ASME District F - Early Career Technical Conference Proceedings ASME District F - Early Career Technical Conference, ASME District F – ECTC 2013 November 2 – 3, 2013 - Birmingham, Alabama USA INVESTIGATION INTO THE BENEFITS OF USING ASME BPVC SECTION VIII DIVISION 2 IN LIEU OF DIVISION 1 FOR PRESSURE VESSEL DESIGN James William Becker Burns & McDonnell Kansas City, Missouri, USA ABSTRACT ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 1 [1] is one of the most commonly used pressure vessel codes in the world. The Division 1 rules were originally written before the age of computers; they were intended to be solved by simple hand calculations. This simplification led to rules with a high safety margin and a conservative technical basis. In 2007, ASME published a completely rewritten edition of ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 2 [2], intended to lower the safety margin by introducing more complex, technically accurate pressure vessel design rules, and make the Code more cost-competitive in an international market. The Division 2 Code saves the user money on materials with the use of higher allowable stresses and more accurate design formulas. However, in order to justify the increase in allowable stress, Division 2 mandates additional NDE and a Professional Engineer’s stamp, which raise the vessel price. At a certain thickness, the material savings outweigh the additional cost, and Division 2 becomes cost-effective. Six years after publication of the new Division 2, the industry has yet to identify the thickness at which the transition from Division 1 to Division 2 becomes cost-competitive. Division 2 is still most commonly used only for very high pressure, high thickness applications. This investigation compares Division 2 to Division 1 to determine a reasonable set of design conditions by which Division 2 will yield a more cost-effective pressure vessel, even on some lower pressure applications. NOMENCLATURE = weld consumable cross section area ASME = American Society of Mechanical Engineers BPVC = Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code = corrosion allowance = vessel diameter = joint efficiency °F = degree Fahrenheit FEA = finite element analysis ksi = 1,000 x psi MDR = manufacturer’s data report MT = magnetic particle testing NDE = non-destructive examination = design pressure ASME District F - ECTC 2013 Proceedings - Vol. 12 psi PE RT ∆ UT = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = pounds per square inch Professional Engineer vessel radius radiographic testing allowable stress safety factor on tensile strength safety factor on yield strength minimum required thickness Division 1 calculated minimum thickness Division 2 calculated minimum thickness change in thickness due to Division 2 design temperature allowable tensile stress minimum tensile strength ultrasonic testing minimum cost effective weight allowable yield stress minimum yield strength at design temperature BACKGROUND Pressure vessels, boilers and other pressurized equipment can contain an abundance of energy and can be dangerous should one fail. Prior to pressure vessel and boiler safety laws, boiler explosions claimed thousands of lives. The single worst maritime disaster in the history of the United States occurred in 1865 when the boiler on the steamboat Sultana exploded, killing more than 1,600 of the 2,300 Union prisoners of war on board. [3] The Sultana explosion was more deadly than the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. At the beginning of the 20th century there were over 1,200 deaths caused by more than 1,600 boiler explosions in the United States. [4] In 1905, at the climax of the boiler explosions, the R.B. Grover & Company Shoe Factory’s boiler exploded, killing 58 and injuring 150 in Brockton, Massachusetts. [5] The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, along with the American Boiler Manufactures Association, persuaded the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to start work on a safety code for the construction and inspection of boilers. [6] This first boiler code was published in 1914, and an updated edition is still used today, published as ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section I. After the first boiler code was published, ASME published the first pressure vessel code in 1925, still updated and published today as ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 1. Since 225 its inception in the early 20th century, Section VIII Division 1 has contained simple pressure vessel calculations that can quickly and easily be solved by hand. For simplicity, conservative assumptions form the technical basis of Division 1; therefore, Division 1 also contains a relatively high factor of safety. In 1975, ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 2 was first published as a more accurate, less conservative, pressure vessel code, with a slightly lower factor of safety. [4] INTRODUCTION By