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Ref : WB(W) 276/32/56 (98)Pt 4
PELB(L)35/05/133(97)Pt 3
2 June 1998
Group: 10
Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 11/98
Planning Environment & Lands Bureau Technical Circular No. 7/98
Aircraft Crash & Salvage
Responsibilities of the Works Bureau and the Planning,
Environment and Lands Bureau Groups of Departments
This Circular sets out the responsibilities of the Works Bureau and the
Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau (W-PEL) groups of departments in the case of
an aircraft crash in the urban area and the international airport at Chek Lap Kok. The same
principles apply to crashes in less densely populated areas or at sea.
Effective Date
This Circular shall take effect at the same time when the new international
airport at Chek Lap Kok becomes operational.
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Effect on Existing Circulars
This Circular will supersede the joint Works Branch Technical Circular No.
23/94 and the Planning, Environment and Lands Branch Technical Circular No. 2/94, at
the same time when it takes effect. This Circular shall be read in conjunction with the
Contingency Plan for Dealing with an Aircraft Crash in Hong Kong and the Contingency
Plan for the Salvage of Crashed Aircraft, issued by the Security Bureau.
Alert System
Aircraft accident alerts are initiated by the Duty Air Traffic Controller of the
Civil Aviation Department (CAD). When an aircraft accident has occurred or is likely to
occur, CAD will alert concerned departments by telephone, giving the information
provided in the standard Aircraft Accident Report Form at Appendix A (hereafter called
"the Alert"). The concerned departments include the Information Services Department
(ISD), Fire Services Communication Centre (FSCC), and certain W-PEL departments as
shown at Appendix B. The alert sending and receiving departments, their contact
numbers, and the departments responsible for alerting S for W and SPEL are given in
detail at Appendix B.
It is the responsibility of the individual W-PEL departments concerned to
notify others including the Emergency Support Unit of the Security Bureau of all changes
in their means of contact, i.e. telephone, pager and fax numbers. Frequent changes to these
numbers should be discouraged.
Command and Control
In the crash scene, two cordons will be established: an outer cordon to
exclude all non-essential personnel from the vicinity of the crash site, and an inner cordon
around the immediate crash site itself to which only rescue and investigation services shall
be permitted entry. The control will apply to all government servants and members of the
The senior Fire Services Officer will be the Crash Commander and as such
will control the crash site and all fire-fighting and rescue services working within it. He
will also establish a command post normally in a Mobile Command Unit.
Representatives of other emergency services wishing to enter the inner
cordoned zone of the crash site will require Police permission.
The Police will also secure the outer cordon, and representatives of other
departments wishing to enter will require Police permission.
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The Police will establish a Forward Command Post to co-ordinate the
activities of all agencies responding to the crash and to direct Police action. Passes for
essential personnel will be available at the Police command post.
Off Site - Emergency Monitoring and Support Centre (EMSC)
In the event of an aircraft crash, EMSC, being the Government Secretariat’s
main monitoring and support centre, will be activated by the Secretary for Security. On
activation, EMSC will immediately establish links with Fire Services and Police command
posts at the scene, FSCC, Police Headquarters Command and Control Centre (HQCCC),
ISD and/or its Combined Information Centre and other relevant parties.
Salvage Operations
The Director of Civil Aviation will be responsible for the co-ordination with
other departments and Airport Authority Hong Kong as required to ensure that the aircraft
wreckage is preserved for accident investigation purpose. In case of a crash involving an
aircraft of Government Flying Service, the responsibility for investigation is also vested in
the Director of Civil Aviation. Except under their authority, therefore, no crashed aircraft
may be interfered with more than is necessary to extricate casualties, to prevent fire or any
other danger, or to remove mails, goods or baggage to prevent them from further damage.
The Role of Airport Authority Hong Kong (AA)
Under normal circumstances, AA acts as the manager, looking after the
management of the airport at Chek Lap Kok which includes the airport platform island and
the sea of 5 km from the ends of the runways. In case of an aircraft crash accident
occurring at the airport, AA is responsible for operating an Airport Emergency Centre at
the Passenger Terminal Building to co-ordinate and support the rescue operation.
