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Database Transaction Processing: ACID Properties & Schedules

Transaction Processing
Transactions-A Database Transaction is a logical unit of processing in a DBMS which entails
one or more database access operation. One of the major uses of DBMS is to protect the user’s
data from system failures. It is done by ensuring that all the data is restored to a consistent state
when the computer is restarted after a crash. The transaction is any one execution of the user
program in a DBMS. Executing the same program multiple times will generate multiple
Example- Transfer of 50₹ from Account A to Account B. Initially A= 500₹, B= 800₹. This data
is brought to RAM from Hard Disk.
R(A) -- 500 // Accessed from RAM.
A = A-50
// Deducting 50₹ from A.
// Updated in RAM.
R(B) -- 800
// Accessed from RAM.
// 50₹ is added to B's Account.
W(B) --850
// Updated in RAM.
// The data in RAM is taken back to Hard Disk.
The updated value of Account A = 450₹ and Account B = 850₹.
All instructions before commit come under a partially committed state and are stored in RAM.
When the commit is read the data is fully accepted and is stored in Hard Disk.
If the data is failed anywhere before commit we have to go back and start from the beginning.
We can’t continue from the same state. This is known as Roll Back.
Operations of Transaction:
Read(X): Read operation is used to read the value of X from the database and stores it in a
buffer in main memory.
Write(X): Write operation is used to write the value back to the database from the buffer.
Commit: It is used to save the work done permanently.
Rollback: It is used to undo the work done.
Transaction propertyThe transaction has the four properties. These are used to maintain consistency in a database,
before and after the transaction. ACID Properties are used for maintaining the integrity of
for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
o It states that all operations of the transaction take place at once if not, the transaction is
There is no midway, i.e., the transaction cannot occur partially. Each transaction is
treated as one unit and either run to completion or is not executed at all.
Atomicity involves the following two operations:
Abort: If a transaction aborts then all the changes made are not visible.
Commit: If a transaction commits then all the changes made are visible.
Example: Let's assume that following transaction T consisting of T1 and T2. A consists of Rs
600 and B consists of Rs 300. Transfer Rs 100 from account A to account B.
After completion of the transaction, A consists of Rs 500 and B consists of Rs 400.
If the transaction T fails after the completion of transaction T1 but before completion of
transaction T2, then the amount will be deducted from A but not added to B. This shows the
inconsistent database state. In order to ensure correctness of database state, the transaction must
be executed in entirety.
o The integrity constraints are maintained so that the database is consistent before and after
the transaction.
o The execution of a transaction will leave a database in either its prior stable state or a new
stable state.
The consistent property of database states that every transaction sees a consistent
database instance.
o The transaction is used to transform the database from one consistent state to another
consistent state.
For example: The total amount must be maintained before or after the transaction.
1. Total before T occurs = 600+300=900
2. Total after T occurs= 500+400=900
Therefore, the database is consistent. In the case when T1 is completed but T2 fails, then
inconsistency will occur.
o It shows that the data which is used at the time of execution of a transaction cannot be
used by the second transaction until the first one is completed.
o In isolation, if the transaction T1 is being executed and using the data item X, then that
data item can't be accessed by any other transaction T2 until the transaction T1 ends.
o The concurrency control subsystem of the DBMS enforced the isolation property.
This property ensures that once the transaction has completed execution, the updates and
modifications to the database are stored in and written to disk and they persist even if a system
failure occurs. These updates now become permanent and are stored in non-volatile memory.
The effects of the transaction, thus, are never lost.
States of Transaction
Active state
o The active state is the first state of every transaction. In this state, the transaction is being
For example: Insertion or deletion or updating a record is done here. But all the records
are still not saved to the database.
Partially committed
o In the partially committed state, a transaction executes its final operation, but the data is
still not saved to the database.
In the total mark calculation example, a final display of the total marks step is executed in
this state.
A transaction is said to be in a committed state if it executes all its operations successfully. In
this state, all the effects are now permanently saved on the database system.
Failed state
o If any of the checks made by the database recovery system fails, then the transaction is
said to be in the failed state.
o In the example of total mark calculation, if the database is not able to fire a query to fetch
the marks, then the transaction will fail to execute.
o If any of the checks fail and the transaction has reached a failed state then the database
recovery system will make sure that the database is in its previous consistent state. If not
then it will abort or roll back the transaction to bring the database into a consistent state.
If the transaction fails in the middle of the transaction then before executing the
transaction, all the executed transactions are rolled back to its consistent state.
o After aborting the transaction, the database recovery module will select one of the two
1. Re-start the transaction
2. Kill the transaction
A series of operation from one transaction to another transaction is known as schedule. It is used
to preserve the order of the operation in each of the individual transaction.
1. Serial Schedule
The serial schedule is a type of schedule where one transaction is executed completely before
starting another transaction. In the serial schedule, when the first transaction completes its cycle,
then the next transaction is executed.
