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Resistance Training & Diet Guide

Resistance training principles
For muscle growth, consistently train with the same exercise for at least several weeks [2017 r]
[2022: r]. A very modest 1-2 sets per week per exercise is already sufficient for beginners to
grow significant muscle [2018: ma] [2023: r] and for the more experienced to at least maintain it
[2019: ma] [2021: r]. Train with at least one push, one pull, and one legs [2021: r] compound
[2023: ma] exercise. Consume at least 120g of protein per day [2021: ma] [2023: ma] and get
plenty of sleep [2011: rct].
Exercise selection:
- Avoid exercises which take fewer than 5 repetitions to reach failure [2021: sr].
- Avoid exercises that require more than 15 repetitions to reach failure [2021: ma]
- Avoid exercises that feel unstable [2023: rct].
- Avoid exercises limited by systemic fatigue rather than local muscle fatigue [2015: rct].
Form cues:
- Include the most stretched part of the movement in every repetition [2022: ma] [2023:
- Perform the concentric phase with maximal velocity [2023: ma] [2020: sr] (for strength).
- Stop each set when repetition speed starts to the decrease noticeably [2022: ma] [2023:
ma] [2023: ma].
Weekly sets for each exercise:
- Increasing repetitions per week [2016: ma] [2018: ma] [2023: rct] leads to faster muscle
- Continued decrease in strength even after a 48h rest [2019: sr] and severe soreness
[2022: ma] are indicators of insufficient recovery. Decrease weekly repetitions, and then
build them back up over several weeks [2011: rct].
Additional Guidelines:
- Split up the weekly sets of an exercise into as many workouts as you can manage [2019:
ma] [1991: rct] [1994: rct] [2007: rct] [2017: r] [2021: rct].
- Rearrange workout sets into a circuit if logistically feasible, this gives muscles time to
recover before they are taxed again [2017: rct] [2019: rct] [2020: rct] [2021: ma].
Additionally, ensure you rest enough between all sets to recover your breath [2015: rct],
to ensure systemic fatigue doesn't limit your performance.
- Warm-up only for exercises that actually require it, by doing one or two slightly easier
repetitions of the exercise [2021: r] [2015: sr] [2014: rct].
- Stop a set immediately with onset of a new pain and avoid any exercise that may trigger
the pain for the reminder of the workout. If pain persists over multiple workouts, find a
variation or a regression that does not make the pain worse over time and slowly build
back up from there [2021: r].
Calculate your weekly training volume of an exercise in sets by dividing your weekly
repetitions by your maximum repetitions of the exercise when well rested (48h) [2021:
rct]. This measure accounts for factors like fatigue [2022: rct] and RIR better than hard
sets, providing you with a more objective measure of your true training volume [2021:
ma] [2021 rct] [2022: ma] [2019 rct].
You can include lighter exercises (over 15 reps), if the sets are taken to either failure
[2023: r] [2022: rct] or done with BFR [2020: ma]. High rep sets provide additional health
benefits [2020 rct] [2023: r]. but they are also more unpleasant [2016: os]. High rep sets
to failure may be superior for muscle growth for some individuals [2022: rct].
It's a craving not hunger if you are not willing to satisfy it with something bland [2023: rct].
Cravings are habit-driven, just as having dessert after a meal, eating large portions [2021: ma]
or eating frequently [2017: os] [2021: rct] are all habits that can be altered [2012: r]. Altering
habits is a very effective strategy [2021: ma] for weight loss. The most important habit being
regular weight tracking [2017: os] [2018: sr] or better yet waist circumference tracking [2020:
ma]. Any diet has to be a permanent alteration to habits to avoid weight regain [2022: ma].