Assistance will be provided to the Police in verifying whether any people working at or
visiting the airport have been injured as a consequence of the crash. Immediately after the
crash, AA should obtain a list of the passengers and crew members on board the crashed
plane and fax it to CAD, FSD, Police, Immigration Department and Hospital Authority.
AA will also set up a Liaison Post at the accident scene to co-ordinate
handling of the emergency with the Crash Commander, government departments and
airport services agencies, and provide escort to airside movements of vehicles responding
to the accident. AA will provide logistic support for the setting up of a public help desk and
press enquiry arrangements at the airport in consultation with government departments,
airlines and any other agencies concerned, and expedite restoration of the airport facilities
to resume operation to minimise disruption to air transport.
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The Roles of the Works Bureau
The Works Bureau operates a roster system for officers with a professional
background to attend EMSC as the Works Bureau Liaison Officer (WBLO) when called
upon to do so by the EMSC Controller if the situation warrants.
The Works Bureau maintains and issues to CAD, FSD, Police, Security
Bureau and works departments a list of emergency resources of major works departments
on an annual basis, which contains details of emergency equipment available for use by the
front-line emergency departments as well as for salvage of the crashed aircraft.
Departmental Responsibilities - General
Each department is required to designate a senior officer assigned with the
general responsibilities described in this paragraph. After the Alert is received, recorded
and relayed to other departments and/or policy Secretaries as required in Appendix B, duty
staff should report as soon as possible to that designated senior officer, who must take
charge, evaluate the emergency and accordingly take one or more of the following actions
at the appropriate time :
Inform his head of department and keep the respective policy
Secretary (either directly or through his head of department) informed of
action taken or proposed.
Activate departmental emergency organisation.
Mobilise departmental staff and contractors' resources. To expedite
the transportation of emergency resources, request for Police escort can be
made through the Police HQCCC.
Keep in contact with the Police Forward Command Post via Police
Keep in contact (initially through FSCC) with the Fire Services
Mobile Command Unit at the crash scene, and/or Marine Department (MD).
Send a departmental representative to the crash scene to liaise with
FSD and Police to ascertain the nature of assistance required and to
co-ordinate the department's efforts.
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Liaise with other departments to co-ordinate action.
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Report to EMSC or the Security Bureau Duty Officer (if EMSC is
not set up) on the current status of the departmental emergency organisation.
Maintain a log of the department's activities.
When there is no further need, de-activate the departmental
emergency organisation and inform others of this action.
Departmental Responsibilities - Specific
Architectural Services Department (ArchSD)
ArchSD will be responsible for advising on the stability of government buildings
which are damaged and for carrying out any necessary emergency repair and
protection work.
Buildings Department (BD)
BD will be responsible for advising on the stability of private damaged
buildings and effect emergency repairs and protection works, where
When the Alert is received, BD will be responsible for relay the message to
ArchSD as required in Appendix B.
Civil Engineering Department-Civil Engineering Office (CEO)
CEO will be responsible for sending divers and floating equipment to assist if an
aircraft has crashed into the sea.
Drainage Services Department (DSD)
DSD will be responsible for emergency repairs to public drainage systems.
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
EMSD will be responsible for providing emergency plant and equipment,
including recovery vehicles and floodlighting for the rescue and salvage operation.
Environmental Protection Department (EPD)
EPD will be responsible for giving advice and taking action and to enlist help from
other government departments like the FSD, MD and the Government Laboratory
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to prevent the crash vicinity from contamination by the spilt aircraft fuel or other
Highways Department (HyD)
HyD will be responsible for clearing and repairing blocked or damaged
public roads, and co-ordinating repairs to utility services installations
including public sewers and drains. HyD will also be responsible for
keeping TD informed of the progress in the road repair and clearing works
at regular intervals, to enable TD to co-ordinate and develop transport
arrangements as necessary.
When the Alert is received, HyD will be responsible for relay the message to
EMSD and DSD as required in Appendix B.
Lands Department-Survey and Mapping Office (SMO)
SMO will be responsible for:
providing existing maps, plans and aerial photographs;
providing aerial photographs to assist subsequent investigations;
fixing by survey the position of the crash and other crash evidence;
checking of aircraft navigational aids, particularly the settings of the
Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) system, in case of aircraft
crashing during landing on the runway.
