St Pauls Academy Name:- KOUSTAV SARKAR Class:- IX Section:-E Subject:- COMPUTER Session:- 2023-2024 Introduction Welcome to the forefront of technological innovation with our cutting-edge computer project, an endeavor poised to redefine the landscape of computing. This ambitious project represents a fusion of vision and expertise, aimed at pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the digital realm. At its core, this project is a testament to our commitment to harnessing the power of computational intelligence for the betterment of society. With a focus on innovation, efficiency, and user-centric design, we aspire to create a paradigm shift in the way we interact with and utilize computing resources. Collaboration lies at the heart of our endeavor, bringing together a diverse team of experts across disciplines to tackle complex problems. Together, let us pioneer the next chapter in the evolution of computing. Write a program in java to input any number and check it is prime or not. class prime_1 { public void disp (int n) { int c=0; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { if (n%i==0) c++; } if (c==2) System.out.println (n+" is a PRIME NUMBER "); else System.out.println (n+" is a Composite Number"); } } Input :- 7 Name Data type Function n int To take input from user c int As a counter i int As a loop variable Write a program in java to input any number and print it in reverse order. class REVERSE_2 { public void res (int n) { int rev=0;int a=n; while (n>0) { int r=n%10; rev=rev*10+r; n=n/10; } System.out.println("Reverse Order of " +a+" is = "+rev); } } Input:-129 VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION rev int To store the rev number a int For storing the value of the input number. r int To store its last digit. Write a program in java to input any number and check it is prime palindrome of not. class primepalindrome_3 { public void disp (int n) { if(prime(n)&& palndrome(n)) System.out.println(n+" is a Prime-Palindrome Number"); else System.out.println(n+" is not a Prime-Palindrome Number"); } boolean prime (int n) { boolean f=false;int c=0; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(n%i==0) c++; } if (c==2) f=true; return f; } boolean palndrome (int n) { int rev=0;boolean p=false;int a=n; while (a>0) { int r=a%10; rev=rev*10+r; a=a/10; } if (rev==n) p=true; return p; } } Input:-11 VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION F Boolean For returning true or false C int As a counter I int For running the loop. rev int To store the reverse value of n. A int To store n R int To cut digits p boolean For returning the value. Write a program in java to input any limit and print all the twin primes upto that limit. Example (3,5), (5,7), (11,13)….] class Twinprime { public void disp (int n) { long j=0; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { j=i+2; if (prime (i) && prime (j)) System.out.print (i+","+j+" "); } } boolean prime (int i) { int c=0;boolean f=false; for (int k=1;k<=i;k++) { if(i%k==0) c++; } if (c==2) f=true; return f; } boolean prime (long j) { int c=0;boolean p=false; for (int k=1;k<=j;k++) { if (j%k==0) c++; } if (c==2) p=true; return p; }} Name Data type Function n Int To take input from user j Long To generate second number i Int Used as a counter c int Used as a counter k Int As a loop no f Int To return true or false Input:-15 Write a program to input any number and check it Krishnamurthy number or not class krishnamurti { static void main (int a) { int h=a;int u=0; while (a>0) { int e=a%10; a/=10;int y=1; for (int i=1;i<=e;i++) { y*=i; } u=u+y; } if (u==h) System.out.println ("krishna murti"); else System.out.println ("not Krishnamurti"); } } Sample input :145 Name Data type Description a int To take input from user h Int To store value of a u Int To form a number e Int To cut digit y Int For factorial i int As a loop variable Write a program in java to find the sum of the following series depending on user choice 1 or 2. a. S=1/4+1/8+1/12… up to n terms. b. S=1/1! +2/2! +3/3! ... Up to n terms. Where! Stands for factorial of the number and factorial value of a number is the product of all the integer from 1 to that number e.g. 5! =1*2*3*4*5. Use switch statement class idk { static void main (int a,int n) { switch(a) { case 1: double s=0; for (double i=1;i<=n;i++) { s=s+(1/(4*i)); } System.out.println(s); break; case 2: double y=1,j=0; for (double i=1;i<=n;i++) { y=y*i; j=j+(i/y); } System.out.println(j); break; } } } Input:- a=1;n=3; Name Type Description a int To take users choice n int To take input from users s double To store sum i double Used as a loop variable y double For factorial j double To store sum Write a program in java to calculate the sum of all the prime number between the ranges of 1 to 100. class primepalin { void main () { int s=0; for (int i=1;i<=100;i++) { if (prime(i)==true) s+=i; } System.out.println(s); } boolean prime(int a) { int c=0; for (int i=1;i<=a;i++) { if (a%i==0) c++; } if(c==2) return true; else return false; } } Name Type Description s int To store sum i