Implement healthy lower-calorie food swaps such as: replace traditional pasta with shirataki
noodles [2019: r], regular rice with cauliflower rice, refined grains with whole grains [2017: ma],
and potatoes [2011: os] with other vegetables. Choose low-fat dairy products over full-fat
versions. Try to avoid foods high in either saturated fat or added sugars, as they are unhealthy
[2022: ma] [2023: ma] and contain lots of calories. Whereas foods high in fiber are healthy
[2019: ma] and actually reduce the amount of calories being absorbed [2023: rct]. Highly
processed foods are easy to overconsume [2019: rct] [2020: ma] and are usually high in both
sugar and saturated fat while low in fiber and are therefore unhealthy [2022: ma]. Removing
tempting foods entirely from diet reduces cravings [2023: rct]. You will learn to like the foods you
consume regularly [2023: rct]
In addition to resistance training, a high (120g+/day) protein diet [2018: r], sufficient (7h+) sleep
[2011: rct] helps ensure the weight loss is from fat and not muscle, which also helps with long
term success [2022: rct]. For those already quite lean, a slow (2kg/month) pace of weight loss
[2021: ma] may be important as well.
Forming a habit
Forming a new habit requires 65 repetitions on average [2009: os] [2021: os]. The crucial
factors for success is associating the new habit with an existing activity as a contextual cue
[2020: os], not missing two consecutive instances [2021: os] and convenience [2023: ma].
Beginner resistance training protocol
Regardless of how optimal a workout is, if inconsistent, the results will pale in comparison to
those from a much more modest yet consistently executed workout. Skipping a workout
completely, especially consecutive workouts, will significantly negatively impact long-term
adherence. Habit formation depends on the number of successful repetitions, so activities done
more often become habits more quickly. Consequently, daily workouts that can be done at home
or while traveling are more effective for habit-building than infrequent gym visits.
Set a goal to complete 100 daily workouts in as few days (at most once per day) as you can
manage. Each daily workout consists of only one exercise and one set of that exercise, rotating
between push, pull, and leg exercises from day to day. If you want, you can always do more
than one exercise in a workout, but the goal is to try to do that first set every day. After
completing 100 workouts, you will likely have formed a good training habit you can build upon,
by setting more ambitious goals. All while building some whole body muscle and strength.
For push, do pushup progression: pushups against a chair, knee pushups, regular pushups, and
pseudo-planche pushups. For pseudo-planche pushups, decrease the distance between your
hands and feet to make it more difficult.
For pull, use gymnastic rings or suspension trainers, attached over a closed door, with feet
supported at the base lean back for rows. Lengthen the line to increase difficulty.
For legs, do split squats facing a wall and touching the wall with fingertips throughout the
movement. At the bottom, touch your knee to the floor. Increase the distance between the front
foot and the wall to make it more difficult. You can use either shoes or elevate your heel with an
object to help with ankle mobility.
For each exercise, the same difficulty can be selected consistently by measuring the distance.
Adjust the difficulty so that you stay in the 4-12 repetition range. For each set, do repetitions
until movement slows down noticeably.
Health impact of training and diet
Known modifiable lifestyle factors such as exercise and diet, not genetics or bad luck, that
mostly determine the risk of getting severe chronic conditions such as; cancer (45%) [2017: r],
cardiovascular disease (80%), type 2 diabetes (90%) [2018: r], dementia (55%) [2019: ma],
chronic back pain (45%) [2020: os], and many others.
All cause mortality statistics allows us to objectively compare the health benefits from various
activities and measures. A 5% reduction in all cause mortality corresponds to approximately 6
months increase in lifespan [2021: ma] and improved quality of life [2022: os].
Each of these (at home) measurable outcomes appears decrease all cause mortality by 5% :
- Every 1 kg of muscle gained [2022: ma] [2014: os]
- Every 5 cm reduction in waistline circumference [2020: ma] (above 90 cm for men and
80 cm for women)
- Every 5 bpm reduction in resting heart rate [2016: ma]
- Every 1 mL/kg/min increase in vo2max [2021: ma] (50m improvement in cooper test)
- Every 0.2 m/s reduction in pulse wave velocity [2022: os]
- Every 10 ms increase heart rate variability (rmSSD) [2022: ma]
- Every 2 mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure [2017: ma] (above 124 mmHg)
- Every 6 additional consecutive push ups performed [2019: os].