the mid-1990s, pressure vessel technology and research had advanced to a point where neither Division 1 nor Division 2 incorporated the latest research or technological advancements. Computers and the advent of FEA allowed engineers to study pressure vessel behavior more in depth and obtain complex, rigorous results quickly. Division 1 was always intended to house simple pressure vessel rules that, while conservative, could be solved easily by hand. The advancement in pressure vessel technology and computation speed provided the opportunity for more rigorous and accurate calculations to be included in the Code; however, since Division 1 was one of the most commonly used pressure vessel codes in the world, the decision was made to leave Division 1 as-is, a “simple” pressure vessel code that the industry could continue to implement without major change. In 1998, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committee commissioned a project to rewrite Division 2 that would update the Code with the latest technology and lower the safety margin to make it more cost-competitive in an international market. [7] The new, completely rewritten Division 2 was published by ASME in 2007, only nine years after it was commissioned. The current Division 2 is a better defined Code than Division 1 from a technical viewpoint, with more accurate and rigorous formulas, a lower factor of safety on tensile strength, and a more user friendly structure. [7] In general, the lower factor of safety on tensile strength in Division 2 leads to higher allowable stress values and, therefore, a reduced cost for the pressure-retaining materials of construction. Alternately, Division 2 mandates a Professional Engineer’s stamp and requires an increase in non-destructive examination that among other factors contribute as cost adders compared to Division 1. [2] Due to general uncertainty surrounding the relatively new Division 2, as well as the conflicting cost implications of higher allowable stresses versus increased NDE, no clear guideline exists for when a Division 2 pressure vessel might become cost-effective over a Division 1 design. This investigation attempts to analyze the cost implications resulting from different allowable stress values in the two divisions, as well as the variable and fixed cost adders for Division 2 as seen by the vessel fabricator, to propose a set of parameters over which Division 2 might become the more cost-effective pressure vessel code. The focus of this investigation is on carbon steel, ASME material specification SA-516-70 [8], as this is one of the more commonly used materials in the fabrication of pressure vessels. Other material specifications may yield different results, and the decision to use Division 2 is typically ASME District F - ECTC 2013 Proceedings - Vol. 12 much easier to determine with high cost, high chrome-type materials. As in any investigation with a focus on cost, factors such as market fluctuations, labor agreements and material surcharges can greatly influence the results. ALLOWABLE STRESS AND MINIMUM THICKNESS Division 2 is a more accurate and technically complex Code, therefore the safety factor on tensile strength is reduced and the allowable stress for each type of material is generally higher than Division 1. Before the relative thicknesses of a pressure vessel built to either Division 1 or Division 2 can be compared, first the calculated allowable stress from each Division must be understood. ASME BPVC Section II Part D Tables 1A and 1B list the Division 1 allowable stress values for each material specification at varying temperatures. [9] Section II Part D Tables 5A and 5B list the allowable stress values for Division 2. [9] These allowable stress values are calculated by applying safety factors to both the minimum tensile strength and the minimum yield strength and setting the lower of these two values as the maximum allowable stress at each temperature, as shown in equations 1 through 3. Table 1 indicates the different safety factors for Division 1 and Division 2, which lead to the different allowable stress values in each Division. = (1) = (2) = minimum (3) Table 1 Safety Factors [10] Division 1 3.5 1.5 Division 2 2.4 1.5 As indicated in Section II Part D Table Y-1, the minimum yield strength of SA-516-70 decreases as the design temperature increases [9]. In both Division 1 and Division 2, , is 1.5. [10] In other the safety factor on the yield strength, words, the maximum allowable yield stress, , is two-thirds of the yield strength, , at the design temperature in both , Divisions. The Division 2 safety factor on tensile strength, is 69% of the Division 1 safety factor, leading to a Division 2 allowable tensile stress, , approximately 1.45 times greater than Division 1 at room temperature. As indicated in Equation 3, the allowable stress of the material from Section II Part D is the minimum of the allowable yield stress and allowable tensile stress. [9] At