int As a loop variable a int To accept value c int As a counter Write a program in java to calculate and print the sum of odd number and the sum of even numbers for the first n natural numbers. class natural { static void main (int n) { int u=0,k=0; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { if (i%2==0) k=k+i; else u=u+i; } System.out.println ("Sum of all even=" +k+"Sum of all odd="+u); } } Input:-33 Name Data type Description n int To take input from user u Int To store odd no sum k Int To store even no sum i Int As a loop variable A dress showroom has announced the following discounts on the purchase of items, based on the total cost of the items purchased: Total Cost Discounts (in percentage) Less than 2000 5% 2001 to 5000 25% 5001 to 10000 35% Above 10000 50% Write a program in java to input total cost and to compute and display the amount to be paid by the customer after availing discounts. class percentage { static void main (int a) { if (a<=2000) System.out.println ("the paid amount is ="+(a-a/100*5)); else if (a>2000 && a<=5000) System.out.println ("the paid amount is ="+(a-a/100*25)); else if (a>5000 && a<=10000) System.out.println ("the paid amount is ="+(a-a/100*35)); else System.out.println ("the paid amount is ="+(a-a/100*50)); } } Input :- 16000 Output:- Name a Data type Int Function To take input from user Write a menu driven program to find the sum of the following series depending on the user’s choice. 1. S=1/2+1/4+1/6…. Up to n terms. 2. S=x2 /2!+x5 /5!+x8 /8!... up to n terms. import java.util.*; class series_10 { public void disp () { Scanner sc =new Scanner (; double s=0.0;int n=0;int ch; System.out.println ("1:1/2+1/4+1/6+1/8... nth term"); System.out.println ("2:x^2/2!+x^5/5!+x^8/8!...nth term"); System.out.println ("Enter your choice :"); ch =sc.nextInt(); System.out.println ("Enter the value of 'n' : " ); n=sc.nextInt(); switch (ch) { case 1: for (int i=2;i<=n;i+=2) { s=s+1/i; } System.out.println ("Sum of series = "+s); break; case 2: int x; System.out.println ("Enter the value of 'x' : "); x=sc.nextInt(); for (int i=2;i<=n;i+=3) { int f=1; for (int j=1;j<=i;j++) { f=f*j; } s=s+Math.pow( x,i)/f; } System.out.println ("Sum of series = "+s); break; default:System.out.println ("Wrong Choice"); } }} VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION S double To calculate the sum of the series. n int A limit for the series; ch int To take choice from the user. f int To calculate and store the factorial. j Int As a loop variable i int As a loop variable Write a menu driven program using the overloaded function ‘area’ to either calculate the area of a circle or the area of a rectangle or the area of a square depending on the user’s choice. import java.util.*; class area_11 { public void disp () { Scanner sc=new Scanner (; int ch; System.out.println ("Available Choices -"); System.out.println ("1.Area of Rectangle"); System.out.println ("2.Area of Square"); System.out.println ("3.Area of Circle"); System.out.println ("Enter your choice : "); ch=sc.nextInt(); switch(ch) { case 1:int l=0;int b=0; System.out.println ("Enter the Length of the Rectangle : "); l=sc.nextInt(); System.out.println ("Enter the Breadth of the Rectangle : "); b=sc.nextInt(); Area ( l , b); break; case 2:int s=0; System.out.println ("Enter the Side of the Square : "); s=sc.nextInt(); Area (s); Break; case 3:double r=0.0; System.out.println ("Enter the Radius of Circle : "); r=sc.nextInt() ; Area (r); break; default:System.out.println ("Wrong choice"); } } void Area (int l,int b) { double ar=l*b; System.out.println ("Area of Rectangle = "+ar); } void Area (int s) { double ar=s*s; System.out.println ("Area of Square = "+ar); } void Area(double r) { double ar=3.14*r*r; System.out.println ("Area of Circle = "+ar); }} VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION ch int To take the choice from the user. l int To take the length of the rectangle. b int To take the breadth of the rectangle. s int To take the side of the square. r double To take input the radius of the circle. ar double To calculate the area of the given shapes. Write a program in java to accept a number and find the minimum prime digit of the number class minprime_12 { public void disp (int n) { int sm=9;int a=n; while (n>0) { int r=n%10; if (r==2) sm=Math.min(sm,r); else if (r==3) sm=Math.min(sm,r); else if (r==5) sm=Math.min(sm,r); else if (r==7) sm=Math.min(sm,r); n=n/10; } System.out.println ("Minnimum Prime digit of Number "+a+" is = "+sm); }} VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION a int To copy the value of n. sm int To find the smallest prime digit. r int To cut the last digit of the number. Write a program in java to accept a number and print it in ascending order of the digits. class ascending_13 { public void disp (int n) { int a=n; for (int i=1;i<=9;i++) { a=n; while (a>0) { int r=a%10; a=a/10; if (r==i) System.out.print (r+" "); }}}} Variable DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION a int To copy the value of n. i Int To run the loop. r int To cut the last digit of n. Define a class called with the following specifications: Class name: Eshop Member variables String name: name of the item purchased double price: Price of the item purchased Member methods: void accept(): Accept the name and the price of the item using the methods of Scanner class. void calculate(): To calculate the net amount to be paid by a customer, based on the following criteria: Price Discount 1000 – 25000 5.0% 25001 – 57000 7.5 % 57001 – 100000 10.0% More than 100000 15.0 % void display(): To display the name of the item and the net amount to be paid. Write the main method to create an object and call the above methods. import java.util.