And for perspective, here are some reductions in all cause mortality from various maintained
- 5% each one of these WHO dietary recommendations adhered to [2021: os]:
- At most 50g of sugar per day.
- At most 20g of saturated fat per day.
- A least 25g of fiber per day.
- A least 400g of vegetables and fruit per day.
- 10% from sufficient daily intake each of these foods [2017: ma]:
- Whole grains.
- Vegetables.
- Fruits.
- Nuts.
- Legumes.
- Fish.
- 9% taking medication for high blood cholesterol [2022: ma]
- 16% doing recommended amount of cardio training [2018: ma]
- 21% taking medication for high blood pressure [2016: ma]
- 23% doing recommended amount of strength training [2018: ma]
- 29% doing recommended amount of both cardio and strength training [2018: ma]
- 34% having access to clean water [2023: ma]
- 35% quitting smoking [2021: ma]
More studies
Everyone can build muscle safely, both children [2023: sr] and the very old (80+) [2020:
ma], even doing hard sets [2018: rct].
Age doesn’t affect muscle gain until 60 years old, and even then the effect is very small
[2020: ma] up to age 85 at least [2023 rct]. The most notable impact is more rapid
muscle loss when inactive [2011: rct].
Exercises that require more than 20 repetitions to failure can contribute to muscle growth
when sets are performed to either failure [2023: r] [2022: rct] or with BFR [2020: ma].
High rep sets provide additional health benefits [2020 rct], including the benefits of
elevated lactate levels [2023: r]. High rep sets may also be superior for muscle growth
for some individuals [2022: rct].
For submaximal (80% 1rm) sets warmup does not increase reps per set [2014: rct] [2023
Higher core temperature improves initial first repetition performance but nothing beyond
that [2022: ma]
Evidence on injury risk via warm ups is unclear, but a single rep or two at a slightly
lighter load, an easier range of motion or a controlled eccentric can prepare for
maximum power/strength [2021: r] [2003: ma] [2015: sr].
Those studies that do find injury reduction from warmups, consists mainly of
proprioceptive and strength training, and where the warmup is a significant portion of the
overall conditioning [2022: ma]. Furthermore it’s well established that strength and
proprioceptive training significantly reduce injuries regardless of the timing of the training
(i.e. not as warm up) [2014 ma]. Hence the logical conclusion is that it’s not the timing of
the conditioning exercise, but rather than the increase of it, that drives the injury
reduction found in warm up studies.
Proprioception and strength training reduce injuries [2014 ma]
Acute sleep deprivation and soreness are strong predictors of increase injury risk [2020:
Very low body fat may increase injury risk [2010: os]
Injury rate for strength training is several times lower than most sports [2004: os] [2023:
Rapid increase in workload increases injury risk [2020: sr] [2017: sr] [2020: ma]
Overtraining with resistance training is transitory and symptoms dissipate when training
load/intensity is reduced [2020: r]
Long term overtraining during low energy availability may weaken bones and cause
hormonal changes [2019: r]
Insufficient variety increases injury risk [2021: os].
10% increase in strength training volume, reduces injuries by 5% [2018: ma].
Volume load matching fails with large differences in load [2019 rct]
For previously sedentary, neither bmi nor resistance training volume predicts muscle
growth [2022 ma].
Training to failure causes more fatigue even when volume load and rest time matched
[2022 rct]
Undulating periodization may be superior for strength but, difficult to differentiate from
benefits of higher loads [2021: ma]
Training with high rep ranges increases repetitions relative to 1RM but less 1RM
increase [2022: ma].
Muscle loss due to lack of repeated bout effect is decreased with training age [2023: r]
Slightly reduces intensity still provides repeated bout effect for higher intensity exercises
[2019: rct]
Sleep quality has significant negative correlation with numerous performance outcomes
[2018: os]
One set per week is sufficient for rapid strength during the first 6 months, followed by
moderate strength gains for another year and finally ever diminishing returns. [2022: os]
A few very short (below 10 second) maximal effort sprints each week improves vo2max
for the untrained [2017: ma] whereas longer (over 30 second) and higher total volume
per week (over 10 minutes) is required for experienced endurance athletes [2019: ma].
