibral Taking into account these conceptual difficulties and severe measure limitations (experimental measures only capture a hugely subsampled and coarse-grained version of underlying neural processes), it is probably safe to affirm that many overinterpretations are found in results dealing with information theory applied to systems neuroscience and other fields [20]. This justifies in part the skepticism that information theory applied to neural data generated among rigorous information theoreticians [21, 22]. However, information theory, even in its most classical and simple framework can still provide very useful insights and lower bounds on fundamental quantities characterizing the transmission of information. The latter aspect is the base of many analyses that try to determine the flexible routing of information across brain areas on top of its anatomical architecture. To this end a generalization of mutual information named transfer entropy (TE) has become the tool of choice. 2.1 Transfer Entropy Transfer entropy from a process X to another process Y is the amount of uncertainty reduced in the future values of Y by knowing the past values of X once the past values of Y are given [23]. Importantly, this definition directly embodies an operational version of statistical causal dependencies introduced by the great mathematician Norbert Wiener in 1956 [24]. In particular, a signal X is said to cause a signal Y when the future of signal Y is better predicted by adding knowledge from the past and present of signal X than by using the present and past of Y alone. Once prediction enhancement and reduction of uncertainty are identified with each other it is clear that transfer entropy implements Wiener’s principle of causality in information theoretic terms [25]. Mathematically, for processes X and Y that can be approximated by Markov chains transfer entropy can be simply expressed as the mutual information (MI) between the future of Y and the present of X once conditioned to the past of Y, T E (X → Y ) = MI(Y + ; X − |Y − ) , (3) where the superscripts + and − denote adequate future and past state reconstructions of the respective random variables. The conditioning in the former equation equips transfer entropy with several advantages over the unconditioned mutual information to describe information transfer. First, it enables transfer entropy to consider transition between states and thus incorporates the dynamics of the processes. Second, transfer entropy is inherently asymmetric with respect to the exchange of X and Y and thus can distinguish the two possible directions of interaction. These two properties allow one to assess the directed information being dynamically transferred between two process as opposed to the information being merely statically shared [23]. This can also be observed from rewriting Eq. 3 as (4) T E (X → Y ) = MI Y + ; (Y − , X − ) − MI(Y + ;Y − ) , Efficient Estimation of Information Transfer 41 which makes explicit that transfer entropy is the reduction of uncertainty in one variable due to another that is not explained by its own past alone. Another arrangement of transfer entropy, in this case in terms of Shannon entropies, reads T E (X → Y ) = H Y − , X − − H Y + ,Y − , X − + H Y + ,Y − − H Y − . (5) For a detailed review on the concept of transfer entropy and its application to neuroscience see Chapter 1 by Wibral in this volume. Note also that we refer to transfer entropy as capturing causal dependencies only in the sense that there is some value in the past of an observed signal in explaining the future evolution of another signal beyond its own past. Observational causality as defined by Wiener differs in general from interventional causality in which perturbations of one process while conditioning or controlling the state of others, is necessary to infer the graph of causal interactions. Indeed transfer entropy actually captures the notion of information transfer as opposed to quantify the strength of causal interactions [26]. The two concepts are different as reviewed in Chapter 8 by Chicharro in this volume. An easy observation illustrating this difference is that transfer entropy will be zero for both independent and fully synchronized processes, possibly due to a null and very strong causal interaction, respectively [27, 28]. However, information transfer across brain regions is arguably the quantity of interest to study the flexible information routing in the brain rather than interventional causal connectivity which is directly related to its relatively fixed anatomical circuitry [29, 25, 30, 31]. Regarding the estimation of transfer entropy, the innocent formulation in Eq. 3 does not make explicit its dependence on several probability densities. For Markov processes indexed by a discrete valued time-index t this reads T E (X → Y ) = d ∑ d p(yt+1 |yt y , xtdx ) log dy yt+1 ,yt ,xtdx p(yt+1 |yt y , xtdx ) d p(yt+1 |yt y ) , (6) d where xtdx = (xt , ..., xt−dx +1 ), yt y = (yt , ..., yt−dy +1 ), while dx and dy are the orders (memory) of the Markov processes X and Y , respectively. The formula in Eq. 6 does not appear so innocent anymore and the appearance of several probability densities in possibly high dimensions already hints that the estimation procedure might be difficult. In the next sections we will describe different types of estimators of transfer entropy from a collection of time series. 3 A Zoo of Estimators Given a data set and application in mind, which is a good estimator for transfer entropy? Before addressing this question we shall recall some basic notions about estimators and their classification. An estimator is a function or rule that takes observed data as input and outputs an estimate of an unknown parameter or variable [32]. Any estimator can be 42 R. Vicente and M. Wibral characterized in terms of the bias and variance of its estimates, this is its systematic deviance from the true value and its variability across different realizations of the sampling. Often one is interested in knowing how the bias of the estimate and its convergence to the expected value behave as the number of samples grows, i.e., the asymptotic bias and consistency of the estimator, respectively. From all unbiased estimators, one estimator is more efficient than another if it needs less samples to achieve a given level of variance. More generally, one can be interested in controlling the balance between bias and variance. For example, if one decides to contrast the estimate for one data set with that of surrogate data (see Section 5), the analyst might chose to reduce the variance or statistical error of its estimate at the expense of increasing its bias. The reason is that if the surrogate data is suspected to have a similar bias to the observed data, the bias can be canceled out in the comparison. In another case, the analyst might be interested in a direct interpretation of the value of an estimate. To attain such a goal a low bias estimator is mandatory. Thus, selecting the appropriate numerical estimator for a given application is crucial since too large biases or statistical errors can severely hamper the interpretation of the estimated functionals or their practical use. An optimal selection is indeed a complex question that depends on several factors including the number of samples available, the dimensionality of problem, the levels of quantization of the samples, the desired bias versus variance balance, and the computational resources. Different estimators can be classified according to several criteria and each class will exhibit different advantages and costs depending on the above-mentioned factors. Taxonomies of transfer entropy estimators closely follow that of other information theoretical functionals such as Shannon or mutual information [33]. A usual first division consists of the separation between parametric and non-parametric estimators. Here we will focus on those estimators that can readily be applied to highdimensional spaces for two reasons. First, the time series from electrophysiology experiments typically render time series that can only be embedded in some high dimensional space. This step is necessary to properly represent their true state (see Section 4). Second, the evaluation of transfer entropy involves joint probability densities, compounding the problem. Furthermore, only continuous signals will be considered. The existence of a reliable estimator of transfer entropy for point processes such as spike trains is still to be proved. For some heuristic approaches see [34, 35, 36]. 3.1 Parametric Estimators No matter how large, a finite number of samples does not completely determine an arbitrary continuous probability density. However, assumptions about the shape of a probability density constrain the searching space and thus help to reduce the number of samples needed to characterize a density. Thus, when there is confidence that data are sampled from a family of densities described by some parameters it is possible to use that information to obtain more data-efficient estimators. Parametric estimators assume that the probability densities involved belong to a certain family Efficient Estimation of Information Transfer 43 and start by first inferring the parameters of the family that best fits the sampled distribution. Note that due to the need to embed the time series into a high dimensional space the distributions considered here, both the parametric family and the sampled, are necessarily multi-dimensional. After the inference of the density parameters, a direct estimation of transfer entropy or other information theoretic functionals then proceeds by applying the proper functional to the estimated density function. An advantage of the parametric approach is that in some cases it allows for analytical insight on how an information theoretic functional depends on relevant parameters. For example, for the Gaussian family and other distributions some functionals of the densities can be computed analytically [27, 37]. For example see the work by Hlaváčková for the derivation of differential entropy and transfer entropy for Gaussian, log-normal, Weinman, and generalized normal distributions [38]. Also if time series are well fitted by some generative models it is possible to estimate transfer entropy directly from the parameters of the generative equations. For example, for coupled first-order auto-regressive models or second-order linear differential equations with Gaussian input transfer entropy is analytically solvable [27, 39, 40]. Furthermore, for linear Gaussian systems the distribution of estimations given the data length, as well as for that of surrogates on the given data, is analytically known [41] which simplifies the evaluation of statistical significance for these systems (see Section 4.3 for a discussion on assessing statistical significance for transfer entropy in the general case). The success of the parametric approach depends on the correctness of the assumptions. For example, under certain conditions it might be reasonable to assume that during resting state samples from certain electrodes are distributed according to a Gaussian law (in which case transfer entropy is proportional to Granger causality). Even if the data are not distributed according to any member of a well known family of distributions it is possible to apply some transform to bring them into one. This procedure can also be useful to estimate bounds for certain functionals. For example, since the data processing inequality implies that I(X,Y ) ≥ I( f (X), g(Y )), where f and g are deterministic functions, a lower bound can be obtained if the distributions of f (X) and g(Y ) are easier to estimate. 3.2 Non-parametric Estimators In most of the cases there is no a simple family of distributions that fits the data, or the distribution is adaptive across time and experimental conditions. Thus, time series during strongly evoked or induced activity, or in general non-stationary regimes, are not adequately described by a single family of distributions. In such situations the application of a parametric approach to estimate entropy or other functionals is not recommended. Non-parametric approaches make only mild assumptions about the continuity or smoothness of the distributions, which in any case are not assumed to belong to any particular family. Here, we will follow Hlaváčková et al. [33] in their division of three main classes of non-parametric estimators. 44 3.2.1 R. Vicente and M. Wibral Partition Based Estimators The most intuitive method to estimate probability densities is arguably that of histograms. The idea is simply to estimate probabilities by counting how many samples fall into each division of a certain partition of the state space. Indeed, such procedure corresponds to the maximum likelihood estimator of probability densities. Hence, in principle it is possible to estimate transfer entropy by using the frequency of visitation of different states as approximations for each probability involved in Eq. 6. However, due to the concavity of the log function even an asymptotically unbiased estimator for the density can result in a significant bias for Shannon or transfer entropy. For this reason several bias correction formulas have been derived such as the Miller-Madow or the ”‘jack-knifed”’ method by Efron and Stein [42, 43]. When the process under study can be naturally divided into a small number h of different levels or states, histograms are the most straightforward approach to compute probability distributions. Thus, cellular automata or other processes such Markov chains with a small number of distinct states are ideal candidates to compute transfer entropy by histogram techniques [5]. Also it is possible that several states or ranges of a continuous variable can be merged into representative states or symbols. For example, for a scalar time series one possibility is to only assign different symbols to each of the possible orderings (permutations) of a sequence of amplitude values. That is, the sequence of amplitudes {1, 2, 3} within a time series will be assigned to the same symbol as the sequence {6, 7, 8} (same relative order) but to a different symbol than the sequence {5, 4, 2} (different relative order). Thus one could compute symbolic functionals such as symbolic transfer entropy from the frequency of visitation of each symbol [44]. However, unless there is a natural criteria to justify symbolic sequences this procedure might hamper the interpretability of transfer entropy. For example, as shown in [45] symbolic transfer entropy may lose relevant information as it assumes that all relevant information is given by the relative orderings. In general, the use of arbitrary partitions is difficult to justify or becomes impractical for most applications dealing with continuous time series consisting of a few hundreds or thousands samples. Let us see why. For continuous signals there is an important difficulty. Since two samples falling into the same cell will be consider identical for all purposes, a partition of the state space for continuous variables will introduce some level of quantization. Ideally, a large number of equidistant levels is necessary to resolve fine differences in the signal and not lose most of the structure of the process. However, this is impractical. The reason is that the number of bins in a regular partition grows exponentially (hdim )with the number of dimensions of the data and easily exceed the number of samples observed N. This results in most of the bins being unoccupied and, in turn, in large biases for information functionals applied to such sparse probability densities. For example, if bins are so sparsely occupied that each bin only contains 0 or 1 samples, values of Shannon entropy will only reflect the number of distinct states rather than any internal structure of the process. Since transfer entropy can be decomposed in four entropy terms in some marginal and joint spaces with different dimensionality, an straightforward application of this approach to practical data sets Efficient Estimation of Information Transfer 45 will most probably saturate the term with highest dimensionality and underestimate transfer entropy. Until now we have considered partitions of fixed size and independent of the data but it is possible to generate partitions with cells or divisions of different sizes adaptively to the observed samples. One possibility to overcome some of the abovementioned problems is to partition the observation space such that it is guarantee that the occupations of bins satisfy some desired property. For example, for mutual information Paluš proposed that some problems of over-quantization can become less critical by using partitions that ensure an equal occupation of bins in the marginal spaces [46]. Such equiquantization ensures a maximization of the entropy for the marginal probabilities, which makes the mutual information depend only √ on the joint entropy term. In general, Paluš suggests that the condition h < dim+1 N should be met for the practical estimation of mutual information by equiquantized marginal partitions [46]. A different adaptive technique is based on the local recursive refinement of a partition to uniformize the distribution of samples in the joint space [47, 48, 49]. Yet a third type of approach considers fuzzy bins by allowing a continuous weighting of a sample at multiple bins [50]. While in principle these strategies can be generalized to estimate other information theoretical functionals, no systematic study has tested their convergence properties for transfer entropy. More generally, the curse of dimensionality is the major impediment for applying these techniques to data sets living in moderate or high dimensional spaces, which is the usual case in electrophysiology. Note that the histogram technique is not readily applicable to spike trains in practical settings. Although they are usually considered binary processes (two states), they have indeed a mixed topology due to the continuous nature of the time stamp at which each spike occurs [51]. Only in case of very long recordings and after the application of some bias corrections have histograms strategies produced some reliable results for spike trains or signals with some continuous variable [12]. 3.2.2 Plug-in Estimators The idea behind this type of estimators is to find a consistent estimate for the probability densities and plug them into the corresponding functionals. However, in contrast to the parametric approach, no prior assumptions are made about the overall shape of the densities. Thus densities are not forced to be members of any known family of distributions. Instead, the densities are typically estimated using more flexible techniques such as a kernel density (or Parzen) estimator [52, 53, 23]. In kernel estimators a density is written as a sum of decaying kernel functions, such as Gaussian or box kernels, centered on the observed samples x1 , x2 , ...xN . Such expression is theoretically justified since it can be shown that is equivalent to estimate a density function via the inverse Fourier transform of its characteristic N exp(iλ xt ). The bandwidth or smoothness of the local kernel winfunction N1 ∑t=1 dows controls the bias versus statistical error balance. Kernel density estimators are a popular solution to overcome some problems that binning approaches have such as sensitivity to noise near bin borders and arbitrary location of bin origins. 46 R. Vicente and M. Wibral For continuous random variables, the sum of smooth kernels converge faster to the underlying density than binning based techniques [54]. However, the evaluation of functionals of a density that is expressed as a sum of kernels centered at the irregularly distributed sample points is difficult. For example, the estimation of transfer entropy for continuous variables could in principle be carried out by combining four Shannon entropy terms, or more strictly speaking, differential entropies terms. While the application of kernel estimation of densities is straightforward, evaluating each of the entropy terms requires to numerically compute an integral over joint spaces, which for electrophysiology signals can easily reach a dimensionality of fifteen or higher. 3.2.3 Metric Based Estimators This class of estimators appeals to the notion that the larger the distance between one point to its nearest neighbor the lower the local density around that point. Particularly relevant is the seminal work of Kozachenko and Leonenko (KL) who exploited the statistics of nearest neighbors and the assumption of continuity of the probability density to provide an asymptotically unbiased and consistent estimator for differential entropy [55]. Importantly, the KL estimator illustrates that to estimate an information theoretic functional it is not always necessary to explicitly estimate the full probability distribution from the observed samples to later plug it into the respective functional. A familiar illustration of this occurs for example when we estimate the mean of N samples (xt ) without first estimating its probability distribution and then taking its first moment. Instead we simply apply the formula x̂ = 1 N ∑ xt . N t=1 (7) which provides a direct estimation of the mean from the samples without computing the full distribution in first place. The derivation of the KL estimator starts by noticing that a differential entropy term p(x) log (p(x)) can be approximated by the sample average of log(p(x)) evaluated at the sampled points x = xt [55, 51]. The next ingredient is the assumption that the probability density near each point xt is locally uniform and equal to p(x = xt ), which is an approximation of p as local as possible given the data available. Given the former assumption and using the trinomial formula, log (p(xt )) can be calculated from the probability that after N − 1 other samples have been drawn according to p, the nearest neighbor to xt is at least at distance ε . Finally, the sample average of log (p(xt )) can be shown to be, up to a constant, equal to the sample average of the log of the distance of each sample point to its nearest neighbor. The general form of the KL estimator for differential entropy finally reads H (X) = −ψ (k) + ψ (N) + log(|Bd |) + d log (2εt ) , N∑ t (8) Efficient Estimation of Information Transfer 47 where ψ denotes the digamma function, |Bd | is the volume of the unit ball in the ddimensional Euclidean space and εt is the distance of xt to its k-th nearest neighbor. To note, other norms different from the Euclidean, such as the maximum norm, can also be used in the former formula to estimate distance to nearest neighbors. The KL estimator for differential entropy is endowed with several properties that make it particularly attractive for practical applications. First, Kozachenko and Leonenko demonstrated that under mild assumptions for the continuity of p, the above estimator is asymptotically unbiased and consistent. Even for finite samples the parameter k (number of nearest neighbors) still allows for a certain control of the bias versus variance balance (larger k reduce statistical errors at the expense of a higher bias). Second, Victor has reported that the data-efficiency in estimating differential entropy with the KL formula can reach a thousand times that of histogram strategies for typical electrophysiology data sets [51]. Additionally, compared to histogram techniques KL and other nearest neighbor approaches are centered on each data sample and thus avoid certain arbitrariness typical of binning procedures. Third, KL estimator effectively implements an adaptive resolution where the distance scale used changes according to the underlying density. And fourth, the search of nearest neighbors from a set of points is a classic problem that has received a lot of attention and for which several algorithms exists [56, 57, 58, 59]. However, there remain important drawbacks. For example, the application of KL estimator might return unreliable results if the assumption of continuity of p is not appropriate. The validity of such assumption seems natural for most of continuous electrophysiology signals but is a condition to check for each application. Also if the number of samples is short and the dimensionality very high, the KL estimator will suffer from the curse of dimensionality. In addition, for some applications with a large data size living in very high-dimensional spaces the computation of exact nearest neighbor distances can be computationally expensive. Unfortunately, less expensive alternatives such approximative nearest neighbors, where some margin of error is allowed in finding the k-th nearest neighbor members, leads to an amplification of errors for the entropy estimate that renders the advantage gained from the approximated search less useful. However, hierarchical clustering techniques and parallel computing possibly assisted by GPU technology have paved the way towards high-performance computing of massive exact nearest neighbor calculations [60, 61]. Since most relevant information theoretic functionals can be decomposed in terms of differential entropies, a naive estimator for such functionals would consist of summing the individual differential entropy estimators. For example, for transfer entropy the naive approach would consist of estimating each term of Eq. 5 from a KL estimator. This is however not adequate for many applications. To see why, it is important to first note that the probability densities involved in computing TE or MI from individual terms can be of very different dimensionality (from dy up to dy + dx + 1 for the case of bivariate TE). For a fixed k, this means that different distance scales are effectively used for spaces of different dimension. The second important aspect is to note that the KL estimator is based on the assumption that the density of the distribution of samples is constant within an ε -ball. The bias of the 48 R. Vicente and M. Wibral final entropy estimate depends on the validity of this assumption, and thus, on the values of εt . Since the size of the ε -balls depends directly on the dimensionality of the random samples, the biases of estimates for the dierential entropies in Eq. 5 will, in general, not cancel, leading to a poor estimator of the transfer entropy. The solution to this problem came from Kraskov, Stögbauer, and Grassberger (KSG) who provided a methodology to adapt the KL estimator to estimate mutual information [62, 63]. This set the path to estimators for other information theoretic functionals such transfer entropy. Their solution came from the insight that Eq. 8 holds for any k and thus, it is not necessary to use a fixed k. Therefore, we can vary the value of k in each data point so that the radii of the corresponding ε -balls would be approximately the same for the joint and the marginal spaces. The key idea is then to use a fixed mass (k) only in the higher dimensional space and project the distance scale set by this mass into the lower dimensional spaces. Thus, the procedure designed for mutual information suggests to first determine the distances to k-th nearest neighbors in the joint space. Then, an estimator of MI can be obtained by counting the number of neighbors n that fall within such distances for each point in the marginal space. The estimator of MI based on this method displays many good statistical properties, it inherits the data-efficiency of the KL estimator, it greatly reduces the bias obtained with individual KL estimates, and it seems to become an exact estimator in the case of independent variables. The idea can be generalized to estimate other functionals such as conditional mutual information, including its specific formulation for transfer entropy [64]. Finally, the KSG estimator of transfer entropy for Markov processes indexed by the discrete time variable t (Eq. 6) is written as 1 T E (X → Y ; u) = ψ (k) + ∑ ψ n dy + 1 yt−1 N t − ψ n dy + 1 − ψ n dy dx + 1 , (9) yt yt−1 yt−1 xt−u where the distances to the k-th nearest neighbor in the highest dimensional space dy dx xt−u ) define the radius of the balls for the counting of the number (spanned by yt yt−1 of points n(·) in these balls around each state vector in all the marginal spaces (·) involved. In the above formulation we have also included a temporal parameter u which accounts for the time delay for the information transfer to occur between two processes as explained in [45]. In summary, since the KSG estimator is more data efficient and accurate than other techniques (especially those based on binning), it allows one to analyze shorter data sets possibly contaminated by small levels of noise. At the same time, the method is especially geared to handle the biases of high dimensional spaces naturally occurring after the embedding of raw signals. Thus, the use of KSG enhances the applicability of information theoretic functionals in practical scenarios with limited data of unknown distribution such as in neuroscience applications [25]. As such, in the next section, we focus on the use of this estimator in a typical electrophysiolgical data set. However, even using this improved estimator the curse of Efficient Estimation of Information Transfer 49 dimensionality and inaccuracies in estimation are unavoidable, especially for the restrictive conditions of electrophysiology data sets. For these reasons it is suggested that the raw value of transfer entropy may be less reliable than its use as a statistic (in some statistical significance test against the null hypothesis that time series measured are independent) to infer a directed relationship between time series. 4 Estimating Transfer Entropy from Time Series via Nearest Neighbor Statistics: Step by Step Next we proceed to describe how to obtain a numerical estimation of transfer entropy from raw time series in a typical electrophysiology data set [25]. We assume time series {x1 , x2 , . . . , xN } and {y1 , y2 , . . . , yN } from two different channels have been simultaneously registered and preprocessed to exclude artifacts, filter components of interest, or perform any type of source reconstruction. N typically amounts to a few hundred or thousand of points which sampled at 1 kHz amount to a few hundred or thousand of milliseconds, a relevant scale for the dynamics of cognitive tasks. We also consider a typical laboratory setup where a few dozens or hundreds of trials (R) under similar experimental conditions have been registered. 4.1 Step 1: Reconstructing the State Space Experimental recordings can only access a limited number of the relevant variables that determine the full state of the underlying system. However, we are usually interested (and formulate hypotheses) about the underlying systems that give rise to the signals actually being measured. To partially overcome this problem it is possible to approximately reconstruct the full state space of a dynamical system from a single series of observations. Takens delay embedding is the technique of choice for such reconstructions [65]. It allows one to map a scalar time series into a trajectory in a state space of possibly high dimension that resembles the trajectory of the underlying system. The mapping uses delay-coordinates to create a set of vectors or points in a higher dimensional space according to (10) xtdx = xt , xt−τ , xt−2τ , . . . , xt−(dx −1)τ . This procedure depends on two parameters, the dimension d and the delay τ of the embedding. The parameters d and τ considerably affect the outcome of the TE estimates. For instance, a low value of d can be insufficient to unfold the state space of a system and consequently degrade the meaning of transfer entropy. On the other hand, a too large dimensionality reduces the accuracy of the estimators given a sample size and can significantly increase the computing time. While there is an extensive literature on how to choose such parameters, the different methods proposed are far away from reaching a consensus. A popular option is to take the delay embedding as the auto-correlation decay time of the signal or the first minimum, if any, of the auto mutual information [66]. Once the delay 50 R. Vicente and M. Wibral time of the embedding has been fixed, the Cao criterion offers an algorithm to determine the embedding dimension. This is based on detecting false neighbors due to points being projected into a too low dimensional state space [67]. However, for the purpose of interpreting transfer entropy as an information theoretical incarnation of Wiener’s principle of causality, it is important not only that the embedding parameters allow one to reconstruct the state space but also that they provide an optimal self-prediction [45, 24]. Otherwise, if the reconstruction is not optimal in the self-predicting sense, there might be a trivial reason for which the past states of one system help to predict the future of another system better than from its own past alone (see Chapter 1 in this volume for more details). Fortunately, the Ragwitz criterion yields delay embedding states that provide optimal self-prediction for a large class of systems, either deterministic or stochastic in nature. The Ragwitz criterion is based on scanning the (d-τ ) plane to identify the point in that plane that minimizes the locally constant predictor error [68]. This is how we finally recommend making the choice of the embedding parameters for each time series. However, it is always a good idea to check how transfer entropy measurements depend on values for d and τ around those found by any criterion. 4.2 Step 2: Computing the Transfer Entropy Numerical Estimator After the states space for each time series have been reconstructed, the next step is to evaluate numerically Eq. 9, which depends explicitly on the propagation time u and implicitly on the number of nearest neighbors k. We propose to estimate transfer entropy for each value of u within an interval that includes some crude a priori estimation of the propagation time between the subsystems generating the time series. The value of k partially controls the bias versus statistical error. Kraskov suggested that a value of k = 4 gave a good compromise for ECoG recordings from human epileptic patients [63]. For each application it is also good idea to scan k and check how TE depends on it. Given u and k, the numerical estimation relies on two types of nearest neighbor searches. The first type (”fixed mass”) searches the distance from each state-vector dy dx xt−u ) to its k-th nearest neighbor typically in the highest dimensional space (yt yt−1 using the maximum norm. Such set of distances (one distance per time index t) defines the radii of the balls for the second search type (”fixed radius”) –counting of the number of points n(·) in these balls around each state vector in all the marginal spaces. To exclude biases due to the slow auto-correlation of signals, it is important to discard in all previous searches state vectors too close in time. This correction named Theiler correction [69] or dynamic correlation exclusion [66] introduces an extra parameter T h which is typically set to the largest auto-correlation decay time of the two time series. Finally, after plugging the set n(·) into Eq. 9 we can obtain a numerical value for transfer entropy. Both the ”fixed mass” and ”fixed radius” nearest neighbor searches involved in the estimation can be computationally expensive in large data sets of high dimensionality [59]. In addition, for typical multichannel recordings there are hundreds to Efficient Estimation of Information Transfer 51 thousands of possible pairwise combinations of channels for which transfer entropy is to be estimated. In those conditions it is absolutely mandatory the use efficient algorithms for the nearest neighbors searches. Vejmelka compared box-assisted, k-d trie, and projection algorithms and concluded a big advantage of the k-d trie method for dimensions larger or equal than 4 [70]. Although the state-of-the-art for very high dimensions is still unsatisfactory, algorithms exploiting parallelization including those using GPU technology have been reported to increase the speed of nearest neighbor searches by factors up to 100 [61]. 4.3 Step 3: Using Transfer Entropy as a Statistic A final estimate of transfer entropy is typically produced by averaging the individual TE estimates over as many trials as possible to reduce its variance. Under stationary conditions numerical simulations suggest that if the product N · R (data length by number of trials) is large enough reliable estimators can be obtained even from short time series of a few hundred samples. But even averaging over many trials and using the KSG estimator one cannot remove certain bias that will unavoidably affect the estimate. Thus, the obtained TE values have to be compared against suitable surrogate data using non-parametric statistical testing to infer the presence or absence of directed information transfer [25, 30]. In short, the surrogate data must be produced under the null hypothesis of no source-target directed information transfer, while retaining as many other statistical properties as possible (in particular the d state transition probabilities p(yt+1 |yt y )). There are at least two natural options to build surrogate data that minimally destroys features of the signals other than their possible dependency. If the data is organized in multiple trials a one way to construct surrogate data is by pairing the time series of one of the two signals with the time series of other signal during the next trial, trying to preserve as many data features as possible. If the data is not organized in trials it is possible to construct surrogates for transfer entropy by cutting one of the time series at a random point and swapping the two resulting blocks (see detailed descriptions of the statistical routines in Lindner [71]). TE values can be quantified as excess TE values with respect to surrogate data: Δ T E (X → Y ; u) = T E (X → Y ; u) − T E X → Y ; u . (11) where X denotes the surrogate data. Statistical significance can then be obtained for the excess transfer entropy by non-parametric methods using permutation testing as detailed in Vicente et al. [25] or Lindner et al. [71] to minimize the potential effects of bias introduced by small sample size. 4.4 Toolboxes Several toolboxes have been developed to tackle some or all of the three former steps. Here we mention three of the toolboxes that handle the complexity of the 52 R. Vicente and M. Wibral KSG estimation for transfer entropy but we make no claim that this short list is exhaustive and encourage the reader to find the toolbox or software that fits best to its intended application domain. R open source toolbox co-developed by the authors TRENTOOL is a MATLAB and M. Lindner that is especially geared to neurophysiological data sets [71, 72]. It is integrated with the popular Fieldtrip toolbox and handles the reconstruction, estimation, and non-parametric statistical significance of transfer entropy and mutual information for multichannel recordings. It also features parallel search of nearest neighbors and analysis of non-stationary time series by the ensemble method (see next Section). TIM is an open source C++ toolbox by K. Rutanen that estimates a large range of information functionals for continuous-valued signals including transfer entropy, mutual information, Kullback-Leibler divergence, Shannon entropy, Renyi entropy, and Tsallis entropy [73]. Java information dynamics toolkit is a software written by J. Lizier that implements all of the relevant information dynamics measures, including basic measures such as entropy, joint entropy, mutual information, conditional mutual information, as well as advanced measures such as transfer entropy, active information storage, excess entropy, separable information. It features discrete-valued estimators, kernel estimators, nearest neighbors estimators, and Gaussian approximation based estimates [74]. 5 Coping with Non-stationarity: An Ensemble Estimator Instead of averaging different estimations of TE over trials, it is possible to use the multi-trial structure much earlier to our advantage. When independent repetitions or trials of an experimental condition are available, it is possible to use ensemble averages rather than temporal averages [66] to approximate the quantities involved in the KSG estimator. By reducing the need for time averaging, ensemble methods can improve the temporal resolution of functionals of probability densities such as transfer entropy. The ensemble approach follows [64] and relies on using nearest neighbor statistics across event-locked trials to estimate a time-resolved transfer entropy. Crucially, if the data is non-stationary this approach makes a better use of the multi-trial structure of data than averaging over the individual trial estimates of transfer entropy as described in Section 4. However, the temporal resolution comes at a high computational cost as the number of nearest neighbor searches can increase considerably. Here we describe the formulation of the ensemble method applied to estimate transfer entropy. In particular, we consider R trials for each of which two time series X = xt (r) and Y = yt (r) are collected (r = 1, 2, . . . , R). As in Section 4, we assume that each time series can be approximated by a Markov process and thus that the state space of each process can be reconstructed by an appropriate delay embedding (for example using the Ragwitz criterion). To simplify computations for a given process (X or Y ) we set its embedding dimension to the largest embedding dimension Efficient Estimation of Information Transfer 53 estimated over all trials. Thus, for each signal and trial we are led to consider a set of embedded points as such xtdx (r) = xt (r), xt−τ (r), xt−2τ (r), . . . , xt−(dx −1)τ (r) . (12) A time-resolved transfer entropy can be formulated by using only the data points from all trials belonging to a particular time window (t − σ ,t + σ ). This ensemble TE can be decomposed into a sum of four time-resolved individual Shannon entropies as in Eq. 5 dy dy dx dx T E (X → Y,t; u) = H yt−1 (r), xt−u (r) − H yt (r), yt−1 (r), xt−u (r) dy dy (r) − H yt−1 (r) , (13) + H yt (r), yt−1 where r denotes the trial index in the full set of trials. We have also taken into account that propagation delays u between two processes X and Y affect the timing of information transfer. Now it is again possible to adapt the KSG estimator to partially cancel the errors of the different terms. The main difference consists in that in the ensemble variant of transfer entropy we proceed by enabling the search of nearest neighbors through points across all trials and not only from the same trial as the point of reference of the search. If all the trials are aligned according to meaningful events (such as stimulus or response onset) then it is possible to restrict the search of neighbors around a time stamp t within a temporal window of width σ to control the temporal resolution of the estimator. Thus, the ensemble estimator of transfer entropy reads [64] T E (X → Y,t; u, σ ) = ψ (k) + ψ n dy + 1 yt−1 − ψ n dy + 1 − ψ n dy dx + 1 , (14) yt ,yt−1 yt−1 ,xt−u r where ψ denotes the digamma function and the angle brackets (<>) denote an averaging over points at different trials at the time index t. Thus, in contrast to time averaging used in Eq. 9, in the former expression averages are taken over points across different trials and the nearest neighbor searches are defined within the temporal window (t − σ ,t + σ ). The distances to the k-th nearest neighbor in the space dy dx spanned by yt (r), yt−1 (r), xt−u (r) define the radii of the balls for the counting of the number of points (n(·)) in these balls around each state vector in all the marginal spaces (·) involved. Such counting is restricted to only points within the interval (t − σ ,t + σ ) across all trials. To facilitate its computation, the ensemble estimator, including the state space reconstruction and the statistical significance testing, has been recently added to the TRENTOOL open source toolbox [72]. 54 R. Vicente and M. Wibral The ensemble estimator has recently been applied detect time-dependent couplings between processes [64, 61] and they are closely related to local measures of information discussed in Lizier in Chapter 7 of this volume. 6 Discussion The characterization of a system in terms of the information transfer between its subsystems is a common goal in many fields of science. However, this approach seems particularly necessary when dealing with systems such as the nervous system for which implementing a flexible routing of information is a key function. Along this chapter we have described different methods to estimate transfer entropy from continuous-valued time series typical from electrophysiology recordings. We have also discussed that methods based on nearest neighbors statistics provide efficient estimators and detailed the KSG estimator as an attractive option for practical applications. In this description we have restricted ourselves to a bivariate formulation of transfer entropy. However, to distinguish cascade effects and common drive interactions in networks of possibly interacting systems (as measured by multichannel recordings), it is fundamental to surpass the bivariate limitation. While the mathematical extension to the multi-variate case is straightforward, its numerical estimation is rather challenging. The curse of dimensionality and the combinatorial explosion of possibilities makes unpractical an exhaustive computation of transfer entropies beyond order 3 for applications with tens or hundreds of channels as it occurs in typical EEG/MEG recordings. Fortunately recent developments on the optimal subselection of channels as well as efficient multi-variate embedding reconstructions have paved the way to practical approximations to higher order transfer entropies in multichannel recordings [75, 76]. Future developments are expected to fully exploit the low dimensionality of the manifolds on which the dynamics of many systems live. Since the manifold dimensionality is typically far way lower than the Euclidean embedding space, it is possible that non-linear manifold learning techniques might provide a substantial leap over current standard techniques. Also a mathematical fully rigorous formulation of transfer entropy, including an adequate state space reconstruction, for point processes such as spike trains would be very welcome. On the applications side, the numerical decomposition of transfer entropy in state-dependent and state-independent contributions seems a very useful tool to better discern the role of a receiving system in processing information. Finally, it is to note that since the 1948’s seminal works of Wiener (on cybernetics [77]) and Shannon (on the quantification of information [13]) the idea that unifying information aspects run deep below the diverse physical descriptions of many phenomena, has been slowly gaining importance [78]. 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The final chapter of the second part of this book, by Vakorin and colleagues, analyses the effect that the information content of source and target have on the transfer of information between them, as well as the influence of the relative phase between source and target time series. Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics in Physiological Systems Luca Faes and Alberto Porta Abstract. We present a framework for quantifying the dynamics of information in coupled physiological systems based on the notion of conditional entropy (CondEn). First, we revisit some basic concepts of information dynamics, providing definitions of self entropy (SE), cross entropy (CE) and transfer entropy (TE) as measures of information storage and transfer in bivariate systems. We discuss also the generalization to multivariate systems, showing the importance of SE, CE and TE as relevant factors in the decomposition of the system predictive information. Then, we show how all these measures can be expressed in terms of CondEn, and devise accordingly a framework for their data-efficient estimation. The framework builds on a CondEn estimator that follows a sequential conditioning procedure whereby the conditioning vectors are formed progressively according to a criterion for CondEn minimization, and performs a compensation for the bias occurring for conditioning vectors of increasing dimension. The framework is illustrated on numerical examples showing its capability to deal with the curse of dimensionality in the multivariate computation of CondEn, and to reliably estimate SE, CE and TE in the challenging conditions of biomedical time series analysis featuring noise and small sample size. Finally, we illustrate the practical application of the presented framework to cardiovascular and neural time series, reporting some applicative examples in which SE, CE and TE are estimated to quantify the information dynamics of the underlying physiological systems. Luca Faes Department Physics and BIOtech Center, University of Trento, Trento, Italy e-mail: luca.faes@unitn.it Alberto Porta Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, University of Milan, Milan, Italy e-mail: alberto.porta@unimi.it M. Wibral et al. (eds.), Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience, Understanding Complex Systems, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54474-3_3, 61 62 L. Faes and A. Porta 1 Introduction The study of many physical phenomena is often performed according to a reductionist approach whereby the dynamics of the observed complex system are described as resulting from the activity of less complex subsystems and from the interaction among these subsystems. For instance, the human brain can be seen as a complex network characterized by distinct neural ensembles, each represented by a single oscillator, which are highly interconnected with each other according to specific patterns of connectivity [1]. With a broader perspective, the whole human organism can be seen as an integrated network where multiple physiological systems under the neural regulation, such as the cardiac, circulatory, respiratory and muscular systems, each with its own internal dynamics, continuously interact to preserve the overall physiological function [2]. The aim of this approach is to describe how complex properties of the observed network arise from the dynamics and the dynamical interaction of simpler and likely more accessible parts. When the physiology of the composite system and the way in which the subsystems interact is well known, the analysis may be performed constructing suitable generative models and comparing the dynamics of these models with the available experimental data. If, as often happens, the available knowledge is insufficient to support the definition of a generative model, data-driven approaches are needed whereby the properties of the subsystems and their interactions are estimated from the measured data. When the data-driven approach is considered, the central need is to identify a suitable framework for describing the properties of the observed complex network in terms of meaningful measures of system activity and connectivity. In this chapter, we focus on the well-posed analysis framework provided by dynamical information theory [3]. Compared with other frameworks commonly used for the analysis of physiological networks, for instance the linear parametric representation of multiple time series performed either in time or frequency domains [4], the informationtheoretic approach offers the intriguing possibility of exploring system dynamics from a nonlinear and model-free perspective. Attracted by this opportunity, several researchers have defined and developed different measures of information dynamics based on the computation of entropy rates. In particular, single-process conditional entropy measures computed via their various formulations (e.g., approximate entropy [5], sample entropy [6], corrected conditional entropy [7]) are typical measures of system complexity, while mutual information and cross-entropies quantify the information shared between coupled systems [8, 9], and measures based on transfer entropy [10] quantify the directional information flow from one system to another. Recent advances in the field of information dynamics have shown that, if properly defined and contextualized, these measures form the basis of distributed computation in complex networks [11] and are not independent with each other when the aim is to characterize the overall behavior of a network of interacting systems [12]. In this contribution, new definitions of the so-called self entropy (SE) and cross entropy (CE) are integrated, together with the well known transfer entropy (TE), into an unified framework for the study of information dynamics. These elements are combined together to compute the reduction of the information Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 63 associated to the target system due to the knowledge of the dynamics of a network of interacting dynamical components. Another aspect of paramount importance in practical analysis is the design of data-efficient procedures for the estimation of information-theoretic measures in the challenging conditions of physiological signal analysis. Surveying our past and recent research in the field [7],[9],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20], we present in the second part of the chapter a general strategy for the estimation of SE, CE and TE from short realizations of multivariate processes. The strategy is based on the utilization of a corrected conditional entropy estimator and of appropriate embedding schemes, and aims at dealing with the curse of dimensionality –an issue unavoidably affecting the estimation of information-theoretic quantities defined in high-dimensional state spaces from time series of limited length. As suggested by the reported practical applications this approach successfully describes, in terms of SE, CE and TE estimated from multivariate time series, both individual and collective properties of the systems composing brain and physiological networks. 2 Information Dynamics in Coupled Systems 2.1 Self Entropy, Cross Entropy and Transfer Entropy in Bivariate Systems Let us consider two dynamical processes X and Y, taken as descriptive of two possibly coupled dynamical systems. In order to study the information relevant to an assigned target process, say Y, standard information-theoretic measures can be exploited [21]. First, we can consider the central quantity in information theory, that is the Shannon entropy, which expresses the amount of information carried by the target process in terms of the average uncertainty about Y: H (Y ) = − ∑ p (y) log p (y), (1) where p(y) is the probability for the variable Y to take the value y. The conditional entropy (CondEn) quantifies the average uncertainty that remains about Y when X is known as: (2) H (Y |X) = − ∑ p (x, y) log p (y|x), while the mutual information (MI) quantifies the amount of information shared between X and Y as: p (y|x) (3) I (X;Y ) = ∑ p (x, y) log p (y) where p(x,y) is the joint probability of observing simultaneously the values x and y for the variables X and Y, and p(y|x) is the conditional probability observing y given that x has been observed. Note that the sums in (1-3) extend to the sets of all values with nonzero probability. Combining (1), (2) and (3) one can easily see that the three measures are linked to each other by the relation I(X;Y)=H(Y)-H(Y|X). 64 L. Faes and A. Porta Moreover, considering a third process Z possibly affecting the relation between X and Y, the conditional mutual information between X and Y given Z: I (X;Y |Z) = ∑ p (x, y, z) log p (y|x, z) , p (y|z) (4) quantifies the mutual information between X and Y when Z is known. Similarly to the MI, the conditional MI in (4) can be also stated in terms of CondEn as I(X;Y|Z)=H(Y|Z)-H(Y|X,Z). The formulations (1-4) hold equivalently when one or more processes are composed of multiple sub-processes; in such a case, the relevant variables X, Y, Z are treated as vector variables. The base of the logarithms in (1-4) can be any convenient real number; a common choice in dynamical system analysis is to chose e as base, so that entropy is measured in natural units. The information measured in (1-4) is static in the sense that the computation of entropy, CondEn and MI does not take the temporal evolution of the observed systems into account. The dynamic properties of a system can be studied in the information domain introducing the concept of transition probability, which is the probability associated with the transition of a system from its past states to its present state. To introduce the notation for information dynamics, let Xn denote the present of the process X (i.e., the scalar variable obtained sampling the process at the present time n), and X− n =[Xn−1 Xn−2 ···] denote the state variable of the process X (i.e., the infinite-dimensional vector variable collecting the whole past of X up to time n-1). Moreover, single realizations of the variables Xn and X− n are denoted with =[x x ···] (the same notation holds for the tarthe lowercase letters xn and x− n−1 n−2 n get process Y). Then, for instance, the transition probabilities p(yn|y− n ) and p(yn | x− ) measure the probability for the target process to take the value y , n respectively n , or that the state variable of knowing that its state variable has taken the value y− n the source system has taken the value x− . n The dynamic information contained in the transition probabilities can be exploited to assess how the state transitions contribute to the information carried by a system. First, the influence of the past states of the target process Y onto its present state can be assessed by means of the self entropy (SE), which we define as: SY = ∑ p(yn , y− n ) log p(yn |y− n) p(yn ) (5) that quantifies the average reduction in uncertainty about Yn resulting from the − knowledge of Y − n . The SE ranges from SY =0, measured when the past states Y n do not provide any reduction in the uncertainty about the present state Yn (i.e., when p(yn |y− n )=p(yn )), to its maximum value SY =H(Yn ), measured when the whole un− certainty about Yn is reduced by learning Y − n (i.e., when p(yn |yn )=1). Moreover, the influence of the past states of the source process X onto the present state of the target process Y can be assessed by means of the cross entropy (CE), defined here as: CX→Y = ∑ p(yn , x− n ) log p(yn |x− n) p(yn ) (6) Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 65 that quantifies the average reduction in uncertainty about Yn resulting from the knowledge of X− n . Similarly to the SE, the CE ranges from CX→Y =0 to CX→Y =H(Yn ), measured respectively when X− n does not bring any uncertainty reduction about Yn , and when X− reduces the whole uncertainty about Yn . As an n on Y can be assessed by the well known transfer alternative, the influence of X− n n entropy (TE) [10]: − TX→Y = ∑ p(yn , y− n , xn ) log − p(yn |x− n , yn ) p(yn |y− n) (7) At difference of CE the average reduction of uncertainty about Yn resulting from the − knowledge of X− n is assessed by taking into account the past values Y n of the target − process. In fact, the TE ranges from TX→Y =0, measured when Xn does not bring − any uncertainty reduction about Yn beyond that brought by Y − n , to TX→Y =H(Yn |Y n ), measured when the whole uncertainty about Yn that was not already reduced by Y − n is reduced by X− n. Note that the presented formulation presupposes to work with stationary and discrete processes, because all measures are computed as expectation values of each logarithm quantity over all possible configurations and assuming a finite alphabet for the possible values taken by the variables Xn and Yn . Nevertheless, non-stationary and continuous valued processed can be treated within this framework exploiting suitable local formulations and entropy estimators [12, 22]. The three measures of information dynamics introduced above may be expressed in compact form in terms of MI and conditional MI, or equivalently in terms of entropy and CondEn, obtaining respectively: − SY = I(Yn ; Y − n ) = H(Yn ) − H(Yn |Y n ), (8) − CX→Y = I(Yn ; X − n ) = H(Yn ) − H(Yn |X n ), (9) − − − − TX→Y = I(Yn ; X − n |Y n ) = H(Yn |Y n ) − H(Yn |X n , Y n ). (10) From these compact formulations, it is intuitive to see that SE, CE and TE measure the reduction in the information carried by Y respectively due to the introduction of its own past, due to the introduction of the past of X when the contribution of the past of Y is not taken into account, and due to the introduction of the past of X when the contribution of the past of Y is taken into account. 2.2 Self Entropy, Cross Entropy and Transfer Entropy in Multivariate Systems In this section we extend the formulation presented in Sect. 2.1. to the general situation of M interacting (sub)systems composing an overall observed dynamical system. The extension is based on performing a proper conditioning to the M-2 66 L. Faes and A. Porta processes other than the two considered source and destination processes, in order to rule out the side information related to these other processes that may possibly confound the analysis of information dynamics. This is achieved by defining multivariate (conditional) variants of self, cross and transfer entropy measures as follows. Suppose that we are interested in evaluating the information of the target process Y in relation to the source process X, collecting the remaining processes in the set Z={Z(k) }k=1,...,M−2 . Then, the multivariate SE of Y given Z quantifies the − additional reduction of information about Yn due to the introduction of Y − n in Zn , − − thus accounting for the contribution of Yn that is not already provided by Zn : − − − − SY |Z = I(Yn ; Y − n |Zn ) = H(Yn |Zn ) − H(Yn |Y n , Zn ); (11) the multivariate CE from X to Y given Z quantifies the additional reduction of in− formation about Yn due to the introduction of X− n in Zn , thus accounting for the − − contribution of Xn that is not already provided by Zn : − − − − CX→Y |Z = I(Yn ; X − n |Zn ) = H(Yn |Zn ) − H(Yn |X n , Zn ); (12) the multivariate TE from X to Y given Z quantifies the additional reduction of infor− − mation about Yn due to introduction of X− n in Zn incremented by Y n , thus account− − ing for the contribution of Xn that is not already provided by Y n and by Z− n: − − − − − − − TX→Y |Z = I(Yn ; X− n |Y n , Zn ) = H(Yn |Y n , Zn ) − H(Yn |X n , Y n , Zn ). (13) The multivariate measures defined in (11-13) result as natural extensions of the bivariate measures (8-10) defined to study in the information domain the dynamical dependencies within a single system or between two systems. As we will see in the next Section, these extensions are useful to understand how dynamical dependencies change when the two systems are considered as constituents of a larger network of interacting systems rather than as an isolated bivariate system. 2.3 Self Entropy, Cross Entropy and Transfer Entropy as Components of System Predictive Information The three measures of information dynamics presented in Sect. 3.1 represent key elements for the description of the dynamical information generated and shared between coupled systems. In the study of dynamical systems, the SE has been associated with the concept of active information storage [23], and to that of regularity intended as the inverse of complexity [5, 7]. The CE has been used as a measure of directed information [14, 24, 25], and also as a measure of coupling when evaluated as the maximum information exchanged over the two opposite directions of interaction between two coupled systems [9, 13]. The TE is a very well known measure of predictive information transfer between systems [10, 26], closely reflecting the ubiquitous concept of Granger causality [27, 28]. Moreover, in situations where more Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 67 than two dynamical systems are known to interact with each other, the utilization of conditional MI measures has proven useful to identify statistical dependencies between pairs of systems in the context of their multivariate representation where the remaining interacting systems are considered. For instance, the multivariate version of the TE has been proven useful to address the confounding effects of indirect connections in the estimation of direct information transfer between the nodes of a network [29]. In addition, the conditional MI I(X;Y|Z) has been given a novel interpretation in terms of partial information decomposition [30] which has led to show, e.g., in cellular automata [3], that the multivariate TE TX→Y |Z assesses the predictive information transfer by suppressing the redundant information provided by X and Z about Y, but also incorporating the synergistic information found in X and Z about Y. Interestingly, SE, CE and TE do not describe isolated aspects of the dynamics of information in a composite dynamical system. In accordance with a recently proposed information-theoretic framework for the study of dependencies in networks of dynamical systems [12], we show here that SE, CE and TE appear naturally as terms in the decomposition of the system predictive information about the observed target system. The predictive information is defined for an assigned target process as the amount of information about the present state of the process that is explained by its past states and the past states of all other available processes. This can be measured, for a bivariate process {X,Y} where Y is taken as target process, through the conditional MI: − − − PY = I(Yn ; X − n , Y n ) = H(Yn ) − H(Yn |X n , Y n ), (14) which can be further decomposed in two terms related to the bivariate SE and TE of (8) and (9), or alternatively in two terms related to the bivariate CE (9) and the multivariate SE (11): − − − PY = H(Yn ) − H(Yn|Y − n ) + H(Yn |Y n ) − H(Yn |X n , Y n ) = SY + TX→Y , (15a) − − − PY = H(Yn ) − H(Yn|X − n ) + H(Yn |X n ) − H(Yn |X n , Y n ) = CX→Y + SY |X (15b) Consistently, for a multivariate process {X,Y,Z} the system predictive information about Y is: − − − − − PY = I(Yn ; X − n , Y n , Zn ) = H(Yn ) − H(Yn |X n , Y n , Zn ), (16) which can be expanded, according to the chain rule for the decomposition of the conditional MI, in six different ways: 68 L. Faes and A. Porta − − − − − PY = I(Yn ; Y − n ) + I(Yn ; X n |Y n ) + I(Yn ; Zn |X n , Y n ) = SY + TX →Y + TZ→Y |X , (17a) − − − − − PY = I(Yn ; Y − n ) + I(Yn ; Zn |Y n ) + I(Yn ; X n |Y n , Zn ) = SY + TZ→Y + TX →Y |Z , (17b) − − − − − PY = I(Yn ; X− n ) + I(Yn ; Y n |X n ) + I(Yn ; Zn |X n , Y n ) = CX →Y + SY |X + TZ→Y |X , (17c) − − − − − PY = I(Yn ; Z− n ) + I(Yn ; Y n |Zn ) + I(Yn ; X n |Y n , Zn ) = CZ→Y + SY |Z + TX →Y |Z , (17d) − − − − − PY = I(Yn ; X− n ) + I(Yn ; Zn |Xn ) + I(Yn ; Y n |X n , Zn ) = CX →Y +CZ→Y |X + SY |X ,Z ,(17e) − − − − − PY = I(Yn ; Z− n ) + I(Yn ; X n |Zn ) + I(Yn ; Y n |Xn , Zn ) = CZ→Y +CX →Y |Z + SY |X ,Z . (17f) The decompositions in (15) and (17) are useful to explain how the uncertainty about the states visited by the target system is reduced as a result of the state transitions relevant to the overall bivariate or multivariate system. In particular, they show that SE, CE and TE are the elements through which this uncertainty reduction is achieved. It is worth noting that the different decompositions in (15) or in (17) are equally valid, as they reflect simply different orders through which conditioning to the past of the constituent processes is performed [12]. Therefore, as none of the decompositions can be considered as preeminent, SE, CE and TE can be seen as equally important terms of the description of a target system in terms of predictive information. Which of these decompositions should be chosen to dissect the system predictive information about the target system may depend only on side information, e.g., based on physiological knowledge. For instance, when the target process Y is known to be a passive process a decomposition evidencing the CE might be preferred to another evidencing the TE, to limit the underestimation of information transfer which may result by conditioning to Y − n ; on the contrary, when Y exhibits self-sustained oscillatory activity the SE should be highlighted to rule out the possibility that such an activity is misinterpreted as information transfer. Moreover, formulations evidencing CX→Y |Z and TX→Y |Z should be preferred when some of the processes composing Z may potentially affect both X and Y, while the computation of CX→Y and TX→Y may suffice when X and Z can be considered independent. In any case, one particular decomposition can be supported a posteriori, i.e. showing how useful it is to understand how the overall bivariate or multivariate system behaves when examined under different conditions. 3 Strategies for the Estimation of Information Dynamics Measures An interesting property of all the measures of information dynamics presented in the previous section is that they can be expressed as the difference between two conditional entropies (see Eqs. (8-10) for the bivariate formulation and Eqs. (11-13) for the multivariate formulation). Therefore, a natural way to estimate SE, CE and TE from time series data is to exploit a common strategy based on CondEn estimation. In this Section we present an efficient framework for the practical estimation Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 69 of CondEn, and show how this framework may be used to estimate SE, CE and TE from short-length realizations of the observed multivariate processes. The CondEn terms involved in Eqs. (8-10) and (11-13) have to be computed by conditioning on the past history of one or more observed systems. In practical analysis, this is achieved through the so-called state-space reconstruction of the observed dynamical systems [31]. State space reconstruction refers to identifying the finite dimensional state variables that better approximate the past states of the observed − − processes X− n , Y n , and Zn . The most commonly followed approach is to perform uniform time delay embedding, whereby each scalar process is mapped into trajectories described by delayed coordinates uniformly spaced in time [32]. In this way the state variable of the target process Y, Y − n , is approximated with the delay vector [Yn−u Yn−u−τ ··· Yn−u−(d−1)τ ], with d, τ and u representing respectively the socalled embedding dimension, embedding time and prediction time. This procedure suffers from many disadvantages. First, univariate embedding whereby coordinate selection is performed separately for each process does not guarantee optimality of the reconstruction for the multivariate state space [33]. Moreover, selection of the embedding parameters d, τ and u is not straightforward, as many competing criteria exist which are all heuristic and somewhat mutually exclusive [34]. Most important, uniform embedding exposes the state space reconstruction procedure to the so called “curse of dimensionality”, a problem related to the sparsity of the available data within state spaces of increasing volume [35]; this problem is exacerbated in the presence of multivariate time series and when the series are of limited length, as commonly happens in physiological system analysis due to lack of data or stationarity requirements. In these conditions the estimation of CondEn suffers from serious limitations, as it is found that –whatever the underlying dynamics– short time series generate estimates of entropy rates that progressively decrease towards zero at increasing the embedding dimension [7], thus rendering completely useless the computed measures. This issue forced many authors to fix the embedding dimension at very small arbitrary values to obtain reliable CondEn estimates (see, e.g., [36]). To show how these problems can be counteracted in the practical estimation of measures of information dynamics, we describe in the following an estimation strategy based on the utilization of a corrected CondEn estimator [7], and an improvement of this strategy based on a non-uniform embedding technique [18]. 3.1 Corrected Conditional Entropy Let us consider a single process, say Y, and focus on the estimation of the SE de− fined in (8), SY =I(Yn ,Y − n )=H(Yn )–H(Yn |Y n ), from a realization of length N of the process, {yn , n=1,...,N}. This SE can be intuitively estimated in terms of Shannon entropy, computing estimates of the entropy H(Yn ) and of the CondEn H(Yn |Y − n ), which in turn can be seen as the difference between two entropies, H(Yn |Y − n) − ). Moreover, according to state space reconstruction based on )-H(Y =H(Yn ,Y − n n uniform embedding, the past states Y − n can be adequately represented by the d(d,u,τ ) = [Yn−u Yn−u−τ ··· Yn−u−(d−1)τ ]. Therefore, dimensional embedding vector Y n 70 L. Faes and A. Porta the problem of SE estimation amounts to estimating the entropy of a scalar variable, (d,u,τ ) H(Yn )=–∑p(yn )logp(yn ), that of a d-dimensional variable, H(Y − )=– n )= H(Y n (d,u,τ ) (d,u,τ ) − )log p(yn ), and that of a d+1-dimensional variable, H(Yn , Y n )=H(Yn , ∑p(yn (d,u,τ ) (d,u,τ ) (d,u,τ ) )=-∑p(yn , yn )log p(yn , yn ). Yn There are a number of entropy estimators based on histograms, kernels, nearest neighbors and splines [37], with advantages and disadvantages for each estimator. Here we describe estimation based on fixed state space partitioning, because it is widely used in the literature (e.g., see [38]), and because it favors the development of the correction for CondEn estimates that is presented below (Eq. (19)). This approach is based on performing uniform quantization of the time series and then estimating the entropy approximating probabilities with the frequency of visitation of the quantized states. Specifically, the series y is coarse grained spreading its dynamics over ξ quantization levels of amplitude r=(ymax – ymin )/ξ , where ymax and ymin represent minimum and maximum values of the normalized series. Quantization assigns to each sample the number of the level to which it belongs, so that the quantized time series yξ takes values within the alphabet A=(0,1,...,ξ –1). Uniform quantization of embedding vectors of dimension d builds an uniform partition of the d-dimensional state space into ξ d disjoint hypercubes of size r, such that all vectors V falling within the same hypercube are associated with the same quantized vector Vξ , and are thus indistinguishable within the tolerance r. The entropy is then estimated as: (18) H(V ξ ) = − ∑ p(V ξ )logp(V ξ ) V ξ ∈Ad where the summation is extended over all states (i.e., hypercubes) in the embedding space, and the probabilities p(Vξ ) are estimated for each hypercube simply as the fraction of quantized vectors Vξ falling into the hypercube (i.e., the frequency of occurrence of Vξ within Ad ). An illustrative example is reported in Fig. 1, showing estimation of H(yn ), H(yn−1, yn−3 ) and H(yn , yn−1 , yn−3 ) representing respectively − the entropies H(Yn ), H(Y − n ) and H(Yn ,Y n ) computed with an embedding vector (d,u,τ ) yn =[yn−1 , yn−3 ]. A major problem in estimating the CondEn from time series of limited length is that it always decreases towards zero at increasing the embedding dimension d. This results from the fact that, letting d increase, the embedding vectors become more and more isolated in the state space of increasing dimension, and this isolation results in an increasing numbers of vectors Vξ found alone inside an hypercube of the quantized space. This effect is seen already at low dimensions in Fig. 1c, noting that using yn−1 as embedding vector would have resulted in only one single point, while the use of [yn−1 , yn−3 ] as in the figure results in four single points. (d,u,τ ) The problem with single points is that, when a vector yn is alone inside an (d,u,τ ) hypercube of the d-dimensional space, the vector [yn , yn ] is also alone in the (d+1)-dimensional space. Therefore, single points in the d-dimensional space give − to H(Y − n ) the same contribution given to H(Yn ,Y n ) by the corresponding points in the (d+1)-dimensional space, bringing a null contribution to H(Yn |Y − n ). Thus, the increase of the number of single points with d leads to a progressive decrease of Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 71 Fig. 1 Example of state space partitioning of a time series for the computation of entropy and conditional entropy. (a) The values yn of the series descriptive of the process Y, ranging from ymin to ymax , are uniformly quantized using ξ =6 quantization levels; (b) the values of yn are binned according to quantization, and the entropy H(Yn ) is estimated as H(Yn )=-∑p(yn )logp(yn ), where the probabilities p(yn ) are estimated as the relative frequency of visitation of each bin; (c) assuming a prediction time u=1, an embedding time τ =2 and an embedding dimension d=2, all embedding vectors of the form V=[yn−1 ,yn−3 ] built from the time series are represented in a bidimensional state space, and are assigned to square bins resulting from the uniform quantization of the two coordinates (gray grid); then the entropy H(Y − n ) is estimated as H(V)=-∑p(V)logp(V); (d) the analysis is repeated for all values assumed by the vector [yn ,V] to estimate the entropy H(Yn ,Y − n ) as H(yn ,V)=∑p(yn ,V)logp(yn ,V), where cubic bins result now from the uniform quantization of three coordinates. Then, the CondEn is estimated as H(Yn |Y − n )=H(yn ,V)-H(V), and the CorrCondEn − )+n(V)H(Y ), where n(V) is the fraction of vectors V found alone )= =H(Y |Y as Hc (Yn |Y − n n n n into an hypercube in panel (c) (gray squares). Note that single points in (c) remain always single also in the higher dimensional space in (d), while other single points may appear (black squares). the estimated CondEn. This occurs even for completely unpredictable processes for which the conditional entropy should stay at high values regardless of the embedding dimension (an example is in Fig. 2a,c). To counteract this bias, a corrected conditional entropy (CorrCondEn) can be defined as [7, 18]: (d,u,τ ) c H c (Yn |Y − n ) = H (Yn |Y n (d,u,τ ) ) = H(Yn |Y n (d,u,τ ) ) + n(Yn ) · H(Yn ) (19) 72 L. Faes and A. Porta (d,u,τ ) where in the context of uniform quantization n(Y n ) is the fraction of single (d,u,τ ) , represented in points in the quantized space, i.e. the fraction of vectors Y n (d,u,τ ) their quantized form, found only once within Ad (0 ≤ n(Yn ) ≤ 1). The scale factor H(Yn ) is chosen because it represents the CondEn of a white noise with the same probability distribution of the considered process; with this choice, the null contribution of single points is substituted with the maximal information carried by a white noise, so that the CondEn of the relevant white noise is estimated after finding 100% of single points. The CorrCondEn is the sum of two terms, the first decreasing and the second increasing with the dimension of the explored state space. Hence, Hc (Yn |Y − n )= (d,u,τ ) c H (Yn |Y n ) exhibits a minimum over d, and this minimum value may be taken as an estimate of the CondEn. Following this idea, CondEn analysis may be performed over short time series without constraining the embedding dimension to low predetermined values. An example is shown in Fig. 2, illustrating the computa(d,u,τ ) ) as a function of d, with parameters u=τ =1, tion of the CorrCondEn Hc (Yn |Y n ξ =6, for a second-order autoregressive process y defined by two complex and conjugated poles with modulus ρ and phase ϕ = π /4: Yn =2ρ cosϕ Yn−1 − ρ 2 Yn−2 +wn (w is a white noise innovation process). The regularity of the process is determined by the parameter ρ : with ρ =0 the process reduces to a fully unpredictable white noise (Fig. 2a), while with ρ =0.98 a partially predictable stochastic oscillation is (d,u,τ ) set (Fig. 2b). Accordingly, the entropy of Yn conditioned to Y n =[Yn−1 ,...,Yn−d ] is expected to be high and constant at varying d when ρ =0, and to show a minimum reflecting the predictability of the process when ρ =0.98. These two situations are well reproduced by the CorrCondEn. For the white noise process, the slow de(d,u,τ ) crease of H(Yn |Y n ) with increasing d (dashed line) is fully compensated by (d,u,τ ) )·H(Yn ) (dotted line), resulting in a roughly flat prothe corrective term n(Y n (d,u,τ ) ) (solid line) that determined a minimum estimate close to the file of Hc (Yn |Y n expected CondEn (Fig. 2c). For the partially predictable process, the decrease of (d,u,τ ) H(Yn |Y n ) is substantial already at low values of d due to the usefulness of past samples to describe the present of Y, while the corrective term intervened at higher values of d, thus producing a well defined minimum at d=5 (Fig. 2d). In accordance with the above described procedure, an estimate of the SE in (8) results simply by subtracting the estimated CorrCondEn from the Shannon entropy of the series. The same procedure may be easily followed to estimate the CE in (9), (d,u,τ ) (d,u,τ ) − in place of Y n ) in simply conditioning on X− n instead of on Y n (i.e, using Xn the computation of the CorrCondEn [9]. However, a possible limitation of this procedure is in the fact that the terms used for conditioning are included progressively into the embedding vector without checking their effective relevance for describing the dynamics of the target process. While the progressive inclusion based on the time lag of the past terms (i.e. the terms Yn−1 ,Yn−2 ,... are sequentially added to the embedding vector when conditioning on Y − n ) is intuitive and works well under most circumstances, it is exposed to an inclusion of irrelevant terms that is likely to impair the detection of dependencies. This problem is exacerbated in the presence Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 73 Fig. 2 Example of computation of the corrected conditional entropy for short time series (N=300 points) with different level of predictability [7]. (a) realization of a fully unpredictable white noise; (b) realization of a partially predictable autoregressive process; (c,d) corresponding estimated profiles of the CondEn (dashed line), the corrective term (dotted line) and the CorrCondEn (solid line) obtained at varying the dimension d of uniform embedding from 1 to 15. of short time series, for which the corrective term prevents the exploration of highdimensional state spaces. Moreover, the issue may become critical when one aims at estimating information measures that account for conditioning schemes involving several different variables, such as the bivariate TE in (10) and the multivariate extensions of SE, CE and TE defined in (11-13). In these situations, a reliable estimation of the CondEn in the presence of short realizations of multiple conditioning processes may be performed only through an intelligent embedding strategy that allows to include into the embedding vector only the terms which are relevant to the dynamics of the target process. This is achieved by the procedure for nonuniform embedding presented in the next subsection. 3.2 Corrected Conditional Entropy from Non-uniform Embedding The strategy proposed in [18] for estimating the CorrCondEn through non-uniform embedding is based on a sequential procedure which updates the embedding vector progressively, taking all relevant processes into consideration at each step and selecting the components that better describe the destination process. Specifically, a set of candidate terms is first defined including the past states (and, if relevant, also the present state) of all systems relevant to the estimation of the considered CondEn. For instance, if we consider the two CondEn terms involved in the computation of − the multivariate TE in (13), the candidate set for estimating Hc (Yn |Y − n ,Zn ) will be the set Ω 1 ={Yn−1 ,...,Yn−L ,Zn−1,...,Zn−L }, and the candidate set for the estimation 74 L. Faes and A. Porta − − of H(Yn |X− n ,Y n ,Zn ) will be the set Ω 2 ={Ω 1 ,Xn−1 ,...,Xn−L }, where L is the number of time lagged terms to be tested for each process. Given the generic candidate set Ω , the procedure for estimating the CorrCondEn Hc (Yn |Ω ) starts with an empty embedding vector V0 =[·], and proceeds as follows: • at each step k ≥ 1, form the candidate vector [s,Vk−1 ], where s is an element of Ω not already included in Vk−1 , and compute the CorrCondEn of the target process y given the considered candidate vector, Hc (Yn |[s,Vk−1 ]); • repeat the previous step for all possible candidates, and then retain the candidate for which the CorrCondEn is minimum, i.e., set Vk =[s , Vk−1 ] where s =arg mins Hc (Yn |[s,Vk−1 ]); • terminate the procedure when a minimum in the CorrCondEn is found, i.e., at the step k such that H c (Yn |Vk ) ≥ H c (Yn |Vk − 1), and set Vd =Vk − 1 as embedding vector. This procedure is devised to try to include into the embedding vector only the components that effectively contribute to resolving the uncertainty of the target process (in terms of CondEn reduction), while leaving out the irrelevant components. This feature, together with the termination criterion which prevents the selection of new terms when they do not bring further resolution of uncertainty for the destination process, help escaping the curse of dimensionality for the multivariate estimation of the CondEn. Moreover the procedure avoids the nontrivial task of setting the embedding parameters d, τ and u (the only parameter here is the number L of candidates to be tested for each process, which can be as high as allowed by the affordable computational times). To illustrate the procedure we report an example of computation of the multivariate TE on a short realization (N=300 points) of the processes associated with the M=3 processes described as [19]: 2 + 0.3X Xn = 1.4 − Xn−1 n−2 Yn = 1.4 − 0.5 (Xn−1 + Yn−1)Yn−1 + 0.1Yn−2 Zn = |Xn−3 | + Yn−1 (20) In this simulation, X is an autonomous Henon process, Y is another Henon process unidirectionally driven by X, and Z is a passive process driven both by X and by Y. Fig. 3 depicts the TE analysis, performed according to (13) between each possible pair of systems (analysis parameters: L=5, ξ =6). In each panel, non-uniform embedding of the target system is described, at each step k of the sequential procedure, reporting the selected candidate term and depicting the corresponding estimated minimum of the CorrCondEn at that step; the procedure is repeated two times, either excluding (black) or including (red) terms from the source process in the set of initial candidate terms. A difference between the two repetitions occurs when terms from the source process are selected in the second repetition, leading to lower estimated CorrCondEn and thus to nonzero information transfer. On the contrary, if no source terms are selected even when considered as possible candidates, the two CondEn profiles overlap and the estimated information transfer is zero. For Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 75 instance, if we consider the analysis from X to Y (Fig. 3a) we see that the embedding − of Yn based on the set of candidates Ω 1 ={Y − n ,Zn }≈{Yn−1 ,...,Yn−L ,Zn−1 ,..., Zn−L } terminates at the step d=4 returning the embedding vector V4 =[yn−1, yn−3 , zn−3 , − zn−1 ] and the corresponding CorrCondEn Hc (Yn |Y − n ,Zn )=0.396; at the second rep− − − etition the set of candidates is Ω 2 ={Xn ,Y n ,Zn }≈{Ω 1 , Xn−1 ,...,Xn−L}, and we see that the procedure selects a term from the input system, xn−1 , at the second step, − − leading to a decreased CorrCondEn minimum, Hc (Yn |X− n ,Y n ,Zn )=0.263, and ultimately to a positive information transfer measured by the TE TX→Y |Z . Note that for this realization the obtained embedding vector is exactly the one expected from the generating equation of y, i.e., V3 =[yn−1 , xn−1 , yn−2 ] (see (20)). On the contrary, if we consider the opposite direction of interaction from Y to X (Fig. 3d), we see that the two repetitions of the embedding procedure yield the same embedding vector, V4 =[xn−1, xn−2 , xn−5 , xn−3 ]. In this case two terms in excess are selected besides the two terms entering the equation for X in (20), but – though confounding the interpretation of the internal dynamics of X – this does not lead to detection of spurious information transfer as the embedding vector is unchanged from the first to the sec− c − − − ond repetition, so that Hc (Xn |X− n , Zn )=H (Xn |Xn , Y n ,Zn )=0.308 and TY →X|Z =0. Moreover, the procedure detects the non-negligible information transfer imposed from X to Z and from Y to Z, documented by the proper selection of source terms at the second repetition (respectively, xn−3 in Fig. 3b and yn−1 and in Fig. 3c) that leads to decreased CorrCondEn with respect to the first repetition and thus to large values of the estimated TEs TX→Z|Y and TY →Z|X , and also the absence of information transfer from Z to X from Z to Y, documented by the unchanged embedding vectors for the two repetitions of the procedure (Figs. 3e and 3f) leading to unchanged CorrCondEn and to TZ→X|Y =TZ→Y |X =0. The thorough validation involving several realizations with changing parameters and noisy conditions is reported in [19], where also a simulation with stochastic processes is reported. 3.3 Parameter Setting and Open Issues One major advantage of the estimation approach proposed in Sect. 3.2 is in the fact that it releases the user from the non-trivial setting of most of the analysis parameters that otherwise would considerably affect the estimation outcome. Indeed, in the sequential procedure of Sect. 3.1 the dimension of the embedding vectors, d, is a free parameter that results from the progressive search of a minimum CorrCondEn. Moreover, with the non-uniform embedding strategy described in Sect. 3.2 the choice of the remaining embedding parameters, i.e., the prediction time u and delay τ , and maximum number L of lagged terms to consider as candidates, is not critical because the strategy is devised to select only relevant components and exclude irrelevant ones. Anyway, it is a good practice to set u and τ in order to let a proper unfolding of the system dynamics described by the state variables resulting from the embedding; while τ is normally set so as to reduce the number of correlated points within a single process (e.g., taking the first zero of the autocorrelation function or the first minimum of the auto-information function [34]), u can be set on the basis of 76 L. Faes and A. Porta Fig. 3 Example of application of nonuniform embedding to the estimation of the TE between a single realization the processes X, Y and Z generated by Eq. (20). Plots depict the CorrCondEn estimated for a given target system either after excluding (black circles) or including (red triangles) past terms from the source system in the set of initial candidates used for nonuniform embedding. Filled symbols indicate the minimum CorrCondEn Hc taking the value reported in the panel, while the corresponding estimated TE is reported above the panel. The candidate terms selected at each step k of the procedure are also reported in each panel. prior knowledge about the propagation times in the overall dynamical system (see, e.g., [20] for cardiovascular variability or [39] for magnetoencephalography). The parameter related to the binning procedure for entropy estimation is the number of quantization levels ξ used to spread the dynamics of the observed time series. Theoretically, increasing ξ would lead to a finer partition of the state space and better estimates of the conditional probabilities. However, this observation holds for time series of infinite length, while in practical applications with series of length N the number of quantization levels should remain as low as ξ d ≈N [7, 18]. In the studies of short-term cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory variability reviewed in Sect. 4, where N≈300 and CorrCondEn estimates were usually obtained from three lagged terms (or at most four in few cases), the common choice is to use ξ =6 levels. A number of levels such that ξ d ≈N may seem too high according to some other prescriptions (e.g., Lungarella et al. [40] recommend to work with a number of hypercubes at least three times lower than the series length). However, the suitability of our choice may be explained in that the search for relevant components achieved by non-uniform embedding makes it able to target only a restricted “typical set” Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 77 of hypercubes with higher probability than the other regions of the state space (see [21], chapter 3), thus allowing some extent of over-quantization with respect to traditional embedding. As seen in section 3.2, the non-uniform embedding approach for computing CorrCondEn allows reliable estimation of information dynamics measures from short realizations of multivariate processes. Nevertheless, it suffers from some limitations that leave room for improving the estimation of information dynamics measures. A main problem of the approach is the selection of some terms in excess during the sequential embedding. This is seen in the reported simulation example where xn−5 and xn−3 are selected in the embedding of X (Fig. 3d,e) and xn−4 is selected in the embedding of Z (Fig. 3b,c); while this mis-selection is not problematic in terms of TE computation, it may hamper the estimation of the other terms of an information decomposition, or other tasks like delay estimation. A first explanation for the detection of excess terms may be the fact that the contribution of the corrective term is not strong enough to produce the CorrCondEn minimum before the inclusion of irrelevant terms. From this point of view, we tested alternative corrections: e.g., a (d,u,τ ) ) in more strict selection is proposed in [7, 9] using the corrective term n(Yn ,Y n (d,u,τ ) place of the term n(Y n ) used here in (19) and in [18, 20]. Nevertheless, a balance need always to be found because a more strict selection decreases the rate of false detections but at the same time increases the number of missed detections. More generally, factors that may affect the accuracy of component selection are: (i) the estimator of CondEn; (ii) the empirical nature of the correction; and (iii) the sub-optimal nature of the exploration of candidates, which, being sequential and not exhaustive, somehow disregards joint effects that more candidates may have on the reduction of the CondEn. The binning entropy estimator used here in Eq. (17) may be inaccurate due to its known bias [37] and to the fact that the associated quantization may leave a certain amount of information unexplained even after selection of the correct causal sources, and thus leave room for excess source selection. While in principle any alternative entropy estimator might be used, we remark that in the context of non-uniform embedding the introduction of a corrective term serves, besides for compensating the bias, for guaranteeing the existence of a CondEn minimum, which we use to terminate the sequential procedure in attempting to avoid the inclusion of irrelevant terms. Therefore, the integration within the proposed procedure of any improved entropy measure has to cope with the need of finding a clear minimum of the CondEn estimated while increasing the embedding dimensions. From this point of view, the utilization of accurate Shannon entropy estimators such as those based on kernels or nearest neighbors [37] would face the necessity of counteracting the isolation of the embedding vectors in state spaces of increasing dimension through a corrective term. An interesting alternative solution might be that recently proposed in [41], where a k-nearest neighbor approach was pursued to estimate the CondEn directly in one step (rather than in two steps as the difference between entropy estimates) yielding an estimate which exhibits a minimum over the embedding dimension without requiring the addition of a corrective term. Another way to avoid the use of a corrective term would be to assess, at each step of the selection procedure, the statistical significance of the contribution brought by the 78 L. Faes and A. Porta selected candidate to the description of the target process, so that only the candidates bringing significant contribution can be selected and the procedure would terminate when the contribution of the selected candidate is not significant. We are currently exploring this alternative criterion, both using the binning entropy estimator [42] and using nearest neighbor estimators [26]. As to the point (iii), the problem is that a sequential exploration of the candidate space does not guarantee convergence to the absolute minimum of the CondEn, and thus it does not assure a semipositive value for the measures defined as difference between two CondEn terms like those defined in Eqs. (10-13). Nevertheless, a sequential approach needs to be adopted because an exhaustive exploration of all possible candidate terms, which would lead to the absolute CondEn minimum, would become computationally intractable still at low embedding dimensions; e.g., in a common practical situation such as that with M=4 conditioning processes and L=5 candidates explored per process, the number of combinations to be tested would be 4845 for k=4 and 15504 for k=5. The possibility of finding negative values for SE, CE and TE computed with this approach suggest the need of assessing the statistical significance of each estimated measure, e.g. through the utilization of surrogate data [18, 20]. Of note, the introduction of a significance criterion for candidate selection as mentioned above would implicitly provide a tool to assess the statistical significance of information measures without resorting to surrogate approaches [42, 43]. 4 Applications to Physiological Systems This section reviews the main studies from our group in which the approach for estimating the CondEn presented here was exploited to characterize, in terms of SE, CE and TE, the information dynamics of physiological systems. 