For example: Suppose there are two transactions T1 and T2 which have some operations. If it
has no interleaving of operations, then there are the following two possible outcomes:
1. Execute all the operations of T1 which was followed by all the operations of T2.
2. Execute all the operations of T1 which was followed by all the operations of T2.
In the given (a) figure, Schedule A shows the serial schedule where T1 followed by T2.
o In the given (b) figure, Schedule B shows the serial schedule where T2 followed by T1.
2. Non-serial Schedule
o If interleaving of operations is allowed, then there will be non-serial schedule.
It contains many possible orders in which the system can execute the individual
operations of the transactions.
o In the given figure (c) and (d), Schedule C and Schedule D are the non-serial schedules. It
has interleaving of operations.
The Non-Serial Schedule can be divided further into Serializable and Non-Serializable.
a) Serializable:The non-serial schedule is said to be in a serializable schedule only when it
is equivalent to the serial schedules, for an n number of transactions. A non-serial
schedule will be serializable if its result is equal to the result of its transactions executed
serially. These are of two types:
Conflict Serializable:
A schedule is called conflict serializable if it can be transformed into a serial schedule
by swapping non-conflicting operations. Two operations are said to be conflicting if all
conditions satisfy:
o They belong to different transactions
o They operate on the same data item
o At Least one of them is a write operation
View Serializable:
A Schedule is called view serializable if it is view equal to a serial schedule (no
overlapping transactions). A conflict schedule is a view serializable but if the
serializability contains blind writes, then the view serializable does not conflict
Testing of Serializability-To test the serializability of a schedule, we can use Serialization
Graph or Precedence Graph. A serialization Graph is nothing but a Directed Graph of the entire
transactions of a schedule.It can be defined as a Graph G(V, E) consisting of a set of directededges E = {E1, E2, E3, ..., En} and a set of vertices V = {V1, V2, V3, ...,Vn}. The set of edges
contains one of the two operations - READ, WRITE performed by a certain transaction.
Ti -> Tj, means Transaction-Ti is either performing read or write before the transaction-Tj.
If there is a cycle present in the serialized graph then the schedule is non-serializable because the
cycle resembles that one transaction is dependent on the other transaction and vice versa. It also
means that there are one or more conflicting pairs of operations in the transactions. On the other
hand, no-cycle means that the non-serial schedule is serializable.
What is a conflicting pair in transactions?
Two operations inside a schedule are called conflicting if they meet these three conditions:
1. They belong to two different transactions.
2. They are working on the same data piece.
3. One of them is performing the WRITE operation.
To conclude, let’s take two operations on data: "a". The conflicting pairs are:
1. READ(a) - WRITE(a)
2. WRITE(a) - WRITE(a)
3. WRITE(a) - READ(a)
Check whether the given schedule S is conflict serializable or notS : R1(A) , R2(A) , R1(B) , R2(B) , R3(B) , W1(A) , W2(B)
Step-01: List all the conflicting operations and determine the dependency between the
transactionsR2(A) , W1(A) (T2 → T1)
 R1(B) , W2(B) (T1 → T2)
 R3(B) , W2(B) (T3 → T2)
Draw the precedence graph-
Clearly, there exists a cycle in the precedence graph.
Therefore, the given schedule S is not conflict serializable.
Check whether the given schedule S is conflict serializable or not. If yes, then determine all the
possible serialized schedules-
SolutionChecking Whether S is Conflict Serializable Or NotStep-01:
List all the conflicting operations and determine the dependency between the transactions
R4(A) , W2(A) (T4 → T2)
R3(A) , W2(A) (T3 → T2)
W1(B) , R3(B) (T1 → T3)
W1(B) , W2(B) (T1 → T2)
R3(B) , W2(B) (T3 → T2)
Draw the precedence graph-
Clearly, there exists no cycle in the precedence graph.
Therefore, the given schedule S is conflict serializable.
After performing the incoming edge rule, the possible serialized schedules are-
1. T1 → T3 → T4 → T2
2. T1 → T4 → T3 → T2
3. T4 → T1 → T3 → T2
Conflict Serializable Schedule
A schedule is called conflict serializability if after swapping of non-conflicting
operations, it can transform into a serial schedule.
The schedule will be a conflict serializable if it is conflict equivalent to a serial schedule.
Conflicting Operations
The two operations become conflicting if all conditions satisfy:
1. Both belong to separate transactions.
2. They have the same data item.
3. They contain at least one write operation.
That means –W-R, R-W,W-W operations are conflict operations.
Conflict Equivalent
In the conflict equivalent, one can be transformed to another by swapping non-conflicting
operations. In the given example, S2 is conflict equivalent to S1 (S1 can be converted to S2 by
swapping non-conflicting operations).