a given temperature, a material for which the allowable yield stress is lower than the allowable tensile stress is 226 considered governed by yield strength and a material for which the allowable tensile stress is lower than the allowable yield stress is considered governed by tensile strength. Division 2 provides no general material savings benefit for a yield strength governed material, such as stainless steel. The greatest benefit from Division 2 is realized for a material that is tensile governed up to a relatively high temperature. Figure 1 indicates the allowable stress values for SA-516-70 for both Division 1 and Division 2 at a variety of temperatures. [9] Allowable Stress (psi) 30,000 Division 1 Division 2 25,000 20,000 15,000 could be quoted at much different prices from different vessel fabricators. This investigation studies the pricing of pressure vessels on a percentage basis, because total cost becomes arbitrary as the input parameters are changed. Regardless of the total magnitude of cost savings, Division 2 does become costeffective when the percent difference between the Division 1 and Division 2 costs is zero. In general, as the size and thickness of a pressure vessel increase, so does the total amount saved by switching to Division 2; however, the percent difference in cost may be the same for either large or small vessels at the same design temperature, regardless of size and thickness. For small pressure vessels, a 5% cost savings may only be a few thousand dollars, whereas for very large pressure vessels, a 5% savings may amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. In either case, Division 2 would be more cost-effective, and the decision to use Division 2 should not be limited by the total dollar amount saved but by the percentage reduction in the cost of the pressure vessel when using Division 2. This investigation analyzes the four cases, provided by Curtis Kelly Inc. shown in Table 2. [12] The thickness shown is the Division 1 minimum required thickness. 10,000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Design Temperature (°F) Figure 1 Allowable Stress vs. Design Temperature for SA-51670 [9] Below 600°F, carbon steel is governed by tensile strength, and above 600°F carbon steel is governed by yield strength. Because the higher allowable stress values in Division 2 result in the majority of the cost savings, this study focuses on design temperatures significantly less than 600°F where the margin on allowable stress between Division 1 and Division 2 is most prominent. [11] When SA-516-70 becomes governed by yield strength, the allowable stress values between the two Divisions are identical and there is no financial incentive to choose Division 2 over Division 1. The minimum required thickness of the pressure vessel is inversely proportional to the allowable stress for the material of construction. Equations 4 and 5 are the minimum thickness equations for Division 1 and Division 2, respectively. [1] [2] While these equations appear vastly different at first glance, they supply very similar results when using the same input parameters and allowable stress values. = = − 0.6 2 + −1 + (4) (5) DIVISION 2 VS. DIVISION 1 PRICING The pricing of a pressure vessel is dependent on so many factors that, when competitively bid, the same pressure vessel ASME District F - ECTC 2013 Proceedings - Vol. 12 Table 2 Division 2 Pricing Data [12] 800 Case Diam Length Thickness 1 2 3 4 10’ 10’ 8’ 11’ 80’ 60’ 64’ 100’ 3.75” 2.75” 3” 1.5” % Weight Savings 21% 18% 12% 6% % Cost Savings 12% 10% 6% 2% These four cases cover a variety of pressure vessel sizes, thicknesses and volumes. All four of these cases would probably be considered “large” relative to an average-sized pressure vessel. Traditionally, Division 2 has only been used for large, thick pressure vessels, because until the Division 2 Code was rewritten in 2007, there wasn’t much cost advantage for anything on the average side of the vessel spectrum. [10] In Figure 1, the Division 2 allowable stresses were plotted with respect to the design temperature. The design temperature and corresponding allowable stress for the four test cases are shown in Table 3. As the design temperature decreases, the allowable stress increases and therefore the benefit for using Division 2 in lieu of Division 1 increases. Figure 2 shows the percent cost savings as a function of the percent weight savings for each vessel. In Figure 3, the percent cost and percent weight savings for each of the four test cases is plotted against the allowable stress. . Both Figure 2 and 3 apply for “large” pressure vessels, which are defined as vessels whose material cost savings greatly outweigh the fixed cost of a calculated Division 2 design, stamped by a PE. It should be noted that Figure 2 was used in this investigation to determine the maximum costeffective design temperature; however, other factors, such as market demand, supplier availability and volatile labor costs, can affect the total cost of both Division 1 and Division 2 pressure vessels. 