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Know What Matters: Book Club Discussion Guide

Know What Matters
Know What Matters
Book Club Discussion Guide
Know What Matters: Lessons from a Lifetime of Transformations is the story of one CEO and entrepreneur’s
life and what he learned from it. While it’s full of practical wisdom for those looking for further their careers
and learn how Ron Shaich revolutionized the fast casual restaurant industry, it’s also a book written by a man
reflecting on his life and the choices he made to maintain his self-respect. Know What Matters is the perfect
book to read with your book club. Use some or all of the questions below to guide your group discussion.
• In Know What Matters, Ron Shaich defined the four areas of life that matter to be your relationship
with God, your relationship with work, your relationship with family and loved ones, and your
relationship with your body and its vitality. What do you think of his four areas? Would you agree?
• “Future back planning” is a way of looking forward to guide the course of your own life.
What is your desired future? What steps do you need to take to get there?
• Rather than thinking about what kind of job you want, Ron advises that we should think about what we
want our lives to be about. What do you want your life to be about? Do you feel that’s reflected in your
current life? What would need to change to make it happen?
• Ron defines “ends” as things you can pursue and goals we set ourselves. We get ends by
choosing the right means and following through with discipline. The most important things in
life are byproducts of both. Those byproducts are secondary by definition to ends and means.
What are your important “byproducts”?
• Have you ever had an idea that could have been a great business opportunity?
If you were an entrepreneur, what idea or industry would you want to transform?
• “Empathy is the key to innovation and the root of all learning because it’s the key to human relationships…
it’s what enables us to understand the jobs our customers need us to do for them.” What do you think
of this understanding of empathy? How does empathy factor into your day-to-day life? How do you
think we could all take steps to be more empathetic?
• As consumers, our choices reflect who we are. What brands do you prioritize? What brands
do you buy without thinking? What do you think these brands reflect about who you are?
• As you read about Ron’s experiences with Au Bon Pain and Panera, did you reflect on your own
dining choices? Were there any parts that particularly resonated with you? What do you think
Ron got the most right about consumers?
• One of the chapter titles is, “You Don’t Own the Business. The Business Owns You.” How did
the business “own” Ron? How is this true for entrepreneurs and people who are deeply
devoted to their work?
• “Leadership—and life—is all about choice.” What choices did Ron make that defined his life?
What choices have you made that defined yours?
• What did you think of the various transformations in Ron’s life as he pursued different business
opportunities and personal beliefs? Would you have done things differently when faced with
similar choices?
• How important is it to you to surround yourself with people of integrity? How does it change
relationships when people do not keep their promises?
• Ron’s goal with writing the book was to help readers to “live a life of meaning.”
What does living a life of meaning look like for you?
Adapted from Know What Matters: Lessons from a Lifetime of Transformations by Ron Shaich, published by Harvard Business Review Press. © 2023 by Ron Shaich.
How to
Discover What Matters:
Determine what job you
need to complete for whom.
Bring What Matters to Life:
Capture your vision in one,
two, and three dimensions.
Get What Matters Done:
Roll out your innovation.
Identify success factors
Draw generalizations
Lab test
Adapted from Know What Matters: Lessons from a Lifetime of Transformations by Ron Shaich, published by Harvard Business Review Press. © 2023 by Ron Shaich.