MARWARI COLLEGE,RANCHI A Dissertation Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of INTEGER PROGRAMMING OF OPERATION RESEARCH BY NAME - KAUSHAL RAJ DEPARTMENT - MATHEMATICS(M.Sc) EXAM ROLL NO. - 19MCRMS540013 REGISTRATION NO. - MCR19M540013 CLASS ROLL NO. - 52 SESSION - 2019 -2021 Under the Supervision of Prof. Arvind Kumar (H.O.D) 2 Certificate This is to certify that the dissertation entitled, “Integer Programming” submitted to Marwari College,Ranchi in partial fulfillment of requirement(Paper code- PRMAT 404) for the award of the Degree of Master of Science is a record of original work done by Mr. Kaushal Raj ,Examination Roll No.- 19MCRMS540013, Registration no.-MCR19M540013,Semester- iv, during the period of the study (2019-2021) in the PG Department of Mathematics, Marwari College Ranchi, Under my guidance and supervision. Signature Prof. Arvind Kumar Head of Department + Supervisor PG Department of Mathematics, Marwari College,Ranchi Signature External Examiner 3 Acknowledgement I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my Prof. Archana Kumari as well as our HOD Prof. Arvind Kumar who gave me the excellent opportunity to do this wonderful dissertation on the topic “Integer Programming”. They have helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about so many new things. Secondly, I would also like to thank my family, my teachers and my friends for constantly encouraging me during the course of this project, which I could not have completed without their support and continuous encouragements. They helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited period. They always stand with me with their patience, motivation, enthusiasm and immense knowledge. Thanking You Kaushal Raj DECLARATION I, hereby declare that the dissertation entitled "Integer Programming of Operations Research ” that is being submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science in Mathematics to PG Department of Mathematics , Marwari College is a record of bonafide work carried out by me. The results embodied in this dissertation have not been submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any Degree. Kaushal Raj Page | 4 PROJECT “INTEGER PROGRAMMING” Page | 5 6 CONTENTS Page No.- 1) CHAPTER 1: Integer programming problem a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Introduction Origin Development Definition Importance of I.P.P. Types of Integer programming problems Methods of solving Integer programming problems 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 2) CHAPTER2: The Branch and Bound Method a. b. c. d. e. f. Introduction Algorithm Example Tree diagram of Branch and Bound method Application Advantage 13-15 15-16 17-21 22 23 24 7 3) CHAPTER 3: Gomory’s cutting plane method a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Introduction How to construction of Gomory’s constraints Algorithm Flow chart Example 1 Example 2 Graphical interpretation of Gomory’s cutting plane method h. Application i. Advantage • CONCLUSION •REFERENCE 25 26-30 31-33 34 35-41 42-54 55-57 58 59 60-61 62 8 CHAPTER 1 a. INTRODUCTION As the name implied “Integer Linear Programming Problems” are the special class of linear programming problems where all or some of the variables in the optimal solution are restricted to nonnegative integer values. Such problems are called as “all integer” or “mixed integer” problems depending, respectively, on whether all or some of the variables are restricted to integer values. One might think it’s sufficient to obtain an integer solution to this special class of linear programming problems by using regular simplex method and then rounding off the fractional values thus occurring in the optimal solution. But in some cases, the deviation from the “exact” optimal integer values (as a result of rounding) may become large enough to give an infeasible solution. Hence there was a need to develop a systematic procedure in order to identify the optimal integer solution to such problems. 