227 Percent Cost Savings 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Percent Weight Savings Figure 2 Percent Cost Savings vs. Percent Weight Savings Percent Savings 25 Cost 20 Weight 15 10 5 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 Allowable Stress (ksi) Figure 3 Percent Savings vs. Allowable Stress [12] [9] Table 3 Division 2 Allowable Stress Values [9] Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Design 100 °F 150 °F 250 °F 350 °F Temp Allowable 25.3ksi 23.8 ksi 22.8 ksi 22.1 ksi Stress RESULTS In contrast to the material savings realized by switching to Division 2 from Division 1, there are also cost adders associated with Division 2, most notably the cost of a PE’s design and certification, and the cost of additional NDE. In order to use Division 2, a PE must prepare the MDR, which is a fixed cost regardless of the pressure vessel size. In this investigation, the cost of a PE to prepare and stamp the MDR is estimated at $2,000 per pressure vessel. [12] There are also variable costs associated with Division 2, which manifest in additional NDE requirements. In most cases, Division 2 requires RT, UT and MT, in addition to the minimum requirements in Division 1. ASME District F - ECTC 2013 Proceedings - Vol. 12 By extrapolating the cost curve in Figure 3, the allowable stress when the percent cost savings becomes zero is approximately 21,800 psi. When the Division 2 allowable stress is less than 21,800 psi, there is no cost benefit for using Division 2 in lieu of Division 1, regardless of the pressure vessel size. At 21,800 psi, there remains a 1,800 psi gap, or an approximate 3% weight difference, between Division 1 and Division 2 in which material savings can be realized; however, the fixed and variable costs of a PE stamp and additional NDE offset the material savings at that low of an allowable stress. Even for large pressure vessels, when a 3% weight offset alone could result in tens of thousands of dollars in material savings, the amount of additional NDE increases as the vessel size increases, and the additional savings are absorbed by the increasing variable cost. As shown in Figure 1, the design temperature associated with a Division 2 allowable stress of 21,800 psi is 380°F. [9] For conservatism, the highest design temperature for which Division 2 is cost-effective is approximated as 350°F, which results in an allowable stress of 22,100 psi. As shown in Figures 2 and 3, for large pressure vessels, an allowable stress of 22,100 psi will result in an approximate 6% weight savings and 2% cost savings by switching to Division 2. As the size and weight of a pressure vessel decreases, so does the material required for fabrication, and therefore the amount of money saved by switching to Division 2 also decreases. The correlations shown in Figure 3 are only applicable for relatively large pressure vessels, where the material cost savings greatly outweigh the fixed cost. This same curve would not be linear for small pressure vessels, because as a vessel decreases in size the fixed cost of the PE stamp begins to overwhelm the cost savings from using less material. For example, the $2,000 PE stamp does not have much effect on a large pressure vessel from which tens of thousands of dollars can be saved by switching to Division 2; however, for a small pressure vessel, where only a few thousand dollars in material savings exist, a $2,000 PE stamp takes away a relatively large percentage of the savings. Carbon steel built to the ASME SA516-70N material specification [9] typically costs approximately 75 cents per pound. [12] SA-516-70N is one of the most common pressure vessel material specifications for thicknesses greater than 1 inch, which is the case for most Division 2 pressure vessels. [13] The minimum weight of a pressure vessel for which Division 2 becomes cost-effective is not as simple as dividing the fixed cost, $2,000, by 75 cents per pound and then dividing by the minimum percent weight savings. There are cost advantages from reducing the material thickness beyond material savings alone, most notably weld labor time. As shown in Figure 4, as the thickness of a pressure vessel decreases by ∆ , the amount of consumable material used decreases on the order of ∆ . This also reduces the amount of weld time on the order of ∆ . 