4.1 Applications of Self Entropy Analysis The SE has been extensively used, mostly in its formulation evidencing solely CondEn (i.e., using H(Yn |Y − n ) instead of SY in (8)) to characterize the short-term complexity (or its opposite, regularity) of individual physiological systems. It was first applied to beat-to-beat sequences of the sympathetic discharge obtained from decerebrate artificially ventilated cats [7]. In the experimental protocol considered in the study, in which non-linear interactions between the periodic forcing input (i.e., ventilation) and the spontaneous sympathetic discharge are found, more regular dynamics were detected in presence of phase locked patterns, while less regular dynamics were observed after disruption of the non linear relation between mechanical ventilation and sympathetic outflow via spinalization. The same analysis was applied to evaluate the regularity of cardiovascular variability signals (heart period, arterial pressure and muscle sympathetic nerve activity) during sympathetic activation induced by head-up tilt, during the perturbing action produced by paced ventilation, and after peripheral muscarinic blockade provoked by atropine administration [13]. The results suggested that the regularity of heart Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 79 period variability increased with tilt and paced ventilation at low breathing rates, likely due to the entrainment of multiple physiological mechanisms into specific frequency bands. In the case of administration of a high dose of atropine the reduction of complexity is not due to the entrainment of different physiological mechanisms but, more likely, to the reduction of the complexity of the neural inputs to the sinus node due to the cholinergic blockade. Moreover, systolic arterial pressure and muscle sympathetic variability series were respectively more regular and more complex than heart period variability, and their regularity was not markedly affected by the specified experimental conditions. The results about SE analysis of the heart period variability during tilt test and paced breathing protocols were strengthened and further interpreted in a following study [44]. Moreover, a subsequent study demonstrated the ability of SE measures to evidence a progressive decrease of the complexity of heart period variability as a function of the tilt table inclination during graded head-up tilt [16]. This finding was of great relevance as it established a straightforward link between physiological mechanisms and the behavior of an information dynamical quantity like the SE. Indeed, since graded head-up tilt produces a gradual shift of the sympathovagal balance toward sympathetic activation and parasympathetic deactivation, the corresponding gradual decrease of CorrCondEn observed in the study indicated that complexity of heart period variability is under the control of the autonomic nervous system. Another interesting result of the study was that standard measures related to SE like the approximate entropy [5] were unable to reveal the same gradual decrease in complexity during the protocol unless they were corrected according to a strategy similar to that presented in Sect. 3.1. This pointed out the necessity of exploiting the CorrCondEn or similar measures devised according to the same strategy to extract fruitful information from the short data sequences commonly available in experimental settings. Another interesting applicative context of SE was the characterization of the neural control on heart rate variability during sleep [15, 45], a condition which is known to be associated with important changes of the autonomic cardiovascular regulation. In [15], the complexity of heart period variability of healthy subjects was found to follow a circadian pattern characterized by larger CorrCondEn during nighttime than during daytime; this day-night variation was lost in heart failure patients due to a tendency of complexity to increase during daily activities and decrease at night, corroborating the association between SE and sympathetic modulation. Interestingly, significant circadian variations were observed only normalizing the CorrCondEn to the entropy of the heart period series; this suggested the opportunity of reducing the dependence of the estimated SE on the shape of the static distribution of the observed process through normalization, so that to magnify the dynamical complexity in the resulting normalized measure. In [45], the short term complexity of heart period variability was characterized during different sleep stages in young and elderly healthy persons, observing a significant reduction of CorrCondEn in older subjects, especially during REM sleep. These results suggested that with aging REM sleep is associated with a simplification of the mechanisms of cardiac 80 L. Faes and A. Porta control, that could lead to an impaired ability of the cardiovascular system to react to adverse events. 4.2 Applications of Cross Entropy Analysis The first utilizations of the CE based on CorrCondEn computation were aimed at determining the degree of coupling in bivariate processes [9, 13]. More specifically, given two processes X and Y the two CEs CX→Y and CY →X were computed as described in Sect. 3.1, and then a synchronization index was taken as the maximum between normalized versions of the two CEs obtained at varying embedding dimensions: χ x,y =maxd (Cc X→Y /H(Yn ),CcY →X /H(Xn )) (the apex c denotes that CX→Y c − and CY →X were derived from Hc (Yn |X− n ) and H (Xn |Y n ) computed as in (18) for varying d). This synchronization measure was first used to measure the coupling strength between the beat-to-beat variability of the sympathetic discharge and ventilation in decerebrate artificially ventilated cats [9]. The measure was able to reflect the coupling between sympathetic discharge and ventilation, being very large in the presence of periodic dynamics in which the sympathetic discharge is locked to the respiratory forcing input and close to zero for quasiperiodic or aperiodic dynamics resulting, for instance, after spinalization. The synchronization index was also utilized in humans to evaluate the coupling degree of bivariate systems comprising cardiac, vascular, pulmonary and muscular systems in response to experimental maneuvers or in pathologic conditions, leading to important results which were related to physiological mechanisms in health and disease. Specifically, Porta et al. [9] observed that the synchronization between the beat-to-beat variability of the heart period and the ventricular repolarization interval was not changed by experimental conditions that alter the sympathovagal balance but strongly decreased after myocardial infarction. Nollo et al. [14] found also that after infarction the synchronization index is associated with an impaired cardiovascular response to head-up tilt, observing that the index computed between heart period and arterial pressure variability decreased significant in post-infarction patients, while it increased in healthy subjects. Moreover, relevant results from [13] were that: the cardiovascular coupling was significant but weak at rest, and increased with head-up tilt and paced breathing; the cardiopulmonary and vasculo-pulmonary couplings were significant and increased with paced breathing at 10 breaths/min; muscle nerve activity and respiration were uncoupled in control condition but become coupled after atropine administration. The CE based on CorrCondEn was also successfully exploited as an asymmetric measure of coupling quantifying the directed information in bivariate physiological systems, with special emphasis on the study of the closed loop interactions between the spontaneous variability of heart period and arterial pressure in humans. In this applicative context, the CE has been proven useful in disentangling this intricate closed loop, evidencing information flows directed either through the baroreflex (i.e., from systolic pressure to heart period) or through circulatory mechanics (i.e. from heart period to systolic pressure). Nollo et al. [14] pointed out that the Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 81 information flow was balanced over the two directions and higher during head-up tilt than at rest in young healthy subjects, while it was unbalanced (with prevalence of the information flow from heart period to systolic arterial pressure) and lower during head-up tilt in post-myocardial infarction patients. Porta et al. [25] demonstrated the usefulness of CE, compared with the traditional approach based on the analysis of Fourier phases, in detecting the dominant direction of interaction in the cardiovascular loop. They showed that: (i) CE is able to detect the lack of information transfer through the baroreflex in heart transplant recipients, and the gradual restoration of this transfer with time after transplantation; (ii) CE quantitatively reflects the progressive shift from the prevalence of information transfer through the circulatory mechanics to the prevalence of information transfer through the baroreflex with tilt table inclination during graded head-up tilt in healthy subjects. Recent studies [24, 46] focused on how the information transfer through the baroreflex, monitored by the CorrCondEn of heart period given the systolic pressure, is modified at varying the prediction time u. In protocols of head-up tilt and pharmacological blockade of receptors, the Authors showed that the expected monotonic decrease of the CE (i.e, increase of the CorrCondEn) observed while increasing the prediction time can be further typified looking at the rate at which this decrease of information transfer occurs. It was shown that such a rate contains useful information about the baroreflex control of heart rate in different experimental conditions. 4.3 Applications of Transfer Entropy Analysis The nonuniform embedding strategy presented in Sect. 3.2, handling the issues of arbitrariness and redundancy associated with the embedding of multiple time series, introduced the possibility to efficiently compute –even for small sample size datasets– the CorrCondEn in the presence of several conditioning processes. This favored to move from the estimation of SE and CE, which involve only one conditioning process, to that of TE, that requires to deal with two or more conditioning processes in the computation of CondEn. The first application of the strategy was the computation of a normalized version of the multivariate TE to elicit direct transfer of information in physiological systems composed of multiple interacting subsystems, such as the cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory ones, and in spatially extended physiological systems, such as the human cortical system where EEG activity is supposed to propagate across different scalp locations [18]. The study indicated that the purposeful state space reconstruction achieved by nonuniform embedding allows describing patterns of directional connectivity consistent with known mechanisms of cardiovascular, such as the rise of causal connectivity along the baroreflex with the transition from the supine to the upright position, and of neural physiology, such as the presence of causality from the posterior towards the central and anterior EEG recorded during eyes closed wakefulness. The feasibility of estimating multivariate TE on the basis of CorrCondEn and nonuniform embedding in cardiovascular neuroscience was investigated more 82 L. Faes and A. Porta deeply in [17, 19]. The studies were aimed at the data-driven investigation of the modes of cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary and vasculo-pulmonary interactions both in resting physiological conditions and during experimental maneuvers like headup tilt and paced breathing. TE analysis was able to describe well known mechanisms of cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory regulation, as well as to support the interpretation of other more debated mechanisms. Examples were the shift from balanced bidirectional exchange of information between heart period and arterial pressure in the supine position to the prevalence of information transfer through the baroreflex in the upright position, and the mechanical effects of respiration on both heart period and arterial pressure variability with their enhancement during paced breathing and dampening during head-up tilt. Moreover, the utilization of a fully multivariate approach allowed to disambiguate the role of respiration on the closed loop interactions between heart period and arterial pressure variability. In particular, the estimated information flows suggested that short-term heart rate variability is mainly explained by central mechanisms of respiratory sinus arrhythmia in the resting supine position during spontaneous and paced breathing, and by baroreflexmediated phenomena in the upright position. In a recent study we have dealt with a common problem in the practical estimation of the multivariate TE from real physiological data, that is, the presence of instantaneous effects which likely impair or confound the assessment of the information transfer between coupled systems [20]. Instantaneous effects are effects occurring between two time series within the same time lag, and may reflect either fast, within sample physiologically meaningful interactions or be void of physiological meaning (e.g., may be due to unobserved confounders). While the traditional formulation of the TE does not account for instantaneous effects, we faced this issue allowing the possible presence of instantaneous effects through proper inclusion of the zero-lag term in the computation of CorrCondEn based on nonuniform embedding. The approach was devised according to two different strategies for the compensation of instantaneous effects, respectively accounting for causally meaningful and non-meaningful zero-lag effects. The resulting measure, denoted as compensated TE, was validated on simulations and then evaluated on physiological time series. In cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory variability, where the construction of the time series suggests the existence of physiological causal effects occurring at lag zero, the compensated TE evidenced better than the traditional TE the presence of expected interaction mechanisms (e.g., the baroreflex). In magnetoencephalography analysis performed at the sensor level, where instantaneous effects are likely the result of the simultaneous mapping of single sources of brain activity onto several recording sensors, utilization of the proposed compensation suggested the activation of multisensory integration mechanisms in response to a specific stimulation paradigm. Finally, we have recently started considering an integrated perspective in which the TE is an element of the information domain characterization of coupled physiological systems. In [47] we studied the TE and the SE as factors in the decomposition of the predictive information in bivariate physiological systems, according to the interpretation suggested here in Sect. 3.2 (Eq. (15a)). The study was aimed Conditional Entropy-Based Evaluation of Information Dynamics 83 at characterizing cardiovascular regulation, from the analysis of heart period and systolic arterial pressure variability, and cerebrovascular regulation, from the analysis of mean arterial pressure and mean cerebral blood flow variability, in subjects developing orthostatic syncope in response to prolonged head-up tilt testing. We evidenced specific patterns of information processing, jointly described by the SE and TE and by their modifications after tilt and in the proximity of the syncopal event, that were associated with the impairment of physiological mechanisms of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular regulation. These results documented for the first time the added value of studying in integration the different aspects of information processing for enhancing the interpretation of multiple intertwined physiological mechanisms, and suggested the usefulness of further integration (e.g., directed towards moving from bivariate to fully multivariate decomposition) for providing the most complete picture of autonomic integration in pathologic conditions. 5 Conclusions and Future Directions In this chapter we have presented an unified framework for the analysis of information dynamics in physiological systems, which integrates the computation of the known SE, CE and TE measures under the dynamic definition of conditional entropy. The proposed strategy for the estimation of CondEn, based on the utilization of a sequential procedure that avoids predetermining the dimension of the embedding and of a CorrCondEn estimator that compensates for the CondEn bias, allows the reliable estimation from short-length datasets of SE and bivariate CE as measures of system complexity and connectivity. Moreover the introduction of nonuniform embedding whereby the conditioning terms are selected on the basis of their actual relevance opens the way to entropy estimation in the presence of several different conditioning processes, and thus to the assessment of SE, CE and TE in fully multivariate settings. The feasibility of this approach in practice is documented by the several applications surveyed in the chapter, showing that SE, CE and TE may be efficiently estimated from short realizations of biomedical processes, and may thus be exploited to support the interpretation of the mechanisms underlying the behavior of coupled physiological systems in different experimental conditions or pathologic situations. Starting from the established feasibility of the computation of information dynamics measures in physiological systems, the main direction for future studies should bring the research in this field towards the full integration of different measures and their combined interpretation in the information domain. Existing approaches for the information-theoretic analysis of physiological systems mainly focus on single aspects of the observed dynamics, e.g., how complex is the activity of one system or how it is coupled with that of another system. 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Measuring directed interactions in the brain in terms of information flow is a promising approach, mathematically treatable and amenable to encompass several methods. In this chapter we propose some approaches rooted in this framework for the analysis of neuroimaging data. First we will explore how the transfer of information depends on the network structure, showing how for hierarchical networks the information flow pattern is characterized by exponential distribution of the incoming information and a fat-tailed distribution of the outgoing information, as a signature of the law of diminishing marginal returns. This was reported to be true also for effective connectivity networks from human EEG data. Then we address the problem of partial conditioning to a limited subset of variables, chosen as the most informative ones for the driver node. We will then propose a formal expansion of the transfer entropy to put in evidence irreducible sets of variables which provide information for the future state of each assigned target. Multiplets characterized by a large contribution to the expansion are associated to informational circuits present in the system, with an informational character (synergetic or redundant) which can be associated to the sign of the contribution. Applications are reported for EEG and fMRI data. Daniele Marinazzo University of Gent, Department of Data Analysis, 1 Henri Dunantlaan, B9000 Gent, Belgium e-mail: daniele.marinazzo@ugent.be Guorong Wu University of Gent, Department of Data Analysis, 1 Henri Dunantlaan, B9000 Gent, Belgium and Key Laboratory for NeuroInformation of Ministry of Education, School of Life Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China e-mail: guorong.wu@ugent.be Mario Pellicoro · Sebastiano Stramaglia University of Bari, Physics Department, Via Amendola 173, 70126 Bari, Italy e-mail: {mario.pellicoro,sebastiano.stramaglia}@ba.infn.it M. Wibral et al. (eds.), Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience, Understanding Complex Systems, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54474-3_4, 87 88 D. Marinazzo et al. 1 Economics of Information Transfer in Networks Most social, biological, and technological systems can be modeled as complex networks, and display substantial non-trivial topological features [4, 10]. Moreover, time series of simultaneously recorded variables are available in many fields of science; the inference of the underlying network structure, from these time series, is an important problem that received great attention in the last years. In many situations it can be expected that each node of the network may handle a limited amount of information. This structural constraint suggests that information transfer networks should exhibit some topological evidences of the law of diminishing marginal returns [36], a fundamental principle of economics which states that when the amount of a variable resource is increased, while other resources are kept fixed, the resulting change in the output will eventually diminish [26]. Here we introduce a simple dynamical network model where the topology of connections, assumed to be undirected, gives rise to a peculiar pattern of the information flow between nodes: a fat tailed distribution of the outgoing information, while the average incoming information transfer does not depend on the connectivity of the node. In the proposed model the units, at the nodes the network, are characterized by a transfer function that allows them to process just a limited amount of the incoming information. In this case a possible way to quantify the law of the diminishing marginal returns can be the discrepancy of the distributions, expressed as the ratio of their standard deviations. 1.1 Model We use a simple dynamical model with a threshold in order to quantify and investigate this phenomenon. Given an undirected network of n nodes and symmetric connectivity matrix Ai j ∈ {0, 1}, to each node we associate a real variable xi whose evolution, at discrete times, is given by: xi (t + 1) = F n ∑ Ai j x j (t) + σ ξi (t), (1) j=1 where ξ are unit variance Gaussian noise terms, whose strength is controlled by σ ; F is a transfer function chosen as follows: |α | < θ F(α ) = aα F(α ) = aθ α >θ F(α ) = −aθ α < −θ (2) where θ is a threshold value. This transfer function is chosen to mimic the fact that each unit is capable to handle a limited amount of information. For large θ our model becomes a linear map. At intermediate values of θ , the nonlinearity connected to the threshold will affect mainly the mostly connected nodes (hubs): the input ∑ Ai j x j to nodes with low connectivity will remain typically sub-threshold in Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach 89 Fig. 1 Examples of the three network architectures used in this study. Left: Preferential Attachment. Center: Homogeneous. Left: Scale-free. θ = 0.001 0.5 0 −0.5 − θ = 0.012 0.5 0 −0.5 − θ = 0.1 0.5 0 −0.5 − Fig. 2 Segments of 200 time points from typical time series simulated in the scale-free network for three values of θ this case. We consider hierarchical networks generated by preferential attachment mechanism [2], which in the deterministic case leads to a scale-free network. Examples of a preferential attachment network, a scale free network and an homogeneous network are reported in figure 1. A segment of 200 time points of a typical time series for three values of θ is plotted in figure 2. From numerical simulations of eqs. (1), we evaluate the linear causality pattern for this system as the threshold is varied. We verify that, in spite of the threshold, variables are nearly Gaussian so that we may identify the causality with the information flow between variables [5]. We compute the incoming and outgoing information flow from and to each node, cin and cout , summing respectively all the sources for a given target and all the targets for a given source. It is worth to underline that no 90 D. Marinazzo et al. PRE SFN HOM 5 R 4 3 2 1 0 0.02 0.04 θ 0.06 0.08 0.1 Fig. 3 The ratio between the standard deviation of cout and those of cin , R, is plotted versus θ for the three architectures of network: preferential attachment (PRE), deterministic scale free (SFN) and homogeneous (HOM). The parameters of the dynamical system are a = 0.1 and σ = 0.1. Networks built by preferential attachment are made of 30 nodes and 30 undirected links, while the deterministic scale free network of 27 nodes is considered. The homogeneous networks have 27 nodes, each connected to two other randomly chosen nodes. threshold is applied to the connectivity matrix, so that all the information flowing in the network is accounted for. We then evaluate the standard deviation of the distributions of cin and cout , from all the nodes, varying the realization of the preferential attachment network and implementing eqs. (1) for 10000 time points. In figure 3 we depict R, the ratio between the standard deviation of cout over those of cin , as a function of the θ . As the threshold is varied, we encounter a range of values for which the distribution of cin is much narrower than that of cout . In the same figure we also depict the corresponding curve for deterministic scale free networks [3], which exhibits a similar peak, and for homogeneous random graphs (or ErdosRenyi networks [17]), with R always very close to one. The discrepancy between the distributions of the incoming and outgoing causalities arises thus in hierarchical networks. We remark that, in order to quantify the difference between the distributions of cin and cout , here we use the ratio of standard deviations but qualitatively similar results would have been shown using other measures of discrepancy. In figure 4 we report the scatter plot in the plane cin − cout for preferential attachment networks and for some values of the threshold. The distributions of cin and cout , with θ equal to 0.012 and corresponding to the peak of figure 3, are depicted in figure 5: cin appears to be exponentially distributed, whilst cout shows a fat tail. In other words, the power law connectivity, of the underlying network, influences just the distribution of outgoing directed influences. In figure 6 we show the Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach 91 −3 x 10 0.1 cout cout 6 4 0.05 2 0 0 2 4 c 0 0 6 −3 x 10 in 0.05 c 0.1 in 0.3 c cout 0.6 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 cin 0.3 0 0 0.05 θ 0.1 Fig. 4 Scatter plot in the plane cin − cout for undirected networks of 30 nodes and 30 links built by means of the preferential attachment mechanism. The parameters of the dynamical system are a = 0.1 and σ = 0.1. The points correspond to all the nodes pooled from 100 realizations of preferential attachment networks, each with 10 simulations of eqs. (1) for 10000 time points. (Top-left) Scatter plot of the distribution for all nodes at θ = 0.001. (Topright) Contour plot of the distribution for all nodes at θ = 0.012. (Bottom-left) Scatter plot of the distribution for all nodes at θ = 0.1. (Bottom-right) The total Granger causality (directed influence) (obtained summing over all pairs of nodes) is plotted versus θ ; circles point to the values of θ in the previous subfigures. average value of cin and cout versus the connectivity k of the network node: cout grows uniformly with k, thus confirming that its fat tail is a consequence of the power law of the connectivity. On the contrary cin appears to be almost constant: on average the nodes receive the same amount of information, irrespective of k, whilst the outgoing information from each node depends on the number of neighbors. It is worth mentioning that since a precise estimation of the information flow is computationally expensive, our simulations are restricted to rather small networks; in particular the distribution of cout appears to have a fat tail but, due to our limited data, we can not claim that it corresponds to a simple power-law. The same model was then implemented on an anatomical connectivity matrix obtained via diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) and white matter tractography [22]. Also in this case we observe a modulation of R and some scatter plots (figure 7) qualitatively similar to the ones depicted in figures 3 and 4. In this case a multimodal distribution emerges for high values of θ , as we can observe also in the histograms in figure 8. In figure 9 we can clearly identify some nodes in the structural connection matrix in which the 92 D. Marinazzo et al. 150 ρin 100 50 0 50 100 ρout 150 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 c 0.04 0.05 0.06 Fig. 5 For the preferential attachment network, at θ = 0.012, the distributions (by smoothing spline estimation) of cin and cout for all the nodes, pooled from all the realizations, are depicted. Units on the vertical axis are arbitrary. Fig. 6 In the ensemble of preferential attachment networks of figure (2), at θ = 0.012, cin and cout are averaged over nodes with the same connectivity and plotted versus the connectivity. 0.2 cin cout c 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 k law of diminishing marginal returns is highly expressed. The value of the threshold has also an influence on the ratio S between interhemispheric and intrahemispheric information transfer (figure 10). Interestingly, the maximum of this ratio occurs at a finite value of θ , different from those at which R is maximal. Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach 93 c out R 2 1.5 0.2 θ 0 0 0.4 0.2 c out c out 1 0 0.05 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 c in 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.2 c in 0.4 c in 0.6 Fig. 7 Top right: the ratio between the standard deviation of cout and those of cin , R, is plotted versus θ when the threshold model is implemented on the connectome structure. Plots in the plane cin − cout for three values of θ : 0.01 (top right), 0.0345 (bottom left), 0.5 (bottom right). 60 = 0.01 25 = 0.0345 20 40 20 = 0.5 15 15 in 10 10 20 5 5 0 0 0 5 20 5 10 out 10 15 40 15 20 60 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 25 0 0.1 0.2 20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 c Fig. 8 The distributions of cin and cout for three values of θ when the threshold model is implemented on the connectome structure. Units on the vertical axis are arbitrary. 1.2 Electroencephalographic Recordings As a real example we consider electroencephalogram (EEG) data. We used recording obtained at rest from 10 healthy subjects. During the experiment, which lasted for 15 min, the subjects were instructed to relax and keep their eyes closed. To avoid drowsiness, every minute the subjects were asked to open their eyes for 5 s. EEG was measured with a standard 10-20 system consisting of 19 channels [31]. Data were analyzed using the linked mastoids reference, and are available from [46]. For each subject we considered several epochs of 4 seconds in which the subjects kept their eyes closed. For each epoch we computed multivariate Kernel Granger 94 D. Marinazzo et al. 3 1.75 0.5 Fig. 9 The ratio between the standard deviation of cout and those of cin , R, is mapped on the 66 regions of the structural connectivity matrix. In the figure 998 nodes are displayed, with those belonging to the same region in the coarser template have the same color and size. Fig. 10 The ratio S between intrahemispheric and interhemispheric information transfer in the threshold model implemented on the connectome structure as a function of θ . The circles indicate the same values of figures 7 and 8. 8 6 S 4 2 0 0 0.1 0.2 θ 0.3 0.4 0.5 Causality [27] using a linear kernel and a model order of 5, determined by leaveone-out cross-validation. We then pooled all the values for information flow towards and from any electrode and analyzed their distribution. In figure 11 we plot the incoming versus the outgoing values of the information transfer, as well as the distributions of the two quantities: the incoming information seems exponentially distributed whilst the outgoing information shows a fat tail. These results suggest that overall brain effective connectivity networks may also be considered in the light of the law of diminishing marginal returns. More interestingly, this pattern is reproduced locally but with a clear modulation: a topographic analysis has also been made considering the distribution of incoming and outgoing causalities at each electrode. In figure 12 we show the distributions of incoming and outgoing connections corresponding to the electrodes locations on the scalp, and the corresponding map of the parameter R; the law of diminishing marginal returns seems to affect mostly the temporal regions. This well defined pattern suggests a functional role for the distributions. It is worth to note that this pattern has been reproduced in other EEG data at rest from 9 healthy subjects collected for another study with a different equipment. Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach ρ 1.5 in 6 4 1 2 cout Fig. 11 For the EEG data the distributions of cin and cout are depicted in a scatter plot (left) and in terms of their distributions, obtained by smoothing spline estimation (right). 95 0 0.5 2 ρ out 4 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 cin 0 0.5 c 1 Fig. 12 Left: the distributions for incoming (above, light grey) and outgoing (below, dark grey) information at each EEG electrode displayed on the scalp map (original binning and smoothing spline estimation). Right: the distribution on the scalp of R, the ratio between the standard deviations of the distributions of outgoing and incoming information, for EEG data. 2 Partial Conditioning of Granger Causality Granger causality has become the method of choice to determine whether and how two time series exert causal influences on each other [23],[13]. This approach is based on prediction: if the prediction error of the first time series is reduced by including measurements from the second one in the linear regression model, then the second time series is said to have a causal influence on the first one. This frame has been used in many fields of science, including neural systems [24],[9],[34], and cardiovascular variability [18]. From the beginning [21],[41], it has been known that if two signals are influenced by third one that is not included in the regressions, this leads to spurious causalities, so an extension to the multivariate case is in order. The conditional Granger causality analysis (CGCA) [19] is based on a straightforward expansion of the autoregressive model to a general multivariate case including all measured 96 D. Marinazzo et al. variables. CGCA has been proposed to correctly estimate coupling in multivariate data sets [6],[14],[15],[45]. Sometimes though, a fully multivariate approach can lead to problems which can be purely computational but even conceptual: in presence of redundant variables the application of the standard analysis leads to underestimation of causalities [1]. Several approaches have been proposed in order to reduce dimensionality in multivariate sets, relying on generalized variance [6], principal components analysis [45] or Granger causality itself [29]. Here we will address the problem of partial conditioning to a limited subset of variables, in the framework of information theory. Intuitively, one may expect that conditioning on a small number of variables should remove most of the indirect interactions if the connectivity pattern is sparse. We will show that this subgroup of variables might be chosen as the most informative for the driver variable, and describe the application to simulated examples and a real data set. 2.1 Finding the Most Informative Variables We start by describing the connection between Granger causality and informationtheoretic approaches like the transfer entropy in [38]. Let {ξn }n=1,.,N+m be a time series that may be approximated by a stationary Markov process of order m, i.e. p(ξn |ξn−1 , . . . , ξn−m ) = p(ξn |ξn−1 , . . . , ξn−m−1 ). We will use the shorthand notation Xi = (ξi , . . . , ξi+m−1 ) and xi = ξi+m , for i = 1, . . . , N, and treat these quantities as N realizations of the stochastic variables X and x. The minimizer of the risk functional R[f] = dXdx (x − f (X))2 p(X, x) (3) represents the best estimate of x, given X, and corresponds [32] to the regression function f ∗ (X) = dxp(x|X)x. Now, let {ηn }n=1,.,N+m be another time series of simultaneously acquired quantities, and denote Yi = (ηi , . . . , ηi+m−1 ) . The best estimate of x, given X and Y , is now: g∗ (X,Y ) = dxp(x|X,Y )x. If the generalized Markov property holds, i.e. p(x|X,Y ) = p(x|X), (4) then f ∗ (X) = g∗ (X,Y ) and the knowledge of Y does not improve the prediction of x. Transfer entropy [38] is a measure of the violation of 4: it follows that Granger causality implies non-zero transfer entropy [27]. Under Gaussian assumption it can be shown that Granger causality and transfer entropy are entirely equivalent, and just differ for a factor two [5]. The generalization of Granger causality to a multivariate fashion, described in the following, allows the analysis of dynamical networks [28] and to discern between direct and indirect interactions. Let us consider n time series {xα (t)}α =1,...,n ; the state vectors are denoted Yα (t) = (xα (t − m), . . . , xα (t − 1)), Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach 97 m being the window length (the choice of m can be done using the standard crossvalidation scheme). Let ε (xα |X) be the mean squared error prediction of xα on the basis of all the vectors X (corresponding to linear regression or non linear regression by the kernel approach described in [27]). The multivariate Granger causality index c(β → α ) is defined as follows: consider the prediction of xα on the basis of all the variables but Xβ and the prediction of xα using all the variables, then the causality measures the variation of the error in the two conditions, i.e. ε xα |X \ Xβ c(β → α ) = log . (5) ε (xα |X) Note that in [27] a different definition of causality has been used, ε xα |X \ Xβ − ε (xα |X) δ (β → α ) = ; ε xα |X \ Xβ (6) The two definitions are clearly related by a monotonic transformation: c(β → α ) = − log [1 − δ (β → α )]. (7) Here we first evaluate the causality δ (β → α ) using the selection of significant eigenvalues described in [27] to address the problem of over-fitting in (6); then we use (7) and express our results in terms of c(β → α ), because it is with this definition that causality is twice the transfer entropy, equal to I{xα ; Xβ |X \ Xβ }, in the Gaussian case [5]. We now address the problem of coping with a large number of variables, when the application of multivariate Granger causality may be questionable or even unfeasible, whilst bivariate analysis would detect also indirect influences. Here we show that conditioning on a small number of variables, chosen as the most informative for the candidate driver variable, is sufficient to remove the biggest portion of indirect interactions for sparse connectivity patterns. Conditioning on a large number of variables requires a high number of samples in order to get reliable results. Reducing the number of variables, that one has to condition over, would thus provide better results for small data-sets. In the general formulation of Granger causality, one has no way to choose this reduced set of variables; on the other hand, in the framework of information theory, it is possible to individuate the most informative variables one by one. Once that it has been demonstrated [5] that Granger causality is equivalent to the information flow between Gaussian variables, partial conditioning becomes possible for Granger causality estimation; to our knowledge this is the first time that such approach is proposed. Concretely, let us consider the causality β → α ; we fixthe number of variables, to be used for conditioning, equal to nd . We denote Z = Xi1 , . . . , Xind the set of the nd variables, in X \ Xβ , most informative for Xβ . In other words, Z maximizes the mutual information I{Xβ ; Z} among all the subsets Z of nd variables. Then, we evaluate the causality 98 D. Marinazzo et al. ε (xα |Z) c(β → α ) = log . ε xα |Z ∪ Xβ (8) Under the Gaussian assumption, the mutual information I{Xβ ; Z} can be easily evaluated, see [5]. Moreover, instead of searching among all the subsets of nd variables, we adopt the following approximate strategy. Firstly the mutual information of the driver variable, and each of the other variables, is estimated, in order to choose the first variable of the subset. The second variable of the subsets is selected among the remaining ones, as those that, jointly with the previously chosen variable, maximizes the mutual information with the driver variable. Then, one keeps adding the rest of the variables by iterating this procedure. Calling Zk−1 the selected set of k − 1 variables, the set Zk is obtained adding , to Zk−1 , the variable, among the remaining ones, providing greatest information gain. This is repeated until nd variables are selected. This greedy algorithm, for the selection of relevant variables, is expected to give good results under the assumption of sparseness of the connectivity. 2.2 Partial Conditioning in a Dynamical Model Let us consider linear dynamical systems on a lattice of n nodes, with equations, for i = 1, . . . , n: xi,t = n ∑ ai j x j,t−1 + sτi,t , (9) j=1 where a’s are the couplings, s is the strength of the noise and τ ’s are unit variance i.i.d. Gaussian noise terms. The level of noise determines the minimal amount of samples needed to assess that the structures recovered by the proposed approach are genuine and are not due to randomness, as it happens for the standard Granger causality (see discussions in [27] and [28]); in particular noise should not be too high to obscure deterministic effects. As an example, we fix n = 34 and construct couplings in terms of the well known Zachary data set [44], an undirected network of 34 nodes. We assign a direction to each link, with equal probability, and set ai j equal to 0.015, for each link of the directed graph thus obtained, and zero otherwise. The noise level is set s = 0.5. The goal is again to estimate this directed network from the measurements of time series on nodes. In figure (13) we show the application of the proposed methodology to data sets generated by eqs. (9), in terms of sensitivity and specificity, for different numbers of samples. The bivariate analysis detects several false interactions, however conditioning on a few variables is sufficient to put in evidence just the direct causalities. Due to the sparseness of the underlying graph, we get a result which is very close to the one by the full multivariate analysis; the multivariate analysis here recovers the true network, indeed the number of samples is sufficiently high. In figure (14), concerning the stage of selection of variables upon which conditioning, we plot the mutual information gain Δ y as a function of the number of variables included nd : it decreases as nd increases. Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach 1 sensitivity sensitivity 1 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.99 0.98 0.97 0 5 nd 0.96 10 1 1 0.95 0.95 specificity specificity 0.96 0.9 0.85 0.8 99 0 5 nd 10 0 5 nd 10 0.9 0.85 0 5 nd 0.8 10 Fig. 13 Sensitivity and specificity for the recovery of the Zachary network structure from the dynamics at his nodes are plotted versus nd , the number of variables selected for conditioning, for two values of two values of the number of samples N, 500 (left) and 1000 (right). The order is m = 2, similar results are obtained varying m. The results are averaged over 100 realizations of the linear dynamical system described in the text. The empty square, in correspondence to nd = 0, is the result from the bivariate analysis. The horizontal line is the outcome from multivariate analysis, where all variables are used for conditioning. 0.15 Δy 0.1 0.05 0 1 2 3 4 5 nd 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 nd 6 7 8 9 0.15 0.1 Δy Fig. 14 The mutual information gain Δ y for the Zachary network, when the (nd + 1)-th variable is included, is plotted versus nd for two values of the of the number of samples N, 500 (top) and 1000 (bottom). The order is m = 2. The information gain is averaged over all the variables. 0.05 0 100 D. Marinazzo et al. 2.3 Partial Conditioning in Resting State fMRI We used a resting state datasets from a public repository1. Data were acquired by using of single-shot gradient echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence (repetition time [TR]: 645ms; echo time: 30ms; slices: 33; thickness: 3mm; gap: 0.6mm; field of view: 200 × 200mm2 ; in-plane resolution: 64 × 64; flip angle: 90◦ ). Preprocessing of resting-state images was performed using the Statistical Parametric Mapping software (SPM8, http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm), including slice-timing corrected relative to middle axial slice for the temporal difference in acquisition among different slices, realigned with the corresponding 3-D structure image, head motion correction(for all subjects, the translational or rotational parameters of a data set did not exceed ±1mm or ±1◦ ), spatial normalization into a standard stereotaxic space, parameters from normalizing 3-D structure images to the Montreal Neurological Institute T1 template in SPM8 were written to fMRI images then resampled to 3-mm isotropic voxels. The functional images were segmented into 90 regions of interest (ROIs) using automated anatomical labeling (AAL) template [40]. For each subject, the representative time series of each ROI was obtained by averaging the fMRI time series across all voxels in the ROI. Several procedures were used to remove possible spurious variances from the data through linear regression. These were 1) six head motion parameters obtained in the realigning step, 2) signal from a region in cerebrospinal fluid, 3) signal from a region centered in the white matter. 4) global signal averaged over the whole brain. The hemodynamic response function was deconvolved from the BOLD time series. In order to select the variables over which conditioning, in figure 15 we plot the mutual information gain for a given target (left posterior cingulate gyrus) as a function of the number of variables included nd : as expected it decreases as nd increases. The same behavior is reproduced for all the targets. We can observe that the curve starts to become less steep after nd = 6. This phenomenon could be explained considering that multivariate analysis by hierarchical clustering and multidimensional scaling consistently defined six major systems in the resting brain [35]. This is confirmed by looking at figure 16 in which for the same given target the most frequently chosen target variables are reported. It is evident how these are generally sampled at larger scale across the brain in order to pick up information from even distant regions. 3 Informative Clustering In this last section we propose a formal expansion of the transfer entropy to put in evidence irreducible sets of variables which provide information for the future state of each assigned target. Multiplets characterized by an high value will be associated to informational circuits present in the system, with an informational character (synergetic or redundant) which can be associated to the sign of the contribution. We also present results on fMRI and EEG data sets. 1 http://www.nitrc.org/projects/fcon_1000/ Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach 101 Fig. 15 The mutual information gain when the target is the left posterior cingulate gyrus, when the (nd + 1)-th variable is included, is plotted versus nd . Fig. 16 Variables chosen among the 10 most informative when the target is the left posterior cingulate gyrus (in blue). The diameter of the red spheres is proportional to the times that a region is selected for different subjects. 3.1 Identification of Irreducible Subgraphs Information theoretic treatment of groups of correlated degrees of freedom can reveal their functional roles as memory structures or those capable of processing information [12]. Information quantities reveal if a group of variables may be mutually redundant or synergetic [37, 7]. The application of these insights to identify functional connectivity structure is a promising line of research. Most approaches for the identification of functional relations among nodes of a complex networks rely on the statistics of motifs, subgraphs of k nodes that appear more abundantly than expected in randomized networks with the same number of nodes and degree of connectivity [30, 42]. An approach to identify functional subgraphs in complex networks, relying on an exact expansion of the mutual information with a group of variables, has been presented in [8]. On the other hand, understanding couplings between dynamical subsystems is a topic of general interest. Transfer entropy [38], which is related to the concept of Granger causality [21], has been proposed to distinguish effectively driving and responding elements and to detect asymmetry in the interaction of subsystems. By appropriate conditioning of transition probabilities this quantity has been shown to 102 D. Marinazzo et al. be superior to the standard time delayed mutual information, which fails to distinguish information that is actually exchanged from shared information due to common history and input signals. On the other hand, Granger causality formalized the notion that, if the prediction of one time series could be improved by incorporating the knowledge of past values of a second one, then the latter is said to have a causal influence on the former. Initially developed for econometric applications, Granger causality has gained popularity also in neuroscience (see, e.g., [9, 39, 16, 27]). A discussion about the practical estimation of information theoretic indexes for signals of limited length can be found in [33]. Here we present a formal expansion of the transfer entropy to put in evidence irreducible sets of variables which provide information for the future state of the target. Multiplets characterized by an high value, unjustifiable by chance, will be associated to informational circuits present in the system, with an informational character (synergetic or redundant) which can be associated to the sign of the contribution. Fig. 17 Concerning fMRI data, the distribution of the first order term in the expansions, eqs. (18) and (13) are depicted. 