Taking the stairs is a practical form of cardio training [2005: rct] [2023: rct]
Muscle damage biomarkers and strength decreases from a workout are reduced by
sufficient protein intake [2022: ma]
Soreness and swelling correlates well with decrease in performance (MVC) [2022: ma],
For the untrained, almost any amount of exercise is sufficient for good progress [2023: r]
Increasing weekly sets improve health markers [2023: ma]
CNS fatigue effect is practically non-existent [2021: ma]
Eccentric phase of isotonic exercises is irrelevant and likely over valued [2022: sr] [2017:
r] [2015: ma]
There is no hypertrophy benefit to varying load, rest intervals, volume or tempo [2019:
Removing the foods from diet removes cravings [2023: rct]
Moderate variation in exercises is good for motivation, excessive variation is detrimental
for muscle growth [2022: r].
Number of consecutive push ups have a strong correlation with health outcomes, even
at very high repetitions [2019: os]
Insufficient protein in diet increases ad libitum food intake [2011: rct]
Sufficient intake of various food groups is associated with a significant reduction in all
cause mortality [2017: ma].
During adult life, average annual fat gain is 0.5kg [2016: os] and muscle mass loss is
0.2kg [2010: os].
Initially protein synthesis goes into repairing the damage caused by exercise, only with
repeated bout effect is there net muscle growth [2021: rct] [2016: rct] [2016: rct] [2017 r].
Potato consumption is associated with weight gain for some reason [2011: os].
Cardio [2016: ma] and resistance training [2021: ma] preferentially reduces visceral fat.
Average muscle growth includes a lot of individual variance to training variables [2019:
r]. Some grow muscle better with low load training, while others with high load training
[2022: rct]. Some grow muscle better with high volume while others with slightly lower
volume [2022: rct].
Novel exercise variations are unlikely to be all that productive for muscle growth [2019:
rct] [2016: rct] [2022: r] during the first few sessions until the body gets accustomed to
them [2021: rct].
Most fail to apply long term progressive overload [2022: ma], probably because
estimating how close to failure on is difficult despite experience [2022: ma], which
probably explains why an increase in training volume improves results for most [2022:
rct] [2022: rct].
Body recomposition is possible for practically everyone [2020: ma]. Body fat levels have
no impact on muscle growth [2023: r]. However, weight gain may enhance muscle
growth, but starts to become body fat in increasing proportions above ~1kg/month
weight gain [2012: rct] [2019: rct] [2023: rct] [2002 rct]. Conversely weight loss makes it
more difficult to gain muscle, and beyond a ~1kg/month weight loss, actual muscle loss
should be expected [2021: ma] [2023: rct].
The only “natural” supplements with well established benefits for resistance training are
caffeine, creatine, protein, omega-3 [2019: r] and possibly nitrate [2021: ma]. Which are
all possible to get via regular diet to some extent. Carbohydrates provide no short [2022:
sr] or long term-term [2022: ma] benefits. Protein intake up to ~1.4g/kg of body weight
significantly increases muscle growth [2021: ma] [2023: ma], with some benefits even
beyond that. Protein intake timing [2022: ma] has no practical effect on muscle growth
and neither does frequency [2023: rct].
Post exercise stretches [2021: ma], massages and cold baths [2023: ma] and other
forms of active recovery [2022: sr] may alleviate pain [2018: ma] but do not speed up the
recovery in terms of performance, with the possible sole exception of zone 2 cardio
[2012: rct] [2016: rct] [2022: rct].
With more experience additional sets become increasingly more valuable [2016: ma]
[2019: ma] for muscle growth.
Muscle growth may be limited to 6-10 productive sets per muscle group for a single
workout [2019: ma] [2020: r] [2021: r] [2022: ma].
Training in a stretched position can both enhance muscle growth [2022: ma] and
increase flexibility [2023: ma], even if it necessitates a lighter exercise.