Two schedules are said to be conflict equivalent if and only if:
1. They contain the same set of the transaction.
2. If each pair of conflict operations are ordered in the same way.
After swapping of non-conflict operations, the schedule S1 becomes:
Since, S1 is conflict serializable.
View Serializability: A Schedule is called view serializable if it is view equal to a serial
schedule (no overlapping transactions).
Condition of schedules to View-equivalent-
Two schedules S1 and S2 are said to be view-equivalent if below conditions are satisfied :
1. Initial Read
An initial read of both schedules must be the same. Suppose two schedule S1 and S2. In schedule
S1, if a transaction T1 is reading the data item A, then in S2, transaction T1 should also read A.
Above two schedules are view equivalent because Initial read operation in S1 is done by T1 and
in S2 it is also done by T1.
2. Updated Read
In schedule S1, if Ti is reading A which is updated by Tj then in S2 also, Ti should read A which
is updated by Tj.
Above two schedules are not view equal because, in S1, T3 is reading A updated by T2 and in
S2, T3 is reading A updated by T1.
3. Final Write
A final write must be the same between both the schedules. In schedule S1, if a transaction T1
updates A at last then in S2, final writes operations should also be done by T1.
Above two schedules is view equal because Final write operation in S1 is done by T3 and in S2,
the final write operation is also done by T3.
Problem-Check whether the given schedule S is view serializable or not-
We know, if a schedule is conflict serializable, then it is surely view serializable.
 So, let us check whether the given schedule is conflict serializable or not.
Checking Whether S is Conflict Serializable Or NotDraw the precedence graph-
Clearly, there exists a cycle in the precedence graph.
 Therefore, the given schedule S is not conflict serializable.
To check whether S is view serializable or not, let us use another method.
Let us derive the dependencies and then draw a dependency graph.
Drawing a Dependency Graph-
T1 firstly reads A and T3 firstly updates A.
So, T1 must execute before T3.
Thus, we get the dependency T1 → T3.
Final updation on A is made by the transaction T1.
So, T1 must execute after all other transactions.
Thus, we get the dependency (T2, T3) → T1.
There exists no write-read sequence.
Now, let us draw a dependency graph using these dependencies-
Clearly, there exists a cycle in the dependency graph.
Thus, we conclude that the given schedule S is not view serializable.
Non-Serializability in DBMS
A non-serial schedule which is not serializable is called as non-serializable schedule. Nonserializable schedules may/may not be consistent or recoverable. Non-serializable schedule is
divided into types:
1. Recoverable schedule
2. Non-recoverable schedule
Recoverable Schedule
A schedule is recoverable if each transaction commits only after all the transactions from which
it has read has committed. In other words, if some transaction Ty reads value that has been
updated/written by some other transaction Tx, then the commit of Ty must occur after the
commit of Tx.
Schedule shown above is Recoverable since T1 commits before T2, that makes the value read
by T2 correct.
Recoverable schedules are further categorised into two types:
1. Cascading Schedule
2. Cascadeless Schedule
Cascading Schedule
If in a schedule, several other dependent transactions are forced to rollback/abort because of
the failure of one transaction, then such a schedule is called as Cascading Schedule or Cascading
Rollback or Cascading Abort. It simply leads to the wastage of CPU time.
Here, Transaction T2 depends on transaction T1 and transaction T3 depends on transaction T2.
Thus, in this schedule, the failure of transaction T1 will cause transaction T2 to rollback and
similar case for transaction T3. Therefore, it is a cascading schedule. If the
transactions T2 and T3 would have committed before the failure of transaction T1, then the
schedule would have been irrecoverable.
Cascadeless Schedule
If in a schedule, a transaction is not allowed to read a data item, until and unless the last
transaction that has written is committed/aborted, then such a schedule is called as Cascadeless
Schedule. It avoids cascading roll back and thus saves CPU time. To prevent cascading
rollbacks, it disallows a transaction from reading uncommitted changes from another transaction
in the same schedule. In other words, if some transaction Ty wants to read value that has been
updated or written by some other transaction Tx, then only after the commit of Tx, the commit
of Ty must read it. Look at the example shown below.
Here, the updated value of X is read by transaction T2 only after the commit of transaction T1.
Hence, the schedule is Cascadeless schedule.
Non-Recoverable Schedule
If a transaction reads the value of an operation from an uncommitted transaction
and commits before the transaction from where it has read the value, then such a schedule is
called Non-Recoverable schedule. A non recoverable schedule means when there is a system
failure, we may not be able to recover to a consistent database state. If the commit operation
of Ti doesn't occur before the commit operation of Tj, it is non-recoverable.
Consider the following schedule involving two transactions T1 and T2. T2 read the value of A
written by T1, and committed. T1 might later abort/commit, therefore the value read by T2 is
wrong, but since T2 committed, this schedule is non-recoverable.