0 −0.1 A0i −0.2 6 W0i 4 2 0 2 % of values 4 6 4 Expansion of the Transfer Entropy We start describing the work in [8]. Given a stochastic variable X and a family of stochastic variables {Yk }nk=1 , the following expansion for the mutual information has been derived there: S (X|{Y }) − S(X) = −I (X; {Y }) = ∑i Δ S(X) Δ Yi + ∑i> j Δ 2 S(X) Δ Yi Δ Y j S(X) + · · · + ΔΔYi ··· Δ Yn , n (10) where the variational operators are defined as and so on. Δ S(X) = S (X|Yi ) − S(X) = −I (X;Yi ) , Δ Yi (11) Δ 2 S(X) Δ I (X;Yi ) =− = I (X;Yi ) − I (X;Yi |Y j ), Δ Yi Δ Y j ΔYj (12) Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach Fig. 18 Concerning fMRI data, the distribution of the first order term in the expansion of the transfer entropy, eq. (18), is compared with the results corresponding to a reshuffling of the target time series. 0 0 Ai −0.05 A0 random i −0.1 10 Fig. 19 Concerning fMRI data, the distribution of the second order term in the expansions, eqs. (19) and (14) are depicted. 103 −5 0 5 % of values 10 0 Bij 0.03 0 Zij 0 −0.03 3 2 1 0 % of values 1 2 Now, let us consider n + 1 time series {xα (t)}α =0,...,n . The lagged state vectors are denoted Yα (t) = (xα (t − m), . . . , xα (t − 1)), m being the window length. Firstly we may use the expansion (10) to model the statistical dependencies among the x variables at equal times. We take x0 as the target time series, and the first terms of the expansion are Wi0 = −I (x0 ; xi ) (13) Zi0j = I (x0 ; xi ) − I (x0 ; xi |x j ) (14) for the first order; for the second order; and so on. Here we propose to consider also S (x0 |{Yk }nk=1 ) − S(x0) = −I (x0 ; {Yk }nk=1 ) , (15) which measures to what extent the remaining variables contribute to specifying the future state of x0 . This quantity can be expanded according to (10): S x0 |{Yk }nk=1 − S(x0) = (16) Δ 2 S(x ) Δ n S(x ) Δ S(x ) ∑i Δ Yi0 + ∑i> j Δ Yi Δ Y0j + · · · + Δ Yi ···Δ0Yn . 104 Fig. 20 Concerning fMRI data, the distribution of the second order term in the expansion of the transfer entropy, eq. (18), is compared with the results corresponding to a reshuffling of the target time series. D. Marinazzo et al. 0.015 0 Bij 0 Bij random 0 −0.015 3 2 1 0 1 2 % of values 3 4 A drawback of the expansion above is that it does not remove shared information due to common history and input signals; therefore we propose to condition on the past of x0 , i.e. Y0 . To this aim we introduce the conditioning operator CY0 : CY0 S(X) = S(X|Y0 ), and observe that CY0 and the variational operators (11) commute. It follows that we can condition the expansion (16) term by term, thus obtaining S x0 |{Yk }nk=1 ,Y0 − S(x0|Y0 ) = −I x0 ; {Y }nk=1 |Y0 = (17) Δ S(x |Y ) Δ 2 S(x |Y ) Δ n S(x |Y ) ∑i Δ Y0 i 0 + ∑i> j Δ Yi Δ0Y j0 + · · · + Δ Yi ···0Δ Y0n . Fig. 21 Concerning fMRI data, the distribution of the third order term in the expansion of the transfer entropy, eq. (18), is compared with the results corresponding to a reshuffling of the target time series. 0 Cijk 0.05 C0ijk random 0.025 0 −0.025 1 0 1 % of values 2 We note that variations at every order in (17) are symmetrical under permutations of the Yi . Moreover statistical independence among any of the Yi results in vanishing contribution to that order: each nonvanishing term in this expansion accounts for an irreducible set of variables providing information for the specification of the target. The first order terms in the expansion are given by: Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach A0i = Δ S(x0 |Y0 ) = −I (x0 ;Yi |Y0 ) , Δ Yi 105 (18) and coincide with the bivariate transfer entropies i → 0 (times -1). The second order terms are B0i j = I (x0 ;Yi |Y0 ) − I (x0 ;Yi |Y j ,Y0 ) , (19) whilst the third order terms are Ci0jk = I (x0 ;Yi |Y j ,Y0 ) + I (x0 ;Yi |Yk ,Y0 ) −I (x0 ;Yi |Y0 ) − I (x0 ;Yi |Y j ,Yk ,Y0 ) . (20) An important property of (17) is that the sign of nonvanishing terms reveals the informational character of the corresponding set of variables: a negative sign indicates that the group of variables contribute with more information, than the sum of its subgroups, to the state of the target (synergy), while positive contributions correspond to redundancy. Another important point that we address here is how get a reliable estimate of conditional mutual information from data. In this work we adopt the assumption of Gaussianity and we use the exact expression that holds in this case [5] and reads as follows. Given multivariate Gaussian random variables X, W and Z, the conditioned mutual information is I (X;W |Z) = |Σ (X|Z)| 1 ln , 2 |Σ (X|W ⊕ Z)| (21) where | · | denotes the determinant, and the partial covariance matrix is defined Σ (X|Z) = Σ (X) − Σ (X, Z)Σ (Z)−1 Σ (X, Z) , (22) in terms of the covariance matrix Σ (X) and the cross covariance matrix Σ (X, Z); the definition of Σ (X|W ⊕ Z) is analogous. 4.1 Applications: Magnetic Resonance and EEG Data In order to test this approach on a real neuroimaging dataset we used resting state fMRI data described in the previous section. For each subject, we evaluated the first terms in the expansions of the conditional mutual information. We then pooled all the values of the terms in the expansions, from all subjects and all targets, and we report their distributions in the following figures. In figure (17) we compare the distributions of A0i , the first order terms in the expansion of the information flow (equivalent to the bivariate transfer entropy), with those of the equal time dependencies Wi0 . This figure shows that the expansion terms of the mutual information have a quite wide distribution, and also that the maximum of the distribution is not at zero, suggesting that the data set is characterized by many equal time statistical dependencies and by nontrivial causal connections. In figure (18) the distribution of the bivariate transfer entropies is compared with those 106 Fig. 22 Concerning EEG data, the distribution of the first order term in the expansions, eqs. (18) and (13) are depicted. D. Marinazzo et al. 0 0 Aij 0 −.5 Wij −1 −1.5 6 Fig. 23 Concerning EEG data, the distribution of the first order term in the expansion of the transfer entropy, eq. (18), is compared with the results corresponding to a reshuffling of the target time series. 4 2 0 2 % of values 4 6 0 A0ij −0.1 0 Aij random −0.2 50 25 0 25 % of values 50 obtained after a random reshuffling of the target time series: the surrogate test at 5% confidence shows that a relevant fraction of bivariate interactions is statistically significant. In figure (19) we report the distributions of the second order terms, both for information flow and for instantaneous correlations: negative and positive terms are present, i.e. both synergetic and redundant circuits of three variables are evidenced by the proposed approach. Some of these interactions are statistically significant, see figure (20). In figure (21) we report the distribution of the third order terms for the information flow which correspond to the target Posterior cingulate gyrus, a major node within the default mode network (DMN) with high metabolic activity and dense structural connectivity to widespread brain regions, which suggests it has a role as a cortical hub. The region appears to be involved in internally directed thought, for example, memory recollection. We compare the distribution with the corresponding one for shuffled target; it appears that there are significant circuits of four variables, involving Posterior cingulate gyrus, and most of them are redundant. As another example, we consider electroencephalogram (EEG) data obtained at rest from 10 healthy subjects and described in the first section. In figure (22) we compare the distributions of A0i and Wi0 . This figure shows that also EEG data are characterized by nontrivial causal connections. In figure (23) the distribution of the bivariate transfer entropies is compared with those obtained after a random reshuffling of the target time series: it shows that a remarkable amount of bivariate Information Transfer in the Brain: Insights from a Unified Approach Fig. 24 Concerning EEG data, the distribution of the second order term in the expansions, eqs. (19) and (14) are depicted. 107 0.5 0 Bij 0.25 0 Zij 0 −0.25 −0.5 6 4 2 0 2 % of values 4 6 interactions is statistically significant. In figure (24) we report the distributions of the second order terms, both for information flow and for instantaneous correlations. 4.2 Relationship with Information Storage Information storage is a fundamental aspect of the dynamics of all the processes on complex networks. The full comprehension of the relationship between networks properties and information storage remains a challenge; however some novel insights have been suggested in a recent paper [25], where a connection between information storage and networks motifs has been pointed out. In this subsection we show that the information storage at each node of a network is also connected to the presence of multiplets of variables sending information to that node. Let us consider the following set of three variables, evolving according to: (1) xt+1 = cyt + 0.1ξt+1 (2) yt+1 = czt + 0.1ξt+1 (2) zt+1 = cxt + 0.1ξt+1 , (23) thus constituting a realization of the network motif (a) in figure 1 of [25]. In figure 25, left we depict, as a function of the coupling c, both the information storage at the node corresponding to the variable x, and the information flow term {y, z} → x. In this case the three variables are redundant and a relation between information storage and information flow can be established. Figures 25, center and right refer to similar dynamical systems of 3 and 4 variables, corresponding to the motifs (c) and (d), respectively, of figure 1 of [25]. These two cases correspond to synergy: still the presence of these informational terms is connected to information storage in the small network. Summarizing, we have shown that the expansion of the transfer entropy is deeply connected with the expansion of the information storage developed in [25], hence the search of redundant and synergetic multiplets of variables, sending information to each given target, will also put in evidence the mechanisms for information storage at that node. 108 D. Marinazzo et al. 0.2 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.1 0 0 0 0 −0.02 0.2 0.4 0.6 c 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 c 0.6 0.8 −0.01 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 c Fig. 25 Information storage (squares) and information flow term {y, z} → x (crosses) for three motifs described in [25], figure 1. Left: motif (a), redundant variables. Center: motif (c), synergetic variables. Right: motif (d), synergetic variables. 5 Conclusions The transfer entropy analysis describes the information flow pattern in complex systems in terms of an N × N matrix, N being the number of subcomponents, each element being the information flowing from each subsystem to each other. The approaches described in the present chapter represent our attempts to deal with physical constraints (e.g., the limited capacity of nodes and the limited number of data samples) within this picture, and to go beyond the N × N description when the actual senders of information are network motifs rather than single nodes. 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Considering model systems at different scales, like neuronal cultures or cortical multi-areal motifs, we show that “function and information follow dynamics”, rather than structure. Different dynamic states of a same structural network, characterized by different synchronization properties, are indeed associated to different directed functional networks, corresponding to alternative information flow patterns. Here we discuss how suitable generalizations of Transfer Entropy, taking into account switching between collective states of the analyzed circuits, can provide a picture of directed functional interactions in agreement with a “ground-truth” description at the dynamical systems level. 1 Introduction Even before unveiling how neuronal activity represents information, it is crucial to understand how this information, independently from the used encoding, is routed across the complex multi-scale circuits of the brain. Flexible exchange of information lies at the core of brain function. A daunting amount of computations must be performed in a way dependent on external context and internal brain states. But how Demian Battaglia Aix-Marseille University, Institute for Systems Neuroscience, INSERM UMR 1106, 27, Boulevard Jean Moulin, F-13005 Marseille and Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Selforganization and Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Am Faßberg 17, D-37077 Göttingen e-mail: demian.battaglia@univ-amu.fr M. Wibral et al. (eds.), Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience, Understanding Complex Systems, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54474-3_5, 111 112 D. Battaglia can information be rerouted “on demand”, given that anatomic inter-areal connections can be considered as fixed, on timescales relevant for behavior? In systems neuroscience, a distinction is made between structural and directed functional connectivities [32, 33]. Structural connectivity describes actual synaptic connections. On the other hand, directed functional connectivity is estimated from time-series of simultaneous neural recordings using causal analysis [20, 36, 41], to quantify, beyond correlation, directed influences between brain areas. If the anatomic structure of brain circuits unavoidably constrains at some extent the functional interactions that these circuits can support (see e.g. [42]), it is not however sufficient to specify them fully. Indeed, a given structural network might give rise to multiple possible collective dynamical states, and such different states could lead to different information flow patterns. It has been suggested, for instance, that multistability of neural circuits underlies switching between different perceptions or behaviors [21, 40, 48]. In this view, transitions between alternative attractors of the neural dynamics would occur under the combined influence of structured “brain noise” [47] and of the bias exerted by sensory or cognitive driving [16, 17, 18]. Due to a possibly non trivial attractor dynamics, the interrelation between structural and functional connectivity becomes inherently complex. Therefore, dependencies from the analyzed dynamical regime have to be taken into account explicitly when designing metrics of directed interactions. Dynamic multi-stability can give rise, in particular, to transitions between different oscillatory states of brain dynamics [28]. This is highly relevant in this context, because long-range oscillatory coherence [59, 64] —in particular in the beta or gamma band of frequency [6, 8, 22, 24, 29, 30, 51, 64]— is believed to play a central role in inter-areal communication. According to the “communicationthrough-coherence” hypothesis [29], information exchange between two neuronal populations is enhanced when the oscillations of their coherent activity is phaselocked with a suitable phase-relation. Therefore the efficiency and the directionality of information transmission between neuronal populations is affected by changes in their synchronization pattern, as also advocated by modeling studies [4, 12]. From a general perspective, the correct timing of exchanged signals is arguably crucial for a correct relay of information and a natural device to achieve such temporal coordination might be self-organized dynamic synchronization of neural activity. Beyond tightly [65] or sparsely-synchronized [9, 10, 11] periodic-like oscillations, synchronization in networks of spiking neurons can arise in other forms, including lowdimensional chaotic rhythms [2, 3] or avalanche-like bursting [1, 5, 45, 46], which are both temporal irregular, and yet able to support modulation of information flow. This chapter will concentrate on the directed functional connectivity analysis of simulated neural dynamics, rather than of actual experiments. It will focus in particular on two representative systems at different spatial scales, both described as large networks of hundreds or thousands of model spiking neurons. The analysis will delve first on cultures of dissociated neurons, which after a certain critical Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences 113 maturation age, are known to spontaneously develop an episodic synchronous bursting activity [14, 25, 62]. Then, mesoscopic circuits of few interconnected oscillating brain areas will be considered, stressing how even simple structural motifs can give rise to a rich repertoire of dynamic configurations. Emphasis on simulated systems will allow disentangling the role played by collective dynamics in mediating the link between structural connectivity and emergent directed functional interactions. In analogous experimental systems, the ground-truth connectivity or the actual ongoing dynamics would not be known with precision. On the contrary, on in silico neural circuits, structural topology can be freely chosen and its impact on network dynamics thoroughly explored, exhibiting directly that a correspondence exists between the supported dynamical regimes and the inferred functional connectivities. Two phenomena will be highlighted: on one side, functional multiplicity, arising when multiple functional topologies stem out of a system with a given structural topology (supporting multiple possible dynamics); on the other side, structural degeneracy, arising when systems with different structural topologies (but similar dynamics) give rise to equivalent functional topologies. 2 State-Conditioned Transfer Entropy In this contribution, directed functional connectivity —used with the meaning of causal connectivity or exploratory data-driven effective connectivity, as commented in [7]— is characterized in terms of a generalized version of Transfer Entropy (TE) [52], an information-theoretic implementation of the well-known notion of WienerGranger causality [37, 66]. Transfer Entropy is extensively discussed in other chapters of this book. Here we will introduce a specific generalization which is used for the analyses presented in the next sections. A bivariate definition will be given, although a multi-variate extension is straightforward. Let us consider a pair of continuous time-series describing the dynamics of two different neural circuit elements x and y, like e.g. LFPs from different brain areas, or calcium imaging recordings of single neuron activity in a neuronal culture. These time-series are quantized into B discrete amplitude levels 1 , . . . , B (equal-sized for simplicity) and are thus converted into (discretely-sampled) sequences X(t) and Y (t) of symbols from a small alphabet. Usually, two transition probability matrices are sampled as normalized histograms over very long symbolic sequences: PY |XY (τ ) i jk = P[Y (t) = i |Y (t − τ ) = j , X(t − τ ) = k ] PY |Y (τ ) i j = P[Y (t) = i |Y (t − τ ) = j ] where the lag τ is an arbitrary temporal scale on which causal interactions are probed. The causal influence TEx→y (τ ) of circuit element x on circuit element y is then operatively defined as the functional: 114 D. Battaglia TEx→y (τ ) = ∑ PY |XY (τ ) log2 PY |XY (τ ) PY |Y (τ ) (1) where the sum runs over all the three indices i, j and k of the transition matrices. Higher Markov order descriptions of the time-series evolution can also be adopted for the modeling of the source and target time-series [52]. In general, the conditioning on the single past values X(t − τ ) and Y (t − τ ) appearing in the definition of the matrices PY |XY (τ ) and PY |Y (τ ) is replaced by conditioning on vectors p of several past values Yr = [Y (t − rτ ),Y (t − (r + 1)τ ), . . . (t − (p − 1)τ ),Y (t − pτ )] q and Xs = [X(t − sτ ), X(t − (s + 1)τ ), . . .(t − (q − 1)τ ), X(t − qτ )]. Here p and q correspond to the Markov orders taken for the target and source time-series Y (t) and X(t) respectively. The parameters r, s < p, q are standardly set to r, s = 1, but might assume different values for specific applications (see later). A general Markov order transfer entropy TEx→y (τ ; r, s, p, q) can then be written straightforwardly . More importantly, to characterize the dependency of directed functional interactions on dynamical states, a further state conditioning is introduced. Let S(t) be a vector describing the history of the entire system —i.e. not only the two considered circuit elements x and y but the whole neural circuit to which they belong— over the time-interval [t − T,t]. We define then a “state selection filter”, i.e. a set of time instants C for which the system history S(t) satisfies some arbitrary set of constraints. The definition of C is left on purpose very general and will have to be instantiated depending on the specific concrete application. It is then possible to introduce an (arbitrary Markov orders) state-conditioned Transfer Entropy: TECx→y (τ ; r, s, p, q) = ∑ PY |XY ;C (τ ; r, s, p, q) log2 PY |XY ;C (τ ; r, s, p, q) PY |Y ;C (τ ; r, s) (2) where the sum runs over all the possible values of Y , Yrp and Xqs and the transition probability matrices PY |XY ;C (τ ; r, s, p, q) = P[Y (t)|Yrp (t), Xqs (t);t ∈ C ] and p PY |Y ;C (τ ; r, s) = P[Y (t)|Yr (t);t ∈ C ] are restrictedly sampled over time epochs in which the ongoing collective dynamics is compliant with the imposed constraints. Although such a general definition may appear hermetic, it becomes fairly natural when specific constraints are taken. Simple constraints might be for instance based on the dynamic range of the instantaneously sampled activity. A possible state selection filter might therefore be: “The activity of every node of the network must be below a given threshold value”. As a consequence, the overall sampled time-series would be inspected, and time-epochs in which some network node has an activity with an amplitude above the threshold level would be discarded and not sampled for the evaluation of PY |XY ;C and PY |Y ;C . Other simple constraints might be defined based on the spectral properties of the considered time-series. For instance, the state selection filter could be: “The power in the theta range of frequencies of the average network activity must have been above a given threshold during the last 500 milliseconds at least”). In this way, only sufficiently long transients in which the system displayed collectively a substantial theta oscillatory activity would be sampled for the evaluation of PY |XY ;C and PY |Y ;C . Even more specifically, additional Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences 115 constraints might be imposed by filtering for specific phase-relations between two network nodes to be fulfilled. Once again, the result of imposing a constraint would be to restrict the set of time-instants C over which the transition matrices PY |XY ;C and PY |Y ;C are sampled for the evaluation of TECx→y . Therefore, state-conditioned Transfer Entropy provides a measure of the directed functional interactions associated to some definite dynamical regime, specified through an ad hoc set of state-selection filtering constraints. 3 Directed Functional Interactions in Bursting Cultures Neuronal cultures provide simple, yet versatile model systems [23] exhibiting a rich repertoire of spontaneous activity [14, 62]. These aspects make cultures of dissociated neurons particularly appealing for studying the interplay between activity and connectivity. The activity of hundreds to thousands of cells in in vitro cultured neuronal networks can be simultaneously monitored using calcium fluorescence imaging techniques [39, 54] (cfr. Figure 1A). Calcium imaging can be applied both in vitro and in vivo and can potentially be combined with interventional techniques like optogenetic stimulation [69]. A major drawback of this technique, however, is that the typical frame rate during acquisition is slower than the cell’s firing dynamics by an order of magnitude. Furthermore the poor signal-to-noise ratio is such to make hard the detection of elementary firing events. The experimental possibility of following in parallel the activity of most nodes of a large network provides ideal datasets for the extraction of directed functional connectivity. In particular, model-free information theory-based metrics [34, 43, 56] can be applied, since recordings can be stable over several hours [54]. A proper understanding of state-dependency of directed functional connectivity allows then to restrict the analysis to regimes in which directed functional connectivity and structural connectivity are expected to have a good match, thus opening the way to the algorithmic reconstruction of the connectivity of an entire neuronal network in vitro. Such understanding can be built by the systematic analysis of semi-realistic synthetic data from simulated neuronal cultures, in which the ground-truth structural connectivity is known and can be arbitrarily tuned to observe its impact on the resulting dynamics and functional interactions. 3.1 Neuronal Cultures “in silico” A neuronal culture is modeled as a random network of N leaky integrate-and-fire neurons. Synapses provide post-synaptic currents with a difference-of-exponentials time-course [15]. For simplicity, all synapses are excitatory, to mimic common experimental conditions in which inhibitory synaptic transmission is pharmacologically blocked [54]. Neurons in culture show a rich spontaneous activity that 116 D. Battaglia A 100ѥm 100ѥm experiment B avg. Áuorescence (a.u.) Áuorescence (a.u.) 65 60 55 20 0 52 51 20 40 60 time (s) 100 50 10 5 51.0 51.5 52.0 52.5 Áuorescence (a.u.) 53.0 4 2 20 40 60 80 40 60 80 time (s) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 80 1000 500 6 0 0 80 nr. of occurrences nr. of occurrences 60 53 0 D 40 time (s) avg. Áuorescence (a.u.) Áuorescence (a.u.) 70 50 C simulation 8 75 20 time (s) 1000 500 100 50 10 5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Áuorescence (a.u.) Fig. 1 Bursting neuronal cultures in vivo and in silico. A Bright field image (left panel) of a region of a neuronal culture at day in vitro 12, together with its corresponding fluorescence image (right panel), integrated over 200 frames. Round objects are cell bodies of neurons. B Examples of real (left) and simulated (right) calcium fluorescence time series for different individual neurons. C Corresponding averages over the whole population of neurons. Synchronous network bursts are clearly visible from these average traces. D Distribution of population averaged fluorescence amplitudes, for a real network (left) and a simulated one (right). These distributions are strongly right skewed, with a right tail corresponding to the strong average fluorescence during bursting events. Figure adapted from [56]. (Copyright: Stetter et al. 2012, Creative Commons licence). Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences 117 originates from both fluctuations in the membrane potential and small noise currents in the pre-synaptic terminals [14]. To reproduce spontaneous firing, each neuron is driven by statistically independent Poisson spike sources with a small rate, in addition to recurrent synaptic inputs. A key feature required for the reproduction of network bursting is the introduction of synaptic short-term depression, described through classic Tsodyks-Markram equations [58], which take into account the limited availability of neurotransmitter resources for synaptic release and the finite time needed to recharge a depleted synaptic terminal. Dynamics comparable with experiments [23] are obtained by setting synaptic weights of internal connections to give a network bursting of 0.10 ± 0.01 Hz. To achieve these target rates, an automated conductance adjustment procedure is used [56] for every considered topology. Concerning more in detail the used structural topologies, connectivity is always sparse. The probability of connection is ”frozen” to lead an average degree of about 100 neighbor neurons, compatible with average degrees reported previously for neuronal cultures in vitro of the mimicked age (DIV) and density [44, 54]. Networks with different degrees of clustering are generated by first randomly drawing connections and then rewiring them to reach a specified target degree of clustering (non-locally clustered ensemble). Another possibility to generate clustered networks is to adopt a connection probability law, depending on spatial distance. Variations of the length-scale of connectivity will translate into more or less clustered networks (locally clustered ensemble). Finally, surrogate calcium fluorescence signals are generated based on the spiking dynamics of the simulated cultured network. A common fluorescence model introduced in [60] gives rise to an initial fast increase of fluorescence after activation, followed by a decay with a slow time-constant τCa = 1 s. Such a model describes the intra-cellular concentration of calcium that is bound to the fluorescent probe. The concentration changes rapidly for each action potential locally elicited in a time bin corresponding to the acquisition frame. The net fluorescence level Fi associated to the activity of a neuron i is finally obtained by further feeding the Calcium concentration into a saturating static non-linearity, and by adding a Gaussian distributed noise. Example surrogate calcium fluorescence time-series, together with actual recordings for comparison, can be seen in Figure 1B. All the details and the parameters of the used neuronal and network models and calcium surrogate signals —including the modeling of systematic artifacts like light scattering for an increased realism— can be found in the original publication by Olav Stetter et al. [56]. With the selected parameters, the simulated neuronal cultures display temporally irregular network bursting as highlighted by Figures 1C, reporting fluorescence averaged over the entire network, and Figure 1D, showing the right-skewed distribution of average fluorescence, with its right tail associated to the high fluorescence during network bursts. 118 D. Battaglia 3.2 Extraction of Directed Functional Networks A generalized TE score is calculated for every possible directed pair of nodes in the analyzed simulated culture. The adjacency matrix of a directed functional network is then obtained by applying a threshold to the TE values at an arbitrary level. Only links whose TE value raises above this threshold are retained in the reconstructed digraph. Selecting a threshold for the inclusion of links corresponds to set the average degree of the reconstructed network. An expectation about average degree in the culture directly translates thus into a specific threshold number of links to include. The estimation problem for TE scores themselves is, in this context, less severe than usual. Indeed time-series generated by models are less noisy than real experimental recordings. Furthermore they can be generated to be as long as required for proper estimation. Yet, the length of simulated calcium fluorescence time-series is restricted in [56] to a duration achievable in actual experiments. it is important to mention that, for network reconstruction, it is not required to correctly estimate the values of individual TE scores. Indeed, only their relative ranking matters. Since firing and connectivity are homogeneous across the simulated network, biases are not expected to vary strongly for different edges. Moreover, the problem of assessing statistical significance is also irrelevant, since the threshold used for deciding link inclusion is based on an extrinsic criterion (i.e. achieving a specific target average degree compatible with experimental knowledge) not dependent of TE estimation itself. Thus, even rough plug-in estimates of generalized TE can be adopted 1 . 3.3 Zero-Lag Causal Interactions for Slow-Rate Calcium Imaging Original formulations of Transfer Entropy were meant to detect the causal influence of events in the past toward events at a later time. However, since the slow acquisition rate of calcium imaging techniques is an order of magnitude slower than the actual synaptic and integration delays of neurons in the culture, it is conceivable that many “cause” and-“effect” spike pairs may occur within a same acquisition frame. A practical trick avoiding to completely ignore such causally-relevant correlation events is to include “same-bin” interactions in the evaluation of (state-conditioned) Transfer Entropy [56]. In practice, referring to the parameters labeling in Equation 2, this amounts to set r = 1, but s = 0, i.e. to condition the probability of transitions from past to present values of the time-series Y (t) on present values of the (putative cause) time-series X(t). When not otherwise specified, Transfer Entropy analyses of calcium fluorescence time-series from neuronal cultures will be performed taking (r = 1, s = 0, p = 2, q = 1). Note that a similar approach is adopted in this volume’s chapter by Luca Faes, to cope with volume conduction in a Granger Causality analysis of EEG signals. 1 We have verified, in particular, that bootstrap corrections would not alter the obtained results. Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences 119 3.4 State-Selection Constraints for Neuronal Cultures Neuronal cultures in vitro and in silico display stochastic-like switching between relatively quiet inter-burst periods, characterized by low-rate and essentially asynchronous firing of few neurons at a time, and bursting events, characterized by Frequency of observation A I II III Network-averaged fluorescence (a.u.) I B Fraction of true positives C II III 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Fraction of false positives 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Fraction of false positives 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Fraction of false positives Fig. 2 Functional multiplicity in simulated cultures. A Three ranges of amplitude are highlighted in the distribution of network-averaged fluorescence G(t). Directed functional interactions associated to different dynamical regimes are assessed by conditioning the analysis to these specific amplitude ranges. Range I corresponds to low-amplitude noise. Range II to fluorescence level typical of sparse inter-burst activity. Range III to high average fluorescence during network bursts. B Visual representation of the reconstructed functional networks topology in the three considered dynamical regimes (top 10% of TE score links only are shown). Qualitative topological differences in the three extracted networks are evident. C ROC analysis of the correspondence between inferred functional networks and the groundtruth structural network. Overlap is random for noise-dominated range I, is marked for interburst regime II and is only partial for bursting regime III. 120 D. Battaglia exponentially fast rise of the number of recruited synchronously firing neurons. In general, there is no reason to expect that such two regimes may be associated to identical directed functional connectivity networks. As a matter of fact, firing of a neuron during an inter-burst period is facilitated by firing of pre-synaptic neurons. As a consequence, it is reasonable to expect that directed functional connectivity associated to inter-burst epochs has a large overlap with the underlying structural connectivity of the culture. On the contrary, during a bursting event and its advanced buildup phase, the network is over-excitable and the firing of a single neuron can cause within a very short time the firing of many other neurons not necessarily connected to it. For this reason, intuition suggests that the directed functional connectivity during bursting events is dominated by collective behavior, rather than by synaptic coupling. To confirm these expectations, it is necessary to extract directed functional interactions from calcium fluorescence time-series separately for each dynamical regime. This can be achieved by defining an appropriate set of filtering constraints for the evaluation of state-conditioned Transfer Entropy. A fast way to implement these constraints is to track variations of the average fluorescence G(t) = ∑Ni=1 Fi (t) of the entire network. Fully developed network bursts will be associated to anomalously high average network fluorescence G(t) (fluorescence range denoted as III in Figure 2A). Conversely, inter-bursts epochs will be associated to weaker network fluorescence (fluorescence range denoted as II in Figure 2A). Too low network fluorescence would be indistinguishable from mere baseline noise (fluorescence range denoted as I in Figure 2A). A straightforward way to define a “state” based on average fluorescence might thus be to restrict sampling to acquisition frames t in which the network-averaged fluorescence G(t) falls within a prescribed range: C = {t|Gbottom < G(t) ≤ Gtop } (3) Different ranges of fluorescence will identify different dynamical regimes, to which the evaluation of state-conditioned Transfer Entropy will be particularized. 3.5 Functional Multiplicity in Simulated Cultures The state dependency of directed functional connectivity is illustrated by generating a random network (e.g., from the local clustering ensemble, for the sake of a better visualization) and by simulating its dynamics. The resulting distribution of networkaveraged fluorescence and the three dynamical ranges we focus on in detail are highlighted in Figure 2A. For simulated data, the inferred connectivity can be directly compared to the ground truth. A standard Receiver-Operator Characteristic (ROC) analysis is used to quantify the quality of reconstruction. ROC curves are generated by gradually moving a threshold level from the lowest to the highest TE value, and by plotting at each point the fraction of included true positive links against the corresponding fraction of included false positive links. The functional networks extracted in the Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences 121 three dynamical ranges I, II and III and their relation with structural connectivity are shown, respectively in Figures 2B and 2C. For a fair comparison, an equal number of samples is used to estimate TE in the three fluorescence ranges. The lowest range I corresponds to a regime in which spiking-related signals are buried in noise. Correspondingly, the associated functional connectivity is indistinguishable from random, as indicated by a ROC curve close to the diagonal. Note, however, that a more extensive sampling (i.e. using all the available observation samples) would show that limited information about structural topology is still conveyed by the activity in this regime [56]. At the other extreme, represented by range III —associated to fully developed synchronous bursts— the functional connectivity has also a poor overlap with the underlying structural network. The extracted functional networks are characterized by the existence of hub nodes with an elevated out- and in-degree. The spatiotemporal organization of bursting can be described in terms of these functional connectivity hubs, since nodes within the neighborhood of a same functional hub experience a strongest mutual synchronization than arbitrary pair of nodes across the network [56]. In particular, figure 2B displays three visually-evident communities of “bursting-together” neurons. The best agreement between functional and excitatory structural connectivity is obtained for the middle range II, corresponding to above base-line noise activity during inter-bursts epochs and the early building-up phases of synchronous bursts. Thus, the retrieved TE-based functional networks confirm the intuitive expectations outlined in the previous section. The state-dependency of functional connectivity is not limited to synthetic data. Very similar patterns of state-dependency are observed also in real data from neuronal cultures. In particular, in both simulated and real cultures, the functional connectivity associated to the buildup of bursts displays a stronger clustering level than during inter-burst periods [56]. The existence of such different topologies of functional interactions stemming out of different dynamical ranges of a same structural network constitutes a perfect example of the notion of functional multiplicity, outlined in the introduction. It is certainly possible to define ranges which are “right”, i.e. lead to good structural network reconstruction, importantly for practical applications in connectomics. However, this statement should not be over-interpreted to claim that the directed functional connectivity inferred in a regime like the one associated to range III is “wrong”. On the contrary, this functional connectivity is correctly capturing the topology of causal influences in such a collective state, in which the firing of a single neuron can trigger the firing of a whole community of nodes. 3.6 Structural Connectivity from Directed Functional Connectivity A more refined analysis of function-to-structure overlap suggests that best matching is achieved for a range including fluorescence levels just at the right of the Gaussianlike peak in the histogram of Fig. 2A [56]. Characterizing state-dependency allows 122 A D. Battaglia 1.0 B 0.8 Functional clustering True positives fraction 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 Conditioning only Cross-corr TE Conditioning + zero-lag 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 False positives fraction 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Structural clustering Fig. 3 From functional to structural connectivity in simulated cultures. Good matching between structural and inferred directed functional connectivity is achieved in simulated neuronal cultures (here, from the non-locally clustered ensemble) by optimizing the stateconditioning of TE and by correcting for slow acquisition rate of calcium imaging. A ROC curves for a network reconstruction with generalized TE with fluorescence data optimally conditioned at G < Gtop = 0.112. The area surrounded by dashed lined depicts ROC fluctuation interval, based on analysis of 6 networks. The black ROC curve refers to reconstruction performed with TE using (r = 1, s = 0, p = 2, q = 1), i.e. introducing zero-lag causal interactions. The gray curve is for (r = s = 1, p = q = 1), i.e. always Markov Order 2, but not correcting for slow acquisition rate. B Clustering of inferred directed functional connectivity as a function of ground-truth structural clustering. In TE-based reconstructions, functional and structural clustering are linearly correlated, in contrast with cross-correlation-based reconstructions, overestimating clustering. Figure adapted from [56]. (Copyright: Stetter et al. 2012, Creative Commons licence). thus defining the best TE-conditioning range for reconstruction of structural connectivity of the culture. This range should exclude regimes of highly synchronized activity (like range III) while keeping most of data points for the analysis. More details are provided in the original study by Stetter et al. [56], showing that very good reconstruction performance is achieved on simulated data, by implementing a stateselection filter with optimized threshold Gtop close to the upper limit of Range II and no lower threshold Gbottom . ROCs corresponding to this choice can be seen in Figure 3A, for the non-locally clustered ensemble. Good reconstruction is possible for a vast spectrum of topologies, as denoted by a good correlation between groundtruth structural clustering coefficient and reconstructed functional clustering level. Note that a cross-correlation analysis performed over the same state-conditioned set of simulated observations would systematically overestimates the level of clustering (Figure 3B, cfr. [56]). Similar results would be obtained for the locally clustered ensemble, for which the overall reconstruction performance is poorer but an excellent correlation still exists between the ground-truth and the reconstructed length-scales of connectivity. Finally, we mention that the just described reconstruction approach A 20 s 20 s Freq. of observation 20 s B 123 # neuron (1-100) Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences 0 30 60 Inter-burst interval (s) 0 30 60 Inter-burst interval (s) 0 30 60 Inter-burst interval (s) C Struct. CC ~ 0.1 Func. CC ~ 0.7 Struct. CC ~ 0.3 Func. CC ~ 0.7 Struct. CC ~ 0.7 Func. CC ~ 0.7 Fig. 4 Structural degeneracy in simulated cultures. A Examples of spike raster plots for three simulated cultures with different structural clustering coefficients (non-local clustering ensemble, structural clustering coefficient equal, respectively from left to right, to 0.1, 0.3 and 0.7). B As revealed by histograms of inter-burst intervals, the temporally-irregular network bursting dynamics of these strongly different cultures are very similar. Vertical lines indicating the mean of each distribution. C: panels below the IBI distributions illustrate through graphical cartoons the amount of clustering in the actual structural network and in the directed functional network reconstructed from fluorescence range III (bursting regime, cf. Figure 2). To different degrees of structural clustering correspond equivalent elevated levels of functional clustering, due to a common bursting statistics. Figure adapted from [56]. (Copyright: Stetter et al. 2012, Creative Commons licence). extends naturally to the reconstruction of networks including inhibitory interactions, although additional steps are required, in this case, to label a link as being of inhibitory nature, after having more straightforwardly inferred its simple existence [49]. 3.7 Structural Degeneracy in Simulated Cultures Different dynamical regimes of a structural network can give rise to multiple functional networks. At the same time, functional networks associated to comparable dynamical regimes are similar. Therefore, since comparable dynamical regimes can be generated by very different networks, a same functional connectivity topology can be generated by multiple structural topologies. Figure 4 illustrates the dynamics of three simulated cultures with different clustering coefficients (with a same total number of links). The synaptic strength is adjusted in each network using an automated procedure to obtain comparable bursting 124 D. Battaglia and firing rates (see Stetter et al. 2012 [56] for details on the procedure and on the models). The simulated spiking dynamics of the three cultures in silico is shown in the raster plots of Figure 4A. These three networks display indeed very similar bursting dynamics, not only in terms of the mean bursting rate, but also in terms of the entire inter-burst interval (IBIs) distribution, shown in Figure 4B. Based on these bursting dynamics, directed functional connectivity is extracted for the three differently clustered structural networks. TE is state-conditioned for the three networks on a same dynamic range, matching range III in Figure 2, i.e. the fully-developed burst regime is selected. As a result, the functional networks extracted in this range have always an elevated clustering level (close to 0.7) at contrast with the actual structural clusterings, varying in a broad range between 0.1 and 0.5 (see Figure 4C). The illustrative simulations of Figure 4 thus genuinely confirms that the relation between network dynamics and network structure is not trivially “one-to-one”, manifesting the phenomenon of structural degeneracy, outlined in the introduction. 4 Directed Functional Interactions in Motifs of Oscillating Areas Ongoing local oscillatory activity modulates rhythmically neuronal excitability in brain cortex [61]. The communication-through-coherence hypothesis [29] states that neuronal groups oscillating in a suitable phase coherence relation —such to align their respective “communication windows”— are likely to interact more efficiently than neuronal groups which are not synchronized. Similar mechanisms are believed to be involved in selective attention and top-down modulation [6, 24, 31, 38]. To cast light on the role of self-organized collective dynamics in establishing flexible patterns of communication-through-coherence, it is possible to introduce simple models of generic motifs of interacting brain areas (Figure 5A), each one undergoing locally generated coherent oscillations (Figure 5B). Simple mesoscopic circuits involving a small number of local areas, mutually coupled by long-range excitatory projections (Figure 5C) are in particular considered. As analyzed also with mean-field developments in [2, 4], phase-locking between the oscillations of different local areas develops naturally in such structural motifs. Phase-relations between the oscillations of different areas depend non trivially on the delays of local and long-range interactions and on the actual strength of local inhibition. When local inhibition gets sufficiently strong, phase-locking tends to occur in an out-ofphase fashion, in which phase-leading and phase-lagging areas emerge, despite the symmetry of their mutual long-range excitatory coupling [2, 4]. Through large-scale simulations of modular spiking networks —representing structural motifs of interconnected brain areas [55]— directed functional connectivity is extracted with a state-conditioned TE analyses of simulated local-fieldpotential (LFP) parallel recordings. Once again, it is found that “causality follows dynamics”, in the sense in which different phase-locked patterns of collective oscillations are mapped to different directed functional connectivity motifs [4]. The Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences 125 used in silico approach allows as well to investigate how information encoded at the level of the detailed spiking activity of thousands of neurons is routed between the modeled areas. It becomes then possible to study how the specific routing modality depends on the active directed functional connectivity2. The spiking of individual neurons can be very irregular even when the collective rate oscillations are regular (cfr. Figure 5B). Therefore, even local rhythms in which the firing rate is modulated in a very stereotyped way, might correspond to irregular (highly entropic) sequences of codewords encoding information in a digital-like fashion (e.g. by the firing —“1”— or missed firing —“0”— of specific spikes at a given cycle [57]). In such a framework, oscillations would not directly represent information, but would rather act as a carrier of “data-packets” associated to spike patterns of synchronously active cell assemblies. By quantifying through a Mutual Information (MI) analysis the maximum amount of information encoded potentially in the spiking activity of a local area and by evaluating how much of this information is actually transferred to distant interconnected areas, it is possible to demonstrate that different directed functional connectivity configurations lead to different modalities of information routing. Therefore, the pathways along which information propagates can be reconfigured within the time of a few reference oscillation cycles, by switching to a different effective connectivity motif, for instance by means of a spatially and temporally precise optogenetic stimulation [4, 67]. 