9 b. ORIGIN In 1956, R.E. Gomory suggested first of all the systematic method to obtain an optimum integer solution to an “all integer programming problems.” Later, he extended the method to deal with the more complicated case of “mixed integer programming problem” when only some of the variables are required to be integer. These algorithms are proved to converge to the optimal integer solution in a finite number of iteration making use of familiar dual simplex method. This is called the “cutting plane algorithm” because it mainly introduced the clever idea of constructing “secondary” constraints which, when added to the optimum (non integer) solution, will effectively cut he solution space towards the required result. Successive application of these constraints should gradually force the non integer optimum solution towards the desired “all integer” or “mixed integer” solution. 10 c. DEVELOPMENT A general algorithm for solving “all integer” and “mixed integer” linear programming problems was developed by A.H. Land and A.G. Doig (1960). Also, Egon Balas(1965) introduced an interesting enumerative algorithm for L.P. problem with the variables having the values zero or one, called the zero one programming problem. Several algorithm have been developed so far for solving the integer programming problems. But, in this chapter, we shall discuss only two methods: (1) Branch and bound method, and (2) Gomory’s cutting plane method d. DEFINITION The 'Integer Programming Problem' abbreviated as I.P.P. is special class of linear programming problem (L.P.P.) where all or some of the variables in the optimal solution are restricted to assume non-negative integer values. Thus, the general I.P.P. can be stated as follows. Optimize the linear function 11 and some x are integers. e. Importance (or need) of I.P.P. Quite often, in business and industry we require the discrete nature (or values) of the variable involved in many decision-making situations. For example in a factory manufacturing trucks or cars etc. the quantity (or number) manufactured can be whole (discrete) number only as a fraction of truck or car is not required. In assignment problems and travelling salesman problems etc., the variables involved can assume integer values only. In allocation of goods, a shipment must involve a discrete number of trucks etc. In sequencing and routing decisions we require the discrete values of variables. Thus, we come across many integer programming problems and hence need some systematic procedure for obtaining the exact optimal integer solution to such problems. f. TYPES OF INTEGER PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS Linear integer programming problems can be classified into three categories: (i) Pure (all) integer programming problems in which all decision variables are restricted to integer values. (ii) Mixed integer programming problems in which some, but not all, of the decision variables are restricted to integer values. (iii) Zero-one integer programming problems in which all decision variables are restricted to integer values of either 0 or 1. 12 Integer Programming Problems Linear Integer Programming Non-linear Integer Programming Problems Pure Integer Problems Mixed Integer Problems Problems 0–1 Problems (i) Cutting Plane Method (i) Cutting Plane Method (ii) Enumerative (or Branch and Bound) Method (ii) Enumerative Method Polynomial Programming Problems (iii) Balas Additive Method g.Method of solving integer programming problems Branch and bound method Gomory’s cutting method General Non-linear Problems Pure Integer Problem Mixed Integer Problem Generalized Penalty Function Method 13 Chapter 2 The Branch-and-Bound method a. INTRODUCTION This technique is applicable to both all integer programming problems as well as to mixed integer programming problems. This is the most general technique for the solution of an I.P.P. i,n which only a few or all the variables are constrained by their upper or lower bounds, or by both. The technique, called the Branch-and-Bound method, for a maximization problem is discussed below. Let the given I.P.P. be as follows : n Max. Z = ∑ cjxj ...