Ethics & Values Worksheet

In making
decisions man
should exercise
involves choice.
1. Stealing and give stolen goods
to the needy
2. Cheating in order to get a
higher grades
3. If two people love each other
they are allowed to commit
premarital sex.
4. Smoking cigarettes is allowed
only for legal age
5. Abortion is a prerogatives of a
The act of making a choice involves
evaluating the reasons and giving
weight to reasons. One alternative is
chosen because the reason behind
such alternative have more weight
than the others.
Intrinsic Value
the value that has in itself apart from or
independent of its consequences. If intrinsic
value is applied to alternatives, you choose
this alternative by the weight you give to
the alternative because the alternative itself
is valuable in its own right.
Instrumental Value
the function and measure of the intrinsic value
that it leads to. It may be the sum of the
intrinsic values of different things it actually
leads to or some measure of the intrinsic values
it might lead to as weighed by probabilities such
as expected intrinsic value.
EXAMPLE: If you will have to choose between studying and
going out with your friends, these alternatives ca be both
valuable and independent of the consequences the
alternative may lead to.
Hence the given example, your decision to study or go out
with your friends depends on two things: (1) the intrinsic
worth of the alternative you will choose and (2) the weight
of the consequences of the alternative you will choose. This
suggest that the weight you assign to each alternative or
choice may be a combination of intrinsic.
So if you choose to study over a night of fun
with your friends, such choice involves the
(1) Intrinsic value: Studying is a good act in
(2) Instrumental value: Studying will help you
understand the lessons well and it may help you
earn a high grade.
Originative Value
introduces new values to the world. It may be newly
intrinsic values or newly instrumental values.
Through this third value, you may have all three
kinds of values combined- intrinsic, instrumental,
and originative. That is why a person with an
originative value can make a difference in this world.
His or her actions can effect change and different
valuable consequences can happen
You chose to continue your studies and you
were able to graduate from college; later on you
became a scientist and invented a new tool or
gadget. The originative value is based
on the invention which your choice effected.
Contributory Value
focuses on the value contribution that a human
action effects. Most human beings want their actions
to have contributory values. At the very least, even if
the contributory value is not an original one, the
contributory factor helps in differentiating the
existing case without the factors effected by the
contributory value if it did exist.
The senior high school curriculum has four tracks. Each track
has a projected outcome based on industry or job
opportunity and core courses you are supposed to take.
Analyze the alternatives listed in the table. Give weight to
the reasons for each of the given alternative action. Ask
yourself how much of your personal desire will affect your
choice of action. Keep in mind that the weights are your
personal valuation possible alternative you will choose.
Complete the table.
There are two kinds of articles:
The indefinite article is used to refer to something for the first time or to refer to a
particular member of a group or class. Some use cases and examples are given below.
Use a to refer to
something for the
first time, for
example, An elephant
and a mouse walk
Use a with names of
jobs, for example,
Julia wants to be a
Use a with
nationalities and
religions in the
singular, for example,
Tom is an American.
We sometimes hear the
phrase “condemned without
trial.” Does this imply
absence of authentic
dialogue? Explain.
In the past, we used the
category “handicapped” or
“disabled” to refer to a
person with physical or
psychological disabilities.
Recently, the category has
changed into persons with
special needs. Do you think the
change of label helps change
our perception and treatment
of them?
Which among the
labels enables one to be a
neighbour or another? Which
one serves as a
“No man ever steps in the same
river twice, for it’s not the same
river and he’s not the same
man.” – Heraclitus.
How does this quote relate to
the statement the other
remains infinitely
transcendent, infinitely
How does this quote relate to
the statement the other
remains infinitely
transcendent, infinitely
Try to recall one of the biggest
conflicts in your life that
caused you a lot of stress. Write
down what you think of those
people involved in this conflict
in the form of statements.
When you are done writing them
all down, take a deep breath,
and then rewrite those
statements in the form of a
question. Assume that those
questions don’t have clear
answers yet.
Does this change your
perspective of the conflict even
in the slightest way? If yes, why
do you think so? If no, why?
Write down your reflection on a
separate sheet of paper.