Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Science Stage 1 Answers to photocopiable pages Page 23: My body Unit 1A: 1.1 Ourselves 1. Page 9: It’s play time! head The learners do the activity as explained on page 8 under ‘Main activities’. neck Page 10: How do I look? 1–2. Personal response. 3. arms ears feet knees toes hands head legs arm Pages 12–13: We’re all different The learners do the activity as explained on page 11 under ‘Main activities’. Page 15: What colour are our eyes? knee Answers will vary, according to the learners in the class. Page 16: Our eye colours Answers will vary, according to the learners in the class. Pages 18–19: Find the tallest Answers will vary, according to the measurements of height made. Page 21: My head hair head nose mouth chin 2. Answers will vary. Page 24: My senses 1. eye – see ear – hear nose – smell tongue – taste hand – touch 2. 5 eye ear toes neck Page 27: I can touch Answers will vary, according to the objects identified. Page 29: I can hear Answers will vary, for example: When I turn towards the sound it gets louder. When I turn away from the sound it gets quieter / softer. Page 31: I can see Station 1: A disappearing trick One of the shapes disappears. Station 2: Spoon drawings 2. The drawing should be upside down. 3. The drawing should be the right way up, but may be squat or elongated, depending on how the spoon is held. 1 9781444177824 RTG Science 1 answers.indd 1 1/27/14 5:13 PM Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Science Stage 1: Answers to photocopiable pages Station 3: Optical illusions Question 5. Can you find something transparent (see through)? 6. Can you find something waterproof? 1. They are both the same length. 2. Two faces or a vase / candlestick. Page 33: I can smell Personal response. Page 35: I can taste 1. Liquid Taste sugar water sweet coffee bitter lemon juice sour salty water salty 2. Personal response. Page 39: Materials I found indoors Object person Material skin and bones 1–2. The learners do the activity as explained on the photocopiable page; see the photocopiable page for an example. 4. Answers will vary, for example: doors, window frames, floors. 5. Metals get hot, which helps to cook the food. Page 49: Testing materials Answers will vary, according to the materials tested. rock coin metal Page 51: Will it keep dry? jumper wool Answers will vary, according to the materials tested. window pane sole of a shoe glass Check that the prediction response (yes / no) agrees with the original prediction made. rubber Page 53: Common materials we found Answers will vary, for example: Wood Answers will vary, for example: 4. Page 47: Investigating materials chalk Page 41: Materials I found outdoors 3. The learners do the activity as explained on the photocopiable page; see the photocopiable page for an example. 3. Windows. Answers will vary, for example: 2. terracotta / slate Page 45: What materials are like Unit 1B: 1.2 What is it made of? 1. roof tile The learners do the activity as explained on the photocopiable page; see the photocopiable page for an example. Personal response. Question Can you find something that is not alive? Can you find something shiny? Can you find something green? Can you find something natural? Material glass Page 43: Exploring materials Page 37: Your sense of touch Question 1. Can you find something that is alive? 2. Can you find something that has never been alive? 3. Can you find something hard? 4. Can you find something soft? 5. Can you find something smooth? 6. Can you find something rough? Object window Object stone Material rock litter metal / foil moss small plants feather hair / fur Metal ruler tap / fawcett tree paperclip door Plastic coin Fabric ruler trousers chair jumper cup curtains 2 9781444177824 RTG Science 1 answers.indd 2 1/27/14 5:13 PM Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Science Stage 1: Answers to photocopiable pages Page 54: Common materials we found Page 65: Matching objects to materials Answers will vary, for example: spoon – wood bottle – glass key – metal pot – stone Glass Metal window chair legs drinking glass jewellery spectacles Wood door handles Fabric ruler cushions door cloth floor Rubber tie rubber (eraser) ruler rubber band lunch box rubber duck toys ruler – plastic Unit 2A: 1.3 Living and growing Page 67: Animal and plant pictures Pictures for photocopiable page 67. Page 68: Animals or plants? Plants Plastic Page 56: Investigating liquids Oil floats on water. Page 58: Blowing bubbles 1–4. Personal response. 