228 design. As the vessel design moves further above and away from the curve in Figure 5, the cost savings will approach the values shown in Figure 2. The curve in Figure 5 represents an estimated cost savings of 0%, or the break-even point for Division 2. Figure 4 Weld Consumable Cross-Section Area In reality, the fabricated savings of a Division 2 pressure vessel per pound is greater than the 75 cent material cost, partly due to the reduction in consumable volume and weld labor indicated in Figure 4. For large vessels, the fabricated cost of a pressure vessel is close to $3 per pound, and for small pressure vessels it can escalate to $6-7 per pound. This investigation assumes the additional cost for Division 2 NDE requirements will offset the savings realized from reduced weld consumables and weld labor hours. To be conservative, a fabricated cost, or savings, of 75 cents per pound is assumed on the marginal weight difference between the two Divisions. Also, because the weight savings percentages shown in Figures 2 and 3 apply to “large” pressure vessels, as the size of a pressure vessel decreases, the weight savings percentage by switching to Division 2 also decreases. A small vessel will have a slightly lower weight savings percentage at each allowable stress than indicated in Figure 3. In Equation 6, the minimum weight of a pressure vessel with a design temperature of 350 F is calculated with a “small vessel” margin of 2 in order to get into a less volatile weight savings percentage range. This “small vessel” margin helps move the curve away from the fixed cost of a PE stamp. At the maximum cost-effective design temperature of 350°F, the minimum fabricated weight at which Division 2 becomes cost effective is 88,622 pounds, as outlined in Equation 6. = (2)($2,000) = 88,622 $0.75 (6%) , (6) A pressure vessel large enough or thick enough to weigh 90,000 pounds at a design temperature of 350°F will be approximately the same cost as either a Division 1 or a Division 2 design. Figure 2 shows a 2% cost benefit at 350°F; however, 90,000 pounds is a small enough pressure vessel at 350°F that the fixed cost begins to govern and the savings is offset. For each design temperature within the recommended Division 2 range (-20 to 350°F) there is a minimum required fabricated weight in order to overcome the fixed cost, as shown in Figure 5. To develop Figure 5, Equation 6 was used and the respective weight savings percentage for each allowable stress was substituted into the denominator, shown as 6% in Equation 6 for 350°F. A pressure vessel that falls in the range above the curve in Figure 5 will be more cost-effective as a Division 2 ASME District F - ECTC 2013 Proceedings - Vol. 12 Figure 5 Division 2 Cost-Effective Range = 1.1341 − 271.67 + 42842 100 350 = 27016 − 20 100 (7) The polynomial curve fit equation shown on Figure 5 and in Equation 7 represents the minimum weight at each design temperature for which Division 2 may become cost-effective. The price of any pressure vessel is highly dependent on more factors than were analyzed in this study, including market supply, demand, labor rates and material surcharges. The design temperature is bounded on the low side by -20°F, and bounded on the high side by 350°F, which is the highest temperature at which Division 2 remains reasonably cost-effective. If a pressure vessel design falls within the blue shaded region of Figure 5 or above, a Division 2 design should be considered. At design conditions close to the curve, the cost savings may be minimal or nonexistent due to market fluctuations; however, the equation shown in Figure 5, Equation 7, provides an easily identifiable set of design conditions under which Division 2 should be explored for cost-effectiveness. OTHER DIVISION 2 BENEFITS The possibility of a lower pressure vessel cost is not the only benefit of using the new Division 2 for pressure vessel design. Unlike Division 1, all of the rules in Division 2 have a strong technical basis. Some of the Division 1 rules were written to be very conservative, and the technical basis has been forgotten over the years. These rules, such as the reinforcement area replacement or the 2-inch nozzle exclusion for reinforcement continue to be published in Division 1 because they have been around for almost 100 years. Although there isn’t a technical basis for these rules, they have been proved through experience to work, so they continue to be accepted. Division 2 was written with a strong technical basis for all of 229 the rules, which is one of the reasons the safety factor on tensile strength is reduced. Another major benefit from using Division 2 is weight savings. Some vessel applications, such as offshore oil rigs, demand the lightest construction possible. In these situations, Division 2 may be used even when it isn’t necessarily costeffective. Shell thickness is not the only avenue for weight savings in Division 2. The opening reinforcement produce smaller reinforcement pads, the external pressure calculations require fewer stiffener rings, and the elliptical head formulas generally calculate thinner than Division 1, even at the same allowable stress values. Division 2, partly because the line at which it becomes costeffective has been unclear. This investigation — and Equation 7 in particular — serve to better define the boundary at which Division 2 should be analyzed, with hope that industry will become more comfortable and confident using Division 2. CONCLUSION In response to