4.1 Oscillating Local Areas “in silico” Each local area is represented by a random network of excitatory and inhibitory Wang-Buzsáki-type conductance-based neurons [63]. The Wang-Buzsáki model is described by a single compartment endowed with sodium and potassium currents. Each neuron receives an external noisy driving current due to background Poisson synaptic bombardment, representing cortical noise. Other inputs are due to recurrent interactions with other neurons in the network. Excitatory synapses are of the AMPA-type and inhibitory synapses of the GABAA -type and are modeled as timedependent conductances with difference-of-exponential time-course [15]. LFP signals Λ (t) = V (t) are defined as the average membrane potential over all the cells in each area (N ∼ O(104 )). Connectivity is random. Short-range connections within a local area are excitatory and inhibitory. Excitatory neurons establish as well long-range connections toward distant areas. For the used parameters, each area develops a sparsely synchronized collective oscillation with a collective frequency in the 40-60 Hz range. Firing frequency of individual neurons remains on average of a spike every 5-10 LFP oscillation cycles. The oscillations of different areas have similar frequencies and self-organize into phase-locked configurations. A complete description of the 2 Note that TE-based analysis of “macroscopic” signals, like LFPs, is not guaranteed a priori to describe information transmission at the level of “microscopic” spiking activity. Transfer Entropy does not measure (directly) transfer of information, in the usual sense of neural computation! 126 D. Battaglia Fig. 5 Model oscillating areas. A A local area is modeled as a random network of conductance-based excitatory and inhibitory neurons. A moderate fraction of them is transduced with Channelrhodopsine (ChOP) conductances [69], allowing optogenetic perturbation. B Sparsely-synchronized oscillations develop, in which Poisson-like firing of single neurons and strongly oscillating LFPs coexist. C Two local areas mutually coupled by long-range excitation. A C E I With ChOP B #100 Spikes #1 “LFP” 40 ms model can be found in [4]. For simplicity, only fully connected structural motifs involving a few areas (K = 2, 3) are studied. Note however that the used approach might be extended to other structural motifs [55] or, in perspective, to large-scale thalamocortical networks [35, 42]. 4.2 State-Selection Constraints for Motifs of Oscillating Areas The dynamical regimes generated by motifs of interconnected areas are phaselocked oscillatory configurations. Therefore a natural way of defining state-selection constraints is to restrict the analysis to epochs with consistent phase-relations between the oscillations of different areas. Phases are extracted from LFP time-series with spectral analysis techniques like Hilbert transform. Considering then instantaneous phase-differences Δ Φab (t) = (Φ [Λa (t)] − Φ [Λb (t)]) mod 2π (between pairs of areas a and b) and the stable values φab around which they fluctuate in a given locking mode, state selection constraints can be written as: C = {t|∀(a, b), (φab − δ ) < Δ Φab (t) < (φab + δ )} (4) In the more realistic case in which coherent oscillations and phase-locking arise only transiently [59] —unlike in the model of [4] in which oscillations are stationary and stable— additional constraints might be added, guaranteeing that the instantaneous power of LFP time-series integrated over specified frequency band (e.g. the gamma band) exceeds a given minimum threshold. Since the sampling rates of the electrophysiological recordings simulated by the computational model is elevated, there is no need to incorporate zero-lag causal interactions. Therefore, the standard settings (r = s = 0, p = q = 1) are used. Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences 127 Confidence intervals and statistical significancy of causal interaction strengths are assessed by comparisons with TE estimates from surrogate time-series, randomly resampled through a geometric bootstrap procedure [50], preserving the autocorrelation structure of individual time-series and therefore compliant with their oscillatory nature. Details can be found in [4]. 4.3 Functional Multiplicity in Motifs of Oscillating Areas Different dynamical states —characterized by oscillations with different phaselocking relations and degrees of periodicity— arise from simple symmetric structural topological motifs [2, 4]. Changes in the strength of local inhibition, of long-range excitation or of delays of local and long-range connections can lead to phase transitions between qualitatively distinct dynamical states (Figure 6A–C). A B C G x6 D E F x6 Fig. 6 Functional multiplicity in motifs of oscillating areas. Dynamical states and resulting directed functional connectivities, generated by structural motifs of K = 2, 3 mutually and symmetrically connected brain areas. A–C simulated “LFPs” and spike trains of the two populations of a K = 2 motif for three different strengths of the symmetric inter-areal coupling, leading to phase-locked states with different degrees of periodicity. D–E Transfer entropies for the two possible directions of functional interaction, associated to the dynamic states in panels A–C. A grey band indicates the threshold for statistical significancy. Below the TE plots: graphic depiction of the functional interactions between the two areas, captured by state.conditioned Transfer Entropy. Only arrows corresponding to significant causal interactions are shown. Arrow thickness reflects TE strength. G Analogous directed functional connectivity motifs generated by a K = 3 symmetric structural motif. The multiplier factors denote multistability between motifs with same topology but different directions (functional motif families). Figure adapted from [4]. (Copyright: Battaglia et al. 2012, Creative Commons licence). 128 D. Battaglia Moreover, within broad ranges of parameters, multi-stabilities between different phase-locking patterns take place even without changes in connection strength or delay. Multivariate time-series of simulated “LFPs” are generated for different dynamical states of the model structural motifs and TEs for all the possible directed pairwise interactions are calculated. The resulting directed connectivities are depicted in diagrammatic form by drawing an arrow for each statistically significant causal interaction, the thickness of each arrow encodeing the strength of the corresponding interaction (Figure 6D–F). This graphical representations make thus apparent that many directed functional connectivity motifs emerge from a same structural motif. Such functional motifs are organized into families. Motifs within a same family correspond to dynamical states which are multi-stable for a given choice of parameters, while different families of motifs are obtained for different ranges of parameters leading to different ensembles of dynamical states. A first family of functional motifs occurs for weak inter-areal coupling. In this case, neuronal activity oscillates in a roughly periodic fashion (Figure 6A). When local inhibition is strong, the local oscillations generated within different areas lock in an out-of-phase fashion. It is therefore possible to identify a leader area whose oscillations lead in phase over the oscillation of laggard areas [2]. In this family, causal interactions are statistically significant only for pairwise interactions proceeding from a phase-leading area to a phase-lagging area, as shown by the the box-plots of Figure 6D (unidirectional driving).The anisotropy of functional influences in the leader-to-laggard and laggard-to-leader directions can be understood in terms of the communication-through-coherence theory. Indeed the longer latency from the oscillations of the laggard area to the oscillations of the leader area reduces the likelihood that rate fluctuations originated locally within a laggard area trigger correlated rate fluctuations within a leading area [68]. A second family of functional motifs occurs for intermediate inter-areal coupling. In this case, the periodicity of the “LFP” oscillations is disrupted by the emergence of large correlated fluctuations in oscillation cycle amplitudes and durations. Phaselocking between “LFPs” becomes only approximate, even if still out-of-phase on average. The rhythm of the laggard area is now more irregular than the rhythm in the leader area (Figure 6B). Fluctuations in cycle length do occasionally shorten the laggard-to-leader latencies, enhancing non-linearly and transiently the influence of laggard areas on the leader activity. Correspondingly, TEs in leader-to-laggard directions continue to be larger, but TEs in laggard-to-leader directions are now also statistically significant (Figure 6E). The associated effective motifs are no more unidirectional, but continue to display a dominant direction (leaky driving). A third family of effective motifs occurs for stronger inter-areal coupling. In this case the rhythms of all the areas become equally irregular, characterized by an analogous level of fluctuations in cycle and duration amplitudes. During brief transients, leader areas can still be identified, but these transients do not lead to a stable dynamic behavior and different areas in the structural motif continually exchange their leadership role (Figure 6C). As a result of the instability of phase-leadership Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences 129 relations, only average TEs can be evaluated, yielding to equally large TE values for all pairwise directed interactions (Figure 6F, mutual driving). Analogous unidirectional, leaky or mutual driving motifs of functional interaction can be found in larger motifs with K = 3 areas, as shown by Figure 6G [4]. 4.4 Control of Information Flow Directionality The considered structural motifs are invariant under permutations of the interconnected areas. However, while anti-phase or in-phase locking configurations would share this permutation symmetry with the full system, this is not true for the out-ofphase-locking configurations which are stable for strong local inhibition (cfr. Figure 6A–B). A situation in which a system with specific symmetry properties assumes dynamic configurations whose degree of symmetry is reduced with respect to the full symmetry of the system is termed spontaneous symmetry breaking. However, B C 0.25 Phase 100% 50% 0.5 Switching frequency 0 MI / H 10 10 10 10 0 10 ï ï ï MI / H A 10 10 10 0 ï ï ï 0.75 Fig. 7 Switching information flow in motifs of oscillating areas.A A precisely-phased optogenetic or electric stimulation pulse can trigger switching between alternative phase-locking modes of a structural motif of oscillating areas (here shown a switching from “blackpreceding-gray” to “gray-preceding-black” out-of-phase locking). For a given perturbation intensity, the probability that a pulse induces an attractor switching event concentrates within a narrow interval of stimulation phases. B-C: Actual information transmission efficiency is quantified by the Mutual Information (MI) between spike trains of pairs of source and target cells connected by a unidirectional transmission-line (TL) synapse, normalized by the entropy (H) of the source cell. Boxplots show values of MI/H for different groups of cell pairs and directed functional motifs. Black and pale gray arrows below boxplots indicate pairs of cells interconnected by the TL marked with the corresponding color. A dot indicates control pairs of cells interconnected by ordinary weak synapses. The dominant directionality of the active functional motif is also shown. B Unidirectional driving functional motif family. Communication efficiency is enhanced only along the TL aligned to the directionality of the active functional motif, while it is undistinguishable from control along the other TL. C Leaky driving functional motif family. Communication efficiency is enhanced along both TLs, but more along the TL aligned to the dominant directionality of the active functional motif. Figure adapted from [4]. (Copyright: Battaglia et al. 2012, Creative Commons licence). 130 D. Battaglia due to the overall structural symmetry, configurations in which the areas exchange their leader or laggard roles must also be stable, i.e. the complete set of dynamical attractors continues to be symmetric, even if individual attractors are asymmetric. Exploiting multi-stability, fast reconfiguration of directed functional influences can be obtained just by inducing switching between alternative multi-stable attractors, associated to functional motifs in a same family but with different directionality. As elaborated in [4], an efficient way to trigger “jumps” between phase-locked configurations is to perturb locally the dynamics of ongoing oscillations with precisely phased stimulation pulses. Such an external perturbation can be provided for instance by optogenetic stimulation, if a sufficient fraction of cells in the target area has been transduced with light-activated conductance. Simulation studies [67] suggest that even transduction rates as low as 5-10% might be sufficient to optogenetically induce functional motif switching, if the pulse perturbation are properly phased with respect to the ongoing rhythm (Figure 7A), as predicted also by a meanfield theory [4]. But what is the impact of functional motif switching on the actual flow of information encoded at the microscopic level of detailed spiking patterns? In the studied model, rate fluctuations can encode only a limited amount of information, because firing rate oscillations are stereotyped and amplitude fluctuations are small with respect to the average excursion between peaks and throughs of the oscillation. Higher amounts of information can be carried by spiking patterns, since the spiking activity of single neurons during sparsely synchronized oscillations remains very irregular and thus associated to a large entropy. To quantify information exchanged by interacting areas, a reference code is considered, in which a “1” or a “0” symbol denote respectively firing or missed firing of a spike by a specific neuron at each given oscillation cycle. Based on such an encoding, the neural activity of a group of neurons is mapped to digital-like streams, “clocked” by the network rhythm, in which a different “word” is broadcast at each oscillation cycle3. Focusing on a fully symmetric structural motif of K = 2 areas, the network is modified by embedding into it transmission lines (TLs), i.e. mono-directional fiber tracts dedicated to inter-areal communication. In more detail, selected subpopulations of source excitatory neurons within each area establish synaptic contacts with matching target excitatory or inhibitory cells in the other area, in a oneto-one cell arrangement. Synapses in a TL are strengthened with respect to usual synapses, in the attempt to enhance communication capacity, but not too much, in order not to alter phase-relations between the collective oscillations of the two areas (for more details, see [4]). The information transmission efficiency of each TL is assessed —separately for different effective motifs— by quantifying Mutual Information (MI) [57] between the “digitized” spike trains of pairs of source and target cells. Since a source cell fires on average every five or six oscillation cycles, the firing of a single neuron conveys H 0.7 bits of information per oscillation cycle. MI normalized by the source entropy H indicates the fraction of this information reaching the target cell. Due to the possibility of generating very long simulated 3 Such a code is here introduced uniquely as a theoretical construct grounding a rigorous analysis of information transmission, without claim that it is actually being used in the brain. Function Follows Dynamics: State-Dependency of Directed Functional Influences 131 recordings in stationary conditions, straight plug-in estimates of MI and H provide already reasonable levels of accuracy (in the sense in which taking into account finite sampling corrections [57] would not change the described phenomenology [4]). As shown by Figure 7B–C, the communication efficiency of embedded TLs depends strongly on the active functional motif. When the structural motif is prepared in a dynamical state corresponding to a unidirectional driving functional motif (Figure 7B), communication is nearly optimal along the TL aligned with the functional motif itself. The misaligned TL, however, shows no enhancement with respect to control (i.e. pairs of connected cells not belonging to a TL). In the case of leaky driving functional motifs (Figure 7C), communication efficiency is boosted for both TLs, but more for the TL aligned with the dominant functional influence direction. For both families of functional motifs, communication efficiencies of the two embedded TLs can be swiftly “swapped” by reversing the dominant functional influence direction through a suitably phased stimulation pulse. In conclusion, the parallelism between TE analyses of directed functional connectivity and MI analyses of information transmission is manifest. In simulated structural motifs, indeed, information flow quantified by spike-based MI follows closely in direction and strength the functional topology inferred by LFP-based TE. 5 Function from Structure, via Dynamics The architect Louis Sullivan first popularized a celebrated tag-line stating that “form follows function”. The two model systems here reviewed, cultures of dissociated neurons and motifs of interacting oscillating areas, seem on the contrary to indicate that function doesn’t follow structure, or, at least, not in a trivial sense. Both functional multiplicity and structural degeneracy can be naturally understood if we assume a primacy of dynamics on determining emergent functional interactions. In other words, function follows dynamics, rather than structure. Still and all, functional connectivity patterns are known to be strongly determined by structure. A clear example is provided by resting-state functional connectivity [26], which can largely be understood in terms of noise-driven fluctuations of the spontaneous dynamics of thalamocortical macroscale structures [18, 35, 42]. In the examples here considered, structure was fixed a priori. However, in nature (or in the dish), networks are far from being hardwired, are gradually shaped by activity- and context-dependent processes such as learning. We speculate that this self-organized design of structural networks might be chasing an optimization goal: the attempt to guarantee functional flexibility via the maximization of functional multiplicity. In this view, specific structures which generate a particularly rich dynamical repertoire [18, 35] would be maintained through development and, ultimately, selected through evolution because of the fitness they confer. At the end, thus, it might well be that Louis Sullivan’s motto applies as well to the description of brain circuits, even if the structure to function relation is indirect and involve a detour through nonlinear dynamics. As a matter of fact, for evolution or development, the problem of engineering a circuit implementing a given set of 132 D. Battaglia functions, could be nothing else than the design of structural networks acting as emergent “functional collectivities” [27] with suitable dynamical regimes. An advantageous feature allowing a dynamical network to transit fluently between qualitatively different dynamical regimes would be criticality [13]. Switching would be indeed highly facilitated for a system tuned to be close to the edge between multiple dynamic attractors. This is eventually the case for neuronal cultures, which undergo spontaneous switching to bursting due to their proximity to a rate instability (compensated for by synaptic resource depletion). Beyond that, networks at the edge of synchrony might undergo noise-induced switching between a baseline essentially asynchronous activity and phase-locked transients with elevated local and inter-areal oscillatory coherence. In networks critically tuned to be at the edge of synchrony, specific patterns of directed functional interactions associated to a latent phase-locked attractor —becoming manifest only for fully developed synchrony— might be “switched on” just through the application of weak biasing inputs which stabilizing its metastable strong-noise “ghost” [19]. Acknowledgements. The framework here reviewed would not have been developed without the help of colleagues and students. Credit for these and other related results must be shared with (in alphabetic order): Ahmed El Hady, Theo Geisel, Christoph Kirst, Erik Martens, Andreas Neef, Agostina Palmigiano, Javier Orlandi, Jordi Soriano, Olav Stetter, Marc Timme, Annette Witt, Fred Wolf. I am also grateful to Dante Chialvo, Gustavo Deco and Viktor Jirsa for inspiring discussions. References 1. de Arcangelis, L., Perrone-Capano, C., Herrmann, H.J.: Self-organized criticality model for brain plasticity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 028107 (2006) 2. Battaglia, D., Brunel, N., Hansel, D.: Temporal decorrelation of collective oscillations in neural networks with local inhibition and long-range excitation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 238106 (2007) 3. Battaglia, D., Hansel, D.: Synchronous chaos and broad band gamma rhythm in a minimal multi-layer model of primary visual cortex. PLoS Comp. Biol. 7, e1002176 (2011) 4. Battaglia, D., Witt, A., Wolf, F., Geisel, T.: Dynamic effective connectivity of inter-areal brain circuits. PLoS Comp. Biol. 8, e1002438 (2012) 5. Beggs, J., Plenz, D.: Neuronal avalanches in neocortical circuits. Journal of Neuroscience 23, 11167–11177 (2003) 6. 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Neuron 71, 9–34 (2011) On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling in Non-linear Systems Vasily A. Vakorin, Olga Krakovska, and Anthony R. McIntosh Abstract. From the theoretical point of view, brain signals measured with electroencephalogram (EEG), or magnetoencephalogram (MEG) can be described as the manifestation of coupled nonlinear systems with time delays in coupling. From the empirical point of view, to understand how the information is processed in the brain, there is a need to characterize the information flow in a network of spatially distinct brain areas. Tools for reconstructing the directionality of coupling, which can be formalized as Granger causality, provide a framework for gaining the insight into the functional organization of the brain networks. In turn, it is not completely understood what kind of effects are captured by causal statistics. Under the context of coupled non-linear oscillating systems with time delay in coupling, we consider two effects that can contribute to the estimation of causality. First, we explore the problem of ambiguity of phase delays observed between the dynamics of the driver and the response, and its effect on the linear, spectral and information-theoretic statistics. Second, we show that the directionality of coupling can be understood as the differences in signal complexity between the driver and response. 1 Introduction Rhythmic activity between neuronal ensembles is a widely observed phenomenon in the brain [2]. The macroscopic oscillations can be detected with measurements of Vasily A. Vakorin Neurosciences & Mental Health, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada e-mail: vasenka@gmail.com Olga Krakovska Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto, Canada Anthony R. McIntosh Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre and Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M. Wibral et al. (eds.), Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience, Understanding Complex Systems, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54474-3_6, 137 138 V.A. Vakorin, O. Krakovska, and A.R. McIntosh local field potentials (LFP), electroencephalographic (EEG), or magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings [18]. Mathematically, these neuronal ensembles can be represented by single oscillators [14]. In turn, different neuronal ensembles can be coupled with long-range connections, forming a large-scale network of coupled oscillators. Numerous studies have suggested that cognitive function can be explained in terms of synchronous dynamics of large neuronal ensembles coupled within and across systems [29]. In particular, encouraging results were obtained in modeling the resting state networks under the context of non-linear dynamics, wherein time delays in coupling play a crucial role in the generation of realistic fluctuations in brain signals [8, 5]. One approach to gain insight into the mechanisms underlying functional networks is to explore the transfer of information in the networks. In this case, we want not only to estimate the strength of the functional connectivity between the nodes in a network, but also to infer the directionality of coupling. In other words, there is a need to reconstruct causal relations between the observed signals. The notion of Granger causality was introduced based on an idea of asymmetry in signals’ ability to predict each other [11]. Under this framework, a process X is considered a cause of another process Y , if the incorporation of the knowledge about the past of X significantly improves the prediction of the future of Y , compared to the prediction that is based solely on the knowledge about the past of Y . Granger causality thus is based on the idea of temporal precedence where a cause precedes its consequences (see, however, the chapter by Chicharro in this volume for a detailed discussion on conceptual problems for inferring causal interactions using criteria based solely on the temporal precedence). In the case of brain oscillations carried at specific frequencies, time delay, in general, cannot be converted into phase delay without ambiguity due to shifting a wave backward or forward a full cycle (360◦). In the case of a linear transfer function, there are strategies used to overcome the phase ambiguity that may exist at a specific frequency. For example, computing the slope of the phase over a range of frequencies, which is in essence the group delay, can be helpful [9]. However, the situation is different in the case of non-linear systems, with possible time delays in coupling. In general, a connection can be characterized by the directionality, strength of coupling, and time delay in coupling. The temporal precedence between the driver and the response may materialize as either phase delays or phase advances at specific frequencies. Furthermore, in a network with many mutually connected nodes, observed phase differences for a specific connection would be a result of intrinsic combinations of all the parameters of coupling for all the connections. Thus, the effects related to what is observed as a phase delay of the driver with respect to the response, may counteract the inherent temporal precedence, as defined by physical interactions of coupled systems. To demonstrate what effects can be captured by causal statistics, we use a prototypical non-linear system of coupled oscillators and explore the performance of the standard Granger statistic as well as its spectral and information-theoretic versions. In the first part of this book chapter, we control the parameters of coupling to On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling 139 show that, given the same directionality of coupling (as specified by the underlying model), we can observe either phase delay or phase lead of the driver with respect to the response. In turn, this phase difference affects the causal statistics, potentially leading to spurious results. In the second part, we explore another mechanism that can contribute to the causality estimation. Specifically, in spite of the confounding effects of phase delays, the inference of the directionality of coupling may rely on the differences in the complexity (information content) between the driver and response. Intuitively, if the information is transferred from one system to another, then the dynamics of the receiving system would reflect both its own complexity and that of the sending system. Thus, the observed causality would depend on which of the two effects, phase-related or complexity-related, would be stronger in a specific situation. 2 Coupled Non-linear Systems The interplay between causality and phase, and between causality and complexity will be illustrated using a system of coupled Rössler oscillators [35]. Such a model represents a relatively simple non-linear system able to generate self-sustained nonperiodic oscillations. Oscillatory behavior of the brain rhythms has been extensively studied as a plausible mechanism for neuronal communication [29, 36], and under this context, the coupled Rössler oscillators can be viewed as a prototypical example of oscillatory brain networks [13]. Explicitly, the model reads dx2 dx1 = −ω1 y1 − z1 + ε x2 (t − T ) = −ω2 y2 − z2 dt dt dy1 dy2 = ω1 x1 + 0.15y1 = ω2 x2 + 0.15y2 dt dt dz1 dz2 = 0.2 + z1(x1 − 10) = 0.2 + z2(x2 − 10) dt dt (1) where ω1 and ω2 are the natural frequencies of the oscillators, ε is the coupling strength, and T denotes the time delay in coupling. Roughly speaking, each Rössler system describes an oscillatory trajectory in the x-y plane, with spike-like behavior in the z direction. All the further analyses were based on an assumption that only variables x1 (t) and x2 (t) could be observed. 3 Granger Causality: Standard, Spectral and Non-linear The dynamics of two finite time series x1 (t) and x2 (t), t = 1, ..., n, and the interactions between them can be described by an autoregressive model based on p lagged observations: 140 V.A. Vakorin, O. Krakovska, and A.R. McIntosh x1 (t) = x2 (t) = p p j=1 p j=1 p j=1 j=1 ∑ a11( j)x1 (t − j) + ∑ a12( j)x2 (t − j) + ε1(t) ∑ a21( j)x1 (t − j) + ∑ a22( j)x2 (t − j) + ε2(t) (2) where an optimal order of the model, the parameter p, can be estimated, for example, according to Bayesian information criterion [27], and ε1 (t) and ε2 (t) are the prediction errors for each time series. According to [11], if the variance of ε2 (t) is reduced by including the terms a21 ( j) in the second equation of (2), compared to keeping a21 ( j) = 0 for all j, then x1 (t) is thought to be causing x2 (t). Formally, Granger causality F1→2 from x1 (t) to x2 (t) is quantified as an enhancement of predictive power and defined as (21) F1→2 = ln var(ε2 ) . var(ε2 ) (3) (21) where var(ε2 ) is the variance of ε2 (t) derived from a model with a21 ( j) = 0 for all j, and var(ε2 ) is the variance of ε2 (t) derived from the full model (2). Two extensions of bivariate Granger causality are proposed in the literature: spectral and non-linear. The spectral version of Granger causality [25] is based on the Fourier transform of autoregressive models: X (f) E1 ( f ) A11 ( f ) A12 ( f ) × 1 = , (4) A21 ( f ) A22 ( f ) X2 ( f ) E2 ( f ) where f is the frequency, and Ai j , Xi , and Ei , i, j = 1, 2, are the Fourier coefficients of the corresponding variables ai j , xi , and εi . The model (4) can be rewritten in terms of the transfer function Hi j : H ( f ) H12 ( f ) E (f) E (f) X1 ( f ) = 11 × 1 ≡ H( f ) × 1 . (5) X2 ( f ) H21 ( f ) H22 ( f ) E2 ( f ) E2 ( f ) Similar to (3), the spectral Granger causality G1→2 ( f ) from x1 (t) to x2 (t) is defined as a function of the frequency f , and can be expressed in terms of the frequencyspecific covariance matrix of the residuals and the transfer function H( f ). More details on the spectral causality can be found in [15]. A non-linear version of Granger causality in the time domain can be constructed using the tools derived in the information theory. Under the information-theoretic approach, we do not need to explicitly specify a model of signals and their interactions. Instead, the transfer of information from the past of one process to the future of another process can be quantified in terms of individual and joint entropies, which essentially measure the variability of the observed signals or the amount of information contained in them. Non-linear Granger causality I1→2 is thus expressed as a transfer of information from one signal to another, and can be quantified as the conditional mutual On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling 141 information I(xδ2 , x1 |x2 ) between xδ2 , the future of x2 , and the past of x1 given the past of x2 . It can be estimated in terms of individual H(·) and joint entropies H(·, ·) and H(·, ·, ·) of the processes x1 , x1 , and xδ2 as follows: I1→2 (δ ) ≡ I(xδ2 , x1 |x2 ) = H(xδ2 , x2 ) + H(x1, x2 ) − H(xδ2 , x1 , x2 ) − H(x2), (6) where the time lag δ between the future and the past of a signal is typically measured in multiples of the sampling interval. It can be shown that under certain conditions, I(xδ2 , x1 |x2 ) is equivalent to the measure called transfer entropy [26, 19]. There are many ways to estimate the entropy of a signal. One approach is based on an assumption that the observed time series are realizations of nonlinear dynamic systems. For example, the model (1) is a combination of two threedimensional systems, but we assume that only one dimension is observed (signals x1 (t) and x2 (t)). In this case, the dynamics in the multi-dimensional state space of the underlying model should be reconstructed from a time series of observations. This can be done with time delay embedding wherein the time series x1 (t) and x2 (t) are converted to a sequence of vectors in a multidimensional space: x 1 (t) = [x1 (t), x1 (t − τ1 ), x1 (t − 2τ1 ), ..., x1 (t − τ1 (d1 − 1))]T x 2 (t) = [x2 (t), x2 (t − τ2 ), x2 (t − 2τ2 ), ..., x2 (t − τ2 (d2 − 1))]T (7) where d1 and d2 are embedding dimensions, and τ1 and τ2 are embedding delays measured in multiples of the sampling interval. Note that the ultimate goal is not to reconstruct an orbit in the state space that is closest to the true one. However, some invariants of a dynamical system, such as dimensions and entropy, can be determined if the embedding dimension m is sufficiently high [31]. We estimate the individual and joints entropies in (6) by computing the corresponding correlation integrals, as proposed by [22], and tested using linear and non-linear models [3, 10, 33]. Similar to F1→2 , G1→2 ( f ), and I1→2 , causal effects in the other direction, namely, F2→1 , G2→1 ( f ), and I2→1 , can also be estimated. The difference in two measures may indicate the directionality of dominant coupling between x1 (t) and x2 (t). Thus, causality can be inferred from the standard Granger causality Δ F = F2→1 − F1→2, (8) Δ G( f ) = G2→1 ( f ) − G1→2 ( f ), (9) spectral Granger causality as a function of frequency f , and information transfer Δ I(δ ) = I2→1 (δ ) − I1→2(δ ), (10) 142 V.A. Vakorin, O. Krakovska, and A.R. McIntosh as a function of time lag δ . If these measures are positive, the directionality of dominant coupling is reconstructed as x2 (t) → x1 (t), and x1 (t) → x2 (t) if negative. Note that these net measures will report no causality in a case of symmetric bidirectional systems. 4 Phase Synchronization and Phase Delays In the case of a coupled non-linear system with a possible time delay in coupling, time delay, in general, cannot be converted into phase delay without ambiguity. We will control the parameters of coupling to show that, given the same directionality of coupling, as specified by the underlying model, either phase delay or phase lead between the driver and the response can be observed. In turn, this phase lag affects the estimation of Granger statistics. The phase shift φ12 ( f ) between two signals x1 (t) and x2 (t) at a specific frequency f can be computed from the cross spectrum Γ12 ( f ): Γ12 ( f ) ∼ ei φ12 ( f ) . (11) Suppose that there are n realizations of the processes x1 (t) and x2 (t), and for each (k) realization k = 1, ..., n, the phase shift φ12 ( f ) is computed. Relative stability of the (k) phase difference φ12 ( f ) across realizations quantifies the degree of phase-locking between two signals at a given frequency: 1 n (k) iφ12 ( f ) (12) R12 ( f ) = ∑ e . n k=1 By construction, the statistic R12 ( f ) is limited between 0 and 1. When the relative phase distribution is concentrated around the mean, R12 ( f ) is close to one, whereas phase scattering will result in a random distribution of phases and R12 ( f ) close to zero. The mean phase delay φ 12 ( f ) between two signals can also be computed by averaging across the realizations. However, there is an ambiguity in cumulative phase shift between harmonic signals as, in general, it is not known how many cycles the phase completed. In this book chapter, the phase difference φ 12 ( f ) between −90◦ and 0◦ implies that the signal x1 (t) (response) is phase delayed with respect to x2 (t) (driver) at frequency f , and vice versa. 5 Causality and Phase Differences: Three Scenarios Now we consider three scenarios, showing an interplay between causality estimation and observed phase differences. All simulations were based on the model (1) with the directionality of coupling x2 → x1 . The generated signals were designed On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling 143 to represent oscillations approximately at 10 Hz. Gaussian noise was added to the signals. Each scenario was characterized by a pair of the model parameters, the coupling strength ε and the time delay in coupling T . For a given pair of ε and T , 50 realizations of the model (1) were generated. For each realization, a corresponding pair of surrogate time series were also generated. Surrogate signals are artificial data that mimic some properties of the original data. For example, some linear properties of the original signals remain unchanged, but non-linear characteristics can be destroyed. We generated surrogate signals according to a method designed to test pseudo-periodic data [30]. Specifically the surrogates were generated by preserving the large scale behavior of the data (the periodic structure), and destroying any additional small scale structure. Thus, for each pair of ε and T , two ensembles of the original and surrogate time series were created. Then, three measures of causality were computed. The spectral causality Δ G( f ) was estimated for the frequencies 1 − 25 Hz. The net information transfer Δ I(δ ) was estimated for the time lags δ =151, with τ1 = τ2 = 1 and d1 = d2 = 5 (see also the chapter by Vicente and Wibral in this volume for details on different methods for estimating the transfer entropy). In addition, cumulative performance of Δ G( f ) and Δ I(δ ) was computed by averaging these statistics across a range of f = 1 − 25 Hz and δ =1-51, respectively. Finally, for each ensemble of the original and surrogate signals, the phase-locking index and mean phase shift, R12 ( f ) and φ 12 ( f ), were computed at the frequencies f = 1 − 25 Hz. More details on the estimation of phase-locking and causal measures can be found in [35]. Around f = 10 Hz, the signals x1 (t) and x2 (t) become phase-locked, with R12 close to 1 (see panels (c) in Fig 2-4). However, depending on a combination of the coupling strength ε and the time delay in coupling T , the observed phase difference φ 12 ( f ) at f = 10 Hz can be zero, positive, or negative. Remember that negative φ 12 ( f ) between −90◦ and 0◦ implies that the response x1 (t) is phase delayed with respect to the driver x2 (t) at frequency f . And vice versa, positive φ 12 ( f ) between 0◦ and 90◦ can be interpreted as a phase lead of the response x1 (t) with respect to the driver x2 (t). Phase differences can affect the estimation of the causal statistics. To show that we consider, for the same directionality of coupling x2 → x1 , three combinations of ε and T that correspond to three values of φ 12 ( f ) at f = 10Hz: (i) 0.1◦ (Fig. 1a and 2d), (ii) −44.2◦ (Fig. 1b and 3d ), and (iii) 45.1◦ (Fig. 1c and 4d). Typical time series, for each of the three scenarios, are shown in Fig. 1. Figures 2-4 represent these three scenarios, showing an interplay between reconstructed causality and phase differences. Specifically, each figure shows: (a) spectral Granger causality Δ G( f ), (c) phase locking index R12 ( f ) and (d) phase difference φ 12 ( f ) as functions of frequency f , and (b) net information transfer Δ I(δ ) as a function of the time lag δ . Solid lines represent the mean of the causal statistics, computed from the original data and subsequently averaged across the realizations. The limits of the dark grey area are defined by the 5%- and 95%-tails of the distributions computed using the surrogate data. 144 V.A. Vakorin, O. Krakovska, and A.R. McIntosh Phase shift = 0.4 degrees at 10 Hz A response driver Amplitude 2 1 0 −1 −2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Time (s) Phase shift = −44.2 degrees at 10 Hz B response driver Amplitude 2 1 0 −1 −2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Time (s) Phase shift = 45.1 degrees at 10 Hz C response driver Amplitude 2 1 0 −1 −2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Time (s) Fig. 1 Typical time series generated by the system (1) in three scenarios: (A) phase difference is close to zero at 10 Hz (ε = 0.07 and T = 0.1083); (B) negative phase shift (ε = 0.07 and T = 0.1208); (C) positive phase shift (ε = 0.07 and T = 0.0958) In the first scenario (Fig. 2), the parameters ε and T were chosen such that the phase difference at 10Hz was close to zero. In such a case, the measure of Δ G( f ) is positive for frequencies 1 − 15Hz, reaching a peak around 11Hz (Fig. 2a). The net information transfer Δ I(δ ) was also positive for all time lags δ . Positive values for the causal statistics imply that the directionality of coupling is correctly reconstructed as 2 → 1. In the second scenario (Fig. 3), wherein the responding signal x1 (t) is phase delayed with respect to the driving x2 (t) (Fig. 1b), both Δ I(δ ) and Δ G( f ) are positive, reaching a peak around 10Hz, also implying (correctly) the directionality of coupling as 2 → 1. Note that the peak in Δ G( f ) at 10 Hz is higher in Fig. 3, compared to that at 11Hz in Fig. 2, although the strength of coupling was the same. The time precedence, as specified by the directionality of coupling from the model, concurs with the phase precedence, as detected from the phase-locking analysis. On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling 145 Case 1 : no phase shift A Spectral causality 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Frequency (Hz) B Transfer Entropy 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 10 20 30 40 50 Time lag (samples) Phase−locking index C 1 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (Hz) Phase shift = 0.4 degrees at 10 Hz Phase shift, degrees D 100 0 −100 5 10 15 20 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 2 Reconstructed causality and phase effects in the case where there is no phase shift (φ 12 ( f ) = 0.4o for ε = 0.07 and T = 0.1083) at f = 10 Hz (see Fig. 1a): (A) spectral Granger causality as a function of frequency; (B) net information transfer as a function of the time lag δ ; (C) phase-locking index and (D) phase shift as functions of frequency. For the results shown in Fig. 2-6, the embedding parameters, τ = 1 and d = 5, were kept the same, whereas p was estimated according to Bayesian information criterion, separately for each pair of the time series. 146 V.A. Vakorin, O. Krakovska, and A.R. McIntosh Case 2 : negative phase shift A Spectral causality 1 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Frequency (Hz) B Transfer Entropy 0.1 0.05 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time lag (samples) Phase−locking index C 1 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (Hz) Phase shift = −44.2 degrees at 10 Hz Phase shift, degrees D 100 0 −100 5 10 15 20 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 3 Reconstructed causality and phase effects in the case where the phase shift between the driver and response is φ 12 ( f ) = −44.2o at f = 10 Hz for ε = 0.07 and T = 0.1208 (see Fig. 1b): (A) spectral Granger causality as a function of frequency; (B) net information transfer as a function of the time lag δ ; (C) phase-locking index and (D) phase shift as functions of frequency On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling 147 Case 3 : positive phase shift A Spectral causality 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 5 10 15 20 25 Frequency (Hz) B Transfer Entropy 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 10 20 30 40 50 Time lag (samples) Phase−locking index C 1 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (Hz) Phase shift = 45.1 degrees at 10 Hz Phase shift, degrees D 100 0 −100 5 10 15 20 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 4 Performance of causal statistics and phase effects in the case of a positive phase difference (φ 12 ( f ) = 45.1◦ ) between them at f = 10 Hz for ε = 0.07 and T = 0.0958 (see Fig. 1c): (A) spectral Granger causality as a function of frequency; (B) net information transfer as a function of the time lag δ ; (C) phase-locking index and (D) phase shift as functions of frequency 148 V.A. Vakorin, O. Krakovska, and A.R. McIntosh Fig. 4 represents the third scenario wherein the effects associated with phase precedence counteract the effects related to the causal relations as implemented in system (1). Specifically, in this case, the driver x2 (t) is phase delayed with respect to the response x2 (t) with φ 12 ( f ) = 45o at f = 10 Hz. The causal effects related to the phase shift are relatively strong compared to the inherent causality between x1 (t) and x2 (t). The spectral Granger causality switches to negative values, implying that the causal relations are spuriously reconstructed as 1 → 2. The net information transfer is also sensitive to the phase shift, being either positive or negative, depending on the value of the time lag δ . It should be noted that Δ I(δ ) is more resistant to the phase-locking effects, as the mean value Δ I(δ ) averaged across δ is positive (2 → 1). Notably, the performance of the standard Granger causality was similar to that of the spectral Granger causality. When there was no phase shift at 10Hz, the mean Δ F averaged across the realizations was 0.0168, whereas the confidence interval of Δ F based on the corresponding surrogate data and defined by the 5%- and 95%-tails, was [−0.0066 0.0059]. In the case of φ 12 ( f ) close to 45o at 10Hz, Δ F = 0.0574 with the confidence interval [−0.0060 0.0055] based on the surrogate data. However, when φ 12 ( f ) is about −44o , the analysis produced Δ F = −0.0125, whereas the confidence interval for surrogate data was [−0.0050 0.0048]. Thus, the standard Granger causal statistic was significantly affected by the differences in phase between the two signals. 