Factors like insufficient cardiorespiratory recovery [2015: rct], inadequate local muscle
recovery [2009: sr] [2011: rct] [2016: rct] [2021: rct] [2016: rct], mental fatigue [2022: ma]
or taking preceding sets too close to failure [2021: rct] [2023: rct] even the previous day
[2021: rct] can all acutely reduce strength and, consequently, maximum repetitions.
Avoiding back-to-back sets on the same muscles, allows for shorter rest periods [2017:
rct] [2019: rct] [2020: rct].
For those new to resistance training just 2-4 sets per muscle group per week is sufficient
for good muscle growth, with only small benefits from additional sets [2019: ma] [2021:
Heavy submaximal sets far from failure, improves reps in later light sets [2019: rct]
[2021: rct] [2021: rct] [2018: rct] [2023: rct]
When skill is mastered, muscle mass accurately predicts strength [2021: os] [2021: rct].
Heavier repetitions are preferable for strength [2021: ma], but they should not be
performed too close to failure [2022: ma] [2023: ma] and should be done with maximal
concentric velocity [2023: ma].
Exercises below 5 repetitions are inferior for muscle growth [2021: sr].
Taking sets closer to failure improves muscle growth [2023: ma] [2023: ma] on a per set
Dividing the repetitions into more sets produces equivalent muscle gains [2021: rct]
[2021: ma] [2022: rct] [2022: rct] [2022: rct] [2021: ma] [2023: rct] [2023: ma] [2021 rct].
Combination of resistance training and aerobic exercise significantly improves quality of
life [2021: rct]
Training to failure is important for low but not high loads [2022 rct] [2022 rct]
Body can adapt to a higher training frequency in a matter of weeks [2021: rct] [2022: rct].
Below 40% of calories from fat reduces testosterone in men [2023: ma]
Visual effects strengthen placebo effect [2023: rct]
Higher fiber intake decreases metabolized calories [2023: rct]
Adding 2-3 sets each week improves strength and hypertrophy over a constant set
volume [2023: rct]
Excessive variation might produce subpar muscle growth [2019: rct]
Avoiding low strength is more important than having high strength [2008: os]
Shorter eccentric improve concentric velocity and repetition per set [2022: r]
Eccentric does not produce superior gains when load or volume load matched [2017: r]
A few heavy sets in the morning may potentiate evening session [2014: rct]
Dividing the sets into two separate workouts, even within the same day improves
recovery [2021: rct] strength and hypertrophy [1991: rct] [1994: rct] [2007: rct]
Strength training is safe for children [2023: sr]
Bodyweight exercises are just as good as free weights for muscle growth [2023: rct]
[2017: rct]
External focus improves strength outcomes [2019: ma].
Lower RIR improves hypertrophy outcomes on a per set basis but not on a per rep basis
[2023: ma]
Training closer to failure improves muscle growth, but not strength [2021: ma]. Especially
important for high rep sets. [2023: ma]
Training with light loads (below 50%) only stimulates muscle growth when taken to or
very close to failure [2023: r] [2022: rct].
Training experience does not improve estimation of RIR [2022: ma]
Maximum muscle growth is on average around 10-20 sets per week [2022: ma], when
limited to low training frequencies.
Decrease in strength is an indicator of overtraining [2019: sr].
Taking sets closer to failure causes larger reduction in strength and increase of
discomfort and soreness [2023: rct].
No exercises while swelling or redness persist. Some pain is to be expected when
rehabbing [2021: r]
DOMS is an indicator of excessive training [2013: r].
Without the repeated bout effect muscles actually decrease in size from training [2016:
Novices can expect 5-10% monthly strength gains, it decreases from there all the way
down to 0.3-0.4% per month with increasing training experience [2017: os]
Insufficient cardio respiratory recovery since last set will reduce number of reps [2015:
Compound exercise can grow multiple muscles just as effectively as targeting each
muscle with an isolation exercise [2023: ma]
Training to failure does not increase muscle growth [2023: ma]
After repeated exposure body gets accustomed to an exercise and no longer negatively
reacts to it [2021: rct] [2022: rct] [2016: rct]
Block periodization improves peaking at the cost of overall progress [2023: rct]
Varying the load improves strength outcomes [2022: ma], however results are
confounded by load and therefore specificity..