(1) j =1 subject to the constraints n ∑ aijxj ≤ bi , i = 1, 2, ...., m j =1 xj is integral valued for and x j≥ 0, for ...(2) j = 1, 2, ...., r ≤ n … (3) j = r + 1, r = 2, ...., n ... (4) Also let there exist lower and upper bounds for the optimum values of each 14 integef valued variable xi such that Lj ≤ xj ≤Uj , j= 1, 2, ...., r. ..(5) Thus, any optimum solution of (1) to (5) must satisfy only one of the constraints xj ≤ [xj ] …(6) —(7) and xj ≥ (xj)+1 Thus, ignoring the integer restriction (3) if xj * is the value of the variable xt in the optimum solution of the above L.P.P. given by (1) to (5),then in an integer valued solution we have either Lt ≤ xt ≤ [xt_*] ...(8) —(9) or [xt*] + 1 xt ≤ U For example if x1 = 3.5 (ignoring integer constraint) then in integer valued solution either L1 ≤ X1 ≤ 3 or 4 ≤ x1 ≤ U1 Thus, the given I.P.P. given by (1) to (5) has two sub-I.P. problems : (i) given by (1), (2), (3), (4) and (8) and (ii) given by (1), (2) (3), (4) and (9) In the above two sub-problems constraint (5) is modified only for xt (i. e., for xj, j= t) Now solve these two sub I.P. problems. If the two problems posses integer 15 valued solution then the solution having the larger value of Z is taken as the optimum solution of the given problem. If either of these sub-problems does not have an integer valued solution then sub-divide this again into two sub-problems and proceed similarly till an optimum integral valued solution is obtained. b. Branch-and-Bound Algorithm The systematic step by step solution of an I.P.P. by Branch-and-Bound technique is as follows : Step 1 : Solve the given I.P.P. ignoring the integer, valued constraint. Step 2 : Test the integrability of the optimum solution obtained in step 1. Now there are two possibilities. (i) The optimum solution is integral valued then the required solution is obtained. (ii) The optimum solution is not integral valued then proceed to the next step 3. Step 3 : If the optimal value xt* of the variable xt is fractional then form two subproblems. Sub-problem 1 Given problem with one more constraint xt ≤ [xt*] Sub-problem 2 Given problem with one more constraint xt ≥ [xt*] + 1 16 Step 4 : Solve the two sub-problems 1 and 2 obtained in step 1. Now there are three possibilities. (i) If the optimal solutions of the two sub-problems are integral valued then the required solution is that which given large value of Z. (ii) If the optimal solution of one sub-problem is integer value and the other sub-problem has no feasible optimal solution, then the required solution is that of the sub-problem having integer valued solution. (iii) If the optimal solution of one sub-problem is integer valued while that of the other sub-problem is fractional valued then record the integer valued solution and repeat step 3 and 4 for the fractional valued sub-problem. Continue step 3 and 4 iteratively, till all integral valued solutions are recorded. Step 5 : From all the recorded integral valued solutions choose that solution which given the largest value of Z. This is the required optimal solution of the problem. 17 c. EXAMPLES: Example 1 : Use Branch-and-Bound technique to solve the following problem. Max. Z= 7x1 9x2 Subject to — x1 + 3x2≤ 6 7x1 + x2≤ 35 O ≤ x1, x2 ≤ 7 x1, x2 are integers. Solution : Step 1 : The given problem ignoring the integer value constraint can be written as Max. Z = 7x1 + 9x2 s.t. — x1 + 3x2 ≤ 6 x1 + x2 ≤ 35 x1 ≤ 7 x2 <_7 and x1, x2 ≥ 0 . Solving by graphical method the optimal solution is given by x1 = 9/2 = 4.5, x2 = 7/2 = 3.5 and Max. Z = 63 Step 2 : Since the solution is not integral valued. First we choose x1, [x1 ] = [9/2] = 4 18 Step 3 : Now we form the following two sub-problems Sub-Problem 1 Max. Z = 7x1 + 9x2 s.t -x1 + 3x2 ≤ 6 7x1 + x2 ≤ 35 xl ≤ 4 x2 ≤7 x1 , x 2 ≥ 0 19 .Sub-Problem 2 Max Z = 7x1 + 9x2 -x1 + 3x2 ≤ 6 s.t 7x1 + x2 ≤ 35 xl ≥ 5 x2 ≤7 x1 , x 2 ≥ 0 Step 4 : Solving the above sub-problems by graphical method . we get the optimal solutions as follows. Sub-Problem 1. xl = 4, x2 = 10/ 3 = 33, Max. Z = 58 Sub-Problem 2. x1 = 5, x2 = 0 and Max. Z = 35 which has integral values. Since the solution of Sub-Problem 1 is not integral as x2 = 10/3, i.e., [x2] = 3 we sub-divide sub-problem 1 into the following two sub-problems. Sub-Problem 3 Max. Z = 7x1 + 9x2 s.t. –x1 + 3x2 ≤ 6 7x1 + x2 ≤ 35 x1≤ 4 Sub-Problem 4 Max. Z = 7x1 + 9x2 s.t. — x1 + 3x2 ≤ 6 7x1 + x2 ≤ 35 x1≤ 4 20 x2 ≤_3 x1 , x2 ≥ 0 Solving the above problems by graphical method . We get the optimal solution as follows. Sub-Problem 3. x1 = 4, x2 = 3, Max. Z = 55 Which is integral valued solution. Sub-problem 4. No-feasible solution. x2≥4 x1, x2 ≥0 21 Step 5 : In the solutions of the sub-problems we get the following integer values solutions. (i) (ii) X1 = 5, x2 = 0, Max. Z = 35 and X1 = 4, x2 = 3, max. Z = 55 larger of these two values of Z is 55. Hence, the required optimal solution is X1= 4, x2 = 4, Max. Z = 55 22 The entire procedure (Branch and Bound) is given in the following figure. d. (Tree diagram of branch and bound method) 23 e. APPLICATION OF BRANCH AND BOUND METHOD This approach is used for a number of NP hard problems. 1 Integer programming 2 Non linear programming 3 Travelling salesman problem 4 Quadratic assignment problem 5 Maximum satisfiability problem 6 Nearest neighbor search 7 Flow shop scheduling 8 Cutting stock problem 9 Computation phylogenetics 10 Set inversion 11 Parameter estimation 12 Set cover problem 13 Structured prediction in computer vision Branch and bound may also be a base of various heuristics. For example one may wish to stop branching when the gap between the upper and lower bounds becomes smaller than a certain threshold. 24 f. ADVANTAGE An important advantage of branch and bound algorithm is that we can control the quality of the solution to be expected, even it is not yet found. The cost of an optimal solution is only up to smaller than the cost of the best computed one . 25 CHAPTER 3 Gomory's Cutting plane Method a. INTRODUCTION In this method, the I.P.P. is first solved by the regular simplex method, ignoring the integer condition of the variables. If all the variables in the optimum solution thus obtained have integer values, the current solution is the desired optimum integer solution, otherwise the considered L.P.P is modified by inserting a new constraint known as "Gontoty's constraint" which reduces some non-integer values of variables to integer one but does not eliminate any feasible integer. Then an Optimum solution to this modified I.P.P. is obtained by using standard algorithm. If all the variables in this solution obtained are integers then the optimum solution of the given I.P.P is attained otherwise another Gomory's constraint is inserted in the above L.P.P. and again this new problem is solved to get an integer valued optimum solution. This procedure is repeated interatively until the required integer valued optimum solution is obtained. 26 b. Construction of Gomory's Constraint and Gomory's Cutting Plane The construction of the Gomory's constraint is based on the fact that a solution which satisfies the constraints in the given I.P.P. also satisifies any other constraint derived by adding or subtracting two or more constraints or multiplying a constraint by a non-zero number. Now first we introduced two notions as follows. [a] = largest integral part of number a, i. e., the greatest integer less than or equal to a, and f = positive fractional part of number a, thus, we have a = [a] + f, clearly 0 f < 1. For example (0 if a = 13/3, then [a] = 4 and f =1/3 , so that 13/3 = 4 + 1/3 and (ii) if a = — 13/3, then [ a] = — 5 and f = 2/3 so that — 13/3 = — 5 +2/3. Now we proceed for the construction of the Gomory constraint, as follows. Let the optimum solution of the maximization L.P.P. (ignoring the condition of integer values of the variables) obtained by simplex method be expressed by the following table : Note that in this table the basic variables xB1, XB2. , XBm are arranged in order for convenience 27 Let the i-th basic variable xBi be non-integer. Note that 1≤ i ≤m therefore Using i-th row of the above table , we have xBi = O. x1 + O. x2 + …. + 1.xi +…. + O.xm +Yi, m + l XM+1+….