numerous deaths resulting from boiler explosions around the turn of the century, ASME published the first pressure vessel safety code in 1925. This first code was intended to be simple and conservative to enable the solving of vessel equations by hand. It continues today in the form of Division 1. In 2007, ASME published a completely rewritten, more technically accurate code, known as Division 2. Division 2 is more technically sound, the equations are more rigorous, and therefore the safety factor is lower than Division 1. The lower safety factor in Division 2 leads to additional cost savings by reducing the minimum required thickness of a pressure vessel. There are also additional costs associated with Division 2, most notably the cost of a PE stamp and additional NDE requirements. As the size of a pressure vessel increases, the material savings begin to outweigh the additional costs. At higher design temperatures, the Division 2 allowable stress values decrease and the cost advantage of Division 2 is diminished. Figure 3 and Table 2 show that the maximum design temperature at which Division 2 is still cost-effective is 350°F. At a constant design temperature, even as the size of the pressure vessel increases, the cost savings percentage does not increase. The variable cost of additional NDE as the size of the pressure vessel increases is offset by additional variable savings. The main driving factor that causes Division 2 to be cost-effective is the raw material savings. Even with the advantageous Division 2 allowable stress values, a small pressure vessel may not be cost-effective due to the fixed cost of a PE stamp. Figure 5 and Equation 7 show the minimum required fabricated vessel weight in order for Division 2 to be cost-effective at each design temperature. The cost of a pressure vessel is dependent on many more parameters than outlined in this investigation, such as market supply, demand, and labor rates. Vessel design conditions that fall above the curve bounded by -20°F, 350°F and Equation 7 should be explored for Division 2; however, due to the many parameters that affect the price of a pressure vessel, pressure vessels that fall above but near the curve should be evaluated for both Division 1 and Division 2. Cost benefits are not the only advantage of using the new ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 2. It is more accurate, has a stronger technical basis and employs better design principles than Division 1. Today’s market is slow to adapt to the new REFERENCES ASME District F - ECTC 2013 Proceedings - Vol. 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This investigation would not have been possible without the strong technical and commercial support from Curtis Kelly Inc. Many thanks are extended to the management team at Curtis Kelly for their continued support and advice. Curtis Kelly Inc. is a vessel fabricator in the Houston area. [1] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee on Pressure Vessels, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII Division 1, New York: ASME, 2011. [2] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee on Pressure Vessels, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII Division 2, New York: ASME, 2011. [3] S. Ambrose, "Remembering Sultana," National Geographic, 1 May 2001. [Online]. Available: html. [Accessed 14 July 2013]. [4] K. Mokhtarian, Participant Workbook - ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII Division 1, Las Vegas, Nevada: ASME Training & Development, 2012. [5] D.H. Cook, "The R.B. Grover & Company Shoe Factory Boiler Explosion," USGen Web, Brockton, Massachusetts, 2002. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 14 July 2013]. [6] S.F. Harrison, "Development, Relationship of the ASME Boiler-and-Pressure Vessel Committee and the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors," in International Compressor Engineering Conference, Paper 73, 1972. [7] David A. Osage et al, "Section VIII: Division 2 - Alternative Rules," in Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, New York, ASME, 2009, p. Chapter 22. [8] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee on Materials, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code: Section II Part A, New York: ASME, 2011. [9] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee on Materials, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code: Section II Part D, New York: ASME, 2011. [10] K. T. Lau, "A Brief Discussion on ASME Section VIII Divisions 1 and 2 and the New Division 3," in 3rd Annual Pressure Industry Conference, Banff, 2000. [11] The B&PV Taskforce on the new ASME Section VIII Division 2 Code, "A Proposal for the Use of the New (2007) ASME Section VIII Division 2 Code in Alberta," 2007. [12] C. K. Kyle Kotzebue, Interviewee, Division 2 Cost Comparison. [Interview]. 31 December 2012. [13] E. F. Megyesy, Pressure Vessel Handbook, Oklahoma City: PV Publishing Inc., 2008. 230