Taking sets closer to failure decreases performance acutely but is mostly recovered in
24h [2023: rct]
Mental fatigue reduces strength endurance [2022: ma]
Post exercise stretches (cool down) has no benefits on recovery [2021: ma]
Increasing repetitions are a perfectly valid alternative progression method to load [2022:
Almost any light activity between sets compared to none will improve performance
[2019: sr]
Very light sets [2021: rct] or light stretching [2018: rct] can help with recovery when done
in a separate session.
Personalized training volume based on training history is superior to one size fits all
[2022: rct]
Unilateral exercises are marginally superior to bilateral exercises in almost every way
[2021: ma] [2023: rct].
Muscle growth is usually maximized by 12-20 weekly sets per muscle [2022: ma].
The stronger one is, the more time is needed for recovery between sets [2017: sr].
Periodization doesn't matter for muscle growth but does improve strength outcomes
[2022: ma].
After movement is mastered strength equals muscle mass [2021: os] [2021: rct]
Training with lighter loads (30 vs 8 reps), causes more discomfort when taken to failure
[2016: os].
Slowdown in movement is good predictor of closeness to failure [2020: rct]
Muscle mass loss is 0.5% per day when fully inactive [2019: sr].
Training at long muscle lengths improves hypertrophy [2023: ma].
Placebo is as effective as the best supplements [2019: r].
There is a 4 week delay between training stimulus and significant strength increase
[2022: r].
There appears to be negative correlation, between individual response to high load and
low load hard sets [2022: rct]
There is no practical hormonal differences between deload or full training break lasting a
week [2021: rct]
Effect on muscle growth from rest between sets is ambiguous, especially when
considering time efficiency [2017: sr]
Periodic deloading doesn’t affect long term outcomes [2011: rct] [2013: rct] [2023 rct.
Very low volume is sufficient to maintain existing muscle in the “untrained” [2011: rct].
Experienced lifters still see significant strength increases by doing only 2 moderate load
sets to failure per week [2019: ma]
There is huge variance in response to specific resistance training programs between
individuals and the optimal type of program for each individual vary [2019: r][2022: rct]
Novel exercises improve motivation, but initially reduce muscle growth [2019: rct]
Insufficient sleep causes causes muscle loss [2011: rct]
You only fatigue the muscles you actually train [2021: ma]
Exercise and load variety doesn't affect hypertrophy [2014: rct]
Longer rest between sets improves muscle growth [2017: ma].
Changing the exercise after each set allows for shorter rest between sets [2021: sr].
Insufficient calories hamper muscle growth but not strength gains [2021: ma]
Drop sets require only half the time but are 25% less efficient on a per set basis [2022:
For some individuals lower volume is actually superior to high volume both for strength
and hypertrophy [2019: rct]
Zone 2 cardio may improve recovery in performance metrics [2012: rct].
Almost everyone trains way too far from failure [2022: ma]
Relying on stretch shortening cycles leads to less hypertrophy? [2016: rct]
Time under tension is a better predictor than repetitions for muscle growth [2022: rct].
Concentric and eccentric training are equally good (when taken to failure), but grow
different areas of the muscle [2021: rct]
Cluster sets [2021: ma] produce similar results to traditional sets when volume equated.
Explosive training with light load are valid alternative to traditional heavy load [2020:
sr][2022: ma]
Isometrics in elongated positions are a valid alternative to repetitions [2018: sr].
Light-load blood flow restriction training [2021: r] produces similar muscle growth to
traditional heavy-load strength training [2020: ma], including tendon growth [2022: rct].
The benefit applies to all nearby muscles, even those not under occlusion [2023: ma]
sets to failure are a valid protocol [2021: rct] [2019: rct], and occlusion can be removed
between sets [2021: rct].
BFR hastens the reduction in motor unit firing rate when under load [2023: rct]
There is some evidence that BFR separately from training, would actually improve
results as well [2019: sr]
Testosterone supplement increase muscle mass more than actual resistance training
does [1996: rct]
Those doing cardio training, resistance training, and both had correspondingly 16%,
23% and 29% fewer deaths [2018: ma].