+YinXn n = xi + ∑ j= yij xj m +1 n therefore Xi = XBi — ∑ yij xj ……1 j=m +1 Let where xBi = [xbi]+ fBi and yij = [yij] +fij [xBi = Largest integral part of xBi , i.e., [xBi ] ≤xBi 28 and [yij] = Largest integral part of yij, i.e. ,[y ij ] ≤ yij fBi = positive fractional part of xBi , i.e., 0≤ fBi < 1 and fij = positive fractional part of yij, i.e., 0 ≤fij < 1 Clearly (xBi) ≤xBi , [(yij)≤yij , 0 ≤fBi < 1 and 0 ≤fij< 1 Thus, from (1), we have n ∑ {[yij+Fij}xj; xi = {[xBi ]+ fBi } — j =m +1 n or . n fbi —∑fijxj = xi— [xbi] + ∑[yij] XJ j = m+1 … (2) j = m +1 Now if the variables xi (i = 1, 2,. .. , m) and xj (j = m + 1,…. n) are all n integers then the R.H.S of (2) is an integer and hence the L.H.S. fBi — ∑ fij xj j = +1 of (2) must also be an integer. n Since ∑ fij•xj• is positive; j =m +1 n f —∑ fij Xj ≤fBi <1, therefore Bi j = m +1 n i.e., f Bi —∑ fij x j is an integer less than 1. Thus, it can either be zero or j = m+1 negative integer. Hence, we have the inequality 29 n fBi - ∑fij Xj≤ 0 j =m+ 1 n -∑ fijxj≤ -fBi or j =m +1 or —∑ fij xj ≤— fBi (3) j€ R where R is the set of indices corresponding to all non-basic variables. This is called the Gomory constraint. Introducing the non-negative slack variable xGi ; the above inequality reduce to the constraint equation. n -∑ fijxj + xg1 = -f Bi . . . (4) j = m +1 By definition xGi must also be an integer. The constraint equation (3) is called Gomory constraint equation or Gomory cutting plane. Adding the Gomory constraint equation (3) to the optimum simplex table old table we obtain the following new table 30 Since—fBi is negative, the optimum solution given by the above table is not feasible hence we apply the dual simplex algorithm to obtain the optimum feasible solution.If all the variables in the solution thus obtained are integers then the processends otherwise we construct the second Gomory constraint from the resulting simplex table, introduce it in that table and solve by dual simplex algorithm.The process is repeated until an integer value solution is obtained. 31 c. All-Integer Cutting Plane Algorithm i.e. Computational Procedure for the Solution of all I.P.P. by Gomory Method It consists of the following steps systematically. Step 1 : If the problem is of minimization, convert it into the Maximization problem. Step 2 : Make all the bi 's positive. Step 3 : Convert the constraints into equations by introducing the nonnegative slack and/or surplus variables. Step 4 : Obtain the optimum solution of the given L.P.P. ignoring the integer condition of the variables by using simplex algorithm. Step 5 : Test the integerability of the optimum solution obtained in step 4. Now there are two possibilities. (a) The optimum solution have all integers values, then the required solution has been obtained. 32 (b) The optimum solution does not have all integral values then proceed to the next step. Step 6 : If only one variable say xk = xBi has the fractional value, then corresponding to the i-th row in which this fractional variable lies in theoptimal simplex table (obtained in step 4), form the Gomory's constraint by using the formula n ∑ -fijxj≤ -fBi j€r where R is the set of indices corresponding to all non-basic variables. However, if more than one variable are fractional then select that non-integral variable which contain the largest fractional part. Introducing the slack variable say xo. obtain the Gomory's constraint equation - ∑ fijxj + xG1 = —fBi jER Step 7 : Add the Gomory's constraint equation at the bottom of the Optimal simplex table obtained in step (4). Thus, the solution in the 33 table will be infeasible optimal solution as -Fbi < 0 and j ≤0, V j. Now use dual simplex method to change the infeasible solution to feasible optimum solution. Here the slack variable xG1 will be taken as the first leaving basic variable in the above table. Step 8 : Test the integrability of the optimum feasible solution obtained in step 7. Now again there are two possibilities. (a) The optimum solution obtained in step 7 have all integral values, then the required solution is attained. (b) The optimum solution does not have all integral values. In this case repeat step 6 to step 8. until the required optimum solution is obtained. 