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International Year of the Ocean Follow-Up Plan

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IOC-XX/2 Annex 9
Paris, 4 May 1999
Original: English
Twentieth Session of the Assembly
Paris, 29 June - 9 July 1999
Agenda Item: 10.
The IOC Executive Council at its Thirty-first Session (Paris,
17-27 November 1998) adopted Resolution EC-XXXI. 11 by which,
inter alia, the Executive Secretary was instructed to “develop a plan
of action for implementation the IYOfollow-up activities”.
This document refers to this Resolution and contains
proposals for future actions. The plan is presented to the
Assembly for comments, suggestions and adoption.
IOC-XX/2 Annex 9
“A British politician once said that a week is a long time
in politics. Conversely, a single year is not long in the
history of the ocean”.
Extract from the “IYO 1998, Ocean Policy and Activities
in the United Kingdom”.
The 1998 International Year of the Ocean was an important global initiative; it was appropriate
and timely. The Year marked a milestone in the history of humankind that has seen many countries,
organizations and individuals united in an effort to protect the ocean and commit themselvesto its peaceful
use and sustainable development.
Increasing concern and the acceptance of human responsibility for the future of the ocean is a
process,which must continue into and throughout the next century. It will be a most serious error to think
that the IYO succeeded in resolving all the problems in regard to the ocean’s protection and safety. It is
important to continue the momentum gained during the IYO as a public awarenessexercise and focus on
sustaining the relationships that have been established.The frequently asked question of the IYO website,
developed and maintained by IOC is: “How and when do we go from here? @‘hatnext?“.
The Executive Council of the IOC at its Thirty-first Session held an extensive discussion of the
experience from the 1998 IYO and ‘supported the view that the momentum gained during the IYO in
increasing awareness should be kept and extended to the coming years. The objectives are valid and the
implementation of the initiatives should continue. More attention should be given to obtaining
commitmentsfrom governments to provide adequate resources for the ocean and coastal zone research
andprotection” (Document IOUEC-XXXI/3, para. 286).
The Executive. Council adopted Resolution EC-XXXI. 11 by which the Executive Secretary IOC
was instructed inter alia to:
continue efirts in increasing awareness of the need to protect the ocean
and its resources...;
develop a plan of action for implementing the IYO follow-up activities...”
The Resolution urged “the Member States to support efforts identified as the IYO follow-up
activities and commit additional resources to the ocean, ” and requested “the IOC Regional Bodies,
Scientific and Technical Committees to take the necessary measuresfor continuing the aims of the IYO
targeted to the ocean ‘s protection and safety “.
Proposal for Future Actions
The draft plan of action was developed in response to this Resolution, taking into account the
recommendationscontained in Document EC-XXXIA3 and the views expressedby the participants of the
Thirty-first Session of the Executive Council.
The plan offers a list of actions, which are based on and adhere to the main objectives of the IYO,
particularly in the fields of education and awareness.It is designed in recognition that the coming years
should be used to attract governmental and public support as well as commitments for ocean research and
protection issues, to ensure that more people realize the importance of the ocean to the ecological balance
of the earth and its potentiality to social and economic development. It takes into account that, due to the
IYO efforts, education to raise public awarenessof the importance and relevance of maintaining the health
IOC-XX/2 Annex 9
page 2
and productivity of oceansemerged as a key priority. The list contains deadlines and an estimate of funds
needed for the successful implementation of the proposed activities given below:
Continuation of the collection of signatures under My Ocean Charter - continuously. No additional
funds required.
Address the United Nations with the request to define a universal UN Ocean Day and call on Member
States to devote this Day to increasing awareness and protecting the ocean environment - No funds
Organization of the Third Oceanographic Conference under the title “Ocean and Society - 10 years
after Lisbon ” - Year 2004. Estimate: US$ 100,000.
Encouragement of co-operation with industries and the military in increasing the state of knowledge
on the quality of the world’s oceans by implementation of a worldwide conference on the military and
industry’s role in ensuring the environmental quality of the oceans - Year 2000. Estimate: US$
Facilitation of the “Clean-up Beaches” co-ordination effort - Continuously - No additional funds
Promotion of research/education cruises with youth participation based on the experiences gained
within the framework of the Floating University programme and children’s cruises held during the
IYO - Years 1999-2000. Estimate: US$ 100,000 (seed money).
Continuation of efforts in establishing close working relationships with mass media for promoting the
IOC’s leading role in developing global ocean awareness by arranging briefings, press conferences,
etc. - Continuously - No additional funds required.
Production of a CD-ROM containing the activities of Member States in the IYO - Year 1999.
Estimate: US$ 12,000.
Development and publication of a report on national, UNESCO and IOC initiatives in the area of basic
education on marine environment and the ocean to be used as a guidance in developing academic
programmes in schools - Year 1999. Estimate: US$ 7,000.
Publication of educational kits for three school children age groups and organization of a test in using
these materials in a number of selected schools (jointly with the Education Sector of UNESCO) Years 1999-2000. Estimate: US$ 150,000.
Re-design and maintenance of the IYO website with the focus on the results of the IYO and follow-up
actions - Year 1999. Estimate: US$ 5,000.
Creation of a biennial UNESCO/IOC Ocean Award and of a commemorative medal in the memory
of one of the world known distinguished oceanographers for outstanding achievements in ocean
research and protection, creation of the IOC prizes for contribution to the ocean awareness and
promotion - Year 1999. Estimate: US$ 15,000 (USS 10,000 + US$ 5,000) (then continuously).