6 Influence of the Parameters of Coupling on Causality and Phase Delays In the previous section, we showed how the effects related to phase advance or phase delay can facilitate or counteract the reconstruction of causal relations. In this section, we focus on the aggregated performance of the causal measures Δ G and Δ I, averaged across frequencies f = 1 − 25 Hz and time lags δ = 1 − 51, respectively. The measures Δ G and Δ I as well as Δ F are considered functions of the time delay T or the strength of coupling ε (Fig. 5 and 6). The solid lines represent the mean values of Δ F, Δ G and Δ I, computed for the original data and averaged across realizations. The dark grey area reflects the variability of Δ F, Δ G, and Δ I, computed for the surrogate data (5%- and 95%-tails of the corresponding distributions). Fig. 5 is based on the simulations wherein the coupling strength was kept constant, whereas the time delay T covered the range from 0.060 to 0.148. In this case, the phase difference at 10Hz covers the entire period from −180o to 180o (Fig. 5d). In turn, the standard and spectral Granger statistic, Δ F and Δ G, as well as the information transfer are plotted as the functions of φ 12 at 10 Hz. For all T , Δ I is positive, correctly reconstructing the coupling as 2 → 1. In contrast to Δ I, both Δ F and Δ G produced false-positive results (1 → 2) for the phase differences approximately between 10o and 100o , which belong to the scenario wherein the driver x2 (t) is phase delayed with respect to the response x1 (t). On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling B Standard Granger Effects of time delay in coupling Spectral causality A 149 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 Transfer Entropy C 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 −0.02 −0.04 Time delay in coupling D 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 Phase shift (degrees) Fig. 5 Influence of time delay in coupling on: (A) standard Granger causality; (B) spectral Granger causality and (C) net information transfer as functions of the observed time difference at 10 Hz; (D) phase difference at 10 Hz as a function of the time delay in coupling, provided that the strength of coupling was unchanged (ε = 0.07) The phase shift, at the frequency when the signals become phase-locked to each other, depends not only on the time delay in coupling T , but also on the coupling strength ε . Fig. 6 is based on the simulations wherein T was kept constant, whereas ε varied from 0 to 0.1. The statistics Δ F, Δ G and Δ I as well as the phase difference φ 12 estimated at 10Hz are shown as the functions of ε . As can be seen, φ 12 at 10Hz can be either positive (phase delay) or negative (phase lead of the driver x2 (t) with respect to the response x1 (t)). Notably, the information-theoretic statistic Δ I is a monotonic function of ε as can be seen in Fig. 6c (note, however, that for very high ε , when the driver and 150 V.A. Vakorin, O. Krakovska, and A.R. McIntosh Influence of coupling strenth −3 Standard Granger A x 10 20 10 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Spectral causality B 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 D 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 −0.02 Phase shift, degrees Transfer Entropy C 6 4 2 0 −2 −4 Coupling strength Fig. 6 Influence of the strength of coupling on: (A) standard Granger causality; (B) spectral causality and (C) net information transfer as functions of phase difference at 10 Hz; (D) phase difference at 10 Hz as a function of the coupling strength, with the time delay in coupling kept constant (T = 0.1083) response are getting fully synchronized, Δ I might decay). Specifically, Δ I is able to correctly reconstruct the causal relations for ε > 0.012, producing insignificant values for small coupling strengths. At the same time, both standard and spectral Granger statistics, Δ F and Δ G, are very sensitive to the phase delay when coupling is weak. In particular, for ε = 0 and ε = 0.008 when we observe a phase delay of 5 − 7◦ of the driving x2 (t) with respect to the responding x1 (t), both Δ F and Δ G are small, but statistically different from the null hypothesis (surrogate data). In other words, the effects related to the phase locking and phase delay are relatively strong compared to the effects associated with modeled causality. If the inherent causality is relatively strong (for example, when the coupling strength ε is between 0.025 and On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling 151 0.0075, which also corresponds to the phase delay of x2 (t) with respect to x1 (t)), the standard and spectral Granger statistics correctly identify the directionality of coupling. 7 Information Content of the Observed Time Series In the scenario wherein the phase delay between x2 (t) with respect to x1 (t) at the main frequency (10 Hz) was close to zero, both spectral and information-theoretic measures were able to correctly reconstruct the directionality of coupling. In other words, in a situation where the phase-related causal effects are minimized, there should exist, at least, another mechanism which allows a causal statistic to correctly identify the driver-response relations. We hypothesize that one possible mechanism is based on detecting the differences in the information content (complexity) of the signals under investigation. Previously, it was found that asymmetries in interdependency may reflect the different degrees of complexity of two systems at the scales to which the observed measure are most sensitive [1, 24]. Intuitively, this can be understood if we first consider two uncoupled systems, each system being characterized by its own information content or complexity of dynamics. When we turn on a unidirectional coupling, the signal variability (complexity) of the responding system should reflect not only its own information content but also include some of the variability (complexity) of the the driving system. Thus, in general, the complexity of the response would be higher than that of the driver. Vakorin et al. [34] studied the generation and transfer of information in the system (1). Local generation of information was quantified with a method known as multi-scale entropy [4, 32]. In turn, transfer entropy (6) was used to infer the directionality of coupling between the subsystems. The net information transfer was correlated with the differences in the signal complexity between the two systems. Various statistics quantifying signal variability based on the presense of nonlinear deterministic effects were developed to compare time series. Among others, sample entropy was designed as a measure of signal regularity [25]. The sample entropy was proposed as a refined version of approximate entropy [21]. In turn, approximate entropy was devised as an attempt to estimate Kolmogorov entropy [12], the rate of information generated by a dynamic system, from noisy and short time series of clinical data. For estimating sample entropy of time series xt , two multi-dimensional representations of xt are used, as defined, according to (8), by two sets of embedding parameters: {d, τ } and {d + 1, τ }. Sample entropy can be estimated in terms of the average natural logarithm of conditional probability that two delay vectors (points in a multi-dimensional state-space), which are close in the d-dimensional space (meaning that the distance between them is less than the scale length r), will remain close in the (d + 1)-dimensional space. A greater likelihood of remaining close results in smaller values for the sample entropy statistic, indicating fewer irregularities. Conversely, higher values are associated with the signals having more variability and less regular patterns in their representations. 152 V.A. Vakorin, O. Krakovska, and A.R. McIntosh Multi-scale entropy (MSE) was proposed to estimate sample entropy of finite time series at different time scales [38, 4]. First, multiple coarse-grained time series y(ζ ) are constructed from the original signal x(t) = {x1 , ..., xi−1 , xi , xi+1 ..., xn }. This is performed by averaging the data points from the original time series within nonoverlapping windows of increasing length. Specifically, the amplitude of the coarsegrained time series y(θ ) (ζ ) at time scale θ is calculated according to y(θ ) (ζ ) = i=ζ θ 1 ∑ xi , 1 ≤ ζ ≤ n/θ θ i=(ζ −1) θ +1 (13) wherein the fluctuations at scales smaller than θ are eliminated. The window length, measured in data points, represents the scale factor, θ = 1, 2, 3, .... Note that θ = 1 represents the original time series, whereas relatively large θ produces a smooth signal, containing basically low frequency components of the original signal. To obtain the MSE curve, sample entropy is computed for each coarse-grained time series. 8 Directionality of Coupling and Differences in Complexity Now we will consider the net information transfer (transfer entropy) as a function of the difference in the complexity between the two signals, computed at fine and coarse time scales. Similar to what was done above, for a given pair of ε and T , an ensemble of the signals x1 (t) and x2 (t) was generated. Net transfer entropy Δ I was obtained by averaging across the time lags δ and realizations. The complexity at fine time scales was estimated by averaging the sample entropy across the first five scale factors, whereas the variability of coarse-grained time series was computed by averaging the sample entropy across the last five time scales (scales 16 − 20 in this example). Note that sample entropy is sensitive to both linear stochastic and non-linear deterministic effects. The effects of additive noise at fine tine scales were much stronger, compared to the coarse scales. In the coarse-grained time series, the noise was filtered out according to (13), and the deterministic non-linear effects were more pronounced. Thus, for a given combination of ε and T , we obtained an estimate of: (i) net transfer entropy Δ I, (ii) difference in the complexity (sample entropy) between the driver x2 (t) and the response x1 (t) at fine time scales, and (iii) difference in the complexity between x1 (t) and x2 (t) at coarse time scales. First, we considered the influence of the time delay, T , varied on some interval, with the coupling parameter ε fixed. The effects of its variability on complexity and information exchange are shown in Fig. 7, namely, net transfer entropy (a), differences in sample entropy at fine (b) and coarse time scales (d) as functions of the time delay T . Note that, in dealing with real data, such relations cannot be observed as typically the true values of T are not known (see, however, the chapter by Wibral in this volume as well as [23, 28, 37] for attempts in recovering time delays in coupling). What we can observe is the relations between the net transfer entropy and the differences in sample entropy (Fig. 7c and Fig. 7e). In Fig. 7c, On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling 153 Net transfer Entropy (a) 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 5 10 15 20 Difference in sample entropy (fine) (b) (c) 0.035 0.035 0.03 0.03 0.025 0.025 0.02 0.02 5 10 15 20 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.22 (e) (d) Difference in sample entropy (coarse) 0.2 −0.095 −0.095 −0.1 −0.1 −0.105 −0.105 −0.11 −0.11 −0.115 −0.115 5 10 15 Time delay T 20 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 Net transfer Entropy Fig. 7 Influence of time delay in coupling T on the differences in complexity (sample entropy) between the driver and response, and the information transfer: (A) net information transfer, (B) difference in complexity measured at the fine time scales (scales 1-5), and (D) difference in complexity at the coarse time scales (scales 16-20), and (E) difference in complexity at the coarse time scales (r = −0.08, not significant) as a function of the net information transfer. Positive correlation r = 0.73 (p-value< 0.0001) in panel C implies that at the fine scales, the signal complexity of the driver is higher than that of the response. there exists a relatively strong and robust linear correlation between the information transfer and differences in complexity at fine time scales (r = 0.73, p-value< 0.001). Positive r implies that a system with higher variability at fine time scales can better predict the behavior of a system with lower variability, than the other way around. At the same time, the correlation between the information transfer and differences at coarse time scales (Fig. 7e) is close to zero. 154 V.A. Vakorin, O. Krakovska, and A.R. McIntosh Net transfer Entropy (a) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Difference in sample entropy (fine) (b) (c) 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0 0 −0.02 −0.02 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 Difference in sample entropy (coarse) 0.2 0.3 0.4 (e) (d) −0.1 −0.1 −0.2 −0.2 −0.3 −0.3 −0.4 −0.4 −0.5 0 0.1 −0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Coupling parameter ε 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Net transfer Entropy Fig. 8 Influence of the strength of coupling ε on the differences in complexity (sample entropy) between the driver x2 (t) and the response x1 (t) in (1) and the information transfer: (A) net information transfer, (B) difference in complexity measured at the fine time scales, and (D) difference in complexity at the fine time scales (r = 0.73, p-value< 0.0001), and (E) difference in complexity at the coarse time scales as a function of the net information transfer. Note the negative correlation between the two statistics in panel E: the dominant amount of information transfered from the system with lower complexity (driver x2 (t)) to the system with higher complexity (driver x2 (t)) is a monotonic function of the difference in their signal complexity at the time scales that are sensitive to non-linear deterministic effects. On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling 155 Second, we considered the influence of the strength of coupling ε on the relations between the information transfer and differences in complexity, keeping T constant. Fig. 8 shows net transfer entropy (a), differences in sample entropy at fine (b) and coarse time scales (d) as functions of ε . The influence of ε on the differences in fine-grained sample entropy was ambiguous, as shown in Fig. 8b and c. What is interesting is that both the net transfer entropy and the difference in coarse-grained sample entropy were found to be monotonically increasing and decreasing functions of ε , respectively (Fig. 8a and d). That is, the stronger the coupling, the larger the differences in the complexity of the observed signals. In turn, this led to the negative correlation between the complexity difference at coarse scales and net transfer entropy (Fig. 8e). This negative correlation supports the conclusion that at coarse time scales when the focus is on the deterministic non-linear effects, other conditions being equal, the driver is characterized as a subsystem with lower complexity, in comparison to the response. 9 Conclusion We considered two effects that can contribute to reconstruction of the driverresponse relations in coupled non-linear systems. The first effect reflects the idea that the difference in complexity between the driver and the response is associated with the dominant transfer of information. Specifically, the causality can be viewed as a transfer of information from one system to another, which increases the signal complexity of the individual subsystems as the information propagates along the network. The time scales at which the complexity is computed is a critical factor. In our example, at the coarse time scales as used in the multi-scale entropy estimation, the difference in the complexity between the two coupled subsystems was proportional to the strength of coupling. This suggests that it is the coarse scales that reflect non-linear deterministic effects for the system (1). In addition, the net information transfer was a monotonic function of the coupling strength. Thus, the propagation of information, which is the basis for causality reconstruction, in general, induces an increase of signal complexity at the time scales that reflect the deterministic effects underlying the observed time series. Expanding a model of two sources to a larger network, this accumulated complexity may clarify the topological roles of individual nodes in this network [16]. The second effect is based on the existence of possible phase differences between the driver and response at specific frequencies. This effect can either intensify or counteract the causality effects considered as the propagation of complexity. Depending on the strength of the effects associated with phase differences, the complexity-related causal effects can be partly neutralized or even totally suppressed. This can be explicitly observed in the scenarios wherein signals become phase-locked to each other at some frequencies. In turn, this could have a dominant influence on estimated causal statistics. In our example, we considered the role of phase shifts in the context of non-linear coupled systems, in contrast to the case of linear time-invariant systems. In the latter 156 V.A. Vakorin, O. Krakovska, and A.R. McIntosh scenario, the spectrum of the signal is not limited to a single harmonic component but spans several frequencies. In the frequency domain, the slope of the phase (group delay) produces an estimate for the time delay between the signals, which may be used to solve the ambiguity of phase differences at a specific frequency [9]. There exists a causal measure that explicitly exploits the cumulative phase delay as the basis for causality [17]. However, as our examples show, in the case of non-linear interactions, we should expect that such an approach may lead to spurious results. In general, we found that all the statistics tested in this study were sensitive to phase differences. However, in the situation wherein the driver was phase delayed with respect to the response with φ 12 ( f ) approximately between 0◦ and 90◦ , both the standard and spectral measures produced statistically significant, but spurious results. On the contrary, the information-theoretic measure performed reasonably well in the same situations, correctly reconstructing the underlying relations as specified by the model. The spectral Granger statistic explicitly depends on the phase differences between harmonic components of tested signals, and the contribution from specific frequencies can be intensified by the mechanism of phase-locking. In some sense, inferring the directionality of coupling at a specific frequency can be viewed as an extreme case of filtering the signals with a narrow band-pass filter. On the contrary, we should expect that causality is ultimately based on interactions between different frequency components. [6] explored the effects of different filtering techniques on the performance of several causality measures. They found that, without strong assumptions about the artifacts to be removed, filtering disturbs the information content and leads to missed or spurious results. Finally, the information transfer outperformed the standard Granger statistic, although both measures work in the time domain. We believe that a critical difference between the standard and non-linear versions of the causality lies in averaging the causality measures across the length of forecast horizon, that is, across the parameter δ . As can be seen from the model (2), only one specific δ , namely, δ = 1, is used for estimating the standard Granger measure. At the same time, the common practice for computing transfer entropy is to average it across some range of the lags δ . Originally this was proposed in [20] with the idea to decrease the variability of estimated statistics and to increase the robustness of the results. The time lag δ may affect the phase difference between the future and the past of the same signal. In other words, δ = 1 may not be optimal. If the range of δ is relatively large to cover the entire period of the characteristic scales of the signal dynamics, averaging across δ would smooth out the phase effects. Acknowledgments. This research was supported by research grants from the J.S. McDonnell Foundation to Dr. Anthony R. McIntosh. We thank Maria Tassopoulos-Karachalios for her assistance in preparing this manuscript. On Complexity and Phase Effects in Reconstructing the Directionality of Coupling 157 References 1. Arnhold, J., Grassberger, P., Lehnertz, K., Elger, C.E.: A robust method for detecting interdependences: application to intracranially recorded EEG. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 134(4), 419–430 (1999) 2. 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To finishing chapter by Chicharro takes up the discussion around causality presented in the opening chapter points out how to differentiate between criteria for causal inference and measures used to test them. He further introduces new criteria that complete a unified picture of how the different approaches to causality are related. Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale in Time and Space Joseph T. Lizier Abstract. Studies of how information is processed in natural systems, in particular in nervous systems, are rapidly gaining attention. Less known however is that the local dynamics of such information processing in space and time can be measured. In this chapter, we review the mathematics of how to measure local entropy and mutual information values at specific observations of time-series processes. We then review how these techniques are used to construct measures of local information storage and transfer within a distributed system, and we describe how these measures can reveal much more intricate details about the dynamics of complex systems than their more well-known “average” measures do. This is done by examining their application to cellular automata, a classic complex system, where these local information profiles have provided quantitative evidence for long-held conjectures regarding the information transfer and processing role of gliders and glider collisions. Finally, we describe the outlook in anticipating the broad application of these local measures of information processing in computational neuroscience. 1 Introduction Analysis of directed information transfer between variables in time-series brain imaging data and models is currently gaining much attention in neuroscience. Measures of information transfer have been computed, for example, in fMRI measurements in the human visual cortex between average signals at the regional level [38] and between individual voxels [8], as well as between brain areas of macaques from local field potential (LFP) time-series [48]. A particularly popular topic in this domain is the use of information transfer measures to infer effective network connectivity between variables in brain-imaging data [39, 91, 49, 88, 69, 54, 63], as well as studying modulation of connection strength with respect to an underlying task Joseph T. Lizier CSIRO Computational Informatics, Marsfield, Australia e-mail: joseph.lizier@csiro.au M. Wibral et al. (eds.), Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience, Understanding Complex Systems, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54474-3_7, 161 162 J.T. Lizier [94]. Furthermore, measures of information transfer are used to reveal differences between healthy and diseased states in neural data (e.g. for EEG measurements of epilipsy patients in [10]) and in models (e.g. for Parkinson’s disease in [43]). Much of this work quantifies information transfer from a source variable to a target variable using the information-theoretic measure known as the transfer entropy [82], or its equivalent under linear-Gaussian conditions, the Granger causality [28]. This information-theoretic approach to studying directed interactions in neural systems can be viewed as part of a more broad effort to study distributed computation in complex systems in terms of how information is stored, transfered and modified (e.g. [59, 60, 62]). The approach is highly appropriate in computational neuroscience, and indeed for complex systems in general, because: • these concepts of computation are meaningful and well-understood (e.g. information transfer as reflecting directed coupling between two variables, information storage as predictability or structure in a time-series process); • the quantities measured (e.g. transfer entropy for measuring information transfer) are well-defined and can be measured on any type of time-series data (continuous or discrete-valued); • the quantities are at heart model-free (in contrast to the Granger causality linearisation)1 and detect non-linear interactions and structure; and • distributed computation is the language in which dynamics are often described in neuroscience (e.g. “the brain represents and processes information in a distributed fashion and in a dynamical way” [27]) and complex systems in general (e.g. claims that small-world structures have “maximum capability to store, process and transfer information” [42]). Now, such work on distributed computation to date typically focuses on the (time) average information transfer, which is how the transfer entropy and other information-theoretic measures are traditionally defined. Yet the dynamics of transfer from a source to a target can also be quantified at individual observations or configurations of the variables using the local transfer entropy [59]. Such local measures can be defined for any traditional information-theoretic variable, including for related measures of information storage and processing (e.g. [62]). To be explicit, local information-theoretic measures characterise the information attributed with specific measurements x and y of variables X and Y , rather than the average information associated with these variables. This local perspective can reveal dynamical structure that the average cannot. Applied to time-series data, local measures tell us about the dynamics of information in the system, since they vary with the specific observations in time, and local values are known to reveal more details about the system than the averages alone [16, 83, 84]. To be specific, a measured average of transfer entropy does not tell us about how the directed relationship between two variables fluctuates through time, how 1 This also contrasts with dynamic causal modeling, a model-based approach that compares a set of a priori defined neural models and tests how well they explain the experimental data [25]. Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 163 different specific source states may be more predictive of a target than other states, or how coupling strength may relate to changing underlying experimental conditions. Indeed, the ability to investigate time-series dynamics of distributed computation in complex systems provides an important connection from information theory to dynamical systems theory or non-linear time-series analysis (e.g. see [81, 41]). We use the term information dynamics to describe the study of distributed computation in complex systems in terms of how information is stored, transferred and modified [59, 60, 62]. The word dynamics is a key component of this term, referring to both: 1. That we study the dynamic state updates of variables in the system, decomposing information in the measurement of a variable in terms of information from that variable’s own past (information storage), information from other variables (information transfer) and how those information sources are combined (information modification); 2. That we study local information-theoretic measures for each of these variables, quantifying the dynamics of these operations in time and space. In this chapter, we review how such local information-theoretic measurements can be made, and describe how they are used to define local measures of information storage and transfer in distributed computation in complex systems. We begin by describing the relevant information-theoretic concepts in Sect. 2, before providing a detailed presentation of how local information-theoretic measures are defined in Sect. 3. We then provide an overview of our framework for information dynamics in Sect. 4, describing the measures used for information storage and transfer, and how they can be localised within a system in space and time using the techniques of Sect. 3. Next, we review in Sect. 5 the application of these local measures of computation to cellular automata, a simple discrete dynamical model which is known to exhibit complex behaviour and emergent coherent structures (known as particles or gliders) resembling coherent waves in neural dynamics [27]. This application demonstrates the utility of these local measures of information storage and transfer, by providing key insights into the dynamics of cellular automata, including demonstrating evidence for long-held conjectures regarding the computational role of the emergent structures (e.g. gliders as information transfer entities). Most importantly, the local measures are shown to provide insights into the dynamics of information in the system that are simply not possible to obtain with traditional averaged information-theoretic methods. We finish the chapter by describing in Sect. 6 further such insights into the dynamics of information that have since been obtained with these local measures for other systems. For example, the measures have revealed coherent information cascades spreading across flocks (or swarms) [92] and in modular robots [57], in analogy to the aforementioned gliders in cellular automata. They have also demonstrated the key role of information transfer in network synchronization processes, in particular in indicating when a synchronized state has been “computed” but not yet obviously reached [9]. Just like the cellular automata examples, these demonstrate the ability of local information dynamics to reveal how the computation in a system unfolds in time, and the dynamics of how separate agents or entities interact to achieve 164 J.T. Lizier a collective task. Crucially, they allow one to answer meaningful questions about the information processing in a system, in particular: “when and where is information transferred in the brain during cognitive tasks?”, and we describe a preliminary study where this precise question is explored using fMRI recordings during a button pressing task. As such, we demonstrate that local information dynamics enables whole new lines of inquiry which were not previously possible in computational neuroscience or other fields. 2 Information-Theoretic Preliminaries To quantify the information dynamics of distributed computation, we first look to information theory (e.g. see [85, 13, 65]) which has proven to be a useful framework for the design and analysis of complex self-organized systems, e.g. [14, 77, 78, 66]. In this section, we give a brief overview of the fundamental quantities which will be built on in exploring local information dynamics in the following sections. The fundamental quantity of information theory is the Shannon entropy, which represents the average uncertainty associated with any measurement x of a random variable X (logarithms are taken by convention in base 2, giving units in bits): H(X) = − ∑ p(x) log2 p(x). (1) x The uncertainty H(X) associated with such a measurement is equal to the information required to predict it (see self-information below). The Shannon entropy was originally derived following an axiomatic approach. This is important because it gives primacy to desired properties over candidate measures, rather than retrospectively highlighting properties of an appealing candidate measure. It shifts the focus of any arguments over the form of measures onto the more formal ground of selecting which axioms should be satisfied. This is particularly useful where a set of accepted axioms can uniquely specify a measure (as in the cases discussed here). We highlight the axiomatic approach here because it has persisted in later developments in information theory, in particular for the local measures we discuss in Sect. 3 (as well as more recently in debate over measures of information redundancy [95, 35, 53]). So, the Shannon entropy was derived as the unique formulation (up to the base of the logarithm) satisfying a certain set of properties or axioms [85] (with property labels following [76]): • continuity with respect to the underlying probability distribution function p(x) (PDF). This sensibly ensures that small changes in p(x) only lead to small changes in H(X). • monotony: being a monotonically increasing function of the number of choices n for x when each choice xi is equally likely (with probability p(xi ) = 1/n). In Shannon’s words, this desirable because: “With equally likely events there is more choice, or uncertainty, when there are more possible events” [85]. Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 165 • grouping: “If a choice (can) be broken down into two successive choices, the original H should be the weighted sum of the individual values of H” [85]. That is to say, “H is independent of how the process is divided into parts” [76]. This is crucial because the intrinsic uncertainy we measure for the process should not depend on any subjectivity in how we divide up the stages of the process to be examined. Further, note that the Shannon entropy for a measurement can be interpreted as the minimal average number of bits required to encode or describe its value without losing information [65, 13]. The joint entropy of two random variables X and Y is a generalization to quantify the uncertainty of their joint distribution: H(X,Y ) = − ∑ p(x, y) log2 p(x, y). (2) x,y The conditional entropy of X given Y is the average uncertainty that remains about x when y is known: H(X | Y ) = − ∑ p(x, y) log2 p(x | y). (3) x,y The conditional entropy for a measurement of X can be interpreted as the minimal average number of bits required to encode or describe its value without losing information, given that the receiver of the encoding already knows the value of Y . The previous quantities are related by the following chain rule: H(X,Y ) = H(X) + H(Y | X). (4) The mutual information (MI) between X and Y measures the average reduction in uncertainty about x that results from learning the value of y, or vice versa: I(X;Y ) = − ∑ p(x, y) log2 x,y p(x | y) p(x) = H(X) − H(X | Y ). (5) (6) The MI is symmetric in the variables X and Y . The mutual information for measurements of X and Y can be interpreted as the average number of bits saved in encoding or describing X given that the receiver of the encoding already knows the value of Y , in comparison to the encoding of X without the knowledge of Y . These descriptions of X with and without the value of Y are both minimal without losing information. Note that one can compute the self-information I(X; X), which is the average information required to predict the value of X, and is equal to the uncertainty H(X) associated with such a measurement. The conditional mutual information between X and Y given Z is the mutual information between X and Y when Z is known: 166 J.T. Lizier I(X;Y | Z) = − ∑ p(x, y, z) log2 x,y,z p(x | y, z) p(x | z) = H(X | Z) − H(X | Y, Z). (7) (8) One can consider the MI from two variables Y1 ,Y2 jointly to another variable X, I(X;Y1 ,Y2 ), and using (4), (6) and (8) decompose this into the information carried by the first variable plus that carried by the second conditioned on the first: I(X;Y1 ,Y2 ) = I(X;Y1 ) + I(X;Y2 | Y1 ). (9) Of course, this chain rule generalises to multivariate Y of dimension greater than two. Note that a conditional MI I(X;Y | Z) may be either larger or smaller than the related unconditioned MI I(X;Y ) [65]. The conditioning removes information redundantly held by the source Y and the conditioned variable Z about X (e.g. if both Y and Z were copies of X). Furthermore, the conditioning also includes synergistic information about X which can only be decoded with knowledge of both the source Y and conditioned variable Z (e.g. where X is the result of an exclusive-OR or XOR operation from Y and Z). These components cannot be teased apart with traditional information-theoretic analysis; the partial information decomposition approach was introduced for this purpose [95] (and see also [35, 32, 53]). We now move on to consider measures of information in time-series processes X of the random variables {. . . Xn−1 , Xn , Xn+1 . . .} with process realisations {. . . xn−1 , xn , xn+1 . . .} for countable time indices n. We refer to measures which consider how the information in variable Xn is related to previous variables, e.g. Xn−1 , of the process or other processes as measures of information dynamics. The entropy rate is defined by [13]: 1 H(X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn ) n 1 (n) = lim H(Xn ), n→∞ n Hμ (X) = lim n→∞ (10) (11) (k) (where the limit exists) where we have used Xn = {Xn−k+1 , . . . , Xn−1 , Xn } to denote the k consecutive variables of X up to and including time step n. This quantity describes the limiting rate at which the entropy of n consecutive measurements of X grow with n. A related definition is given by:2 Hμ (X) = lim H [Xn | X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn−1 ] n→∞ (n−1) = lim H Xn | Xn−1 . n→∞ 2 (12) (13) Note that we have reversed the use of the primes in the notation from [13], in line with [14]. Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 167 Cover and Thomas [13] point out that these two quantities correspond to two subtly different notions: the first is something of an average per symbol entropy, while the second is a conditional entropy of the last random variable given the past. These authors go on to demonstrate that for stationary processes X, the limits for the two quantities Hμ (X) and Hμ (X) exist (i.e. the average entropy rate converges) and are equal. For our purposes in considering information dynamics, we are interested in the latter formulation Hμ (X), since it explicitly describes how one random variable Xn (n−1) is related to the previous instances Xn−1 . For practical usage, we are particularly interested in estimation of Hμ (X) with finite-lengths k, and in estimating it regarding the information at different time indices n. That is to say, we use the notation (k) Hμ (Xn+1 , k) to describe the conditional entropy in Xn+1 given Xn : (k) (14) Hμ (Xn+1 , k) = H Xn+1 | Xn . Of course, letting k = n and joining (13) and (14) we have limn→∞ Hμ (Xn+1 , n) = Hμ (X). 3 Local Information Theoretic Measures In this section, we describe how one may obtain local information measures with reference to their more well-known average information-theoretic counterparts. Local information-theoretic measures characterise the information attributed with specific measurements x and y of variables X and Y , rather than the average information associated with these variables. Local values within a global average are known to provide important insights into the dynamics of nonlinear systems [16]. We begin by defining local values of the entropy and conditional entropy (Shannon information content values) in Sect. 3.1, and then describe local mutual information and conditional mutual information in Sect. 3.2. Next, in Sect. 3.3 we consider the meaning and properties of these local values where where X and Y are time-series processes and local information-theoretic measures characterise the information attributed at each local point in time in these series. Finally, we describe in Sect. 3.4 the mechanics of how these local information-theoretic measures can be practically quantified, using various types of estimators. Before beginning, we note that such local information-theoretic measures have been used (with less explicit presentation) in various earlier studies in complex systems science, e.g. for the local excess entropy [83], the local statistical complexity [83, 84], and the local information [36]. Yet relatively little exploration has been made into the dynamics of these local information measures in complex systems, and certainly none had been made into the local dynamics of information storage, transfer and modification, as we will review in Sect. 4. 168 J.T. Lizier 3.1 Shannon Information Content and Its Meaning The Shannon information content or local entropy of an outcome x of measurement of the variable X is [65]: h(x) = − log2 p(x). (15) Note that by convention we use lower-case symbols to denote local informationtheoretic measures throughout this chapter. The Shannon information content can be shown to be the unique formulation (up to the base of the logarithm) satisfying the following properties [1]: • grouping: h(p1 (x1 ) × p2 (x2 )) = h(p1 (x1 )) + h(p2 (x2 )), where h(p(x)) = − log2 p(x) = h(x), and p1 and p2 (both satisfying 0 < p ≤ 1) can be interpreted as representing the probabilities of two independent events x1 and x2 ; • monotonically decreasing with p(x); and • continuity with p(x). Note that these three properties map directly to the three properties for the (average) Shannon entropy (see Sect. 2). Also, noting that this quantity is also equivalent to a local self-information, it can also be derived (see [22, Chapter 2]) by starting with the local mutual information (see Sect. 3.2). Now, the quantity h(x) is simply the information content attributed to the specific symbol x, or the information required to predict or uniquely specify that specific value. Less probable outcomes x have higher information content than more probable outcomes, and we have h(x) ≥ 0. Specifically, the Shannon information content of a given symbol x is the code-length for that symbol in an optimal encoding scheme for the measurements X, i.e. one that produces the minimal expected code length.3 In this light, one views the Shannon entropy as the “entropy of an ensemble” [65] of the outcomes x of the random variable X, with probabilities p defined over the alphabet Ax of possible outcomes. That is, H(X) is the average or expectation value of the Shannon information content for each symbol x ∈ Ax (compare to (1)): H(X) = ∑ p(x)h(x), (16) = h(x) . (17) x As we will see, each average information-theoretic measure is an average over its associated local quantity. In the mathematics above, we see the average or expectation value as being taken over each symbol x = m (where m ∈ {0, . . . , M − 1} without loss of generality for some M discrete symbols). We can also view it however as being an average over each observation or measurement xi (where i is a measurement index) of X that 3 Note that this “optimal code-length” may specify non-integer choices; full discussion of the implications of this, practical issues in selecting integer code-lengths, and block-coding optimisations are contained in [13, Chapter 5]. Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 169 we used to construct our probability distribution function p(x). To do this, we start from the operational definition of the PDF for each symbol: p(x = m) = c(x=m) N , where c(x = m) is the count of observations of the symbol m out of the N total observations. To precisely compute this probability, the ratio should be composed over all realisations of the observed variables (as described in [83]); realistically however, estimates will be made from a finite number of observations N. We then re-write (1) using this definition: H(X) = − ∑ m c(x = m) log2 p(x = m), N c(x=m) and then further expand using the identity c(x = m) = ∑g=1 H(X) = − ∑ m c(x=m) ∑ g=1 (18) 1: 1 log2 p(x = m). N (19) This leaves a double sum running over i. each actual observation g, ii. for each possible observation x = m. This is equivalent to a single sum over all N observations xi , i = 1 . . . N, giving: H(X) = − 1 N ∑ log2 p(xi ), N i=1 = h(xi )i , (20) (21) as required. To reiterate, we refer to h(xi ) as a local entropy because it is defined locally for each observation xi . At this point, we note that the above derivation shows that the PDF p(x) for the local value h(x) is evaluated at a specific local observation x, but the function p is defined using all of the relevant observations. This is a subtle point - the evaluation of p is local to the observation x, but we need other observations to define the function p in order to make this evaluation. We revisit this concept when we consider time-series processes in Sect. 3.3. Now, we note that one can also define conditional Shannon information content (or local conditional entropy) [65]: h(x | y) = − log2 p(x | y), (22) and that these quantities satisfy the chain rule in alignment with their averages: h(x, y) = h(y) + h(x | y). (23) In this way, we see that the information content of a joint quantity (x, y) is the code length of y plus the code length of x given y. Finally, we note that this quantity is also referred to as conditional self-information and can also be derived (see [22, Chapter 2]) by starting with the local conditional mutual information (see Sect. 3.2). 170 J.T. Lizier 3.2 Local Mutual Information and Conditional Mutual Information Next, we consider localisations of the mutual information. One way to think about this quantity is to build the local mutual information directly from Shannon information content or local entropy measures, in alignment with its average definition, i.e.: i(x; y) = h(x) − h(x | y), = log2 p(x | y) . p(x) (24) (25) In this way, we see that the local mutual information is the difference in code lengths between coding the value x in isolation (under the optimal encoding scheme for X), or coding the value x given y (under the optimal encoding scheme for X given Y ). In other words, this quantity captures the coding “cost” for x in not being aware of the value y. Similarly, the local conditional mutual information can be constructed as: i(x; y | z) = h(x | z) − h(x | y, z), = log2 p(x | y, z) . p(x | z) (26) (27) Here, we see that the local conditional mutual information is the difference in code lengths (or coding cost) between coding the value x given z (under the optimal encoding scheme for X given Z), or coding the value x given both y and z (under the optimal encoding scheme for X given Y and Z). More formally however, Fano [22, ch. 2] set out to quantify “the amount of information provided by the occurrence of the event represented by yi about the occurrence of the event represented by xi .” He derived the local mutual information i(x; y) (25) to capture this concept, as well as the local conditional mutual information i(x; y | z) (27), directly from the following four postulates: • once-differentiability with respect to the underlying probability distribution functions p(x) and p(x | y); • identical mathematical form for the conditional MI and local conditional MI, only with p(x) replaced by p(x | z) and p(x | y) replaced by p(x | y, z); • additivity for the information provided by y and z about x, i.e.: i({y, z} ; x) = i(y; x) + i(z; x | y); • separation for independent ensembles XY and UV , i.e. where we have p(x, y, u, v) = p(x, y)p(u, v) then we must have i({x, u} ; {y, v}) = i(x; y) + i(u; v). Crucially, Fano’s derivation means that i(x; y) and i(x; y | z) are uniquely specified, up to the base of the logarithm. Of course, we have I(X;Y ) = i(x; y) and I(X;Y | Z) = i(x; y | z) as per the averaged entropy quantities in the previous section. It is particularly interesting that Fano made the derivation for local mutual information directly, and only computed Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 171 the averaged quantity as a result of that. This contrasts with contemporary perspectives which generally give primary consideration to the averaged quantity. (This is not the case however in natural language processing for example, where the local MI is commonly used and known as the point-wise mutual information, e.g. [68]). We also note that i(x; y) is symmetric in x and y (like I(X;Y )), though this was not explicitly built into the above postulates. Next, consider that the local MI and conditional MI values may be either positive or negative, in contrast to the local entropy which cannot take negative values. Positive values are fairly intuitive to understand: the local mutual information in (25) is positive where p(x | y) > p(x), i.e. knowing the value of y increased our expectation of (or positively informed us about) the value of the measurement x. The existence of negative values is often a concern for readers unfamiliar with the concept, however they too are simple to understand. Negative values simply occur in (25) where p(x | y) < p(x), i.e. knowing about the value of y actually changed our belief p(x) about the probability of occurrence of the outcome x to a smaller value p(x | y), and hence we considered it less likely that x would occur when knowing y than when not knowing y, in a case were x nevertheless occurred. As an example, consider the probability that it will rain today, p(rain = 1), and the probability that it will rain given that the weather forecast said it would not, p(rain = 1 | rain forecast = 0). Being generous to weather forecasters for a moment, let’s say that p(rain = 1 | rain forecast = 0) < p(rain = 1), so we would have i(rain = 1; rain forecast = 0) < 0, because we considered it less likely that rain would occur today when hearing the forecast than without the forecast, in a case where rain nevertheless occurred. These negative values of MI are actually quite meaningful, and can be interpreted as there being negative information in the value of y about x. We could also interpret the value y as being misleading or misinformative about the value of x, because it had lowered our expectation of observing x prior to that observation being made in this instance. In the above example, the weather forecast was misinformative about the rain today. One can also view the negative values using (24), seeing that i(x; y) is negative where knowing y increased the uncertainty about x. Importantly, these local measures always average to give a non-negative value. Elaborating on an example from Cover and Thomas [13, p.28], “in a court case, specific new evidence” y “might increase uncertainty” about the outcome x, “but on the average evidence decreases uncertainty”. Similarly, in our above example, while the weather forecast might misinform us about the rain on a particular day, on average the weather forecast will provide positive (or at least zero!) information. Finally, we note that the local mutual information i(x; y) measures we consider here are distinct from partial localization expressions, i.e. the partial mutual information or specific information I(x;Y ) [18], which consider information contained in specific values x of one variable X about the other (unknown) variable Y . Crucially, there are two valid approaches to measuring partial mutual information, one which preserves the additivity property and one which retains non-negativity [18]. As described above however, there is only one valid approach for the fully local mutual information i(x; y) (and see further discussion in [56]). 