34 d. FLOW CHART OF GOMORY’S ALL I.P.P. ALGORITHM Reformulate the given I.P.P. as a standard maximization I.P.P. Modify the simplex table by adding one more row and use dual simplex method to obtain the optimum solution treating the Gomorian slack variable as the starting leaving variable. Write down the constraints equation corresponding to this variable. Find the Gomorian constraints and add the Gomorian slack variable to the current set of basic variables. Ignoring the integer constraints solve the corresponding L.P.P. by usual simplex method Does this optimum basic solution satisfy the integer constraints? no Determine that basic variables which has the largest fractional part in its current solution value. yes The current basic solution is the required optimum integer solution. 35 EXAMPLES e. Example 1 : Solve the following L.P.P. by Gomoiy technique. Maximize, Z = 3x2, subject to the constraints 3x1 + 2x2 ≤ 7 x1 — x2 ≤ -2 x1, x2 ≥ 0 and are integers. Solution : We shall solve this example stepwise, so that the students may understand the procedure. Step 1 : The problem is of maximization. Step 2 : Making all the bi's positive the constraints reduce to 3x1 + 2x2 ≤ 7 -X1 + x2 ≤ 2 Step 3 : Now the inequalities are converted to equalities by the introduction of slack variables that is X 3 and X4 which are as 36 follows. 3X1 + 2X2 + X3 = 7 X1 + x2 + x4 =2 Step 4 : Now we solve the given L.P.P by simplex method, ignoring the integer condition of the variables. All computation work is shown in the following table. 37 Thus, the Optimum solution obtained is X1= 3/5, x2 = 13/5, Z = 39/5 Step 5 : Since the optimum solution obtained above does not have all integer values, we proceed to the next step. Step 6 : Construction of the first Gomory constraint. Since the fraction parts in the value of x1, x2 are each equal to 3/5, we select at random any one of these. Let us choose the X1 = XB1 row, i. e., the first row of the last part of optimum simplex table. Here i= 1, m = 2, n = 4, putting these values in (2) of article. The corresponding Gomory constraint is given by 38 -∑ fij xj ≤ - Fb1 jER …(1) Hence, from the optimum Simplex table, R = {3, 4} XB1= 3/5 Fb1. = 3/5, Y13 = 1/5 and y14 = - 2/5 = - 1 + 3/5 f13 = 1/5 and f14 = 3/5. Substituting in (1) the first Gomory constraint is* —f13x3 — f14x4 ≤ — fbi or - 1/5x3 -3/5x4 ≤ -3/5 Adding the non-negative slack variable Xg1, the corresponding Gomory Constraint equation is given by — (1/5)x3 — (3/5)x4 + xG1 = — 3/5 Step 7 : Adding the above new constraint in the optimum simplex table, we get the following table. 39 Since here xG1 = — 3/5 < 0. Therefore the solution given by above table Is not feasible. Now proceed by using dual simplex algorithm. Taking Leaving Vector as yg1 i.e. , xBr. = xB3 r=3 Another method of finding Gomory Constraint is as follows. Taking the first row as source row, the corresponding equation is 1/5x3 + 0. x2 +1/5x3-2/5x4 =3/5 Or X1+1/5x3+(-1+3/5)x4=3/5 Or 1/5x3+3/5x4=3/5+(-x1+x4) 40 Since all variables must have non-negative integral values, therefore the L.H.S. is non-negative and so the R.H.S. should also be non-negative. Therefore 1/5x3+3/5x4=3/5+(non negative integer) Therefore 1/5x3+3/5x4≥3/5 Or -1/5x3-3/5x4≤ -3/5 To determine the entering vector (a k ). = Min. {3, 3} k = 3 or 4 Taking k = 3, i. e. , taking Y3 (= a 3) as the entering vector, the revised Simplex table is 41 Which shows that the optimal feasible solution is an integer valued Hence, the required solution is x1 = 0, x2 = 2 and Maximum Z = 6, Note : Another optimal solution of the problem is X1= 1, x2 = 2 and maximum Z = 6, which is obtained by choosing Y4 as the entering vector in the table. 