•Create the following (E.P.S) Test Company Egypt Saudi Arabia Industrial Projects Jeddah Al-Khobar Residential Projects Riyadh Project of Riyadh Residence Residential Projects Industrial Projects Cairo Project of Cairo Residence Alex Sharm El-Sheikh Building (EPS) 1-Click enterprise tab in the menu bar and select the enterprise project structure. Building (EPS) 2- click add on the command bar to add new EPS. Building (EPS) 3- use the arrow tabs to optimize the new EPS in the hierarchy. Building (EPS) 4- add nodes and completely EPS. Organizational break down structure (OBS) OBS element are assigned as responsible manager for work within an EPS elements, project, Work break down structure. Genral Manager (Eng/Atef) Manager for Saudi Arabia Projects (Eng/Mohamed) Manager of Industerial Projects (Eng/Abdallah) Manager of Jeddah Area (Eng/Moustafa) Manager of Al-Khobar Area (Eng/mahmoud) Manager of Residential Projects (Eng/alaa) Manager for Egypt projects (Eng/Ahmed) Manager of Industeria Projects (Eng/Ayman) Manager of Manager of Riyadh Area (Eng/yasser) Cairo Area (Eng/Hassan) Manager of Project Riyadh Residence (Eng/Islam) Manager of Project Riyadh Residence (Eng/Hany) Manager of Alex Area (Eng/Waleed) Manager of Residential Projects (Eng/Ashraf) Manager of Sharm El-Sheikh Area (Eng/Adel) Manager of Project Riyadh Residence (Eng/Islam Building (OBS) 1-Click enterprise tab in the menu bar and select the OBS. Building (OBS) 2- click add on the command bar to add new OBS, and use arrows to optimize the new OBS in the hierarchy. Building (OBS) 3- click the enterprise tab in the menu bar and select the enterprise project structure and select the responsible manger for EPS. calendars. Calendar is used for scheduling activities, and activity type determines whether the activity uses the calendar of the assigned resource or activity calendar. Types of calendars. 1- Global: contains calendars that can be used by all projects, available for all resources and activities. 2- Project: contains separate pool of calendars for each project in the EPS, available for current project only. 3- Resource: contains separate calendar for each resource. Creating Calendar. 1-Click enterprise tab in the menu bar and select Calendars. Creating Calendar. 2-Cick add to add new calendar in global window, and select calendar to copy from then rename it. Creating Calendar. 3-Cick Modify button then work week button, and nonwork button to adjust working days. Creating Calendar. 4-Select project window, then click add, then select the calendar of project and rename it with the project name.