Water Supplies Department (WSD)
WSD will be responsible for :
supporting FSD by providing fire-fighting water at sufficient
pressure at the scene of the crash;
isolation and repair of any water mains damaged by the crash;
providing temporary standpipes or other forms of water supply for
use by victims if required; and
isolation of the area polluted by oil or fuel spillage if the crash is in a
water gathering ground.
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Location of Crash Site
With reference to the "Aircraft Accident Report Form" in Appendix A, the
position of a crash site in area near Chek Lap Kok (CLK) is indicated by the grid reference
relating to the "CAD Crash Grid Map” at 1:100,000 scale. Example :- F5b is the North
East tip of CLK airport.
Outside the area near CLK, the land position is located by a Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid reference (shown in blue alphabet and numerals) on the
colour Joint Maritime Communication Project (JMCP) Map (WGS 84) entitled The
Territory of Hong Kong Series JMCP2 Edition 3, 1994". Example : UTM GRID
HE020700 is located on Chek Lap Kok Island.
In reporting positions at sea, the same JMCP2 map is used. The position is
indicated by a box (enclosed with black lines) which is further subdivided into 4 quadrants
(with blue lines). The box references (in numerals) are shown on the top left hand corners
of the grid boxes. Each quadrant inside a grid box is assigned with a letter reference (A, B,
C and D). It should be pointed out that the grid box references do not cover locations on
land (except where recent reclamations have changed sea to land). Example : Silvermine
Bay is referred to as JMCP 145B.
Apart from grid references, CAD will, as far as possible, provide a more
detailed description of the location of the crash.
Standing Instructions of Departments
Each department should issue departmental instructions amplifying this
Circular to deal with aircraft crash emergency. Such instructions should be regularly
Each department should conduct training and regular refresher courses to
familiarise duty staff with their duties in case of aircraft crash. Departments are advised to
test their operational procedures and conduct drills annually.
Updating of Information
W-PEL departments involved are responsible for circulating any changes in
contact telephone numbers to all parties shown in Appendix B, and also the Police
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HQCCC, FSCC, Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau, Works Bureau and Security
Bureau, sufficiently in advance of any changes coming into effect.
List of Appendices
The following Appendices are attached to this Circular :Appendix A Sample
Report Form (based on standard form used by Civil
Aviation Department).
Appendix B Aircraft Crash - Alerting of
W-PEL Departments (Flowchart).
(Bowen Leung)
Secretary for Planning,
Environment & Lands
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(H S Kwong)
Secretary for Works
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Appendix A
Aircraft Accident Report Form
FAX alert message No. 1 from Air Traffic Control Tower
Local Time
• Flight Identification
(Flight Number or Aircraft Registration)
• Airline Company
• Aircraft Type
• Accident Position
CAD Crash Grid Map Reference
UTM Grid Reference
JMCP Grid Reference
• Location (if available)
• Total Persons on Board
• Dangerous Goods on Board
type & quantity
• Buildings involved
• Other information
Please ring
if message received is in incomplete
Completed by
Checked by
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Appendix B
Aircraft Crash - Alerting of Works & Planning, Environment and Lands Depts.
Civil Aviation Dept.
Services Dept.
Works Bureau Liaison
24H 9022 4684
Pager 7116 3300
call 930
24H HK 2880 2500 or
Kln 2399 4399
24H 2723 2233
Survey & Mapping Office
Lands Dept.
on land or at
at sea
on land
on land
BD Professional Duty
Officer +
OH 2626 1266
OOH Pager 7116 3113
call 4664 (Duty Officer) or
7116 3328 call 6920
(Sr Duty Officer)
CED Technical Services
Mobile 9469 8095
Pager 7116 3222
call 203
ArchSD Property Services
OH 2773 2288
OOH 2773 2222
EMSD Kowloon
24H 2333 3762
HyD Reporting Centre *
24H 2926 4111
EMSD Airport Shift Duty
24H 2769 7736
DSD Coordinator
24H Pager 7110 3382
call 2301
* Alert Secretary for Works
+ Alert Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands
Alerting route under separate arrangement
Alerting rute covered by WBTC
24H:24 hrs. tel./OH:office hrs. tel./OOH:outside office hrs. tel.
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