42 f. Example 2 : Manufacturer of baby-dolls makes two types of dolls, Doll X and Doll Y. Processing of these two dolls is done on two machines, A and B. Doll X requires two hours on machine A and six hours on nrachine B. poll Y requires five hours on machine A and also five hours on machine B. There are sixteen hours of time per day available on machine A and thirty hours on machine B. The profit gained on both the dolls is same, i.e., one rupee per doll. What should be the daily production of each of the two dolls ? (a) Set up and solve the linear programming problem. (b) If the optimal solutiOn is not integer-valued, use the Gomory technique to derive the optimal solution. Solution : (a) Formulation of the L.P.P. Let him manufacture x1 and x2 number of dolls of type X and type Y respectively. 43 Total profit Z = x1 + X2. The total time required on machine A = 2x1 + 5x2 ≤ 16 and the total time required on machine B = 6x1 + 5x2 ≤ 30 Hence, the required L.P.P is Maximize, Z = xl + x2 subject to 2x1 + 5x2 ≤16 6x1 + 5x2 ≤ 30 and x1, x2≥ 0 Solution of the L.P.P Here b1 and b2 are positive and the problem is of maximization. Introducing the non-negative slack variables x3, x4 the given inequalities reduce to the equalities. 2X1+ 5x2 + x3 = 16 x1 + 5x2 + x4 = 30 44 Solving the L.P.P. by simplex method, all computations work is shown in the following table. Thus, the optimum solution of the given L.P.P. is x1 = 7/2 = 7/2, x2 = 9/5 =9/5 and . max. Z = 53/10 (b) In the above solution both x1 and x2 are fractional, and their fractional parts are 1/2 and 4/5. Out of these two fractional parts 4/5 of x2 = xBR = xB1 is maximum which lie in the first row of the last part of the above table. 45 Taking the first row as the source row, the corresponding equation is 0. x1 + 1.x2 + (3/10). x3 — (1/10). x4 = 9/5 Or X2 + (3/10) x3 + {— 1 + (9/10)} x4 = 1 + 4/5 Or (3/10) x3 + (9/10)x4 = 4/5 + (1 — x2 + x4) = 4/5 + (Nonnegative integer) Since L.H.S. is non-negative and so R.H.S. is also non-negative. Since L.H.S. is non-negative and so R.H.S. is also non-negative. (3/10)x3 + (9/10) x4≥ 4/5 Or — (3/10)x3 — (9/10)x4 ≤ -4/5 which is the Gomory constraint. Adding the non-negative slack variable xg1, the corresponding Gomory constraint equation is - (3/10) x3 - (9/10) x4 + xG1 = - 4/5 Now adding the above new constraint in the last optimum 46 simplex table, we get following table. Since here xG1= - 4/ 5 < 0, the solution given by above table is not feasible. Hence, now we proceed by using dual simplex algorithm. Taking leaving vector as YG1 i. e., x BR=XB3 therefore r = 3 To determine entering vector (a k ). 47 Taking k = 4, i.e., taking Y4 = {α 4} as the entering vector the revised Simplex table is Thus the solution is x1 = 59/18 = 3 + 5/18, x2 = 17/9 = 1 + 8/9, and Max. Z = 31/6 48 Since this solution is also non-integral. we insert one more Gomory constraint. Here maximum fractional part is 8/9 of x2 = xbr. = xb1 which lie in the first row of above table. Taking the first row as source row, the corresponding equation is 0.x1 +1.x2 + 1/3 x3 + O. x4 — 1/9xg1 = 17/9 or x2 + 3x3 + (-1 + 8/9) xG1 = 1 + 8/9 or 1/3 x3 + 8/9xg1 = 8/9 + (1 — x2 + xGi ) =8/9+ (Non-negative quantity) Since L.H.S. is non-negative, so R.H.S. is also non-negative. Or 1/3x3+8/9xg1≥8/9 Or —1/3x3 – 8/9Xg1 ≤ -8/9 or — 1/3X3 — 8/9Xg1 +XG2=-8/9 where xG2 is Ron-negative slack variable. Adding the above new constraint in the table, we get the 49 following table. Here XG2 = — 8/9, < 0, the solution given by the above table is not feasible. Taking YG2 as the leaving vector, xBr = X B4, therefore r = 4, the entering vector is αk , such that therefore k = 3 i. e., Y3 is the entering vector. Entering Y3, in place of YG, , the revised simplex 50 table is This solution x1 = 25/6 = 4+ 1/6, x2 = 1, x3 = 8/3 = 2+ 2/3 is also non-integral. we insert one more Gomory constraint. since maximum fractional part is 2/3 of x3 = xbr. = xb4 which lie in the fourth row of the last table. Taking the fourth row as source row in table. 