172 J.T. Lizier 3.3 Local Information Measures for Time Series Now, consider Xn , Yn and Zn as the variables of time-series processes X, Y and Z with specific measurements (xn , yn , zn ) at each time point n = 1, . . . , N (though the specific time interval is arbitrary). The local information-theoretic measures, e.g. i(xn ; yn ), then characterise the information attributed at each local point in time in these series. Furthermore, where X is a multivariate spatiotemporal series with measurements xi,n at spatial points i for each time n, then local information-theoretic measures, e.g. i(xi,n ; xi,n+1 ), characterise the information attributed at each local spatiotemporal point in the series, and one can form spatiotemporal profiles of the information characteristics. Such local characterisation is what we mean by the local measures being useful for studying the dynamics of information in space and time. We shall explore examples of such dynamics in the next sections. As described earlier for h(x), computing a local measure requires evaluating the probability distribution function (PDF) p(x) for the given local observation x, however the PDF itself must be defined using all of the relevant observations of the variable X. Furthermore, where X is a time series, it is clear that the observations to construct the PDF for evaluating p(xn ) at xn are not local in time to that observation xn . We must carefully consider which parts of the time series X are used to construct the PDF – one should select observations across which the time series is stationary or in the same phase of a cyclostationary process when constructing PDFs for information-theoretic functions. Often, this may mean using a sliding window technique to construct the PDF – i.e. to evaluate p(xn ) we may use observations {xn−T , . . . , xn+T } (for some T ) to construct the PDF, assuming that the time series is stationary over that time-interval. While one would wish to maximise the size of the time-window in order to have many samples to estimate the PDF, this must be balanced against these stationarity considerations. An alternate ensemble approach may be to sample many repeat time series Xi (where i is an instance, trial or realisation index of the time-series) with measurements xi,n , where stationarity is assumed at fixed time points n over all samples i. In this case, p(xi,n ) is constructed for each xi,n using the ensemble of samples for all time-series instances i but with the same n, and the PDF is then somewhat local in time. Gómez-Herrero et al. [26] use a hybrid ensemble – sliding-window approach, estimating PDFs over values xi,n for all trials i within some time-window t − σ ≤ n ≤ t + σ , giving the measures a local flavour (discussed further in the chapter by Vicente and Wibral in this book). Also, note that TRENTOOL (transfer entropy toolbox) [49] implements such an ensemble approach for PDF estimation. For ergodic processes, the time-window and ensemble approaches are theoretically equivalent. Now, note that the sliding-window technique described above only refers to constructing the PDF using all observations from that window – it does not force us to compute the average measure, e.g. H(X), over all observations in that window {xn−T , . . . , xn+T }. Instead, once the PDF is obtained, we may evaluate the local Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 173 values of entropy and (conditional) mutual information. Averaging can of course be done, e.g. [90], but while averaging in a sliding-window approach does provide a more local measure than averaging over all available observations in the time series X, it is not local in the same sense as the term is used here (i.e. it does not look at the information involved in a computation at a single specific time step). Still on averages, recall that average information-theoretic measures represent averages over local measures at each observation (see (21)). For time-series X, if the whole series is stationary (or if we look at data from identical phases of a cyclostationary process) then we can take the time-average of all local values in order to compute the relevant averaged information-theoretic measure, i.e.: H(X) = h(xn )n . (28) Alternatively, if we are taking an ensemble approach with observations xi,n for each time series realisation or trial Xi , then we can take an average across all realisations, e.g.: H(Xn ) = h(xi,n )i , (29) to compute an average measure at the given time index n (across realisations or trials). Indeed, this approach can be quite useful to obtain a “local” quantity in time H(Xn ), while mitigating against the large variance in local values (noted in [26]). Of course, the PDFs could be estimated using a hybrid ensemble – sliding-window approach, as noted above [26]. 3.4 Estimating the Local Quantities As described above, appropriately selecting the observations to use in the PDF is one challenge associated with estimating these local quantities properly. Another challenge is to select the type of estimator to use, and to properly extract local probability estimates from it for evaluating the local information quantities. Full details on information-theoretic estimators are given in a separate chapter of this book by Vicente and Wibral. In this subsection we specifically describe evaluation of the local quantities using various estimators. 4 When we have discrete-valued data, estimating the local measures is relatively straightforward. One simply counts the matching configurations in the available data to obtain the relevant probability estimates ( p̂(x | y) and p̂(x) for mutual information), and then uses these values directly in the equation for the given local quantity (e.g. (25) for local mutual information) as a plug-in estimate. For continuous-valued data where we deal with the differential entropy [13] and probability density functions, estimation of the local quantities is slightly more complicated and depends on the estimator being used. 4 Open-source code is available for local information-theoretic measures (using all of the estimator types considered here) in the Java Information Dynamics Toolkit on Google code [51]. 174 J.T. Lizier Using kernel-estimators (e.g. see [82, 41]), the relevant probabilities (e.g. p̂(x | y) and p̂(x) for mutual information) are estimated with kernel functions, and then these values are used directly in the equation for the given local quantity (e.g. (25)) as a plug-in estimate (see e.g. [61]). With the improvements to kernel-estimation for mutual information suggested by Kraskov et al. [45, 44] (and extended to conditional mutual information and transfer entropy by [24, 26]), the PDF evaluations are effectively bypassed, and for the average measure one goes directly to estimates based on nearest neighbour counts nx and ny in the marginal spaces for each observation. For example, for Kraskov’s algorithm 1 we have: (30) I(X;Y ) = ψ (k) − ψ (nx + 1) + ψ (ny + 1) + ψ (N), where ψ denotes the digamma function, and the values are returned in nats rather than bits. Local values can be extracted here simply by unrolling the expectation values and computing the nearest neighbour counts only at the given observation (x, y), e.g. for algorithm 1: i(x; y) = ψ (k) − ψ (nx + 1) − ψ (ny + 1) + ψ (N). (31) This has been observed as a “time-varying estimator” in [26] and used to estimate the local transfer entropy in [50] and [89]. Using permutation entropy approaches [3] (e.g. symbolic transfer entropy [87]), the relevant probabilities are estimated based on the relative ordinal structure of the joint vectors, and these values are directly used in the equations for the given quantities as plug-in estimates (e.g. see local symbolic transfer entropy in [72]). Finally, using a multivariate Gaussian model for X (which is of d dimensions), the average entropy has the form [13]: H(X) = 1 ln ((2π e)d | Ω |), 2 (32) (in nats) where | Ω | is the determinant of the d × d covariance matrix Ω = XT X (for row vectors X), and the overbar “represents an average over the statistical ensemble” [6]. Any standard information-theoretic measure of the variables (at the same time step), e.g. mutual information, can then be obtained from sums and differences of these joint entropies. While the PDFs were again effectively bypassed in the average, the local entropies (and by sums and difference other local measures) can be obtained by first reconstructing the probability of a given observation x in a multivariate process with covariance matrix Ω : 1 1 −1 T exp − (x − μ )Ω (x − μ ) , (33) p(x) = √ 2 ( 2π )d | Ω |1/2 Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 175 (where μ is the expectation value of x), then using these values directly in the equation for the given local quantity as a plug-in estimate.5 4 Local Measures of Information Processing In this section, we build on the fundamental quantities of information theory, our first look at dynamic measures of information, and on the dynamics of local information measures in time, to present measures of the dynamics of information processing. We briefly review the framework for information dynamics which was recently introduced in [58, 59, 60, 62, 52]. The fundamental question the measures of this framework address is: “where does the information in a random variable Xn+1 in a time series come from?”. This question is addressed in terms of information from the past of process X (i.e. the information storage), information contributed from other source processes Y (i.e. the information transfer), and how these sources combine (information modification). Here we describe local measures of information storage and transfer, and refer the reader to [60, 23, 53] regarding information modification. 4.1 Local Information Storage The active information storage AX was introduced [62] to measure how much of the information from the past of the process is observed to be in use in computing its next state.6 The active information storage AX is the average mutual information (k) (k) between realizations xn of the past state Xn (as k → ∞) and the corresponding realizations xn+1 of the next value Xn+1 of a given time series process X: AX = lim AX (k), k→∞ (k) AX (k) = I Xn ; Xn+1 . (34) (35) We note that the limit k → ∞ is required in general so as to capture all relevant information in the past of X, unless the next value xn+1 is conditionally independent (∞) (k) of the far past values xn−k given xn [62]. Empirically of course, one is limited to finite-k estimates AX (k). 5 6 See the next section, Sect. 4.2, regarding how this method can be used to produce a local Granger causality, as a local transfer entropy using a Gaussian model estimator. This contrasts with related measures including: the statistical complexity [15] which measures all information stored by the system which may be used in the future; and the excess entropy [31, 14] which measures that information which is used by the system at some point in the future. Of course, this means that the excess entropy measures information storage that will possibly but not necessarily be used at the next time step n + 1, which is greater than or equal to that measured by the active information storage. See further discussion in [62]. 176 J.T. Lizier Now, the local active information storage aX (n + 1) is the local mutual informa(k) (k) tion between realizations xn of the past state Xn (as k → ∞) and the corresponding realizations xn+1 of the next value Xn+1 . This is computed as described for local mutual information values in Sect. 3.2. The average active information storage AX is the expectation of these local values: AX = aX (n + 1), (36) aX (n + 1) = lim aX (n + 1, k), k→∞ AX (k) = aX (n + 1, k), aX (n + 1, k) = (38) (k) i(xn ; xn+1 ), = log2 (37) (39) (k) p(xn+1 | xn ) . p(xn+1 ) (40) The local values of active information storage measure the dynamics of information storage at different time points within a system, revealing to us how the use of memory fluctuates during a process. Where the observations used for the relevant PDFs are from the whole time series of a process (under an assumption of stationarity, as outlined in Sect. 3.3), then the average AX (k) is the time-average of the local values aX (n + 1, k). We also note that since [62]: A(X) = H(X) − Hμ (X), (41) then the limit in (34) exists for stationary processes (i.e. A(X) converges with k → ∞). A proof for convergence of a(xn+1 ) with k → ∞ remains a topic for future work. As described for the local mutual information in Sect. 3.2, aX (n + 1) may be positive or negative, meaning the past history of the process can either positively inform us or actually misinform us about its next value [62]. An observer of the process is misinformed where, conditioned on the past history the observed outcome was relatively unlikely as compared to the unconditioned probability of that outcome (i.e. (k) p(xn+1 | xn ) < p(xn+1 )). In deterministic systems (e.g. CAs), negative local active information storage means that there must be strong information transfer from other causal sources. 4.2 Local Information Transfer Information transfer is defined as the amount of information that a source process provides about a target (or destination) process’ next state that was not contained in the target’s past. This definition pertains to Schreiber’s transfer entropy measure [82], which has become a very popular tool in complex systems in general (e.g. [96, 64, 73, 5, 59, 55, 7]) and in computational neuroscience in particular (e.g. [91, 49, 40, 88, 54, 19]). Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 177 The transfer entropy (TE) [82] captures the average mutual information from re(l) (l) alizations yn of the state Yn of a source time-series process Y to the corresponding realizations xn+1 of the next value Xn+1 of the target time-series process X, condi(k) (k) tioned on realizations xn of the previous state Xn : TY →X (l) = lim TY →X (k, l), k→∞ (l) (k) TY →X (k, l) = I Yn ; Xn+1 | Xn . (42) (43) Schreiber emphasized that, unlike the (unconditioned) time-differenced mutual information, the transfer entropy was a properly directed, dynamic measure of information transfer rather than shared information. There are a number of important considerations regarding the use of this measure. These are described more fully in the chapter by Wibral et al. in this book, and summarised as follows. First, in general, one should take the limit as k → ∞ in order to properly embed (k) or represent the previous state Xn as relevant to the relationship between the next (l) value Xn+1 and the source Yn [59]. Note that k can be limited here where the next (∞) (k) value xn+1 is conditionally independent of the far past values xn−k given (xn , yn ). We observe that this historical information conditioned on by the transfer entropy is exactly that provided by the active information storage. As such, setting k properly in this manner gives the observer the perspective to properly separate information storage and transfer in the distributed computation in the systems, and allows one to interpret the transfer entropy as properly representing information transfer [59, 56]. Empirically of course one is restricted to finite-k estimates TY →X (k, l). Also, note that the transfer entropy can be defined for an arbitrary source-target (l) (k) delay, i.e. measuring I Yn−u ; Xn+1 | Xn , and indeed that this should be done for the appropriate causal delay u > 0 [93]. For ease of presentation here, we describe the measures for u = 1 only, though all are straightforward to generalise. (l) Furthermore, considering the source state yn rather than a scalar yn is most appropriate where the observations y mask a hidden Markov process which is causal to X, or where multiple past values of Y in addition to yn are causal to xn+1 . Otherwise, where yn is directly causal to xn+1 , and where it is the only direct causal source in Y , we use only l = 1 [59, 56]. Finally, for proper interpretation as information transfer, Y is constrained among the causal information contributors to X [56]. We have also provided a thermodynamic interpretation of transfer entropy in [79], as being proportional to external entropy production, possibly due to irreversibility. Now, we continue on to extract the local transfer entropy tY →X (n + 1) [59] as a local conditional mutual information using the approach described in Sect. 3.2. It is the amount of information transfer attributed to the specific configuration or real(k) (l) ization (xn+1 , xn , yn ) at time step n + 1; i.e. the amount of information transfered from process Y to X at time step n + 1: 178 J.T. Lizier TY →X (l) = tY →X (n + 1, l), tY →X (n + 1, l) = lim tY →X (n + 1, k, l), (44) (45) TY →X (k, l) = tY →X (n + 1, k, l) , (46) k→∞ tY →X (n + 1, k, l) = (l) i(yn ; xn+1 = log2 (k) | xn ), (k) (47) (l) p(xn+1 | xn , yn ) (k) p(xn+1 | xn ) . (48) These local information transfer values measure the dynamics of transfer in time between any given pair of processes within a system, revealing to us how information is transferred across the system in time and space. Fig. 1 indicates a local transfer entropy measurement for a pair of processes Y → X. As above, where the observations used for the relevant PDFs are from the whole time series of the processes (under an assumption of stationarity, as outlined in Sect. 3.3) then the average TY →X (k, l) is the time-average of the local transfer values tY →X (n + 1, k, l). As described for the local conditional mutual information in Sect. 3.2, tY →X (n + 1) may be positive or negative, meaning the source process can either positively Fig. 1 Local transfer entropy tY →X (n + 1, k, l = 1) indicated by the blue arrow: information contained in the realization yn of the source variable Y about the next value xn+1 of the (k) destination variable X at time n + 1, in the context of the corresponding realization xn of the destination’s past state Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 179 inform us or actually misinform us about the next value of the target (in the context of the target’s past state) [59]. An observer of the process is misinformed where, conditioned on the source and the past of the target the observed outcome was relatively unlikely, as compared to the probability of that outcome conditioning on the (k) (l) (k) past history only (i.e. p(xn+1 | xn , yn ) < p(xn+1 | xn )). Noting the equivalence of the transfer entropy and the concept of Granger causality [28] when the transfer entropy is estimated using a Gaussian model [4], we observe that the local transfer entropy – when estimated with a Gaussian model as described in Sect. 3.4 – directly gives a local Granger causality measurement . Now, the transfer entropy may also be conditioned on other possible sources Z to account for their effects on the target. The conditional transfer entropy was introduced for this purpose [59, 60]: TY →X|Z (l) = lim TY →X|Z (k, l), k→∞ (l) (k) TY →X|Z (k, l) = I Yn ; Xn+1 | Xn , Z , (49) (50) Note that Z may represent an embedded state of another variable and/or be explicitly multivariate. Transfer entropies conditioned on other variables have been used in several biophysical and neuroscience applications, e.g. [20, 21, 88]. We also have the corresponding local conditional transfer entropy: (51) TY →X|Z (k, l) = tY →X|Z (n + 1, k, l) , tY →X|Z (n + 1, k, l) = log2 (l) (k) (l) p(xn+1 | xn , yn , zn ) (k) p(xn+1 | xn , zn ) (k) = i(yn ; xn+1 | xn , zn ). , (52) (53) Of course, this extra conditioning can prevent the (redundant) influence of a common drive Z from being attributed to Y , and can also include the synergistic contribution when the source Y acts in conjunction with another source Z (e.g. where X is the outcome of an XOR operation on Y and Z). We specifically refer to the conditional transfer entropy as the complete transfer entropy (with notation TYc→X (k, l) and tYc →X (n + 1, k, l) for example) when it conditions on all other causal sources Z to the target X [59]. To differentiate the conditional and complete transfer entropies from the original measure, we often refer to TY →X simply as the apparent transfer entropy [59] - this nomenclature conveys that the result is the information transfer that is apparent without accounting for other sources. Finally, note that one can decompose the mutual information from a set of sources to a target as a sum of incrementally conditioned mutual information terms [60, 56, 53]. For example, for a two source system we have: 180 J.T. Lizier (k) (k) (k) I(Xn+1 ; {Xn ,Y1,n ,Y2,n }) = I(Xn+1 ; Xn ) + I(Xn+1;Y1,n | Xn )+ (k) + I(Xn+1;Y2,n | Xn ,Y1,n ), = AX (k) + TY1 →X (k) + TY2 →X|Y1 (k). (54) This equation could be reversed in the order of Y1 and Y2 , and its correctness is independent of k (so long as k is large enough to capture the causal sources in the past of the target). Crucially, this equation reveals the nature in which information storage (AX ) and transfer (TY1 →X , etc.) are complementary operations in distributed computation. 5 Local Information Processing in Cellular Automata In this section, we review the application of local information storage and transfer measures to cellular automata (as first presented in [58, 59, 56, 60, 62, 61]), in order to demonstrate the ability of the local measures to reveal deeper insights into the dynamics of complex systems than their averaged and more well-known counterparts. Cellular automata (CAs) are discrete dynamical systems with an array of cells that synchronously update their value as a function of a fixed number of spatial neighbours using a uniform rule [97]. The update rule is specified by listing the next value for a given cell as a function of each possible configuration of its neighbourhood in a rule table – see Table 1 – and summarising this specification in a single number (known as a Wolfram number; see [97]). We focus here on Elementary CAs (ECAs), which are 1D arrays of binary-valued cells with one neighbour on either side. Although the behaviour of each individual cell in a CA is very simple, the (nonlinear) interactions between all cells can lead to very intricate global behaviour, meaning CAs have become a classic example of self-organised complex dynamics. Of particular importance, CAs have been used to model real-world spatial dynamical Table 1 Rule table for ECA rule 54. The Wolfram rule number for this rule table is composed by taking the next cell value for each configuration, concatenating them into a binary code starting from the bottom of the rule table as the most significant bit (e.g. b00110110 here), and then forming the decimal rule number from that binary encoding. Neighbourhood configuration for cell i at time n Next cell value xi,n+1 at time n + 1 cell xi−1,n value (left) cell xi,n value cell xi+1,n value (right) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 181 processes, including fluid flow, earthquakes and biological pattern formation [70]. Indeed, CAs have even been used in neural network models to study criticality in avalanches of activity [75, 67]. While they may not be the most realistic microscopic neural model available, it is certainly true that CAs can exhibit certain phenomena that are of particular interest in neuroscience, including avalanche behaviour (e.g. [75, 80, 47, 67]) and coherent propagating wave-like structures (e.g. [27, 17]). Indeed, the presence of such coherent emergent structures: particles, gliders, blinkers and domains; is what has made CAs so interesting in complex systems science in general. A domain is a set of background configurations in a CA, any of which will update to another configuration in the set in the absence of any disturbance. Domains are formally defined by computational mechanics as spatial process languages in the CA [33]. Particles are considered to be dynamic elements of coherent spatiotemporal structure, which are disturbances or lie in contrast to the background domain. Gliders are regular particles, blinkers are stationary gliders. Formally, particles are defined by computational mechanics as a boundary between two domains [33]; as such, they can be referred to as domain walls, though this term is usually reserved for irregular particles. Several techniques exist to filter particles from background domains (e.g. [29, 30, 33, 34, 98, 36, 37, 84, 59, 60, 62]). These emergent structures have been quite important to studies of distributed computation in CAs, for example in the design or identification of universal computation (see [70]), and analyses of the dynamics of intrinsic or other specific computation ([46, 33, 71]). This is because these studies typically discuss the computation in terms of the three primitive functions of computation and their apparent analogues in CA dynamics [70, 46]: • blinkers as the basis of information storage, since they periodically repeat at a fixed location; • particles as the basis of information transfer, since they communicate information about the dynamics of one spatial part of the CA to another part; and • collisions between these structures as information modification, since collision events combine and modify the local dynamical structures. Previous to the work reviewed here however, these analogies remained conjecture only, based on qualitative observation of CA dynamics. In the following subsections, we review the applications [59, 60, 62, 58, 56] of the local information storage and transfer measures described in Sect. 4 to cellular automata. These experiments involved constructing 10 000 cell 1-dimensional CAs, and executing the relevant update rules to generate 600 time steps of dynamics. All resulting 6 × 106 observations of cell-updates are then used to compose the relevant PDFs, and the local measures of information storage and transfer were computed for each observation using these PDFs. Specifically, local active information storage aX (n, k = 16) is computed for each cell X for each time step n, while local transfer entropy tY →X (n, k = 16, l = 1) is computed for each time step n for each target cell X and for the two causal sources Y on either side of X (referred to as channels j = 1 and −1 for transfer across 1 cell to the right or left). The use of all observations across all cells and time steps implies an assumption of stationarity here. This is 182 J.T. Lizier justified in that the large CA length and relativity short number of time steps (and ignoring of initial steps) is designed to ensure that an attractor is not reached while the typical transient dynamics of the CA are well-sampled. Note also that l = 1 is used since we directly observe the interacting values and only one previous time step is a causal source here. As such, in line with (54) we have (k) I(Xn+1 ; {Xn ,Yl,n ,Yr,n }) = AX (k) + TYl →X (k) + TYr →X|Yl (k), (55) where Yl represents the causal source to the left (channel j = 1) and Yr the causal source to the right (channel j = −1) – although their placement is interchangeable in this equation. Sample results of this application are displayed for rules 54 and 18 in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. The figures displayed here were produced using the open source Java Information Dynamics Toolkit (JIDT) [51], which can be used in Matlab, Octave and Python as well as Java. All results can be reproduced using the Matlab/Octave script DirectedMeasuresChapterDemo2013.m in the demos/octave/CellularAutomata example distributed with this toolkit. These applications provided the first quantitative evidence for the above conjectures, and are discussed in the following subsections. But the most important result for our purposes is that the local measures reveal richly-structured spatiotemporal profiles of the information storage and transfer dynamics here, with interesting local features revealed at various points in space-time. It is simply not possible for these dynamics to be revealed by the average measures, be they averages across all cells and times or averages just across all cells in time. These features are uniquely provided by considering the local dynamics of information processing in CAs, and are discussed in the following subsections. 5.1 Blinkers and Background Domains as Information Storage Entities The first and most expected result is that blinkers (regular, stationary particles) and regular background domains are dominant information storage entities [62], e.g. see Fig. 2(b). This is because these structures are temporally periodic, and (k) so the past state of a cell xn is highly predictive of the next value xn+1 – this means (k) that we have p(xn+1 | xn ) > p(xn+1 ), giving large positive values of aX (n + 1, k) via (40). In contrast, we see in Fig. 2(b) and Fig. 3(b) that moving particle structures (both regular gliders and domain walls) are associated with negative local information (k) storage aX (n + 1, k). This is because at these locations, the past state of a cell xn is part of the background domain and observing it would normally predict that the background domain continues. Since a particle is encountered at the cell instead (k) however, this past state xn is in fact misinformative about the next value xn+1 . (k) That is to say, we have p(xn+1 | xn ) < p(xn+1 ), giving negative values of aX (n + 1, k) via (40). We note that these misinformative values can only occur (for this Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale γ α α γ γ γ γ γ β γ α γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ α γ γ (c) tY →X (n, k = 16) right – j = 1 channel γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ γ α (b) aX (n, k = 16) (a) Raw CA 183 γ (d) tY →X (n, k = 16) left – j = −1 channel Fig. 2 Local information dynamics in ECA rule 54 for the raw values in (a) (black for “1”, white for “0”). 35 time steps are displayed for 35 cells, and time increases down the page for all CA plots. All units are in bits. (b) Local active information storage; Local apparent transfer entropy: (c) one cell to the right, and (d) one cell to the left per time step. deterministic system) where another information source is having a relatively large predictive effect on the target – to explore these further, we turn our attention to local information transfer in the next subsection. Finally, we note that these results required a large enough k to properly capture the past state of the cell, and could not be observed with a value say of k = 1 (as discussed in [62]). 5.2 Particles, Gliders and Domain Walls as Dominant Information Transfer Entities Perhaps the most important result from our application to CAs is that local information transfer is typically strongly positive at moving particles in comparison to blinkers and background domains [59]. To clarify, this is when the local information transfer is measured at a particle in the same direction or channel j as the macroscopic motion of that particle. For example, see the highlighting of left and right 184 J.T. Lizier (b) aX (n, k = 16) (a) Raw CA (c) tY →X (n, k = 16) left – j = −1 channel (d) tYc →X (n, k = 16) left – j = −1 channel Fig. 3 Local information dynamics in ECA rule 18 for the raw values in (a) (black for “1”, white for “0”). 50 time steps are displayed for 50 cells, and all units are in bits. (b) Local active information storage; (c) Local apparent transfer entropy one cell to the left per time step; (d) Local complete transfer entropy one cell to the left per time step. moving gliders for rule 54 in Fig. 2(c) and Fig. 2(d) by transfer entropy to the left and right respectively, and similarly for the left moving sections of domain walls for rule 18 in Fig. 3(c) and Fig. 3(d) by transfer entropy to the left (TE to right omit(k) ted). In these examples, the past state of the target cell xn is part of the background domain and so is misinformative about the next value xn+1 where the particle is encountered. In contrast, the source cell yn which is in the particle at the previous time step n (be that the left or right neighbour, as relevant for that particular particle) is highly predictive about the next value of the target (in the context of its past). (k) (k) As such, we have p(xn+1 | xn , yn ) > p(xn+1 | xn ), giving large positive values of tY →X (n + 1, k) via (48). These results for local transfer entropy are particularly important because they provided the first quantitative evidence for the long-held conjecture that particles are the dominant information transfer agents in CAs. As stated above, it is simply not possible for these space-time specific dynamics to be revealed by the average transfer entropy, it specifically requires the local transfer entropy. Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 185 Furthermore, the average values do not give so much as a hint towards the complexities of these local dynamics: ECA rule 22 has much larger average transfer entropy values than rule 54 (0.19 versus 0.08 bits for each, respectively, in both left and right directions), yet has no emergent self-organized particle structures [61]. As per the information storage results, we note that these results required a large enough k to properly capture the past state of the cell, and could not be observed with a value say of k = 1 (as discussed in [59]). When linked to the result of misinformative storage at the particles from Sect. 5.1, we see again the complementary nature of information storage and transfer. It is important to note that particles are not the only points with positive local transfer entropy. Small positive non-zero values are also often measured in the domain and in the orthogonal direction to glider motion in space-time (e.g. see Fig. 2(d)) [59]. These correctly indicate non-trivial information transfer in these regions (e.g. indicating the absence of a glider), though they are dominated by the positive transfer in the direction of glider motion. 5.3 Sources Can Be Locally Misinformative Next, we note that local information transfer is often found to be negative at moving particles, when measured in the orthogonal direction to macroscopic particle motion in space-time [59]. For example, see the right-moving gliders in Fig. 2(d) or rightmoving domain walls in Fig. 3(c)). This is because the source Y here, being on the opposite side of the target to the incoming particle and therefore still part of the domain observed in the target’s past, would suggest that this domain pattern would (k) continue, which is misinformative. That is to say, we have here p(xn+1 | xn , yn ) < (k) p(xn+1 | xn ), giving negative values of tY →X (n + 1, k) via (48). As described in Sect. 4.2, a source can be locally misinformative but must be positively informative on average (or at least provide zero information). These negative or misinformative values are quite useful, since they imply that there is an extra feature in the dynamics that is unaccounted for in the past of the source and target alone. In the case of deterministic systems, this means that more sources must be examined to explain the dynamics, as explored in the next subsection. 5.4 Conditional Transfer Entropy Is Complementary Fig. 3(d) displays a profile of the local conditional transfer entropy tY →X|Z applied to rule 18 (discussed in detail in [59]). This is the transfer entropy from the source cell Y on the right of the target X, conditioned on the other source cell Z on the left. Because we condition on all of the other causal sources here, this measurement may also be referred to as a complete transfer entropy [59]. This profile is rather different to that of the apparent transfer entropy tY →X for the same channel (i.e. from the same relative source) displayed in Fig. 3(c). The first noticeable difference is the checkerboard pattern of transfer in the background domain, which is only visible with the conditional measure. This pattern forms due 186 J.T. Lizier to complex dynamics in the domain here, with two interleaving phases. The first phase occurs at every second cell (both in space and time), and is simply a ‘0’ – at these cells there is strong information storage alone (see Fig. 3(b)) because the cell value is predictable from its past (which predicts the phase accurately). The other phase occurs at the alternate cells, and is a ‘0’ or a ‘1’ as determined via an exclusive OR (or XOR) operation between the neighbouring left and right cells. As such, apparent transfer entropy from either left or right cell alone provides almost no information about the next value (hence absence of apparent transfer in the domain – see Fig. 3(c)), whilst conditional transfer entropy provides full information about the next value because the other contributing cell is taken into account (hence the strong conditional transfer at every second cell in Fig. 3(d)). The other noticeable difference between these profiles is that the conditional transfer entropy does not have any negative local values, unlike the apparent transfer entropy. This is because examining the source in the context of all other causal sources in this deterministic system necessarily provides more information than not examining the source. That is to say, there are no unaccounted sources here which could mislead the observer, unlike that possibility for the apparent transfer entropy. There are two key messages from the comparison of these measures: 1. The apparent and conditional transfer entropy reveal different aspects of the dynamics of a system – neither is more correct than the other; they are both useful and complementary. This is a particularly important message, since often the importance of conditioning “out” all other sources using a conditional measure is emphasised, without acknowledging the complementary utility retained by the pairwise transfer entropy. Both are required to have a full picture of the dynamics of a system; 2. The differences in local dynamics that they reveal simply cannot be observed here by using the average of each measure alone. 5.5 Contrasting Information Transfer and Causal Effect Finally, we note that differences between the concepts of information transfer (as captured by the transfer entropy) and causal effect are now well established [2, 56, 11]. We briefly review how the local perspective of transfer entropy was used to provide insight into these differences in [56]. Causal effect refers to the extent to which the source variable has a direct influence or drive on the next state of a target variable, i.e. “if I change the value of the source, to what extent does that alter the value of the target?” [74, 2, 56]. In this light, consider the causal effect of the left cell xi−1,n in the seventh row of the rule table for rule 54 in Table 1, i.e. “1 1 0 → 0”. Altering the value of this source has a clear causal effect on the target, since it changes the rule being executed to “0 1 0 → 1” (i.e. we have a different outcome at the target). Crucially though, this particular configuration (“1 1 0 → 0”) is observed both in the (right-moving) gliders and in Measuring the Dynamics of Information Processing on a Local Scale 187 the background domain of rule 54. This means that the same causal effect occurs in both types of dynamics.7 This is quite different to our interpretation of information transfer in the previous sections however. This interpretation can be restated as: predictive information transfer refers to the amount of information that a source variable adds to the state change of a target variable; i.e. “if I know the state of the source, how much does that help to predict the state change of the target?” [56]. In dealing with state updates of the target, and in particular in separating information storage from transfer, the transfer entropy has a very different perspective to causal effect. As we have seen, local transfer entropy attributes large positive local values at the gliders here, because the source cells help prediction in the context of a target’s past, but attributes vanishing amounts in the domain, where stored information from a target’s past is generally sufficient for prediction. Again, neither perspective is more correct than the other – they both provide useful insights and are complementary. This argument is explored in more depth in [56]. Crucially, these insights are only fully revealed with our local perspective of information dynamics here. 6 Discussion: Relevance of Local Measures to Computational Neuroscience In the previous section, we have demonstrated that local transfer entropy and the associated measures of local information dynamics provide key insights into local information processing in cellular automata that cannot be provided with traditional average information-theoretic measures. We have gone on to use these local techniques to provide similar insights in other systems, such as: • visualising coherent waves of motion in flocks (or swarms) as information cascades spreading across the flock (as previously conjectured, [12]) using local transfer entropy [92]; • revealing coherent information transfer waves in modular robots [57]; • demonstrating information transfer as a key driver in the dynamics of network synchronization processes, with local values dropping to zero (i.e. the synchronized state has been “computed”) before it is otherwise apparent that a synchronized state has been either reached or determined [9]. We can reasonably expect local information transfer and storage to provide new insights in a computational neuroscience setting also. As described earlier, avalanche behaviour (e.g. [80, 47, 75]) and coherent propagating wave-like structures (e.g. [27, 17]) are of particular interest in neuroscience, and particles and gliders bear more than a passing resemblance to these coherent structures. Given that local transfer entropy has been used to provide the first quantitative evidence that similar propagating coherent structures in other domains are information transfer 7 Reference [56], which covers this issue in more depth, explores measuring the causal effect in these dynamics using the measure presented in [2]. 188 J.T. Lizier entities (e.g. particles and gliders in cellular automata [59], above, motion in flocks and swarms [92], and in modular robotics [57]), one expects that this measure will be used to provide similar insights into these structures in neural systems. Yet local transfer entropy will find much more broad application than simply identifying local coherent structure. It offers the opportunity to answer the question: “Precisely when and where is information transferred between brain regions?” The where is answerable with average transfer entropy, but the when is only precisely answerable with a local approach. This is a fundamentally important question for us to have the opportunity to answer, because it will provide insight into the precise dynamics of how information is stored, transferred and modified in the brain during neural computation. For example, we have conducted a preliminary study applying this method to a set of fMRI measurements where we could expect to see differences in local information transfer between two conditions at specific time steps [50]. The fMRI data set analyzed (from [86]) is a ‘Libet’-style experiment, which contains brain activity recorded while subjects were asked to freely decide whether to push one of two buttons (with left or right index finger). Significant differences (at the group level) were found in the local transfer entropy between left and right button presses from a single source region (e.g. pre-SMA) into the left and right motor cortices respectively. Furthermore, simple thresholding of these local transfer entropy values provides a statistically significant prediction of which button was pressed. These results are a strong demonstration that local transfer entropy can usefully provide task-relevant insights into when and where information is transferred between brain regions. Once validation studies have been completed in this domain, we expect that further utility will be found for these local information-theoretic measures in computational neuroscience. There are many studies in this domain which will benefit from the ability to view local information storage, transfer and modification operations on a local scale in space and time in the brain. Acknowledgements. 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Here we clearly differentiate between criteria for causal inference and measures used to test them. We compare the different criteria for causal inference from timeseries and we further introduce new criteria that complete a unified picture of how the different approaches are related. Furthermore, we compare the different measures that implement these criteria in the information theory framework. 1 Introduction The inference of causality in a system of interacting processes from recorded timeseries is a subject of interest in many fields. Particularly successful has been the concept of Granger causality [29, 31], originally applied to economic time-series. In the last years, measures of causal inference have been also widely applied to electrophysiological signals, in particular to characterize causal interactions between different brain areas (see [46, 28, 10] for a review of Granger causality measures applied to neural data). In the original formulation of Granger causality, causality from a process Y to a process X was examined based on the reduction of the prediction error of X when Daniel Chicharro Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems@UniTn, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Bettini 31, 38068 Rovereto (TN) e-mail: chicharro31@yahoo.es M. Wibral et al. (eds.), Directed Information Measures in Neuroscience, Understanding Complex Systems, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54474-3_8, 195 196 D. Chicharro including the past of Y [60, 29]. However, this prediction error criterion generalizes to a criterion of conditional independence on probability distributions [31] that is generally applicable to stationary and non-stationary stochastic processes. Here we consider the criterion of Granger causality together with related criteria of causal inference, like Sims causality [55]. We also consider the criteria underlying other measures that have been introduced to infer causality but for which the underlying criterion has not been made explicit. This includes the Geweke spectral measures of causality (GSC) [25, 26], and partial directed coherence (PDC) [5]. We make a clear distinction between criteria for causal inference and measures implementing them. Accordingly, we refer by Granger causality to the general criterion of causal inference and not as it is often the case to the measure implementing it for linear processes. This means that we consider transfer entropy [54] as a particular measure to test for Granger causality in the information-theoretic framework (e.g. [56, 1]). This distinction between criteria and measures is important because in practice one is usually not only interested in assessing the existence of a causal connection but in evaluating its strength (e.g. [11, 9, 8, 52, 59]). Causal inference can be associated with the construction of a causal graph representing which connections exist in the system [19]. However, quantifying the causal effects resulting from these connections is a more difficult task. Recently [16] examined how the general notion of causality developed by Pearl [45] can be applied to study the natural dynamics of complex systems. This notion is based on the idea of externally manipulating the system to evaluate causal effects. For example, if one is studying causal connectivity in the brain, this manipulation could be the deactivation of some connections between brain areas, or stimulating electrically a given area. It is clear that these manipulations alter the normal dynamics of the brain, those which one wants to analyze in order to understand neural computations. Accordingly, [16] pointed out that if the main interest is not the effect of external perturbations, but how the causal connections participate in the generation of the unperturbed dynamics of the system, then only in some cases it is meaningful to characterize interactions between different subsystems in terms of the effect of one subsystem over another. To identify these cases the notion of natural causal effects between dynamics was introduced and conditions for their existence were provided. Consequently, Granger causality measures, and in particular transfer entropy, cannot be used in general as measures of the strength of causal effects [4, 39]. Alternatively, a different approach was developed in [15]. Instead of examining the causal effects resulting from the causal connections, a unifying multivariate framework to study the dynamic dependencies between the subsystems that arise from the causal interactions was proposed. Considering this, we here focus on the criteria for causal inference and the measures are only used as statistics to test these criteria. We closely follow [14] relating the different formulations of Granger causality and the corresponding criteria of causal inference, and integrating parametric and non-parametric formulations, as well as time-domain and spectral formulations, for both bivariate and multivariate systems. Furthermore, we do not discuss the fundamental assumptions that determine the valid applicability of the criterion of Granger causality. In particular we Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series 197 assume that all the relevant processes are observed and well-defined. This is of course a big idealization for real applications, but our purpose is examining the relation between the different criteria and measures that appear in the different formulations of Granger causality. (For a detailed discussion of the limitations of these criteria see [58, 16]). More generally, [45] offers a complete explanation of the limitations of causal inference without intervening the system. This Chapter is organized as follows: In Section 2 we review the non-parametric formulation of the criteria of Granger and Sims causality and the informationtheoretic measures, including transfer entropy, used to test them. In section 3 we review the parametric autoregressive representation of the processes and the time domain and spectral measures of Granger causality, in particular GSC and PDC. We make explicit the parametric criteria of causal inference underlying these measures and discuss their relation to the non-parametric criteria. Furthermore we introduce related new criteria for causal inference that allow us to complete a consistent unifying picture that integrates all the criteria and measures. This picture is presented all together in Section 4. 