Interval training style sports had highest life expectancy increase [2018: os]
Fit during midlife postponed age related dementia by 10 years later in life [2018: os].
Resistance training improves cognitive performance [2019: ma],
Resistance training improves insulin response [2019: ma].
Resistance training appears to significantly protect against post diet weight regain, when
done during the weight loss phase [2022: rct].
30-60 min of training per week is already sufficient for the health benefits [2021: ma].
Physical activity is highly effective treatment for depression and anxiety [2022: sr]
Passive stretching "optimal" training is 45-60 sec daily [2018: ma]
Creatine may provide mental benefits in addition to the physical ones [2018: sr] [2023:
4sec pause (unrack) between each rep increases volume significantly but provided no
benefit for 1rm [2017: rct]
Very short (10-30 sec) rest between sets and matching for volume is maybe slightly
superior for muscle growth [2019: rct] [2023: rct]
Carbohydrates provide no short [2022: sr] or long term-term [2022: ma] benefits.
Ketogenic diet mimics zone 2 training [2021: rct] [2023: r]
Ketogenic diet modestly increases energy expenditure, including during sleep [2016: rct]
[2019: rct]
Long term ketosis does not harm insulin response [2023 rct].
Ketogenic diet does not reduce hypertrophy during resistance training [2022 ma]
Strength progression is log linear [2023: r]
The quality of warm up studies is poor [2023: sr]
Aerobic exercise [2022: sr] and static stretching [2020: rct] acutely reduces pain
Action and change it causes drives motivation, not the other way around [2023 os]
Stronger, healthy bmi and waist circumference and high vo2max all reduced injuries in
firefighters [2022: os]
Low complexity and convenience improves habit formation [2023: ma]
Resistance training induced rhadbo is extreme form of muscle damage from excessive
workout [2020: os]
Intermittent fasting is not reduce hypertrophy when fat loss difference is accounted for
[2020: sr]
My personal program
I train 1-3 times per day. Each workout I pick one exercise from each category and do one set of
it. All exercises are 2-5 RIR.
- 2-5 handstand holds, 5-20 seconds each.
- 1-3 straddle l-sit holds, hands elevated.
- Strength skill exercise:
- 1 rep of negative one armed pull up, pausing several times at regular intervals on
the way down.
- 3 second straddle front lever hold.
- 3 second bent arm planche.
- Legs exercise.
- 10 reps skater squat +10kg, knee to armpit and back foot levitating.
- 5 reps full depth pistol squats +5kg.
- 5 sissy squats knees to the floor.
Weighted pull ups on rings with +30kg, (day of the month) reps per day divided into as
many sets as I want.
Pull exercise (on hold).
- 15 reps of pull ups on rings.
- 5 reps of weighted pull up on rings with +30kg.
- 8 reps of open tucked front lever rows, bottom half rom.
Push exercise.
- 5 reps hands elevated (8cm) and supinated pseudo planche pushups.
- 10 Reps of pike push ups with feet raises.
Forearm exercise.
- 9 reps of 4:3 repeaters, with alternating hc, oc and 3fd, at bw + 5%.
- 12 reps of 4:3 repeaters, with alternating hc, oc and 3fd, at 90% bw.
I try to take the stairs in favor of an elevator or escalator, and average around 30 floors per day.
I walk the stairs without heel touch.
I boulder 3 times per week occasionally replacing it with toprope, each session 90-180 min. My
climbing warmup is handstand hold, straddle front lever hold, bent arm planche hold, and
cossack squats. I also warm up on the wall by doing exaggerated technique on 2-4 boulders of
flash grade or slightly below.
My diet is keto (since 2017). High in fiber, non-starchy vegetables, protein and fatty fish. Low in
saturated fat and red meat.
My daily supplements are 15 µg vitamin D, 1g omega-3, and 5g of creatine monohydrate.
In 2018 at an age of 38 my lifetime PB was barely 1 pull up.