*; class Eshop_14 { String name=" "; double price=0.0; double disc=0.0; double amt=0.0; void accept () { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println ("Enter the name of the item purchased : "); name =sc.nextLine(); System.out.println ("Enter the Cost of the item purchased : "); price=sc.nextDouble(); } void calculate () { if (price <1000) amt=price -disc; else if (price >=1000 && price <=25000) { disc=price*0.05; amt=price-disc; } else if (price >25000 && price <=57000) { disc=price*0.075; amt=price-disc; } else if (price >57000 && price<=100000) { disc=price*0.10; amt =price-disc; } else if (price >100000) { disc=price*0.15; amt=price-disc; } } void display () { System.out.println ("Discount got on purchase = "+disc); System.out.println ("Final amount after Discount = "+amt); } void main (String [] args) { Eshop_14 obj=new Eshop_14(); obj.accept(); obj.calculate(); obj.display(); } } VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION name string To store the name of the item purchase. price double To store the price of the item. Disc double To calculate the discount on purchase. amt double To calculate the final amount after discount Write a program in java to input number of days for school library and calculate the fine amount as pre the given condition No of days. First 10 days Next 15 days Next 5 days Above 30 days Fine (Rupees) Nil 2.50/day 3.80/day 4.50/day import java.util.*; class library_15 { public void disp () { Scanner sc= new Scanner (; int days=0;double fine=0.0; System.out.println("Enter the Number Of days : "); days=sc.nextInt(); if (days <10) System.out.println ("NO FINE NEEDED " ); else if (days >10 && days <=25) { fine=days*2.5; } else if (days >25 && days <=30) { fine=days*3.8; } else if (days >30) { fine=days*6.5; } System.out.println ("FINE = rs "+fine); }} VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION DAYS int To take input the number of days . fine double To calculate the fine . Write a program in java to input any unit consumed by an electricity customer and calculate the billing amount as per following condition:Unit First 50 Next 100 Next 150 Above 300 price/ unit (rupees) 2.20/unit 3.30/ unit 5.50/ unit 6.50/ unit import java.util.*; class Electricitybill_16 { void main () { Scanner sc =new Scanner (; double price=0.0;int unit=0; System.out.println ("Enter the Unit of electricity consumed : "); unit=sc.nextInt(); if (unit <=50) price=unit*2.2; else if(unit >50 && unit<=150) price=unit*3.3; else if (unit >150 && unit <=300) price =unit*5.5; else if (unit >300) price=unit*6.5; System.out.println ("Totap Price for Elictic consumptiom = rs "+price); } VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION price double To calculate the price of unit consumption. unit int To store the unit of electricity consumed. Define a class to accept a 3 digit number and check whether it is a duck number or not. Note: A number is a duck number if it has zero in it Example1: Input: 2083 Output: Invalid Example 2: Input: 103 Output: Duck number class Duck_17 { public void disp (int n) { int a=n; while (n>0) { int r=n%10; if (r==0) { System.out.println (a+" is a Duck Number"); break; } n=n/10; } } VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION r int To perform the modulus operator on n. a int To srore the value of n. An automorphic number is the number which is contained in the last digit(s) of its square. Write a program to input a number and check whether the number is an automorphic or not. class Automorphic_18 { public void disp (int n) { int a=n;int nd=0;double rmd=0; while(a>0) { int r=a%10; nd++; a=a/10; } rmd=n%Math.pow(10,nd-1); if (rmd*rmd==n) System.out.println (n+" is a Automorphic Number"); else System.out.println (n+" is not a Automorphic Number "); }} VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION a int To store the value of n. nd int To count the number of digits. rmd double To store and calculate the reminder. r int To perform the modulus operator on a. Write a program to input any number through constructor and check it is Armstrong number or not class Amstrong_19 { public void disp (int n) { Amstrong (n); } void Amstrong (int n) { int s=0;int cb=0;int a=n; while (a>0) { int r=a%10; cb=r*r*r; s=s+cb; a/=10; } if (s==n) System.out.println (n+" is a Amstrong Number"); else System.out.println (n+" is not a Amstrong Number"); }} VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION s int To calculate the sum of cubes of digit. cb int To calculate the cubes of the digits. a int To copy the value of n. r Int To calculate the modulus operator on n. A special two digit number is such that when the sum of its digits is added to the product of its digits the result is equal to the original two digit number. class special_20 { public void disp (int n) { int s,sd=0;int a=n;int pd=1; while (a>0) { int r=a%10; sd+=r; pd*=r; a/=10; } s=pd+sd; if(n==s) System.out.println (n+" is a Special Number "); else System.out.println (n+" is not a Special Number "); } } VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESRIPTION s int To calculate the sum of the multiplication and addition of the digits sd int To add the digits. pd int To multiply the digits. r int To cut the last digit of n. Write a program to input a number and check and print whether it is a Pronic number or not. Pronic number is the number which is the product of two consecutive integers. class pronic_21 { public void disp (int n) { int i=1; while (i<=n) { if (i*(i+1)==n) System.out.println (n+" is a Pronic Number "); i++; } } } VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION I int For running the loop. n Int To take input from user Write a program to input a number and find the smallest digit class smallest_22 { public void disp (int n) { int sm=9;int a=n; while(n>0) { int r=n%10; sm=Math.min(sm,r); n=n/10; } System.out.println ("Smallest Digit “+a+” = "+sm); } } VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION A INT To copy the value of n . sm int To store the smallest digit r int To cut the last digit of n. Using switch statement, write a menu driven program: a) To check and display whether a number input by the user is composite number or not. ( A number is said to be composite if it has one or more factors excluding one and the number itself. Example 4,6,8,9.. b) To find the smallest digit of an integer that is input. Sample input: 6524 Sample output: Smallest digit is 2. For an incorrect choice, an appropriate error message should be displayed import java.util.*; class menudrvn_23 { public void disp () { Scanner sc =new Scanner (; int ch=0; System.out.println ("1.Weather a Number is Composite or nor : "); System.out.println ("2.The Smallest digit of a Number : "); ch=sc.nextInt(); switch (ch) { case 1:int n=0;int c=0; System.out.println ("Enter a Number : "); n=sc.nextInt(); for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { if (n%i==0) c++; } if (c!=2) System.out.println (n+" is a Composite Number"); else System.out.println (n+" is a Prime Number"); break; case 2:int sm=9; System.out.println ("Enter the number : "); n=sc.nextInt(); int a=n; while (n>0) { int r=n%10; sm=Math.min(sm,r); n/=10; } System.out.println ("Smallest digit of "+ a+" is = "+sm break; default :System.out.println ("Wrong Choice"); } }} ); VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION a int To copy the value of n. rev int To calculate the reverse value of n. r int To cut the last digit of n. Write a program to input any number through Scanner class and check whether it is palindrome or not. import java.util.*; class palndrome { public void disp () { Scanner sc =new Scanner (; int rev=0; System.out.println ("Enter a Number : "); int n=sc.nextInt(); int a=n; while (a>0) { int r=a%10; rev=rev*10+r; a=a/10; } if (rev==n) System.out.println (n+" is a PALINDROME NUMBER"); else System.out.println (n+" is not a PALINDROME NUMBER"); }} VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION a int To copy the value of n. rev int To calculate the reverse value of n. r int To cut the last digit of n. Define a class to overload the method display as follows: void display(): To print the following format using nested loop 1 12 123 1234 12345 void display(int n): To print the square root of each digit of the given number class method_25 { void display () { for (int i=1;i<=5;i++) { for (int j=1;j<=i;j++) { System.out.print (j); } System.out.println(); } } void display (int n) { double sq=0.0; while (n>0) { int r=n%10; sq=Math.sqrt(r); System.out.println (sq); n=n/10;}} VARIABLE DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION i int For running the loop. j int For running the loop. sq double To find and store the square root of digit. r int To cut the digits of the number. Conclusion In conclusion, our computer project embodies a vision for a future where innovation and user-centric design harmoniously coexist. Through collaborative efforts and a commitment to pushing technological boundaries, we have crafted a transformative computing experience. As we reach the culmination of this endeavor, we anticipate a ripple effect in the technological landscape. With a focus on efficiency, accessibility, and cutting-edge solutions, our project not only addresses present challenges but also sets a trajectory for continued advancements. Together, we usher in a new era of computing, where possibilities are limitless, and the digital realm becomes a seamless extension of human potential.