2 Non-parametric Approach to Causal Inference from Time-Series We here review Granger causality and Sims causality as non-parametric criteria to infer causality from time-series as well as some measures used to test them. Although both the criteria of Granger causality [29, 30] and Sims causality [55] were originally introduced in combination with a linear formulation, we here consider their general non-parametric expression [31, 12]. 2.1 Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference In [31] it was stated a general criterion for causal inference from time-series based on the comparison of two probability distributions. We consider first its bivariate formulation. Assume that for the processes X and Y we record two time-series {X} = {X1 , X2 , ..., XN } and {Y } = {Y1 ,Y2 , ...,YN }. Granger causality states that there is no causality from Y to X if the equality p(Xt+1 |X t ) = p(Xt+1 |X t ,Y t ) ∀X t ,Y t (1) holds. Here X t = {Xt , Xt−1 , ...X1 } is the past of the process at time t. From now on we will assume stationarity so that the results do not depend on the particular time. Therefore we consider N → ∞ and select t such that X t accounts for the infinite past of the process. See [56, 15] for a non-stationary formulation. According to Eq. 1 Granger causality indicates that there is no causality from Y to X when the future Xt+1 is conditionally independent of the past Y t given the partialization on his own past X t . That is, the past of Y has no dependence with the future of X that cannot be accounted by the past of X. 198 D. Chicharro As an alternative criterion Sims causality [55] examines the equality p(X t+1:N |X t ,Y t ) = p(X t+1:N |X t ,Y t ,Yt+1 ) ∀X t ,Y t ,Yt+1 . (2) It states that there is no causality from Y to X if the whole future X t+1:N is conditionally independent of Yt+1 given the past of the two processes. In fact, assuming stationarity it is not necessary to condition on Y t so that like Granger causality the criterion indicates that the future of X is completely determined by his own past (see [37] for a detailed review of the relation between the two criteria). While Granger causality and Sims causality are equivalent criteria for the bivariate case [12], this is not true for multivariate processes. When other processes also interact with X and Y it is necessary to distinguish a causal connection from Y to X from other connections that also result in statistical dependencies incompatible with the equality in Eq. 1. These other connections are indirect causal connections Y → Z → X as well as the effect of common drivers, i.e. a common parent Z such that Z → Y and Z → X. The formulation of Granger causality turns out to be easily generalizable to account for these influences resulting in the equality p(Xt+1 |X t , Zt ) = p(Xt+1 |X t ,Y t , Zt ) ∀X t ,Y t , Zt , (3) where Zt refers to the past of any other process that interacts with X and Y . In fact, on which processes it is needed to condition depends on the particular causal structure of the system, which is exactly what one wants to infer. This renders the criterion of Granger causality context dependent [31]. This means that if Z does not include all the relevant processes a false positive can be obtained when testing for causality from Eq. 3. The problem of hidden variables for causal inference is an issue not specific for time-series that in general can only be addressed by an interventional treatment of causality [45]. In practice, from observational data, some procedures can help to optimize the selection of the variables on which to condition [22, 41]. In this Chapter we do not further deal with this problem and we assume that all the relevant processes are observed. In contrast to Granger causality, Sims causality cannot be generalized to the multivariate case as a criterion for causal inference. The reason is that, since in Eq. 2 the whole future X t+1:N is considered jointly, there is no way to disentangle direct from indirect causal connections from Y to X. This means that for multivariate processes the criterion of Granger causality in Eq. 3 remains as the unique non-parametric criterion for causal inference between the time series. 2.2 Measures to Test for Causality In this Chapter we want to clearly differentiate between the criteria for causal inference and the particular measures used to test for causality according to these criteria. This is why we refer by Granger causality to the general criterion proposed in [31] (Eqs. 1 and 3) so that Granger causality measures include both the transfer entropy and the linear Granger causality measure. The linear measure, that quantifies the Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series 199 predictability improvement [60], implements for linear processes a test on the equality of the mean of the distributions appearing in Eq. 1. More generally, if one wants to test for the equality between two probability distributions without examining specific moments of a given order, the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL-divergence) [38] p∗ (x) (4) KL(p∗ (x), p(x)) = ∑ p∗ (x) log p(x) x is a non-negative measure that is zero if and only if the two distributions are identical. For a multivariate variable X, since it quantifies the divergence of the distribution p(x) from p∗ (x), one can construct p(x) to reflect a specific null-hypothesis about the dependence between the components of X. As particular applications of the KL-divergence to quantify the interdependence between random variables one has the conditional mutual information I(X;Y |Z) = ∑ p(x, y, z) log x,y,z p(x|y, z) . p(x|z) (5) We can see that the form of the probability distributions in the argument of the logarithm is the same as the ones in Eqs. 1-3. Accordingly, testing the equality of Eq. 1 is equivalent to having a zero transfer entropy [54, 44] TY →X = I(Xt+1 ;Y t |X t ) = 0. (6) An analogous information-theoretic measure of Sims causality is obtained so that Eq. 2 leads to SY →X = I(Yt+1 ; X t+1:N |Y t , X t ) = 0. (7) For multivariate processes Eq. 3 leads to a zero conditional transfer entropy TY →X|Z = I(Xt+1 ;Y t |X t , Zt ) = 0. (8) [54] introduced the transfer entropy to test the equality of Eq. 1 further assuming that the processes were Markovian with a finite order. A similar informationtheoretic quantity, the directed information, has been introduced in the context of communication theory [42, 43, 36]. The directed information was originally formulated for the non-stationary case and naturally appears in a causal decomposition of the mutual information (e.g. [1]). Such a decomposition can also be expressed in terms of transfer entropies, and is valid for both a non-stationary formulation of the measures which is local in time and another that is cumulative on the whole time series [15]. These two formulations converge for the stationary case resulting in I(X N ;Y N ) = TY →X + TX→Y + TX·Y , (9) where TX·Y is a measure of instantaneous causality. From this relation it can be checked that for both the cumulative non-stationary formulation and for the stationary one, if there is no instantaneous causality 200 D. Chicharro TY →X =H(Xi+1 |X i ) − H(Xi+1|X i ,Y i ) = H(Yi+1 |X i ,Y i ) − H(Y N |X N ) =SY →X . (10) This equality, restricted to the stationary linear case, is indicated already in Theorem 1(ii) of [25], where no instantaneous causality is enforced by a normalization of the covariance matrix. Notice that here we consider the measures as particular instantiations of the KLdivergence used as a statistic for hypothesis testing [38]. This is important to keep in mind because the KL-divergence can be interpreted as well in terms of code length [17], and in particular the transfer entropy (directed information) determines the error-free transmission rate when applied to specific communication channels with feedback [36], (and see also [47] for a discussion of different application of transfer entropy). Furthermore, any conditional mutual information can be evaluated as a difference of two conditional entropies, and interpreted as a reduction of uncertainty. To test for causality only the significance of nonzero values is of interest, but it is common to use the values of TY →X to characterize the causal dependencies. Alternatively, the value of SY →X could be used, giving a not necessarily equivalent characterization if the conditions of Eq. 10 are not fulfilled or depending on the particular estimation procedure. More generally, the KL-divergence is not the only option to test the criteria of causality above in a non-parametric way. Other measures have been proposed based on the same criterion (e.g. [33, 2]) that are sensitive to higher-order moments of the distributions. A natural alternative that also considers all the moments of the distributions is to use the Fisher information F(Y ; x) = dY p(Y |x)( ∂ ln p(Y |x) 2 ) ∂x (11) which, by means of the Cramer-Rao bound [17], it is related to the accuracy of an unbiased estimator of X from Y . For the particular equality of Eq. 1 this leads to test Eyt [F(Xt+1 ; yt |X t )] = 0. (12) In the Appendix we examine in detail this expression for linear Gaussian autoregressive processes. 3 Parametric Approach to Causal Inference from Time-Series The criteria of Section 2.1 do not assume any particular form of the processes. Oppositely, in the implementation originally introduced by [29], the processes are assumed to have a linear autoregressive representation. Here by parametric we refer specifically to the assumption of this representation. Notice that this is different from a parametric approach in which not the processes but the probability distributions are estimated parametrically, for example using generalized linear models [49]. We first review the autoregressive representation of stationary stochastic processes for bivariate and multivariate systems, describing the projections used in the Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series 201 different linear formulations of Granger causality. We then review these formulations, in particular the Geweke formulation in the temporal and spectral domain [25, 26] and partial directed coherence [5, 53]. Apart from stationarity we will assume that there is no instantaneous causality, i. e. that the covariance matrices of the innovations terms in the autoregressive representation are diagonal. This substantially simplifies the formulation avoiding a normalization step [25, 18]. Furthermore, strictly speaking, the existence of instantaneous causality is a signature of time or spatial aggregation, or of the existence of hidden variables, that questions the validity of the causal inference [30]. 3.1 The Autoregressive Process Representation Consider the system formed by the stationary stochastic processes X and Y . Two projections are required to construct the bivariate linear measure of Granger causality from Y to X. First, the projection of Xt+1 on his own past: Xt+1 = ∞ ∑ axs Xt−s + εxt+1 , (x) (x) (x) (x) var(εx ) = Σx , (13) s=0 second, its projection on the past of both X and Y : Xt+1 = Yt+1 = ∞ ∑ axxs Xt−s + axys Yt−s + εxt+1 (xy) s=0 ∞ ∑ (xy) (xy) (14) (xy) (xy) (xy) ayxs Xt−s + ayys Yt−s + εyt+1 s=0 Σ (xy) = (xy) (xy) (xy) (xy) (xy) Σxx Σxy (xy) (xy) Σyx Σyy (xy) (15) (xy) (xy) (xy) (xy) where Σxx = var(εx ), Σyy = var(εy ), Σxy = cov(εx , εy ), and Σyx = (xy)T Σxy . Notice that while the subindexes are used to refer to the corresponding variable or to components of a matrix, the superindexes refer to the particular projection. As we said above, we assume that Σ (xy) is diagonal. [25] also proved the equality between Granger and Sims causality measures for linear autoregressive processes. For that purpose also the projection of Yi+1 in the whole process X is needed Yt+1 = ∞ ∑ s=−∞ (xy) bx s(xy) Xt−s + ηyt+1 . (16) For multivariate systems we consider the fully multivariate autoregressive representation of the system W = {X,Y, Z}: 202 D. Chicharro Xt+1 = Yt+1 = Zt+1 = ∞ ∑ axxs Xt−s + axys Yt−s + axzs Zt−s + εxt+1 ∑ ayxs Xt−s + ayys Yt−s + ayzs Zt−s + εyt+1 ∑ azxs Xt−s + ayzs Yt−s + azzs Zt−s + εzt+1 s=0 ∞ s=0 ∞ (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) (17) s=0 ⎞ (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) Σxx Σxy Σxz ⎜ (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) ⎟ Σ (xyz) = ⎝ Σyx Σyy Σyz ⎠ . (xyz) (xyz) (xyz) Σzx Σzy Σzz ⎛ (18) Like for the bivariate case we assume that Σ (xyz) is diagonal. Apart from the joint autoregressive representation of W to calculate the conditional GSC from Y to X it is also needed the projection of Xt+1 only on the past of X and Z: Xt+1 = Zt+1 = ∞ ∑ axxs Xt−s + axzs Zt−s + εxt+1 s=0 ∞ ∑ (xz) (xz) (xz) (xz) (xz) (xz) azxs Xt−s + azzs Zt−s + εzt+1 (19) s=0 Σ (xz) = (xz) (xz) Σxx Σxz (xz) (xz) Σzx Σzz . (20) 3.2 Parametric Measures of Causality The autoregressive representations described in Section 3.1 have been used to define quite many measures related to the criterion of Granger causality. We here focus on the Geweke measures [25, 26], and partial directed coherence [5]. Other measures introduce some variation or refinement of these measures to deal with estimation problems or attenuate the influence of hidden variables (e.g. [13, 32, 52]). Furthermore, directed transfer function [35] is another related measure [14] but only equivalent to Geweke measure for bivariate systems [20]. 3.2.1 The Geweke Measures of Granger Causality The temporal formulation and the relation between linear Granger causality and transfer entropy Granger [29, 30] proposed to test for causality from Y to X examining if there is an improvement of predictability of Xt+1 when using the past of Y apart from the past on X for an optimal linear predictor. For a linear predictor h(X t ), using only information from the past of X, the squared error is determined by Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series E (x) = dXt+1 dX t (Xt+1 − h(X t ))2 p(Xt+1 , X t ), 203 (21) and analogously for E (xy) using information from the past of X and Y . Since the optimal linear predictor is the conditional mean [40], we have that E (x) = dX t p(X t ) dXt+1 (Xt+1 − EXt+1 [Xt+1 |X t ])2 p(Xt+1 |X t ) =EX t [σ 2 (Xt+1 |X t )]. (22) If the autoregressive representation of Eq. 13 is assumed to be valid the variance σ 2 (Xt+1 |X t ) does not depend on the value of X t and we have (x) E (x) = EX t [σ 2 (Xt+1 |X t )] = Σx . (23) An analogous equality is obtained for E (xy) , so that the Geweke measure of Granger causality is defined as: (x) Σx GY →X = ln( (xy) ), (24) Σxx using the autoregressive representation of Eqs. 13-15. This measure, as indicated in [31], tests if there is causality from Y to X in mean, that is, the equality: EXt+1 [Xt+1 |X t ] = EXt+1 [Xt+1 |X t ,Y t ] ∀X t ,Y t . (25) Accordingly, given Eqs. 1 and 25, it is clear that GY →X = 0 ⇒ TY →X = 0, (26) since the first only test for difference in the moment of order 1 and the other in the whole probability distribution. In principle, the opposite implication is not always true. However, since Eq. 25, as well as Eqs. 1-3 impose a stack of constraints (one for each value of the conditioning variables) we expect that, at least in general, the inequality for higher order moments is accompanied by one in the conditional means. Furthermore, when the autoregressive representations are assumed to be valid, testing for the equality in the mean or the variance of the distributions is equivalent, given Eq. 23 and that the conditional variance is independent on the value conditioning. Notice that Gaussianity has not to be assumed for this equality and in general in [25] it is only further assumed to find the distribution of the measures under the null-hypothesis of no causality. The explanation above further relates the distinction in [31] between causation in mean (Eq. 25) and causation prima facie (Eq. 1) to the equivalence between the Geweke linear measure of Granger causality GY →X and the transfer entropy for Gaussian processes. Since a Gaussian probability distribution is completely determined by its first two moments, and the conditional variance is independent on the value conditioning, it is clear from the explanation above that for Gaussian variables causation in mean and prima facie have to be equivalent. This in practice can 204 D. Chicharro be seen [7] taking into account that the entropy of a N-variate Gaussian distribution is completely determined by its covariance matrix Σ : N H(XGaussian )= 1 ln ((2π e)N |Σ |). 2 (27) Accordingly, the two measures are such that: GY →X = 2 TY →X . (28) For multivariate processes the conditional GSC [26] is defined in the time domain analogously to GY →X in Eq. 24, but now using the autoregressive representations of Eqs 17-20: (xz) Σxx GY →X|Z = ln( (xyz) ). (29) Σxx It is straightforward to see that, given the form of the entropy for Gaussian variables (Eq. 27) and the definition of the conditional transfer entropy TY →X|Z (Eq. 8), the relation between Granger causality and Transfer entropy also holds for the conditional measures for Gaussian variables: GY →X|Z = 2 TY →X|Z . (30) The spectral formulation Geweke [25] also proposed a spectral decomposition of the time domain Granger causality measure (Eq. 24). Geweke derived the spectral measure of causality from Y to X, gY →X (ω ), requiring the fulfillment of some properties: 1. The spectral measure should have an intuitive interpretation so that the spectral decomposition is useful for empirical applications. 2. The measure has to be nonnegative. 3. The temporal and spectral measures have to be related so that 1 2π π −π gY →X (ω )d ω = GY →X . (31) Conditions two and three imply that GY →X = 0 ⇔ gY →X (ω ) = 0 ∀ω . (32) The GSC is obtained from the spectral representation of the bivariate autoregressive process as follows. Fourier transforming Eq. 14 leads to: (xy) (xy) (xy) Axx (ω ) Axy (ω ) X(ω ) εx (ω ) , = (xy) (xy) (xy) εy (ω ) Ayx (ω ) Ayy (ω ) Y (ω ) (33) Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series (xy) (xy) 205 (xy) −iω s , as well as A where we have Axx (ω ) = 1 − ∑∞ xy (ω ) = s=1 axxs e (xy) −iω s (xy) (xy) ∞ , and analogously for Ayy (ω ), Ayx (ω ). The coefficients matrix − ∑s=1 axys e A(xy) (ω ) can be inverted into the transfer function H(xy) (ω ) = (A(xy) )−1 (ω ), so that (xy) (xy) (xy) Hxx (ω ) Hxy (ω ) εx (ω ) X(ω ) . = (xy) (xy) (xy) Y (ω ) Hyx (ω ) Hyy (ω ) εy (ω ) (34) Accordingly, the spectral matrix can be expressed as: S(xy) (ω ) = H(xy) (ω )Σ (xy) (H(xy) )∗ (ω ) (35) where ∗ denotes complex conjugate and matrix transpose. Given the lack of instantaneous correlations (xy) (xy) (xy) (xy) Sxx (ω ) = Σxx |Hxx (ω )|2 + Σyy |Hxy (ω )|2 . (36) The GSC from Y to X at frequency ω is defined as: gY →X (ω ) = ln Sxx (ω ) . (xy) (xy) Σxx |Hxx (ω )|2 (37) This definition fulfills the requirement of being nonnegative since, given Eq. 36, (xy) (xy) Sxx (ω ) is always higher than Σxx |Hxx (ω )|2 . It also fulfills the requirement of being intuitive since gY →X (ω ) quantifies the portion of the power spectrum which is associated with the intrinsic innovation process of X. Furthermore, the third condition is also accomplished (see [25, 57, 14] for details). This can be seen considering that (xy) 2 gY →X (ω ) = − ln (1 − |C(X, εy )| ) (38) (xy) (xy) where |C(X, εy )|2 is the squared coherence of X with the innovations εy of Eq. 14. Given the general relation of the mutual information rate with the squared coherence [24] we have that for Gaussian variables (xy)N TY →X = I(X N ; εy )= −1 4π π −π (xy) 2 ln (1 − |C(X, εy )| )d ω . (39) For the multivariate case, to derive the spectral representation of GY →X|Z for simplicity we assume again that there is no instantaneous causality and Σ (xyz) and Σ (xz) are diagonal (see [18] for a detailed derivation when instantaneous correlations exist). We rewrite Eq. 19 after Fourier transforming as: (xz) εx (ω ) (xz) εz (ω ) = (xz) (xz) Axx (ω ) Axz (ω ) (xz) (xz) Azx (ω ) Azz (ω ) X(ω ) . Z(ω ) (40) 206 D. Chicharro Furthermore we rewrite Eq. 17 using the transfer function H(xyz) : ⎛ (xyz) ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ εx (ω ) X(ω ) ⎟ (xyz) ⎝ Y (ω ) ⎠ = H(xyz) ⎜ ⎝ εy (ω ) ⎠ . (xyz) Z(ω ) εz (ω ) (41) Geweke [26] showed that GY →X|Z = G (xz) Y εz (xz) →εx . (42) (xz) (xz) Accordingly, Eqs. 40 and 41 are combined to express Y , εz and εx the innovations of the fully multivariate process: ⎛ ⎛ (xyz) ⎞ ⎞ (xz) εx (ω ) εx (ω ) ⎜ ⎜ (xyz) ⎟ ⎟ ⎝ Y (ω ) ⎠ = DH(xyz) ⎝ εy (ω ) ⎠ , (xz) (xyz) εz (ω ) εz (ω ) in terms of (43) ⎞ (xz) (xz) Axx (ω ) 0 Axz (ω ) ⎟ ⎜ 0 1 0 D=⎝ ⎠. (xz) (xz) Azx (ω ) 0 Azz (ω ) ⎛ where (xz) Considering Q = DH(xyz) , the spectrum matrix of Y , εz (44) (xz) and εx is: S(ω ) = Q(ω )Σ (xyz) Q∗ (ω ), (45) and in particular (xyz) Sε (xz) ε (xz) (ω ) = |Qxx (ω )|2 Σxx x x (xyz) + |Qxy (ω )|2 Σyy (xyz) + |Qxz (ω )|2 Σzz . (46) The conditional GSC from Y to X given Z is defined [26] as the portion of the power (xyz) spectrum associated with εx , in analogy to Eq. 37: gY →X|Z (ω ) = g (xz) (xz) Y εz →εx (ω ) = ln S (xz) (xz) εx εx (ω ) (xyz) |Qxx (ω )|2 Σxx . (47) This measure also fulfills the requirements that [25] imposed to the spectral measures. Furthermore, in analogy to Eq. 38, gY →X|Z (ω ) is related to a multiple coherence: (xz) (xyz) (xyz) 2 εz )| ), gY →X|Z (ω ) = − ln(1 − |C(εx , εy (48) Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series (xz) 207 (xyz) (xyz) where |C(εx , εy εz )|2 is the squared multiple coherence [48]. This equality results from the direct application of the definition of the squared multiple coherence (see [14] for details). Given the definition of gY →X|Z (ω ) in terms of the squared multiple coherence it is clear that, analogously to GY →X (Eq. 39): (xz)N GY →X|Z = 2 I(εx 3.2.2 (xyz)N (xyz)N εz ). ; εy (49) Partial Directed Coherence The other measure related to Granger causality that we review here is partial directed coherence [6, 5], which is defined only in the spectral domain. In particular, the information partial directed coherence (iPDC) from Y to X [57] is defined in the bivariate case as: (xy) Axy (ω ) Syy|X (xy) (xy) (xy) , iπxy (ω ) = C(εx , ηy ) = (50) (xy) Σxx where A(xy) (ω ) is the spectral representation of the autoregressive coefficients matrix of Eq. 14 and Syy|X is the partial spectrum [48] of the Y process when partialized (xy) on process X. Furthermore, ηy refers to the partialized process resulting from the Y process when partialized on X, as results from Eq. 16. Like in the case of the GSC, a mutual information rate is associated with iPDC [57], and is further related to SY →X [14] for Gaussian variables: (xy)N SY →X = I(εx (xy)N ; ηy )= −1 4π π −π (xy) ln (1 − |iπxy (ω )|2 )d ω . (51) In the multivariate case the information partial directed coherence (iPDC) from Y to X [57] is: (xyz) iπxy (ω ) (xyz) (xyz) = C(εx , ηy ) = (xyz) Axy (ω ) Syy|W \y (xyz) Σxx (52) where A(xyz) (ω ) is the spectral representation of the autoregressive coefficients matrix of Eq. 17 and Syy|W \y is the partial spectrum of the Y process when partialized (xyz) refers on all the other processes in the multivariate process W . Furthermore, ηy to the partialized process resulting from the Y process when partialized on all the others. In the multivariate case not even after the integration across frequencies the iPDC can be expressed in terms of the variables of the observed processes X, Y , Z. The equality [57] 208 D. Chicharro (xyz)N I(εx (xyz)N ; ηy −1 4π )= π (xyz) −π ln (1 − |iπxy (ω )|2 )d ω (53) analogous to the one of the bivariate case (Eq. 51), provides only an expression (xyz) (xyz) which involves the innovation processes εx and ηy . 3.3 Parametric Criteria for Causal Inference From the revision above of the spectral Geweke measures of Granger causality and of the partial directed coherence one can see that alternative criteria for causal inference which involve the innovation processes intrinsic to the parametric autoregressive representation are implicit in the mutual information terms. In particular, for the bivariate case, the spectral Geweke measure is related (Eq. 39) to the criterion (xy)N p(X N ) = p(X N |εy (xy)N ) ∀εy . (54) The bivariate PDC is related (Eq. 51) to (xy)N p(εx (xy)N ) = p(εx (xy)N |ηy (xy)N ) ∀ηy . (55) For the multivariate case the Geweke measure is related (Eq. 49) to (xz)N p(εx (xz)N ) = p(εx (xyz)N |εy (xyz)N , εz (xyz)N ) ∀εy (xyz)N , εz (56) while the PDC is related (Eq. 53) to (xyz)N p(εx (xyz)N ) = p(εx (xyz)N |ηy (xyz)N ) ∀ηy . (57) Comparing the non-parametric criteria of Section 2.1 with these parametric criteria we can see another main difference, apart from that the parametric ones all involve some innovation process. This difference is that in Eqs. 54-57 temporal separation between future and past is not required to state the criteria, while the non-parametric criteria all rely explicitly on temporal precedence. The lack of temporal separation is exactly what allows to construct the spectral measures based on the criteria of Eqs. 54-57. In [14] it was shown, based on this difference with respect to temporal separation, that transfer entropy does not have a non-parametric spectral representation. This lack of a non-parametric spectral representation of the transfer entropy can be further understood considering why a criterion without temporal separation that involves only the processes X, Y and not innovation processes, cannot be used for causal inference: Consider p(X N ) = p(X N |Y N ) as a criterion to infer causality from Y to X in contrast to the ones of Eqs. 1 and 54. Using the chain rule for the probability distributions this equality implies checking p(Xt+1 |X t ) = p(Xt+1 |X t ,Y N ). But this equality does not hold if there is a causal connection in the opposite direction, from X to Y , because of the conditioning on the whole process Y N instead of only on its past. Oppositely Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series (xy)N p(X N |εy N−1 ) = ∏ p(Xt+1 |X t , εy t=0 N−1 (xy)N )= N−1 ∏ p(Xt+1 |X t , εy t=0 (xy)t 209 ) (58) = ∏ p(Xt+1 |X ,Y ), t t t=0 since by construction there are no causal connections from the processes to the innovation processes. The last equality can be understood considering that the autoregressive projections described in Section 3.1 introduce a functional relation of the variables, such that, for example, given Eq. 14, Xt+1 is completely determined by (xy)t+1 (xy)t εx , εy , and analogously for Yt+1 . Accordingly, it is equivalent to condition (xy)t on X t , εy or X t ,Y t . The probability distributions in Eq. 1 and Eq. 54 are still not the same, as it is clear from Eq. 58. However, under the assumption of stationarity, they are the functional relations that completely determine the processes from the innovation processes (and inversely) what leads to the equality in Eq. 39 of the transfer entropy with the mutual information corresponding to the comparison of the probability distributions in Eq. 54, and analogously for Eqs. 49 and 51. Remarkably, the mutual information associated with Eq. 57, as noticed above Eq. 53, is not equal to a mutual information associated with a non-parametric criterion. As indicated in Eq. 51 (see [14] for details) for bivariate processes the PDC is related to Sims causality. However, for the multivariate case, while there is no extension of Sims causality, it is clear from the comparison of the definitions in Eqs. 50 and 52, as well as from the comparison of the criteria of Eqs. 55 and 57, that the multivariate formulation appears as a natural extension of the bivariate one. This stresses the role of the functional relations that are assumed to implicitly define the innovation processes. It is not only the causal structure between the variables but the specific functional form in which they are related what guarantees the validity of the criteria in Eqs. 54-57. In general this functional form is not required to be linear, as long as it establishes that the processes and innovation processes are mutually determined. Another interesting aspect is revealed from the comparison of the bivariate and multivariate criteria respectively associated with GSC and PDC measures. While for the PDC the multivariate criterion is a straightforward extension of the bivariate one, this is not the case for the criteria associated with GSC. This can be noticed as well comparing the autoregressive projections used for each measure. In particular, for the bivariate case, gY →X (ω ) is obtained directly from the bivariate autoregressive representation (Eq. 14), not by combining it with the univariate autoregressive representation of X (Eq. 13). Oppositely, gY →X|Z (ω ) requires the combination of the full multivariate projection (Eq. 17) and the projection on the past of X, Z (Eq. 19). Below we show that in fact there is a natural counterpart for both the criteria of Eqs. 54 and 56 respectively. 210 D. Chicharro 3.4 Alternative Geweke Spectral Measures Instead of constructing gY →X (ω ) just from the bivariate autoregressive representation, one could proceed alternatively following the procedure used for the conditional case. This means combining Eq. 34 with the Fourier transform of Eq. 13 (x) (x) εx (ω ) = axx (ω )X(ω ). (59) This is analogous to combining Eqs. 40 and 41 in the conditional case. Combining Eqs. 34 and 59 we get an expression analogous to Eq. 43: (x) εx (ω ) Y (ω ) where (xy) = PH(xy) εx (ω ) (xy) εy (ω ) P= (x) axx (ω ) 0 0 1 , (60) . (61) (x) = PH(xy) , the spectrum of εx is Considering Q (xy) (xy) (x) xx |2 Σxx + |Q xy |2 Σyy = |axx (ω )|2 Sxx (ω ) Sε (x) ε (x) (ω ) = |Q x x (xy) and comparing the total power to the portion related to εx gY →X (ω ) = ln S (x) (x) εx εx (ω ) (xy) xx |2 Σxx |Q = ln Sxx (ω ) (xy) |Hxx |2 Σxx (62) one can define = gY →X (ω ). (63) This shows that (x) (xy) gY →X = − ln (1 − C(εx , εy and (x)N TY →X = I(εx (xy)N ; εy (xy) )) = − ln (1 − C(X, εx (xy)N ) = I(X N ; εy ). )) (64) (65) This equality indicates that although the procedure used for the multivariate case is apparently not reducible to the bivariate case for Z = 0, / the spectral decomposition gY →X (ω ) is the same. The criterion for causal inference that results from reducing to the bivariate case straightforwardly the one of Eq. 56 is (x)N p(εx (x)N ) = p(εx (xy)N |εy (xy)N ) ∀εy . (66) Again the particular functional relation between the processes and the innovation (x)N (xy)N share the same information with εy , processes determines that X N and εx given that they are mutually determined in Eq. 13. Analogously, we want to find the criterion that results from a straightforward extension of the one in Eq. 54. An alternative way to construct gY →X|Z (ω ) is suggested Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series 211 by the relation between the bivariate and the conditional measures stated by Geweke [26]: (67) GY →X|Z = GY Z→X − GZ→X , which is just an application of the chain rule for the mutual information [17]. In analogy to Eq. 37 Sxx gY Z→X (ω ) = ln (xyz) (xyz) (68) |Hxx |2 Σxx and gZ→X (ω ) = ln Sxx , (xz) 2 (xz) |Hxx | Σxx (69) where H(xz) is the inverse of the coefficients matrix of Eq. 40. This leads to gY →X|Z (ω ) = ln (xz) (xz) |Hxx |2 Σxx (xyz) 2 (xyz) | Σxx |Hxx . (70) Notice that while gY →X (ω ) = gY →X (ω ), the two measures are different in the conditional case. This means that two alternative spectral decompositions are possible, although their integration is equivalent. This can be seen considering that the in(xz) (xyz) tegration of the logarithm terms including |Hxx |2 and |Hxx |2 is zero, based on theorem 4.2 of Rozanov [51], (see [14] for details). Accordingly (xyz)N (xyz)N (xz)N εz ) − I(X N ; εz ). TY →X|Z = I(X N ; εy (71) and the natural extension of the criterion in Eq. 54 is (xz)N p(X N |εz (xyz)N ) = p(X N |εy (xyz)N , εz (xyz)N ) ∀εy (xyz)N , εz . (72) The fact that the variable conditioning on the left hand side is not preserved among the variables conditioning on the right hand side is what determines that the information-theoretic statistic to test this equality is not a single KL-divergence (in particular a mutual information) but a difference of two. We examine if the alternative spectral measures fulfill the three conditions imposed by Geweke described in Section 3.2.1. In the bivariate case the measure is equal so it is clear that it does. In the multivariate case the measure has an intuitive interpretation and fulfills the relation with the time domain measure under integration. However, nonnegativity is not guaranteed for every frequency since it is related to a difference of mutual informations. 3.5 Alternative Parametric Criteria Based on Innovations Partial Dependence Above we have shown that the different criteria underlying bivariate and multivariate GSC can be reduced or extended respectively to the other case. We indicated that 212 D. Chicharro the parametric criteria rely not only on the causal structure but also in the functional relations assumed between the processes and the innovation processes. This is particularly clear in the multivariate criteria (Eqs. 56, 57 and 72) because the criteria combine innovations from different projections. This prevents from considering the autoregressive models as actual generative models which structure can be mapped to a causal graph. Here we introduce an alternative type of parametric criteria which relies on a single projection, which can be considered as the model from which the processes are generated. In the bivariate case the criterion is (xy)N p(εx (xy)N |X N ) = p(εx (xy)N |X N , εy (xy)N ) ∀X N , εy , (73) which can be tested with the mutual information (xy)N I(εx (xy)N (xy)N , εy |X N ) = 0. (74) (xy)N The innovations εx and εy are assumed to be independent (or are rendered independent after the normalization step in [25]) when there is no conditioning. The logic of the criterion is that if conditioning on X N introduces some dependence, this can only be because both innovation processes have a dependence with process X (xy)N (this is the conditioning on a joint child effect). Since by construction εx is asso(xy)N N ciated with X , this effect occurs only if and only if εy has an influence on X N , which can only be through an existent connection from Y to X. In the multivariate case the criterion is straightforwardly extended to (xyz)N p(εx (xyz)N |X N , Z N ) = p(εx (xyz)N |X N , Z N , εy (xyz)N ) ∀X N , Z N , εy (75) and can be tested with the mutual information (xyz)N I(εx (xyz)N , εy |X N , Z N ) = 0. (76) (xyz)N to X N is Here the conditioning on Z N is required so that the connection from εy not indirect through Z. These criteria have the advantage that they rely on a unique autoregressive representation. They are also useful to illustrate the difference between using the information-theoretic measures as statistics to test for causality or as measure to quantify the dependencies. In particular, the mutual informations of Eqs. 74, 76 are either infinity or zero if there is or there is no causality from Y to X. This is clear (xyz) (xyz) when expressed in terms of the squared coherence, for example |C(X εx , εy )|2 is associated with Eq. 74, and is 1 when there is causality. This is because since the (xyz) two innovation processes completely determine X, inversely the innovations εy can be known from process X and its innovations. The same occurs in the multivariate case. In principle, this renders these mutual information very powerful to test for causality and useless to quantify in some way the strength of the dependence. In Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series 213 practice, the actual value estimated would also reflect how valid is the autoregreesive model chosen. 4 Comparison of Non-parametric and Parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series We have reviewed different criteria for causal inference and introduced some related ones that conform a whole consistent framework for causal inference from time-series. Here we briefly summarize them, further highlighting their relations. In Table 1 and 2 we collect all the criteria for causal inference, organized according to being parametric or non-parametric, and bivariate or multivariate. We see that all the bivariate criteria have their multivariate counterpart except the criterion 2, associated with Sims causality. In Table 3 we display the corresponding information-theoretic measures to test the criteria. We group the measures according to which of them are equal given the functional form that determines the processes from the innovation processes. In the bivariate case the measures in 1 and 2 are equivalent only when there is no instantaneous causality. All these measures can be used to test for causal inference from Y to X, but when a nonzero value is obtained they provide alternative characterizations of the dependencies. Finally, in Table 4 we use the set W = {X,Y, Z} to reexpress the criteria of Table 1 in a synthetic form that integrates the bivariate and multivariate notation used so far, making more transparent their link. For example, {W \Y } refers to all the ({W \Y }) processes except Y . Furthermore, for innovation processes, ε{W \X,Y } refers to, given the projection ({W \Y }) which includes all the processes except Y , all the innovation processes {W \X,Y }, that is, all the ones in the projection except the ones associated with X and Y . Table 1 Bivariate criteria for causal inference Non-parametric 1 p(Xt+1 |X t ) = p(Xt+1 |X t ,Y t ) t+1:N |X t ,Y t ) = p(X t+1:N |X t ,Y t ,Yt+1 ) 2 p(X Parametric (x)N (x)N (xy)N 3 p(εx ) = p(εx |εy ) (xy)N N ) 4 p(X ) = p(X N |εy (xy)N (xy)N (xy)N 5 p(εx ) = p(εx |ηy ) (xy)N N (xy)N N (xy)N 6 p(εx |X ) = p(εx |X , εy ) 214 D. Chicharro Table 2 Multivariate criteria for causal inference Non-parametric 1 p(Xt+1 |X t , Z t ) = p(Xt+1 |X t ,Y t , Z t ) 2 − Parametric (xz)N (xz)N (xyz)N (xyz)N 3 p(εx ) = p(εx | εy , εz ) (xz)N (xyz)N (xyz)N N N ) = p(X |εy , εz ) 4 p(X |εz (xyz)N (xyz)N (xyz)N 5 p(εx ) = p(εx |ηy ) (xyz)N N N (xyz)N N N (xyz)N 6 p(εx |X , Z ) = p(εx |X , Z , εy ) Table 3 Mutual information measures to test for causality Bivariate (xy)N (xy)N I(εx 3 Multivariate 4 (x)N (xy)N I(Xt+1 ;Y t |X t ) = I(X N ; εy ) = I(εx ; εy (xy)N (xy)N I(Yt+1 ; X t+1:N |Y t , X t ) = I(εx ; ηy ) 1 2 (xy)N ; εy ) |X N ) (xz)N (xyz)N (xyz)N I(Xt+1 ;Y t |X t , Z t ) = I(εx ; εy , εz ) (xyz)N (xyz)N (xz)N = I(X N ; εy , εz ) − I(X N ; εz ) (xyz)N (xyz)N I(εx ; ηy ) (xyz)N (xyz)N N N I(εx ; εy |X , Z ) 5 6 Table 4 Criteria for causal inference Non-parametric 1 p(Xt+1 |{W \Y }t ) = p(Xt+1 |{W }t ) Parametric ({W \Y })N p(εx 2 ({W \Y })N ({W })N |ε{W \X } ) ({W })N p(X N |ε{W \X ,Y } ) = p(X N |ε{W \X } ) 3 ({W })N p(εx 4 5 ({W \Y })N ) = p(εx ({W })N p(εx ({W })N |ηy ({W })N |{W \Y }N , εy ) = p(εx |{W \Y }N ) = p(εx ({W })N ) ({W })N ) Parametric and Non-parametric Criteria for Causal Inference from Time-Series 215 5 Conclusion We have reviewed criteria for causal inferences related to Granger causality and proposed some new ones in order to complete a unified framework of criteria and measures to test for causality in a parametric and non-parametric way, in the time or spectral domain, and for bivariate or multivariate processes. These criteria and measures are summarized in Tables 1-4. This offers an integrating picture comprising the measures proposed by Geweke [25, 26] and partial directed coherence [5]. The contributions of this Chapter are complementary to the work in [57] and [14]. The distinction between parametric and non-parametric criteria further emphasizes the necessity to check the validity of the autoregressive representation when applying a measure which inherently relies on the definition of the innovation processes. The distinction between criteria and measures stresses that causal inference and the characterization of the dynamic dependencies resulting from them should be addressed by different approaches [16, 15]. Finally, we notice again that we have here focused on the formal relation between the different criteria and measures. For practical applications, problems like the influences of hidden variables [21], or time and temporal aggregation [23] constitute serious challenges that prevent from successfully applying these criteria. For example, in the case of brain causal analysis it is now clear that a successful characterization can only be obtained if the application of these criteria is combined with a biologically plausible reconstruction of how the recorded data are generated by the neural activity [50, 58, 23]. Even at a more practical level, estimating from small data sets the information-theoretic measures to test for causality is complicated [34]. Most often stationarity is assumed for simplification, but event-related estimation is also possible [3, 27]. We believe that a clear understanding of the underlying criteria for causal inference and their relation to measures can also help to better interpret and address these practical problems. 6 Appendix: Fisher Information Measure of Granger Causality for Linear Autoregressive Gaussian Processes In Eq. 12 we showed how the criterion of Granger causality of Eq. 1 can be tested using the Fisher information. For linear Gaussian autoregressive processes, considering the definition of the Fisher information (Eq. 9) we have Eyt [F(Xt+1 ; yt |X t )] = dyt p(yt ) dX t p(X t |yt ) p(Xi+1 |X t , yt )( (77) ∂ log p(Xi+1 |X t , yt ) 2 ) dXt+1 . t ∂y We start considering the term F(Xt+1 ; yt |xt ) corresponding to the first integral. For a gaussian process p(Xi+1 |xt , yt ) = N(μ (Xt+1 |xt , yt ), σ (Xt+1 |xt , yt )) is Gaussian. Therefore 216 D. Chicharro F(Xt+1 ; yt |xt ) = − N(μ (Xt+1 |xt , yt ), σ (Xt+1 |xt , yt )) (xy) (xy) x − ∞ axxs Xt−s +axys Yt−s 2 √ ∂ 12 ( t+1 ∑s=0 ) ∂ log 2πσ (Xt+1 |xt , yt ) 2 σ (Xt+1 |xt ,yt ) (( ) + ( )2 )dXt+1 . ∂ yt ∂ yt (78) The first summand inside the integral is zero because the term on which the derivative is done is independent of yt . For the second summand, since it is linear, we consider for simplification just the partial derivation on a single variable yt . We get F(Xt+1 ; yt |xt ) = ( = (xy) N(μ (Xt+1 |xt , yt ), σ (Xt+1 |xt , yt )) (xy) axyt xt+1 − ∑∞ s=0 axxs Xt−s + axyt yt )2 dXt+1 t σ (Xt+1 |x , yt ) σ (Xt+1 |xt , yt ) (79) a2xyt . σ 2 (Xt+1 |xt , yt ) This term is independent both of xt and yt , so that the other two integration in Eq. 77 can be done straightforwardly. We have Eyt [F(Xt+1 ; yt |X t )] = a2xyt , σ 2 (Xt+1 |xt , yt ) (80) so that each coefficient in the autoregressive representation can be given a meaning in terms of the Fisher information. This relation further illuminates the relation between coefficients and GY →X [55, 40]: (xy) GY →X = 0 ⇔ axys = 0 ∀s. (81) References 1. Amblard, P.O., Michel, O.: On directed information theory and Granger causality graphs. J. Comput. Neurosci. 30, 7–16 (2011) 2. Ancona, N., Marinazzo, D., Stramaglia, S.: Radial basis function approach to nonlinear Granger causality of time series. Phys. Rev. E 70(5), 056221 (2004) 3. Andrzejak, R.G., Ledberg, A., Deco, G.: Detection of event-related time-dependent directional couplings. New. J. Phys. 8, 6 (2006) 4. Ay, N., Polani, D.: Information flows in causal networks. Advances in Complex Systems 11, 17–41 (2008) 5. Baccala, L., Sameshima, K.: Partial directed coherence: a new concept in neural structure determination. Biol. Cybern. 84(1), 463–474 (2001) 6. Baccala, L., Sameshima, K., Ballester, G., Do Valle, A., Timo-Iaria, C.: Studying the interaction between brain structures via directed coherence and Granger causality. Appl. Sig. 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Chicharro, Daniel 195 Pellicoro, Mario 87 Porta, Alberto 61 137 Faes, Luca 61 Stramaglia, Sebastiano 87 Krakovska, Olga 137 Lindner, Michael 3 Lizier, Joseph T. 161 Marinazzo, Daniele 87 Vakorin, Vasily A. 137 Vicente, Raul 3, 37 Wibral, Michael 3, 37 Wu, Guorong 87 Subject Index A active information storage 66, 175 approximate entropy 151 autoregressive process 201 B Bayesian information criterion 145 bursting neuronal cultures, see neuronal cultures C causal inference 195 causality 8, 186, 195 see transfer entropy, and causality see Granger causality cellular automata 31, 180 communication-through-coherence hypothesis 124 conditional entropy 6, 63, 165 conditional mutual information 7, 64, 165, 199 corrected conditional entropy 69 Cramer-Rao bound 200 criticality 132 cross entropy 64 D diffusion spectrum imaging 91 diminishing marginal returns 88 dynamical systems theory 163 state space, see state space E edge of synchrony 132 EEG 22, 54, 81, 93, 105, 138, 162 effective connectivity 94 electroencephalogram, see EEG entropy 6, 63, 164 entropy rate 166 Erdos-Renyi networks 90 F Fisher information 200 fMRI 100, 161, 188 functional connectivity 101, 112, 113, 118 resting-state 131 functional magnetic resonance imaging, see fMRI functional multiplicity 113, 121 G Gaussian processes 88, 98, 201 conditional mutual information of 105 entropy of 43, 174, 204 224 Granger causality 138, 140, 162, 195, 197 conditional 95 distributions of 94 Geweke measures of 202 kernel 94 local 179 partially conditioned 95 spectral 140, 204 H Henon process 74 human connectome 91 I information dynamics 31, 39, 54, 64, 84, 163, 175 information partial directed coherence 207 information storage 107, 175 information theory 4, 38 local measures 167 information-theoretic estimators 173 information transfer, see transfer entropy instantaneous effects 29, 82, 118, 126 J joint entropy 165 Subject Index Kullback-Leibler divergence 199 L law of diminishing marginal returns, see diminishing marginal returns leaky integrate-and-fire neurons 115 LFP 22, 113, 124, 138, 161 local active information storage 176 local entropy 168 local field potential, see LFP local inhibition 124 local mutual information 170 local transfer entropy, see transfer entropy, local M magnetoencephalography, see MEG Marr’s levels of understanding 32 Massey’s directed information 28, 199 MEG 22, 54, 82, 138 misinformation 171 momentary information transfer 30 multi-scale entropy 151 multivariate transfer entropy, see transfer entropy, multivariate mutual information 7, 39, 63, 98, 125, 165 time-lagged 27 N K kernel estimation 14, 45, 174 Kolmogorov entropy 151 Kozachenko-Leonenko estimator 46 Kraskov-Stögbauer-Grassberger estimator 15, 48, 53, 174 natural causal effects 196 network motifs 101, 107, 113, 124, 126 networks 88 neuronal cultures 115 non-linear time-series analysis 163 non-uniform embedding 73 Subject Index O open source software JIDT 22, 52, 173, 182 TET 21 TIM 52 TRENTOOL 21, 52, 172 oscillations 112, 124, 125, 138 P phase synchronization 142 physiological time series 82 point-wise mutual information, see local mutual information preferential attachment 89 principal component analysis 96 R Rössler oscillators 139 Ragwitz’ criterion 11, 50 Receiver-Operator Characteristic 120 redundancy 11, 12, 25, 39, 67, 81, 101, 105, 164, 166 S sample entropy 151 scale-free networks 89 self entropy 64 Shannon entropy 39, 69, 164 see Entropy Shannon information content 6, 168 Sims causality 198 spontaneous symmetry breaking 129 state space 12, 49, 69, 141 statistical parametric mapping 100 statistical significance testing 23, 51, 106, 118 structural connectivity 112, 113, 115 225 structural degeneracy 113, 124 structural motifs, see network motifs surrogate data 23, 51, 106 synergy 11, 12, 25, 39, 67, 101, 105, 107, 166, 179 T time delay embedding, see state space transfer entropy 3, 38, 40, 65, 96, 101, 113, 141, 152, 162, 177, 196, 199 and causality 8, 41, 186 apparent 179 bias 16, 23, 44–48, 50, 51 complete 179 conditional 179, 199 delay 18, 177 distributions of 105 embedding length 177 estimators 13, 41, 173 ensemble method 26, 52 for nonstationary processes 26 expansion of 100, 102, 179 functional 7 local 162, 177 multivariate 11, 66, 67, 102, 179, 199 relation to Granger causality 43, 97, 179, 203 state-conditioned 114, 118, 124 state-dependent and independent 11, 54 symbolic 44 W Wang-Buzsáki model 125 white matter tractography 91 Wiener’s principle 7