Cadence velocity measurement
You can use a metronome app to do the concentric on one tick and eccentric on the next. You
then stop the set when you fail to keep up with the cadence. It’s a practical velocity measure
available to everyone. The downside is that it doesn’t directly encourage maximum concentric
velocity repetitions early in the set, which would likely be beneficial for strength development.
Internal volume load metric
The two best-known methods for quantifying workload related to hypertrophy are relative
volume load (sets x reps x %1RM) and hard sets (number of sets taken close to failure).
Evidence suggests that volume load is superior when the load is constant, as fewer repetitions
per set can be compensated for by performing more sets. However, hard sets are more practical
and accurate when adjusting loads, requiring other variables be fixed, such as reps in reserve
(RIR), rest time, etc. A way to merge these metrics is to replace the ‘relative load' component in
the relative volume load equation with the inverse of the maximum repetitions under ideal
conditions, resulting in (sets x reps / RM).
Note that for both RM and the %1RM the assumption is that it's under ideal conditions, i.e. we
are not using today's values but the best recent performance or an estimate of thereof.
The specification that it's under ideal conditions is supported by how insufficient rest reduces
both repetitions and hypertrophy [2022: rct]. The same logic applies to fatigue due to previous
sets taken close to failure. And in general training with a higher RIR.
Using RM is also more practical than %1RM as it accommodates exercises that are not
straightforwardly load adjustable, such as bodyweight exercises. It better accounts for the
weight actually lifted; for instance, in a squat, the bodyweight should be included to some
extent. Moreover, testing for RM is generally safer than testing for 1RM.
Of course, just like with hard sets and volume load, internal volume load is only accurate for
exercises in the 5-30 RM range.
[2021: rct] [2021: ma] [2022: rct] [2022: rct] [2021: ma] [2023: rct] [2021 rct] [2023: ma] [2023:
ma] [2022: ma] [2021: rct] [2019 rct].
Hypothesis on Warm-Up Routines and Injury Prevention
Hypothesis: The observed reduction in injury rates associated with warm-up routines, as noted
in some studies, is likely due to the additional conditioning inherent in these routines rather than
the specific effects of the warm-up exercises themselves.
Currently, no studies adequately control for the total amount of conditioning between the
intervention group (those performing warm-ups) and the control group. This gap in study design
raises critical questions about whether the injury reduction benefits attributed to warm-ups result
from the warm-up exercises themselves or from increased overall conditioning.
There is a well-established body of evidence supporting the role of regular physical activity,
particularly resistance and proprioception training, in reducing injury risk. The additional training
volume provided by warm-up routines could contribute to this known benefit, independently of
the timing or specific nature of the exercises. The inconsistency in injury reduction from
warm-ups, especially noting that resistance and proprioception style warm-ups reduce injuries,
suggests that the added training, rather than its specific timing, is the crucial factor. Moreover,
the benefits are most pronounced among less conditioned groups, further implying that these
benefits stem from additional conditioning rather than the warm-up itself.
Given the current state of evidence, and pending more rigorous studies, it is reasonable to
assume that the injury reduction associated with warm-up routines is primarily due to the
additional conditioning they entail, rather than any specific effects of the warm-up exercises.
[2021: os] [2018: ma] [2014 ma] [2015: sr] [2022: ma]
Studies wishlist
Warmup for injury mitigation, where the control group does the same warmup routine
just at another time of the day.
Consecutive sets to failure: does the decrease in reps from first set to last set correlate
with hypertrophy outcomes or DOMS.
Measure hypertrophy, strength and number of repetitions. Fast concentric, match
number of sets and velocity loss: fast eccentric vs fast eccentric with one breath pause
at bottom with tension vs fast eccentric with one breath pause at bottom without tension
(pin supported rest) vs slow eccentric.
Does overtraining explain variance in RT outcomes for the untrained, incremental vs
constant volume RT program: Increase weekly sets by one each week, starting at 1 set
vs constant 6 sets per week. Test after 6 weeks (matched weekly sets) and 11 weeks
(matched total sets).