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Nation's Strength: Textbook Excerpt Analysis

TOPIC: MyCountry
SUBTOPIC: A Nation’s Strength
Page no:67,68
stanza 1
In the first stanza, compared with a
building, the poet simply asks the
readers in a rhetoric way what makes
a nation’s pillars high and its
foundations strong and what makes it
mighty i.e. strong enough to defy or
resist the foes (enemies) that round it
throng or those who gather around to
Stanza 2
the poet answers himself that it
is neither materialistic things nor
money that makes the
nation’s kingdoms grand.
A country that is rich and has
ample of resources is always
prone to attacks from outside.
Thus its foundation lays
on sinking sand rather
than abiding rock.
Stanza 3
the poet raises another rhetorical question.
He asks whether it is the sword which
makes a nation great, Sword here stands for
power. The poet asks us to look into the
past and see the big empires whose
foundation was laid on blood and power.
According to the poet, the blood which was
shed for the kingdoms has turned their
stones to rust and their glory to decay.
Hence power is also not something that
makes a nation great.
Stanza 4
he wonders if it is the pride. According to
him, pride is a bright crown that has
always been something sweet to
nations. They felt proud of their power,
empire, and resources.
However, pride is not everlasting. God
does not like it and hence those who felt
proud of themselves and their
possessions were brought down to
ashes at His feet. Pride is also not
something that makes a nation great.
Stanza 5
According to the poet, it is not
materialistic things but men
who can make a nation great
and strong. These are the men
who stand and suffer for the
sake of truth and honor. Thus a
country that has such men will
be great and strong
Stanza 6
These brave men work while others
sleep. They dare to face problems when
others run away. According to the poet,
these are the only people who make the
foundation of a nation strong and take their
progress to the skies. Thus, the nation’s
strength is great men and they are
what makes a nation great and strong.
Is it the sword ?Ask the red dust of
empires passed away
Q1: what does red dust means in these lines?
Ans: The poet suggests to us to ask the dust of the empires
which are no more now about the result of such fierce
Q2:what does poet refer to by sword ?
Ans: Poet refer sword is the symbol of power and violence.
Q3: What according to the poet happens to empires?
Ans:According to the poet, the blood which was shed
for the kingdoms has turned their stones to rust and
their glory to decay.