5. They are full of air. Page 60: Let’s get sorted Animals Pictures for photocopiable page 61. Page 61: Sorting objects Personal response. Page 63: Sorting by characteristic Shiny Rough Page 70: Is it a plant or an animal? Soft Hard Transparent Smooth Plants Animals Are not green. 1. Are green. 2. Do not move around. Move around. 3. Make their own food. Do not make their own food. Do not need light to 4. Need light to grow. grow. Have babies. 5. Make flowers, fruits and seeds. Have senses. 6. Do not have senses. 3 9781444177824 RTG Science 1 answers.indd 3 1/27/14 5:13 PM Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Science Stage 1: Answers to photocopiable pages Note that rice could come under either category as it is a staple part of some diets around the world, but excessive amounts of carbohydrates are not healthy. Page 72: Living things? 1–3. Page 84: A healthy diet cup elephant water wooden spoon Answers will vary, depending on the pictures of foods the learners draw or find. Page 85: Keeping healthy a) water b) sleep bone 4. person Once alive wooden spoon bone sandals baby c) exercise Page 87: Water sources Never alive cup water sandals 1–2. Note that the sandals come under ‘never alive’ if we assume they are plastic; ‘once alive’ if leather. tap pump spring bottle well Page 74: Never been alive 1. a) raindrop cloud b) river c) sea d) air 2. air cloud raindrop river sand sea Page 76: We found animals here Personal response. Page 78: We found plants here Personal response. Page 80: Around the world cactus – desert parrot – rainforest polar bear – arctic river 3. River 4. The water is cleaned in the process of being put into the bottle or tap. Page 89: Find my baby lion – lion cub elephant – baby elephant chimpanzee – baby chimpanzee penguin – baby penguin horse – foal Page 91: Growing up 1. Page 82: Is it healthy or not? 1. 2. 2. Answers will vary, for example: catch a ball, hop, run fast. 3. Answers will vary, for example: drive a car, stay up late, choose their own clothes or what to eat. Page 93: Growing up a) baby b) toddler c) child d) teenager 4 9781444177824 RTG Science 1 answers.indd 4 1/27/14 5:13 PM Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Science Stage 1: Answers to photocopiable pages e) adult Object Push or pull? f) elderly person Unit 2B: 1.4 Pushes and pulls push Page 95: I can move 1–2. swim run jump 3. Answers will vary, for example: walk, hop, run, jump. Page 97: How toys move pull 1–3. Answers will vary, for example: A toy car can be pushed to make the wheels go round. 4. Answers will vary, for example: Some toys can be pushed. 5. Answers will vary, for example: Some toys need to be pulled, wound up or run on batteries. Page 99: Make it move! 1–2. Toy ball toy car kite Answers will vary, according to the objects found. How would you make it move? Let the ball go and it will roll down the slope. Push it. Let the wind take it up in the air. 3. frog – jump bird – fly leopard – run Page 106: Let’s make a paper windmill Follow the instructions to make the paper windmill. Pages 108–10: Make it move Personal response. Page 112: Magnetic or not? Page 101: Push or pull? Object Pages 103–04: Pushes and pulls I found Push or pull? push Object paperclip wooden ruler book coin Magnetic? ✔ or ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔ Pages 114–15: Made for speed push 2. Answers will vary, for example: push it harder. 3. Answers will vary, for example: ramp, blocks, smooth surface. All other answers will vary, according to the test carried out. pull Page 117: Will it slow down? Answers will vary, according to the types of surface chosen. Page 119: Marble maze Answers will vary, according to the mazes designed. push Page 121: Pushes and pulls 1. Plastic 2. 50 cm 5 9781444177824 RTG Science 1 answers.indd 5 1/27/14 5:13 PM Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Science Stage 1: Answers to photocopiable pages 3. Carpet 2. Answers will vary, for example: 4. Plastic: It is slippery so you would slide for a longer distance on a plastic surface. Animal Body part cricket wings 3. Answers will vary, for example: sing, shout, whistle, stamp feet. Unit 3A: 1.5 Making sounds Page 123: Where does the sound come from? Sound Source Page 127: My sound walk Answers will vary; things inside school that make a sound may include: school bell, voices, footsteps. Page 129: Making music Pictures for colouring and cutting out. His voice Propellers / engine Running water Page 130: Musical sounds Stringed Wind mandolin ocarina violin Percussion flute Brass drum trumpet castanets trombone Page 132: Rubber band string band 1. No 2. They make different sounds. 3. The sound is different. Page 133: Bottle blowing Knife cutting / hitting the chopping board Strings being strummed or plucked 1. Blow across the top of the bottle or tap it with a stick or beater. 