51 Corresponding equation is 0. x1 + 0.x2 + 1.x3 + 0x4 + (8/ 3) xg1 = 3xG2 = 8/3 Or x3 + (2 + 2/3) xg1- 3xG2 = 2 + 2/3 Or (2/3) xg1 = 2/3 + (2 — x3 — 2xG1 + 3xG2 ) = 2/3 +(non-negative quantity) Since L.H.S. is non-negative so R.H.S. is also nonnegative. Or (2/3)xG1 ≥2/3 Or — (2/3)xGI ≤ — 2/3 Or -(2/3)xg1 + xG3 = — 2/3 where xG3 is non-negative slack variable. Adding the above constraint in the last table, we get the following table. 52 Here xG3 = — 2/3 < 0, therefore the solution given in table is not feasible. Taking Yes-as the leaving vector Therefore X Br =XB5 r = 5, the entering vector is αk , such that K=G1=5 53 i. e., YG1 is the entering vector, hence the revised simplex table is as follows. From this table, the optiniial, integral solution of the given problem is xl = 3, x2 = 2 and Max. Z = Rs. 5 i. e., the manufacturer must manufacture 3 dolls of type X and 2 dolls of type Y then his maximum profit will be Rs. 5. 54 Note : In this last table we have delta3 = 0, which implies that an other optimal solution also exist. Choosing y3 (=α 3 ) as the entering vector in place of Y4 (= α 4) in the table we get another solution. X1 = 5, x2 = 0, Max. Z = Rs. 5. This can also be verified by graphical method. 55 g. Graphical Interpretation of Cutting Plane Method The shaded area shown by dots is the permissible region for the values of x1, x2. Z is maximum at the point P (3/5, 13/5). The solution of the given problem, ignoring the integer values of x1, x2 is x1 = 3/5, x2 = 13/5 and Max. Z = 39/5 56 • To find the integer value solution, we add the following constraint known as Gomory constraint. -1/5x3-3/5 x4≤ -3/5 Or x3 + 3x4≥ 3 (see step 6) —(1) Adding the non-zero slack variables x3, x4 the given inequalities educe to the following equalities 3x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 7 and — x1 + x2 + x4 = 2 giving x3 = 7 — 3x1 — 2x2 and X4 = 2+ x1 — X2 Substituting in (1), the Gomory constraint in terms of x1 and x2 is given by (7 — 3x1 — 2x2 ) + 3 (2 +x1 — x2 )≥ 3 . Or x2 ≤ 2. Drawing the line x2 = 2, the above feasible region is cut off to the shaded region shown by the dots and cross (x) together. Thus the required optimal inter valued solution is 57 0, x2 = 2 and max. Z = 6 or x1 = 1, x2 = 2 and max. Z = 6 58 h. Application of Gomory’s plane cutting method The cutting plane method is commonly used for solving ILP and MILP problems to find integer solution, by solving the linear relaxation of the given integer programming model, which is a non integer LP model . 59 I. ADVANTAGE Gomorys cuts are very effectively generated from a simplex tableau whereas many other types of cuts are either expensive or even NP hard to separate. Among other general cuts for MLP, most notably lift and project dominates Gomory cuts. 60 CONCLUSION : Following completion of this free openlearn course ,linear programming -the basic ideas ,you sould find that your skills in finding a solution to a linear programming problem and interpreting the result in terms of the original problem are improving. you should now be able to: 1. Formulate a given simplified description of a suitable real-world problem as a linear programming model in general,standard and canonical forms 2. Sketch a graphical representation of a twodimensional linear programming model given in general,standard or canonical form. 3. Classify a two dimensional linear programming model by the type of its solution. 4. Solve a two dimensional linear programming problem graphically. 61 5. Use the above method to solve small linear programming models by hand, given a basic feasible point. This free openlearn course is an extract form. 62 Reference 1.S.D Sharma,operation research, KNRN publication. 2. H.A. Taha,operation research. 3.R.K. Gupta,operational research, Krishna publication. 4. Operational research by JK Sharma. 5. 6.