2. No. 3. Different sounds are made depending on how much water is in the bottle. Page 135: Table 1 – Bang the drum 1. 2. 3. 4. Wind blowing Shaking / movement / vibrations. The rice dances! The rice goes higher if you hit the drum harder. Answers will vary; accept any explanation that describes sound being made as a result of movement or vibrations. Page 136: Table 2 – Sound moves Page 125: Animal sounds 1. Animal lion horse frog bird donkey Sound roar neigh croak song / tweet / warble bray / hee-haw 1. Moving / shaking / vibrations. 3. Salt dances more the louder the volume is. 4. Sugar behaves in a similar way to the salt. Sounds are made by movement, shaking or vibrations. Page 137: Water movement 1. Splash! 2. A different splash – bigger or smaller, depending on the fork used. Sound makes waves. 6 9781444177824 RTG Science 1 answers.indd 6 1/27/14 5:13 PM Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Science Stage 1: Answers to photocopiable pages Pages 139–40: Our hearing experiment Answers will vary, depending on what the learners decide to do. Page 142: Can you hear me? 3. Pull the string tight. Page 144: Near and far 1. Sheet for drawing daily observations. 2. Personal response. Page 161: Fruit salad game The learners do the activity as explained on the photocopiable page. Page 163: Growing sunflowers Personal response. 1. a) ears b) source c) enters Page 159: How we grew beans Page 165: Our watering experiment hear d) further fainter 2. Personal response. Pages 146–47: Sound and distance experiment Personal response. Page 149: Sound sources 1. Answers will vary, for example: amount of water, number of seeds, type of seeds, size of plant pot, position of the plant pot. 2. Plant 1 – had Plant 2 – had no water water Look for a picture Look for a picture of a healthy plant. showing a withered plant. Circle as many sound sources as possible in the picture, for example: aeroplane, bird, siren, bell, voices, clapping. Page 167: Cooking with herbs Unit 3B: 1.6 Growing plants Page 168: How to plant seeds Page 151: My healthy plant Answers will vary; look for evidence of a pot and soil being prepared, seeds being planted and watered and signs of growth emerging. 1. Answers will vary; look for stem, leaves, flower and perhaps roots. Personal response. Page 169: How to plant seeds 2. Personal response. Page 153: Growing seeds 1–2. Personal response. 3. a) seeds Page 171: Plant wordsearch s e e d p z a f s c s p a l e b c t b) cotton wool pot e l h s a p d e k c) sprinkled water g e m a n f e o n Page 155: Growing plant tops i a t s t e m a f 1–2. Personal response. l f e g b e u r p v a r o o t s w d x o q f l o w e r 3. Plants need water to grow. Page 157: How we grew mung beans Sheet for drawing daily observations. 7 9781444177824 RTG Science 1 answers.indd 7 1/27/14 5:13 PM Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Science Stage 1: Answers to photocopiable pages Page 173: Comparing plants 2. Same (✔) or different (✘)? roots ✘ stem ✘ leaves ✘ flowers or fruit ✘ 3. See the photocopiable page for what each plant’s leaf looks like. 4. Coconuts. Page 175: In the dark Look for pictures and descriptions that include pale / tall / white / spindly / floppy / elongated plants. 3. a) Alpine or mountain regions. b) Rocks. Page 187: Tundra plants 1. a) On rocks. b) Reindeer. 2. a) Purple. b) Rocks. 3. a) Small and round. Page 189: Desert plants The learners do the activity as explained on page 188 under ‘Main activities’; see page 188 for examples. Page 191: Naming plant parts Page 177: Insect trap game The learners follow the instructions to play the game. Page 179: Leaf rubbings Answers will vary, according to the leaves selected. flower leaf Page 181: Our leaf experiment Look for evidence of small bubbles on the leaf surface in the learners’ pictures and descriptions. stem Page 183: How do plants take up water? Look for pictures and descriptions that include colour in the stem. Page 184: With or without water? roots Look for detail in the learners’ pictures of a flower without water that is floppy, and a flower with water that is rigid. Water supports the stem and helps to keep the plant upright. Page 186: Tundra plants 1. a) A fruit. b) Small and pointed. c) Round and blue. 2. a) Long with ragged edges. b) Light. Page 192: Growing plants 1. Look for a picture like that on photocopiable page 191, with flower, leaf, stem and roots labelled. 2. a) They take in water and hold the plant in the ground (anchor it). b) The leaves. 8 9781444177824 RTG Science 1 answers.indd 8 1/27/14 5:13 PM